Austrian customs and traditions. Abstract - national characteristics of business etiquette in Germany and Austria Attitude to home and clothing

The basic principles of business etiquette are similar in all European countries, but each country has its own characteristics due to its culture, history and customs. Austria is, of course, no exception. There are many subtleties in the business etiquette of this country, without knowledge of which it will be much more difficult to establish business connections with the Austrians and build a business.


Punctuality is truly a national trait of the Austrians. Of course, in our country, accuracy and scrupulousness are also commendable qualities of a business person, but let's be honest: being 5-10 minutes late is rarely perceived as a serious problem and almost never leads to a breakdown in negotiations.

The Austrians look at things differently. In this country, it is customary to plan events weeks and months in advance. Punctuality is considered one of the signs of the ability to conduct business well and accurately. Being late, even a couple of minutes, can seriously offend your Austrian partner, will be perceived as a sign of disrespect and will undermine your business reputation.

You should not stay late not only for business meetings, but also for less formal events, for example, lunch or dinner in a restaurant, a concert or a home reception. It is worth warning in advance about the possibility of being late, but it is better to arrive a few minutes earlier than the appointed time. Never cancel a business meeting at the last minute.

It is also a sign of good manners to respect the non-working time of Austrian partners. You should not plan a business visit to Austria during the traditional holiday months (July and August), Christmas holidays or national holidays, for example, October 26 - National Day of the Republic of Austria.


Austrians are very attentive to titles and addresses, which are so unusual in the Russian language. During initial communication, the address formula looks like “Herr/Frau + title or profession + surname,” for example, “Herr Dr. Bauer.” The interlocutor’s wife is addressed in the same way, of course, replacing “Herr” with “Frau”: Frau Doctor Bauer. By the way, “doctor” in Austrian business etiquette much more often means an academic title than a profession.

Even if you are on friendly terms with your Austrian partners and have long since switched to being on first-name terms, at work, in the presence of colleagues and employees, you must use official addresses.

In the future, you can omit the surname and use only a polite title and title, for example, “Herr Doktor” or “Frau Doktor”. You can switch to calling by name only after your Austrian interlocutor or partner suggests it.

First meeting

Before negotiations begin, Austrian business etiquette requires the exchange of polite questions. The Austrian will definitely ask how your trip went, whether you liked the hotel, how you spent the previous evening, etc. It would be quite appropriate to ask counter questions of a similar nature.

In private conversations there are preferred and undesirable topics. Conversations about:

  • classical music and opera (especially famous Austrian composers);

  • Austrian art and architecture;

  • winter sports.

Undesirable topics are:

  • finance;

  • religion;

  • Austria's role in World War II.

What is important to know before negotiations?

  • Stock up on a sufficient number of business cards: it is customary to leave them not only for immediate partners, but also for employees of lower rank, for example, secretaries. It is advisable that on one side of the business card the information is presented in German, indicating your position, title or academic degree.

  • It is important to prepare thoroughly for negotiations. A business meeting in Austria is not a place for improvisation, brainstorming, compromise or discussion of possible options. Typically, a meeting has a strictly defined agenda, must bring a specific result and ends when all work issues have been exhausted.

  • Austrian business culture is traditional, conservative and highly formalized. Unreasonable innovations are not welcomed, and any deviations from the established order bring discomfort to the Austrians, which negatively affects the success of negotiations.


Gift exchange is not a common part of business in Austria. The country has one of the lowest corruption rates in the world, so the offering is too expensive gifts will most likely be perceived negatively by the business partner. However, in case the Austrian makes you small gift, it is better to have a souvenir with you that will allow you to return the same courtesy.

Gifts given in a business setting are unwrapped immediately in front of everyone present.

It is better to choose souvenirs of moderate cost that do not oblige the receiving party to anything: an art album, a bottle of souvenir alcohol, a trinket with a national flavor. If you are invited to visit, you can bring along some good wine and a bouquet of flowers for the hostess. Bouquets, just like in Russia, should consist of an odd number of flowers (it is advisable to avoid chrysanthemums, white lilies and red roses).

Things to remember

The main features of business culture in Austria are punctuality, formalism, strict hierarchy and adherence to traditions. Austrians are quite conservative and can react negatively to innovations, even to the point of breaking down negotiations.

The same applies to gifts: during negotiations, it is advisable to exclude them or give them as a return gift.

Austrians are sensitive to titles and titles: do not forget to indicate them when addressing them - especially during a business conversation.

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Austria is one of the few countries on whose territory the cultural traditions and customs of many peoples inhabiting these places have been intertwined for centuries. Ancient rituals concerning Everyday life, holidays, clothing, cuisine, wedding events, New Year's Eve, the Austrians are one of a kind, unique and very original.

National rituals of the Austrians

At first glance, the locals may seem somewhat aloof and even arrogant to the traveler, but this is only an external manifestation. In fact, Austrians are very friendly, hospitable and welcoming, while respecting their traditions and tolerant of the customs of other countries.
Customs in each of the lands may differ, for example, in Lower Austria, it is customary for young men to express their feelings in a unique way: they throw a straw braid decorated with flowers and ribbons into the yard of a potential bride. Such a sign indicates that you are interested in the girl and you can expect matchmaking soon.
Austrians celebrate religious celebrations on a grand scale, Easter and Christmas are especially revered here, the celebration of which takes place at a common table where the whole family gathers. Adults are generous with surprises and sweets, and children are never left without gifts. The custom of lighting foods in churches, including salt, bread, meat, eggs and even horseradish, is still alive in Austria.
On a birthday, the birthday person and guests can walk for several days, so here it is customary to congratulate the hero of the occasion in advance. It is considered a sign of bad taste to set the table poorly; usually, the abundance of food makes one’s eyes run wide and one can sit at festive table for as long as desired, without fear of putting the owner in an awkward position.

Coffee and wine customs

Austrians love gatherings over a cup of coffee or a glass of good wine. The drinking culture in this country is developed like nowhere else and is an integral part of the leisure time of local residents. A visit to coffee houses, where you will be offered an incredible variety of aromatic and rich drink, is revealing and will certainly be offered to any tourist as an opportunity to demonstrate the gastronomic richness of the country. The first “coffee houses” appeared thanks to Zaporozhye Cossack Kulchitsky, who presented the Austrians with bags of coffee beans left during the retreat by the Turks as a gift. For centuries, coffee houses were a favorite meeting place for famous musicians, poets, writers and other artists, who turned such meetings into a kind of cultural club where they discussed latest events political and social life of Austria. Today, cozy and stylish cafes are a place where you can guarantee to socialize in a relaxed atmosphere and have a pleasant time surrounded by silence and tranquility. Heuriger establishments, or wine squashes, offer wine tastings from all over the world, although local varieties are especially valued, of which the Austrians are very proud, considering them the most exquisite.

Traditions of national clothing

It’s impossible not to notice how well the people of Austria know how to dress beautifully. Along with expensive and fashionable brands that can be purchased everywhere, Austrians are very fond of wearing the traditional Trachten suit, which is distinguished by its special elegance and the presence of many additional accessories. Seeing men and women dressed in classic folk attire in a crowd is not that uncommon, even if the dress, blouses, shirts and trousers are just a very successful antique stylization. Austrians dress up especially lavishly for the holidays - elegant bright sweaters with luxurious sleeves, gray vests with classic green embroidery, ribbons and flowers amaze with their variety, are considered an indicator of refined taste and emphasize the individuality of each person.

Austrian etiquette

Most people are very smiling and don’t mind making jokes, including at themselves. When meeting, Austrians exchange strong handshakes, kiss twice and greet with a phrase that translates as “God help.” Even if you meet several times in one day, a greeting is necessary. When entering a cafe or restaurant, it is customary to pay your respects to everyone present, and leaving without saying goodbye means offending your interlocutors. Elderly Austrians say “kiss hand” when meeting a woman, but this is not at all necessary. It is customary for women to open doors; they take off their hats in front of ladies, or at least touch them. You can call a person by name only within the family circle, in in public places The standard "Herr" is used for a man and "Frau" for a woman. If you are invited to dinner, you can present the hostess with a small souvenir or a bouquet of flowers (necessarily with an even number). It is not customary to talk loudly or discuss topics of politics, money, business, or private life at the table. All serious conversations begin after a meal in a relaxed atmosphere.


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Polite address to citizens different countries:

· UK, USA, Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand: to a man - Mr. (mister / MR.), to a married woman - Mrs. (missis / MRS.), to an unmarried girl - Miss (miss / Mss.).

· Spain and South America (except Brazil): to a man - senor (señor), to a married woman - senora (señora), to an unmarried girl - senorita (señorita).

· Italy: to a man - signore, to a married woman - signora, to an unmarried girl - signorina.

· Portugal, Brazil: to a man - Senhor, to a married woman - Senhora, to an unmarried girl - Senhorita.

· Germany, Austria: Herr (Herr..., but more correctly still Herr, and with a capital letter), Frau (Frau), Fraulein / Fraulein.

· France: monsieur / monsieur (monsieur), madame (madame), mademoiselle (mademoiselle).

· Netherlands: Mr. - mannerer / minheer (meneer / minheer), madam, girl - mefrau (mevrouw).

· Belgium: There are two types of Belgians - Walloons and Flemings. Walloons (aka Francophone Belgians) are usually addressed in the same way as in France: monsieur, madame and mademoiselle. The Flemings (also known as Dutch-speaking Belgians) are addressed as in Holland: master - maneer / minheer, lady, girl - mefrau (mevrouw).

· Poland, Czech Republic, Serbia, Slovakia, Ukraine, Belarus: pan (pan), pani (pani), panna (panna).

· Polite (respectful) form in Spain and South America(except Brazil) to high-status or elderly persons: to a man - Don / don (don / Don), to a married woman - Donya / doña (Doña / doña), to unmarried girls this form of address is not available.

· The same polite form in Italy, Portugal and Brazil: to a man - Don / don (don / Don), Donna / donna (Donna / donna).

· Polite manners in the UK to high-ranking officials: to men - Sir (Ser), to married ladies - Lady (Lady).

· Russia: to men - master, to women (married and unmarried) - madam.

· Sweden: Herr/herr (herr), fru (fru), freken (fröken).

· Switzerland. Since Switzerland is a 4-lingual country, the addresses depend on the regions. Thus, in the German-speaking part of Switzerland, the German addresses Herr, Frau and Fräulein are accepted, in the French-speaking part - Monsieur, Madame and Mademoiselle, in the Romanesque part - Señora, Señor, Señorita and in the English-speaking part - Mister, Mrs and Miss, respectively.

· Lithuania: to an adult man - ponas (ponas), to a young man - ponatis (ponaitis), ponati (ponaiti), to a married woman - ponia (ponia), to an unmarried girl - panele (panele).

· Greece: to a man - kyrios (κύριος), to a married woman - kyria (κυρία), to an unmarried girl - Despinis (Δεσποίνη).

· Finland: Mr. - Herra, Mrs. - Ruova, girl - Neiti, young man - Nuori mies.

· Japan: San is added to the male name at the end. For example: Lee-San, Kim-San. TO female name the polite address -ssi is added at the end. For example: Jinyoung-ssi, Seonghan-ssi.

· China: Mr./Mister - Xiansheng, Mrs./Mrs. - Taitai, Miss (unmarried girl) - Xiaojie. Addresses are placed after the name. For example: Mr. Li - Li Xiansheng, Mrs. Li - Li Taitai. You can read more about polite forms of address in China.

· Korea: In Korea there is no division between Mr. and Mrs. Usually the prefix -ssi is added to the name. But, basically, they apply there by .

· India: a respectful form for a man who is older than you in age - Baba (literally translated from Hindi as “grandfather”). The respectful form of addressing an older woman is Didi (Hindi for “elder sister”). The impersonal form of addressing a man or woman is Ji (translated from Hindi as “respected, dear”).

Among Jews, it is customary to address a stranger in Hebrew with the word "adoni"(lord, my master). If the first or last name is known, then “mar” is pronounced before it (mar Fishman).

When addressing an unfamiliar woman they say "giveret"(gverti).

It is permissible to apply "haver"(comrade) or ironically "ahi"(my brother), "ahoti"(my sister).

The boy's name is "eled", girl "yalda".

But there can be several different appeals to a girl. Most often "bahura". Virgin in Hebrew "betulya". In official documents, it is customary to call a girl a derivative of the word “noar” (youth) - "neara". Jewish girls are not averse to hearing if they turn to her with a word efifia" what does "beauty" mean?


There is no address to “you”, everyone addresses everyone using "You".

Conversion from lower to higher "mister", to the immediate superiors “my lord.”

To persons of the highest ranks: “O Grand Vizier,” “O Great Emir.”
Address to the Sultan: “O great Sultan”, or “Lord”.

In etiquette situations, you can kneel on one knee in front of your superiors (for the military).
When allowed to leave, do not immediately turn your back, retreat for a while, backing away (for everyone).

You can address a courtier, a scientist, a merchant, that is, respected people, civilians and not military men, as “venerable” "venerable + name".

Among equals and well-known people, you can address them by name.
Greet with a bow (just bow your head).

Among the common people (ordinary warriors, artisans, farmers, servants) it is permissible to call "Brother"(use with caution to avoid associations with the gang) or by name.
Bows of the head.

From top to bottom you can simply address them by name.
If the superior does not know the name, simply use “you” or the name of the profession: “warrior”, “merchant”.
[Often heroes Arabian tales calling a stranger with an address "Dear", "most worthy"]

Address to a group of people: "true believers", "brothers"(among equals)
to the army: “warriors”.

A noble woman is addressed as "Mistress" or "Mistress" plus her first name.
To a woman from the common people - “woman”. One woman can call another “sister.”

Khanum (khatun) - a respectful address to a married woman, an indicator that the woman is married or was married. For example, Fatima Khanum, Gaukher Khatun.

Side(Mr.)/ Hadji(who has performed the hajj) - an appeal to a clergyman

Appeal Kafir/Kafir- to the unfaithful

Following the Sunnah, Muslims are obliged to greet each other when meeting with the words: "Salamun alaikum" and then shake hands. It is said that when they shake the hands of fellow believers, their sins are “shedded.”
The first to greet:
elder - younger, standing - sitting, master - servant, father - son, mother - her daughter,
a city dweller - a villager, a horseman - on foot...

Muslims are not allowed to be the first to greet:

For men unknown girls, young women.
- Reading a prayer ( namaz), sermon ( khutbah) or the Koran.
- One who performs the remembrance of Allah ( dhikr) or delivering a sermon.
- Muezzin calling to prayer ( adhan or Iqamat).
- A person who eats food or performs a natural need.
- A person who commits a sin.

Greeting strangers, older women, is not prohibited.
IN necessary cases, it is permissible to shake hands with them,
with the only condition that this action does not excite your passion.

A student is also allowed to greet his teacher.

Assalyamu alaikum(peace be upon you, peace be upon you) is an Arabic greeting rooted in Islam.
Equivalent to the word "hello".
Short form "salaam" is modern and used in countries with a mixed population (i.e. inappropriate for a historical game).
In response to this greeting, they traditionally respond Hello(“and peace be with you”), shortening is applicable va-alaikum("and you"). (BUT - SEE BELOW!)

There are more respectful forms:
As-salamu alaikum wa-rahmatu-llah- “Peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah.”
As-salamu alaikum wa-rahmatu-llahi wa-barakatuh- “Peace be upon you, the mercy of Allah and His blessing.”
Wa-alaikum as-salaam wa-rahmatu-llahi wa-barakatuh- a form of response to a greeting, which means: “And peace, mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you.”

According to the Koran, Muslims are obliged to respond to greetings using no less words than the one who greeted first:
“When you are greeted, respond with an even better greeting or the same. Verily, Allah counts everything.” (Quran, 4:86)

Muslims must pray before greeting people at the mosque. tahiyatu l-masjid(greeting from the mosque).

If a greeting is received in a written form, you must immediately answer “ Wa alaikum salaam».
It is necessary.
And it is advisable to send such a greeting back in writing.
If someone agreed to convey a greeting to someone from someone else, then fulfilling his promise becomes for him fardom (compulsory).

It is not at all necessary to respond to the greetings of beggars.
Answer a greeting when you eat, drink and relieve yourself,
and children, drunk and packages (to the wicked), - not necessary.

Greeting those who commit open sin is permitted only if by your greeting you intend to prevent them from continuing their sin.
Generally, committing sin worthy of your greeting if they repent.

And here is a small addition to greetings:

1. If a Muslim is greeted by an infidel with the words “ assalyamu alaikum" or " Salam alaikum"It's common to answer simply" Vaaleikum", because " salam» (« salam") is a greeting that is used between Muslims and has a sacred meaning, and distributing “salaam” to infidels is considered unacceptable.
Answer with a short " Vaaleikum" to a full greeting " assalyamu alaikum“received from a Muslim is a sign of disrespect and a sin.

2. The difference between " Salaam Alaikum" And " Aslamu alaikum"is that" Salaam Alaikum" is an appeal to one person, and " assalyamu alaikum» – an appeal to several persons (plural, “to you”).
A devout Muslim who honors the Koran will never give the sacred greeting " salam“to another devout Muslim “on your own” because a devout Muslim is never alone: ​​his guardians and angels are always with him, recording his deeds.
Therefore, among true Muslim believers, the greeting “ Salaam Alaikum", but only " assalyamu alaikum»

And the most basic everyday expressions:

Mentioned Salam alaikum - Waalaikum as salaam = “Peace be with you - And peace be with you.”
(The most common greeting in the East.)
Massalam - “Goodbye, goodbye, bye!”

La ilaha illya Allah wa Muhammadun Rasulu Allah - “There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet” (the creed of Islam).

Muhammad- "Praising"
(When mentioning the name of the Prophet, it is customary to add good wishes “ Allahy salaam» = “May Allah greet him”, “May Allah bless him and greet him”, “May peace be upon him”).

Allah Akbar — “Allah is great” (a saying for all occasions).

Bismillah - "In the name of Allah"
(analogous to the Christian “for God’s sake”, can be added after the request)

Bismi Llahi r-rahmani r-rahim - “In the name of Allah, the merciful, the merciful”
(almost every sura of the Koran begins with these words, these words are written at the beginning of texts, pronounced at the beginning of prayer, and also when starting any task, these words are also given a magical meaning, they are written on talismans and on architectural structures)

Inshallah - “if it be the will of Allah”, “everything is in the will of Allah”
(can be added after any statement, both yours and your interlocutor’s).
A very common saying.
[and as we already know,]

The fact is that in Arab countries the fear of the “evil eye” was widespread.
Therefore, on any topic they expressed themselves very evasively and surrounded them with a lot of conventions, so as not to jinx it (or so that evil spirits would not overhear).

Some more common expressions:

Finally, about flooded.
This is such a characteristic hooting for Eastern countries like “a-li-li-li-li-li-liiiii!”
It can be heard in songs, in some films about Arabs, etc.

We mean that flooded- this is EXCLUSIVELY WOMEN's prerogative.
The men started screaming - it’s a shame - you can’t wash it off. It’s the same as dressing in women’s clothes, putting on makeup and going out into the street (“Like, I’m not a man, but a woman”).

Moscow Humanitarian University



international protocol and business ethics

“National characteristics of business etiquette in Germany and Austria”

Completed by: Anna Abrosimova,3rd year student

Faculty of International Relations,

specialty "International Relations",

group MO-301

Received by: Zagainov Yuri Georgievich,

Assistant professor

Moscow, 2010


Every country and every people has its own traditions and customs of communication and business ethics. And although a certain standard of business contacts is gradually emerging in the world, there are noticeable differences in the degree of openness, independence, and the degree of their responsibility. The last circumstance is of serious importance for assessing representatives of many organizations from countries with transition economies, with poorly developed commodity relations.

So, participants in international communication adhere to uniform norms and rules, however, national and cultural characteristics can be very significant in business relations.

Knowledge of national characteristics can serve as a kind of guide, a reference point for a partner’s possible behavior.

In this work, I would like to dwell in more detail on the issue of business communication and etiquette in two German-speaking countries - Germany and Austria, because despite the seeming absence of any obvious difficulties and problems in communication, there are some subtleties that need to be taken into account.


Foreigners, as a rule, see Germans in their social manifestations and never in their personal manifestations. The Germans are convinced that life is divided into two parts: public and private. Public life includes work, politics, business, bureaucracy. And personal life is family, friends, hobbies and relaxation. Therefore, what is appropriate in one life is unacceptable in another. And it often turns out that in public there is ostentatious decency, but at home there are all kinds of eccentricities.

Formal rules of etiquette in Germany are very simple. The accepted form of address in Germany is "you". A German will never turn, especially to to a stranger, no misters". When meeting someone for the first time, it is customary to address the interlocutor as “Herr” and “Frau” with the addition of the surname. Later, if you discover common interests or mutual acquaintances, you will be addressed by your first and last name. And only after months or years has passed is it possible to address someone as “you”. But you need to be prepared for the fact that the Germans are very reluctant to move on a friendly footing. This is evidence of their eternal seriousness, including in friendship. The Germans prefer to do everything slowly, gradually. Among young people it is customary to address people as “you”.

A clear division into personal and public is a guarantee that Germans are open and sincere in their personal and private lives. The Germans are not very accommodating in communication, as they consider it an unnecessary frill; they are rather reserved with foreigners and are in no hurry to get close to strangers, but if you managed to get on a first-name basis with a German, then you are now friends.

In formal address in Germany, it is customary to give the title of everyone you are addressing. If the person's title is unknown to you, you can use the word "doctor" (for example, "Herr" doctor), since it applies to almost every educated person.

A married lady is addressed by her husband's title - for example, Frau Doctor or simply gracious empress - Gnedige Frau. Girls are addressed as Gnediges Fräulein, because only saleswomen and waitresses are simply called Fräulein.

Germans shake hands at every opportunity; shaking hands is an essential element of their life. It is customary to shake hands at meetings and partings, upon arrival and departure, as a sign of agreement and disagreement too. As a sign of friendly disposition, the hand is held as long as possible. When answering a phone call, a German usually says his name - this is a verbal substitute for a handshake.

When greeting and saying goodbye, Germans shake hands. It is not customary to kiss when meeting.

The Germans take life with incredible seriousness, so they very disapprovingly note any manifestations of frivolity, all sorts of accidents and surprises. For the same reason, all their conversations are serious and significant: they enjoy discussing all sorts of problems, illnesses, stress, work overload and other pressing topics.

In Germany, it is customary to answer the question “how are you?” in detail, without missing a single detail, to talk in detail about your problems at home and at work, about health, children, and so on. If you don't want to hear such reports, don't ask such questions.

In Germany, it is considered completely unacceptable to verbally insult another person. This usually leads to a break in the relationship.

By their nature, Germans are simply incapable of asking for a lie or a mistake. Their unshakable confidence in their right to interfere in everything makes them irreconcilable with the opinions of others if it differs from their own. And the German will immediately declare his disagreement, and he can make a remark without really choosing the form of presentation.

German etiquette is characterized by punctuality and clarity. It is customary to make appointments in advance; if you are unable to attend or may be late, you must be notified with an apology. They are critical of unplanned proposals and impromptu statements. In their opinion, this is what frivolous and unreliable people do.

If you are invited to visit or have dinner in a restaurant, there will be in good form come with a gift. These could be flowers for a lady or various souvenirs. An invitation home in Germany is considered a sign of special respect.

At a restaurant, upon arrival, it is customary to greet everyone around you, even strangers, with a wish of bon appetit. When paying at a restaurant, you need to add 15% to the bill as a tip. If you pay in cash, then only banknotes are taken from the change, and the coins are left to the waiter.

The Germans are distinguished by hard work, diligence, punctuality, frugality, rationality, organization, pedantry, skepticism, seriousness, prudence, and a desire for orderliness. Business connections with German companies can be established by exchanging letters with proposals for cooperation. To establish business relationships, you can use the German practice of cooperation through agency and intermediary firms.

The time of the upcoming meeting can be determined by phone. All promises made over the phone are usually kept.

German employees are quite strict about their choice of clothing. The main type of clothing is a formal suit. Light-colored shoes should not be worn with any suit.

Negotiations are conducted with the participation of one or more partners. The introduction and introduction ceremony follows international standards: handshake and exchange of business cards.

The Germans prefer those negotiations in which they clearly see the possibility of finding a solution. They prepare very carefully for negotiations and work out their position. During negotiations, they like to discuss issues sequentially one after another.

When concluding a deal, the Germans will insist on strict compliance decisions made, as well as the payment of fines in case of non-compliance. They will require a significant warranty period for the goods supplied to them, as well as a deposit in case of delivery of substandard goods. The Germans themselves strictly fulfill their obligations.

German accuracy and rationality often turns into pedantry. By our Russian standards, sometimes this can look downright offensive. For example, a German partner, leaving the office, can lock the telephone or photocopier. Even if your relationship is quite friendly, a German in your presence will calmly eat his sandwiches, taken from home, and will not offer it to you. In a restaurant, he will expect you to pay for yourself. This cannot be considered a sign of disrespect, it is simply a different upbringing and different traditions.

During negotiations, the Germans behave quite harshly. They provide excellent conditions for negotiations: premises, technology, equipment. During negotiations they are quite professional and formal.

If during a break in negotiations you are invited to a restaurant, then do not forget that the bills are paid separately: by the inviter and the invitee. At the table you should drink when the host says “prosit” or “prost.” You shouldn't talk about politics at the table.


Despite their apparent arrogance, the Austrians are hospitable people; they make contact easily and are always ready to help in difficulties. Distinctive features Austrians, bringing them closer to the Germans, are impeccable politeness and punctuality. At the same time, they are cheerful, sociable, love to eat well, drink and chat.


In Austria, it is important not to break a certain distance when communicating. “Social distance” here is equal to arm’s length. If you violate this distance, you are invading the Austrian’s intimate zone! The same goes for personal issues. They can only be asked to friends. All questions about marriage, personal life and family situations between office employees are undesirable.

When greeting each other, Austrians always shake hands - whether they are friends or colleagues. With friends, a kiss on both cheeks is added to the handshake.

Behavior at work

An important component of Austrian “office” etiquette is a smile and humor.

The handshake, which is used here not only between work colleagues, but also between friends, should not be too strong, but not too weak. You should shake your hand, not shake it. The handshake should last a split second. At the same time, look your interlocutor in the eyes. During a conversation, also make eye contact, but not intently. A wandering gaze is taboo, as is a “drilling” look at your interlocutor.

When greeting and introducing yourself, you must clearly state your full name.

When talking (in business etiquette) meaningless questions and template forms, like Wie geht’s? (How are you?) Austrian business etiquette experts advise avoiding.

If you are called to your boss and asked to sit down, sit not on the edge of the chair, but on the entire surface of the seat. Keep your back straight and your feet should touch the floor. Avoid conducting long monologues - if there is a need to speak out, give it free rein at home, but not at work.

If you receive a visitor when he enters, you need to stand up, if you are sitting, to greet him.

If at this moment you are having a telephone conversation that cannot be interrupted, signal to the person entering with gestures and facial expressions that he can come in and sit down. After the conversation is over, apologize briefly.

Late to meetings

It is customary for Austrians to emphasize the lateness of colleagues to general meetings and make the latecomer feel out of place. Therefore, they will briefly say “good afternoon” to someone who arrives late, and then they will ignore him for about 5 minutes or defiantly, silently watch him sit down, lay out his papers, etc. The latecomer is not informed about the content of the previous conversation.

There is also etiquette regarding the clothes and shoes you wear to work. Ideally, it is advised to adhere to the scheme - a suit: wear it once, then air it out, let it “hang” in the closet for several days; shoes: wear for a day, then take a break for a day.

The boss is addressed only as “you”. Despite good or very a good relationship. Offering to switch to “you” is taboo.

It is not advisable to linger at your workplace after work. This can be interpreted in two ways: either as that you are not coping with your responsibilities during working hours, or as transparent hint for a salary increase.

Telephone conversation at work

While talking, you can’t sort out papers on the table, not to mention smoking, eating, etc. Speak clearly and avoid arrogant phrases. The following phrases should be avoided when speaking in business in Austria, even if that's what you mean:

"Das ist false...",

"Das können Sie gar nicht wissen...",

"Passen Sie mal auf!"

("This is wrong...", "You can't know this at all...", "Listen!").


When writing an address, if you are addressing a letter to a couple, the man's name is written before the woman's name. In the letter itself, the order is reversed.

All titles (which are very loved and respected in Austria) are indicated only in the address of the letter. In the letter itself, only titles like “Doctor” (Dr.), “Professor” and others are omitted in circulation.

Among the addresses, use: Sehr geehrte Frau ...; Sehr geehrte Damen..., sehr geehrte Herren... (Dear Madam...; dear madams..., dear gentlemen...), (also allowed: Guten Tag, Herr... (Good afternoon, sir).

Use direct language! Instead of "Ich möchte Sie bitten..." ("I would like to ask you..."), it is preferable to write "Ich bitte Sie" ("I ask you") and so on.

When writing email, be brief and clear. Do not use capital letters - this irritates the recipient and creates a subconscious feeling of “screaming”. Emoticons are desirable in private correspondence, but absolutely unacceptable in official correspondence!

Features of national cuisine in Germany and Austria

Germans and Austrians can safely offer all dishes from vegetables, pork, poultry, game, veal, beef and fish. Boiled vegetables are especially appreciated. Side dishes - cauliflower, bean pods, carrots, red cabbage, boiled peas and beans, boiled potatoes, which partially replace bread.

Cold dishes and snacks - sandwiches with butter, cheese, sausage, curd mass, fish, etc., vegetable salads, ham, sausages, sprats, sardines, herring dishes with various sauces, meat and fish salads dressed with mayonnaise .

The first courses are broths with eggs, dumplings, rice and tomatoes, noodle soup, puree soup from peas, cauliflower, chicken and game, sometimes bread and beer soups.

Second courses - pork, chicken, boiled vegetables, especially potatoes.

Dessert - whipped cream, creams, jellies, mousses, confectionery with custard and butter cream, fruits in syrups.

Hot drinks - they are usually served after lunch and dinner: natural coffee, coffee with milk or coffee with cream.

Tea has become very popular in Germany these days. The most popular drink is beer.


Botavina R.N. Ethics of business relations. M.: Finance and Statistics, 2002.

Kanovskaya M. “Etiquette”. M.: AST, 2007.

Kibanov A.Ya., Zakharov D.K., Konovalova V.G. Textbook - Ethics of business relations. M.: INFRA-M 2002.

Maksimovsky M. Etiquette of a business person M., 1994.

Internet sources

Article “National characteristics of business communication. Germany" portal "All about business etiquette"

Article “Features of national cuisine (guests from Germany)” of the portal “World of Etiquette”

Article “Etiquette in Germany” of the online magazine “New Status”

Article “National characteristics of Austria”

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Home in Austria: society and etiquette

Useful information for those who are thinking about getting their own: traditions and etiquette that will help you quickly adapt and feel comfortable in a new country.

Native Austrians are often called arrogant and conservative, but behind the slight external restraint hides a considerable dose of self-irony, as well as true hospitality and cordiality, combined with deep respect for the centuries-old customs and traditions of their country.

Family values Austria

The Austrian family forms the foundation of the social structure of Austria. Families are usually small, closely associated with a specific area or settlement. Weekends are often spent with family, with active recreation activities. In some families, a common tradition is to have dinner at the same table with the family.

Austrians are proud of their homes, keeping them clean and comfortable in every possible way. In traditional Austrian culture, the home is seen as a place to relax with loved ones. Only the closest friends and relatives are invited to the house, where time is devoted to informal communication. It is important what impression the house makes on its neighbors: common areas such as sidewalks, corridors, and stairwells must be kept clean. The level of order is associated with the quality of life of home owners.

Conservatism in Austria

You can call Austrians a conservative nation. They are careful in expressing their emotions and pedantic, value punctuality and neatness. Before important event invitations are sent out, and the greater the significance and formality of the event, the earlier the mailing occurs.


Appearance and dress are important in Austrian society. Even when dressed formally, an Austrian will look neat and conservative. Dressing style In no case will it be ostentatious.

Sometimes there is a strict protocol in the manner of dressing: formal for theater and concerts, and semi-formal for prestigious restaurants. Many Austrian ladies dress elegantly when going shopping. Higher class events may have a specific dress code.

Austrian meeting etiquette

When entering a room, shake hands with everyone present, including children. Greetings are formal, with eye contact maintained. For example, it may be common Gruss Gott (God help you) or Gruss dich (Greetings). A quick and confident handshake - traditional form greetings. Necessary communication distance in Austria - at arm's length, and this is typical not only in the sphere of business interaction.

Many Austrian men, especially those of older generations, can kiss a lady's hand. Real chic is considered to be clicking your heels, which makes you remember the times of the Prussian nobility, and taking off your hat. Young people use the most common greetings in Europe, although on special occasions they are also not averse to showing off their impeccable command of Austrian etiquette.

It's important to remember titles which are seen as an expression of respect. It is better to use the title and surname before the situation allows you to use your first name.

Gift etiquette in Austria

In general, Austrians follow the tradition of exchanging gifts with family and close friends at Christmas and Birthdays. Children also receive gifts on December 6 - St. Nicholas Day.

If you invited to the house , bring a symbolic gift with you, such as a box of chocolates. When giving flowers, stick to only odd numbers other than 12. Do not choose red carnations, lilies or chrysanthemums as a gift.

Welcome beautiful packaging at the gift. Gifts are immediately opened upon receipt.

On a visit to an Austrian house. Dining etiquette in Austria.

If you are invited to, arrive on time. Punctuality is a sign of respect. Dress conservatively and elegantly, although in some homes you will be asked to take off your shoes, although this is less common today.

Sit down only after you have been invited to the table. They may point you to a specific place. European style is followed at the table table etiquette: the fork is held in the left hand, the knife in the right, the napkin on the knees. They start eating after the mistress of the house says " Bon appetit"or in the Austrian sound" mahlzeit" / "Guten Appetit". The owner of the house is the first to make a toast, the guests raise their glasses and say "Prost!".

Conversations at the table conducted within the bounds of decency, in a measured and quiet tone. Personal topics, conversations about business, religion or politics are not touched upon. At the same time, try not to overdo it: empty talk about the weather or something abstract is not welcome in Austria. Austrians are quite specific and do not like to waste their own and other people’s time on minor trifles. However, if the owner of the house has more confidential conversations, he himself is also ready for more informal questions. All that remains is to navigate the course of the dialogue. A distance is maintained between people, but a sincere smile and direct gaze are appreciated.

The first impression in Austria plays a decisive role; a new person is judged by clothing and behavior . Austrians will be interested in university degrees and your company's experience in the market. Communication is formal and follows strict rules of protocol. It is important not to overuse jokes or empty talk; it is better to focus the conversation on achieving business goals. Contact people by title and surname . Use "You" (Sie) except in cases where you have been asked to contact "you" (du).

Austrians are suspicious of any methods of hyperbole, overly optimistic promises, loud words, or expression of emotions. Austrians often tend to express their thoughts quite straightforwardly. They don't want to sound rude, but are motivated by the goals of moving forward.

Expect high volumes written communication , in relation to supporting documentation, maintaining meeting records and summarizing results.

Making appointments with private companies should be done three to four weeks in advance. You should not choose August for meetings, two weeks before and after Christmas, a week before Easter.

Punctuality is strictly monitored. At being late You must make a call and provide a valid reason. It is considered bad form to cancel a meeting in last minute, and this can harm the establishment of your business contacts.

All meetings are held strictly according to schedule. Immediately before the meeting, a small, less formal conversation - "getting to know each other" - can take place. The style of communication at meetings is formal, presentations are precise and accurate. It is necessary to prepare auxiliary materials. Austrians are meticulous in details, and may bombard you with clarifying questions. When communicating, never resort to a confrontational style or strong pressure, this can work against you.

Austrians are interested in business long contacts , but not fast sales. Business is slow, so it's best to be patient. Rank and position are valued in society. Since many companies are quite small, it is not difficult to arrange a meeting with the manager.

Exchange of business cards in Austria takes place without any formalities. A positive aspect would be the translation of the business card into German on the one hand. This is not a business necessity, but rather your attention to detail. It would also be useful to briefly list your academic degrees and business achievements. If your company has been in business for an extended period, include the date the company was founded.