World Thank You Day International Thank You Day “Thank you” plays more than one role...

January 11 has recently become an extraordinary date in the calendar of the whole world. This winter day is filled with light and warmth open hearts, imbued with sincerity of wishes. And all because, at the instigation of international peacekeeping organizations, a tradition was established to celebrate the presence in our lives of a significant and infinitely kind word - the word “thank you.” Every day every person on planet Earth pronounces this symbol of gratitude many times, but do they think about how it appeared in our speech, what it means and how powerful energy it has? Your knowledge base will be significantly replenished thanks to our article about the holiday of January 11 - International Thank You Day.

history of the holiday

The word “thank you” is more than four centuries old. Important point The history of its colloquial use began in 1586, when the gesture of gratitude contained in three syllables first appeared in the Parisian dictionary. Around the same time, our Russian equivalent of a way of expressing gratitude in a new way appeared, originating from the Proto-Slavic language. Archpriest Avvakum tried to introduce it into common speech, using “God save” instead of the usual “thank you.” But this step did not manage to displace the old form of politeness in the blink of an eye: three centuries passed before the word “thank you” took root in modern society, becoming one of the rules of etiquette.

Meaning of the word

Despite the fact that the Russian dictionary confirms the “divine” origin of our everyday way of expressing gratitude, not everyone believes the same. For example, Old Believers believe that the ancestor of the word “thank you” is the combination “save Bai,” where the latter is one of the pantheon of pagan gods. Thus, the pronunciation of this expression is equated by them with a sinful action committed against the Creator. In the Christian religion, “thank you” is often replaced with “God bless,” “God bless,” or “Christ bless,” but not because the first is considered bad or insulting to the Higher Powers, but because it has partially lost its original meaning.

If we turn to a deeper past, an interesting circumstance becomes clear: it turns out that at the head of the historical chain of words of gratitude is not the predecessor of today’s “thank you” - “thank you”, but the Ukrainian “dyakuyu”. Initially, it was a typical Russian expression and served as an impetus for the emergence of similar colloquial forms in other languages: for example, in Polish - dziękuję, Bulgarian - dzyakuy, etc. The roots of this ancestor word go back to ancient times BC, evidence of which is its mention in the chronicle of the Rus under the name “Veles Book”.

Considering the polite response “thank you” from the point of view of etymology makes the following information available: this thoughtful expression of gratitude has life-giving energy, since it is the personification of the threefold essence of man’s presence in the Universe. Look: “pass” is a sign of birth and at the same time of the feminine, earthly principle; “bo” is a symbol of development and at the same time the masculine, heavenly principle; “and” characterizes the totality of male and female essences, the unification of earth and sky. I think it’s now clear that pronouncing the word “thank you” out loud should be accompanied by a grateful intonation. Indeed, as a result, the meaning inherent in it will be activated, and both - the utterer and the addressee - will receive a portion of the positive.

“Thank you” plays more than one role...

We are taught to speak polite words from early childhood. Those who are unwilling, forget, and are not able to use this expression in everyday life are considered ill-mannered people who dishonor themselves and their parents. In fact, the word “thank you” is not only a sign good manners. It has other meanings that come into play depending on the purpose for which the expression was used by the subject.

Taking into account the original meaning of the word “thank you”, we can conclude that this method gratitude and showing favor to others is, first of all, a kind of amulet, whose task is to ward off evil from its owner. How it works? There is nothing simpler: the boomerang principle is the basis of the action of the word.

Let's say a person wished you harm, saying something like “Fuck you!..”, or “May you be empty!” What's your reaction? Of course, respond in the same spirit and thus inflame the conflict. And a quarrel is a source of negative emotions, from which no one has ever benefited. The right decision is to say the kind word “thank you” when receiving rudeness or outright aggression. At the same time, the defense mechanism will turn on, and the negative message directed at you will return to the intended person without causing you harm. As a result of a retaliatory negative blow, holes are formed in the energy shell, through which it will not be difficult for a brute to attack you. That is why, after mutual insults, the parties to the conflict experience headaches and a feeling of being overwhelmed.

However, the magic word “thank you” can also cause emotional discomfort. This happens when gratitude is expressed by a person not for a good deed, but as a sarcastic reaction to an impartial remark, a “disservice,” etc. things. In this case, “thank you” is pronounced with a certain intonation, colored in various semantic shades: from ironic to ominously poisonous. And sometimes with tears in his voice, which is also not a sign of gratitude.

The key use of a symbol of gratitude is to sincerely wish a person protection Higher Powers. “Thank you” means “May good luck and prosperity be with you.” Therefore, when you say this wonderful word out loud, put your whole soul into it.

Public opinion

The current way of expressing gratitude is also reflected in Russian folklore.

Many proverbs contain the word “thank you” as a central meaning. Thanks to oral folk art You can trace people’s attitude towards a polite gesture by looking through the eyes of society at gratitude from one angle or another. For example, such familiar phrases that we use every day, such as “Thank you are ugly,” “You can’t put a thank you in your pocket,” “Let the fools work for a thank you,” have formed among the majority an ingrained opinion about the negative connotation of a kind word, which represents an ineffective substitute for money. The proverbs “Instead of thank you, they hit you in the neck”, “An ant drags a burden, but no one will say thank you to it” tells about human ingratitude.

But the most instructive wisdom is “Thank you is a great thing.” It shows respect for a sincere word that brings kindness, with the help of which you can express gratitude to a person and demonstrate your good manners.

Say “thank you” to each other - from the bottom of your heart, with the wish for the powerful protection of heavenly forces. Do not limit the use of this wonderful word to the holiday of January 11, “International Thank You Day”, say it always.

Let the natural sign of respectful attitude towards others become a habit for life. Then the world will become cleaner and life more beautiful.

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MOSCOW, January 11 – RIA Novosti. The most “polite” holiday, International Thank You Day, is celebrated all over the world on January 11th. Experts told RIA Novosti how to pronounce “magic” words correctly and why. The origin of this word is attributed to the 16th century from the phrase “God save” and carries the idea of ​​gratitude.


Gratitude should not be conditional, and when saying “thank you,” you need to look a person in the eyes, historian and etiquette expert Eleonora Basmanova told RIA Novosti the day before international day Thank you.

“Just like a greeting, when saying words of gratitude, it is recommended to maintain eye contact. Do not say “thank you” at all, but it is advisable to see the person’s face and his eyes. Eye contact allows you to personify your attitude and not make it so conditional,” - Basmanova said.

According to her, the more often a person says “thank you,” the richer the intonation he does it with. At the same time, both words of greeting and words of gratitude are not present in abundance in everyday speech. “Especially thanks,” added Basmanova.

“We must understand that gratitude is the least of the virtues. While ingratitude is one of the most terrible vices. Therefore, the ability to say “thank you,” for example, to the children for breakfast, for any service rendered, for any attention given to someone - even if this concerns ordinary current work: postmen, a concierge or a housemate who opened the door - these are actions that are aimed, as they say in psychology, at creating social unions. That is, at consolidation, at unification, and not disunity,” the expert explained.


As rhetoric professor Vladimir Annushkin said, “thank you” is of Russian origin. “And it comes from the traditional Russian expression “God save you.” “That is, a person who has done something good should be told, “God save you.” And, by the way, today’s Orthodox people very often say, instead of “thank you,” they say “God bless,” the professor explained.

According to Annushkin, “thank you” carries the idea of ​​gratitude to fate, God, everything that is best, and this idea “should permeate the life of every person.”

“As an example, I can cite the life of St. John Chrysostom, whose last words were the following: he is led by the arms of the soldiers who captured him and hear the old man saying something “to himself.” And he says, “Thank God for everything,” - said Annushkin.

According to the professor, these words - “thank God for everything”, “thank you”, “God bless”, “God bless” - are the basic idea for the existence of every person.

It’s good that there is a special holiday dedicated to one of the most important “magic” words in the world. Of course, you can’t just miss this one, one of the most “polite” memorable dates per year.

To help you - interesting stories teachers on the topic “How the children and I celebrated Thank You Day”; notes and scripts thematic classes, entertainment and leisure activities dedicated to the original holiday. What events can be organized in a kindergarten or school on this day, what wall newspapers and thematic exhibitions can be created, how to attract parents to participate in the “Thank You” Day - all this is discussed in the materials of this section in great detail.

Thank You Day is a great time to remind people of the value of politeness.

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All sections | International Day of "thank you". January 11

Presentation “World Thank You Day” 1 slide 11 January is the most"polite" date in the year - this day celebrated World day« Thank you» . 2 slide Russian word « Thank you» was born in the 16th century from an often-pronounced phrase « God bless» , which meant very deep gratitude. Slide 3 How often do we...

"International Day of "thank you" "11 January - International Day"THANK YOU"Agaeva Kaiphanum Gasanovna Politeness has been valued at all times, and the importance good manners and their need for Everyday life Every person is well aware, although most of the thanks...

International Day of "thank you". January 11 - Photo report “World Thank You Day”

Publication “Photo report “World Day...” In January the guys from kindergarten“Lazorik” of group No. 9 “Skazka” celebrated the most “polite” day of the year. It’s good that there is a special holiday dedicated to one of the most important words in the world, this word “Thank you”. It has magical properties and can warm your...

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The most polite date of the year is January 11th. World Thank You Day is celebrated on January 11th. They taught us from childhood, and now we teach kids to be polite. Don’t forget to say thank you for the help provided, for the gifts, for the services provided. Saying words of gratitude...

Game event “Thank You Day in the middle group” Goal: introduce children to the day of January 11 - World Thank You Day. Tasks: remember the “magic” words, consolidate them in colloquial speech using a game situation; remember proverbs and sayings about kind words; cultivate love and respect for each other and adults. Progress...

PHOTO REPORT “HOW THE KIDS OF THE RAINBOW GROUP CELEBRATED THANK YOU DAY” January 11 is the International “THANK YOU” Day. This day can be called one of the most “polite” dates of the year. It is believed that the Russian word "THANK YOU" was born in the 16th century from the often pronounced...

International Day of "thank you". January 11 - Project “January 11 - International Thank You Day”

January 11 is one of the most “polite” dates of the year - today is International Thank You Day. It is believed that the Russian word “spasibo” was born in the 16th century from the often pronounced phrase “God bless.” Words of gratitude have magical properties - people use them to ...

January 11 is the most “educated” date, when people all over the world celebrate International Thank You Day. From everywhere you can hear sincere exclamations of gratitude and good wishes. It is truly bright and joyful holiday, permeated with warmth and light. When, if not today, with all my heart...

When you did something for someone, and the person did not say a word in response, then you either expect to hear something, or notice and retain in your memory “this ingratitude.”

January 11 a relatively young holiday is celebrated - International Day of "thank you". This holiday is celebrated all over the world.

The word amo arose around the 16th century from the phrase " God bless". Thus the word THANK YOU implies appreciation and gratitude.

Words of gratitude affect each of us because they create an atmosphere and sense of importance. They are a "pill" that has healing properties. They influence relationships, and ours. emotions.

They say that habit of gratitude, allows you to pay more attention to the positive moments in life, which means this habit protects us from depression or bad mood.

About etiquette, we must say " Thank you“, but at the same time, you need to look the person in the eyes. This conveys our attitude towards the addressee. In other words, it is desirable see a person's face and eyes.

The reader may be surprised and say, what about in those situations when we express words of gratitude over the phone?

It's very simple: we do it using intonation and the more sincerely we do this, the better and richer it is felt in our intonation.

Therefore, the ability to say “thank you” is worth a lot.

We can say thank you to our little children, mother, or just a stranger for any service rendered or for any attention.

The word “thank you” comes from the traditional Russian expression “God bless.” Accordingly, a person who has done something good can be told “God bless you!”

Orthodox people very often say exactly “ Save me, God!"- instead of thank you."

Old Believers do not use the word “thank you”, they avoid it in their speech because they believe that this word was born from the phrase “save Bai”.

Bai - this is the name of one of the pagan gods.

In their speech, Old Believers prefer to use the word: “ Thank you!», « Thank you!».

We teach our children, first of all, this very "magic" words.

They should be able to thank correctly and, as adults, strive to be kind and attentive.

We are all well aware of the importance of good manners and their necessity in everyday life. Words of gratitude have magical properties.

This is an opportunity give joy to each other, this is an expression of attention and the transfer of positive emotions.

Without this, our life would become gray and gloomy. We must not forget that in many tourist guides and instructions to tourists the word “thank you” is indicated, even pronounced with an accent in the language of the host country.

As the saying goes, it facilitates understanding between people.

If speak about psychological effect, then words of gratitude are “oral stroking” or “ oral hugs”, capable of calming and warming with their warmth and tenderness.

The main thing is that all words of gratitude are pronounced from the heart!

People say: “Do not say words of gratitude in a state of irritation!”

And don't think that someone doesn't deserve this gratitude. After all, every person who appears in our life comes to give us something or teach us something. Another thing is that we don’t always understand this!

There are supporters of the idea that there is no need to use the word “thank you,” explaining this not so much for religious reasons as for semantic ones.

They explain this by saying that “thank you” is a message of gratitude from the person himself (“giving” a good, wishing for good).

But “thank you” (from “God save!”) seems to shift the “fulfillment” of gratitude onto God. As an author, it’s hard for me to argue with this!

The word "thank you" can be used to soften refusal of something. This is an excellent solution for those who cannot say “no” right away.

We begin to give thanks meaningfully only when 6-7 years. Therefore, you should not think, much less draw any conclusions about raising young children.

Probably each of us remembered situations when a mother pulls a child’s hand or simply pushes him and says:

- “What should I say?”

It is important to always say “thank you” to the child himself for his good, kind deeds.

World Thank You Day, which is celebrated on January 11th- this is not only a reason for celebration, but also an opportunity to remember the true meaning of gratitude and its manifestation.

This great way pawn good manners in the child, along with positive emotions.

And I say Thanks to the readers for reading this article and wishing them a pleasant celebration of this day!

The choice is always yours!

“Ingratitude is a kind of weakness. Outstanding people are never ungrateful."

(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

Gratitude is a debt that must be paid,
but which no one has the right to expect.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau

January 11 is the most “polite” date of the year. This day is celebrated as World Thank You Day

Let it come from the heart
Constantly, hourly
It's like breathing air.
On World Thank You Day
I especially want
It's polite to congratulate you
And a pat on the shoulder.
Well, if you allow me,
I can kiss you
And of course very strong
Hug you from the bottom of my heart.
And I hope thank you
Important for all people
You won’t forget to tell me -
Don't be cold towards me

author unknown

Everyone knows from childhood that "Thank you" - the word “magical”. Along with the words " please", "give" and "mom" we pronounce it first and continue to pronounce it throughout our lives. The word "thank you" is an established abbreviation of the phrase "God bless" - this phrase was used in Rus' to express gratitude. For the first time the word "Thank you" recorded in 1586, in a conversational dictionary published in Paris. We are well aware of the importance of good manners, their necessity in everyday life, but we express most of our thanks casually, without thinking about their meaning. Meanwhile, words of gratitude "Thank you" and even "Please" have magical properties, but they cannot be pronounced when a person is irritated. Some might say, "Well, thanks!" and so on, but no! This is not possible, this is not an etiquette rule! Psychologists believe that words of gratitude are signs of attention; they are verbal “strokes” and can warm you with their warmth.

When we hear “thank you”,
It's like distant hills
They give smiles to the whole area,
Putting a barrier against the winter blizzard.

Thank you, dziakuju, dziekuje, thank you, danke, merci, toda, dank, grazie, arigato, xie xie, obrigado (a), gracias, tack, tesekkür ederim, ... - no matter how this word of gratitude sounds in different languages ​​of the world, if spoken sincerely, it will certainly give the addressee a single, understandable feeling of joy.

Today we all miss these real feelings of gratitude and joy, so it is not surprising that World Thank You Day has appeared in many countries around the world. IN different countries it can be called differently. For example, in the USA this holiday is called "National Thank You Day" some even devote the entire month of January to this holiday - "National Thank You Month".

We are the magic word
We meet more than once in our lives.
It is ready to help us
And it sounds simple, without embellishment.
Celebrating the day of the word “Thank you”,
We are in a hurry to congratulate you as always.
We wish you good luck and patience
We can all carry it through the years.
author unknown

The tradition of this holiday, in general, is the same, but very deep in emotions and feelings. This day will become a holiday for you if you don’t forget to say the magic “ Thank you" to each. It's common to exchange cute "Thank you" cards to write down what you're grateful for. And don't think that someone doesn't deserve this gratitude.

There is a fairly proven opinion that every person who appears in our life comes either to give us something (more than material) or to teach us something (sometimes not in a very positive situation and not always immediately understood by us). In some countries there is even a tradition of giving thanks not only in personal life each other, but also in business. For example, different ways(with postcards, bonus services and programs, nice souvenirs) companies thank their clients and partners.

We tell each other every day "Thank you" , therefore it is very important to remember that true gratitude is only that which comes only from a pure heart! Thank today everyone who is close to you, everyone you love and appreciate. And remember: “thank you” is a firefly word, so warm up the people close to you today!

Thank you, life, for keeping me alive!
Beautiful moments in my days!
For rain, for snow, green grass...
For silence, for cheerful birds singing.
Thank you, life, for joy and sorrow.
For teaching me to forgive.
Thank you for being strict sometimes.
I learned a lot from mistakes.
Thank you, life, for thousands of minutes
Happy! I found them in everything.
For the clouds that float across the sky...
For the joys you brought me!
Thank you life for starting a lot
I have to know and learn.
Because there is still something to dream about!
For having something to strive for
second unknown

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