Winter fun: how to have fun and benefit your figure. Family leisure or spending time having fun and usefully Time having fun and usefully

Life is fleeting. We spend the lion's share of our time working and relaxing. Only people who already have a child can spend the whole day caring for and communicating with him. This is human nature - we are born, give birth to children and die when our time comes. As parents, we are obliged not only to take care of a decent future for the child, but also to raise him. This is impossible to do without constant communication. Unfortunately, working parents can only devote enough time to their children on weekends.

Some work on a standard 5-day schedule, others work in shifts. In any case, it is important to plan your time in such a way as to devote maximum time to your beloved children.

Any child always suffers from the absence of a mother and father nearby, from a lack of their attention and care. He may not show what he really feels. Only parents must remember that every child wants to be the center of attention. If relatives are absent for a long time, and the child is left to his own devices, this leaves an unpleasant imprint on the soul little man. No one wants to grow up and remember their childhood years as lonely and uninteresting.

Only the love and attention of parents can fill a child’s life with happiness and joy. No toys in the world can replace this. There is only one conclusion: once you have given birth to a baby, spend enough time with him. Then, as an adult, the child will remember only good things about his childhood and you.

A weekend spent with your children is a good family tradition that will benefit both kids and adults. This is an opportunity to get closer to your child, have a heart-to-heart talk, discuss exciting topics and solve problems. Of course, this does not mean that you can ignore children on other days.

What to do with your child on the weekend

Today we want to offer you several interesting ideas for family leisure on weekends. Activities are always chosen depending on the weather, time of year, health status and capabilities. However, despite the circumstances, you can always find a way to spend time with your children in a fun, interesting and useful way. Leisure time together will remain in your memory as the happiest time, so you won’t regret it.

How to spend a weekend at home with kids

On weekends it is not always possible to leave the house or go somewhere. Sometimes there are good reasons for this, in other cases everything is explained by simple laziness.

Even if you stay at home, it doesn't matter. In any situation, you can find a worthy activity that will entertain you and your kids, and also give a lot of positive emotions.

The simplest, yet most exciting way to spend time with your children is to watch a movie, TV series or cartoons. To prevent this activity from seeming ordinary, it is better to organize film shows less frequently, but keep them interesting. For example, you can buy popcorn, bake homemade pizza, close the curtains and dim the lights, put on 3D glasses, turn up the volume - and start watching. It will turn out no worse than in a real cinema! The main thing is that children enjoy watching the film, so choose it in accordance with the interests and age of your children.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

A non-standard idea is to organize home master classes. Girls can be taught to make homemade pizza or beautiful and fragrant soap. Nowadays you can find many sets for children's creativity designed for a certain age. This is a great chance to tell your child in an interesting and exciting way about physical laws, about the world around him, and just teach him something.

The simplest drawing or modeling from plasticine can become an unusual activity. You can create family tree or make jewelry from polymer clay For kindergarten or schools.

One of the most interesting activities, which brings great pleasure to children and adults - pampering. People of any age don't mind fooling around. Kids just love it. This way you can throw out your emotions, get a release and be filled with new, fresh energy.

Emotional release is extremely important for every person. At the same time, everyone has their own concept of pampering. It’s fun to fool around with the kids to the music, make funny faces, throw toys around, lie on the floor, jump on the bed. All this is not only funny, but also useful from a psychological point of view. After pampering, of course, everyone also needs to clean up together. And also good idea- come up with a prize for the one who cleans up the fastest and best.

Competitions are a great idea for spending time together with children on the weekend. Place a bet on who will be the fastest to collect toys, make the bed, draw a picture of their family, find a hidden treasure, or make a man out of plasticine. Competition topics can be very different - use your imagination. Come up with a prize for the winner. The main thing is that the losing kid does not remain offended. Family competitions are not only exciting, they also develop various skills that will be useful to the child in the future in order to achieve their goals.

Children love it when guests come to them. Therefore, it is a good idea to organize themed party or even host a show at home. Don't forget to prepare a delicious treat for the kids and take photos. Then you will enjoy watching them with your whole family.

Even while staying at home, you can spend time with the kids in a fun, interesting and unusual way. Encourage the children to come up with fun activities together. All this does not require large expenses. It is quite possible to spend a weekend in a narrow family circle on a budget and at the same time get a lot of bright impressions.

How to spend a weekend away from home with children

If you decide to get out of the house for the weekend, you have unlimited options for organizing leisure activities with your children. You can come up with both free and paid ways to spend your time. Here are some interesting ideas:

  1. Give the kids a tour of the park or the streets, telling them about the world around them and the history of the city. Show children different plants and encourage them to look at them up close. Introduce the kids to the local fauna and talk about interesting natural phenomena. Children will be happy to run through puddles or walk in the warm rain. In winter, they will be happy to take up your offer to fashion a snowman or an entire castle out of snow.
  2. Active leisure is one of best options leisure: in addition to being fun, it is also good for health and general development. If it's summer outside, take the children to a river where they can swim. In winter, you can go to the pool with the whole family. Most kids will be delighted with the idea of ​​having a picnic in the park and playing active games on fresh air. You can ride horses or ice skates, play Cossack robbers, visit a water park, or come up with your own version. All this will benefit you and your children.
  3. Entertainment such as trips to the zoo, cinema, circus, attractions or performances are very popular. No child can refuse this.
  4. Going on a visit is also a great option. Visit relatives or friends who also have children. In this case, you will be able to relax, and your children will not be bored.
  5. Depending on the time of year and weather, you can make and fly a kite, collect a herbarium, build a sand castle, or look at snowflakes. Such activities bring great pleasure. The main thing is to choose what suits the interests of the baby, do everything together and tell the child new information in an interesting way.

Be sure to take pictures home video, take more photos. It will be interesting for you and your children to remember the day that brought so much joy and positive emotions. Pleasant memories are worth more than any money!

Editor K. Bychkova

Project Manager A. Vasilenko

Proofreaders E. Aksenova, E. Chudinova

Computer layout K. Svishchev

Cover design E. Dronova

Calligraphy T. Cherkiz

© Annabelle Woolmer, text and photographs, 2016

© John Woolmer, illustrations, 2016

© Hannah Bennett, poem, 2016

First published by Vermilion in 2016.

Vermilion is a part of the Penguin Random House group of companies.

© Publication in Russian, translation, design. Alpina Publisher LLC, 2017

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With thanks to my mom for everything she taught me, to Eve and Zoe for their enthusiasm, and to John with love


A good dose of fun A few spoons of common sense A pinch of imagination A little preparation A little childish spontaneity A handful of order A glass full of love

Cooking method

In a large bowl, stir the preparation and order until smooth. Then, using small spoons, forks and fingers, whisk common sense, imagination and childlike spontaneity until the mass becomes colorful and full of enthusiasm. Mix love and fun in a separate bowl, then slowly pour into the colorful and energetic batter. Pour the mixture into a simple but cute mold and place in the oven. Use this recipe regularly as your children grow, and remember it until you have grandchildren, and then start cooking it again. Hannah Bennett

About this book

It seems like just yesterday I found myself in a small apartment with my thirteen-month-old daughter in my arms, almost without toys and without a car. I was quickly running out of ideas for entertainment, and then I decided to start baking with her.

We sat on the kitchen floor and recreated my favorite childhood culinary masterpiece: chocolate chip cookies. She mixed the dough, kneaded it in her hands and, of course, licked the bowl. For half an hour my daughter was happy; She was just as happy when the cookies arrived. Of course, then everything had to be washed (mostly her), but it turned out to be not so difficult. Result? Happy mom happy child. At that moment, I thought that I need to cook with her more often.

This is exactly what I did in the months that followed, especially after her sister was born, because we spent precious time alone with each other while cooking. She became more and more interested, and when she turned two, I had a constant “helper” in her person, who perked up every time I went into the kitchen. However, I had a family to feed, and with a small child in tow, I didn't have enough time to do just the fun of baking cakes and cookies.

To teach children to beat with their fingertips, I asked them to imagine that they had to “tickle” the butter into the flour. We use our own term: “tickle fingers.”

I bought cookbooks for children and looked online to see if there were dishes that my daughter could cook herself for the whole family. But I found either snacks prepared more for fun, or children's food, or something that at her age she would not have been able to do without outside help. Most of the recipes were quite long and involved unsafe procedures, such as cutting raw meat, using sharp knives/graters or oven-broilers. The recommendations indicated that these actions should be performed by an adult, but I considered that all this was not applicable in practice. Most likely, my daughter will get tired of waiting, or she will get upset and start shouting: “I myself, I myself.”

Having bought my fifth cookbook for children, I gave up and decided to come up with my own recipes. I collected dishes that required only actions that a child could perform: selecting, stirring, kneading, beating, brushing, pouring, covering, squeezing, tearing off pieces - and excluded everything that she could not repeat on her own. I kept the recipes very short by reducing the number of ingredients and steps. I felt relaxed because my daughter was happily completing all the fun tasks, almost without asking me for help.

The more independence and control I gave her, the more skill and enthusiasm she demonstrated. Then I realized that she was showing a curiosity about food that I had not noticed before. My daughter was so happy and so proud that she cooked “everything herself” that she began to eat foods and dishes that she had never even wanted to try before. If she didn’t cook the food herself, she was interested in what I was cooking, she was intrigued by unusual combinations, she stopped being afraid of new things and refusing them.

The secret to successful cooking with very young children is simplicity.

I don't remember a time when I didn't know how to cook. This was a process that constantly happened in our house. I'm by no means a cooking expert and I'm still learning, but my mom gave me the basic knowledge on which everything else is built; I will always be grateful to her for this, and I would like to pass this knowledge on to my children. You may think that starting to cook with 18-month-olds is too early and therefore dangerous. But I didn’t hatch this plan: I just tried it. However, now that I have seen all its benefits with my own eyes, it begins to seem to me that this was not such a crazy idea. Isn’t it strange that almost all of us draw, make various crafts and sculpt with plasticine with small children, but at the same time the very thought of preparing food with them, using almost the same skills, seems something amazing to us. The purpose of this book is to make cooking as simple, accessible and not scary as possible, especially for those who themselves do not feel very confident in the kitchen.

Cooking with kids

I believe that cooking at a very young age has had a positive impact on my children's lives:

"Thanks for the food"

For them, food is not something that magically appears out of nowhere, and they can simply accept or refuse it. When children are directly involved or at least aware of what is happening in the kitchen, they become interested in the results.

"You can also try?"

I am convinced that cooking increased their interest in food, and therefore their desire to try new things. And this, in turn, allowed us to create a more pleasant atmosphere during the meal.

"I can do it!"

When I watch my two-year-old daughter pour flour into a bowl without spilling anything, I realize how much benefit cooking brings to the development of a child's attentiveness and dexterity.

"I did it myself!"

Children really like it when they do something themselves and everyone can enjoy the results of their work. We always put on a whole performance praising the one who was the “little cook,” and our children should give thanks in the same way for the food that the adults have prepared.

“Cooking is fun!”

It's always difficult to find time to have fun together. I know that I always promise to get the kids paint, but then a week goes by and nothing happens. Cooking with little ones can certainly take a lot of time, but by involving them, you can combine business with pleasure when you would otherwise have to do it alone.

“I am never so busy as in my leisure hours” (Cicero)

Almost all of us have situations when we don’t know how to spend time alone. All your friends and acquaintances are busy with their own affairs, but for some reason you are left in splendid isolation?

Loneliness is not a death sentence

“Loneliness is for a person like water for a whale, and communication is like oxygen. And if loneliness cannot be eliminated, then it should be used.”

This is what the wise psychologist Mikhail Litvak (yes, the same author of Psychological Aikido) said about loneliness. And most likely, this thought came to him precisely at the moment of loneliness.

Many people share the opinion that only a boring person would be uninterested in being alone with himself. But if you hold a smartphone, tablet or some other device in your hands and read the latest issue of JORNL on it, then you are no longer one of them!

Such a luxury as a little free time is becoming especially rare today. And it must be spent either fun or useful. After all, there’s simply no other way!

Your recipe for leisure

There are thousands of ways to spend time alone (without any obscene language, we will omit them) - from vigorous activity to deep relaxation. We at JORNL have collected those that will take you from an hour to 24 hours.

But, first of all, you need to decide on the key question: what do you want to get as a result? After all free time It’s better to do it in such a way as to get exactly what you’re missing.

If the week has been active, nervous, eventful, choose entertainment that will bring you relaxation and calm.

If you're stuck in a routine, then it's time to shake yourself up and recharge your batteries. Then a rock concert, any high-energy event, laughter, adrenaline, emotions - just what the doctor ordered!

Pros of temporary solitude:

  • a lot of time (and ways to spend it!);
  • peace of mind (healthy sleep and rest for the body);
  • freedom (at this time you are the master of your life - you can walk around the house in your favorite panties!);
  • loneliness is a time to understand yourself (even trains have a stop valve!).

Good for business and body

“There is time for work, an hour for fun,” our great-grandmothers said. The proverb, of course, is very wise, but when it was invented, there was probably no Internet and so much information as there is now. And they would hardly believe that there are such fun things that are also business. Moreover, their number only increases every day - it all depends only on your imagination. Your day becomes really interesting when your favorite thing is burning in your hands.

“There is nothing easier than spending an evening watching TV. There is nothing more difficult than forcing yourself to have a quality and meaningful rest,” says Gleb Arkhangelsky in his book “Time to Rest. For those who work hard."

Do you feel the subtext? You already have one of the ways to spend time alone and usefully!

And here are a few more:

Personal wallet

Calculate your finances: this procedure is never superfluous, try to “knock out” the accounts and make sure that you are aware of where your income comes from and “where does the money go anyway?”;

March to the kitchen!

Take up cooking - why not? Find a recipe, buy the ingredients and cook your favorite dish. You can, for example, learn how to make a mojito (alcoholic or non-alcoholic), pasta or tiramisu. Or maybe since childhood you dreamed of learning how to bake delicious pancakes with different fillings? Quite a worthy occupation!

Improvise. And don’t forget to watch the movie “Julie and Julia: Cooking Happiness According to a Recipe” with the wonderful actress Meryl Streep;

Interior design

You can start changing the interior or rearranging the furniture. It actually lifts your spirits. There is a sweet feeling of satisfaction from such creation. Or, on the contrary, destroy! Who said you have to be a good boy when you're alone? Just destroy without much damage to the Universe. You can, for example, as in the song, “throw the trash out of the house and call old friends” or strip the walls for repairs. And then create again - repaint the room acid orange or green color! It's so wonderful to live in contrasts;

“I will decide this TODAY and NOW!”

Do you often put off your thoughts until later? As they say, stop putting it off, it’s time to sit it out! “We have enough free time. But do we have time to think? - Ray Bradbury once wrote in Fahrenheit 451. How long have you been thinking, just thinking about your life? Not while driving, not in line at the checkout, but, for example, in an empty room and complete silence? Very useful activity and an invaluable skill is to just think.

“Oh sport, you are the world!”

A regular gym session is almost like work. Therefore, it’s better to search for video classes on the Internet, go to the nearest flash mob or public lesson dancing. But if that's not for you, just go to the gym. After all, if you always don’t have enough time to play sports, then it’s just a shame!

The list can be continued endlessly - it all depends on your desire and time! But who said that having fun is not particularly useful? From almost every “fun” you can take something useful for yourself. And more about this below.

Just for fun (for the soul)

Remember how long ago you did something just for fun? Not to meet a quarterly target, not to get results on the treadmill, but just for fun and fun? No, no one calls you to go to great lengths, but sometimes you can pamper yourself. Do what you love or simply (even stupidly if you wish) relax. Let go of the reins a little - you are not a horse.

Go outside!

There is such invaluable advice: when you feel bad, sad or lonely, just go out and be with people. A leisurely walk through unusual streets... Take a player with headphones, and you can easily create the right mood for your exercise and surround it with a captivating flair. Street concerts, open master classes, unusual events - you are sure to encounter something interesting along the way!;

Relaxation techniques

Yoga, massage, sauna, swimming pool, meditation will finally help you clear your head of thoughts and feel better. If you have the opportunity to get a “piece of sun”, that’s absolutely gorgeous. Ultraviolet light will lift your spirits (if not, replace it with a bar of dark chocolate or a cup of coffee). The triple benefit of relaxation is obvious: you will keep yourself occupied, distracted and healthier. There will also be benefits for the body. But the main goal at this point is still to rest your soul;

Adrenaline and emotions

A room of fear or laughter, attractions, racing cars in the park or swings in the yard. No matter what. The main thing is drive! Or better yet, try something you've never tried before. Buy a lottery ticket or go paragliding;

Post “One day in the life”

Start a blog and start blogging! Why? From a post about this day to the topic: “One day in my life.” By the way, blogging can provide an endless amount of entertainment if you constantly update it. Not good with a pen? Then describe your day in the form of a photo report or arrange a photo shoot of the beauties (or beauties you meet) of the city for Instagram;

Home video

Record a song or make a video - about yourself, the current stage of your life, your city, your dog or your neighbors. And then you can take it and send it to some short film competition. Or make your own funny or useful video (for example, a video tutorial) and post it on the Internet;

Films about "loners"

You can go to the cinema, or you can stay at home and watch exactly what your soul asks for in this moment. By the way, many people pay a lot of money to get away from the hustle and bustle for at least a couple of days and be far from everyone, think or look for the meaning of life. For example, like in the new film “Hector’s Journey in Search of Happiness” with Simon Pegg. Or the movie “Home Alone” - it will definitely remind you how to spend fun time alone with yourself;

Theme day

Sports Day, Sweets Day, Disobedience Day (this could include parents, spouse or girlfriend). Or some kind of “IQ day”. You can put together a huge puzzle or have a Puzzle Day;

As in childhood

Remember how fun it was as a child and what did you like to do most then? Sing? Dance? Play Tetris? Paint? You can draw a comic or cartoon. Or just read, because in childhood we were taught that a book is best friend and interlocutor. Over the years, little changes - this is often the case with adults too;


It’s so simple and so fun at the same time - to go on a hike, wherever your eyes look. Go on a trip, for example, to the suburbs. At a minimum, you can take a photo of the sunset outside the city in a cool place.

Get inspired by films Incredible life Walter Mitty" or "Into the Wild".

And of course, you already know the 1001st way to spend time alone - since you read the latest issue of JORNL! Value your time and don't get bored!

Text: Ekaterina Gerasimova

img alt=" Outdoor games at home - let’s have fun and benefit!" class="alignleft" src="/preview/180/110/data/attachment/portal/201112/30/10600.jpg.thumb.jpg" / alt="Outdoor games for children at home.">Маленькие непоседы затевают подвижные игры везде: во дворе, в детсадовской группе, в ограниченном пространстве квартиры. Подвижные игры способствуют развитию сообразительности, смелости, ловкости, помогают детям получить определённые знания об окружающем мире и, конечно, закладывают основы коммуникативных навыков.!}

Little tricks for parents

Undoubtedly, attentive and loving parents will take care to select and organize such outdoor games for children at home that will help the child develop and develop certain useful skills, promoting the harmonious development and strengthening of the baby’s health.

It is clear that the choice of games depends on the age of the child. Let's consider games that are suitable for 4-6 year old kids who are gambling, striving for leadership, and want to win! Competitive games can be a good choice for a child of this age.

If there are two kids in the house, agree with them in advance that as soon as they hear the magic words from you, the children will immediately freeze in place - this will help calm down the little one who is playing up in earnest when they stop hearing anyone!

As soon as the mother utters the cherished words, the children should instantly freeze! "Hush, mice, the cat is on the roof!" - exclaims the adult and children, following the rules funny game, instantly freeze in place! Now it won’t be difficult for you to switch their attention, because... games at home for two children can be active, but should not be traumatic or turn into chaos.

And if you want silence, it’s time to think about educational games for children at home. These can be cubes, puzzles, construction sets.

Competitions for children at home can be arranged not only on the occasion of a birthday, but also if you happy mom two kids or a friend came to visit your child!

Piggy toy

You will need a funny plush pig toy. To the accompaniment of cheerful rhythmic music, children throw the toy into each other's hands. Suddenly the music stops. The one who at that moment found himself with a toy in his hands grunts loudly and loudly!

Period, period, comma...

We give it to the baby air balloons(round!), scarves, markers, bandanas. On command, we begin to build a “little man”: we paint balloons with noses and eyes and decorate them with scarves or caps.

Do not drown!

We put a lifebuoy on the child while listening to cheerful music. The baby, putting it on over his head, tries to quickly remove the circle through his legs and then give it to someone else. Anyone who finds himself inside a life preserver at the moment the music suddenly ends is considered drowned.

Obviously, interesting games for children at home are not only a fun pastime, but also good way create a space in which both children and parents feel fun and comfortable! And for this, of course, it’s worth trying!