Graduation in kindergarten: a fun, unusual scenario for parents and educators. Graduation in the garden, share your ideas What style to have a graduation in the garden

Graduation in kindergarten is a memorable and emotional day for adults and children. We recently wrote about what main points parents should pay attention to.

Today we want to dwell on ideas for the holiday program. After all, holding a kindergarten graduation the same way from year to year is boring, because children live by emotions and impressions.

We have selected several options for you that will surprise and entertain your “almost schoolchildren”.

Celebration of Favorite Toy

The essence of the idea : Each baby has his own. And, of course, if the kindergarten graduation is dedicated to his little friend, any child will happily support this idea. It’s great if the toy character is the same for everyone, for example, a favorite teddy bear. Children will be able to visit each other with toys, introduce their cubs, organize competitions and tea parties for them, make a variety of clothes for them, draw, sew, felt their pets’ wool, and much more.

Dress code : we support the theme and decorate each participant’s outfit with a small accessory in the shape of a bear (badge, handbag, brooch, sticker, hairpin).

Decor : as many large and small teddy bears of different shapes and colors as possible, tea sets, cookies, sweets and cakes themed on bears and honey, various props for themed competitions.

Holiday Land of Fairy Tales

The essence of the idea : “Fairytale Country” is an inexhaustible theme for kindergarten graduation! You can take one as a basis, but a much better and brighter idea is for each child to present their favorite fairy tale or hero. Usually such a masquerade ball is organized by children on New Year, but if you remove Santa Claus, the Christmas tree and the “rain”, then the holiday will have a completely different character.

For example, each participant can prepare a short speech of 5-7 sentences and present their role to other characters. Children will be able to remember the heroes of familiar and not so familiar fairy tales by passing a literary test that will tell about the characters' personalities. Aerobatics of the holiday - create a new fairy tale with the participation of all the characters, where each participant will come up with the plot, their role and words. This is where you get the original symbiosis of Kolobok, Pinocchio and Batman! You can also ask the children to illustrate the created work and assemble a new fairy tale from their drawings. The main thing is not to forget to capture all this splendor in photos and videos.

Dress code : costumes of heroes of favorite children's fairy tales.

Decor : illustrations from various fairy tales on the walls, books with fairy tales, stationery, one large decoration for dialogues, a book with fairy tales as a gift for every child.

Holiday Circus Family

The essence of the idea : if your kindergarten group is active and cheerful kids, offer them a kindergarten graduation scenario in the “Circus Family” style. The program of a successful holiday should include a lot of dancing (throwing rings or pebbles into a container, children's bowling) and dancing; the use of face painting would also be a great idea.

Dress code : outfits with funny circus accents - bouffant skirts, ties with large polka dots, multi-colored suspenders, bright vests and scarves.

Decor : many colorful balls, garlands, foam red noses, colorful wigs, bright hoops and hats.

Holiday Chocolate pranks

The essence of the idea : All kids love chocolate, and their parents are not far behind them, so the idea is to hold a kindergarten graduation in style chocolate day will go with a bang! At such a holiday, children and adults will be able to try different types of chocolate and create chocolate treats with their own hands. “Lviv Chocolate Maker” will help you to have a great holiday by holding a master class on making chocolate candies.

Each child will receive at his disposal a bar of delicious chocolate, various molds, powders and fillings with which he will create his own chocolate masterpieces. After production, children's works of chocolate art must be placed in the refrigerator for a while (the reality of fulfilling this condition should be taken care of in advance). While the sweets are cooling, experienced chocolatiers will tell children what chocolate is made from, conduct a fun quiz, and animators will help organize a competition for eating Potato cake without hands or blindfolded chocolate to find out its type.

Dress code : if desired - in chocolate colors, or without restrictions. You can support the holiday theme with a small accessory in the shape of a chocolate bar or candy.

Decor : various paper and wooden images of sweets, chocolates and other goodies, cocoa or chocolate milkshake in convenient cups, fruits, a lot of dry and wet wipes for young chocolatiers.

Of course, for the proposed options memorable holiday You will need to pay for the help of at least two animators, but the children's pleasure and joy are worth it.

What is your child’s kindergarten graduation scenario? Share with us in the comments to the material.

Graduation in kindergarten- this is the first result in the baby’s life and, of course, big celebration for parents. How to organize it correctly: to provide for everything, not to miss anything, and even to enjoy the preparation process? I want to give some advice to parents from my experience.

Let me start by saying that you need to start discussions about the upcoming graduation in advance. parent meeting. In order to find out the wishes and suggestions of parents, the holiday budget, the program of the gala matinee, the “requests” of kindergarten employees in terms of gifts and other important things.

1. Venue of the holiday

In our kindergarten they were not allowed to hold a banquet for children after the matinee, and we had to look for premises for the celebration. We were looking for a budget cafe next to the kindergarten, when by chance an economical option with a restaurant in the city center turned up. By the way, the kids really liked it! And there was a lot of space, and it turned out very solemnly - they said with a breath: “We’re going to the RESTAURANT!”
It is important to take care of decorating the hall. We ordered the simplest decoration with flowers from 100 balloons. The hall immediately became elegant and the children had fun, then they took these “flowers” ​​home to their homes as a memory of the holiday.

2. Gifts for children

Everyone knows that “The Book is best gift!”, but our parents strongly objected to this formulation, since only a few in the group read, and the process of learning to read was not joyful for many. The meeting decided to give the game “Scrabble”, with an eye to its wide age range and family pastime.
It is important to arrange gifts in advance. We had a lot of time, so we ordered it from an online store with delivery by mail. It turned out very inexpensively, and there were no problems with the number of identical gifts in stock.

In addition to the main gift, the children were given kindergarten graduate medals and beautifully decorated folders with creative works from all the years of study, carefully collected by the teacher.

3. Gifts for kindergarten employees

The manager warned in advance that she would definitely not accept any gifts. That's why they gave her a live palm tree for her office.
Gifts to the rest of the kindergarten employees were divided into two categories: teachers (given certificates + flowers) and other employees (a pair of tea in beautiful packaging+ flowers).
The teacher and the teacher's assistant received gift certificates to the jewelry store.

It is important to consider the number of employees who are waiting for gifts from you. Most often, parents never see some of them, but this does not mean that they do not need gratitude.
Important: it is better to buy flowers in bulk, this will allow you to save a lot.

4. Photo and video shooting

Unfortunately, our parents did not agree to pay for the services of a professional. It's a pity. As a result, there were no high-quality photographs left to remember from good angles or a memorable video film, competently filmed and edited.
But we ordered an album from the photo studio, which contained a general photograph, several individual ones, a child’s drawing and two pages in the form of a collage from shots previously taken by the parents and teacher. The album was given to the children, they really liked this surprise!
It is important to take care of collecting photo and video material in advance.

5. Entertainment program

During the official part - the matinee, everything was organized by the teachers. Here the parents only spoke with words of gratitude to the kindergarten and teachers and parting words to the children.

After the matinee, everyone went outside and launched a huge cardboard sun tied to balloons into the sky. The children themselves made this sun in advance; each one made their own ray and signed it.
It is important to think in advance where to get the balls and how to deliver them. In this touching part, farewells to the kindergarten can be various options: release pigeons or butterflies, plant bushes or trees in the garden, watch bubble shows or magic tricks, and so on.

We had an hour-long pirate program booked at the restaurant. While waiting for the invited artists, the parents showed their children a funny fairy tale in their own performance.
Important: children are simply happy when their parents perform in front of them, dress up in costumes or just fool around! Give them pleasure!

The animators worked conscientiously. It’s just great that now you have the opportunity to entrust the holiday to professionals! The children had fun, and the parents had the opportunity to take a break and eat.
It is important to decide in advance on the creative team, date and program which you want to order. Take into account such nuances as: where the artists can change clothes, will there be a music center or do they need to bring their own, where is the nearest outlet, how many meters of free space will there be in the hall for outdoor games, how will the artists get to your event, are any small ones needed? gifts for the program and so on.

And then there was a disco. The children had a blast listening to the music.
It is important not to forget to prepare a musical selection for the disco!

Let me give you an example our graduation budget for 20 children:

  • each photo album - 1200 rub.
  • each game "Scrabble" - 288 rub.
  • gifts for employees - 13 sets of “mug + saucer” in a beautiful box - in the amount of 1,700 rubles.
  • gifts for teachers - 4 certificates for 500 rubles. to a perfume and cosmetics store - in the amount of 2000 rubles.
  • gifts for the teacher and nanny - certificates for a jewelry store - in the amount of 8,000 rubles.
  • flowers 17 roses (one for each employee) - 850 rub.
  • flowers 3 bouquets of 5 roses each (teacher, nanny, manager) - 1100 rub.
  • gift from the manager - palm tree - 2500 rub.
  • animators in a restaurant - 4000 rub.
  • restaurant decoration with balloons - 1500 rub.
  • restaurant hall rent - 4000 rub.
  • dinner in a restaurant adult - 650 rub., child - 450 rub.

The total amount for each child is 4000 rubles.

It seemed like just yesterday you were excitedly taking your baby to kindergarten for the first time, wondering how he would be there, whether he would make friends with the children, whether he would find mutual language with teachers... However, time flies inexorably fast, and now your baby is no longer a fool, but a “preparatory child.”

So, it’s worth thinking about how it will go prom at kindergarten. It is better to organize it in advance: after all, the more time for preparation, the lower the risk of not being able to do something in time. And many questions arise for parents: to whom and what gifts to give, how to decorate the room, what format of tea party to organize.

In addition, you should take care of the outfits for the heroes of the occasion. Let's figure out what you should pay attention to first.

How is the holiday going?

The celebration itself usually follows this scenario:

  • The ceremonial and congratulatory parts can be separate “blocks” or combined;
  • Concert by children (sometimes parents);
  • Sweet table or tea party;
  • Entertainment.

During the ceremonial part, the kindergarten administration congratulates parents and teachers, children are presented with memorable diplomas and gifts, and parents “give a speech in response.”

The concert will involve the graduates themselves, the music director and teachers. Sometimes kids from other groups come to congratulate their “older comrades”. The joint performances of children and adults look very touching.

As for the sweet table, there is a choice between a group in the kindergarten, as well as children's cafes, game rooms. Sometimes the holiday is held outdoors, in the format of a picnic. As a rule, the “feast” smoothly turns into entertainment program, which parents organize on their own or invite animators.

Important! Discuss in advance at the meeting what format of the holiday suits the majority. It is also very important to agree with the administration on the date of the celebration and the possibility of organizing a sweet table.

Approximate costs

The first children's ball is not only a joy for fathers and mothers, but also additional expenses, sometimes considerable. The estimate can be divided into two parts: general costs (those that are shared between all families) and “personal”.

General expenses include the following items:

As for “personal expenses”, they are as follows:

  • Trousers, shirt, shoes, tie for young gentlemen cost from 2.2 to 8 thousand;
  • Graduation dresses and hairstyles for girls in kindergarten are not much cheaper than adults - from 3.5 thousand.

Reviews from parents

“In total, our family spent about 6 thousand on graduation, and we also invested in the purchase of an outfit for Dasha. Of course, it’s easier for mothers of boys in this regard, because shirts and trousers can then be worn to school. As for the holiday, it turned out to be very soulful and warm. The scenario was quite traditional for our kindergarten: teachers junior group- excellent actors, they portrayed minions who came to the party and want to find out what school is like. Our children read poems to them and there were several skits. After the ceremonial part and the presentation of gifts (we bought pencil cases and stationery for the children), we had a tea party right in the group (for the children). We ordered them a cake with the inscription “Goodbye, kindergarten,” cakes, drinks and water. For adults there was a buffet table: fruits, light snacks. The next day, the most active families and educators continued the celebration at a picnic. It turned out to be a lot of fun!”

Lesya, Dasha's mother

“Graduation in kindergarten was inexpensive, about 4.5 thousand. The theme of the holiday was almost a song - “Where does childhood go?” Our teachers are great guys; throughout the year they asked the children what their favorite toys were, what they remembered in kindergarten, and similar questions. For each graduate, they compiled a kind of “dossier”, and even made videos from photos: how the children came to the kindergarten, and how they grew up over the years. The parents also “didn’t lose face”: we, the dads, danced the waltz with our daughters, and the mothers made a “living corridor” through which the graduates “went into the big world.” So it was touching, and no animators were needed. We didn’t organize a special feast - we set it up for the children sweet table, and the teachers were presented with an edible bouquet of fruits. By the way, video filming was also included in the overall estimate.”

Vitaly, Vasilisa's dad

“Our teacher got sick a month before the holiday, so the script was redrawn, as they say, “on the knee.” We decided to order animators so that the matinee itself would not be boring, and we realized that it was very correct solution. Well done guys, they had a real fun time: soap bubble shows, magic tricks, interactive games. In short, although our kindergarten graduation did not go according to the initially planned scenario, there were competitions for parents and children, and dancing, and even round dances - very unusual and fun party it worked out. As for the financial side, initially we donated three thousand: for gifts for children (memorable medals, diplomas for each and photos of the group in beautiful frame), souvenirs for teachers and gifts for the garden, decoration of the hall (we only bought fabric and balloons, and decorated it ourselves), sweet table. We had to add another 500 rubles for the animators.”

Irina, Nastya's mother

  • As tempting as a picnic is, this idea is not very successful: parents will not be able to relax, since they will need to constantly monitor their children. The kids themselves may feel constrained in outfits in nature.
  • If your budget can't handle the additional load, you can save a little: It’s quite possible to do girls’ hairstyles for kindergarten graduation with your own hands (for example, curl your curls). But it’s better to take boys to a hairdresser and get their hair cut at least a week before the holiday.
  • When choosing a dress or suit for kindergarten graduation, take into account the opinion of the little hero of the occasion - show your child a photo of the outfit, if you order on the Internet, go shopping together. Remember that the item should not hinder movement.
  • Consider in advance whether there will be snacks for adults.
  • Create a menu for children. Give preference to fruits, sweets, and cakes without fatty cream.
  • If you order video shooting, agree with the operator about editing and filming the kids “in natural conditions" So you get a mini-film about the life of the group.

Kindergarten graduation scenario - video

If you are looking for ideas for such a holiday, pay attention to the following video. It shows the approximate course of the holiday, as well as competitions and performances that you can prepare with your children.

Do you want your kids to feel like real stars? Then it’s worth organizing an Oscar-style celebration. You will learn what this looks like in the following video.

Farewell to kindergarten is a very touching holiday. The children’s memory of this period of childhood largely depends on how it goes. What did you pay attention to when organizing what your children’s ball was like? Tell us about it in the comments!

Kindergarten graduation is an important milestone in the lives of children. Therefore, this day takes place in a festive and solemn atmosphere. Teachers and parents want to make this event unforgettable. Therefore, it is necessary to take time to search for ideas for holding a graduation ceremony in kindergarten. They may relate to the scenario. The preparation process will require the active participation of not only preschool employees, but also the children, as well as their loved ones.

Ideas for organizing and holding graduation in kindergarten

First of all, you should decide on the topic of the event and its presenters. It’s great if the holiday is hosted by the kids’ favorite fairy-tale characters. Perhaps these will be positive and negative heroes who will argue throughout the celebration. And in the end, with the help of the children, they will make peace. Involving parents in your kindergarten graduation program is a great idea. Adults can become heroes of skits or performances.

An important point is the design of the hall. For example, you can use the following options:

  • you can decorate the room balloons, figures from them;
  • you can prepare a wall newspaper with photographs of all the children in the group, teachers and congratulations;
  • A stand with creative works of graduates will be an excellent decoration.

You can also invite an operator to the group the day before so that he can shoot a video about how the kids spend their time in kindergarten. The end result is a wonderful film. Discs with it should be given to each child as a souvenir.

Kids will also be pleased to receive a graduate diploma or a bright medal on a ribbon. Children treat such gifts with reverence and keep them with joy.

One of the ideas for kindergarten graduation that may be useful to parents is making elegant capes and festive caps for kids. At the end of the event, you can hold a solemn procession of little graduates. Children should be allowed to decorate their capes as they wish.

You can also invite the children to draw pictures illustrating their desires and dreams. Parents should take care of these crafts. After many years, the children will be interested to see the drawing.

If you wish, you can include some touching moments in the holiday that everyone will remember for a long time. One of these interesting ideas for kindergarten graduation could be a launch into the sky balloons. You can first attach notes to them with the kids’ dreams. Under the solemn words of the teacher or one of the parents, the children will launch balloons filled with helium into the sky. Then you can watch their flight. It is worth considering the point that not all kids may want to part with their ball. Therefore, you need to think in advance about how to avoid possible tears and insults. The easiest way is to prepare spare balloons in advance, which will be distributed to the children and will remain with them until the end of the celebration.

With the permission of the administration, you can arrange a sweet table directly in the garden and invite animators. Or you can book a room in a restaurant in advance or go with your children to the entertainment center.

Parents want to organize a graduation ceremony to mark the end of kindergarten in such a way that the memory of it remains for many years. Traditionally, graduation begins with a ceremonial part, which is prepared by the teachers, after which the parents thank the teachers and kindergarten staff, a festive table is possible, and at the end the young graduates release gel balls into the sky. Such a standard celebration can be diluted with interesting ideas.

Options for holding a kindergarten graduation so that children and parents like and remember it depend on the budget of the event. An interesting continuation children's party There may be trips to trampoline towns, water parks, amusement parks, visits to children's cafes, cinemas, and children's entertainment centers.

Quest - kindergarten graduation

A budget holiday idea can include a quest, which is fashionable among young people, and is held directly on the territory of the kindergarten. Parents need to try hard and come up with the ultimate goal of the search, for example, gifts for graduates, an entertaining plot, interesting and easy tests. It is necessary to complete tasks in advance, prepare a map, pictures and other attributes. With proper and thoughtful preparation, this is a very exciting and fun pastime for young graduates. Scenarios - quest ideas for graduation in kindergarten, see here.

Movie- kindergarten graduation script

Parents with experience in video filming can make a film about their children, if they want to save money. The film can be composed of a mini-interview with each child, in which they will talk about themselves, their friends, and share their impressions of the kindergarten. Some parents broadcast similar videos on a projector while the child is congratulated and presented with a certificate and a gift. It could also be a film about life in a kindergarten, when children are filmed while playing, doing exercises, modeling, reading books, filming the children eating, getting ready for bed in their cribs. Children really like films, and when they go to first grade, according to their parents, they remember with pleasure the carefree time in kindergarten.

Instead of a film, parents can accompany their congratulations to graduates on the projector with photographs from daily life in the kindergarten; this will also be very interesting for children.

Commemorative tree planting for graduation

IN last years Planting seedlings as souvenirs for kindergarten is gaining popularity.

With the permission of the manager, you can purchase seedlings of beautiful shrubs, trees or flowers and plant them in a specified location. In this case, all children must participate in the planting process. You can come up with your own planting ceremony, for example, each child, having planted a flower, will wish something to the kindergarten and future kindergarten students.

Create your own tradition

A very simple and budget idea on how to diversify the holiday depends only on the creativity and imagination of the parents. A beautiful and interesting ceremony is being invented that can be held in the courtyard of a kindergarten for graduation. Magic trees are gaining popularity, on which every child hangs something small with a wish. You need to prepare beautiful ribbons for the kids in advance or paper crafts– lanterns, doves, something from origami, etc. Children will find great joy in such a story, which can be accompanied by making a wish.

Gifts for graduates

The ideas that parents of future kindergarten graduates need also apply to gifts. After all, you want to please both children and most adults. TO interesting gifts can be attributed:

  • sports equipment: balls, hula hoops, jump ropes
  • Lego constructors and other sets for both boys and girls
  • creativity kits and chemical experiment kits
  • illuminated globes
  • colorful organizers for school will help bring interest to upcoming homework
  • board games that you can play with friends or the whole family.
  • encyclopedias for first graders
  • mugs or T-shirts with photos of students

Buying practical gifts, which will be useful at school, do not forget that while the graduates are still kids, and add sweet gifts or small toys. Some parents print out photographs with wishes that are used to wrap chocolate bars; such gifts are very pleasant for children.

A photo book can be an unusual gift that will definitely delight your baby. Your little one will love being the main character of a personalized book. It contains photographs of a child with different emotions, several group photos with daily life in the kindergarten, for example, physical education and dancing, drawing. Photos of your favorite teachers will also remain as a keepsake. Such a book can be ordered either from a professional photographer or from photos taken by parents at a printing house.

An excellent gift would be a book of fairy tales, where the main characters are the children themselves. Such books can be easily ordered online in special editions and delivered by mail within 20 business days. Therefore, you need to take care of ordering such gifts in advance.

Unusual graduation cake for kindergarten

Little and big sweet tooths will be happier if there is a beautifully decorated cake on the festive table. Such a cake with fireworks will be even more exciting, because children simply adore fireworks.

Show from professionals

Children love active, exciting games and entertaining shows. In the event that parents were unable to coordinate efforts and organize entertainment on their own, professionals in their field - hosts of children's parties and animators - will come to the rescue. Animators with a chocolate fountain are gaining popularity; children are also interested in shows with soap bubbles and characters from their favorite cartoons.

Decorating the room for a graduation party

Traditionally, the kindergarten room is decorated by teachers; parents can take charge of this moment and decorate the room in an original way with balloon figures, garlands, make collages with photographs of children and teachers, and hang posters with colorful congratulations. Sometimes parents set up a stand beautiful crafts pupils kindergarten. You can also involve children in decorating the group, who will happily cut out figures from paper and help inflate balloons.

The decoration will help maintain the holiday atmosphere. festive table colorful dishes, elegant tablecloths and napkins. To delight the kids, you can buy holiday caps and capes for children, which they can decorate together with their parents.