Yulia Lanske how old is she. Julia Lanske, husband. Brief biography of Julia Lanske

Julia Lanske- this is a new discovery in the field of relations between a man and a woman! Her calling is to help girls and women of any age find worthy, respectable men. Magazines and newspapers write about her courses and trainings, and on television, Yulia Lanske’s projects are the most discussed.

Why Is the ability to communicate with worthy men a whole science? Because for a “literate” girl it is important to know and understand what men want! But how can you hook a high-status man and make the most unforgettable impression on him? For these and many others interesting questions Yulia Lanske’s free courses and trainings will answer.

Do you think that beautiful make-up, stylish hairstyle, fashion clothes and a sexy body is the most important thing in communicating with successful men? YOU ARE DEEPLY MISTAKEN! Of course, the listed factors have their weight, but more than 70% of your success lies in competent communication with a man.

It is important to understand that just one phrase can either raise you in the eyes of a man, or lower you once and for all. Your speech, facial expressions and gestures are the main tools, advantages that can help you get any man.

You need to realize that successful men have a very large and varied choice! And it is important to learn to become the woman who will constantly attract, charm and hold him.

Build happy relationship Absolutely any woman can! A huge advantage of all courses, video lessons and trainings by Yulia Lanske is that they have both a theoretical and a practical part. You will be able to overcome all the most pressing problems that 90% of women experience. Thanks to the author’s courses and trainings, you will not only be able to choose a successful man wisely, but also become more feminine, beautiful and the most unique!

In order to evaluate the quality of Julia Lanske’s trainings and courses, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the author’s free materials given above.

Today we will talk about not really ordinary story success. I will tell you about Yulia Lanska, a certified women's coach, Yulia graduated from the international Erickson University of Coaching.

So, Yulia Lanske, a charming blonde, but not the blonde about whom there are so many jokes, there is no Yulia Lanske with the imprint of intelligence and strong character on her face.

However, this does not prevent her from being, at 37 years old (I can’t even believe it), very attractive woman, not only as the owner of an impeccable figure, but also as an interesting, educated person.

Now Julia Lanske lives in Vienna, Austria, married to her beloved, wealthy man, she is the mother of a wonderful son, a happy wife, but also a business lady.

Julia Lanske will teach you how to conquer men

Julia Lanske is the author of a website and even an entire portal, where she shares her experience on how to build a happy relationship with a man, how to attract the attention of men, and how to get married successfully. Julia Lanske is the author of many courses, trainings, and webinars on this topic.

On Yulia Lanske's website Lanske.ru you can find a schedule of her trainings or purchase them. Julia Lanske has created an entire boutique with detailed courses for women who want to improve in their feminine essence and in family life, in relationships with the opposite sex.

Julia Lanske - Grace of a luxurious woman

Under the general title “The Grace of a Luxurious Woman”, author Julia Lanske, you can purchase video trainings:

  • How to make a man fall in love with you (classic package, modern package and ultra package);
  • How to awaken the luxurious woman within you.
  • 5 steps to your happy marriage.

Great amount positive feedback, O step by step instructions Julia Lanske, which you can also purchase in her virtual boutique.

As well as video trainings: 5 steps to the pinnacle of personal happiness, 7 steps to a happy marriage, an ideal date, the first step into a happy relationship.

In these trainings, Julia Lanske tells you where to meet successful men, how to make a successful man want to communicate with you, what mistakes you should not make when communicating with men, how to be luxurious and attract male attention.

Julia Lanske, in her trainings, webinars, coaching, tries to convey to her students how to transform their life, change it, make it better, become more successful.

How to attract successful people to you. To understand how successful people live, Julia Lanske created a video training “Guide to the Life of Successful People.”

Here you can find out how they relax, what they enjoy, what events they attend, and what successful people think about.

In her master classes, Julia Lanske teaches how to move, how to do simple everyday things, but with the grace of a queen, so that you are the center of attention.

How to manage your emotions, how to present them to people. These are Yulia's master classes - Games of Aphrodite and Secrets of “delicious” communication.

Of course, Julia Lanske did not always live in Vienna. She studied in Moscow. After graduating from school, I entered MSTU named after N, E. Bauman.

Graduated from the Faculty of Informatics and Control Systems. Yulia worked as a marketer in leading international companies. The idea that the person himself is the brand, which needs and can be successfully promoted, formed the basis of her activities in the field of relations between men and women.

In particular, how to become a luxurious and successful woman, how to find a beloved, successful man.

Julia Lanske - YouTube channel

Yulia Lanske has a channel on YouTube, where there is a huge number of video lessons, interviews, where Yulia tells her subscribers how to succeed in personal life how to get married successfully.

Moreover, there are no age restrictions here. Julia Lanske has many students who have achieved success, these are women who are already over 40.

And so, if you are interested in how to conquer a man, how to captivate a man, how to marry your loved one, how to keep men, how to communicate with men correctly, you should come to Julia Lanske.

Julia Lanske - affiliate program

Julia Lanske is a certified women's coach, she helps women find their soulmate, become happy and loved. This is a noble cause, and it is necessary to help Julia in her desire to make women happy. If you have a women’s-themed website, then offer your readers Yulia Lanske’s courses, and they will be grateful to you.

P.S. I am attaching screenshots in affiliate programs. And I remind you that everyone can do it, even a beginner! The main thing is to do it correctly, which means learning from those who are already making money, that is, from professionals.

Do you want to know what mistakes beginners make?

99% of beginners make these mistakes and fail in business and making money on the Internet! Make sure you don't repeat these mistakes - “3 + 1 ROOKIE MISTAKES THAT KILL RESULTS”.

How to marry a successful man for love

Video training by Yulia Lanske worth 3500 rubles - a gift!

A successful business woman, a specialist in building relationships with successful men, Yulia Lanske will help any woman find a worthy man. Age, appearance and social status do not matter!

The concept of finding a worthy man, specially developed by her, has already helped a huge number of women find the successful man they need and create a happy relationship with him, as evidenced by numerous reviews from grateful students that can be easily found on the Internet.

Biography of Julia Lanske

Yulia Lanske is the owner of three honors diplomas - European, Russian and American.

In 1995, Yulia graduated high school in Moscow. Then I got the first higher education at the prestigious MSTU. N.E. Bauman, studying at the Faculty of Computer Science and Control Systems, which she successfully graduated in 2001. Lanske then graduated from the International University of Coaching (ERICKSON college International), receiving a diploma as a professional coach.

For more than 1 year, Julia worked as a marketer in the world's leading companies (Maximum, Nestle, Nescafe, Edrington Group, JTI, etc.). At this time, she communicated with a huge number of successful, accomplished men - high-ranking executives and business owners in the framework of various projects, including such prestigious ones as the Sotheby’s Auction House and Formula racing.

At the same time, she studied the psychology of relationships between men and women, because being a professional marketer, she realized that the laws of marketing fully work in personal relationships. A woman just needs to learn how to correctly demonstrate her strong character traits and the features of her personality that attract men.

Any woman can learn this, regardless of her appearance, social status and age. And, having learned to focus on her strengths, a woman can already choose from the men around her the man who, by virtue of his individual characteristics suits her exactly.

The essence of Julia Laske’s concept of successful marriage is to find and attract worthy men, and then make the right choice from them. This concept of hers was reflected in the unique algorithm she created, which was called “Happy Marriage. How to find a worthy man. Search Secrets."

In 2013, Yulia Lanske launched an online project called “Yulia Lanske’s Life Transformation Boutique.”

Thanks to training within the framework of this online project “Life Transformation Boutique”, any woman can find a worthy man, attract him and create serious relationship, which in the future can lead to a happy marriage.

Currently, Yulia Lanske is happily married to a successful man, a millionaire from the Viennese Rublyovka. Raises a son. Lives in Austria.

The main goal of Yulia Lanske’s video trainings is to help any woman find a worthy man and create a happy family-temple, while contributing to the establishment of a pure institution of marriage in Russia.

This is the story of me, who wanted to marry a foreigner, but met her husband in her hometown.

Gulizar came to me in 2015 for a free webinar, having received an invitation by email. This coincided with the moment when she was rethinking her life, taking stock and worrying that she was no longer young girl, the years go by... I want happiness, which is not there.

The clock was ticking, she was 37, she dreamed of a family and children. It was at this stage of her life that we met. Gulizar taught me “The Rose of Love and Marriage”, “How to Marry the Man You Love”, all three parts of “Secrets delicious communication", "Grace of a luxurious woman", "Games of Aphrodite".

Gulizar did not come to my training right away; she had financial difficulties, and she chose a less paid trainer. She studied there and... came back to me again, saying that my classes were closer to her even from the point of view of feminine practicality. She wanted to have a completely clear plan of action: what would happen in the end, and what steps would be taken to do it consistently. From that moment on, we never parted, and now Gulizar is in the status of a happy wife. Her wedding just recently ended.

“My first coach gave me a push towards Julia Lanske. He taught that you should not spare money on yourself. How can you save on your happiness?! Then I took several courses at the same time, and since I was working at a summer camp at that moment, it was unbearably difficult, because there was practically no time! In addition, I started working with stylists on my appearance. As a result, I experienced such an incredible transformation that when I went back to work in the fall, the entire team of 50 people looked at me in amazement, noticing how much I had changed.”

She met her fiancé while Coaching was still going on. We sent Gulizar on a date, although she simply wouldn’t have decided to do it herself. I looked at the photo of this guy and convinced her to go, look, talk. I saw that they suited each other very well, they looked so harmonious and in tune together. Her beloved man turned out to be two years younger than her, and their birthday is... on the same day!

“He gave me so many sensations, emotions and feelings! I’m so happy that I’m even scared to get married - what if this whole wonderful fairy tale ends?! But I understand that this is MY man, giving a state of security and comfort. And we lived in the same city, walked past each other, and could simply never have met.”

She liked Coaching and Playing the most. Coaching carried out, as she put it, a complete restructuring in her head, and Gulizar understood how and what to do. The game showed that she really can do whatever she wants, she just needs to understand what she can do and what she can’t do, what a man hears behind her words and how he will perceive it all.

Gulizar began to better understand not only men, but also herself.

“My beloved and I met on a dating site, began to correspond, and all this quickly grew into communication on the phone. He called once every three days, and I thought that he was simply not interested in me. But it turned out that the main thing is not quantity, but quality. He was worried that he was in the way, he found out when it was convenient for me to speak, and this concern still manifests itself in all moments of our lives. We celebrated day together birth and he did serious step- introduced me to my mother, and then to his sister. And in the fall of 2017 I received a marriage proposal.”

Her husband is an IT specialist, very successful, with international certificates, who completed an internship abroad. A man with a home, a car, and earning good money. She too clever woman, brilliantly fluent in two foreign languages. But she did not think of marrying her compatriot, because she believed that it was no longer her young age and foreign knowledge that gave her the opportunity to consider exclusively men from other countries.

“I felt attached to him when he didn’t call me for a couple of days. I realized that I fell in love. And the fact that he is “my” man, this realization comes with time. We understand each other even by looking at each other, without words. He hears me what I want to convey. It was initially difficult not to discuss when I tell him and he doesn’t answer me. But he did not throw words to the wind, but showed actions and performed deeds. And I realized what a blessing it is not just to discuss something, but to immediately receive real results.”

Gulizar’s contribution to their happiness is enormous. Her future husband had already been married about five years ago and was badly burned, but she warmed him up and defrosted him. His mother said that everyone thought that he would never create his own new family. And thanks to her extraordinary feminine wisdom, he decided to new marriage, trusted her completely. However, she never asked about her ex-wife.

“Always be interested in everything your loved one is interested in. Keep your finger on the pulse of his interests. My husband is into astronomy and radio physics, and I read, learned new things, and went on dates prepared, which earned me a lot of bonus points in his eyes. And you will be interested in any topics when you are interested in the man himself. Now we are participating in his competitions together, and it’s a great sign of a relationship that they let me into their personal territory.”

Gulizar made many conclusions about what helped her find her happiness. She realized that there was no need to be offended or sulk, it was better to turn everything into a joke. There is no need to carry negativity, a man should feel good, positive, and cheerful next to his beloved. And most importantly, you need to act, be active, and care about the feelings and interests of your chosen one.

“We must not only accept, but also give a lot, taking care of each other.”

This is how Gulizar spoke about their relationship before the wedding:
“We don’t live together yet, although he has been actively suggesting we move in together for six months now. Let it be only after the wedding. I consider this one of my most the right steps– I explained to my fiancé that my family and upbringing do not accept this, it is not accepted in our country. I introduced him into my family and showed him what kind of wife I would be, how I would run the household and what kind of foundations we would have. I am a Muslim, Crimean Tatar, he is Russian. But the most important thing is to understand each other. We don’t touch on the topic of faith, and if he wants something himself, it will be only his choice.”

She continues to develop herself, works from old materials, from notebooks that she kept during my trainings. In addition, he is seriously interested in gold embroidery and attends specialized courses for a whole year. She is growing professionally, taking courses for teachers, and developing her knowledge of the language. And her fiancé also constantly improves himself, reads a lot, learns new things. And this is the most correct thing - you can’t stop, if you have a serious status man, be sure to develop further.

Gulizar advises those who are still looking for a loved one:
“The main thing is to do it! A rolling stone gathers no moss. Nothing will fall from the sky by itself. And just listening to webinars is pointless; all this knowledge must be put into practice. And apply them not only at the moment when you meet exactly “your” man and understand this, but constantly in practice.”

Happiness is when a man and a woman, like Gulizar and her fiancé, are comfortable together even in silence. She does not require constant joint conversations, she does not ask to be entertained. She feels good just being close to her loved one.

“The marriage proposal was, on the one hand, expected, because a year of dating had already passed and we entered into each other’s families. It was logical, but when I was invited to a romantic dinner and proposed, these were incredible emotions of happiness. The first person I told about this was Yulia, because in many ways this was her merit. My mother (father died), to my joy, calmly accepted the fact that my fiancé is not a Muslim, because the most important thing for her is my happiness. And soon the wedding fanfare will sing, and I will be the lawful wife.”

“Look for yours, and you will have your wedding troubles. And bouquets that you will throw into the chat!”
How pleasant it is to look at this delightful, generous Sun woman, into her radiant eyes, and to feel the warmth of her soul. Such a wife is a godsend for any man. Develop yourself, grow, improve, and you will all have your own personal happiness!

© Julia Lanske, text, 2017

© Design. LLC Publishing House E, 2017

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Julia conducts simply amazing training!

I pumped up my petals, went through many of my barriers and fears (for example, writing to the first man on the Internet for dating). After all this, my life became simpler and easier. I became with mind and understanding how to dress, watching your facial expressions, I realized my value as a person. After completing Yulina’s training, several men met me, and three months later I met my man, and he proposed to me!

Now I am building a relationship with my beloved man and preparing for the wedding!

Olga, 35 years old,

After divorcing my husband, I thought that I would still have time to get married. 15 years flew by quickly, I celebrated my 50th birthday, but I still haven’t met a worthy man.

Julia helped me restore my faith that I have the opportunity to marry a successful man.

During the training, I worked on the “Rose of Love” and saw my shortcomings. After a long break in relationships, I enthusiastically registered on a dating site and began to communicate with men. Men from many countries around the world started writing to me! And a few months later I received a marriage proposal!

Victoria, 50 years old,


Yulia’s video courses “The Grace of a Luxurious Woman” and “The Rose of Love and Femininity” helped me restore the femininity and sensuality that had been lost over the years. began to appear in my life interesting men, I felt like a real woman - desired, sweet, romantic! And recently I received a marriage proposal from the best man in the world!

Valentina, 45 years old,

Saint Petersburg

I am very impressed by Yulia’s training! The “expansion of boundaries” that Julia spoke about began right in class. I found for myself the answer to a tormenting question - what happened to me and to men that the ease of meeting people, the game of communication and the pleasure from this process went away?

For some reason I just crossed out this process from my “favorite things to do”! This discovery was so powerful that that day I could not sleep from the flow of thoughts!

Lyubov, 33 years old,


I raised three beautiful children, became a successful businesswoman, graduated from two universities, but I didn’t know the most important thing - how to become happy. Julia's training opened up a whole new world– I didn’t think that at 47 years old I would wear a magnificent White dress– exactly as I dreamed of as a child. I didn’t think that after being tired of 25 years of loneliness in my last marriage, I would meet a person with whom I would be so happy. My husband is a successful businessman, his company operates in 40 countries around the world. Business, of course, is not the main thing, but it shows the ability to organize your life and take responsibility.

Inna, 47 years old,

I really like the layered opening of the “rose” happy woman in Julia's training. I went through many different trainings, but only thanks to Yulia’s lessons I was able to open up as a woman and finally receive an offer from the man I love!

Natalia, 38 years old,

Learning from Julia is a pleasure! How pleasant and amazing it turns out to be a woman - to catch the admiring glances of men, meet people and build relationships!

Maria, 29 years old,


I am 56 years old, and two years ago I lost a relationship with a significant man for me. I wanted to understand myself: what’s wrong with me? I decided to go to Julia’s training. Imagine my surprise when, after a two-year break, my “lost” man called me and asked to meet!

Irina, 56 years old,

Previously, I had never met high-status, successful men; I always came across either young boys or completely grown-up hard-working men. Julia's training helped me a lot - I was able to open up, become more feminine, I began to have interesting acquaintances, I continue to work on my feminine destiny!

Svetlana, 33 years old,

I really enjoyed my first lesson with Julia. I noticed that I like to catch the gaze of men. At work, you can feel the attention of your colleagues and some kind of special attitude; female colleagues also noticed this. I think everything will work out soon!

Anna, 25 years old,

I’ll share my experience – for now only online communication. I slightly changed my photos in the profile. Using Yulina’s method, she began to build communication with several men. EVERYONE answered! I didn't even expect it. I correspond with some of them, keeping the “intrigue” going.

Ekaterina, 30 years old,

After the first lesson with Yulia, some kind of courage and enthusiasm appeared. Flirting without a specific goal turned out to be fun. Previously, I thought about the consequences all the time, but now there is lightness. “Rose” gave me confidence and increased my self-esteem! And when you feel a real lady, then those around you perceive you that way.

Lisa, 28 years old,

Nizhny Novgorod

I came to Julia’s training with the experience of “attracting successful men, but not the right ones.” But at the same time, I was constrained in communication if I really liked the man. Therefore, I honed my communication skills with men I was interested in. Thanks to the “Rose of Love and Femininity” training, I feel like I have blossomed! Those around you notice this too - both men and women!

Evgeniya, 37 years old,


I started studying the “Rose of Love and Femininity” training, and after the first 2 lessons I had a lot of insights even on the outer layer appearance(and I work in the beauty industry!).

Julia has very strong training and a lot of real useful information. I am very pleased!

Lolita, 41 years old,

Communication with Yulia opened my eyes to a lot.

I began to confidently communicate with any men, even with my daughter’s young men (I am a single mother, all these 16 years I have had the feeling of an “inferior little family”, but after completing the training, a lot has changed in my perception). The knowledge gained at the training turned out to be very useful in conversations with my daughter and in giving her some tips on how to behave.

Inga, 46 years old,

4th of July in America National holiday, and for me and hundreds of girls in many countries, this is the birthday of our beloved coach, mentor, inspirer, and for many, the “discoverer of America” in matters of building relationships, our JULIA! Be healthy, loved, this is the most important thing. You have ascended to your Olympus and generously share with us your knowledge, strength, love, being both a goddess and Cupid in one person. Long life to you and your family!

Victoria S., 39 years old,


Why do you need this book

The main goal of this book is to help subtly and skillfully reveal your femininity and attractiveness, to make every facet of your image play with bright colors.

For all women

This book will suit married woman In order to attract a worthy man into your life and get happily married, so for a married woman - the book will help her blossom, refreshing her husband’s interest and feelings.


This book is a kind of test to identify the weak petals of your rose and a set of recommendations on how to strengthen them in order to achieve the image of a Sensual Wife, so attractive to men.

Personal experience

How to read this book?

Method 1. Work through layer by layer from 1st to 7th and implement it.

Method 3. Start working on the most important layers of a woman's choice - for example, the layer of communication, dating and relationships.

This book is for women who dream:

Become attractive for interesting, successful, serious men, but don’t know how to do it.

Enjoy from sincere comprehensive attention and choose your beloved man among the best candidates.

Communicate without embarrassment or constraint with representatives of the stronger sex and admire yourself.

Start getting acquainted, dating and building relationships, leading to a happy marriage.

If the woman is married, bring sensuality and novelty into the family routine, It’s nice to surprise your husband and bring passion and spice back into the relationship.

Understand, what kind of wife do they want next to them? worthy men, and become her.

Who it won't suit:

To the skeptics, and also to those who already know everything themselves.

To those who I'm used to just complaining about life, instead of doing something.

Women who dream of marrying wealthy men for the purpose of pure profit.

To the man-haters and women who believe that there are only two opinions: theirs and the wrong one.

What this book definitely won't include:

Magic pills and promises of instant results.

Water, boring lectures on psychology and empty words.

Pickup tips, seduction guides.

What will the training book “Rose of Love and Femininity” give you?

Awareness weak “petals” of your image of a woman-wife and effective ways their strengthening.

Basics male psychology : what men want, what they love and how to communicate with them.

Chance change yourself and your attitude towards yourself.

Opportunity gain confidence in your attractiveness.

Skill arouse and retain the interest of men.


I am a graduate of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University. She graduated from the university with honors and was the only girl in the group. Baumanka has become not only a school in computer science, but also a school of life - in understanding male psychology, the needs and desires of men. After Baumanka, I worked in marketing for more than 10 years. I ran premium men's brands and increased my practical knowledge: from personal communication with high-status men to creating more than hundreds of successful projects for them. It was at this job that I learned to understand what was going on in men’s heads. It completely captivated me!

I admit, when I tell men that I am a “Baumanka,” I can see from their gaze that they are beginning to like me and they immediately single me out from the crowd.

Of course, this is not my only trump card. I know how to please men and will be happy to teach you this too!

For more than 22 years I have been immersed in the psychology of successful, self-realized men, and this is the most powerful experience that I pass on to my students. I help women build happy relationships and get married.

Among my students there are women from 25 to 65 years old, without children or with one, two or even three children. My students marry high-status men - executives, representatives of the political and business elite, diplomats, and public figures.

I defended the highest MBA degree - Executive MBA at the Vienna University of Business and Economics and the American Carlson University of Management, this experience brought me back to my student days with top managers of the world's leading companies and deepened my understanding of the psychology of high-status men.

Today I am a certified matchmaker (matchmaking) and coach. She is also the creator of a new format marriage agency and a recognized coach. Thanks to individual trainings on marriage, in three years I was able to contribute to the creation of more than 100 couples, more than 50 families, in which more than 20 babies were born!

Looking back, I feel that the most rewarding experience was meeting my man and getting married. The rest of my achievements carry only part of the deep feminine meaning, wisdom and happiness!

It took me 8 years to get married. Why so long, you ask? It really is easy to get married! But to marry your man, become his beloved, the only woman and be truly happy in the family for the next 50 years is not easy! This is the first and only marriage for me and my husband. The wife of status, interesting and dearly loved. I met him at 30, when he was 43, and at first he told me that he would not get married at all. We've been officially together for eight years.

When I became a mother, I realized that it is important for every woman to realize the pillar of wife and motherhood - this is our destiny as women. I realized that the main thing in a woman’s life is to build a strong family temple and that it is important to give birth to a child in a happy relationship filled with love. If a child is born into a loving family, he will be able to bring higher values ​​into this world.

So I came to the mission:

MY MISSION is to create as many happy families as possible.

My friends started coming to me, and then their friends - word of mouth worked. Everyone wanted to understand how and where to meet a man, how to choose your man and how to create a strong relationship that will lead to a happy family. I realized that my experience in knowledge of male psychology is very much in demand and necessary for women, like air!

In 2013, I opened the Julia Lanske Life Transformation Boutique. I'll try to explain why I came up with this name. A boutique is a place where you can buy something useful, beautiful and... expensive. Expensive in in this case– this is a sign of quality. Dear means really good, dear to your heart, something that is truly worthy of you and fills you with happiness. But for this you need to transform, that is, change your life for the better.

In my Boutique, I not only conduct trainings, but also create a unique atmosphere: together with my students, we follow the path to the fulfillment of our deepest desires.

During four and a half years of coaching, I gained a lot of experience - personal and based on the practice of working with single women. Now I can tell a lot about a woman even from a photograph - I understand how men see this woman and what qualities she should improve or develop in order to find a harmonious and happy relationship. My system works - my students get married and create happy families. This makes me happy too!

I have created 15 unique trainings and conduct open online seminars - more than 40 hours a week, which can be attended for free.

Leading trainers and masters are involved in the Boutique project:

Alexander Rapoport the only master who is in one person both a famous theater and film actor (Alexander can be seen on the stage of the Sovremennik Theater), and a psychotherapist with half a century of practice in Russia and abroad, and a coach dealing with relationships between men and women. Author and presenter of brilliant television and radio projects: “School of the Mind”, “Men’s Territory”, “I Want Your Husband”, co-host of the program “I Can’t Love”, host of the radio program “An Hour Before Midnight” on Silver Rain.

An inimitable man, a loving and beloved husband for more than 50 years.

Anna Nosatova– theater and film actress, graduate of RATI (GITIS), London theater school LAMBDA. The actress’s filmography includes more than 50 film and television projects with leading and main roles. Producer and director.

Mikhail Gavrilov- theater and film actor, graduated from the Theater Institute. Shchukin, whose filmography includes leading and starring roles in more than 30 film and television projects, participated in the show “Ice Age” on Channel One.

Vladimir Lazarev– expert of elite and rare drinks. She has been collaborating with high-status men for more than 15 years. Researcher of men's hobbies and interests. Trainer of projects that reveal the secrets of men's interests, with many years of experience.

What is unique about my system, you ask?

Firstly, psychologists often share knowledge, and I am just getting my third degree in psychology - that is, my system is not drawn from classical psychology from textbooks, it comes from my own practical 22-year experience of working with high-status men, almost eight years of happy marriage and 4 ,5 years of experience in guiding women in groups and individually.

Secondly, I never took training or read books on relationships; in my managerial position in a corporation, I simply had no time to do this. I have always done something to build my happiness as a woman, and being surrounded by men every day, I was able to understand what works and what doesn’t. Continuous practice is the main source of my knowledge, and it is unique. What you read in this book you will not find anywhere else!

Thirdly, the experience of thousands of students suggests that my system works! If I had had this training book at one time, I would have met my husband not in 8 years, but in just a year.

Thanks to the fact that Alexander Rapoport lives either in New York or in Moscow, and I live between Vienna and Moscow, our project is truly international, connecting the best family traditions of the CIS, Europe and the United States. Our students marry foreign citizens, Russian emigrants, and Russian-speaking men living in the CIS.

Today I am completely absorbed in building a unique system for creating happy families and relationships. I participate in international conferences in the dating and relationship industry and receive many invitations to give lectures.

It was with the goal of “prompting and guiding” that I developed the program “Rose of love and femininity. How to say goodbye to loneliness and meet your love". This is a system for revealing your inner woman. It is necessary for everyone - single women, married women or those in a relationship.

I want to explain the name to you. A rose is a flower. Not just a flower - the most beautiful, the queen among flowers. A rosebud contains up to forty or more petals, which you wouldn’t even guess when it just begins to open. But when the rose gains color, you can’t take your eyes off it. The same thing will happen to you when you allow yourself to open up. Petals are your nature, your skills and abilities, and I will not tire of repeating: work on yourself to bring your Rose - your woman - to perfection! Life flies fast, and there's absolutely nothing you can do to become the best woman, - big mistake! Even if you leave men out of the equation, becoming better for yourself is already an achievement that will entail everything else and make your life better and richer.

Humanity today has learned to build businesses and corporations, but do we know how to be happy in our families? Do we know how to create family happiness, so that every day we can draw endlessly strong energy for creativity in this world? This is what I see as the main task and meaning of my activity as an expert.

I am writing this book to enable women, men and, most importantly, children to live happier lives! I thank the Eksmo publishing house for the opportunity! I thank you, dear reader, for listening to your heart, deep feminine wisdom, feeling your feminine destiny and wanting to open up like a rose in a harmonious relationship! Your desire is not only for your sake, but also for the sake of your man, your children and your family, and therefore for the world as a whole!

Your Julia Lanske