Looks like chrysoprase. Chrysoprase stone - interesting properties and who is suitable for it. Magical and healing properties

Chrysoprase is a semi-precious ornamental stone, a variety of chalcedony and quartz. Translated from Greek it means “golden bow”. It owes this name to its color - chrysoprase has various shades of green, as if it glows from within.

History and origin

The history of semi-precious stone begins in ancient times. It is known that Alexander the Great wore a chrysoprase amulet on his belt to attract military success and wealth. There is a legend according to which the day before his death, the great commander dropped a stone into the river and did not notice. And the King of Prussia, Frederick the Great, wore a ring with a gem, believing that it endowed him with strength and wisdom. His crown, inlaid with chrysoprase, has also been preserved.


Gems were used by wealthy people Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome. Green stone used in the manufacture of talismans and amulets, jewelry and decorative products. Chrysoprase was also used in the decoration of homes, temples and churches. Gems were used to decorate clothes, hats, and shoes.

The stone became widespread in production in the 18th century. In many European countries- Czech Republic, Poland, Germany - buildings with mosaic decoration with minerals, as well as all kinds of household items and church paraphernalia, furniture have been preserved.

Physicochemical characteristics

Despite the fact that the etymology of the name includes the word “gold,” there is no real precious metal in this mineral. The golden inclusions in the chrysoprase stone are explained by the silicon oxide content. Nickel is responsible for the intensity and richness of color. In general, the physicochemical properties of chrysoprase practically coincide with the properties of chalcedony.

Place of extraction

Deposits of semi-precious stones in the world are few. The main production sites are in Romania, Brazil, the countries of the Balkan Peninsula, Tanzania, Western Siberia and Kazakhstan. The largest deposits are located in Australia and the US Sierra Nevada mountains. More recently, new deposits of chrysoprase have been discovered in India and Madagascar.

For a long time, Poland was considered a major global supplier of gems, but today all mineral deposits have already been exhausted, and they are mined in small quantities.

Varieties and colors

IN jewelry The properties of chrysoprase are primarily assessed by the degree of transparency. Based on this criterion, gems are divided into the following types:

The highest grade or first group, also called emerald green, uniform. This includes stones with a transparency of 5 cm or more. The highest grade chrysoprase has a rich green color, which is why it is also called the second emerald. High-grade minerals are used to make expensive jewelry and are even combined with diamonds.

Highest grade chrysoprase

First grade or second group. Apple green uniform chrysoprase. The transparency of this variety of chrysoprase reaches 2–3 cm. The color is almost uniform apple green with small golden inclusions.

The second grade or third group includes pale-colored spotted gems of heterogeneous shades. The colors of stones in this group may have yellowish or blue tints, as well as admixtures of manganese or limonite. Cheap jewelry is made from second-grade minerals.

Medicinal properties

In lithotherapy - a direction of alternative medicine based on stone treatment - highly valued medicinal properties chrysoprase. The mineral has long been used by folk healers in the treatment of various ailments.

Among useful properties chrysoprase the following are distinguished:

  • the stone has a beneficial effect on vision;
  • softens the effects of magnetic storms;
  • improves sleep, fights insomnia;
  • relieves nervous tension, helps cope with stress;
  • stimulates blood circulation and metabolism;
  • strengthens the body's protective functions, increases performance;
  • enhances sexual energy.

Magic properties

In addition to the fact that chrysoprase has the ability to have a beneficial effect on the health of its owner, the stone is also known for its strong magical properties. Wearing chrysoprase jewelry as an amulet brought people good luck in all matters. The main advantage of the mineral is attracting positive energy and protection from envious people.

Jewelry with chrysoprase

Talismans made from the mineral protect against evil eye, damage, lies and deception. The owners of such amulets develop intuition. Chrysoprase effectively attracts money and wealth, so the stone is perfect for people involved in trade. The gem also helps make decisions in difficult situation, to understand oneself for a person who is confused in feelings and actions. Suitable amulets made of chrysoprase and creative people: musicians, actors, artists, as well as athletes.

The stone is an indispensable assistant in matters of love. Chrysoprase helps to arrange personal life, find a soul mate, and also survive separation and separation.

In addition to amulets in the form of jewelry, a talisman in the form of various figurines using chrysoprase will also provide protection. Such a talisman will not only become a successful part of the interior, but will also block any negative impacts from the outside, activate positive energy, will take people with bad thoughts and intentions away from home. It is also considered that in the hands of bad person the stone will darken as it feels negative energy. The mineral may also warn of approaching danger by dimming.

In Europe, in ancient times, stones were used to charge water, giving it magical properties. Also in the Middle Ages they believed that the mineral helped get rid of evil spirits.

Another belief is that if a person sentenced to death puts a gem in his mouth, he will be able to escape. Whether this belief was used in practice is unknown.

The main condition for the effectiveness of such an amulet is to wear it without showing it to others.

Who is suitable according to their zodiac sign?

The full power of the healing and magical properties of chrysoprase stone can be felt if used correctly. According to astrology, the mineral affects different zodiac signs differently.

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion+

(“+++” - fits perfectly, “+” - can be worn, “-” - is strictly contraindicated)

Compatibility with other stones

If chrysoprase is considered as decorative decoration, then it can be combined with transparent and black stones. It is better to prefer rings and pendants with a massive mineral and not in combination with other stones.


Both gold and silver are suitable metals. You cannot combine chrysoprase with red garnet, agate, sardonyx, jasper and agate. The mineral is ideally combined with small diamonds.

Application (about jewelry, products)

Nowadays, chrysoprase is used in the jewelry industry. It is used to make jewelry and costume jewelry. Earrings, pendants, rings, rings and bracelets made from the mineral chrysoprase are popular among women. Men can wear rings as an amulet to attract wealth and career success.

Also, various decorative items are made using chrysoprase - figurines, vases. Caskets. These products, along with decorative ones, also have magical and healing properties for their owners.

The stone is processed by polishing, engraving, stone carving and cutting, including in cabochon form.

How to spot a fake

Sometimes natural chrysoprase can be passed off as a fake or the cost of an ornamental stone can be inflated. Gems are counterfeited by staining with nickel salts, which intensifies the color of the mineral. You may also find products made from ketsite, a Chinese synthetic material. In addition, you can simply confuse chrysoprase with other stones that are similar in description and external characteristics - jade, jadeite, cat's eye and emerald. To distinguish a natural stone from a fake or analogue, you need to have the following information.


A product made from natural mineral is not cheap. For example, beads made of gems will cost an average of 2–3 thousand rubles. Therefore, if jewelry or any other product is sold inexpensively, there is no doubt that it is a fake.

Natural stones in nature do not have large sizes. The optimal size of an average stone is 2 cubic centimeters.
Any gem or mineral grows in nature. Traces of this remain in the form of small bubble or feather inclusions. They can be easily seen through a magnifying glass.

Catsite - Chinese fake- will have an even, rich color. By the way, it is very difficult to identify a fake from a cat site, so it is better to buy jewelry in special licensed stores.

Chrysoprase-dyed stones can be distinguished under a magnifying glass - in this case, the even outlines of traces of dyes are clearly visible.

How to wear and care

Chrysoprase is a stone that needs to be constantly displayed. If a product made from a mineral is not worn for a long time, it will lose all the power of magic. Therefore, chrysoprase jewelry does not need to be purchased at once.

Jewelry with chrysoprase

If the gem is worn for magical purposes, then it is better to choose a product in silver, the metal will help strengthen magical properties. The mineral in gold is worn more as jewelry; such a product looks rich and noble.

Chrysoprase jewelry goes well with classic style clothes and with black, white, brown, yellow and beige colors. This decoration is ideal for green-eyed and red-haired women.

People with weak character should not wear this stone, as it can lead them astray. Gems are prohibited for children and teenagers, as their psyche is not stable enough. Chrysoprase enhances any qualities, including negative ones.
There is an opinion that rings and bracelets should be worn on the left hand, but this is not confirmed by anything.

Unmarried girls and women should not wear chrysoprase jewelry.

Products made from chrysoprase do not require special care. Like all precious stones, they should be washed in warm soapy water and cleaned with a soft cloth. The gem must be protected from interaction with solid objects, chemical reagents and direct sunlight. You also need to avoid overheating the mineral.

Favorable time to buy

Particular activity of all the beneficial properties of the mineral is observed in late spring and early autumn. It is at this time that it is recommended to purchase chrysoprase products. You can buy them for yourself or as a gift.

Bracelet with chrysoprase

Purchased according to lunar calendar on a certain day. For chrysoprase this is the 28th lunar day.

Followers of lithomagic claim that, having a certain energy, stones also sense other people’s energy, therefore, in order for chrysoprase to be useful for its owner, the following points must be remembered:

  • the stone must be loved and treated with care;
  • no need to wear chrysoprase jewelry on the day of purchase;
  • if an uncut stone is worn as a talisman, it must be placed in a special bag;
  • You cannot place the gem in the middle of your palm, crush it or rub it with your hand;
  • You only need to pick up chrysoprase with your fingers;
  • if the mineral is cracked, it can no longer be worn;
  • If a stone is not suitable for a person, he will soon understand this: the mineral will choke, squeeze, fall, get lost.

Big magical power possesses a gem that was given or inherited. Under no circumstances should jewelry be stolen or purchased secondhand.

Chrysoprase is a stone that deserves worthy attention, and not only because of its beneficial properties. The unique combination of soft noble shades and natural purity has made it attractive for more than one millennium.

Today we will learn a lot of interesting things about the famous ornamental stone– chrysoprase.

Chrysoprase stone is usually classified as a group of ornamental, semi-precious minerals. It is famous for its magical, healing properties. Many people choose this stone as a talisman. Even in ancient times, chrysoprase was considered a lucky stone: it was believed that it brings victories, good luck in business, luck and success.

Of course, the chic appearance of the stones also makes them popular: chrysoprase is sometimes even confused with emeralds, these green stones are so beautiful. The mineral is in demand as jewelry stone: It makes wonderful jewelry. Most often, the gem is framed in gold and silver.

Origin story

Chrysoprase has long been known as an attractive semi-precious stone. It was used in Greece, Ancient Rome, and Egypt. Amulets and Hellas stones were made from chrysoprase: these products impress with their beauty, and at the same time, they are perfectly preserved.

Eastern healers also used the stone for a long time: with its help they treated nervous ailments and skin diseases. Doctors believed that it was possible to alleviate a person’s condition by applying chrysoprase to sore spots on the body.

It is known that chrysoprase became an amulet for famous historical figures. Macedonian himself considered it a stone of victory. Even in ancient times BC, chrysoprase was a faithful companion of warriors. It is also believed that this semi-precious stone becomes an excellent patron in trade and business.

For many centuries the mineral was the best material for interior decoration, decoration of rich houses, palaces of the nobility, as well as places of religious worship. IN modern world chrysoprase began to be actively used in the jewelry industry. Jewelry looks really great with it.

Physical properties

First of all, it is worth mentioning the main physical properties mineral. Chemical formula of chrysoprase SiO2. It is a green variety. Inclusions of various nickel compounds determine the color of the mineral. It can be quite heterogeneous.

Here are the key ones physical characteristics stone:

  1. The crystals are translucent.
  2. The color is greenish, with blue streaks and shades.
  3. The density is 2.6 g/cm3.
  4. Hardness is in the range of 6.5 – 7.
  5. The shine resembles glass.

High transparency of minerals with a rich green color, close to an emerald hue. Heterogeneous stones may have natural patterns and spots. Transparency depends on the individual instance. Light minerals can transmit light through a layer of 2 cm, and some specimens transmit color well even through a thickness of 5 cm.


Deposits and deposits of green chalcedony (chrysoprase) are quite rare. It is found in rocks containing nickel. The main supplier of chrysoprase around the world is Australia. There the mineral occurs in the form of veins, located in the rocks along with iron oxides. There are also deposits in Poland, Kazakhstan, and Brazil.

Colors and types

Chrysoprase attracts with its depth, translucency, and subtle tints of shades. In most cases, the color of the mineral resembles an unripe apple; it also has emerald, bluish, turquoise and mint shades. Also, there are specimens with dark tones that indicate nickel compounds.

Chrysoprase bracelet of different colors

It is customary to divide chrysoprase into 3 main types according to color:

  1. Emerald: This type is the most valuable, characterized by high transparency and depth of shade.
  2. Apple green: such a stone is less translucent and may have opaque inclusions.
  3. Heterogeneous, spotty: The specimens are ornamental and have less value.

Semi-precious chrysoprase is often distinguished by pure tones and bright shades. They can be lighter or darker, but they always have a blue tint. When some specimens have a rich color, are highly translucent, and are perfectly cut, they can easily be confused with a precious emerald. They are almost as beautiful as him.

Minerals with heterogeneous colors also have their advantage - they clearly show a unique natural pattern. Each piece of jewelry with such a stone will be absolutely exclusive.

Magical properties, meaning

Since ancient times, chrysoprase has been credited with magical properties. The mineral is widely used in yoga. Chrysoprase is believed to have a positive effect on the chest chakra (this is the area of ​​the heart). In the Middle Ages, the stone was considered to bring victory.

There are interesting observations in Eastern magic. Many centuries ago, people were convinced that chrysoprase was able to warn of bad intentions and a person’s deceit. When a stone reaches such a person, it begins to darken and become cloudy.

Also, chrysoprase has the following properties:

  1. It saves you from nightmares and restores normal sleep.
  2. The mineral restores relationships between people, makes them softer and more patient, protects them from conflicts and misunderstandings.
  3. A beautiful stone can awaken tenderness and love in a person.
  4. Chrysoprase can be an excellent source of optimism, self-confidence, it tones and puts you in a positive mood.
  5. A semi-precious stone can bring financial well-being, success in business and business.
  6. Chrysoprase is also beneficial in friendly relationships.

Now hereditary fortune tellers note that chrysoprase may well return peace, mutual understanding and prosperity to the home. In addition, it can be used to check the honesty of a man’s intentions: this is very useful for girls who doubt the important step of starting a new relationship.

The rich green tint of chrysoprase also plays a significant role.

This color has the following advantages:

  1. Restores emotional balance.
  2. Creates a positive mood.
  3. Gives confidence and willpower.
  4. Provides rationality, a reasonable view of things, can help to accept correct solution in a difficult situation.

The stone is unable to influence evil, negative, unbalanced and vile people. At the same time, he helps those who are honest and open. The mineral has a strong effect against unnecessary risk and adventurism.

You should choose just such a semi-precious stone as a talisman if important negotiations are coming up, you need to find like-minded people, reliable friends. Chrysoprase in silver is ideal.

The stone is optimal for financiers, business people, lawyers, as well as innovators in various fields, inventors, people of creative professions.

Medicinal properties

Chrysoprase has been used in alternative medicine for many centuries. People have long been confident that this mineral has unique properties and is extremely beneficial for health.

  1. The mineral relieves pain in the throat and ears.
  2. Stabilizes the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  3. Helps with problems with the respiratory system and asthma.
  4. Restores normal metabolism.
  5. May improve vision.
  6. Helps with all kinds of eye diseases.
  7. Useful for rheumatism.
  8. Relieves joint pain and stops tissue destruction.
  9. It is advisable to wear chrysoprase for inflammation and infectious diseases.
  10. The mineral helps in the fight against stressful conditions and relieves depression.
  11. You can cope with overwork and achieve toning of the body.
  12. Chrysoprase also has a beneficial effect on the body during hormonal imbalances that occur due to age-related changes.

It has been noticed that chrysoprase even has a beneficial effect on blood pressure: you can stabilize it if you regularly wear jewelry with the mineral. It has long been believed that it is very useful to contemplate chrysoprase, especially with designs, in a deep green tint. In this way, people achieve improved vision, get rid of pain in the eyes, fatigue, and the feeling of being filled with sand.

Chrysoprases with delicate light green and mint shades provide great benefits: They are able to relieve nervous tension and stress. If you follow the science about the benefits of minerals, you must definitely use chrysoprase to restore normal sleep and get rid of nightmares.

There is also a technique that helps relieve inflammation and prevent the development of infections and colds. The stone is dipped into water and then kept in the sun for about five hours. Such water will then have healing properties, will be able to strengthen the immune system.

It's important to remember that long time The stone cannot be used. It is necessary to take breaks in therapy using this mineral.

Who is suitable according to their zodiac sign?

Let's find out which zodiac signs really benefit from wearing chrysoprase, and who should avoid contact with the stone altogether:

  1. Capricorns, Aquarius and Pisces you should definitely wear chrysoprase. The mineral is ideal for them.
  2. Sagittarius, Virgo, Cancer and Taurus, Gemini you need to be careful with this stone. It suits them significantly less.
  3. And here Scorpios, Leo and Libra, Aries the mineral can even cause harm. They shouldn't use it.

For signs of the first group, chrysoprase can become the best patronizing stone. It will enhance all positive energy and repel negative energy. As you can see, the horoscope matters here.

Talismans and amulets

Talismans and amulets with chrysoprase have great strength. Even in ancient times, people wore amulets made of this stone. They protect from any negative energy and bring good luck and success. Jewelry with minerals also become talismans: these can be rings, beads, cufflinks, earrings and other things.

Chrysoprase in jewelry: how to wear?

The mineral combines optimally with gold and looks great in silver, as well as platinum. Earrings with rings, beads with necklaces, and cufflinks are made from it. It is believed that you can wear single items with chrysoprase, sets, and large sets of several items.

But the best solution is to have one favorite thing with chrysoprase, which you will wear to all important events, meetings, etc. key points. For example, it could be a ring or bracelet.


It's worth paying attention to the price. The mineral is not that cheap. For example, if the beads are made of real chrysoprase, their price cannot be less than two thousand rubles.


When a stone is worn frequently, it is better preserved. If it has faded in the sun, it needs to be moistened. Clean with a mild soap solution.

Artificial chrysoprase

There are imitations that are made in China. Chalcedony is also sometimes colored. This can be done with nickel and synthetic dyes.

How to distinguish from a fake?

To distinguish a stone from a fake, pay attention to the price: it should be adequate, and not extremely low. In addition, the size of the crystals matters: in nature they are usually small, around 2 centimeters.

When the stone is real, you can see through a magnifying glass areas of heterogeneous color, inclusions of bubbles or “feathers”. Imitation often has an unnaturally rich color.

What stones does it go with?

Chrysoprase goes well with green agate and turquoise. Looks great framed in gold or silver.

It is known that chrysoprase is most active in autumn and spring time. Don't like jewelry with minerals? Then just carry the stone with you, in your left pocket. And it will attract success and prosperity!

Dense emerald or apple-herbaceous green chrysoprase is the most valuable stone from the family.

Descriptions of the mineral chrysoprase are found in ancient sources (for example, Pliny). The name of the stone is Greek, and was clearly invented by gardeners. It can be translated as “golden green onion” (χρυσός - golden, πράσον - green leek).

The reader who is familiar with the publications in our encyclopedia already knows about the closest geological “relatives” of chrysoprase. For those who visited our site for the first time, let us remind you of these minerals of the chalcedony group.

There are several classifications. Our country has adopted the structure proposed in the last century by the remarkable expert on minerals, Academician A. Fersman. Its simple and understandable systematization does not require complex laboratory research for mineral identification. She classifies translucent chalcedony stones based on a clearly visible, visually rich color palette.

  • Actually – yellowish, blue, gray with a waxy sheen.
  • – red-orange, often has high transparency.
  • – dark green, with characteristic specks of red.
  • Carnelian– several shades of red.
  • Sarder– brown, chestnut, chocolate.
  • Plasma(synonym chrysoprase) – light green mineral, more dark shade defined as onion green.
  • – milky blue, blue.
  • Flint– yellowish, brown, dark brown, often the color of coffee with milk. It is characterized by numerous inclusions of quartz, ferruginous conglomerates, clayey substances; the mineral also contains other components.

All of the listed varieties of chalcedony belong to ornamental and decorative stones.

But mineral classifiers classify chrysoprase as precious stones Group IV. True, in the jewelry market its weight is measured not in carats, but in grams and even kilograms.

All shades of green

Chrysoprase veins run through rocks, accompanying deposits of cobalt and nickel ores.

It is the nickel ions that give it its beautiful green color. The color intensity directly depends on the concentration of water-nickel inclusions. They are located in the structure of the stone in the form of microscopic bubbles filled with complex solutions in the form of a gel. These gel droplets are visible only at tens of thousands of times magnification in electron microscopes. Together they refract light rays, reflecting the green part of the spectrum.

In the structure of one vein, the color of a translucent mineral can smoothly change from white to deep, subtly flowing through all shades of green.

Pure, uniform green chrysoprase with high levels of transparency is a rare unique item, highly valued by both jewelers and collectors. In most finds, impurities of opal, talc, and serpentine reduce the jewelry quality and decorative properties of chrysoprase. The stone loses its green color intensity and transparency. This chrysoprase is used for inexpensive crafts. In industry, the mineral is used as an abrasive material for grinding and fine polishing of products.

Where is chrysoprase mined?

We find mention of the first chrysoprase deposit in Europe in Polish chronicles (17th century). Later, the mineral was discovered in Germany, and its deposits are known in Russia (Ural). But the ancient mines have almost exhausted their precious resource.

Raw chrysoprase

In Europe, local legislation does not allow expanding old mines - many of them are now located on the territory of nature reserves or mountain resorts. However, the mines do generate some income. Now they have become tourist sites with paid visits.

In some countries, you can purchase a short-term license to search for gems. This kind of “weekend” entertainment is popular, for example, in the USA. The license is inexpensive and valid for two days. Everything that the lucky person finds becomes his property, and the authenticity of the stones is confirmed by an expert certificate.

Chrysoprase deposits are abundant in Kazakhstan, the USA (California, Arizona), and Brazil. All of them are associated with industrial mining of nickel ore.

The highest quality chrysoprase stone, which has high jewelry properties, is mined in Australia.

Magic properties

Magicians attribute chrysoprase to the blue element of Air. This is a stone of transformation and transformation; it gives the owner unexpected twists of fate.

In the Persian descriptions of the deeds of Iskander the Two-horned (as the great conqueror Alexander the Great is called in the East), a legend is recorded about the chrysolite amulet that the commander wore on the belt of his military vestment. Magicians claim that chrysolite protects from dangers, diverts the enemy’s weapons, concentrates attention on the chosen goal, preventing doubts and hesitations in achieving it.

It was probably a magical gem - a stone with a carved image of the winged Nike, the goddess of victory.

Chrysoprase gemma

Several rare chrysolite gems - works of ancient Greek and Roman stone cutters - have survived to this day.

The ancient tradition of decorating armor and weapons with magical chrysoprase amulets lasted more than two thousand years.

Dagger with chrysoprase decoration

Excellent examples of military and ceremonial weapons can be found in the collection of the Armory Chamber (Moscow, Kremlin), in the Knights' Hall of the Hermitage (St. Petersburg), in the rich collections of the Dresden Armory, and the British Museum (London).

Chrysoprase and the Zodiac

Horoscopes of the Western school of astrology identify chrysoprase with the embodiment of the influences of the powerful planets - Uranus and Jupiter. Astrologers' calculations clearly indicate who the green mineral is suitable for. This is, first of all, a zodiac sign. With the acquisition of a stone, he will find the patronage of ancestors, perhaps even unknown to him.

Amulet with chrysoprase

But if Aquarius is lazy and amorphous, the stone cannot change his fate. For such an owner, the amulet is likely to interfere. It is simply incompatible with the measured and orderly lifestyle of the owner, who prefers to “go with the flow” and is content with what he has.

But chrysoprase also dislikes excessive pretentiousness or theatrical exaltation. By the way, chrysoprase does not like to display the properties of a stone in a gold frame that screams about wealth. Its comfortable metal partner is modest dull silver with niello.

You should not count on the support of magical chrysoprase and. But this is not a problem, because the heavenly Zodiac has its own auspicious stones-amulets.

In addition, it is not forbidden to test yourself for compatibility with chrysoprase. If you are an enthusiastic, purposeful person, the stone may well treat its active owner favorably, regardless of the Zodiac.


Experts on the connections between heavenly bodies and earthly minerals recommend chrysoprase entrepreneurs entering new markets, researchers, leading scientific research. The amulet will be very useful military, especially for officers creating new strategies to combat a smart and powerful enemy.

Ring with chrysoprase

Lithoastrologers believe that chrysoprase is very useful young people. These sensitive stones can even be suitable for schoolchildren. Like good mentors, amulets capture abilities not yet realized by the owner himself, delicately help to understand life priorities, and determine one’s place in society.

Connoisseurs of the magical properties of minerals warn that the chrysoprase amulet should not contain any dark or cloudy inclusions; choose a stone of a uniform green color for the amulet.

The properties of chrysoprase are capricious. Amulets and jewelry may fade noticeably in the sun. Along with its color, chrysoprase also loses its magical properties. But the color of the mineral can be easily restored: you need to place it in a humid “tropical” environment. For example, wrap it in moistened well water wool fabric and place in a warm place for a day.

Medicinal properties

Green chrysoprase is good for the success of new endeavors and in medicine. In the East traditional healers Bookshelves are often decorated with small Buddha figurines carved from chrysoprase. They say that chrysoprase exhibits the properties of the stone especially effectively in figurines of the mystical Green Dragon.

Chinese doctors use chrysoprase plates to treat skin diseases.

To cure nervous diseases, lithotherapists use chrysoprase pyramids, placing them on the patient’s body in a certain order.

Successful restoration of vision that has lost its sharpness is carried out using stone prisms and hemispheres.

Sometimes for manipulations aimed at restoring functions internal organs, special figures in the form of green frogs, snails, and stars are carved from chrysoprase. At the same time, the properties of chrysoprase are supported and enhanced by elements made from other semi-precious crystals (transparent rock crystal, rose quartz).

Synthetic "chrysoprase"

We have already noted that green chrysoprase is a rather rare gem. Therefore, the insatiable jewelry market is filled mainly with fakes of this gem. It’s also good if the green color is artificially given to chalcedony or. Such a fake is not easy to recognize. The strangely low price for a rare gem, as well as its large size, can be alarming. Large chrysoprases are occasionally found in Australia, but all of them have long held pride of place in museum collections.

But more often, scammers use glass or polymers.

A rough glass fake, colored with green oxide of copper, chromium or nickel salts, can be recognized by air bubbles, clots of dye and other inclusions clearly visible inside.

It is more difficult to recognize a doublet without a magnifying glass or microscope - glass glued to a thin section of a real mineral. But you can simply scratch the glass and the fake will be revealed. But how will the seller react to the experiment?

In short, deception cannot be avoided in the jewelry market if the purchase is made without consulting an expert gemologist.



Not long ago, a new, high-tech fake appeared on the jewelry market. A “stone” of rich green color is offered either as chrysoprase or chrysoberyl.

In fact, this is a new polymer - catsite. It seems that its unknown creators were inspired by modern fiber optic technologies. After all, catsite is a compressed alloy of the finest silicate fibers placed on a colored matrix. The fibers are so thin that, according to experts, in one synthetic pebble their total length is several kilometers!

Thanks to this nanostructure, catsite has the “” property, which is reflected in its name.

An artificial gem is inexpensive if the catsite is offered without deception, under its “polymer” name. In this case, it is worth purchasing for your home collection of amazing technological achievements of the 21st century.

How much does it cost and where to buy chrysoprase

The recommendation on where to buy real chrysoprase, which contains the magical properties inherent in the stone, is very simple: you should buy jewelry and amulets in reputable stores that value their reputation as serious experts and honest sellers, and there are many of them in the country. For example, contact the store "". Here they will tell you how much it costs real stone. Prices vary significantly. Friendly consultants will help you choose an affordable piece of jewelry, a collectible, a craft or an amulet.

Chrysoprase is a semi-precious ornamental mineral. It is a variety of quartz and. The stone has a fine-crystalline granular structure that cannot be seen with the naked eye. This is what distinguishes this mineral from other quartz stones.

Chrysoprase has a beautiful green color. Shades range from light green to rich emerald. Thanks to the beautiful appearance it is used by jewelers to create jewelry. However, this is not the only reason why it is in demand among users. The fact is that chrysoprase has healing and magical properties. That is why it is often used as a talisman.

The magical properties of the stone have been known for a very long time.

For example, during the times of Ancient Greece, people associated with trade specially ordered jewelry with chrysoprase. The fact is that such a stone attracts luck and money.

In our time, the mineral has not lost this meaning. With its help, you can find a new source of income and get rid of debt. In addition, it promotes business prosperity and protects against bankruptcy.

In addition, chrysoprase has protective properties. It protects against evil forces and any negativity directed against the owner. The stone protects against the evil eye, damage, curses and other witchcraft. In addition, he “averts the eyes” of envious people and gossips. Chrysoprase can protect the owner from himself. The fact is that he guides a person on the true path and does not allow him to commit bad deeds. IN in this case It is best to choose chrysoprase framed in silver. This metal will enhance the magical properties of the mineral. Such a talisman not only protects the owner from negative energy, it directs it to the person from whom it comes.

The stone helps to establish relationships with people around you. It smooths out conflicts and protects against quarrels. In addition, chrysoprase helps to find loyal and devoted friends, as well as reliable allies. In other words, the stone helps to establish friendships and business relationships.

Chrysoprase helps to implement any undertaking. Thanks to him, the owner always brings the job he started to the end and at the same time success accompanies him. This mineral helps to overcome all obstacles that stand in the owner’s way.

The stone helps get rid of gloomy thoughts and depressive mood. It gives joy and sets you up for positivity. A person who wears chrysoprase is very rarely in a bad mood. He is always cheerful, friendly and solves all problems with ease.

Chrysoprase helps the owner gain self-confidence. In addition, he develops the gift of eloquence. This property of the stone is especially valued by politicians and people who, for a long time, have to speak in front of large numbers of people.

This stone will become a reliable protector on the road. It will protect you from all adversities and dangers that may arise along the way. Therefore, it is recommended for use by travelers and drivers.

Chrysoprase gives protection not only to the owner, but also to his entire family.

Healing properties of the stone

Chrysoprase stone has healing properties. It can be used to treat various eye pathologies. It helps get rid of them and also improves vision. In addition, the stone normalizes blood pressure, which is especially important for people suffering from changes in blood pressure, especially during weather changes. Chrysoprase has a positive effect on work of cardio-vascular system. This mineral helps to cope with infectious pathologies, in particular colds. In addition, it improves performance nervous system. The stone relieves nervousness, depression, mood swings and mental disorders. In addition, it can help normalize sleep.

A pendant with chrysoprase improves the body's metabolic processes and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of all endocrine glands. In addition, it improves the body's physical endurance and relieves fatigue after a hard day at work.

To treat colds, it is recommended to drink water charged with this stone. To do this, the mineral must be placed in a glass of water and left overnight. In the morning, the liquid is consumed in full. After this, the patient should experience improvement.

Chrysoprase is considered a stone of beauty and youth. This is not surprising, because it promotes cell regeneration and slows down the aging process.

Chrysoprase not only protects a person from various ailments, but also prevents their occurrence. Therefore, it is recommended to wear it to prevent diseases.

The stone should not be used by people suffering from gallstone pathologies. In this case, this mineral will only make the situation worse. Therefore, it is best to refrain from wearing it.

Who is Chrysoprase suitable for according to their zodiac sign?

Astrologers say that not every zodiac sign is energetically compatible with chrysoprase. Chrysoprase is not suitable for some, but for others it is perfect. The compatibility of the stone with zodiac signs is shown in the table below.

Compatibility of chrysoprase with zodiac sign. Table 1.

Chrysoprase is the main stone of Aquarius. This mineral will bestow representatives of this zodiac sign with all the benefits that it is capable of. It will provide the owner with powerful protection from evil forces and evil witchcraft, will help rise to the very top of the career ladder and will bring good luck in financial matters. In addition, this mineral will help Aquarius to establish necessary connections, start useful acquaintances and find true friends. The stone will bring good luck in love affairs. Thanks to the mineral, Aquarians will be popular with the opposite sex.

Chrysoprase is also suitable for Capricorns. In this case, the mineral will help to tune in to a positive mood, get rid of gloomy thoughts and give the owner strong protection.

Astrologers recommend wearing this stone to Taurus. It will help representatives of this zodiac sign improve their financial condition and achieve success in all endeavors. In addition, the mineral will increase self-confidence, put you in a positive mood and bring good luck in love.

Chrysoprase is contraindicated for Aries.

Chrysoprase is a strong amulet that is suitable for both men and women. It is recommended to choose those jewelry with this stone that have the shape of a circle. These include beads and bracelets. The fact is that this form enhances the protective properties of the mineral, which is why these amulets are considered the strongest.