Conspiracies against alcoholism without the knowledge of the patient. Magical ways to treat drunkenness. Soap plot

Alcohol is the scourge of modern society. Alcohol is a cheap and accessible drug, a means of escaping reality. Thoughtless consumption of alcohol-containing products gives rise to addiction, from which not only the alcoholic himself, but also the people around him suffer. Home, family, work fade into the background.

Treatment of drunkenness is a complex and time-consuming process. Traditional and traditional medicine. Worth it separately magic ritual- CONSPIRACY.

Conspiracy against drunkenness. Behavior rules

Any powerful magical ritual must be carried out according to the rules.

  • Using the calendar. For men, you can carry out the conspiracy on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays. For women it is Wednesday, Friday or Saturday.
  • Moon phase. The plot will be most effective during a full moon or on a waning moon.
  • Belief in the effect of ritual.
  • Secret. Both the alcoholic and those around him should not know that the ritual was performed.

Ritual with photography

Using photographs is carried out a large number of ritual actions. Moreover, it is not difficult to get a photo of your son, father or husband. In addition to the photo, you will need holy water and 3 candles.

In the evening, at sunset, candles should be lit. Place a photo of the patient on the table and sprinkle it with holy water.

Read the plot: “Lord, help your servant (name)! I want to wean God’s servant (name) from drunkenness! So that he could not drink, so that the vodka would not taste good to him. So that he swears to pour it down his throat! My prayer is strong, let my word become the law of God’s servant (name)! Amen!"

You need to repeat the words of the ritual 3 times, hide the photo. If nothing has changed in the alcoholic’s behavior within a month, the ritual should be performed again.

Water spell

Water can be used for magical actions. It is better to take natural one from a spring or well. What if a natural source is not easy to find?

Tap water should be kept in a dark place for a week and then used for the ceremony.

Read the prayer over the prepared water: “Just as our Lord God Jesus did not drink alcohol and the Virgin Mary did not drink alcohol.”
knew, so let the servant of God (name) not know and not drink! Let him only drink clean, spring water, cold! And he will forget about wine and vodka forever! Amen!"

This is a very strong ritual for drunkenness. The enchanted water should be given to an alcoholic to drink.

Soap ritual

We use detergents all the time. The Bulgarian healer Vanga recommended using soap for drunkenness.

You need to repeat these words 9 times. This is an effective ritual against drunkenness. A bar of soap should be placed on the washbasin so that the patient can use it every day. If there is no result, repeat the words of the prayer after 14 days. It is advisable to speak the same piece if it has not yet been used.

Ritual for drunkenness with a towel

The Kazan Icon of the Mother of God helps women from all troubles

If your son or husband suffers from addiction, then you can use a towel for a conspiracy. The ceremony is performed on a full moon. The towel must be new.

“I ask you to have a new and clean towel! Wipe your hands servant of God (name)! Forget about nasty vodka! Let your thoughts and desires be pure!”

Place the charmed item on the washbasin and make sure the patient wipes his hands with it. Then you should tie the towel in a knot and hide it away. No one else can use it. Keep and never untie the knot.

Alcohol conspiracy

For this ritual, any alcoholic drink that you like is used. close person.

“Just as a fish does not walk, just as a bird does not drink vodka, so the servant of God, forget about the damned vodka! Do not drink in the morning, or on a clear day, or in the dark evening! Amen!"

The words of the prayer are said 3 times, then give the charmed alcohol to your husband or son to drink.

Magic rituals are quite effective against drunkenness. Despite numerous skeptical reviews, the rituals helped many alcoholics and saved many families. It is important to believe in your strength, in your love for your loved one, and to follow all the recommendations. This is the only way to save people dear to you from drunkenness.

Drunkenness is an evil that, once it has settled in your home, is very difficult to get rid of. But in order to save the family, the life and health of a loved one, you can do the most impossible, even turn to someone for help. higher powers.

Conspiracy against husband's drunkenness at a distance, for vodka in a cemetery, castle, soap, for the waxing moon

It is possible to plot against your husband’s drunkenness even when he is not around. Such prayers are read even from a distance, however, they have an unconditional impact on a person. First, you should prepare yourself mentally and collect all your thoughts in a heap so that the desired result comes in the end.

The place for reading the plot should be quiet and calm. You need to pronounce the words of the conspiracy in a whisper, furtively, however, along the way you need to place semantic accents, turning to the Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow:

“Oh, Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow, I turn to you with a prayer. Not for wealth and prosperity, but about her drinking husband. Free him with your mercy from alcohol addiction and do not let his immortal soul perish. As soon as he touches the bottle, hit him on the back of the head. As soon as he takes a sip, he will feel a little sick. As soon as he gets drunk again, let him immediately become hysterical. Tears will flow from his eyes, he will drink for the last time. thy will be done. Amen".

A similar counteraction to alcohol addiction is a conspiracy on the very cause of addiction - that is, a conspiracy on vodka. It’s in the style: “Wedge is knocked out with wedge.” Such a conspiracy is carried out with special preliminary preparation. Before starting the ritual itself, it is necessary for the conspirator to prepare psychologically and sacredly. If you ignore this moment of mandatory preparation, then the conspiracy will turn out to be not salvation, but punishment for the drinking husband, and may even take on the properties of damage, which promises insane torment and incredible suffering.

The person who is going to make a conspiracy must cleanse himself before this procedure. To do this, he needs to visit the church and there order three prayer services for the blessing of water. After each, you should take water with you and drink it in the morning. As soon as it begins to come to an end, you need to go back to the church and order another prayer service, and so on three times, as already indicated above. It is necessary to give sacred water to the person on whom the conspiracy will be made.

The vodka spell is made directly in the cemetery. It is advisable to carry out this ritual at the grave of the deceased parents of the person who is being freed from alcohol addiction. But his other relatives may also come up.

Having bought a bottle of vodka prematurely, it should be wrapped in black dense material, which, under no circumstances, is translucent. You will need to place this bottle against your lips and read this plot 12 times in a row in the quietest voice possible:

“Having prayed to the Lord God, I ask You, Lord. You, Lord, are in heaven, and the bear in that dense forest, the king on Earth, the dead man in damp earth. And the dead lie there and don’t drink, don’t eat, and don’t even look at the vodka. Let the dead man drink it, damn it, and you, (name of the drunkard), forget about it, don’t even look in the direction of vodka and don’t put it in your mouth. Don’t be a drunkard anymore, and forget about alcohol forever.”

After reading the plot, the bottle in black linen is buried near the grave. Next, the conspirator says words of gratitude to the relative, near whose grave this ritual is performed.

The bottle should lie in the place where it was buried for 12 days, after which you should dig it up and bring it to your house. Place it in a prominent place to tempt your husband to try to drink the contents. After he takes a sip from this bottle, he will never want to drink again.

A miraculous conspiracy against the drunkenness of a beloved husband is a conspiracy to lock. It must be purchased on Friday and just on the same day pour vodka into it, or what is left in the glass, even if this alcoholic drink is in the amount of a couple of drops. After this, you need to read the spell three times, closing the lock at this time:

“You, drunkard and libertine, may the doors of taverns and bottles of vodka be closed to you for the rest of your life, like this castle.”

As a result of the ritual, the castle should be hidden in a place where it cannot be retrieved, for example, thrown into a lake.

A soap spell can also save a husband from alcohol addiction. The soap used in the spell must belong to the drinker, that is, he must constantly use it. This ritual is performed at midnight. You need to take the soap in your hands and say the following words:

“You wash yourself with soap, you forget the taste of alcohol. The soap will melt, and your addiction will melt. Just as the soap will not increase back, you will not return to drunkenness. Amen".

Such a conspiracy involves the gradual alienation of the addicted to vodka as the conspiracy soap runs out.

Another powerful and effective conspiracy is the waxing moon conspiracy. Before starting the ritual, you need to take a bottle of vodka or other alcoholic drink and write the name of the drunken person on it. When addressing the moon, you must read the following words:

“A month, have you been to the next world? Have you seen any drunken dead people? So that the servant of God (the name of the drinker) does not drink green wine, and does not walk around drunk from now on. Just as the dead lie calmly and sleep, they do not mourn for green wine, so that (the name of the drinker) does not mourn or yearn for wine, do not pour green wine into his cup. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

After reading the plot, the bottle should be taken to the cemetery and buried next to the grave of a deceased person who has the same name as the drinker. During burial you need to say:

“(the name of the deceased) will guard the bottle in the grave, and (the name of the drinker) will live and not drink intoxicating things. Whoever breaks my ban will take the bottle and take upon himself the power of the intoxicating serpent. Let it be so".

Prayer against drunkenness

It happens that the craving for alcoholic beverages goes away, but it happens that it turns into an incredible addiction, which is oh so difficult to get rid of. Therefore, it is easier and better to prevent this danger than to later collect the bitter fruits of the emerging disease.

A prayer against drunkenness has great power if said in a certain environment. For everything to be successful, this must be done at midnight, or exactly three hours after midnight. On the table you need to put a glass with an alcoholic drink that is most pleasant to the soul, and light three candles around it. Opposite you should place a mirror in which the candle flames, a glass of drink and your reflection will be reflected. As soon as the preparation is completed, you need to read the “Our Father” prayer, and then read the following text three times:

“The servant of God (his name) will stand up, cross himself and be blessed. It will go from city to city, from door to door, to a clean pole, to the ocean - to the sea. And in the sea-ocean there is an island with a large tower. I ask, servant of God, for health from drunkenness, from harmful desires, from aches and black pain. The water is boiling, and there is a high bridge across it. On that bridge, an old man with a golden glass, will anoint all the sinews and bones of the servant of God (name), and turn away my illness. I will no longer be drawn to the devil’s potion, now, and ever, and forever and ever. Amen".

A conspiracy against drunkenness for yourself

It often happens that there is not enough willpower to independently fight a bad habit, which gradually turns into a terrible disease called alcoholism. At such moments, only turning to higher powers for help can help, that is, try to talk yourself out of drunkenness.

Before starting the ritual, you need to cleanse yourself. To do this, you need to go to the bathhouse and change into clean clothes. If there is no bathhouse nearby, you can take a bath. It's good if it's possible to add different essential oils or grass in water. At the end of the cleansing procedures, you should take “undrinkable” water in such an amount that you can easily drink at one time. “Undrinkable” water is the water that is collected first. It should be dialed from 3 to 5 am, so that no one sees or knows about it. Next, you need to read the plot three times over “undrinkable” water:

“In the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Amen. Hops and mash! To the gravestone, for all ages, leave me, the servant of God! Be gone from all cravings for wine and hops! The wind is violent, take away my wild passion! Get away from me into the forest, drunkenness, to the black birds and fierce beasts to be torn to pieces. Let dashing people suffer from my misfortune, but I don’t know grief. From my belly for all time, the dashing, dashing retreat! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Amen!"

And immediately after reading the prayer, you should drink the charmed water to the very bottom. For greater effectiveness, such a ritual should be done during the waning moon.

Conspiracy against alcoholism with hops

Hops have long been used to create intoxicating drinks, so it, like nothing else, is considered the most effective in conspiracies against alcoholism. To carry out the ritual, it is necessary to take a tablespoon of hops, but it should not be very crushed, and an unfinished alcoholic drink by the person on whom the lapel is being made. Soak the hops in a glass and then leave them to dry.

On a full moon, take the hops prepared in advance and speak it three times with the words:
“Come on, you evil hopper, get away from God’s servant (name of the drinker!
Go into the dark forests:
There are no birds there
The snake will not be born
The beast does not wander
The man doesn't walk!
Come out for some quick water
The fish can't splash there,
A person can't bathe
The moon does not look in the reflection,
The sun is clearly not warming.
To the wind, little hopper, go away!
Go to distant countries,
In the quicksand of the abyss!
Turn away from God's servant (name of the drinker),
Bewitch a bad person.
His thoughts are black
Things are dark
There is no truth, follow him!
I close the word, I finish the job!
Forever and ever, goy!

After this, you need to grind the hops and add them to tea for three days, while saying “Our Father” nine times each time.

Such a ritual should be performed three times, that is, three nights with a full moon will be spent on this. However, the effect will not be long in coming and the person will be freed from his illness.

A strong conspiracy against drunkenness and drunkenness on oneself

A conspiracy against drunkenness and drunkenness on oneself has significant strength and effectiveness when carried out according to the proper rules and recommendations. It all depends not only on the prayer itself, which is read by a person suffering from drunkenness, but also on the time of reading and psychological mood.

When a man wants to get rid of alcoholism, he must perform the ritual on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays; when a woman, the effective days will be Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Also, the most successful time is considered full moon, or a decreasing month. At the same time, for a whole month it is necessary to whisper the following words of the conspiracy:

“Heaven, hear, Heaven, see what I want to do over the body of God’s servant (name). Free sun, rise into my yard; and in my yard there are no animals or people. Red moon, come down to my cell; but in my cage there is neither a bottom nor a door. Clear stars, come down into the wedding cup; and in my cup the mountain water is purer. Sun, turn away the servant of God (name) from wine, Month, calm the servant of God (name) from wine, Stars, pacify the servant of God (name) from wine. In an open field, in the blue sea and a key and a lock.”

Holy water spell for alcoholism

Such a conspiracy is made on water that was consecrated on the feast of Epiphany on January 19. And therefore, the ritual is also supposed to be carried out on the 19th of any month. To perform the spell, you need to take about half a liter of holy water, bend over it so that while saying the prayer your breath touches its surface, and say the following words three times:

“Like our Lord, Jesus Christ did not know hops, did not drink, did not suffer without it, just like His Mother, the Mother of God, and the saints did not know dashing mash, they did not tolerate without it, so you, the servant of God, should refuse wine and never again don't touch it. Amen".

After this, the jar with the charmed water must be sealed immediately. You can open it when there is a need to add it to the food or drink of a drinking person. However, you cannot cook with such water, because it will lose all its medicinal properties.

Fish spell against drinking

To carry out such a ritual, it is necessary to catch fish in fresh water, bring it home alive, and then soak it in any container with wine. Next, preparations begin for frying this fish, during which you will need to read the plot:

“Just as this fish flutters in wine, so the soul of God’s servant (name) flutters at the sight of wine. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

There should be no outside interference in the process. After preparing this fish, it should be given only to the person who suffers from alcohol addiction, that is, to whom the slander was made.

Conspiracy for husband's alcohol consumption

To cast a spell on your husband's alcohol, you need to take a bottle into which all the alcohol that the drinker left behind will be poured, even if it is a couple of drops. Mainly, do everything without him noticing. As soon as the bottle is full, you need to go to the cemetery with it, go to the fence that separates the world of the living from the world of the dead, and bury it in the very corner so that no one can see. In this case, you need to read the following plot:

“Like the new neighbors don’t need you,
They don’t drink in the morning, they don’t suffer without you
They sleep during the day and at night, their eyes are open,
So the servant of God (name) will not think about you,
Neither with a new month, nor with a golden moon,
Neither in rain nor in sunshine,
My work is sculpted, my word is strong.
Key. Lock. Language. Amen."

Read binge drinking spells at home

The most effective conspiracy against alcoholism at home is done on a towel. However, for such a ritual you definitely need to take only a new and white towel, which should be used by the person who suffers from the above-mentioned ailment. After purchasing and before using it, you should read the following spell over it:

“I say the towel is new, clean and beautiful! So that just as the servant of God (name) wiped his hands with this flesh, so he too new life let's go! Without alcohol or other bad addictions, with pure thoughts and intentions!”

The towel should be used for a week, after which it will need to be buried in the ground. Another option is to burn this towel under the full moon.

Light magic is often used where traditional methods turn out to be ineffective. Therefore, as a rule, when fighting drunkenness, when a man (son, husband, brother, etc.) goes on a binge, people seek help in magical conspiracies and rituals. Previously, people turned to witches and sorcerers for help of this kind. Now you can carry out rituals yourself so that your family member no longer drinks. And in our article we present the most popular conspiracies and prayers against drunkenness.

Today, the problem of male alcoholism is quite acute. Therefore, if such difficulties have affected your family, ask for the help of extraterrestrial forces so that the person dear to you stops drinking.

If you are planning to free a man or family member from drinking on your own, you should first familiarize yourself with the main points. So that a person who goes on a binge stops drinking and with my own hands didn't ruin his life, he will need outside help. It is difficult to cope with the current situation alone.

If you decide on magical assistance against drunkenness, consider:

  • strong conspiracies, prayers and spells against alcohol addiction should be carried out on the waning moon (or during the full moon);
  • in order for the ritual to be effective, stop your son, brother, or spouse from drinking on the “male” days of the week (these are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday);
  • When asking for assistance from the magical forces of nature, maintain confidentiality;
  • To increase efficiency and positive results, you should sincerely believe in the success of the rituals.

Having familiarized yourself with the main points, you can carry out the ceremony. By correctly pronouncing the texts of the prayer and the words of the spell, you can make sure that a person no longer drinks a drop of alcohol.

Ritual with photography

Each alcohol conspiracy is accompanied by a corresponding ritual. Among them there are very strong ones, which involve the use of a photograph of the patient. And this conspiracy applies precisely to such people.

To carry out a ritual to get rid of a dysfunctional addiction, you will need the following things:

  • Holy water;
  • three candles bought at church;
  • photo of a person.

For this conspiracy against drunkenness to work, it is necessary to determine the period of the waning moon. On one of these days, in the evening, sit down at the table. Place candles on it in one row. Place a picture (of your husband or son) between you and the lit candles. Sprinkling it with drops of holy water, say the text of the prayer:

“Holy Lord Almighty, I ask You for help. I want to remove the harmful addiction from the servant of God (name of the patient), so I make a conspiracy against drunkenness. Let him wean himself from drinking (name), so that the alcohol burns his throat, so that he runs from her as if from a demon. Let nothing but holy and clean water fall into his mouth. My firm and strong word. It will be so from now on and forever and ever. Amen".

Read the plot three times and sprinkle a photo of a person suffering from alcoholism three times, then extinguish the candles. Place the cinders and the photograph in a clean envelope and put it in the farthest corner of the house. To enhance the effect and prolong the effect of the prayer, the ritual will need to be repeated. To do this, exactly one month later, also at sunset, read the plot again. In this case, the ritual involves reusing the same photograph and candles.

Ritual with a curse on water

This conspiracy will help you make sure your husband, son or other loved one doesn’t drink anymore. With its help he speaks from bad habit spring or well water. This ritual, like the previous one, must be done during the waning moon.

In the evening, take a container of water. Raising it to your lips, read the words of the prayer:

“Just as Jesus never knew alcohol, just as the Mother of God never drank alcohol, just as the saints and apostles never drank, so let the servant of God (name of son, husband or other person) know neither vodka, nor wine, nor any other bitter potion. So that he could only drink cold spring water! Let it be so for the servant of God (his name) from now on. Amen".

A person suffering from alcoholism should drink the enchanted water immediately. If the patient refuses to consume it in its pure form, make tea from it. The main thing is to drink all the water at once.

This ritual provides effective treatment relatives. By performing the ritual well, you will rid your loved one of the addiction and help improve his life.

Slander on new soap from Vanga

A conspiracy from the world-famous soothsayer Vanga can help against alcoholism and addiction to alcohol. It is accompanied by a special ceremony using a new bar of hand soap.

In order for a loved one to stop drinking, you need to whisper the text of Vanga’s prayer nine times in a row over the purchased soap:

“Do not drink, do not get drunk, do not go drunk for the servant of God (name of son, husband). I read a spell for this, so that he (name) washes his hands with soap and forgets about the addiction. Even though every time thoughts about alcohol entered his head, he hated vodka more and more. You need to wash your hands and forget about vodka! Amen".

Place this soap so that only a person suffering from drunkenness washes their hands with it. If the effect of the spell stops when the charmed bar runs out, repeat the ritual again. To repeat the ritual, you should buy new soap.

Preparing a lapel potion

As previously mentioned, photography rituals help effectively get rid of the habit and craving for alcohol. This ritual uses a special potion. After drinking this charmed drink, the alcoholic (husband, son or other relative) will turn away from alcohol forever.

To prevent the problem of alcoholism in the family from causing its breakdown, perform a ceremony. For it you will need to prepare the following items:

  • photo showing the patient;
  • mortar for mixing herbs;
  • dried thyme;
  • dried snowdrop flowers;
  • according to zhmena, weeping grass and overcoming grass.

While reading the prayers “Our Father” and “Theotokos”, mix all the herbs in a mortar. When you start crushing them, say a spell against drunkenness and look at the picture. The text of the conspiracy is as follows:

“I start talking about herbs based on a photo of an alcoholic (his name). I want to make the infusion cause him to vomit, yawn, hiccups and acute colic if he drinks or thinks about alcohol and vodka. Let not a drop of alcohol get into his mouth. As soon as he drinks the infusion, the illness and filth will be removed from his body and thoughts. (name) will be like this for him from now on and forever and ever. Amen".

This plot will help save a suffering person from a bad habit. Make an infusion from a mixture of herbs crushed in a mortar by filling them with spring water. Keep the infusion for three days. To make an alcoholic stop drinking, add one teaspoon of the charmed tincture to his drink.

Such methods against alcoholism and conspiracies against binge drinking are very powerful. As a result of consumption herbal infusion sufferers will give up alcohol.

Alcoholism is a terrible, dangerous and very common disease in modern society. People suffering from addiction cause suffering not only to themselves, but also to their loved ones and those close to them. That is why these days it is especially popular among ordinary people use conspiracies against drunkenness. Consequences, reviews of rituals, as well as the technique of performing them and a description of the necessary attributes - all this will be discussed in the article below.

Features of rituals

Usually such rituals are female hands. It's no secret that loving wife, looking at the torment of her adored husband, she is ready for anything. Having tried various methods, the young ladies are steadily turning to magic. They consider conspiracies the last hope that will help snatch a spouse from the clutches of the insidious “green snake” and restore his taste for life and work. Any conspiracy against drunkenness and its consequences is a delicate matter. Therefore, before starting the ritual, it is tedious to take into account all its features, because you will be turning to higher powers. And if they are not pleased, angered or deprived of a reward, the “kickback” will be strong and destructive for the one performing the ritual and the one to whom it is dedicated.

All words of the conspiracy must be pronounced clearly, confidently and correctly. No amateur performances! When it comes to a woman, the ritual is carried out on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, if the ritual is aimed at a man - Monday, Tuesday or Thursday. Among the main attributes, candles, wax, water, photographs should be highlighted. The choice of magical accessories depends on the personal preferences of the person performing the ceremony.

Water spell

Very easy to use, does not require additional costs. Therefore, women often choose this particular conspiracy against drunkenness. Reviews about it are the most positive: young ladies claim that it “works.” To carry out the ceremony you will need a standard glass: fill it with water. You can take holy liquid, but if you don’t have one, regular tap liquid will do. Having poured water into the container, say the following words over it: “Water will quickly get inside - alcohol addiction will instantly go away. And there is no turning back for her. Amen!" You need to repeat the spell three times.

The ritual is best performed at midnight. Place the enchanted water on the windowsill: it stays there all night, after which the next morning you need to add it to the alcoholic’s food or just let him drink it. You can also spread out the glass over a whole week by giving your spouse the contents in small portions. The liquid must not be diluted. By the way, you can soak a towel used by a drunkard with water. After a week, bury or burn the hygiene item.

Ritual with sacred water

Very effective, the consequences of which will be minimal. This is explained simply: the ritual uses consecrated water, the one that you bring from church on the feast of the Epiphany - January 19. She has special power. The conspiracy itself is also best done on this day, immediately after visiting the temple. To do this, take out an ordinary small jar from the pantry, pour the miraculous liquid into it and whisper the words, bending low over the container so that your lips almost touch the surface of the water. At the same time, the following must be said: “Just as our God, Jesus Christ, did not drink, did not know hops and did not suffer without it, just as the Virgin Mary and the saints did not know the holy brew, did not touch her, did not suffer, so you, servant of God ( name) give up alcohol and never return to it. Amen!"

The plot is read three times, after which the jar is sealed. It can only be opened to add the infused liquid to the food and drink of a person suffering from alcoholism. Dishes must be already prepared: boiling or even heating water is prohibited - this will cause it to lose its properties. If the case is very advanced, the ritual is performed several times.

Conspiracy on a photograph

The famous Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova described in detail this conspiracy against drunkenness and its consequences: reviews of the ritual are simply enthusiastic. Those people who have tried it at home say that it almost always gives a positive result. During the ceremony, you need to bend over a photo of your loved one and whisper a short prayer: “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen!" In this case, you need to think about the fact that your spouse will have enough willpower and wisdom to give up drinking alcohol. Imagine him as a non-drinker, healthy and cheerful.

There is another popular ritual performed in photography. After waiting until midnight, you need to whisper over the image of your spouse: “The moon is waning, it retreats from the servant of God (name) forever, leaves completely and does not return. I say - the moon does. Amen". Just like the first, so do the second ritual for the waning month. This conspiracy against drunkenness has its own “kickback”. And its consequences must be taken into account in order to protect yourself. Before and after the ritual, go to the temple, pray and light candles.

Ritual with alcoholic drinks

An equally effective conspiracy against drunkenness, the consequences of which can be very unpleasant. The ritual is carried out using a cemetery, so it requires additional preparation. But first things first. First, you need to take a bottle of the alcoholic drink that your husband usually drinks, go to the churchyard and find a dug grave in which the deceased person should be buried. Stand and wait for the dead man to be brought in. After the funeral, when the relatives have dispersed, place a bottle near his grave and say: “Happy housewarming to you, newly departed servant of God (name). Here is a gift for you from the servant of God (name of the drunkard). Remember his binge as a repose. Let him not drink, get some sleep and become an ardent teetotaler. Just as you (the name of the deceased) do not reach for the bottle, so the bitter drunkard would not drink, would not become an alcoholic and would remain with a clear mind until the end of his life. Key, lock, tongue. Amen!"

You leave the bottle near the grave under the protection of the deceased. Like all cemetery rituals, this one is dangerous. After it is completed, you must definitely go to church, order a service for the deceased person who was disturbed, light candles for the repose and read the prayer “Our Father...” forty times.

Ritual for husband

You do this ritual on a regular lock, which you previously bought in a store. You must purchase it on Friday, and the item must be large, strong and reliable. Wait until midnight and pour the remaining alcohol that your husband left behind into the well. It is better if they are fresh; in extreme cases, you can use alcohol stored in advance. After this, close the lock with the key, saying: “You, libertine and bitter drunkard, may bottles and taverns remain locked for you for the rest of your life, like this lock.”

The conspiracy against the husband's drunkenness will last as long as the lock remains closed. Therefore, try to hide the key away: throw it into a running river. The castle can be buried: being at the mercy of different elements, two parts of one whole will become inaccessible to each other, and the effect of the ritual will become stronger. The ritual is performed on the old moon. During this period, the celestial body loses its strength, along with which various misfortunes, troubles, problems and diseases recede.

Conspiracy against my son

Agree, it is much more painful for a mother to look at her drinking heir than for a wife to look at her husband. Native blood, on which great hopes were placed, instead of becoming a support, slides to the very bottom. Moreover, the strength mother's love much stronger than the marital one. Therefore, any words spoken from the mouth of a parent have, to one degree or another, magical power. If a woman has a good mother-in-law and she gets along well with her, you can use her help. Such a conspiracy against drunkenness will have double power, and its consequences will be a crushing blow to alcoholism.

What do we have to do? On Clean Thursday before Easter, the mother must wash all the windows in the apartment where her son lives. The work is carried out according to the usual scheme, but the last water that is used during cleaning needs to be poured into a jar. Then the parent calls the heir and pours this liquid on his back, whispering the following words: “Just as I gave birth to you, fed you with breast milk, raised you and raised you, so you, the servant of God (name), would not drink vodka, pour mash into your mouth, or wine didn't touch. The windows are washed and you are clean. Let it be so".

Strong self-conspiracy

He can become very productive. Such conspiracies are endowed with double power: a person understands the problem and realizes that he needs help. If there is a desire to get rid of addiction, he will not only perform rituals, but will also try to undergo a course of treatment. In tandem, these methods will help you start a new life in which there is no longer a place for alcohol. To perform the ritual, wait for the waning moon. You should be alone in the apartment; in extreme cases, lock yourself in a separate room so that no one will disturb you.

The ritual requires preliminary preparation. A week before it, begin a strict fast, which must be maintained until the day of the ritual. When it comes, go to the bathhouse and be sure to put on clean underwear. Then, returning home, go to any running source and draw water. Arriving at the apartment, wait until midnight and whisper the following words over the liquid: “Alcohol addiction retreat - give way to a new life. There is no longer a green snake in it. I am as pure as this water." Imagine how a bad habit leaves you. Read the plot three times and drink the water.

If you decide to undertake such a ritual, keep one simple truth in mind: a conspiracy from drunkenness can disrupt the harmony in the family. And its consequences must be taken into account when performing the ritual. It is better to seek help from experienced magicians and healers. If you want to do everything yourself, strictly adhere to the following rules:

  • All rituals against alcoholism are performed on the waning moon.
  • Treat representatives of the stronger sex on “men’s” days, and young ladies on “women’s” days.
  • It is forbidden to speak in Sundays, fasting and during church celebrations.
  • You need to read the plot in a whisper, believing in what you are saying, and sincerely wishing your dream to come true as soon as possible. When you are confident and calm, sincerely believing and hoping, the action will be more effective.
  • Under no circumstances should you interrupt the ceremony, so choose a time when you are alone and not busy with other things.

By observing these conditions, you will successfully carry out any conspiracy against drunkenness using alcohol, photography or water.


If something goes wrong, you will get a strong kickback. How does it manifest itself? Firstly, if the basic rules are not followed, a person can drink even more. Secondly, your gross mistakes will lead to a negative impact on the health of you or your loved ones. Especially when the ceremony was performed in a cemetery: here you ask for help from otherworldly forces, and they can get angry and send you a solid dose of problems. Remember that magic, even white magic, is a serious matter. Therefore, it requires a competent approach, precision execution and compliance with all conditions.

What happens if there is no rollback, but instead the expected result is obtained? At first, it will be difficult for a person without the usual dose of alcohol. He may become nervous, irritable, and depressed. Your support is very important here: without unnecessary reproaches, insults and anger. Don't remember the past, but start life over with a new leaf.

Now you know how to correctly carry out conspiracies against drunkenness. You could read the consequences, reviews about them and other interesting details in our review. May peace and tranquility come to your home, and may an era of harmony and prosperity come in your life.

In our article we will present to your attention effective conspiracies from drunkenness.

From drunkenness - Leave the hops and wine from (name) to the dark forests, where people do not walk and horses do not roam and birds do not fly. Hops and wine go out on fast water, on which water people do not travel; from (name) hops and wine go to the violent winds, which the wind walks in the distance, become attached to a dashing person who thinks dashingly about (name), become attached to someone who will not do good, get rid of me forever.

From hard drinking - In order for a binge drinker to fall asleep and then stop drinking, you need to take wax from him, on which to slander: Dawn is the lightning, the red maiden, the mother herself and the queen; The month is bright, the stars are clear, take from me insomnia, sleeplessness, the midnight office, come to me in the middle of the night, even as a red maiden, even as a queen mother, and take away the cursed power from me, and give me the hand of the Savior, O Mother of God Castle!

From a hangover - Lord, be intoxicated, wild head! Don't hang upside down, hang upside down. but I don’t know you, where you live, climb up the cheese tree to your master in copper barrels and beer houses; how not to live on fire, so for seven people the wicked words of (name), if you drink this cup, before my words came out of me, from him, (name), a hangover, lord hop, as the king sits in his kingdom: so and you sit in your place where you were born!

To persuade a man with a hangover - Lord, hops, wild head, don’t hang yourself upside down, hang yourself in your sleep (sleep, that is, in the direction of the sun’s movement), under the horn, but I don’t know where you live, in the top of the cheese tree, climb to your sovereign, in the honey barrels and beer, just as it does not lie on the fire and so on seven people dashing words (name): if you hasten this cup, until these words come out of me, and from this (name) a hangover. Lord, hope, just as a king sits in his kingdom, so sit in your place, be born a sovereign.

Conspiracy from binge drinking - You hear the sky, you see the sky, what I want to do over the body (name) Maeren’s body, liver teze. You bright stars, come down into the wedding cup; and in my cup there is water because of the mountain student. You are a red moon, come into my cage; and in my cage there is neither a bottom nor a cover. You are free sunshine, come into my yard; and in my yard there are no people or animals. Keep the stars (name) away from wine, turn the month (name) away from wine; pacify the sun (name) from wine. My word is strong!

If you want to cure a person from drunkenness, from alcoholism, from binge drinking, you first need to find out whether there is a slander on him, and if there is, remove it. Conspiracies against drunkenness and alcoholism, against drinking water

Then, taking into account the astral influence (new moon period), time of day (daylight hours), whisper a spell into the water 9 times and give the patient a drink. Before the conspiracy, the Lord's Prayer is read once.

Conspiracies against drunkenness and alcoholism

From binge drinking 1.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Earth, you are my mother, order me the servant of God (name), from this please take the good herb zarahel, for you Mother Earth to stand, and for me for slaves and slaves, to treat their drunkenness.

This servant of God (name) did not think about wine, did not look with his eyes, did not hear with his ears, did not feel with his feelings and ran away from the wine. Just as it is sickening to die, so would the servant of God (name) be sick of wine from now on and forever.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen! Leave the hops and wine from the servant of God (name) into the dark forests, where people do not walk and horses do not roam and birds do not fly.

on the water 3.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit (twice). Hops and wine go out on fast water, on which water people do not travel; from the servant of God (name) bring hops and wine to the violent winds, which the wind travels far and wide.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, get attached to a dashing person who thinks recklessly about the servant of God (name), get attached to someone who will not do good, get rid of me forever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!

If you want to cure a person from drunkenness, you first need to find out whether there is a slander on him, and if there is, remove it.

from drinking 4.

Dawn-lightning, queen of all dawns. Clear month, bright stars, take from the servant of God (name) the sleeplessness and insomnia and take it into the seething sea, into the hissing abyss, into the boiling tar, into the darkness of the underworld.

Appear to (name) a dream in the form of a red maiden and a clear Sun, take from (name) the passionate power, the destructive desire, and give the servant of God (name) enlightenment and sobriety and deliver the servant of God (name) from the addiction of drunkenness, from now on centuries, amen.

Conspiracies against drunkenness.

Prepare a wine-repellent potion for the full moon. Pour one spoonful of finely ground hoofweed root into a glass of spring water. Place it on low heat and cook the potion for a quarter of an hour. Then cool it and strain. Add this product to wine or vodka without the knowledge of the drinker. While doing this, read the plot:

I'll get up at early dawn, I'll wash myself in the spring

water, I will go out of the hut, by the doors, from the doors by the gates,

from the gate straight into the open field,

under the clear stars, under the bright moon,

under the red sun.

You are clear stars, come down into the cup of mash,

and in my cup there is water from a student outside the mountains.

You are a bright moon, come down to my cell,

and in my cage there is neither a bottom nor a cover.

You red sun, come into my yard,

Sunshine, pacify the servant of God so-and-so from wine!

To all my words the key and the lock.

How can no one drink all the water from the sea?

and you can’t pluck all the grass from the field,

so are my words and my castle

no one can unlock it.

To wean a person away from wine, give him one spoon three times a day of an infusion prepared from wormwood, centaury and thyme, all of which are taken in equal parts.

Also give an infusion of bearberry. Before giving these infusions to a drinking person, read the spell on them:

beyond the blue seas, beyond the dark forests, beyond the distant meadows,

where people don’t go, where animals don’t roam!

Be these words strong and molding,

stronger than iron iron,

stronger than damask steel,

stronger than stone.

To induce an aversion to wine and vodka, the drinker needs to give fried or boiled dung beetle mushroom as food, remembering that this mushroom cannot be eaten at the same time with vodka.

Mix equal parts granulated sugar and bone powder. Make a fire from birch logs. Then, after extinguishing it a little, sprinkle the prepared powder onto the smoldering coals. Order the drunkard to breathe the smoke coming from the coals, and at this time read the conspiracy:

Hop and wine, get attached to the dashing man,

who thinks daringly about God's servant so-and-so,

Get attached to someone who doesn’t do good,

and get rid of such and such a servant of God forever and ever!

Repeat this treatment once a week or more often, when you anticipate an imminent binge.

You can do this at home too. To do this, take red coals from the oven and sprinkle them with sugar and bone powder.

Pour one tablespoon of club moss grass with a glass of boiling water. When the infusion has cooled, strain it. Order the drunkard to drink a third of a glass of this remedy. Then, after waiting a little, offer him half a glass of vodka. Next, continue to treat him with vodka every quarter of an hour, this will cause the drinker to vomit violently. Usually, even after a single treatment of this kind, a drunkard develops an aversion to vodka. And after several consecutive doses of infusion and vodka, his addiction to drinking will completely disappear. The moss moss is very poisonous and can cause severe poisoning and various complications, so its use should only occur under the supervision of a doctor!

To induce vomiting in the drinker, give him a vodka tincture of lovage root and bay leaf. For one glass of vodka, take one root and two leaves. Infuse this potion for a week and use it during excessive drunkenness and binge drinking.

Collect forest green bugs, which usually sit on raspberry leaves, in a small vessel and fill them with vodka. Infuse this potion for a week. Add it to vodka without the drinker's knowledge in order to induce vomiting and an aversion to the taste of wine.

Add a little vodka to every drink and food you drink. This will soon cause him to develop an aversion to alcohol.

To cure drunkenness, you need to give the drinking person an infusion of mint, yarrow, wormwood and St. John's wort for a long time. Take these herbs in equal quantities and prepare the infusion in the same way as you would brew regular tea. This remedy should be drunk at least ten glasses a day and used instead of any other drink. For the same purpose, you can prepare an infusion of angelica root, calamus root and juniper berries.

When he wakes up, give him a glass to drink cold water, into which add twenty drops of mint tincture or five drops of ammonia.

Conspiracies to get rid of alcoholism and drunkenness

In Ancient Rome, there was a law according to which only persons who had reached the age of thirty were allowed to drink wine. In Sparta, slaves were drunk and put on public display to arouse the public's disgust for drinking. In the 16th century, a law was in force in France: drunkards were sentenced to imprisonment, flogging and public flogging, and hopeless alcoholics had their ears cut off and expelled from the country. Under Peter I, alcoholics were hung around their necks with a medal for drunkenness weighing about 10 kg.

That's how it was in the old days. But now the governments of some countries, including post-Soviet ones, have stopped fighting drunkenness. And drunkenness won. The government benefits from this state of affairs. It is easier to manipulate people who drink, and a lot of money can be earned from the sales of strong alcohol. Please note that vodka producers are the general sponsors of the most expensive television programs.

    A person who drinks 85 grams of vodka per day has every chance of getting cirrhosis of the liver. If you drink nine bottles of beer a day, this will also lead to liver cirrhosis.

Conspiracy against drunkenness.

If someone drinks a lot, catch a live fish. Dip this fish in vodka and immediately pull it out. Give it a drink: “As this fish trembles in vodka, so the soul of the servant of God (name) would tremble when he sees vodka. Amen".

Conspiracy against female drunkenness.

To turn my son away from alcohol.

They wash the windows on Maundy Thursday, pour the last water during washing into a jar and pour it into the son’s back seven times with the words: “Just as I gave birth to you, fed you with my milk, so you, slave (name), would not drink alcohol, would not pour wine or mash into your mouth. The windows have been washed and you are clean. Let it be so".

Strong conspiracy from drunkenness.

The conspiracy must be cast on the water that was blessed on the Epiphany holiday (January 19). The plot is read only on the 19th of any month. Then give the water to the drunkard: you can add it to tea, coffee, compote, soup and other drinks and liquid dishes. One jar is enough, but in some cases you will need to repeat the procedure 2-3 times.

Bend over the water so that your breath touches the surface of the water and say three times: Like the Lord God, Jesus Christ did not know, did not drink, and did not tolerate vodka; like Mother Holy Mother of God and all the holy saints did not know booze, did not drink and did not tolerate it, so you, servant of God (name), will give up booze and shake off. Forever and ever, amen .

Try to do each repetition of the spell in one breath. Then tightly close the jar with a lid and open it only to once again add water to the alcoholic’s drink. This water cannot be boiled! If the person you are treating accidentally notices that you are adding something to their food, tell them that it is just holy water. Alcoholics are usually quite aggressive towards any attempts at secret treatment.

Prayers and conspiracies from drunkenness

At night they catch live fish in a net and silently carry it to the house where the drunkard lives. They come in with a bucket with their backs and immediately put the fish in the alcohol and it will fight, and you say:

How this fish trembles in wine,

It would be like this everywhere

The soul of God's servant (name) gave birth,

When he saw the intoxicated

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Conspiracy against female drunkenness

You are clear dawns, Arkhangelsk candles of God.

How are you, clear dawns, never

Throughout all the centuries we haven’t slept,

So it would be with the servant of God (name)

There were no thoughts about intoxicating wine.

Conspiracy to cure drunkenness

“In a dark house there is a glass of wine on the table. I charm the drunken wine so that the servant of God (name) would not want to drink it, and as soon as he stretches out his little hands to it, his desire to become intoxicated would disappear! And if you disobey me, the wine is filthy, you will not have a good life, as it happened before. My word is strong! Amen! Amen! Amen!".

Say the lapel three times, then cross yourself, throw out the wine and put out the candles.