Meeting the Normals. Where to meet a girl for a serious relationship? All women do this

Work-home-work – there are more and more women living according to this pattern. They would be happy to include caring for their husband and kindergarten, but there are no worthy candidates for the role of a spouse nearby. And there is not enough time to make new acquaintances.

Online dating is a sign of our time

What to do if there are no oligarchs in your immediate circle who are in love with you, but you still want new acquaintances and impressions, and even romance? To begin with, you can acquire a couple of virtual fans in specially designated places on the Internet.

“Mamba” is one of the oldest sites on the Russian Internet with a solid dating base (more than 9 million profiles). In addition to the standard set of functions and services (registration of a profile, adding photos, searching for profiles of other participants according to certain criteria, correspondence with other participants, participation in ratings and tops, “raising” a profile), there is an interesting selection of tips and articles on “about-romantic” topics": stories about the best dates and crazy romances culminating in a wedding. Mamba's large user base has both its advantages (the likelihood of finding someone suitable is tripled) and disadvantages (many of the messages are frankly obscene).

Recently, the creators of the service have been trying to add new functions (for example, diaries), but they have not yet taken root well. “Mamba” is also upset by the fact that in order to increase the chances of a successful acquaintance (raising a profile, leaders, personal horoscope, etc.) you need to pay not virtual money (one SMS message costs $1 + VAT, but can you get by with one message?).

If you limit yourself to free services, then the chances of meeting a worthy candidate are significantly reduced: only the profiles of those who have used additional (paid) services appear at the top. However, one cannot help but note a small but pleasant indulgence: when paying with electronic money, express payment cards, bank transfer or through payment terminals, 40% (of the amount) will be credited to your account on Mamba as a gift.

“Planet of Love” is the main competitor of “Mamba”: it has every chance of becoming the number one dating service not only in the quality of services provided, but also in the number of registered users (tens of thousands of people are constantly on the site, and the number of profiles exceeds 11 million) . In addition to the standard set of services, the Loveplanet website presents additional ones: chat, forum, diaries, music, broadcasting (you can make your own program on the topic of the day or just talk about what worries you), photo albums (general and erotic) with comments, beauty contests and personal mailbox (for those who do not want to leave their coordinates to a new acquaintance). In addition to messages, here you can send a surprise and a voice message ($0.99+VAT, can be paid different ways), complain and blacklist annoying users. Among the disadvantages of the site are the paid deletion of the profile, approval of photos (taking several days), and “ignore”, which does not save you from unwanted visitors (letters from them continue to arrive in the “black list” folder).

In terms of the number of users, the dating site Dating is noticeably inferior to the two previous sites. But here, too, the number of profiles has long exceeded a million (about 2,000 people are constantly online). Dating is a neat, no-frills site with good support service, a small number of “dead” profiles and inappropriate personalities. There are no additional services on the site: only those that are necessary for dating are presented: a filter of intimate services (for those who do not want to see profiles with intimate offers) and notifications by email. Among the significant differences that are convenient for users is the ability to upload a profile for free once a day (if the profile contains a video verified by a moderator) and once every two days (if there is a photo). Dating is the only dating site where for 1 SMS message ($0.99 + VAT) your profile will be updated 60 times within 5 hours with an interval of 5 minutes. Of the minuses: advanced search is available only after receiving VIP status ($5 + VAT for 10 days), and payment can only be made via SMS message and the WebMoney payment system.

“My World” is something between social networks for finding classmates and dating sites. The My World contact database is huge (up to seventy thousand people can be on the site online). It seems as if novice users don’t know where else (besides checking mail) they can go online – and a dating site on the popular mail server comes in handy. “My World” is a free site and represents a solid database of profiles with the ability to search by such criteria as: school, class, year of graduation, university, faculty, department, military unit, etc. Searching in “My World” is also convenient because it allows you to find your classmates, fellow students and acquaintances through the “chain of friends” (by adding a user to “friends”, you simplify the search for those who view your profile).
Among the disadvantages of “My World” we can highlight the not very convenient internal correspondence system and the photo viewing system. In addition, “My World” is intrusive (it’s quite difficult to unsubscribe from mailing lists with news about friends) and overly persistently imposes advertising on users of the mail server about creating “your own world.”

The Rudate dating site was created for those who dream of meeting a foreigner. In addition to the standard set of services, the site provides a search for applicants by interests (creative people, computer scientists, pet owners, jockeys, athletes, etc.), an online translator and a “wink” function (send a letter to the person you like about that he interested you). The Rudate website guarantees: your profile will be available only to foreigners (it is impossible to find information about you on the Russian-language Internet), and promises: by sending one letter a day, you will receive three marriage proposals within a month. Whether to believe in this tempting prospect or not is a moot point, so the site has a special section “Success Stories” (about happy love endings). Among the disadvantages of the site: in the Rudate questionnaire, in addition to the standard points (age, profession, city, country, presence of children, etc.), they require you to indicate your address and telephone number so that men can express their attention not only with letters, but also with flowers and gifts. The site’s creators are silent about what else can be done with personal data (and there are a lot of such options).

Text: Anastasia Kayukova

After hearing stories from friends about how fun it can be to find your soul mate on dating sites, I decided to follow their advice and register. My choice fell on the dating site from the service, since my main mail is located there. Having quickly gone through all the procedural nuances, I began filling out the questionnaire and posting photos. It took a couple more minutes and now the first letter is blinking in my profile.

The main activity occurred in the first few days, then the profile began to move down in the search results, and fewer and fewer potential candidates stopped by to see me. The first impressions after this experience were quite contradictory, but I was able to identify a number of patterns.

Men on dating sites are divided into several types:

1. Offended by life

Most often, in his profile, a man honestly writes that I have been on the site for n number of years and have almost lost hope of finding my beloved, but still... And then there are a large number of requirements for the future second half: beautiful, well-groomed, sweet, pleasant in communication, smart, with a sense of humor, not arrogant... You get tired of reading. The photo usually shows an average man, not handsome, simply dressed.

I avoided this category, since men of this type are quite aggressive in communication, they do not hide their resentment towards the entire female sex and present it unrealistically high criteria to a woman.

2. Sultan

A huge number of photos from different angles, on yachts, near cars, in the Amazon jungle or near the Egyptian pyramids... Such men are usually quite honest in their intentions and often write openly in the questionnaire about their focus on easy and numerous relationships. Their criteria for choosing a partner are also quite high - smart, beautiful, skilled and sorceress.

Among such men there are quite a lot of interesting and gallant ones, but there is almost no chance of converting them into monogamy. At least I wouldn't waste my time and attention on them.

3. The Last Romantic

The questionnaire contains many poems of my own composition (although not a fact). Such men communicate very gallantly, shower them with compliments, almost immediately declare their love and promise to sing serenades under the window until they are old. They are smart, well-read, but they usually don’t get beyond talking. They never move on to decisive action, managing to pretty much tire the lady of their heart with sublime speeches.

4. Mama's Eagle

These are men aged 30 and older who never managed to escape from under their mother’s wing. Their profiles are very modest, descriptions are minimal, one or two photos are from a bad angle. Usually the facial expression is shy; in correspondence they are boring and stereotyped. There is an acute feeling of inability to find an approach to a woman and interest her. Although there are very smart and interesting guys among them, to enter into an unequal fight with their “mother” a woman needs remarkable strength, cunning, dexterity and assertiveness.

5. Regular guy

The questionnaire begins with these words: “I’m an ordinary guy.” A couple of photos, most often in the company of friends, barbecuing and drinking alcoholic beverages. The guys are not bad, very hard-working. Many of them are visitors from other cities and are trying to make their way in life through honest work. I managed to make friends with one of them, we still communicate.

There may be only one photo in his profile or there may not even be a photo. In the column “who am I looking for” there is one line – my soul mate. There is a minimum of information and it is reduced to the parameters of height, weight, eye and hair color. In correspondence they are honest and concise. Almost immediately they invite you to a meeting in a cafe and behave delicately. If she doesn’t like the girl, she will find out about it at the very end of the meeting, when a request to give her phone number indicates a continuation. These men are usually busy with work from morning to evening and use dating sites as a way to find a companion, maybe not for life, but for some foreseeable period of time.

So, are there any chances of meeting the one?

I would say 50/50. The first marriage of one of my friends happened thanks to a dating site. What needs to be done to increase these chances?

1. Vivid profile

A lot depends on your profile, how bright, interesting, eye-catching it is, what photo you put as the main one. Profiles that are written brightly, vividly, and with a sense of humor have a greater share. Since men love with their eyes, they will be attracted by several good photographs from different angles and from different periods of life. But it is advisable that the photographs are “fresh”, without Photoshop, otherwise when they meet, the man may accuse you of deceiving his expectations.

2. What do you want

One more important points is your choice of the direction of your search: serious relationships, just meetings or communication, marriage and starting a family. These parameters are used to filter out profiles that do not suit your interests.

3. Communication

Literacy and humor will only benefit you. And also the ability to advantageously show your strengths and hide your shortcomings. A man's messages will tell you a lot. Already from the first phrases, you can determine the main points - politeness, respect for a woman, direction of interest, seriousness, presence or absence of a sense of humor, speed of response.


Much has already been written about the first meeting, but I’ll remind you again. It should take place in a public place, preferably during daylight hours in a cafe or any other neutral territory, so that in case of unforeseen circumstances you can quickly leave.

A man's arrogant, cheeky and disrespectful behavior is another very important warning factor. If he behaves like this at the first meeting, then it will only get worse.

Another factor is the unmotivated aggression of a man directed at you or at people around you at the time of your meeting. This is not a very good signal.

Try to come after the first date and entrust all your impressions to paper. Usually the first impression is not deceiving. The voice of intuition still works in full force and tells you whether this man is worth your attention or not.

A wonderful phrase from the book of Antoine de Saint-Exupery will perfectly complement my last thought “Only the heart is vigilant; you cannot see the most important things with your eyes”.

An expert in the psychology of relationships spoke in detail about how a worthy man behaves on a dating site if he is interested in a girl.

What does the photograph say?

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the photograph.

If a man is really interested in serious acquaintance, he will not be lazy and will select normal photographs. I would call it “not in the background, but in the process.” If he climbed a mountain, he will be tired but happy. And definitely not in white sneakers.

If he is involved in yachting, the photo will be with him going out to sea, if he is a rock climber, you will see him hanging on a cliff. Pay attention to details. They give basic information and even options for the first message instead of the banal "Hi! How are you?"

Learn to use Google image search. This can lead to a profile on social networks. That is, you will be able to look in advance at the hobbies and how the man from the dating site generally lives.


During your correspondence, a natural and relaxed sequence will arise: you write, he writes.

This chain occurs in correspondence when both are passionate about the conversation and it approaches the format of a live dialogue.

Online not 24/7

He may wish Have a good day and disappear from the network until the evening, but in the evening he will definitely write.

A decent man does not have time to correspond constantly; this steals his own resource. But if he consistently devotes 1-2 hours a day to you in correspondence, and it is productive (you will learn more about each other). He is definitely interested and it is worth taking a closer look at such a candidate.


On dating sites, the “Like” button is a direct indicator of interest (if it is not used for promotion).

If a man visits a page, leaves a like, but doesn’t write anything, he gives you freedom of choice. It’s as if he’s saying: “Look at me and decide: I like you or not.”

You can safely write first. There is nothing wrong with women's initiative. And the development of events will depend on his answer.


One of the most interesting nuances. An educated man begins his acquaintance with a capital letter, with periods and commas. As he gets used to you, he will lose them, but he will never leave the impression of being illiterate.

You will notice that he is simply reluctant to add signs. And that's okay. Men are not attached to details; it is more important for them to convey the meaning.

The same applies to obscene expressions and curses. Worthy man watches his language, especially when communicating with women.


If you want to test a man even at the correspondence stage, raise a provocative topic and look at the reaction. Ask the question: “Do you think a woman should work?”

More easier way- to his question about where you work, answer: “I don’t work.” His reaction will be the most comprehensive characteristic.

Wants to go online

If a man is adequate, polite, open in correspondence, is not in the mood to correspond for months and offers to meet - agree.

And after the first meeting you will draw conclusions. This is the only test that will give the most comprehensive answer to the question “Is it adequate?”

One important nuance: the meeting place. Choose or offer one that matches your status and interests.

Photos: shutterstock.

It doesn't matter why you want to meet a girl. Knowing the fishing spots and showing basic male initiative, you can set any goals. The experience of experienced men and my constructive advice will help you. Spend a little time to find out the answer to the question that every second man asks - where to meet a girl. Enjoy reading!

Dating statistics

Three life hacks for dating

All women do this

Where to meet for sex

Selection of a dating site

Habitat: good and not so good places to meet a girl

The question “where to meet” is heard almost more often than the topical “how”. In fact, there are no right places and no fail-safe phrases for dating. But there is a theory of probability and practice common sense, according to which a club, a cafe and a street are not best places for dating.

Where you don't need to meet girls

Most guys are sure that the club, cafe and street are fishing spots. To this I will say - banal, boring and ineffective.

  • To meet a girl on the street, you need balls, and yet the street has low efficiency. People are in a hurry, in a hurry, thinking about their own things - it is difficult to take a person out of context and focus on yourself.
  • In a cafe, people eat or meet on business. Believe me, a rare girl will like it when a suitor from nowhere looks into her plate or mouth. And... Such an awkward moment, who should pay the bill.
  • The night club is a good place. Its owners did their best for you - they caught up with the girls and made them drunk. However, the competition will be fierce, investments will be above average, and the chances of a long-term relationship will be almost zero.

Now let's talk about the geography of a successful hunt - where it is easier to meet a girl.

TOP 5 places for effective dating

Psychologists call the most profitable places for dating: transport, library, fitness room, supermarket and the sea.

  • Transport. Convenient from the point of view of enclosed space - at least until the next stop, the girl will be forced to listen to your tirades. The main thing is to quickly and accurately take the number. Her stop could be next. Yours, by the way, too, even if it’s not so.
  • Library (exhibition, museum, concert hall, etc.). They come here psychologically mature girls who are ready for both serious relationships and flirting without obligations. The main thing is that these girls (praise the intelligence) quickly indicate where the wind is blowing from and where. As long as your IQ doesn't let you down.
  • Fitness room (yoga courses, swimming pool, dancing, etc.). You already have something in common. This generality, multiplied by the pheromones of a half-naked, sweating body, is an excellent springboard for unbridled communication. In the end, it’s just nice to know that your chosen one is watching her figure. By the way, if you like a girl, but have questions about her figure, remember, she is on the path to perfection.
  • Supermarket. Women love to cook and talk about food, so take advantage of this little feminine weakness. Check the calorie content of the product, ask about the nuances of preparation. Don't forget to pick up your phone for some more nutrition advice.
  • Sea. The situation itself encourages one to behave a little immorally. Morality is where home and work are. Here - sun, sand and flirting. And you get what you see, not a pig in a poke. The flaws are obvious. No makeup or oversized clothes.

I remind you where I met the girl - meet her there. Don’t wait for the beauty to enter the transport, shop or buy a ticket to the sea.

For the future: where to meet a girl for a serious relationship

Places for dating should be calibrated with an eye on the goal. Of course, for the ladies family type You shouldn’t hunt in a club, and you shouldn’t look for a girl to get away with in a museum. Although in life anything happens, and in the still waters there are devils. But today we are talking about places with high efficiency and first-order probabilities. So, where to meet a girl for Serious relationships?

Dating statistics

Let's turn to the statistics on dating with the finale in the registry office (“Without statistics, it’s not life at all, but some kind of hard labor,” the film “Office Romance”).

  • 27% of married people met in in public places like parks, cafes and cinemas (a small percentage belongs to clubs);
  • 21% got married through work - as colleagues or having met through professional activities;
  • 17% of spouses had known each other since school or student years, and some even, as they say, from the sandbox;
  • 16% learned about each other’s existence through friends or relatives, that is, in a narrow circle of close people.

The rest met in other circumstances. We draw the following conclusion - you can basically meet your “soul mate” anywhere except the sofa (if you’re holding a laptop in your hands, that’s a different matter).

Three life hacks for dating

By the way, do you know what qualities girls value most in a man? Start getting acquainted with this.

  • Girls love care. If you help carry packages from the supermarket, pour oil into the car, or simply open the door and let you go ahead, consider that an acquaintance has taken place.
  • Girls love confident people. Confidence equals sexiness. But being confident doesn’t mean jumping into your pants right away. This means getting into a state of drive before dating begins and getting maximum pleasure in the process.
  • Girls love compliments. True, giving compliments is an art. And don’t turn it into an arthouse like this: “You’re so beautiful that I’m willing to crawl 15 kilometers on broken glass just to jerk off in your shadow.”

For the night: where to meet a girl for sex

All women do this

Everyone appreciates good sex. Many people prefer to meet in the “no obligation” format, and girls are no exception. Each has its own reasons. Some people want to try themselves in the role of a sophisticated vamp who changes men like gloves. The other is simply yearning without tenderness, and is ready to sacrifice principles. Third... Listen, what difference does it make to you? Just write it down in your subcortex: women want it, and more than you think. And many of them prefer one-time sex. Question - where can I find one?

Where to meet for sex

It’s not difficult for a professional pick-up artist to take a girl to bed even from the library. The rest go to a club or to dating sites for pleasure. The efficiency is high both there and there. For a list of the best dating sites, follow the link. And don't be shy. You have the right to any whim. In addition to the usual dating portals, there are thematic ones: don’t waste time on Mamba, when there is a “black” one, if you like it rough, and so on. Let's talk about online dating in more detail, since it is this method of gender communication that is becoming a leader today.

Girls living online: where to meet people on the Internet

It doesn't matter what your grandmother thinks about the Internet. Remind her that dating by correspondence existed during her youth. Well, today everyone hangs out on the Internet - they work, communicate and, of course, get to know each other.

Benefits of online dating

  • You can get acquainted and communicate without interrupting your current affairs. Very convenient in conditions of total time shortage.
  • The choice is unlimited - this is a place where there are no language or territorial barriers.
  • A godsend for introverts – people who are “inside themselves” and who can’t be dragged into public places with either a carrot or a stick.
  • It's easy to take the first step. If sometimes you don’t have enough balls to approach a girl on the street, on the Internet you can make contact by putting two fingers on the keyboard.
  • Virtual communication provides an opportunity to think about your words. IN real life we are subject to emotions that force us to act reactively.

If until now the Internet has been a place for you to download music or watch pornography, it’s time to expand your horizons.

Social networks as a dating resource

Social networks are a godsend for a guy who wants to meet a girl. Account in social network– this is a sea of ​​“hooks” that easily turn into openers. Any photo, video or even like can be used to your advantage. And don't forget to clean up your page. Remove posts about women being fools and other incriminating evidence. Your account should be exemplary.

Pitfalls of dating sites

The main advantage of dating sites is their specialized profile. On a dating site, girls want, oddly enough, to meet people. Grab some popcorn, choose a dating site, and see for yourself. But don't count on easy pickings and 100% returns, because...

  • Lots of competitors. The Internet underestimates the value of a guy and overstates the importance of a girl. Even the “ugly ones” receive a stack of offers a day. In order not to get lost in the masses, introduce yourself to the public with the most the best side. How to fill out a profile for a guy to impress a girl, we said - click and read.
  • Lots of virtual machines. A large number of women of different ages will never meet you. They seduce, seduce and assert themselves without personal contact. Some are married, some are afraid, and some have nothing to do. A lot of time can be wasted. Therefore, don’t talk too much. Slowly but inevitably move the conversation towards a real meeting.
  • Lots of illusions. Communication on the Internet is communication primarily with a virtual image. This is how the brain works: having a minimum of information, it figures out the rest. Therefore, see the point above. Take communication to another level as quickly as possible.

I'm not even talking about scammers, fools, prostitutes and other categories of ladies who will definitely meet on your way. But the one who walks will master the road. Go!

About light bulbs: the secret of Thomas Edison's success

I repeat it like a mantra: where you like a girl, there is a place to meet her. A street, a concert hall, a dating site - it is not the place that determines the outcome, but your ability to act. And misfires happen to everyone, even a pickup guru. Take it as a fact - they will reject you. And this is not a reason to return to your comfort zone. This is an incentive to bookmark our site and read expert advice on how to improve your personal communication skills.

What do light bulbs have to do with it? It is said that Thomas Edison performed 10,000 failed experiments to create the incandescent electric light bulb. The great scientist perceived every failure as an experience that moves him closer to success. Take note. Any obstacle lends itself to persistent and persistent assault. Good luck!

We invite you to watch a video related to the topic of the article:

Good day!

In general, you can meet not only on a specialized dating site (since we're talking about online dating), but also in any social network. networks (VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, etc.).

However, on dating sites it is usually faster and easier to do this (plus the administration zealously makes sure that there are no clones, people without photos are “forced” to fill out information about themselves, etc.). 👌

To be honest, I myself haven’t sat on them for a long time. (at least, recent years 10) , and even before, I registered more out of curiosity (however, I managed to meet several people, and we still communicate from time to time).

In general, the attitude towards such sites is positive! Below I will tell you about the best of them, the pros/cons of each (in my humble opinion)...

👉 Addition!

You might be interested (you can use geolocation in them and search for people who are close to you!)

Why doesn't anyone meet, or why am I unlucky in meeting good people?

I just couldn’t help but bring up this question and give my brief opinion on it. The main reasons, in my opinion, are as follows:

  1. You need to register on 2-3 popular sites at once, and visit them regularly (respond to adequate messages, block others and not waste time);
  2. It’s better to upload 3-4 good photos (than several dozen). The first - better your face, the second - full height (without swimsuits and other revealing outfits), third - something from your recreation, hobbies, etc. Thus, your interlocutor will be able to understand from such a small set who is in front of him. In addition, this will help to avoid unnecessary meetings in which it is immediately clear that the interlocutor simply uploaded photos that were not his own, and not at all the person he claims to be;
  3. It is better to fill out the questionnaire completely enough to make it interesting to get acquainted with. It is not necessary to write a novel, but it is highly advisable to indicate your hobbies, hobbies, what you do, what you love, etc.;
  4. Write only the truth (and without extremes);
  5. It is advisable to show the page to a friend (whom you trust) so that he can point out possible errors.

Cautions: and please do not forget that on such sites there are a lot of different “dealers” (looking for easy money), who can be registered under the profile of both a guy and a girl.

Don't pass it on unfamiliar people their passport details, information about bank cards, and other personal data (under whatever pretext they ask for it).

Agree to your first meeting in a crowded place and not at night (many will laugh, but still, no one canceled the precaution).

👉 Note!

Best dating sites - TOP 10

1 place -

One of the oldest dating sites on the RuNet (it’s already 15 years old!). The site's audience is more than 30 million people from the most different countries. In general, in this article I simply could not help but put this site in first place. (especially since I myself was once registered on the site).


  1. huge reach and large audience;
  2. In addition to the standard search option by city and gender, there are various filters: search by occupation, bad habits, type, financial situation, etc. True, not everyone fills out this data, so the selection will not be representative...
  3. there are stories about the best dates and crazy romances that culminated in a wedding (naturally, the Mamba website changed the fate);
  4. possibility to keep a diary.


  1. quite a lot of spam, and extremely suspicious people (many inappropriate ones, sending rather personal photos after 2-3 messages);
  2. weak functionality if you do not buy a VIP account (by the way, profiles with a VIP account are shown above);
  3. deleting negative comments;
  4. not always adequate support service.

2nd place -

Dating from appeared online in 2007. (how long and recently it was). As the name suggests, the main purpose is to meet new people and communicate. Registration on the site is completely free, more than ten million users have already registered (the number is growing every day).


  1. a large number of people (profiles) from Russia (probably one of the largest among competitors);
  2. wonderful options to find your soulmate (applications like “Kiss and meet!”, “Sweet couple”, “Vybirashki”, etc. - help in game form find an interlocutor. Many people don’t dare to write straight away...);
  3. convenient filters for searching for an interlocutor on the main page of the site (by the way, it shows how many people are registered). Usually, the system itself determines your city and location;
  4. you can view recently registered users;
  5. there are Top 100 guys and girls from your city;
  6. there is an opportunity to find travel companions (if you want to go to another city, or even country!);
  7. If you don’t know how to start a conversation nicely, the site has interesting and original greetings (they will help out!).


  1. as everywhere else, there are many strangers who are not looking for anyone, they just want to know your information for their dark affairs;
  2. many questionnaires are poorly completed;
  3. a lot of spam.

3rd place -

Also very, very famous social media. network for dating. It is worth saying that there is quite a large audience here - more than 50 million registered users. You can start using it even without registration (by the way, it is free and does not take much time). One of the best sites in RuNet for dating for a variety of purposes: starting a family, simple flirting or friendly correspondence.


  1. large audience;
  2. In addition to direct acquaintance, on the site you can create your own pet, take care of it, play various games and have a good time;
  3. various promotions, events, tournaments, etc.


  1. “steals” time (thanks to various entertainments and games - time flies by);
  2. a lot of arrogant personalities, inadequate people, fakes, etc.;
  3. unobtrusive collection of money - some of the services are paid.

4th place -

Translated from English, the name of the site will look like “Planet of Love” (one of the main competitors to the first three sites). Just imagine: about 800 thousand users visit the site every day! The figure is quite large, and it is an active audience (and not just “dead” profiles of once registered people).


  1. excellent search, including more than 100 criteria (allows you to find a person who meets all your requirements);
  2. the ability to comment on photos of other participants;
  3. personal private chat;
  4. sending and receiving likes;
  5. the ability to keep a diary;
  6. competitions, tops, promotions, etc. are held;
  7. in addition there is a chat, a forum, photo albums (general and erotic), a mailbox;
  8. you can send a surprise or a voice message.


  1. there are fakes, although there are fewer of them than on similar sites;
  2. paid profile deletion (so be careful);
  3. approval of the photo may take more than one day;
  4. Ignoring this or that user does not always work, messages from him still arrive...

5th place -

An ambiguous site that looks more like an ordinary social network. network, with a minimum set of specified data. True, however, the site is very popular, with more than 300 million visitors per month! By the way, there are quite a lot of foreign citizens on the site, so if you know English, it’s a big plus for you!


  1. large audience of the site from different corners Mira;
  2. completely free communication (in some social networks they may ask for additional funds for the transfer of communication means);
  3. worldwide coverage (especially relevant for those who want to meet a foreigner).


  1. there are robots that were apparently created to diversify communication so that you don’t get bored;
  2. weak filter for searching profiles.

6th place -

A good free dating site with its own audience (it loses to the previous ones, but is still quite numerous).

Separately, we can note a fairly good search, in which, in addition to the area (as in similar projects) You can set a much more precise search location for your interlocutor. In addition, later you will be able to see on the map where it is located.


  1. very interesting discussions and diaries (life issues are raised, the audience is live, there are topics for heated communication and debate);
  2. it is quite accurately shown on the map where your interlocutor is located (city, region);
  3. the site maintains relative order: you are unlikely to find many profiles (if your city is small), but they are all active (and not some robots);
  4. a lot of entertainment - interest groups, applications, you can complain, block inappropriate people;
  5. Periodically, a free profile appears in the search results.


  1. not as large an audience as the previous ones;
  2. many profiles have been hanging for years (apparently people just like to pass the time).

7th place -

A very old dating site on the RuNet. Millions of users are registered, and not only from Russia. The design is simple and not flashy, good functionality. By the way, registering on the site is very simple and will not take you much time - 2-3 minutes, no more.


  1. to start communication, you need to specify a minimum set of data (otherwise on some sites you need to reveal almost all the ins and outs);
  2. you can raise the questionnaire to a higher place;
  3. there are filters for the block, for those who decide to post intimate photos;
  4. there is a “Video call” function that allows users to communicate by voice and see the interlocutor;
  5. raising a profile in the search (free!);
  6. thousands of girls and guys online at any time of the day.


  1. many old profiles that have not been active for a long time;
  2. a lot of anonymous people and young people.

8th place-

The resource was created relatively recently (last year). About 1.5 million profiles are registered on it. However, it is worth immediately noting the fairly high activity of network users.

When registering, you must provide a working mobile phone number (on the one hand, for security reasons, a big plus, minus - for those who want to maintain complete anonymity). Some services are still in development and it is not possible to evaluate them.

For payment you can get small features (for example, games), but otherwise the site is completely free. In general, I recommend giving it a try, especially since the audience is growing daily!

9th place -

One of the most popular international dating sites - more than 14 million profiles around the world! When registering, you will need to fill out detailed information about yourself (take the test).

On the one hand, this is a minus, on the other hand, it weeds out complete inadequacies, and allows you to subsequently search for an interlocutor, taking into account character matching, psychological compatibility (this rarely happens anywhere...).

Despite this seemingly good protection However, there are quite a lot of spam accounts. The site is especially relevant for those who want to meet people from abroad. The Russian audience is not so interested in it.

I would also like to add that some functions require payment: for example, viewing other people’s profiles, full communication, etc.

10th place -

A classic dating site with a pretty good audience (more than 3 million). By the way, the site is quite mature - it was created back in 2007. The most main feature service - targeting a mobile audience. The site is fully adapted for mobile phones, it is very easy and simple to use from your phone.

After you register on the site, your profile will be visible to other users (preference is given to people from your city). Over time, your profile will move down as new users register. There is a service for raising your profile, you can raise it to first place again.

Otherwise, the dating network is quite standard: there are profiles with and without photos, the audience is quite diverse (many are not entirely adequate), comments to beautiful photo there will be a lot (by the way, they are available for viewing by other users).

For an additional fee, you can highlight your profile (VIP status), you can place it in the profile of the day, or add it to your feed. In general, everyone will know about you and have time to get to know you, but you just have time to respond!