Higher mental functions in preschoolers meet normal criteria. Age stages of a child’s mental development. Perception and imagination

Education of correct speech in children is one of the most important problems of general and special pedagogy.

All mental processes in a child - perception, memory, imagination, thinking - develop with the direct participation of speech.Speech develops in close relationship with the formation of thought processes. One of the most important conditions for organizing mental activity is attention, which directs and regulates the processes of perception, memory, and thinking.
Due to a speech defect, children communicate little with others, the range of ideas is therefore significantly limited, and the pace of development of thinking slows down.

In connection with all of the above, it is advisable to set the following correction tasks:
- development in schoolchildren mental processes: perception, attention, memory, thinking;
- improving the process of voluntary attention and improving its productivity;
- development of children’s ability for relatively long-term and purposeful activities, supported by some significant material or play situation.

Parents are offered games and exercises that help develop their child’s perception, attention, thinking, memory, fine motor skills and spatial orientation.

Games for the development of perception

Perception is the leading cognitive process in preschool children. Its formation ensures the successful accumulation of new knowledge, rapid mastery of new activities, and adaptation to a new environment. Incompleteness in the development of the perception process leads to a delay in the development of other cognitive processes.

Individual characteristics of the development of visual perception and visual memory largely determine the character correctional work with kids. The most accessible for children's perception are real objects and their images, more complex are schematic images, signs and symbols. Last but not least, materials with a superimposed, “noisy”, under-drawn image are used.

We bring to your attention games for the development of visual perception:

Games for developing attention

Children's attention general underdevelopment speech is characterized by insufficient stability, rapid exhaustion, There are periodic fluctuations, uneven performance, which determines the tendency to reduce the pace of activity during work.
Errors of attention are present throughout the entire work and are not always noticed and corrected by children on their own. It is difficult to concentrate children's attention and hold it during one or another activity. Children actimpulsive, often distracted. Manifestations of inertia may also be observed. In this case, the child has difficulty switching from one task to another.

Games to develop attention:

  • "Seekers"
  • "Find the odd one out"
  • "Subsequence"
  • "Attention and Logic"

Tasks for the development of fine motor skills and graphic skills

Children with OHP have peculiarities in the development of fine motor skills of their fingers. This manifests itself in insufficient coordination of the fingers (for example, when unbuttoning and fastening buttons, tying and untying shoelaces, ribbons, etc.).
Research from the Laboratory of Higher Nervous Activity of Children at the Institute of Physiology of Children and Adolescents has found that the level of speech development in children is directly dependent on the degree of formation of fine movements of the fingers.
Based on the experiments and surveys carried out large quantity children, such a pattern was established that if the development of finger movements corresponds to age, then speech development is within normal limits; if the development of finger movements lags behind, then speech development is also delayed, i.e. a close connection is established between the functions of the hand and speech.
Therefore, in the system of educational and educational work, as well as correctional work in children’s preschool institutions It is necessary to pay attention to the development of finger movements by training the movements of the fingers.
It is advisable to carry out work on the development of fine motor skills in children with general speech underdevelopment systematically - 3-5 minutes daily.
For this purpose, various different games and exercises that help correct movements of both gross and fine motor skills.

  • "Finger gymnastics"
  • “Tasks for the development of graphomotor skills»
  • “Preparing your hand for writing » (tasks for children of senior preschool age)
  • “Coloring pages - outlines»
  • "Games with Counting Sticks"»

Games and exercises to develop orientation in space

With general speech underdevelopment, the formation of spatial representations has its own characteristics associated with the developmental characteristics of children with speech pathology. The lack of spatial concepts in preschoolers with ODD manifests itself in a violation of the perception of their own body diagram - the formation of ideas about the leading hand, and parts of the face and body occurs later than in normally developing peers. Children master many spatial concepts (front, back, above, below) only through special training.
They find it difficult to understand prepositions and adverbs that reflect spatial relationships (under, above, about). Children with general speech underdevelopment do not use prepositions in their speech that denote spatial relationships between objects, people and animals. Their speech often lacks the preposition “above.” In oral speech, preschoolers find it difficult to differentiate the prepositions “to - at”, “in - at” (to the house - at home, in the table - on the table). Often children in this category mix up the prepositions “before” - “after” - “for”, which is a consequence of unformed spatial relationships.
Many of them have a perception of a holistic image of an object: they cannot draw a cut-out picture, they do not carry out construction based on a model from sticks and building material
In the future, children have difficulties in orienting themselves in the layout of a notebook sheet (skipping a certain number of lines or cells, highlighting a red line, keeping the margins, writing in two or three columns, writing letters in mirror images).

Games to develop spatial orientation:

"Navigating in space" games for children 3-4 years old

"Orientation in space" folder with tasks for preschoolers

The child has a passion for play,

and she must be satisfied.

We must not only give him time to play,

but also to imbue his entire life with the game.

A. Makarenko

Development of higher mental functions in preschool children

Higher mental functions (HMF) are specific mental functions of a person. These include:memory, attention, thinking, perception, imagination and speech. The development of the human psyche occurs due to all these functions. The speech is one of the most important roles. She is a psychological tool. With the help of speech, we express ourselves freely and are aware of our actions. If a person suffers from speech disorders, then he becomes a “slave of the visual field.” Unfortunately, today more and more children come to school with serious speech and writing disorders.

Famous Russian psychologist, L.S. Vygotsky wrote: “The highest mental function appears on the stage twice: once as an external, interpsychic (i.e., a function shared between a child and an adult), and the second – as an internal, intrapsychic (i.e., a function belonging to the child himself) )". Small child is not yet able to focus attention for a long time, remember and correctly pronounce the names of certain objects, etc., therefore the role of an adult in this period isbe a mediator between the baby and the outside world. Thus, an adult acts as the child’s basic mental functions, reminding him of the names of phenomena and objects, concentrating his attention, developing thinking and speech.

Then, in the process of growing up, the child gradually inherits social experience and becomes able to use it independently. Thus, from Vygotsky’s point of view, the process of development is a process of transition from the social to the individual.

It should be noted that the process of development of higher mental functions begins long before the child enters school, even in infancy. Young children learn constantly: in play, while walking, watching their parents, etc.

However, there are certain phases in a child's development when he or she is especially receptive to cognition and creativity. Such periods in a baby’s life are called sensitive (literally “sensitive”).Traditionally, these periods include the process of child development from 0 to 7 years.. In Russian psychology and pedagogy, this period is considered the most productive in terms of the child’s assimilation of social experience and the acquisition of new knowledge.At this stage the foundation is laidnot only behavioral and emotional-volitional, but also the cognitive sphere of a person’s personality.

So, let's now talk about the basic exercises and technologies that can be used in the development of higher mental functions in preschool children age.

Before moving on to the main exercises, I want to note that you should understand that for the harmonious development of speech you need to communicate with your child. When talking with a child, try to use the full names of phenomena and objects: do not abbreviate them, do not use “slang” in your own speech, do not distort sounds (for example, not “fotik”, but “photo camera”; not “shop”, but “ store”, etc.). By pronouncing words clearly and completely, you enrich your child’s vocabulary and correctly form sound pronunciation. An excellent exercise for speech development would be reading together (especially old folk tales), telling poems, sayings, tongue twisters.

Attention happensinvoluntary and voluntary. A person is born with involuntary attention. Voluntary attention is formed from all other mental functions. It is related to speech function.

Many parents are familiar with the concept of hyperactivity (it consists of such components as: inattention, hyperactivity, impulsivity).


  • Making mistakes in a task caused by the inability to concentrate on details;
  • Inability to listen to spoken speech;
  • Organize your activities;
  • Avoiding unloved work that requires perseverance;
  • Loss of items needed to complete tasks;
  • Forgetfulness in daily activities;
  • Distractibility by extraneous stimuli.

(of the signs listed below, at least 6 must persist for at least 6 months.)


  • Fidgety, cannot sit still;
  • Jumps up without permission;
  • Runs aimlessly, fidgets, climbs in situations that are inadequate for this;
  • Cannot play quiet games or rest.

(of the signs listed below, at least 4 must persist for at least 6 months.)


  • Shouts out the answer without listening to the question;
  • Can't wait for his turn in classes or games.

An important role in the success of a child’s intellectual and psychophysical development isformed fine motility.

Fine motor skills The hand interacts with such higher mental functions and properties of consciousness as attention, thinking, optical-spatial perception (coordination), imagination, observation, visual and motor memory, speech. The development of fine motor skills is also important because the child’s entire future life will require the use of precise, coordinated movements of the hands and fingers, which are necessary to dress, draw and write, as well as perform a wide variety of everyday and educational activities.

A child's thinking is at his fingertips. What does it mean? Research has proven that the development of speech and thinking is closely related to the development of fine motor skills. A child's hands are his eyes. After all, a child thinks with feelings - what he feels is what he imagines. You can do a lot with your hands - play, draw, examine, sculpt, build, hug, etc. And the better motor skills are developed, the faster a 3-4 year old child adapts to the world around him!

Scientists who study the activity of the children's brain and the psyche of children note that the level of development of children's speech is directly dependent on the degree of development of fine movements of the fingers.

You can use various games and exercises to develop fine motor skills..

  1. Finger games- This unique remedy for the development of fine motor skills and speech of the child in their unity and interconnection. Learning texts using “finger” gymnastics stimulates the development of speech, spatial thinking, attention, imagination, and develops reaction speed and emotional expressiveness. The child remembers poetic texts better; his speech becomes more expressive.
  1. Origami – paper construction –This is another way to develop fine motor skills in a child, which, moreover, can also become a truly interesting family hobby.
  1. Lacing - This is the next type of toy that develops hand motor skills in children.

4. Games with sand, cereals, beads and other bulk materials- they can be strung on a thin cord or fishing line (pasta, beads), sprinkled with palms or transferred with fingers from one container to another, poured into plastic bottle With narrow neck etc.

In addition, to develop fine motor skills you can use:

  • ·playing with clay, plasticine or dough. Children's hands work hard with such materials, performing various manipulations with them - rolling, crushing, pinching, smearing, etc.
  • · drawing with pencils. It is pencils, and not paints or felt-tip pens, that “force” the muscles of the hand to strain, to make efforts in order to leave a mark on the paper - the child learns to regulate the pressure in order to draw a line of one thickness or another, coloring.
  • mosaics, puzzles, construction sets - the educational effect of these toys cannot be underestimated.
  • fastening buttons, “Magic locks” - play an important role for the fingers.

Systematic work in this direction makes it possible to achieve the following positive results: the hand acquires good mobility and flexibility, stiffness of movements disappears, pressure changes, which in the future helps children easily master the skill of writing.

Egorova Tatyana Anatolevna
Development of mental functions of 6-year-old children.

Mental functions are formed in children 6 years in the learning process, joint activities child with an adult.

Education and activity are inseparable; they become a source child mental development. How older child, the more types of activities he masters. Different types activities have different impacts on development.

Changes in the formation that occur at each age stage are determined by leading activities.

IN preschool childhood The long and complex process of speech acquisition ends. The child’s language truly becomes native. Developing the sound side of speech, the child stops recognizing the incorrectly spoken word, he hears and speaks correctly. By the end of preschool age, the process of phonemic development.

The vocabulary of speech is growing. However, some children the reserve turns out to be greater, others have less, which depends on their living conditions and how much close adults communicate with them.

Developing grammatical structure of speech. Children learn the structure of words and the construction of phrases. The child truly grasps the meaning "adult words", although he applies them in a peculiar way. Words created by the child himself are always recognizable and sometimes original. Children's ability to form words independently is called word creativity.

The child’s mastery of the grammatical forms of the language, the acquisition of vocabulary, allows him to move on to contextual speech. The child can already retell a story or fairy tale, describe a picture, convey his impressions of what he saw.

The use of new forms of speech, the transition to expanded statements are determined by new communication tasks. Full communication with other children occurs precisely at this time; it becomes an important factor. speech development. Continues develop communication with adults. Dialogues become more complex, the child learns to ask questions on abstract topics and think out loud.

Perception in preschool age loses its original effective character, emotional processes are differentiated. Perception becomes meaningful, purposeful, and analytical. It highlights voluntary action - observation, consideration, search. significant impact on development perception is influenced by the fact that the child begins to use the names of qualities and characteristics. By naming certain properties of objects and phenomena, he identifies these properties for himself; naming objects, he separates them from others, determining their state, connections or actions with them - he sees and understands real relationship between them.

In preschoolers, perception and thinking are closely related, which indicates visual-figurative thinking, which is most characteristic of this age

Main line development thinking - the transition from visually effective to visually figurative and at the end of the period - to verbal thinking.

A preschooler thinks figuratively; he has not yet acquired adult logic of reasoning.

In preschool age, in favorable conditions, when a child solves an understandable, interesting problem, and at the same time observes facts accessible to his understanding, he can reason logically correctly.

Preschool childhood is the age most favorable for memory development.

U younger preschoolers memory is involuntary. In middle age, it begins to form random memory. At six years old, children are capable of voluntary memorization, they are able to accept and independently set a task and monitor its implementation when memorizing both visual and verbal material. It is much easier to remember visual images than verbal reasoning.

In preschool age, memory is included in the process of personality formation.

As you can see, the source mental development A 6 year old child is learning and doing activities. Leading activity is due to changes in the formation mental functions and personality of the child, occurring at each age stage.

Publications on the topic:

Comprehensive examination of speech and non-speech mental functions Comprehensive examination of speech and non-speech mental functions I. Study of sound pronunciation. Determine the nature of the sound disturbance.

Consultation for parents “Development of mental processes of future schoolchildren” Many questions concern parents about the intellectual preparation of children, the development of mental operations, memory, attention, and thinking.

The work of a teacher in a senior correctional group with children with disabilities on the formation of higher mental functions. The work of a teacher in a senior correctional group with children with disabilities on the formation of higher mental functions. Some analyzer is defective.

Development and correction of mental processes (memory) based on the fairy tale “Kolobok” (preparatory group) Development and correction of mental health. processes (memory) based on the fairy tale “Kolobok” preparatory group Objectives: correction of perception, memory, attention.

Development of non-speech mental functions as a factor in the prevention of written and oral speech disorders Unfortunately, among students primary classes violations of oral and written speech are becoming increasingly widespread. Slow absorption.

Profile of the development of a child’s speech and other higher mental

functions in the first seven years

From 0 to 1 year.

0 to 1

Gross motor skills


He tries to tear his head away from the surface on which he lies, but he cannot hold it, he drops it, and turns it to the side.

1 month

Tries to raise his head while lying on his stomach

1 month

In a position on his stomach, he holds his head, with his arms under his chest bent at the elbow joints, and actively moves his legs

2 months

Holds head upright

2 months

When lying down, you can lean on your forearms

2.5 months

Actively raises head from supine position

4.5 months

Rolls over on its side

4.5 months

Sits in a passive posture

6 months

Rolls over from back to stomach

6.5 months

Rolls over from stomach to back

7 months

Moves on all fours independently

8 months

Stands at a support, stands up independently

10 months

Worth it on its own

11 months

Walks with support

11.5 months

Walks independently

12 months

1 year. 4 months

Tries to run

1 year 7 months

Goes up and down stairs

1 year 10 months

Fine motor skills

Fingers clenched into a fist

1 week

Opens the cam

2 months

Holds a toy placed in the hand and pulls it into the mouth

2.5 months

Reaches for a toy, grabs it

3.5 months

Grabs small toys

5 months

Transfers a toy from hand to hand

5.5 months

Actively manipulates objects

7 months

Index and thumb grabs objects

10 months

Can string rings onto the pyramid rod

11 months

Lowers small items into a narrow hole

12 months

Visual perception

Squinting your eyelids to bright light

1 week

Briefly focusing on a toy

1 month

Prolonged concentration

2 months

Considers own hands

3 months

Reaches for a toy

3.5 months

He brings the toy to his eyes and examines it.

4.5 months

Looks at large pictures

6 months

Differentiated perception of loved ones and acquaintances

8 months

Recognizes himself and loved ones in the mirror

10 months

Auditory perception

Jumps and blinks when loud sound is heard

1 week

1.5 months

2.5 months

Reacts to his name

6 months

Dance moves to cheerful music

8.5 months

Impressive speech


1 month

3 months

In response to an address to the child, response vocal activity occurs

5 months

Reacts to his name

6 months

Understands verbal commands with gestural reinforcement

7 months

Understands verbal commands without gestural reinforcement

8 months

Upon request, renders parts of the face of a doll or an adult

9 months

Finds familiar objects when asked

9 months

Performs actions with toys upon request

10 months

Understands the “no” command

11 months

Executes many commands when requested

1 year

Expressive speech

1 month

Spontaneously pronounces individual sounds and hums reflectively.

2 months

Active walking:“a-a-a”, “u-a-a”, “agu”, “aha”, “avya”, “uh-huh”.

4 months

Actively, melodiously humming with a chain of sounds. Babbling develops (agu-gu, ba-ba-ba, etc.) All children in the world walk the same way

5 months

Babbling is manifested by short sounds (vowels with labial consonants):“ma-ma”, “pa-pa”, “ba-ba”. It is at 5 months that the baby begins to pay attention to the articulation of adults. Children try to imitate the articulation of adults.

5.5 months

Active undifferentiated babble:"ma-mu-ma", "pu-pa", "ba-ba-bo"

6 months

Double sound combinations like “woman"; the baby actively pronounces individual syllables by imitation (pa-pa-pa, cha-cha-cha, ma-ma-ma, etc.). A child is able to repeat various combinations of sounds after an adult. Pronounces chains of syllables with different intonations.

7.5 months

Names people and some objects with syllables. Connects certain sound combinations with objects (meow-meow - cat, woof-woof - dog, tick-tock - clock, etc.). At this time, it is necessary to create the most favorable conditions for speech development. By talking to your baby, you stimulate his speech development.

10 months

Says about 10 words like “ give [d on [n] a], house [d om ]etc.

1 year

Emotions. Communication

Reaction of displeasure to forced awakening, hunger, discomfort: a loud cry without intonation expressiveness, no tears.

1-2 weeks

Some time after an adult “flirts” with a child, the latter begins to smile back, “oral attention”

1.5 months

The child responds to emotional contact with an adult with an active smile.

2 months

3 months

In response to communication with an adult, the child gives a pronounced “complex” of revival

3 months

The appearance of a smile when an adult appears who is silent

4.5 months

Distinguishes between gestures and facial expressions of others

5 months

Reacts to strict and affectionate intonations

5.5 months

Actively expresses attitude towards “close ones” and “strangers”, emotions are differentiated

6 months

Reaches out his hands to be picked up

7.5 months

Tired, begins to demand the attention of the most loved one more often mothers

7.5 months

The child gives adequate emotional reactions in response to communication

8 months

The child easily makes contact at the emotional, play, and speech levels

9 months

The child waves his hand upon request and hugs his parents

11 months


Can eat from a spoon

5 months

Holds a bottle from which he sucks

6 months

Drinks from a cup held by an adult

7 months

Helps to dress himself (gives hand, leg)

8 months

A game

Examines a toy placed in his hand

3 months

Activation of hands when a toy enters the child’s field of vision

3 months

Activity with a toy is a dominant, emotionally charged form of activity.

5 months

Plays with hanging toys for a long time

5 months

Prefers to play with people, imitating their actions

9 months

Grabs, throws, pushes toys, loves to listen to music and dances

9 months

Plays with several toys, picking them up and placing them next to each other; puts the rings on the pin

11 months

Plays with the ball

12 months

From 1 year up to 2 years.

From 1 to 2 years

Gross motor skills


Walks for a long time, turns around

1 year 3 months

Steps over obstacles

1 year 6 months

Tries to run

1 year 10months

Goes up and down the stairs with side steps, holding the railing

1 year 11m.

Fine motor skills

Draws doodles, strokes

1 year 5 m

Tears paper


Turns one page at a time


Visual perception

Shows individual objects in everyday life

1 year

Recognizes and shows himself and friends in photographs

1 g 2 months

Recognizes several simple pictures(around 5)

1 year 3 months

Differentiates the shape and size of a three-dimensional toy

1 year 8 months

Differentiates the number of items

1 year 8 months

Selects paired toys and pictures

1 year 9 months

Auditory perception

Tries to produce a series of sounds with a certain intonation and rhythm, which resembles the speech of an adult

1 year

Repeats what he heard short words

1 year. 3 months.

“inserts” words into familiar verses

1 year 5 months

Names objects that are out of sight when hearing a sound

1 year 8 months

Impressive speech

Shows several body parts


Shows all body parts


Shows all objects in everyday life


Shows a lot of pictures


Expressive speech

A child’s vocabulary per year is 10-12 words (mom, dada, “dad”, “baba”, “give”, “na”, “drink”, “ko-ko”, “bi-bi”, “av- aw", "pi-pi", etc.). The baby pronounces almost all consonant sounds softly. At the beginning of the year, he mainly uses expressive and facial means of communication that he has left over from infancy, also widely uses gestures when communicating with adults.

Matches syllables with a specific object


Expresses desires through speech (appearance of verbs)


"Telegraph speech": two-word sentences

Phrases like: “Mom give it to me,” “The bear is here,” “I’m thirsty” appear in speech. One can note the appearance in the child’s speech of the first

adjectives: “good”, “bad”, “big”, “small”, “red”. Don’t be upset if they sound like: “hayoshi”, “pahoi”, “bashoi”, “maikiy”, “cassius”



Learns the meaning of words and short phrases

Recognizes several items by name

1 year

Looking for a hidden toy

1 year

He puts only edible things in his mouth


Can carry out simple tasks


Distinguishes between "one" and "many"


Distinguishes between “big” and “small”


Emotions, communication

Empathy and consolation appear

1 year. 2 months.

Uses the word “no” to express disagreement

1 year. 3 months.

Uses the word "yes"

1 year. 4 months

Helps with simple tasks (according to instructions)

1 year. 7 months.

Imitates the actions of adults with household objects

1 year. 8 months.

Actively uses gestures

1 year 10 months

Acute reaction to mother's absence

1 year 10 months


Eats independently (with hands), bites off cookies

1 year

With help, he brings the spoon to his mouth

1 year. 2 months.

Drinks from a cup without spilling

1 year. 3 months.

Removes simple items of clothing (mittens, hat)

1 year 3 months

Washing hands with a little help

1 year. 4 months.

Scoops up food with a spoon. Chews food completely.

1 year. 6 months.

He takes off his unbuttoned coat and jacket.

1 year 9 months

Eats and drinks independently.

1 year 10 months

Eats solid food on his own.

2 years

A game

Builds simple structures from blocks

1 year. 1 month.

Plays with sand, water, liquid toys, cubes

1g2 months

Watches other children play

1 year 2 months

Plays independently

1 year. 4 months.

Start of functional game.

1 year 6 months

Likes to pull and drag toys

1 year 9 months

Pushes a “train” made of several cubes.

1 year 9 months

Prefers active toys (train, telephone, etc.)


From 2 to 3 years.

From 2 to 3 years

Gross motor skills



2 years

Squats and stands up independently

2 years

Bends and picks up objects from the floor

2 years

Stands on one leg without support

2 years 6 months

Goes up and down stairs, alternating legs (with support)

2 years 6 months

Can ride a tricycle

2 years 6 months

Fine motor skills

Repeats vertical and circular lines

2 years

Holds a pencil “correctly”

2 years 6 months

Visual perception

Recognizes familiar objects on TV

2 years

Knows a lot of pictures (10-15)

2 years

Understands the meaning of simple action pictures

2 years 6 months

Recognizes outline, black and white images

2 years 6 months

Begins to see differences in size and quantity on a flat picture

2g. 6 months

Visually differentiates concepts of length and location

2g. 6 months

Impressive speech

The child already understands speech addressed to him. Shows a lot of pictures


Understands meaningful, simple stories

2g. 5m

Can answer a question in monosyllables based on a fairy tale he has read

2g. 5m.

Executes about 10 instructions consisting of one action

2g. 5m.

Expressive speech

A child’s active vocabulary grows to 200-300 words.

Makes sentences of 3-4 words.


Asks questions with the words “who”, “where”, “where to?” (the order of words in a sentence is not always correct

2g 6m.

Repeats phrases easily


Speech becomes the main means that a child uses to communicate with loved ones.

2g. 10m

The so-called physiological softening disappears from the child’s speech (before this, the baby pronounces almost all consonant sounds softly). The child reproduces vowels correctly: [a, o, y, i, s, e ], and all simple consonants [b, b', p, p', m, m', t, t', n, n', k, k', g, g', v, v', f, f'] , constructs simple common or even complex sentences (“Dad bought me a new truck”, “We didn’t go for a walk in the morning: it was raining outside”). Although there are quite a lot of grammatical errors in his speech (“drink cups”, “dig with a shovel”). He easily remembers and recites short rhymes.

3 years


Fills out Seguin's board (through trial and error)

Performs instructions consisting of 2-3 interconnected actions (go to the closet, take the doll and bring it to me)


Matches colors according to the sample (blue to blue)


Classification into 2 groups (by color and shape)

2g. 6m.


Eats solid food on his own (bread, cookies)

Asks to go potty during the daytime

Washing and drying hands independently


Fastens and unfastens zippers (except for the lock)

2 years

Eats with a spoon and fork (carefully)

2g. 6m

Wears simple items of clothing (mittens, hat, etc.)

2g. 6m.

A game

Prefers active toys (train, telephone, etc.)

2 g

Makes Easter cakes


Collects spinning toys


Assembles the pyramid in order.

2g. 6 months

From 3 to 4 years

From 3 to 4 years

Gross motor skills


Jumps on two legs

Fine motor skills

Copies a circle




Visual perception

Recognizes crossed out images


Recognizes overlaid images


Understands the meaning of story pictures and answers leading questions

3g. 6m

Auditory perception

Can tap simple rhythms in a pattern

3g. 6m

Impressive speech

Can respond with speech, facial expressions, and gestures to questions about events that occur at another time or place

3 years 5 months

Expressive speech

A child's active vocabulary contains 1200-1500 words. At this age, the child begins to use speech as a means of communication with peers.


Tries to use plural, past tense


Uses negative particles"no, neither"


Uses adjectives and pronouns

Zg.6 months.

Asks questions “when, what’s inside, why?”

Zg.6 months.

Able to conduct a dialogue with an adult

3y 6mo

Uses complex sentences

3 years 6 months

The child can already conduct a meaningful dialogue with adults and express his thoughts

3 years 6 months


Classification into two groups (by color and shape)


Classification into 3-4 groups: according to geometric shape

3g. 6 months

By color (3-4 groups)

3g. 6 months

Verbal intelligence

Completes the missing arms and legs for the person


Draws a person independently (primitive)

3 years 6 months

Builds complex plot structures

3g. 6 months

Assembles Link's cubes according to the pattern

3g. 6 months

Emotions, communication

Understanding and use of pronouns in speech appears

“I” - “mine”, “you” - “yours”

Knows his gender



Doesn't pour water into a cup carefully




A game

Joint story game with another child


Playing with imaginary reality

3g. 6 months

Elements of role-playing game (can name his role)

3g. 6 months

From 4 to 5 years.

From 4 to 5 years

Gross motor skills


Can do somersaults forward. Jumps on one leg


Fine motor skills

Copies a square (fuzzy, with bent corners)

4 years

Cutting paper with scissors

4 years

Visual perception

Can compose a story based on a plot picture


Understands the meaning of sequential pictures

4 years

Can arrange consecutive pictures in order according to the plot

4 years 6 months

Impressive speech

Can answer abstract questions (“Does the sun shine at night”)


Expressive speech

Lexicon a child has about 2,000 thousand active words. He knows how to correctly compose sentences of 5-6 words. Communicates freely with peers. And during the game he actively comments on it. By this age, the child should learn to pronounce whistling sounds evenly [s, s, s, s ,ts], use complex sentences in speech: “I like to paint with paints because they are colorful.”

He happily talks about what he saw on a walk or on TV, or what was read to him. Do not insist that your child pronounce the sound [R] correctly at this age.


Uses polite requests


Uses verbs in the past tense correctly.


Pronounces consonants correctly and clearly:

[ p, p ,b,b',t,t',d,d',f,f',c,c',k,k',g,g',x,x',s,s',z,z' ,ts, m,m',n, n']


Uses future tense

Competently uses the prepositions “above” “on”, “under”, “for”, “with/with”, “from”

Reads poetry well



Easily fills the Seguin board

Performs picture classification (4-5 groups)

By using

On one's own



The concepts of bigger, higher, wider, longer,

equal, identical

4g. 11m

Emotions, communication

Uses different styles communication with children and adults

The ability to evaluate an action from the point of view of social norms

4g. 6m.


Fastens buttons, zipper (with lock), snaps


Dresses independently, without outside help

Distinguishes the front of a garment from the back


From 5 to 6 years.

From 5 to 6 years

Gross motor skills


Performs two types of movements simultaneously

Fine motor skills

Copies a triangle

5 years

Draws a square correctly

5 years

Impressive speech

An understanding of the abstract concepts of “friendship”, “deception”, “joy”, “fear”, “truth” appears

5-6 years

Expressive speech

Vocabulary approximately 2500 words

5 years

Pronounces all sounds of the Russian language correctly and clearly.

5 years

Uses verbs in past, present and future tenses,

Uses prepositions correctly.

5 years

Uses complex sentences in speech.

5 years

The vocabulary is enriched with antonyms and synonyms

5 years

The statement resembles in form short story

5 years

Self-control in speech is formed

5 years 6 months

The emergence of divisive questions

5 years

Can describe his feelings

5 years

Begins to use abstract concepts “happiness, love, hope, lies”

5 years 6 months

Literacy training is possible for further mastery of the reading process

5 years 6 months


The concepts of “more”, “higher”, “wider”, “longer”, “equal”, “identical” were formed

5 years

Verbal intelligence

The exclusion of items (test 4th extra) is sometimes difficult to explain

5 years

Guess riddles using accumulated experience

5 years

Emotions, communications

Addressing adults with “you”, by first name and patronymic

5-6 years


Ties his own shoelaces

5 - 6 years

Can put on and button clothes independently. (unfasten and remove).

5 - 6 years

From 6 to 7 years .

From 6 to 7 years

Fine motor skills


The hand is ready for the formation of graphomotor skills for further mastery of writing (at school age).

6 years.

Holds the pen correctly in your hand.

6 years

Skillfully works with scissors.

6 years 6 months

Impressive speech

He perceives a short text by ear, understands the meaning, and highlights the main idea of ​​the text.

6 years

Expressive speech

Knows the meaning of derived words.

6 years

Uses all parts of speech

6 years

Tells and retells freely

6 years 6 months

Distinguishes and differentiates all speech sounds.

6 years 6 months

Virtually no grammatical errors in speech, masters all forms of oral speech: dialogic and monologue, contextual and situational

7 years

It is possible to read individual syllables, simple words, (short sentences).

6 years 6 months

Ready to master writing

7 years

Verbal intelligence

Able to classify objects into classes and subclasses

7 years

Comparing Concepts Using Categorical Generalizations

I.V. Bagramyan, Moscow

The path of a person growing up is quite thorny. For a child, the first school of life is his family, which represents the whole world. In a family, a child learns to love, endure, rejoice, sympathize and many other important feelings. In the context of a family, an emotional and moral experience unique to it develops: beliefs and ideals, assessments and value orientations, attitudes towards people around them and activities. The priority in raising a child belongs to the family (M.I. Rosenova, 2011, 2015).

Let's declutter

Much has been written about how important it is to be able to let go and complete the old and outdated. Otherwise, they say, the new one will not come (the place is occupied), and there will be no energy. Why do we nod when reading such articles that motivate us to clean, but everything still remains in its place? We find thousands of reasons to put aside what we have put aside and throw it away. Or don’t start clearing out rubble and storage rooms at all. And we already habitually scold ourselves: “I’m completely cluttered, I need to pull myself together.”
Being able to easily and confidently throw away unnecessary things becomes a mandatory program for a “good housewife”. And often - a source of another neurosis for those who for some reason cannot do this. After all, the less we do “right” - and the better we can hear ourselves, the happier we live. And the more correct it is for us. So, let’s figure out whether it’s really necessary for you personally to declutter.

The art of communicating with parents

Parents often love to teach their children, even when they are old enough. They interfere with them personal life, advise, condemn... It comes to the point that children do not want to see their parents because they are tired of their moral teachings.

What to do?

Accepting flaws. Children must understand that it will not be possible to re-educate their parents; they will not change, no matter how much you want them to. Once you accept their shortcomings, it will be easier for you to communicate with them. You will simply stop expecting a different relationship than you had before.

How to prevent cheating

When people start a family, no one, with rare exceptions, even thinks about starting relationships on the side. And yet, according to statistics, families most often break up precisely because of infidelity. Approximately half of men and women cheat on their partners within a legal relationship. In short, the number of faithful and unfaithful people is distributed 50 to 50.

Before we talk about how to protect a marriage from cheating, it is important to understand