Anniversary medals. Jubilee medals and orders. Jubilee medal "60 years of Victory"

When Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev was at the head of the USSR, Victory Day over Nazi Germany began to turn into the second most important Public Holiday After May 9, it officially became a day off in 1965. The holiday in those years gained a large number of traditions that are still observed today, for example, military parades on Red Square. Then it was also opened. Since that time, the history of anniversary medals dedicated to the anniversaries of the Victory begins.

First anniversary medal

In 1965, the first anniversary Victory medal was issued, which was dedicated to the twentieth anniversary of the liberation of states from the Nazis. The obverse depicted a Soviet soldier-liberator from Berlin's Treptow Park, which was framed by two laurel branches. The author of the award was Evgeniy Vuchetich. Also on the sides were the dates 1945 and 1965, respectively. On the reverse are the words "Twenty years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War" Patriotic War 1941-1945", Roman numeral XX and star, in divergent rays.

The anniversary medal was made of brass, and with the help of an eyelet it was attached to a pentagonal block, which was framed by a three-color (red, green and black) ribbon. According to the statute, this award should be on the left chest. It was awarded to all servicemen of the Red Army, as well as former partisans. As a result, about 16.4 million Soviet citizens received the award.

Anniversary award in honor of the 30th anniversary of the Victory

On the thirtieth anniversary of the victory, which fell in 1975, another medal was established. The anniversary award was presented to all soldiers who were in the ranks of the Red Army during the war, underground fighters, partisans and By the way, depending on who the recipient was during the war, the inscription on the back of the medal differed. If a person took part in battles, and on the reverse they wrote “Participant in the war,” but if he was a home front worker, then “Participant of the labor front.”

An interesting fact is that foreign citizens were given awards without these inscriptions. In total, approximately 14 million Soviet citizens received the award. On the obverse of the medal there was again an image of the statue authored by Evgeniy Vuchetich. This time it was the famous “Motherland” from Volgograd. Behind her there was an image of a fireworks, on the left - a laurel branch, a star, as well as the dates 1945 and 1975.

Anniversary award in honor of the fortieth anniversary of the Victory

The last anniversary medal in the history of the USSR, dedicated to the anniversary of the victory, was the one that appeared in 1985. Her award rules were the same as the previous ones. The external design has changed. The front side contains figures of a worker, a collective farmer and a soldier, laurel branches, fireworks, the years 1945 and 1985, and also depicts the Kremlin's Spasskaya Tower. About 11.3 million Soviet citizens received the medal.

50 years after the Victory

In 1993, the anniversary medal “50 Years of Victory” was established. This time the award was issued in four former Soviet republics, which were already sovereign states. This composition included Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus. The list of awarded persons was added to former minor prisoners of concentration camps and ghettos at that time.

On the obverse of the medal there were images of the Kremlin wall, Spasskaya Tower, St. Basil's Cathedral and fireworks. Below, framed by laurel branches, the inscription “1945-1995” shone.

Jubilee medal "60 years of Victory"

In 2004, a presidential decree was issued, according to which the medal was established. The anniversary award was created in honor of the upcoming sixtieth anniversary of Victory in the war. It was also awarded in Ukraine and Belarus. This time the inscription “1945-2005” was also placed on the obverse. back side designed in the same way as the previous medal: “Sixty (in numbers) years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945.” framed by laurel branches.

Five years later, another award was issued, dedicated to the Victory over Nazi Germany. On its obverse there was placed the 1st degree and the date “1945-2010”. In all other respects, it was not much different from the previous medal: in the inscription on the reverse, naturally, the number 60 was changed to 65, but now it was not framed by laurel branches.

Jubilee medal "70 years of Victory"

In 2013, the heads of the CIS member states decided to establish a single anniversary award, which was dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the overthrow of Nazism. It was supposed to be celebrated in 2015. But some countries agreed to this only with certain reservations. In Moldova, where they decided to abandon the image of the hammer and sickle, the medal received a new design. The anniversary award in Ukraine would have been devoid of color, but after the change of government they abandoned it and created their own.

This time, the obverse, in addition to the inscription "1945-2015", was decorated in color. The reverse is designed in the same way as the medal in honor of the 60th anniversary of the Victory.

Of course there are many new and interesting congratulations for the hero of the day, but the presentation of a gold, comic medal for the hero of the day is well established. The presentation of a comic award medal can be played up and made into a whole show, amusing the guests and moving the hero of the occasion to tears.

Award medals are easy to make, a master class and step-by-step instructions are shown.

Comic congratulatory medals, as well as reminders for comic award medals. They also add variety to any holiday or anniversary. And very interesting medals for competitions, awarding guests in competitions.

The host announces "Dancing"! And he warns that couples will be selected who dance with their souls and show original movements.
The entire team participates in this competition. The main condition of this competition is to choose the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus. After everyone has danced and taken their seats, the presenter announces the nomination and the team immediately tries to choose a nominee.
The nominee is awarded a medal, everyone claps.
So, let's announce our nominees!
Comic medals for the "Competition - nomination - corporation"
1. Nomination "Young - Green". The medal is awarded to the youngest participant in the corporate event.
2. Nomination "My years are my wealth." The medal is awarded to the oldest person in the team.
3. Nomination "Cup of Wisdom". The medal is awarded to the wisest person in our team.
4. The girl with the most big breasts becomes the winner in the "Women's Pride" nomination
5. A man who has the most big size legs, becomes the winner in the category "Chief Skipirich"
6. The most thrifty person is awarded a medal. Nomination "Plyushkin" - for a man, for a woman - "Mrs. Box....

Everyone knows that an anniversary is a special birthday. And they prepare for it in a special way, and celebrate it much more solemnly than the next “birthday”, and they try to give gifts that are memorable, symbolic, so that even after a few years the former hero of the day remembers all the solemnity and originality of the moment. In this regard, one of the most optimal solutions would be to present anniversary medals and orders. The online store Valley of Gifts offers a wide range of similar award-winning souvenir products for those who were on the list of guests for the anniversary.

Jubilee medals and orders are not just a souvenir, but much more. An award as a present is a good idea that will never go unnoticed. Such a gift can be added to a more expensive gift, but it is the reward that will remind the hero of the occasion of the anniversary in a few years. For example, a Gift Medal *Happy 10th Wedding Anniversary* will become a valuable family gift, which will immediately take its place among other family souvenirs dear to the heart. Such an award can be presented solemnly, accompanying your actions with a fiery speech, an original toast right after festive table. You can organize a competition for the heroes of the occasion, as a result of which such an award will be presented.

If you are looking for anniversary medals and orders on the occasion of the birthday of your beloved relative, you will also find an assortment of awards presented on the site. So, for example, on the 35th anniversary, the birthday person will be pleased with the 35th Anniversary Medal or the Order “For Taking the 35th Anniversary.” The hero of the day will equally like both awards; all you have to do is choose the most preferable design. Such a gift will forever remain one of the most memorable, because in this way you will mark an important milestone in a person’s life. Jubilee medals and orders are an excellent solution that today connoisseurs of original symbolic gifts are trying to take advantage of. The award has long been perceived as a valuable sign of distinction, so it is ideal for such a solemn occasion as an anniversary. Of course, there is a tradition of signing a postcard, but it is much more original to present a signed medal. It is much more interesting and at the same time more durable. Such an extraordinary souvenir will certainly settle in the most prominent place in the interior of its owner in order to always remind him of a wonderful holiday and celebration among friends and relatives.

By the way, the online store Valley of Gifts also offers the opportunity to apply an individual inscription to the medal or order of your choice. If you wish, you can order personal words on the award product you purchase; just go to the appropriate order page and indicate everything you need in the application.

In any case, anniversary medals and orders will not leave anyone indifferent and will be received with unfailing delight and gratitude.

The entire range of anniversary medals can be viewed on the corresponding page of our catalog at the link:

For men, an anniversary is a special day; many of them, on the eve of the anniversary, involuntarily evaluate the path they have traveled, so they are happy to receive toasts and congratulations that talk about their victories and achievements. It is important for the celebrants to understand and hear that they are loved and appreciated as a family man, as a friend, as a professional, etc..

Various kinds comic medals and nominations for the hero of the day - best option pay tribute to the heroes of the occasion and, at the same time, maintain a relaxed atmosphere of festive fun. We offer several ideas for such congratulations(thanks to the authors)

1. Comic instructions for medal No. 1.

We solemnly announce that (to such and such)

For services on the anniversary

Award a big medal

With a red ribbon with her

Wear requires decency,

There’s no point in “forcing” a medal,

Badge of special distinction

Only wear on holidays

Choose where to wear sparingly

To please the guests

Let it hang above the navel

And a little lower than the breasts

Protect that medal from wax

Don't handle greasy hands

On paydays and advance payments

Wipe with fresh vodka

Make all movements flashy

Looking into the distance

Correct your hair

And stroke the medal

Don't chat, don't smile

Don't shake everyone's hands

On the native chest of the authorities

Don't lie without a medal

And keep the medal in the apartment

But in a box under lock and key

Degrease for storage

Vodka or cognac!


(TO comic medal can add personal congratulations, which you can compose yourself or look for ideas ).

2. Comic instructions for the anniversary medal No. 2

- Medals are given the best place in the apartment and a special carpet is purchased, where the medal is hung, so that all the neighbors can see the medal.

The recipient of this medal is prohibited from: getting sick, gaining weight, losing weight, getting angry; It is strictly forbidden to grow old and use the medal to make teeth.

The recipient wears the medal, as a rule, at home, on days of family celebrations, on days of receiving a salary and winning the lottery.

(They put a large round medal around the neck of the hero of the day.)


3. Instructions for wearing the anniversary medal "50 years in service"

Wear a medal on holidays,
Wash your neck before getting dressed,
Wipe the medal with alcohol,
Drink the remaining alcohol
To the theatre, on a visit and to the cinema
Wearing a medal over your coat
Don't let your spouse wear it,
Even though he begs a lot,
In the dining room hide it under a plate,
So as not to pour borscht on the craft,
Store, keep away from evil eye,
So that the infection does not stick to her,
Under New Year hang on the tree,
To your delight and to amuse your loved ones!

4. Instructions for the anniversary order.

We are a jubilee order

We present it sincerely, believe me!

We don't feel sorry for him for you,
And try on the order in front of everyone

Wonderful! You look good,
The eyes are burning, the order is shining.
I will personally add:
You look really good!

Take care of the order like you would a wife,
Always take it to bed with you,
And check every morning
So as not to be stolen by accident.

Don't crack them nuts
There is tension in the country with metal,
There is no other order to be found,
We hint to you subtly

Love him very much and honor him,
After all, this is your personal order,
You are the hero of the day and keep this in mind,
What a golden anniversary!

In honor of the golden anniversary
I suggest everyone pour
Raise your glasses again
And your Order should be thoroughly washed.

(Source: website)

5. Comic nomination for the hero of the day “Master of All Sciences”

To do this, you need to prepare: a robe, a master’s cap, a “scepter”, “orb”

Leading: When a baby appeared in a young happy family 60 (50) years ago, he was only a long-awaited son, grandson, brother. Over the years, he acquired many new titles. Let's remember together which ones exactly? (guests list).

Each new title entailed the acquisition of new knowledge, experience, and skills, of which so much had been accumulated over the years of his life that today he rightfully receives the title of “Master of all Sciences”!

The right to present a master's cap - a symbol of wisdom, intelligence and knowledge - is granted.....
(a cap is presented, a few words about the business qualities of the hero of the day).

The right to present the master's robe is a symbol of hospitality, hospitality and strong friendship- given to the closest friends of the hero of the day (robe is presented)

The scepter - a symbol of hard work and inexhaustible energy - is presented by the children of the hero of the day (children's shovel with wishes of health, vigor)

And finally, the orb - a symbol of power - is presented loving wife! (big inflatable heart on a stick and a kiss)

Let your big and quivering heart be filled with love! Let the voices of friends and children's laughter, because a house is happy when there are guests in it!

Let your worldly wisdom and life experience help your children and grandchildren become worthy people!

6. Comic nomination for the hero of the day - athlete "Champion for life"

Leading: Today is a day of real discoveries.

After all, our hero of the day does not even suspect that among us he became this year’s champion in distance running at 50 years old.

I think this event deserves special attention, both from the hero of the day and from the guests.

So let's start with the most important thing.

Leading: Dear hero of the day!

The solemn moment has arrived,

We ask you to stand on the pedestal.

The hero of the day rises to the dais to the solemn music.

Leading: Applause is rightfully yours,

Let your cheeks glow with a blush,

After all, at this moment, like a hero,

Many people are looking at you here.

Leading: You are a champion in life

No wonder the rumor goes

What's your hero

Allow me in honor of today's event

There will always be a medal!

to present you with this commemorative medal.

The hero of the day is awarded a commemorative medal to applause.

Leading: Dear visitors to our stadium!

Please prepare slogans and posters in honor of our winner.

Before the start of the holiday, guests were given posters “Hurray! Hooray! Hooray! Hurray!”, “Don’t give up, push forward!”, “Glory to the champion!”

All the kids scream in unison...

Guests(raising the poster). Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

Leading: And adults are not far behind...

Guests: Do not give up! Press forward!

Leading: Colleagues are all at the stadium

They are echoed...

Guests: Glory to the champion!

Leading: An army platoon is shouting at him...

Guests: Do not give up! Press forward!

Leading: Thanks to running neon

Reading the inscription...

Guests: Glory to the champion!

Leading: It's time to pump you up to your colleagues...

Guests: Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

If possible, guests rock the hero of the day.


7. Award comic nominations to the hero of the day.

(medal presentation in this can be combined with a table shouting stick, inviting guests to unanimously guess what title will be discussed, it will not be difficult - the clue lies in both the content and the rhyme).

1. You raised excellent children,

He dressed them, watered them, fed them.

For them, you are the first example.

We present the title - FATHER! (medal or diploma “Father”)

2. The house is in order, the renovations are a sight for sore eyes.

The OWNER is excellent, and that's the luck of the draw! (medal or diploma “Master”)

3. For his wife, he is an idol; they live together together.

This means that the hero of the day has been called HUSBAND for a long time! (medal or diploma “Husband”)

4. But what can’t be taken away is

So this title is the BEST SON-IN-SON! (medal or diploma “Best son-in-law”)

5. The grandson leads a conversation

With your beloved... GRANDFATHER! (medal or diploma “Grandfather”)

6. You take care of the family hearth,

You live well with your relatives.

For them, you are the most valuable treasure.

We present you with the title BROTHER! (medal or diploma “Brother”)

7. Nephews are your joy,

I should give you the title of UNCLE! (medal or diploma “Uncle”)

8. You know how to plan, saw, and repair plumbing not out of boredom.

We must give the title again: GOLDEN HANDS! (medal or diploma “Golden Hands”)

9. I found recognition in construction.

We present you with the title of FOREIGNER! (or other relevant profession)

10. Let everyone remember it forever.

. ….. - GOOD MAN! (medal or diploma “Good Person”)


8. to the hero of the day.

You are protection and support:

Everything for the children, the wife - a salary,
Let's all say together again,
You're just great... DAD! (a medal is awarded)

Your years are your wealth,
After all, you are the head of a big brotherhood,
And then we will say more:
You are a reliable HEAD OF THE FAMILY! (a medal is awarded)

Everything in your house is perfectly arranged.
Landscaped by your hands
In life you cannot stand boredom.
But you are a master... GOLDEN HANDS! (a medal is awarded)

Man, you are in your prime,
May all guests remember forever -
That no matter who you are in life,
You're just... A GOOD PERSON! (a medal is awarded)

(Source: video- montager. ru)

9. Medal "For spiritual qualities"

The medal is awarded for: kindness, attention, understanding, love, experiences, patience, skill, meaning, fun, communication, for a smile, company, understanding, for nobility, generosity, mystery, sincerity, wisdom, charm, courtesy, optimism, caution, wit, openness, attractiveness, attractiveness, perfection, tact, poise, emotionality, we can talk a lot more about you and remember: frugality, justice and prudence!!!