Wedding plot with a lucky ticket. Spells and amulets at a wedding. Confirm and bless, Lord, all my speeches. May my hope never be lost in Your help, Merciful God, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen

Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Issue 17 Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

A plot for newlyweds (so they don’t get divorced)

In the old days, they usually invited a healer to a wedding, seated her in a place of honor, treated her to the most delicious dishes and tried in every possible way to respect her. They did this so that during the holiday the healer would talk the young couple into a long and happy life together. And indeed, in the old days people lived together for many years and never thought about divorce.

Now, unfortunately, not every family can boast of good relationships full of love and tenderness. Often before they even have time to celebrate the wedding, people are already running for divorce.

I'll teach you good plot, which will help preserve a young family and prevent divorce. Here are his words:

I speak, servant of God (name of the healer),

According to God's word, not mine,

In a bright wedding chamber

Servants of God (names of the young),

Peace of the baptized,

Father, mother of the blessed.

Accept, Lord, my prayer!

They would eat and drink

Yes, they would have children,

Don't wave your hands at each other,

Don't scream evil words with your lips,

They didn’t quarrel among themselves,

They didn't argue with their parents.

How the good mother church stands for centuries,

It would be fine if God’s servants (names) lived.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

From book Everyday life sorcerers and healers in Russia in the 18th-19th centuries author Budur Natalia Valentinovna

From the book Golden Rules of Feng Shui. 10 simple steps to success, well-being and longevity author Ogudin Valentin Leonidovich

Bedroom for newlyweds The bedroom for newlyweds should have the correct shape. The newlyweds' bedroom should not be located opposite a knife-shaped road. The newlyweds' bedroom should not be located above the garage. A bedroom for newlyweds should not

From the book How to protect yourself from the evil eye and damage author Kladnikova Serafima

Charms for newlyweds Wedding amulets have existed for a long time. It has always been believed that at the wedding of the newlyweds it is easiest to quarrel with an evil person, since they are open and accessible to any evil eye or damage. They have not yet learned to defend themselves, so they take this function

From the book Women's conspiracies for love, health and happiness. 147 most powerful female conspiracies author Bazhenova Maria

A conspiracy for newlyweds to purchase their own home. This conspiracy is created by relatives of the newlyweds on the bride's side. That's what they need to do. Let them take a pea pod and say to it: The peas live in the pod, the peas live in the pod, the sides are round

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 09 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

A conspiracy for newlyweds to make the house strong and rich. This conspiracy is happening on the carpet. Before the wedding, the carpet is removed from the house. At full moon the following words are said: As the seas cover the mother earth, as the clouds cover the sky, as the grass covers the meadow, so you, carpet,

From the book of 7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Conspiracy to look younger

From the book, Water teaches you how to manage people and get what you want from them. Slanders about water author Stefania Sister

What to do if newlyweds are bitten by dogs

From the book of 1777 new conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

A plot-starter for newlyweds (so they don’t get divorced) In the old days, they invited a healer to a wedding, seated her in a place of honor, treated her and tried in every possible way to respect her. They did this so that the healer at the wedding feast would whisper about the strength of the family. And indeed,

From the book, 5 minutes of yoga without getting out of bed. For every woman at any age author Brahmachari Swami

Tie for the Prodigal Husband Find a dry stump in the field and tie it with a belt from your clothes. Tighten the ends of the belt with a knot. Before you tie the knot, say: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Water to the river, stump to the ground, husband’s hand to my hand. Whenever my husband comes to this stump,

From book White magic. Rituals for money and luck from Elder Zechariah! by Zachary

A conspiracy to prevent injury From the letter: “Hello, Natalya Ivanovna! The wife of the man shown in the photograph is writing to you. His name is Mikhail. I wouldn’t bother you, but I’m very scared, because what one old woman predicted for us is beginning to come true. True, it was

From the book Workshop on Real Witchcraft. ABC of witches author Nord Nikolay Ivanovich

A conspiracy so that your family will be attracted to you, respect you, have many friends You will need: well water, a container with wide edges like a ladle, a church candle Time of the ritual: evening Place: room Moon phase: third, fourth Suitable days of the week: author

Tying a man Usually this technique, when they want to induce selective impotence on a man, is used by wives whose husband is cheating on him with his mistress, or by girls who do not want their boyfriend to have intimate relationships with someone else besides herself. Order

From the author's book

A conspiracy not to be jinxed in your sleep. This is the only conspiracy that can be read in the dark, before going to bed. You can read it every day - it protects you from the influence of dark forces, which love to feed on the energy of a sleeping person. I will lie down, servant of God

Conspiracies have long been firmly established in our lives, especially in love relationships. Most often, the goal of lovers is marriage, and especially women who imagine the main dream: to become a bride, to wear Wedding Dress and arm in arm with your loved one on this day to start a new one happy life and start a family. But what if your loved one doesn’t share your dream and isn’t going to propose? In this case, magic comes to the rescue - a wedding plot will solve your problem with marriage.

Wedding conspiracies: characteristics

Rituals aimed at marriage belong to the section of white magic. When using any conspiracy for a quick wedding, it is undesirable to pronounce the name of the supposed betrothed in the text of the spell, so as not to doom yourself to an unsuccessful marriage. You should focus on making sure that the girl is desired and loved by her future husband. In this case, you will attract your destiny to you.

But if your goal is to destroy existing relationships a specific man in order to create a family with him, remember that these actions are in the nature of black magic and will not bring happiness to either you or your lover.

Before you begin to perform the ritual, you must fast for 3 days, and during this time eat only bread and water, and read the plot on the waxing moon, avoiding church holidays.

Ritual with candles for marriage

To carry out this ritual, it is not at all necessary to have a specific guy in mind; the conspiracy will quickly bring your betrothed into your life. To achieve success, you need to believe with all your heart that the actions you take and the words you speak will very soon realize your most important dream.


For this ritual you will need:

  • white tablecloth (preferably new);
  • church candle;
  • cup of water;
  • a cup of honey;
  • paper.

Procedure for performing the ritual

The ritual to get married soon should be carried out in the first week after the new moon, at dawn. Having prepared, proceed directly to magical actions:

  1. Place a white tablecloth on the dining table.
  2. Write the plot down by hand on paper.
  3. Place a cup filled with honey and another with water on the table.
  4. Place a candle nearby and light it.
  5. Imagine your own marriage - wedding dress, groom, relatives.
  6. Leaning over a cup of water, read the spell 12 times.
  7. Wait until the candle burns out completely.
  8. Add some honey to a cup of water, stir and wash your face.
  9. Sprinkle the remaining water with honey onto the front door.


“I, the servant of God (name), will light a church candle and tell the Lord God about my desire. I will tie red threads in knots - one knot for love, the second knot for passion, the third knot for fidelity. It’s not that the threads are tied, but my soul is connected with the soul of my future spouse. As they will be together, so we will live together and give birth to children. Just as no one can untie my knots, no one can destroy our family, no one can spoil our love. My words will be strong and molding. Amen".

Soon after reading these words, the girl’s fate will change, and she will definitely meet her soul mate. An important condition for success is that the ceremony must be kept secret, even after many years.

Plot for a quick wedding

To attract several guys with serious intentions to a girl at once, and so that her wedding takes place soon, we can recommend reading the plot and performing the ceremony at the Annunciation. The result will not be long in coming, and higher power will give you a meeting with the most worthy young people. However, you should not tempt fate and think for a long time about marriage. Marry the one who is dearest to your heart as soon as possible!


For the ritual you will need the following items:

  • new broom;
  • scoop yellow color, the material does not matter, and if it is not possible to buy a yellow scoop, you can simply paint any scoop yellow;
  • canvas bag.

Procedure for performing the ritual

Ritual actions begin at the stage of preparing accessories. The order of your actions:

  1. Buy a broom, this can only be done on Wednesday or Friday; you cannot take change when purchasing.
  2. When returning home with your purchase, focus on the broom, on its purpose - how convenient it will be for sweeping the house, and what kind of order you will create.
  3. On the night of the new moon, sweep up the litter in the courtyard of the house and in the entrance as cleanly as possible.
  4. While sweeping, you need to read the plot.
  5. Collect trash in a yellow dustpan.
  6. Bring the trash home in a dustpan and pour it into a bag.
  7. On the bag, read the Lord's Prayer 9 times.
  8. The bag of garbage should be placed in the far corner of the house and left there until the next new moon.
  9. On the new moon, bury the bag in a deserted place.


“I invite good fellows into my house - good, handsome, stately, kind and brave. Not thieves, not greedy, not lazy. Come to me soon, from other people's yards. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Remember to maintain secrecy and look forward to meeting the applicants soon. Trust your heart and you won't go wrong.

Ritual for a quick wedding for a guy

Young people can also successfully use rituals in order to quickly arrange their destiny and marry a good girl. Using the ritual described here with a pure heart and with the belief that every action has a secret magical meaning, the guy will definitely soon find family happiness.


To successfully carry out the ritual, you only need seedlings of any flowers and desire.

Procedure for performing the ritual

The ritual is performed on the waxing moon, in the morning at dawn, so that no one can see. Strict adherence to the sequence of actions will lead you to success:

  1. You need to plant the prepared seedlings near your home.
  2. During landing, read the plot.
  3. Over the course of the next week, you must conscientiously take care of each planted flower, avoiding the death of a single seedling.
  4. In the evenings, while watering, repeat “Our Father” 9 times.
  5. As soon as the first flower blooms, you will meet the girl destined for you.
  6. Don't waste time and ask her to marry you before the last flower blooms.
  7. When the last flower has faded, pick it, dry it, and hide it away from prying eyes - this flower will serve as a talisman for your family and will ward off unpleasantness and quarrels from you.


“I, the servant of God (name), will go out from door to door

I’ll look at the red sun and the blue sky.

Let my daughter-in-law smile at me

And he’s getting ready to marry me faster.

When my flowers bloom

At that hour I will find a bride.

As I said, so it will be. Amen".

Ritual for a happy marriage on Pokrov

The Intercession of the Virgin Mary (October 14, new style) is a great holiday, especially for women. On this holiday, it is advisable to pray to the Most Holy Theotokos and ask her for a happy woman’s lot. It is on this holy day that conspiracies and rituals for marriage are powerful, and girls who perform rituals on the Intercession get married throughout the year.


Van will need the following items:

  • large candle (preferably red);
  • headscarf.

Procedure for performing the ritual

This ritual is performed early in the morning in the church on the Feast of the Intercession. It is advisable to go to the temple and light a candle on this day before the rest of the parishioners.

On this great holy holiday, your request will be heard, and you will definitely soon find your family happiness; all that matters is a strong desire, sincerity of feelings and pure thoughts.


If you read wedding conspiracies and perform rituals, higher powers will definitely help you find your happiness or find it with your beloved man who does not dare to commit this important step. With the help of magic you will realize your dream of family happiness and a new life.

Every young girl or woman dreams of meeting young man, they will fall in love and get married. This is the ideal picture that we most often see in films or novels. In reality, everything is much more complicated.

Magic still works in the 21st century

Many girls, due to their busy work, active lifestyle, or simply under the influence of outside forces, not only cannot get married, but also cannot find a lover. Many psychologists consider this a problem of the 21st century, because people have simply forgotten how to communicate, look closely, and recognize among millions the only one with whom they can link their destiny. You can, of course, sit for a long time and wait for the prince on scarlet sails or in a white convertible, but in order to speed up the process of getting rid of loneliness and getting married faster, many girls use a marriage plot.

The power of marriage conspiracies and their history

A little bit of history

Since ancient times, girls especially believed that happiness could be found with the help of outside forces. That is why appeals to fortune tellers and whispering grandmothers were extremely popular among young beauties.

And, as practice shows, each such appeal was effective. Nowadays, many representatives of the fairer sex risk concluding a conspiracy for a quick marriage on their own, thereby investing their own energy and desire into its power, which only strengthen the words of the conspiracy and accelerate their impact.
A conspiracy for a happy marriage is attributed to white magic, while the girl claims the hand and heart of a free young man and does not take him away from the family. Even the magicians themselves do not recommend carrying out conspiracies to marry someone else’s husband, who will have to leave his family. Sooner or later, the young man will begin to miss his wife, especially if they have children together, and such a marriage will not bring any happiness to the girl who, by the power of magic, took her lover away from the family.

It is also not recommended to carry out a conspiracy to marry a man who does not love the girl. As they say, you won’t be nice by force, and over time the power of the words of the conspiracy will weaken, and the family, which was created under duress and against the true will of one of its members, will fall apart. If children appear in such a family, then misfortune ex-spouses will be doubled.

It is recommended to carry out a conspiracy on such a young man who is looking for his life partner and, like the girl, does not know where to find her and among whom to look. Conspiracies for a quick marriage increase in their energy if 3 days before the conspiracies the girl fasts - she eats only bread and drinks water, and the conspiracy ceremony itself is carried out in the first week after the new moon, i.e. on the waxing moon, since it is precisely this period of the lunar month that is responsible for acquisition, which means that in the near future on the path of life the girl will acquire, we read, meet, find, her betrothed. The marriage plot is read at dawn at the first dawn.

Speeding up the process

At dawn, cover the table with a white tablecloth, preferably a new one. Place a lighted candle from the church and a bowl of water and honey on the table. The plot is read on the water, the reading should be smooth and without hitches. It is best to write down the words of the conspiracy on a white sheet of paper. Read 12 times, and while reading, do not be distracted by extraneous thoughts and imagine your wedding day and your lover, yourself in a white outfit, happy relatives at the wedding. Conspiracy words:

“I’ll light a church candle and burn incense. I will express my desire to God. I will tie two red threads with three knots. Of these, one knot will be for love, the second - for passion, and the third - for fidelity. I’m not tying threads, but connecting our souls with our future husband. They will be together, they will live together, conduct business, have children. Friendship, understanding and respect - these are our relationships! From the very beginning of the century to its end. No one will untie the knots, no one will destroy our relationship, no one will be able to cancel our family. Everything will be strong and tenacious.”

After the plot has been read 12 times, you must wait until the candle burns out, if it has not burned out yet. Then the girl should wash herself with honey water and sprinkle it on all the doors in the house, Special attention dedicate space to the entrance so that the young man can walk through the door like bees flock to honey. You shouldn’t tell anyone about the conspiracy, even your closest people.

Plot for a quick marriage on a broom

A new broom in the house was once given special significance, because its main purpose was to bring cleanliness and order to the house, just like young husband. That is why, when purchasing a new broom, young girls often wished that an owner would appear in their lives, with whom they would create a household and run it together. This is how conspiracies for a quick marriage to a broom appeared.

For the conspiracy, you need to go to the market and buy a good broom, while you should give the seller a little more money than its value and do not take change from the seller. On the way home, you should go and praise your broom - that’s how new, okay, good it is. In the first week of the new moon, you need to sweep the house and yard or landing in a multi-story building with a new broom, and collect the garbage in a yellow dustpan. The scoop can simply be painted with yellow paint. While the girl is sweeping with a new broom, she should say the following words:

“I’m driving the red fellows into my house. Good and nice. Not lazy people, not thieves, not misers, not rednecks.
Come to me, well done grooms. Come from your own backyards, from strangers, from the unknown.
Stone. Scissors. Paper. Let it be so".

Broom spell

We use a broom

The broom spell is spoken an odd number of times. There is an opinion that it needs to be said as many times as you want to attract suitors to your home. The collected garbage during tagging must be collected in a bag, tied and placed in a corner until the next new moon. Over the bag you should read the prayer “Our Father” 9 times. In the near future, the grooms should come to the house. When the girl’s fate is determined and she gets married, the bag will need to be buried away from human eyes and not told about it to anyone. The girl will only have to keep and take care of her family.
It often happens that young people have been together for a long time, and love each other, and have been together for many years, but there is still no talk of marriage. In this case, the wedding can be speeded up if you use wedding spells. They can be spoken by both the future bride and her mother or someone close to her.

A conspiracy for a quick wedding at someone's wedding is considered very effective. To do this, the girl needs to go to church and stand there for three weddings in a row. Before doing this, place a white handkerchief in your bosom near your heart. When the priest blesses the newlyweds and combines them in marriage, it will be necessary to repeat the words after him and instead of the names of the spouses, insert your own names with your loved one.

Upon returning home, you need to wait for your desired future husband to visit and wipe his shoes with a handkerchief from the church so that he does not see. This scarf should be placed in a bag with gingerbread cookies, sweets, fruits and taken to the funeral table in the church. Then light a candle for the repose of your girlhood and read the incantation:

“Mother Theotokos, saints Nicholas and Ilya, remember my girlhood in the kingdom of God, and send me a wedding wreath, this hour, this moment, from now on and forever. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The ritual and conspiracy for the wedding should take effect within a month. If nothing happens, then repeat the ritual. It can be done no more than 3 times; if nothing happens during this time, then most likely fate has prepared another husband for the girl.

It is also held near the church and at the time of the wedding of an outside young couple. In this case, it is advisable to choose the couple who entered into marriage by mutual consent and love. When the newlyweds leave the church, looking at them, you need to read the plot:

“Just as these newlyweds got married in church and exchanged gold rings before the Lord, so I, God’s servant (name), will be married to God’s servant (name) in the near future and exchange gold rings. Amen".

After this conspiracy, light a candle for health and pray for a quick wedding.

When performing a love spell, ritual performers, in most cases, hope that bringing a loved one into the life will end in a wedding and a further happy life together.

It should be remembered that love spells for a wedding are a separate type of influence and differ from other directed love influences by greater power.

Rituals options

Any love spell for a wedding should be carried out only when you feel that you sincerely love a person and are ready to live your whole life with him. Such rituals can be performed by both men and women.

Ritual for a man

This ritual can be performed if his beloved, for any reason, refuses to marry him. Only in this case you should remember that first you need to try to get your beloved’s consent to the wedding traditional methods. And only if this is unsuccessful, you should turn to magic. A love spell for a wedding in such a situation can be carried out many times until the beloved agrees to get married.

The ritual uses 12 matches, which are set on fire and the following magic words are spoken into their smoke:

“The cup is tin, the fence is wooden, the smoke is thick and dark, which means I, the Servant of God (my own name), am right in everything. Soon the Servant of God (the name of the beloved) will love me very much and will give me her heart and hand. She will not be able to live without my clear eyes, black curls, white face and brave heart. She will no longer resist marriage, she will agree to live next to me and become my faithful wife. The smoke from the matches is swirling, and with it my beloved is harassing me. Amen".

This ritual should be performed only on Fridays, an exception should be made for Orthodox holidays.

With wedding candles

In the opposite situation, when the beloved is in no hurry to propose, the girl can perform a special ritual to speed up the long-awaited event.

A ritual in which church wedding candles are used is very popular due to its simplicity. A couple of such candles must be purchased in advance at the temple. To enhance the effect of the planned love spell, when visiting a church, you should put candles near the chosen icon and ask God for help in your planned task.

At the same time, it is important to turn to the Almighty in your own words and explain why you want to use a love spell ritual. Despite the fact that the church does not recognize magic, creating a family in Orthodoxy is considered a godly deed. Therefore, if you sincerely ask for help, then most likely it will be provided to you.

Having secluded yourself in a separate room, you should tie the candles with red natural thread and place them on the table on a platter.

After this, you need to set them on fire and recite the following plot:

“I appeal to you, all saints, take me, the Servant of God (my own name) and the Servant of God (my beloved name) by the hands and lead me to the altar. Lord Almighty, King of Heaven, crown the Servant of God (name of the beloved) with the Servant of God (own name) forever. May we live happily ever after and not be separated until death. Amen".

After speaking the words, you need to sit in complete silence and wait until the candles burn out. All attributes used in the ritual should be wrapped in a napkin and hidden in a secluded place. You can throw them away only after your loved one proposes to you.

With wedding ribbons

To spend strong ritual, which will force your loved one to propose to you, you must use ribbons from the wedding, there should be three of them.

In addition to them you will need to use:

  • A piece of red fabric;
  • A few of your hair and your loved one.

The ritual takes place at midnight on a full moon when the moon is visible in the sky. In a separate room, you should cover the table with a piece of red fabric, on which you should place wedding attributes and hair. It is important that the table stands next to the window and the moonlight falls on it.

You need to take the ribbons and tie them along the edge into a tight knot with the words:

“I knit my fate forever.”

After this, you need to start braiding a braid from them. During this process, you should recite the following magical spell:

“As a magic braid is woven, as the hairs are intertwined in it, so the destinies of the Servant of God (the name of the beloved) and the Servant of God (their own name) are forever united. Our hearts and souls will merge forever and ever. My word is strong, it will happen. Amen".

During the weaving process, you need to imagine the image of your loved one and the scene of him proposing to you.

At the base you should again tie a strong knot and say:

“From this moment and forever, you and I are bound for the rest of our lives.”

The braided braid should be left under the moonlight all night, and in the morning it should be hidden in a secluded place. It will serve as a talisman for your life together, which will begin very soon.

If you want to get married as soon as possible, on Easter, at sunrise, you need to knock on the glass of your window and say:

“The Easter sun is rolling across the sky, And you, groom, show up at my doorstep. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Christ has risen, and the groom comes to me. Amen."

To speed up marriage

You will need two dolls dressed as newlyweds. Write the names of the man and woman who are to be married on the backs of the dolls. Write their names on a long white ribbon as well. Tie three knots on the ribbon, as you are calling on the Holy Trinity for help. Then use this ribbon to tie both dolls face to face at the waist. Prepare herbal tea from valerian and cinnamon, add some frankincense and a few drops of myrrh oil. Dip the dolls into the liquid with the words: “Three times for the Holy Virgin, three times for our Father.”

Dry the dolls and place them in a shoebox. Sprinkle them with holy water. Wash the magnet in holy water with honey and put it in the box with the dolls. Place a long shoot of grapevine or hops there. Store the box in a secluded place.

Ritual for marriage

You need insoles for your loved one's shoes or boots. Decide for yourself how you get them. Maybe from that pair of shoes that he no longer wears.

Write your name on one piece of paper, his name on the second. You can use pink paper in the shape of a heart, or wedding cards. Fold both sheets of paper together so that the names are opposite each other. Using 5 new needles, pin the sheets together. Wrap the pieces of paper in red silk and place them between the insoles of his shoes that you took out. Tie this sandwich tightly with yellow or gold thread. Place the bundle under the mattress of your bed.

Light the white and yellow candles for one hour for 5, 10 or 25 days of your choice to confirm your intention.

For marriage

In church, stand for three weddings from beginning to end, putting a handkerchief in your bosom near your heart. When the priest says; the servant of God (name) is getting married to the servant of God (name), silently substitute your names.
Then use this handkerchief to wipe your loved one’s shoes. Place the scarf in a bag with apples or gingerbread, take it to the church and place it on the funeral table. Light a memorial candle and say to yourself:

“Mother Theotokos, Paraskeva Friday, holy saints Nikola and Ilya, remember my girlhood in the kingdom of God, and send me a wedding wreath, this hour, this moment, from now on and forever. Amen. Amen. Amen."

The ritual lasts for a month.

Spell for wedding candles

This plot is read if your loved one is in no hurry to marry you.
On Friday morning, buy two wedding candles from church. Bring them home. Tie them with red thread and place them on a saucer. Light the candles with one match. Read the plot:

“All the saints take the slave (name of the beloved) by the hands and lead him to the altar. At the crown, the servant (your name) stands looking at the saints. Lord, King of Heaven, crown with your crown the slave (name of your beloved) with the slave (your name) forever and ever, do not separate until death. Amen."

Let the candles burn out.

Plot for a quick wedding

When the married couple comes out of the church gates, cross yourself and say:

“Just as these two got married in church and exchanged rings before the Lord God, so I, God’s servant (name), would get married to God’s servant (name) and exchange rings. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen"

Spell for running water

Early in the morning, when the sun has not yet risen, wash your face with running water and say the following spell:

“I will get up before the sun, wash myself from the well, go from one door to three doors, from one gate to three gates, to three forges. In those three forges there are three forges, one forges gold, another pours copper solder, the third melts silver. Well done, you blacksmiths, work gold chains, copper solder, and silver knitting needles. To unite, solder and bind the souls, flesh and hearts of God’s servants (name) and (name) forever and ever, into marriage bonds. The key to my words is confirmation, and a strong fortress, and heavenly power, from now until the end of time. Amen."

A conspiracy to make a girl meet a rich groom

In the spring, when sap is collected from birch trees, go into the forest, put some birch sap in a jar, speak it and drink:

“I milk the birch cow, I talk about the birch milk. Birch tree, milk it, share the milk, according to that milk to me, the servant of God (name), so that the groom will come smart-reasonable, noble-rich, single-unmarried. And I, a beautiful maiden, a servant of God (name), would have been waiting for him, trying on the wedding crown. And so be it forever. Amen."

Conspiracy on Pokrov

Intercession October 14. You need to go out onto the balcony, raise your hands to the sky and say: “Bride, Bride, Queen of Heaven, take me out of the brides, remove the heavy cross from me, bless me for the crown. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

If the daughter stayed too long as a bride

On the day your daughter was born (on the date, not on her birthday), wash her with water and honey with a hex, and then wipe the bracket and door handle with the same water.

“How dear the red dawn is to people, how dear the clear star is to people, how dear the honey is to the bee, so is all the love for the slave (name). Amen."