The winter solstice is one of the important calendar points of the year, both in the astronomical and esoteric sense. Winter solstice. Traditions. Signs. Rituals. Rites What date is the winter solstice

The winter solstice is one of the important calendar points of the year, both in the astronomical and esoteric sense. From time immemorial, festivities, rituals, and also magical actions have been associated with this date. And no wonder. After all, this is the shortest day and the most long night in a year. In 2016, the winter solstice, or solstice, falls on December 21st. History and traditions of the winter solstice Traditionally, the moment of the winter solstice is taken as the beginning of astronomical winter. At the dawn of European civilization, festivities were seasonal, as people deified nature: the sun and the moon. Every nation had a ritual that gave hope and faith in life, in the victory of light over darkness. Often, such rituals were tied to the period of the winter solstice: most people saw in the sun a deity that gives light, warmth, and life. And with the onset of cold weather, this deity warmed less and less, the days became shorter, darkness, cold, death took over the world. However, after the winter solstice, the days slowly began to lengthen and the solar deity smiled more and more friendly from the sky - the year turned to summer. People did not take the victory of the sun over darkness, that is, life over death, as something taken for granted. They felt they were part of this world, they believed that they had their own role in the struggle between light and darkness. Therefore, the sun and life will never defeat darkness and death if people do not help in this battle by offering prayers and performing the necessary rites. So nature winter holidays deeply sacred, magical. So, in the cold northern countries, where warmth and light were especially valued, people held noisy festivities with sacrifices in order to return the sun and appease the darkness full of the shadows of the dead. Huge bonfires were made, animals were sacrificed to the dead and the deities of darkness, and also in honor of the sun and fertility. Houses were decorated with holly, mistletoe and pine needles - it was believed that these evergreens were endowed with magic power resist winter death. Fire was also an integral part of these festivities, because he is the brother of the sun. Karachun Day from December 19 to 22 Our Slavic ancestors revered the formidable Karachun on the winter solstice. Karachun is the second name of Chernobog. The day of Karachun was celebrated depending on the year from December 19 to 22 - just at the solstice. It was believed that it was then that Karachun, the underground deity of death, the evil spirit commanding the frosts, gained power. The retinue of Karachun was made up of bears-rods, in which snowstorms turn around, and snowstorms-wolves. According to legend, it is precisely because of the bear's desire that the cold winter lasts: the bear will turn in his lair on the other side - which means that winter has exactly half the way to spring. From here came the saying: "At the solstice, the bear in the den turns from one side to the other." There is an opinion that Karachun got his name because he forced the daytime to go to reverse side, backing away, crawling, yielding to the night. By the way, the word "karachun" is used to this day to denote perdition and death. For example: "And a karachun came to him." Karachun appeared to the Slavs as a gray-bearded old man with a stern expression and a chilling look. He is dressed in a long coat of blue color with white trim and winter hat or in white coat and bareheaded. And in the hands of Karachun is a freezing staff. With the onset of winter, Karachun walks with his retinue at night and sends bitter frosts, blizzards and blizzards. After the Christianization of the Slavs, the replacement of pagan deities with Christian saints began. The period of honoring Karachun approximately coincided with the day of memory of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, so they began to identify him with this saint. At first it was believed that St. Nicholas tossed gold through the chimney, riding around the houses at night, accompanied by the elf Knecht Ruprecht. Therefore, the children left their shoes for the night or hung their stockings by the fireplaces, from where gifts were supposed to fall into them. In Catholic countries, Saint Nicholas became the prototype of Santa Claus. And in 1860, the artist Thomas Nast created the first portrait of Sitea: he painted him fat, old, bearded, wearing glasses, in a jester's red cap and with a pipe in his teeth. Gradually, Santa Claus almost completely ousted his prototype, St. Nicholas, from the consciousness of people. Well, the modern incarnation of the Slavic Karachun can be considered Santa Claus. Scandinavian holiday Yule In the Scandinavian and Germanic peoples on the night before the winter solstice, when spirits become rulers in this world, the Yule holiday came. Yule fire was lit for protection from evil spirits. There was a belief that one should not be alone on this night - after all, then a person is left alone with the dead and the spirits of another world. On Yule, it was supposed to give a feast by the mountain, gathering all the members of the family, in order to meet again the sun, which had risen from darkness, and to see the reborn world together. Children went from house to house with gifts, where the main place was occupied by apples and oranges, laid in baskets of evergreen branches and wheat stalks, sprinkled with flour. Apples and oranges symbolized the sun, branches - immortality, wheat stalks depicted the harvest, and flour meant success, light and life. Houses both outside and inside were decorated with holly, mistletoe and ivy to invite the spirits to take part in the feast. A branch of holly was kept near the door all year as a permanent invitation to good fortune to visit the inhabitants of the house. The elements of Yule survived into the Christian Christmas. For example, the custom is to decorate the house with an evergreen spruce or pine tree, symbolizing life. Astrological forecast for December 21, 2016 In 2016, on the day of the winter solstice, December 21, there are 22 lunar days. Communication with partners and colleagues will take place in a positive way. 22 lunar day is good for reflection life experience and making plans for the future. Moreover, the Moon is in the sign of Libra, when it is better not to start something new and global, but to complete everything that was previously started and planned, as the complexity of decision-making is exacerbated. There is a tendency to hesitate for a long time between all the pros and cons, to look for both advantages and disadvantages, to ponder, but never come to a final judgment. Therefore, it is best to postpone the adoption of responsible decisions to a more favorable time for this. But this is a good period for fruitful business cooperation based on mutual understanding and the absence of disagreements. In addition, the Moon is waning, in the phase of the third quarter. This is the ideal time to complete the work begun on the growing moon. It is good to prescribe surgical operations for this day - they will have the most favorable outcome. Any wounds heal as quickly as possible and without complications. You should also take into account the influence of the day of the week. So, in 2016, the day of the winter solstice, December 21 (22 lunar day), falls on Wednesday. Wednesday is ruled by Mercury, the messenger of the gods. You can redo a bunch of things that you put off for later. Good luck awaits primarily people of mental labor. The environment is good for any kind of activity. Especially easy are calculations, work with a computer, with a large amount of information. An auspicious day for communication, concluding agreements, alliances, creating groundwork and planning. And the Moon in Libra - right time to relax after hard work. Therefore, it is better to dedicate the evening on the eve of the longest night of the year to ritual magical actions. Remember that our ancestors celebrated the winter solstice, driving away the evil spirits of darkness and cold with fires. Prepare a festive dinner, light candles. Make plans for the future, write them down on a piece of paper. And voice them to the Higher Forces at a festive meal, asking for well-being and prosperity.

At this time, the sky opens, strong flows of energy go to the Earth. This is a time of Hope and Opportunity. It is very important to use it for your growth, improvement. This is a time of meditation, prayer, a time of good intentions. Should I miss this chance? This is a great time to improve, change what needs to be changed; get rid of what gets in the way; lay a solid foundation for growth. This day is celebrated in the culture of every nation. An indispensable attribute of the holiday - fire - these are candles, lamps, bonfires. Winter Solstice Conspiracies Since ancient times, on December 21 of each year, the Slavs celebrate the day Winter Solstice. This holiday is called Karachun in a different way (in part of one of the Slavic deities), and it is believed that it is the night of December 21-22 that is the turning point - it is the longest of the year, and after it the so-called "Revival of the Sun" begins. And it is not surprising that various conspiracies on the day of the winter solstice were of such great importance for our ancestors. Moreover, some of them are known even today and are used by people who are fond of magic. Conspiracies for tea Just by brewing herbal tea on December 21, you can give it a special energy with the help of these words: “The Sun God shed his light on these herbs, charged the water with his energy. Let all this energy be transferred to me, so that a surge of strength through grass comes to me. So that he washed bad thoughts out of my head, and from my body all diseases, brought happiness to my body and spirit. To be as I say, and nothing else, so that it doesn’t happen. ” After that, drink such tea with great pleasure, imagine what benefits it will bring you. Pancakes to Attract Love On the winter solstice, you can bake pancakes if you want to attract love into your life. Pancake is a symbol of the sun, so you worship the Sun God Yarila. This ritual is especially good for unmarried girls who want to meet their betrothed. They need to bake delicious pancakes and say these words: “I’m not baking for myself, but for my sweetheart. You, Yarilo, accept this delicious gift, and bring my betrothed to visit me as soon as possible. I will feed him, treat him, appease him with my communication. And I will not forget you, Yarilo, for a century, you will be my guest in the house, I will worship you until the end of my life. Amen". It is necessary to carry out such conspiracies in good mood. If the rituals where you need to bake pancakes fall out during the Fasting period, then the dish should be lean, without the use of dairy products. This is also important to consider. A conspiracy to change life There are times in life when there is a feeling of impasse. And what to do with it is completely unclear. It seems that there is no power to change something in fate on their own. At times like these, it's good to ask for help. Higher Forces. If the moment of impasse coincided with the day of the winter solstice, then rituals can be performed to attract change in life. In the evening, go to the spring, pour water into a glass and drink it, and then say the following conspiracy: “Vodichka runs all the time, changes and is renewed, and my life will flow in a new way from tomorrow.” After that, do not talk to anyone else, go home without looking back, immediately go to bed. The next day, you will wake up in a determined mood that will help you accomplish something important in life. A conspiracy for wealth on the day of the winter solstice Of course, this unusual day was not without magic conspiracies to attract wealth. On the winter solstice, attracting money into your destiny is a very grateful thing. To make you have more money, take out all the pennies from the wallet that you have and leave it under the threshold of the house where rich people live. Say such a conspiracy: “They have money, I have money, as they have money, so do I have money. Together we will grow rich, happiness and wealth to all. Cross the threshold of the house three times and go home. Thus, you order the increase of funds for both these people and yourself. By the way, if you have potential business partners with whom you are going to earn money together, then perform such a ritual at their home. Winter solstice conspiracies Conspiracies for the fulfillment of desires There are conspiracies for the day of the solstice that help to fulfill all desires. For the ritual, you need a candle, a candlestick, loose clothing. You need to be alone. Put on loose clothing from natural fabric and stay alone in the room. Take a position in which you will be most comfortable. Light a candle. For a while, just look at the candle, let your eyes defocus, then relax your mind. Think about what you want. Imagine a state of happiness when you already have it. As you rejoice at what your smile will be, catch this sensation in your body and concentrate on it. After that, vigorously and quickly say what you want, looking at the candle flame. Look at the candle again. Let it burn to the end, and then go and go to bed. So that you do not have to wait several hours for a thick candle to burn out, purchase a thin church candle for the ritual. A conspiracy to fulfill a wish with a bath This conspiracy to fulfill a wish on December 21 will please women very much, because it must be done while taking a fragrant bath. Take a hot bath on the winter solstice. The temperature should be pleasant for you. Add whatever your soul desires to this bath. It can be essential oils, scented bombs, rose petals, bath foam. In the bathroom itself, put candles, light pleasant incense. Thus, you create a small oasis of abundance, from which you will draw energy to fulfill your desires. Then undress, plunge into the bath, think about your desire and at the same time say: “It turns out, it turns out, it turns out!” Say it as inspirationally and emotionally as possible. The more energy there is in your words, the faster your cherished desire. After that, completely relax and enjoy the process of taking a bath.

One week before winter solstice

December 21, the winter solstice, is one of the most intimate days of the year. The holiday of the longest night is considered sacred by many nations, and the days before and after it are the strongest in the year, when you can really change your fate - be reborn just like the Sun.

darkest time

The week leading up to the winter solstice is considered by Druidic traditions to be a period of timelessness, when the old god of the past year has already lost its power, and the new god next year not yet born. This is the darkest time of the year, at the turn of which the Sun begins to gain its strength again. This period has long been considered the time when the gates to the astral spheres open and ghosts, spirits and souls of people can freely penetrate from one world to another.

Since at this time the sky “opens”, you need to carefully monitor your thoughts: destroy negative and gloomy ones in the bud, think about the good and the lofty.

During the week before the winter solstice, no sweeping or sewing is allowed in the house. For some reason, spirits actively traveling through the astral spheres do not like these actions very much.

This week is auspicious for prayer and meditation. All this will have a special power due to the natural rhythms of nature.

To protect yourself from the action of evil during this period, you need to keep lit candles in your homes, since fire is endowed with tremendous power that can protect against any negative influence.

Time to conceive

In some traditions, the winter solstice is also called Mother's Day - since the Primal Chaos has always been associated with the feminine, with the miracle of the birth of a new life. The week before the winter solstice (December 14 to 21) has long been considered the most favorable time of the year for conception.

Choose this week to conceive a child if you are sure of mutual love.

Avoid conception around the winter solstice in case of an arranged marriage or a relationship that is not serious enough.

Solstice - twist of fate

The week before the winter solstice is an energetically charged time. Strong currents of energy descend on the Earth, which activate the matrix of creation. During this period, not only the rebirth of the soul is possible, but also the renewal of life, a change in its negative factors. In order to take advantage of the opportunities that this week provides, you need to have time to do the following:

Mentally or in meditation get rid of everything unnecessary, obsolete, both in your home and in your soul. You can write on paper everything you need to get rid of and burn it;

Make plans for the whole next year (it is advisable to write them in a notebook), starting with household purchases and repairs ending with personal growth;

Make three innermost desires, the fulfillment of which you really look forward to in the coming year;

On the evening of December 21, set a rich, well-fed table and enjoy various goodies to the full. This tradition is considered a guarantee that the whole year will be just as satisfying, rich and profitable. Even pets can be given more food than usual this evening.

And on the morning of December 22, try to meet the sunrise and congratulate him on his birth, thanking him for everything that it gives us.

Little addition.

From the tale of A.S. Pushkin

From the tale of the Swans, we learn that, firstly, for the birth of such a child, it is necessary that his parents have such a goal. We see that this was the goal of the king and, having heard it from the girl, he immediately takes her as his wife. So the goal of the king is the birth of a hero, i.e. divine child, the anointed one. Secondly, the birth of such a child must necessarily take place in accordance with the influence of the zodiac, with the influence of the stars, i.e. sky, i.e. on a certain day, conception must be made (already knowing the purpose of the child). In the tale, this is reflected as "And give birth to a hero to me by the end of September." Therefore, conception occurred at the end of December.

Winter solstice.

In ancient times, it was believed that the most favorable time of the year for conception was the week before the winter solstice (December 21), because at this time the gates of the astral plane were constantly ajar. It was a time favorable for communication with spirits, for any predictions, for the free movement of the spirit from reality to the astral plane. This explains why people born at this time of the year are still considered to be endowed with a sensitive soul. It is for this reason that carnal intercourse between spouses to conceive the heirs of the royal family of David was allowed only a week before the winter solstice. This week, in the ancient druidic traditions, was considered a timeless period, when the old god of the past year was already losing its power, and the new god of the next year had not yet been born. It was the darkest time of the year, and people these days were full of fear and expectation of the moment when the great luminary (the Sun) will again begin to gain strength, that is, when the Divine (promised) baby will be born, the appearance of which gave confidence in that everything will be fine. This period of the year was also considered a time when the gates to the astral world were constantly ajar and ghosts, spirits and souls of people could easily penetrate from one world to another. In order to protect themselves from the action of evil forces at this time, people always kept lit candles in their houses, stoked hearths, kindled fires in the streets, because they believed that fire was endowed with great power that could protect them from any evil.

Already in those distant times, our ancestors firmly believed that the location of the stars at the time of the birth of a child determines his character and fate, and we all know that even those people who were born on the same day from the same parents can be completely different. One of them may be a fiend, and the other a genius. No one could explain such a sad paradox; Then another interesting version was born. This version is connected with the concepts of the ancients about the carnal love of a man and a woman. In the old days, our ancestors firmly believed that if the combination of male and feminine happens without the consent of one of the parties or without mutual love, then the soul, breathing life into a new body, moves into it from the lower spheres to the spheres of the astral plane. If people sincerely love each other, then a genius or a personality of the Divine order can be born from their union, since in this case a soul from the higher astral sphere will inhabit their child.

It is generally accepted that the most optimal time for conception is the first days after ovulation. However, American scientists from a scientific institute in North Carolina, examining 192 pregnant women, were surprised to find that in all cases, conception occurred in the period before ovulation, but not after. And he concluded: the most favorable time for conception is 6 days before ovulation.

Thus, the classic work on Tibetan medicine, Chud-shi, describes the process of conception as follows: “First, I will tell you about conception. There are three (questions): the causes of conception, the conditions of development (of the fetus) and the signs of pregnancy. First question). Normal sperm and blood of parents and vijnana (vijnana - in this case meaning the soul of a deceased person, which has not yet received a new rebirth under the influence of karma and klesha (klesha - attachment to life) combine their primary elements and cause the appearance in the uterus (embryo): this can be compared to how fire appears when rubbing sticks …

If karma does not force the vijnana, she will not enter (into the womb). Without Earth there will be no creations, without Water there will be no connection, without Fire there will be maturation, without Air there will be no development, without Space the doors of development will not be opened. If the sperm is white, sweetish, heavy, plentiful, and menstruation is like cinnabar or rabbit blood, and it washes well, then they are normal and conception will occur.

The day of the Winter Solstice in 2014 is December 21 or 22, depending on the time zone. The winter solstice begins on December 21, 2014 at 23:03 UTC or December 22, 2014 at 02:03 Moscow time, when the Sun enters 0° Capricorn. The rituals of this day express the desire to help the Sun, to change your path in Heaven...

The day of the Winter Solstice is the best day of the year when you can really change your destiny... That is, be reborn in the same way as the Sun. Three days before and three days after is an energetically charged time. Strong streams of energy descend on Earth, which activate the matrix of creation...

Winter is the time when the Element of Air dominates, this is the time of the Queen!
What is the difference between a female Queen and an ordinary woman? The Queen looks like a Star, shines like a Star, feels like a Star, and acts like a Star, lighting up everything around her! Why is this happening? Everything is very simple! Inside the Queen, her Inner Luminary always shines!

The main quality of the Queen is the ability to set Goals, and December is the most fertile time for this. During this period, we sum up the results of the past year and make plans for the next 12 months...
This is the Shortest Day and the Longest Night of the year... The Winter Solstice is one of the main Solar Points of the year in astrology, along with the days of the Spring and Autumn Equinoxes, the Summer Solstice.
Traditions of the Winter Solstice...

Seasonal Holiday Winter Solstice... Queen's Holiday...

Traditionally, in the old days, the Rebirth of the Sun was celebrated on the Winter Solstice, it was celebrated at night, before sunrise. To give strength to the Sun, which, according to legend, should be reborn on this Day, there was a custom to kindle a ritual fire. Often the firewood was Oak, because Oak was considered to be the Cosmic Tree. Sometimes they took the Pine, which symbolized the dying Sun God. The logs were decorated with carvings and corresponding symbols. To perform the ritual of the revival of the Sun, 13 red and green candles were taken with the Sun and other Magic Symbols carved on them.

The old pagan customs of the Winter Solstice included the tradition of placing Bread or Cakes on the branches of old trees, pouring sweet drinks on the trees as a Gift to the Forest Gods. This was done in the hope that in gratitude people would be given a good harvest in the coming seasons.

With the advent of Christianity, the Ancient Feast of the Winter Solstice was timed to coincide with Christmas and the beginning of winter Christmas time ... As usual, on the longest night of the year, they caroled and wondered about the future. It is a holiday that marks the moment when the Sun is reborn... The Feast of Winter and the veneration of the ancestors, the Day of the Winter Solstice. The triumph of the great darkness, the most turning day of the year, the celebration of the rebirth of the Sun...

Magic rituals day of the winter solstice

The Winter Solstice is a great day to do a meditation to celebrate new beginnings and projects. If you have something new in mind, make time for this day, because meditations on the Winter Solstice are especially powerful.

Winter Solstice - Good day for the fulfillment of desires. If you have a cherished wish, make it on the day of the rebirth of the Sun...
Therefore, in the days preceding the Winter Solstice, it is good to get rid of everything unnecessary ... This can be done mentally, but it is better to write on paper everything that makes you want to get rid of and burn it ... You can also clean your home the day before, find time for cleansing your thoughts... To wish happiness to your loved ones, Relatives, Friends is the easiest thing to do these days...

The Solstice opens the Capricorn zodiac sign, the sign of goal formation. Therefore, after that, it is very favorable to make plans for the whole year, make Wishes that are good to write down and save ... In addition, such plans have a special power, because they will be filled with the energy of the growing Sun ...

And on the morning of December 22, try to meet the sunrise and Congratulate him on his BIRTHDAY!
Thank him for everything he gives us!

The transition to winter in Slavic mythology is called Karachun (or Koschey, the lord of darkness and frost) and many traditions and rituals are associated with this holiday. The winter solstice in 2018 will occur on a Full Moon, a Saturday ruled by Saturn. During this period, people have prophetic dreams, and the Higher Forces quickly respond to the prayers and requests of people.

Therefore, you need to seek help from clairvoyants, to call for favorable changes in your life with the help of special rituals, conspiracies and rituals for money and love.

What date is the winter solstice

The magical transformation of the energy of the Sun will take place on December 21 at 19:27 Moscow time. Traditionally, from Friday to Saturday, December 22, the longest night of the year gives the inhabitants of the Earth the opportunity to lay the foundation for positive changes in the upcoming 2019 Year of the Yellow Pig, as well as make a cherished wish. You need to remember what date is the day of the winter solstice and be sure to correctly decipher the dream you had the day before.

Very soon, the winter solstice will occur on the day when the Full Moon on December 22, 2018 in the sign of Gemini will triple the powerful energy of the Cosmic impact on people's biorhythms. This day can be dangerous for those who are used to achieving everything by force and do not know how to find compromises. Impatience, a desire for early, but not always justified changes, a lack of self-control and aggression will prevail in society.

In a day full moon under the rule of Saturn, it is advisable to refuse to drive because of the risk of an accident, allow yourself a small holiday and not focus on conflict situations. The full moon on the day of the winter solstice will bring to the crest of a wave of people with strong energy, able to lead the masses and radically change the living conditions of entire peoples.

This is the time of exacerbation of all social processes dormant for the time being, which against the background will acquire a destructive character. Until the end of 2018, you need to use protective amulets, amulets and rituals to get rid of negativity, so that in your personal life only positive changes were born. Consecrated candles bought on the day of the winter solstice will help to call good spirits into the house. The more of them will be lit on these special lunar days, the higher the chances of finding what you want. You can also call for help with the help of sparklers, lit garlands on Christmas trees and a large number jewelry made of gold and silver foil.

How many days is the winter solstice

The energy of the transition to the winter Zodiacal segment of the general circle, and these are the signs Capricorn (earth), Aquarius (air) and Pisces (water) guards its strength for 14 days. Therefore, in 2018 it is important to know how many days the winter solstice lasts, because only on January 4, 2019, the period of transformations will end and certainty will appear in people's lives.

During these two weeks, the inhabitants of the Subtle World, invisible to the human eye, are activated, who can both reward and punish in case of non-observance of traditions. It is for this reason that since ancient times it has been customary at this time to cleanse the soul of sins, but it becomes stricter and recommends eating exclusively plant products.

But the period from the day when the Full Moon is in December 2018 is very good for fortune telling, turning to fortune tellers for help, removing damage and negativity with the help of special rituals and conspiracies. On the Day of the winter solstice, you can really change your destiny with the help of magic, literally being reborn anew in the same way as a new Sun is born in the sky. This is a time of getting rid of trash, stereotypes, old forms of government and obsolete relationships. Rid yourself of all debts, so that in the coming 2019 of the Yellow Pig your business will prosper and money will always be in the house.

Solstice Day 2018

On Saturday, December 22, daylight will last 6 hours 51 minutes, and night - as much as 17 hours 9 minutes. After the winter solstice and the birth of the "New Sun", daylight will begin to lengthen, and night darkness will shorten. This is an astronomical New Year, when it is customary to take stock, get rid of the bad, plan new projects. Look, he will tell you what is best to do on these lunar days, and what should be refrained from.

The rhythms of the Universe at this time respond especially sensitively to the prayers of people, help to forget old grievances, forgive enemies and look at problems with different eyes.

It is favorable on Solstice Day 2018 to meet the sunrise, thank the Higher Forces for everything that happened to you in the past year and mentally visualize your wishes for the future. Up to catholic christmas On December 25, 2018, you can guess and receive accurate answers from clairvoyants about what lies ahead for you, put protection on all family members, and perform rituals for financial well-being.

What are the days of the equinoxes and solstices

In these special days the common Wheel of the Year sets a new rhythm of development and renewal for all life on Earth. Peculiar points of reference for a while blur the line between the world of the living and the dead, helping people realize their plans. Since ancient times, the Slavs knew how wonderful the days of the equinox and solstice were, and it was during these magical periods that they tried to call on the patronage of the Higher Forces, appease the gods with generous offerings that were distributed to those in need, and also arrange happy holidays with the kindling of large fires, songs and dances. Meditation gains special power on Winter Solstice 2018, when you can see your future with inner vision or even radically change your destiny for the better.

If you want to know better what the day of the solstice is, conduct an online divination on Tarot cards and you will see how accurate the answers of a fortune teller or clairvoyant will be.

In the period from December 22 until the end of 2018 of the Yellow Dog, the forces of the Universe hear our prayers and wishes, give tips, and help fulfill our cherished dream. A simple ritual will help bring the desired event closer: buy seeds of any plant in a flower shop. At home, put them on a layer of gauze moistened with water and cotton wool and whisper the words over a homemade greenhouse ancient conspiracy: “A seed for a seed, for me, yes, in truth, I intend (here you need to announce to the Universe what you want to do in 2019. For example, buy an apartment or a car, go abroad or build your own business), so much so that my intention came true, sprouted, roots firmly stuck into the ground. It will be the same if you are, and so be it. Amen".

When the seeds germinate and you get strong seedlings, they should be transplanted into a pot of soil and watered as needed until spring arrives. After a day spring equinox 2019 you need to plant plants under a healthy tree with a lush crown. Exactly one month later your wish will come true!

In contact with

Sometime in pre-Christian times among the "barbarian" peoples of Europe, incl. among the Slavs, there was a single religion of the Druids (Magi), in which the main holidays were 4 astronomically important days - summer and winter solstice and spring and autumn equinox .

The solar calendar of the Druids was always accurate, because. was tied not to the number of days in the year (it, like ours today, could change), but to the astronomical events of these four days, which occur in nature regardless of any calendar.

Of all the festivities of our pagan ancestors Yule, undoubtedly the most important, the most magical, the most sacred and the most powerful.

The origin of the word "Yule" is lost in the mists of time. Most likely, it goes back to the Indo-European root Yule (Yul, Yul) (Yel tree approx. ed.) with the meaning “rotate”, “spin”, “wheel” (our word yule comes from this root, as well as the Christmas tree - evergreen Yule tree). Perhaps it means "turning time", "turning of the year", "time of sacrifice" or "dark time".

The holiday Yule (Yule) in Russian paganism is called the Solstice.

Among the Slavs, the Solstice was also called Kolyada - after the name of one of the main Slavic gods, the sun god Kolyada, whose Christmas was celebrated on the day after the night of the winter solstice (2nd Yule Night), when the sun began to "go to summer".

The name Solstice comes from the obsolete verb "to return" (modern "to return"), from this root and the name of the rotating device - "gate"), (rotation according to the sun ed.) and means the return of the renewed sun to our world, its transition from winter for summer.

Kolyada is the sun of our Slavic ancestors, annually reborn renewed the next morning after the night of the winter solstice - the longest night of the year.

Among the many magical meanings, the celebration of the pagan Yule-Solstice also reminds people that each of us, one way or another, participates in all, without exception, the processes taking place in the universe.

According to the modern calendar, Yule begins on the night of December 19-20 - this is the Initial Yule Night ("zero" night in a row).
Then comes the 1st Night (maternal), 2nd (Winter Solstice Night), 3rd ... and so on until the final most magical 12th Yule Night (New Year's).

These thirteen nights, from the first sunset to the last dawn, are a gap between two years, a sacred period during which there is neither the usual time nor the usual boundaries, when the lot of the gods is made and the spindle of the goddess of Fate, Urd, rotates.

On these nights, all worlds converge in Midgard: gods and goddesses descend to earth, "opponents" and elves talk to people, the dead come out of the Lower Worlds; those of the people who often communicate with the Other World leave their bodies for a while and join the riders of the Wild Hunt (oskorei - “riders of Asgard”), or become werewolves (werewolves) and other spirits.

Yule is the time of a sacred holiday and a common feast, in which all members of the clan (clan) gathered together for 2 weeks by the evening of the Starting Night to meet the sun that had risen from darkness again and see the reborn world.

They believed that failures and grief await those who remain at this time alone or among strangers, outside their kind.

In addition to communication, festivities and feasts, many pagan religious rites were performed at this time, contributing to the unity of the family, understanding it as a single whole, ensuring a successful future for the whole family and each relative.

There are many symbols associated with the celebration of Yule-Solstice.

Throughout the holiday, a Yule log (Yule Log - Yule log) or a log burned without fail. It was lit from one end with the help of coals left from the same log from the previous year, and slowly burned over the course of 12 days, gradually putting additional fuel on the burning end of the log.

It was believed that the fire of the Yule log or log helps to strengthen the young, newborn sun.

Chocolate "Christmas log" (Yule Log - "Yule log").
Our modern "Christmas log" biscuit rolls, creamy "logs" and chocolate-made "Christmas logs" come from ancient Yule.

(The Slavs always had bread baked on the table that day, they also guessed from the bread, ed.)

Also, fat lamps or candles were certainly lit, with which they decorated the house and the evergreen trees surrounding it - ate. They were considered a symbol of light, as well as a way to call on good spirits (this is where the tradition of decorating Christmas trees with garlands of lights and candles came from).

The spruce itself has long been considered a symbol of ever-renewing life.

Toys and sweets that were hung on it - all kinds of nuts, fruits, cookies, etc. - also had a symbolic meaning. They were considered both sacrificial food for ancestors and good spirits and a symbol of gifts from all these spirits to the family, especially children.

And, of course, it was impossible to do without Yule's spruce wreath - the very one that in European countries certainly hang on the door of the house before Christmas. It has the shape of a circle - the "wheel of time", symbolizing the merger of the end of the year and its beginning, death and renewal, the cyclical nature of time, the cycle in nature.

The symbol of all this was also the wheels wrapped in straw, which these days were set on fire and rolled down the hills.

Christmas wreath - in ancient times Yule wreath.

Some elements of the Yule holiday have been preserved in Christian Christmas - for example, an evergreen tree (decorated Christmas tree), symbolizing life that will continue after the winter cold, hanging treats on the Christmas tree (sweets, nuts, gingerbread cookies), a Christmas wreath (originally a Yule wreath, wreath Yule ), candles on the New Year's table.

Yule-Solstice and Kolyada among the Slavs

Slavic god of the sun, one in four annual seasonal incarnations:

Four annual incarnations of the Slavic god of the sun:

1) The baby Sun Kolyada, born at dawn after the Night of the Winter Solstice (the longest night of the year) and every day gaining strength to rise higher in the sky;

2) on the Day of the vernal equinox (the day of the onset of astronomical spring), Kolyada becomes a strong youth Yarilo-sun, melting snow and driving away Winter;

3) on the Day of the summer solstice, Yarilo turns into the mighty Sun-husband of Kupail;

4) on the Day of the autumn equinox, Kupaila becomes the wise Sun-old man Svetovit, gradually losing strength, then dying with the onset of the night of the winter solstice, so that the next morning after this night, he will again be reborn as a renewed baby-Kolyada.

The night of the winter solstice - when the old sun has already died, and the new one has not yet been born - is a fabulous time of magical spirits and otherworldly forces that must be resisted by a common cheerful feast celebration of the whole clan-tribe, against which dark spirits are powerless.

On the holiday of Yule-Solstice, in the morning after the night of the winter solstice (2nd Yule Night), the Slavs celebrated the birth of Kolyada, the first annual incarnation of one of the main Slavic gods - the god of the sun.

On the 1st Night of the Solstice (Mother's Night) - to help the sun in its upcoming new rebirth after the next 2nd Night - the priests sacrificed domestic birds and animals to the Kolyada sun, which then immediately fell on festive table. Our ancient ancestors knew how to please the gods and not to forget themselves.

On the night of Kolyada (night of the winter solstice, 2nd Yule Night), the Slavs burned bonfires, lit a sacred fire, which then burned without fading for 12 days until the end of the holiday; with songs, laughter and joyful girlish squeals, they merrily rolled a burning wheel bound with straw from a hill.

Due to the high probability of meeting some kind of spirit these days, it was customary to dress up in costumes made of skins and depict different animals (real and mythical) or put on clothes of people of the opposite sex in order to confuse the spirit when meeting.

On Christmas Kolyada, carolers went from house to house - guys, girls and children dressed up in costumes of "terrible" animals, who sang carols (ritual songs in which they wished well-being to everyone).

Disguised carolers.
Both adults and children went caroling.

In all houses, treats were prepared in advance for carolers.
Groups of carolers competed among themselves who caroled the most.

"Terrible" outfits for caroling were made carefully, competing in their imagination, used them for the holiday from year to year, and many of these outfits were made very skillfully.

Spirit Nights - 13 Magical Yule Nights


Magus has already prepared a pagan temple dedicated to Slavic god Znichu, to receive relatives who will soon gather for a two-week celebration of the great Yule.

In the evening, he lit a guiding fire in front of the temple, so that in the early coming winter darkness no one would go astray.

According to tradition, Yule lasts 13 Nights, which are called "Nights of Spirits", which is preserved in their German name, Weihnachten. Nights are counted from zero, from the Starting Night.

In ancient times, among the Anglo-Saxon tribes, the First Night of Yule was the night before the winter solstice (it happens on December 21 or 22, depending on the year), i.e. before the longest night of the year. According to Bede the Historian, this night was called "mother's", and if earlier it was dedicated to rituals associated with diss and Frigga, as well as honoring the mothers of families, now it looks like an evening "with the family."

"Mother's Night" (December 20 to 21) is the night before the winter solstice. The following night (December 21st to 22nd) the sun will go down to its lowest point. It's the end of the year. All the annual work is finished, the bins are full. Time to take stock and thank the gods and house spirits for their assistance in all matters throughout the year. Time to let go of all worries and anxieties to meet the new life cycle. This is a dark, feminine time.

In 12 nights, the New Year will be born. Mistresses put things in order in the house, decorate it and gather the family around the hearth. They praise the Goddesses. Mother opens the gates of the Other World to let us into our world new life.

All housework must be completed by the evening of this day, the Yule wreath must be done and the whole house must be decorated with Yule greens ( spruce branches). If possible, the whole family should go to the bath or sauna (at least just wash) in the afternoon, so that the souls and bodies are cleansed.

Yule wreath of spruce or pine branches with 8 candles should be prepared and placed on the mantelpiece or in a place that is the "heart" of the house.

Candles in a Yule wreath should burn all night, and if possible - until the 12th Night ( New Year's Eve). In ancient times, these were not candles, but fatty lamps (like the current church lamps), into which oil was added from time to time - therefore they could burn for a long time without fading.

From the lights of the Yule wreath, already in antiquity, the custom arose to light fires on the dressed up Christmas tree. At first, 8 lights were also placed on the Christmas tree, as on Yule's wreath, later - as many as they want.

In general, December 20-23 are the so-called "Days of the Serpent", when the Sun passes the thirteenth zodiac constellation of Ophiuchus.

2nd Yule Night - Night of the Winter Solstice (according to the modern calendar, it is celebrated on the night of December 21-22).

This is the most important night of the Yule holiday - the winter solstice occurs (December 21 or 22). This is the longest night of the year, when the Sun descends to its lowest point, and during which spirits become real rulers in this world.

On this night, the "Yule bonfire" was lit (the basis of which was then the "Yule log" that burned until the end of the holiday) and guarded the house from evil spirits; on the same night the most sincere oaths and promises were made. They also believed that one should not be alone on this night - after all, then a person is left alone with the dead and the spirits of the Other World.

The fire of the great Yule - a huge "Yule log" burning 12 public holidays.

According to tradition, all the things that became unnecessary were burned in the Yule fire in order to get rid of the old rubbish for the new happy life.
3rd - 11th Yule Nights. In the following days and nights of Yule, endless merry feasts were replaced by the performance of rituals, and rituals by feasts and festivities. The time of sleep and wakefulness of the participants in the festivities lost their usual order.

12th Yule Night. Yule ends on the most magical Twelfth Night of Yule - this is the modern New Year's Eve from December 31 to January 1 (actually, on the thirteenth, as evidenced even by its Old Norse name, Threttandi, since the account is kept from the "zero" Starting night) - then January 1 is the old Germanic calendar.

Day of Destiny. The next day (modern January 1, starting from the completion of New Year's Eve - this is the first day of the New Year until sunset) was considered the "Day of Fate". Everything that was said and done on January 1 before sunset determined all the events of the coming year (hence our “as you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it”). It was believed that there are no surer signs than the signs of this day, especially those that were revealed during the magical Twelfth Night (from dusk to dawn); and the strongest words are those that are spoken on this Night.

And now all the peoples of Europe, including the Slavs, retain a special "magical" perception of the meaning of the magical New Year's Eve - the pagan Twelfth Night of Yule, which came to us from ancient times.

After the Day of Fate, having slept well, on the morning of January 2, the members of the family, during the 2 weeks of Yule, all together, from the baby to the elder, shoulder to shoulder solemnly, cheerfully and festively met the appearance of the renewed sun to the world (the morning of the day after the winter solstice) and New Year, who by joint rituals “spun” the spindle of the goddess of Fate in the right direction, protected themselves from the evil spirits of dark nights, duly propitiated their pagan gods (symbolizing ancient ancestors), now collected their belongings and went to their homes and their affairs.

Some of them managed to meet again only a year later, during the next Yule.
So the holiday helped to maintain the unity of the whole family and mutual support, then necessary for survival.

Karachun (Korochun) (Santa Claus) - the day of the winter solstice

The day of the pagan veneration of Karachun (the second name of Chernobog), celebrated on December 21, falls on the day of the winter solstice - the shortest day of the year and one of the coldest days of winter.

It was believed that on this day the formidable Karachun, the deity of death, the underground god commanding frosts, an evil spirit, takes over. The ancient Slavs believed that he commands winter and frost and shortens the daylight hours.

The servants of the formidable Karachun are rod bears, in which snowstorms turn around, and blizzards-wolves. It was believed that, according to the bear’s desire, the icy winter also lasts: the bear will turn in his lair on the other side, which means that winter has exactly half the way to spring. Hence the saying: "At the Solstice, the bear in the den turns from one side to the other."

Among the people, the concept of "karachun" in the sense of death, death is still used. They say, for example: “a karachun came to him”, “wait for a karachun”, “ask a karachun”, “grabbed a karachun”. On the other hand, the word "karachit" can have the following meanings - backing backwards, crawling, "scrambled" - writhed, crumpled. Perhaps Karachun was called that precisely because he, as it were, forced the daytime to go in the opposite direction, back away, crawl, giving way to the night.

Gradually, in the minds of the people, Karachun became close to Frost, who fetters the earth with cold, as if plunging it into a mortal sleep. This is a more harmless image than the harsh Karachun. Frost is simply the master of winter cold.

“Once upon a time, Kolyada was perceived not as a mummer. Kolyada was a deity, and one of the most influential. They called the carol, called. New Year's Eve was dedicated to Kolyada, games were arranged in her honor, which were subsequently performed at Christmas time. The last patriarchal ban on worshiping Kolyada was issued on December 24, 1684. It is believed that Kolyada was recognized by the Slavs as the deity of fun, which is why they called him, called on New Year's festivities by cheerful gangs of youth.
A. Strizhev folk calendar»

Kolyada - the baby sun, in Slavic mythology - the embodiment of the New Year cycle, as well as a holiday character similar to Ovsen.

Kolyada was celebrated during winter Christmas time from December 25 (turn of the sun to spring) to January 5-6.
The Slavs celebrate Kolyada when the day "for sparrows" has arrived and the winter sun begins to flare up. Before the festival, the magician howls like a wolf (prophetic howl), driving away evil spirits. At the end of the beginning, a brother with an intoxicating drink is brought to everyone and the obavnik (reading praises and sentences at ceremonies during the holidays) exclaims:

"Aw, where are you going? Bridges to bridge!
Who to ride? Kolyada sovereign!
What should he ride?
On a sunny pig!
What to drive?

On the eve of the New Year, the children were going to carol under the windows of rich peasants, called the owner in songs, repeated the name of Kolyada and asked for money. Sacred games and divination are the remnants of this feast of the ancients. The rituals have been preserved among the people, and have recently become more and more popular. "Carolers" dress up in clothes, depict animals, devils, with music, with sacks in which they collect treats, walk the streets, sing carols. Kolyada is a cheerful, desired deity.

Eating ritual cookies in the form of cows (loaf, bagels), they commemorate Tour. Instead of a sacrificial lamb, they eat cookies in the form of a lamb's head (bagel, pretzel). You should definitely try uzvar (blast) and kutya.

The holiday ends with games. Be sure to roll a burning wheel uphill with the words: "Roll uphill, come back with spring."