Knitted crafts for Easter. Master class “Do-it-yourself crocheted Easter. Small rabbit parts

IN Holy holiday Easter can be especially nice to give loved ones a souvenir that keeps your hands warm, or to decorate your home and festive table cute crafts. The main thing is that there are no difficulties when performing those knitted Easter crafts, which we have prepared for you, will not arise even for those who have recently picked up a crochet hook or knitting needles, and some of the models may well be attempted by children.


Even in ancient times, the egg was considered a symbol of life and resurrection. However, it is believed that Easter table the eggs appeared thanks to a legend. During the Roman Empire, people could only visit the emperor with a petition by bringing him a gift. When Mary Magdalene decided to bring the news of the resurrection of Christ to Emperor Tiberius, it turned out that she had nothing but a white chicken egg. Then, handing the emperor her modest gift, she said: “Christ is risen!” In response, the emperor laughed and replied that he would believe such news only if this white egg changed its color to red. At that very moment a miracle happened and the egg turned bright red. Then the utterly surprised emperor said: “Truly he has risen!”

Whether this was so is unknown, but the tradition of painting eggs, exchanging them and putting them on the festive table has been around for centuries. Gradually, along with dyeing eggs, the custom of decorating them in other ways appeared, and then at Easter they began to give each other fake eggs more often as a gift. We invite you to support the tradition. And, for example, knit (or knit) an egg with crochet or knitting needles.

However, you shouldn’t limit yourself to knitting. You can try, for example, making an embroidered egg, making an egg from fabric or felt, decorating it with braid, buttons, rhinestones and anything else.

Egg warmers

A great opportunity to decorate the holiday table in an original way (and not only for Easter) is to use egg warmers. Their big advantage is that you can use such warmers for more than one year, and by knitting several different sets, you can diversify your table decor.

There are a great variety of hot water bottles, from funny hats (just like real ones, even with pom-poms) to nesting dolls and hares, which look more like toys than hot water bottles. We invite you to contact simple models, which will delight both children and adults.

  • Egg warmer “Hat with pompom”
You can also sew a heating pad from fabric or felt - most of these models are very simple and do not require special skills.

  • DIY egg warmers made from non-woven fabric and felt

Easter bunnies

Despite the fact that, according to all the logic of things, the chicken should take first place among the animal world at the Easter celebration, this poultry takes second place. And in the first place is traditionally the rabbit (in the Russian version it is also often replaced by a hare). Some say that the reason for this is the known fertility of rabbits, so this animal symbolizes birth and life. Others believe that it just “happened that way,” but the fact remains. We invite you to keep up with traditions and decorate your home with a rabbit figurine.

Spring and the brightest and most joyful Christian holiday are approaching. Needlewomen take up crocheting for Easter. This exciting activity will last more than one evening, and the variety of options is amazing.

Simple egg

Do you want to give unusual gift? Your loved ones will definitely be surprised by crocheted items. First, let's look at the simplest ones. For work, we will take threads with a density of 50 g per 133 meters and a hook size 3.5. You will also need filler.

  • 1st row: make 7 stitches in a loop and tighten it into a circle.
  • Row 2: knit 2 from each stitch.
  • Row 3: Simply knit each stitch.
  • Row 4: increments must be made through 1 stitch.
  • Row 5: knit all stitches.
  • Row 6: add through 2 stitches.
  • Rows 7-12: knit.
  • Row 13: decrease every 5 stitches.
  • Row 14: knit as is.
  • Row 15: decrease through 2 stitches.
  • Row 16: decrease through 1 stitch.
  • Row 17: make decreases and fill the egg.
  • 18 and further: we decrease until the hole is closed.

The egg is ready. This simple circuit Suitable for those who are just taking their first lessons. simple, and there are many similar schemes in open sources.


Crocheting for Easter doesn't have to be boring. Even a simple egg can be turned into a real masterpiece. Create pieces in different colors that coordinate with each other. They can become an indispensable interior decoration for the holiday or a nice gift. Take fancy yarn “grass”, bouclé or a simple one, but with sectional dyeing. By interspersing multi-colored pieces of thread, you will get stripes or spots. Show your imagination and a funny picture will appear on the egg.

Perfect for finishing your finished work satin ribbons, lace. Rhinestones or a small scattering of beads will add shine and charm. All you have to do is glue on the eyes and embroider the mouth - and this is a character come to life. You can actively involve children in the production and design. They will definitely enjoy working with their mother and feeling involved in the holiday bustle.

Openwork cover

This cover can be put on an artificial egg, but it will also work for a real boiled egg. And after the holiday it can be postponed until next year. This Easter crochet is thinner, you will need cotton threads and a 1.5 hook.

  • 1st row: connect 10 air loops into a ring.
  • 2nd row: we tie the resulting circle with 14 stitches.
  • 3rd row: make 10 loops in a chain, then a stitch with double crochet, then another 5 loops in a chain. Do this until the row is completed, and then you need to make 4 air loops and complete
  • Row 4: We knit 5 stitches into the resulting arch, and from each loop of the bottom row we make an increase.
  • 5 row: 4 lifting loops, then double crochet alternates with 2 chain loops.
  • Row 6: 14 chain stitches, stitch over 2 double crochets, repeat alternating until the end of the row. Here you can adjust the size; if the egg is small, knit fewer air loops.
  • Row 7: make arches from 10 air loops.
  • 8th row: arches of 3 air loops. This row is designed to tighten the cover on the egg.

This is a very interesting way to crochet eggs. Knitting patterns are simple. The only difficulty is working with a thin thread. But you can easily find many more different schemes and experiment with different patterns and create your own unique holiday style, which will become your original idea.

Easter basket

The eggs are already ready, and to make them look even more beautiful, you will need a crocheted basket. To make it, you can use any thick thread.

  1. We connect 7 columns into a tightening ring. Next, we knit all the time behind the back wall.
  2. From each loop we make 2.
  3. Increase through 1 stitch.
  4. We knit rows 4-9 like this: we make an increase every 2 stitches, but you can do more if you want to make a larger basket.
  5. Decrease through 7 stitches.
  6. We knit rows 11-20 without any increases, just up - these are the walls of the future basket.
  7. 3 loops of the chain raise the row, then the basket is knitted with double crochets, adding loops. We do this by alternating 6 columns.
  8. We knit the fabric as is, in double crochet stitches, and complete the knitting.

We make a lapel from the wide part, connected by columns double crochet Now all that remains is to design the handle. We connect 8 loops into a ring, but do not tighten it too much, then simply knit upwards in simple stitches until sufficient length is obtained. Sew a handle to the base. You can insert a wire frame into the latter for stability. An excellent crocheted basket for Easter eggs is ready.

Chicken Ryaba

Let's look at some more crochet crafts for Easter and knit a corydalis.

  1. We make 16 double crochets into the loop.
  2. Rows 2-4 are made with simple columns.
  3. We knit 9 loops in a row with increases, the rest - simply.
  4. We knit 6-7 rows in a circle.
  5. We add 4 times through the loop, 11 increases in a row, 4 more increases through the loop.
  6. 3 chain loops, double crochet through 2 loops of the previous row.
  7. In 1 arch we make a column, in the next - 5 such elements with a double crochet.
  8. From 3 loops we make a column, and in the hole we should get 6 such elements with a double crochet.
  9. We design the 12th and 13th rows in the same way, only we knit 7 double crochet stitches.
  10. We knit the 14th row like the 11th.
  11. We knit the 15th in exactly the same way, only instead of simple columns We use double crochet elements.

We make the tail, wings and comb with arches, and sew on black beady eyes. The chicken can be placed just like that or placed directly on the egg.

Easter bunny

The festive composition will be perfectly complemented by toys. The Easter bunny is not traditional for our country, but is gradually gaining popularity. Everyone will like the cute little eared one. It is very easy to knit.

First you need 2 round knitted blanks: one larger, the other smaller. This will be the head and torso. They are knitted using technology plain eggs, only with a uniform decrease. To calculate correctly, you can read the diagram backwards. Don't forget to leave a hole for stuffing. The ring is tightened last. You don’t have to hide the threads, but leave them long for later stitching together.

Small rabbit parts

To tie the paws, we start in the same way.

  • Rows 1-3 - repeat the old pattern.
  • We make 8 additions of loops in a row, and simply knit the rest.
  • We knit rows 5-6 as is.
  • We decrease through 3 loops. Then - through 2 loops. The paw is ready.

We also knit 3 more blanks and create another one of a slightly smaller size for the tail.

What's a rabbit without ears? The base is a chain of 12 air loops. Next, we make 5 half-stitches and 7 stitches, turn the work and knit everything in the reverse order.

The last step is to connect all the parts into a single whole. We attach eyes to the rabbit and embroider a nose. Cute easter bunny ready.

Crocheting for Easter will unite the whole family in preparation for the holiday and help create a bright and joyful atmosphere at home. A bunch of different ideas and patterns will help you decorate your holiday table in an original way and pleasantly surprise your guests.

Today our guest is designer Zoya Prishyvalko and together we will make a very fun knitted toy-changeling “Egg-Chick”!

"Surprise my children new toy usually difficult, the effect of the novelty of the acquisition does not last long. That's why I'm looking for toy ideas that I can hang out with for a long time. In this case, there is a high probability that my girls will not be able to tear themselves away from such a toy.

The idea for this shapeshifting egg is not mine - I found it on the Internet. I tried to knit the most obvious option - an egg-chicken, but there should be no limits to the boundless parent-child imagination! And then not only a duck, a crocodile or an owl, but also a hare, a mouse or even some unprecedented creature can hatch from the egg. The main thing is that the “surprise” effect is maintained.

Well, shall we get started?

We will need:
A little yarn of yellow, milky and orange colors of suitable density (I have it Alize Lanagold);
hook No. 3;
buttons or beads for eyes.

The diagrams will make your work easier - check not only the photographs, but also them (at the end of the material you will find verbal descriptions for them):

First, we knit the body of the chicken. IN magic ring we knit 6 non-woven stitches and continue to knit according to the pattern in a spiral, without closing the rows. We knit the loop behind the back wall, so the shape will be more stable. We alternate the row with increases and the row without increases in order to knit the characteristic egg shape. After 17 rows of knitting you should get something like this.

To smoothly round the shape, we decrease our knitting in each row; for this, in the first row we knit every 9 and 10 loops together, in the second - every 8 and 9 loops, and so on. On the last row of decreases you need to knit every 5th and 6th stitch together. The chicken body is ready.

Using a milky thread using the same description, we knit an egg.

To tie a chicken wing, take a thread yellow color. First, we knit 4 single crochets into a magic ring, and then we knit the loops in a spiral behind the back wall, without closing our knitting in each row, using pattern number 2. Do not forget that there should be 2 wings.

We knit the beak of the chicken by analogy with the other described parts of the chicken. We start knitting with 6 ch. into the air ring. In the second row we double every second loop, getting 9 stitches, in the third row we double every third loop - 12 stitches, we knit the 4th row with stitches in a circle.

We knit a chicken foot from orange threads in straight and reverse rows as follows. We dial 2 v.p. loops and 1 ch. rise, turn the knitting. In the first row we knit 2 tbsp. b/n, in the second we double each column - 4 columns, in the third row we double the first and last column - 6 columns. Next we knit the “fingers” of the paw: 3 ch. rise, fluffy stitch, 3 ch, connecting stitch in the second loop of the base - this is one finger. Repeat 2 more times.

We sew wings, beak, legs and button eyes to the body of the chicken.

We place the chicken and egg with their bases facing each other and overlap them through the back walls of the posts. We cut and hide the thread. Ready.

Knitting pattern for a chicken body.
1. 6x =6
2. 6v = 12
3. (vx)*6 = 18
4. 18x = 18
5. (v2x)*6 = 24
6. 24x = 24
7. (v3x)*6 = 30
8. 30x = 30
9. (v4x)*6 = 36
10. 36x = 36
11. (v5x)*6 = 42
12. 42x = 42
13. (v6x)*6 = 48
14. 48x = 48
15. (v7x)*6 = 54
16.54x = 54
17. (v8x)*6 = 60
18-23. 60x = 60
24. (8xᴧ)*6= 54
25. (7xᴧ)*6 = 48
26. (6xᴧ)*6 = 42
27. (5xᴧ)*6 = 36
28. (4xᴧ)*6 = 30

Winglet diagram
1. 4x = 4
2. 4v = 8
3. (xv) = 12
4. (2xv) = 16
5-8. 16x = 16
9. (2xᴧ)*4 = 12
10. 12x = 12

Beak diagram.
1. 6x = 6
2. (xv)*3 = 9
3. (2xv)*3 = 12
4. 12x = 12

Lyudmila Klimenko

I invite you to look at my work" Easter crocheted with your own hands". I needed to get started work:Threads for Easter, threads for glaze, hook, rhinestones and beads.

.Easter I started knitting in the circle starting from the central air loops, I knitted the sides to a height of about 10-12 centimeters.

Turn the can upside down. We put synthetic padding on the bottom and we pull it all over Easter related, securing the bottom by decreasing the loops.

For further work we will be needed: Sewing threads, rhinestones and beads. "we sew the icing onto the top part Easter. We sew rhinestones and beads onto the “glaze” to imitate powder.

The next stage of knitting is addition: plate. I also knit in a circle from the center, the circle should be slightly wider than the bottom Easter.

This is what happened. Not enough to complete the job easter eggs. For this we need threads of different colors (preferably bright color).

Foam rubber, scissors for cutting foam rubber into pieces, Crochet hook. Knitting Easter egg from the center of the circle starting with air loops. We knit the sides until the middle of the egg, then we begin to reduce the number of loops. Shaping easter egg.

We don’t finish it until the end. stuff the “egg” with pieces of foam rubber to maintain the shape of the egg. After closing the egg, reduce the number of loops.

This is how it turned out Easter eggs.

And this is what I got in the kit.

Publications on the topic:

TO children's party dedicated to our mothers, in our second younger group, according to the script, it was thought that our girls would be chickens.

Master class: In order to make such a balalaika, I took: plywood, gouache, brushes and clear varnish. And of course, a good mood.

To work you will need: 1. A pair of crazy pens; 2. Cones; 3. Green gouache paints, brushes; 4. Tinsel; 5. Vata; 6. Plasticine; 7. Colored cardboard;.

DIY photo frameA photo frame is the simplest thing you can do with your own hands - minimum cost, minimum time and maximum.

This master class is intended to be held on a thematic parent meeting, dedicated to the problems of children mastering material.

1. I bring to your attention a massager made from Kinder Surprise containers. To make such a massager you don’t need much.

Soon the main one awaits us Orthodox holidays- Easter. He is very loved by all Christians.

For this holiday, eggs are painted in all sorts of shades and patterns, and raisin cakes are baked or bought. They are decorated with icing, confetti or powdered sugar on top. And many needlewomen decorate the house with crafts.

In the past, we have already offered several options for decorating your home for Easter. In this same article we will knit the main Easter pastry - Easter cake with our own hands.

Easter cake - diagram and step-by-step description of crochet

Let's start knitting an Easter Easter cake box. She will be very good and a practical gift on this great holiday, and will also be a great themed decor.

We will need:

  • yarn of two colors (white and light brown);
  • hook No. 3.5;
  • plastic bottle (1 liter volume);
  • lace braid;
  • beads.

Stages of work:

To make the product dense, we knit it in 2 threads.

  1. From the amigurumi ring we knit 6 single crochets. Tighten the ring.

2. Continue knitting the circle up to 48 loops. There will be 8 rows in total. This will be the bottom of the cake.

3. Row 9: 48 single crochets behind the back wall.

5. We knit 13 rows, counting from the row knitted behind the back wall. This is what we got.

6. Turn the resulting cup inside out and hide the remaining threads.

7. Turn the cake back inside out.

8. Cut out the middle of the bottle.

If the diameter of the middle of the bottle is larger than the inside of the box. We cut it on the side and insert it inside.

We sewed:

10. Now let's start knitting the lid. To do this, we knit the same circle as for the bottom of the Easter cake.

13. Now we tie together the two parts of the box lid. This is done with single crochets.

14. The Easter cake cap is ready. All that remains is to decorate the sides with white fondant. We knit a single crochet. We skip one loop, yarn over, in the second loop - three double crochets. So we tie the entire edge of the Easter cake.

15. Sew the remaining three loops of the row to the side of the brown cup.

16. All we have to do is decorate the Easter cake with beads and lace braid.

17. You can have candy inside.

The gift is ready!

Master class: how to knit Easter cake and eggs for beginners?

Also, we bring to your attention an Easter composition with Easter cake and multi-colored colorful eggs. She will create festive mood or would be a lovely gift.

For crocheting Easter cakes, it is best to use 100% acrylic threads.

We will need:

  • yarn: for Easter cake (white and Brown color), for eggs (your choice);
  • hook No. 1.75;
  • bugles or beads;
  • padding polyester;
  • cardboard.

Stages of work:

1. First we will tie the bottom of the Easter cake:

Row 1: Cast on 2 chain stitches. We insert a hook into the first one. We knit 6 single crochets.

2nd row: 6 increases. From each previous stitch we knit two single crochets. Total: 12 columns.

3rd row: Increases through the column. Total: 18 columns. Example, 1 single crochet, increase in the second column and so on for the entire row.

Row 4: Increase every 2 single crochets. Total: 24 columns.

If the bottom of the cake shrinks. Use a larger hook.

Row 5: Increase every 3 stitches. Total: 30 columns.

Row 6: Increase every 4 stitches. Total: 36 columns.

Row 7: Increase every 5 stitches. Total: 42 loops.

Row 8: Increase every 6 stitches. Total: 48 loops.

Row 9: Increase every 7 stitches. Total: 54 columns.

Row 10: Increase every 8 stitches. Total: 60 columns.

Row 11: Increase every 9 stitches. Total: 66 loops.

Row 12: Increase every 10 stitches. Total: 72 columns.

The bottom is ready. Its diameter is 7 cm.

Row 13: No increases, behind the back wall of the loop.

2. Cut out a circle from cardboard. Diameter 7 cm.

3. We move on to knitting the walls of the Easter cake. To do this, you need to knit 26 rows without increases.

4. Inside the knitted cup, insert a padding polyester circle, and onto it a previously cut cardboard one.

5. For the sides of the Easter cake, cut out a suitable strip of padding polyester and cardboard. We insert it inside and fill the cake with padding polyester.

Don't forget to fasten the edges of the cardboard strip with a stapler, tape or glue.

As you can see, we have attached a paper clip. You will need this to know where the beginning of the row is.

6. Let's start knitting the top:

1st row: 10 single crochets, 1 decrease. So until the end of the row. Total: 66 columns. The decrease is performed in the form of two single crochets knitted together.

7. We continue to make decreases every 9 columns, then 8 and so on until the middle of the top of the Easter cake. We will not describe this in detail. Because knitting the top is reminiscent of knitting the bottom of an Easter cake. The only difference: there were increases for the bottom, and decreases for the top. As a result, there will be 18 single crochets left.

If necessary, add a little padding polyester to make the top of the cake convex.

8. 1 more row of decreases every 1 single crochet. Total: 12 single crochets. We continue to make decreases until the hole is completely closed. We cut the thread and hide it inside.

10. Shape the edges of the fondant:

We knit 2 half stitches, a double crochet, 2 half stitches, a single crochet. And so on until the end of the row. We finish with a connecting column.

11. Sew the fondant to the Easter cake and embroider it with bugles or beads.

12. Now let’s knit the egg:

1st row: 2 air loops. In the first loop we make 7 single crochets.

2nd row: Increase in each column. There are 14 loops in total.

Row 3: No increases.

Row 4: Increase through each single crochet. We start the row with an increase. Total: 21 loops.

Row 5: No increases.

Row 6: Increase, 2 single crochets. Until the end of the row. Total: 28 loops.

Row 7: No increases.

Row 8: Increase, 3 single crochets. Until the end of the row. Total: 35 loops.

Rows 9-15: No increases.

Row 16: Decrease, 5 single crochets. Only 5 decreases. Total: 30 loops.

Row 17: No decreases.

Row 18: Decrease, 4 single crochets. Only 5 decreases. Total: 25 loops.

13. Gradually fill the egg with padding polyester.

Row 19: Decrease, 3 single crochets. Only 5 decreases. Total: 20 loops.

Row 20: Decrease, 2 single crochets. Only 5 decreases. Total 15 loops.

14. Fill the egg completely with padding polyester. So that it takes on a round shape. We continue to make decreases until the hole is closed. Let's hide the thread inside.

Thus we knit required amount eggs

Video on how to knit Easter cake

But I found this master class on knitting an Easter souvenir on the YouTube channel, the author tells in detail and shows with an example how to create such a creation, I’m not afraid of this word, because it’s really very beautiful and neat! If you are interested, be sure to look at this masterpiece...

Knitting an Easter composition with knitting needles

This type of craft is suitable for needlewomen who prefer knitting needles. Or for those who don’t know how to crochet at all.

We will need:

  • stocking needles;
  • plastic or cardboard circle for the bottom;
  • hook;
  • yarn;
  • beads;
  • padding polyester

The yarn should be slightly thicker than the knitting needles. Then the padding polyester will not show through the canvas.

Stages of work:

Let's start knitting Easter cake:

Cast on 9 loops with brown thread.

Row 1: knit stitches.

2nd row: 9 increases. To do this, we knit two from each loop. One for the back, the other for the front wall. Total: 18 loops.

3rd row: no increases

Row 4: knit 1, increase one. Until the end of the row. Total: 27 loops.

Row 5: no increases.

Row 6: knit 2, increase one. Until the end of the row. 36 loops.

Row 7: no increases.

Row 8: knit 3, increase. 45 loops.

Rows 9-11: no increases.

Row 12: purl stitch. Fold line.

13-27: purl stitch without increase.

We return to knitting stockinette stitch, but with white thread.

Rows 28-32: knit stitches.

Row 33: Decrements will begin from here. 3 knits, 1 decrease. Until the end of the row. Total: 36 loops.

Rows 34 and 35: no decreases.

Row 36: knit 2, decrease. Until the end of the row. Total: 27 loops.

Rows 37 and 38: no decreases.

Now insert the circle to the bottom. Cut it out of a bottle or cardboard. We stuff the cake with padding polyester.

Row 39: Lie 1, decrease. Total: 18 loops.

Rows 40 and 41: no decreases.

Row 42: decrease to the end of the row. Total: 9 loops.

All that remains is to knit the eggs:

We cast on 6 loops.

1st row: 6 increases. Total: 12 loops.

Rows 2,4,6: no increases.

Row 3: knit 1, increase 18 stitches.

Row 5: knit 2, increase. 24 loops.

Row 7: knit 3, increase. 30 loops.

Rows 8-22: no increases.

Row 23: knit 3, decrease 1. 24 loops.

Rows 24-26: no decreases.

Row 27: knit 2, decrease 1. 18 loops.

Rows 28 and 29: no decreases.

Row 30: knit 1, decrease 1. 12 loops.

Row 31: no decreases.

Row 32: decrease to the end of the row.

We tighten the loops and break the thread. We hide it inside. Stuff the egg through the hole from the cast-on edge. Sew it up. We also make a few more eggs.

And this is the second version of the knitting craft:

We will need:

  • yarn;
  • a plastic cup;
  • padding polyester;
  • tape measure;
  • hook;
  • knitting needles

Stages of work:

1. Measure the circumference and height of the plastic cup.

2. Knit a rectangle of the same size. In stockinette stitch.

3. Here are two drawing diagrams:

4. You can choose from these or any other pattern.

5. Iron the resulting rectangle. We combine it into one canvas. We put it on the glass.

6. Crochet the bottom of the Easter cake and attach it to the walls. All this is done on the wrong side.

7. Turn the craft right side out and carefully sew it to the top of the glass.

8. For fondant, knit a white rectangle (in stockinette stitch).

9. You can do it as with knit stitches:

10. Same with purl ones:

11. Stretch the rectangle into a round shape. This is done with a seam: needle forward. We fill it with padding polyester and sew it to the Easter cake.

12. The craft is ready.

And a couple more interesting ideas for Easter crafts:

Here's a basket. The eggs here are already larger.

How do you like this composition, knitted with knitting needles?

Or eggs with cute faces. The children will be delighted!

We have prepared such an interesting selection for you.

Until new publications!