World Library Day. Scenario for a class hour on the topic "International School Library Day" International School Library Day history of the holiday

international day school libraries appeared in the register of holidays in 1999 at the initiative of UNESCO. Since then, it has been celebrated annually every fourth Monday in October. But in 2008, one was replaced holiday School Library Month is here. Now every organization can choose any suitable day for holding a holiday and events.

The main goal of the month is to attract public attention to school libraries that need regular replenishment of classical and modern literature. As part of School Library Day, events are held to collect books from volunteers, meetings with authors and interesting people, literary presentations, professional conferences and competitions.

Show congratulations

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Today is a wonderful holiday - International School Library Day. The library opens the student to the boundless world of books and gives the opportunity to get acquainted with outstanding works fiction, instills a love of reading. On this professional holiday, we wish all school library workers good luck in their business, Have a good mood and grateful readers.


A librarian is more than a profession! This is a worthy title for a person who modestly conveys the knowledge contained in books to the younger generation. Today is International School Libraries Day, so let's congratulate from the bottom of our hearts the well-mannered, polite school librarians who perform their seemingly invisible work with great trepidation and diligence.


Every school has a library and that is where all knowledge begins. Every generation, old or new, requires sources reliable information, and the printed word has always been and will be so. Happy International School Libraries Day, may they always be relevant to us.


School library we celebrate the holiday,
There are a lot of different textbooks and books in it.
Here books are not given to us for entertainment.
They bring us knowledge and benefit, without a doubt,
There should be silence in the school library,
And in the rustle of the pages there music is heard,
Here the letters come to life to perform a miracle,
We cannot help but love the school library.


Everyone says reading is not fashionable
Among young people in the new century.
But now I'm at the International
All School Libraries Day
Let me tell you that these rumors
Like old knitting threads,
Old women are blown into the wind.
Age tells them to gossip...

And we read and read!
Librarians cordially
Congratulations to all schoolchildren today
Happy library holiday.
Let life open up with romance!
The happy plot will drag you in,
In which, according to the law of the genre
Love calls, captivates, intoxicates!


Tablets, computers, smart phones, iPhones -
Today all schoolchildren are familiar with them!
But no matter how fast time runs -
We can't study without libraries!
Textbooks have settled here in a crowd,
And we can’t pass by the book with you,
We don’t press keys, but turn pages,
We can't learn anything without books!
After all, a man wrote a book with his soul,
Let's celebrate School Libraries Day!


The library is a place
Where success begins;
That's just a passion for reading texts
Not everyone has it in their blood.

It happens that there is no desire
While away your time reading;
And yet books have recognition
The name is “library day”.

School Library Places Day
Capable of giving joy:
In the midst of crazy, fleeting days
It's nice to be with a book.

Let there be many of them, so important,
To the joy of people only everyone;
Please extend the life of paper books,
It’s not that I’m sad at all.


They will help you there, they will find you there,
They'll pick up the book in no time.
They'll tell you everything, they'll show you everything
And often they will tell us.

And today on this day
It's not too lazy to celebrate a holiday.
I will tell you without comfort -
Today is library day.

We need to congratulate you on this day.
We will do this together.


A storehouse of knowledge, where the books are all in a row,
School knowledge and just all different,
There's no shortage of guys here sometimes
Simply no, every day is purely a holiday.

“Give me the atlas!”, “War and peace for me!”,
“I’m talking about castles in the 15th century!”
Well, for me... I came to congratulate
Just Happy Library Day!


May the sun always shine and the rivers flow forever.
May planet Earth always prosper.
School libraries celebrate their day.
They give us something we cannot live without.

They give us knowledge, faith, consciousness.
They allow us to understand how our world works.
So accept my wishes today.
Be always very happy, successful, loved.

Let all doors and roads be open.
So that luck always true friend was.
May your family and friends be healthy.
May life protect you from all troubles and from evil.


There is a sacred place at school -
House of knowledge, abode of books.
We are always interested there,
There is always a happy moment!

There's love and adventure
There are intrigues and friends.
There are stories, doubts,
All animals, princes...

We run there, like in a fairy tale,
This is a human paradise!
Climax, denouement...
This is all - a library!


Even the air is hidden here,
Here is a well of wisdom spilled,
Draw from it immensely.

There is a quiet peaceful area at school,
All textbooks are stored here,
Here books don't gather dust for a long time,
Take it for joy and read.

There is a quiet peaceful area at school,
His name is library
There the ignoramus will become a man,
And don't forget him!


To take a book to school -
There is a library
Books are kept there in a row,
There is a card index for everything.

On this day we must congratulate
This is an establishment
After all, without books our school is
Empty establishment.

I can only wish for one thing -
Big replenishment
Doors open every day
And frequent visits.


School library -
Temple of beautiful, kind books,
This is a chance for a man
May he comprehend all sciences!

Remember this guys,
Go to this temple more often,
All the age-old wisdom of the world,
Then it will be revealed to you here!

Today is Library Day
And with him, I congratulate you,
Read more smart books
And be happy friends!


Clean, comfortable, like in a pharmacy
At school I'm always in the library.
An interesting book, a useful textbook
The librarian will find it like a magician.

We wish you to replenish your card index
On International Library Day.
Let there be more young readers,
And the shelves are full of the works of writers.

In any school in the world there is a treasured office, the main “filling” of which is not stylish furniture or modern technology, and books. We are, of course, talking about the school library. Both teachers and students turn to the services of a specialist working within its framework - a school librarian - every day. Interestingly, there is a global holiday dedicated to libraries educational institutions. Let's find out more about him!

Information about the holiday

The celebration we are interested in is called International School Library Day. It was first celebrated in 1999. The initiators of the establishment of such a holiday were representatives of UNESCO. The time of the socially significant event is always the same and falls on the fourth Monday of the average autumn month.

The fact that the new date was included in the calendar was announced at the appropriate moment by Blanche Woolles, the man who at that time held the position of president of the ASL (International Association of School Libraries). The official status of the holiday was given 6 years later, in 2005, as announced by Peter Jenko, who replaced the previously mentioned Blanche Woolles as president of the said association.

Two more years have passed, and International School Library Day has turned from a one-time annual event into a month-long event. Employees of “book depositories” in educational institutions talk about this innovation different countries supporting the project, learned from the coordinator festive event- Rick Mulholland. The motto of the first October month of social significance was: “Literacy and learning in your school library.” It is noteworthy that in order to hold a specific holiday, school librarians were not required to follow any strict regulations: it was enough to choose one day in the specified autumn month at their discretion to organize a thematic event. However, many responded to this initiative with remarkable enthusiasm, as a result devoting a week of their time to International School Library Day.

How is it going with holiday date in our country? Russian schools joined the School Library Month relatively recently - only in 2008. It was then that this wonderful, useful action was organized and carried out. Its motto was a wonderful phrase: “The school library is on the agenda.” As part of the national month, most Russian schools held the most various events: exhibitions, competitions, seminars, conferences, presentations and congresses of librarians.

The history of the school library

Such a structural unit of an educational institution as a school library appeared at the end of the 17th century. This happened thanks to the efforts of Muscovites, who repeatedly submitted relevant petitions and petitions to higher authorities.

School libraries were the first to appear in prestigious educational institutions - gymnasiums, colleges and cadet corps. Gradually, this process spread to middle and lower level schools. A little later, this structural unit settled even in parochial schools. The pace of the emergence of school libraries can be judged by the following statistics: in the 30s. the century before last, in gymnasiums alone there were more than 60 libraries, and in parochial schools there were about 30 of them.

In 1860, the authorities carried out a reform that had great importance for the development of school “book depositories”. It consisted of the creation of a so-called public school, in connection with which the formation of a network of student libraries began. The formation of this system took place at the expense of funds coming from the pockets of parents, who paid the state for the education of their children, and thanks to the voluntary donations of a caring population.

At that time, the network of school libraries was managed by three government bodies: the Ministry of State Property, Education and Education, as well as the Synod. By the beginning of the 20th century, the share of school libraries in the total number of all structural units of this type was almost 80%. In the 30s The profession of a school librarian appeared. Its emergence was caused by the need to improve library services.

Surprisingly, the Great Patriotic War failed to put an end to the idea of ​​an extensive network of school libraries once and for all. After its completion, the restoration of the latter occurred in record time. Until 1975, school librarians were only responsible for serving students. But, starting from the announced moment, teachers will also join the students.

After 2 years, school libraries began to be equipped with free textbooks. In addition to the school librarian, new specialists have been added: an inspector of educational collections and a methodologist.

Currently, more than 60 thousand libraries operate within schools and similar educational institutions in Russia.

Tasks and functions

The school library is figuratively called the “brain” of the school. The validity of this informal status is confirmed by the functions performed by the library within the walls of a general education institution.

In total, three main functions can be distinguished:

Information. It consists of providing schoolchildren and their mentors with the opportunity to receive and use at their discretion any information they request.

Cultural. School librarians are required, as part of their work, to organize thematic events from time to time, the purpose of which is to develop students' social awareness and cultural development.

General education. This means contributing to the fulfillment of educational tasks outlined in the school curriculum and present in the concept of the educational institution.

School libraries also have several areas of activity. They must be equipped in such a way that children, their parents and teachers can easily access books and periodicals for reading and familiarization; to computer programs. As for teachers themselves, they should also have the opportunity to use methodological and pedagogical literature. Methodological consultations provided to all of the listed categories of citizens are also included in the list of services provided by school libraries and their employees. In addition, the activities of school libraries are aimed at preserving, replenishing and protecting the book collection.

What challenges do school libraries face? Instilling in students a love of books, healthy image life, the reading process, meeting the needs of information teachers, carrying out ideological and educational work. At the same time, school librarians must use new computer technologies in their activities and maintain electronic catalogs in order to make their work easier and the access to library services for those visiting it.

Collective creative work (CTD)

"International School Library Day"

Event time: 1 hour.

Age of participants: 13 – 14 years

Form: game program

Venue: auditorium


    introduce students to the history of the holiday;

    broaden the horizons of students;

    generate interest in the holiday being celebrated;

    promote collectivism;


    develop observation, attention, memory;

    develop intellectual activity, ability to analyze, generalize, compare;

    encourage students to read literature and visit libraries.

Participants: 7th grade students. The guys are divided into teams of equal strength. The number of teams depends on the total number of children.

Required equipment:

    images of portraits of writers and poets;

    Quiz answer sheets;

    forms for solving puzzles and writing letters younger schoolchildren;

    medals for awarding.

Progress of the event

A quote is written on the board and one of the students reads it out loud:

What a pleasure it is to be in a good library. Looking at books is already happiness. Before you is a feast worthy of the gods; you realize that you can take part in it and fill your cup to the brim.

(William Makepeace Thackeray)

Teacher: Guys, here are the words of an English satirical writerXIXcentury William Makepeace Thackeray. How do you understand them?

Children express their opinion.

Teacher: Well done guys, what do you think will be discussed at our event today?

Children guess.

Teacher: Absolutely right! Today we will talk about libraries. October 24 is International School Library Day, held annually on the fourth Monday of October. This holiday has been celebrated in many countries for many years, since 1999.

For the first time, the President of the International Association of School Librarianship (IASL), Blanche Woolles, proclaimed this holiday. Only by 2005, Peter Jenko, the new president of this organization, confirmed the official status of the holiday. Since 2008, International School Library Day began to transform into a month, held under different mottos.

In our country, International School Library Month was first held in 2008. During this period, training seminars were held, honoring veterans of librarianship, congresses of school librarians, and numerous events for schoolchildren (competitions, exhibitions, conferences, book collections) were organized.

It should be noted that, along with International Day and School Libraries Month, a professional holiday is also celebrated in the spring. All-Russian Library Day, which falls on May 27.

Teacher: Guys, do you like going to libraries? Why?

The children answer.

Teacher: The school library has always occupied a special place in the educational sphere. There were libraries in every educational institution: in theological schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, etc. Domestic teachers have always considered the library as the most important integral link in the educational process; they talked about the enormous influence of the content of library resources on the quality of student learning.

The school library develops within a specific educational institution and plans its work based on the goals that were set for the school’s teaching staff. It is worth noting that the school library becomes the first in a child’s life.

So, guys, now we will find out whether you go to libraries, how much you read, and how many interesting things you know. I suggest you divide into two teams, come up with a name and motto.

Children: The first team is “Librarians”, our motto is: “The library is our home, and we feel great in it.”

The second team is “Readers”, our motto is “We read everywhere, because knowledge is like an emerald.”

Stage 1

Teacher: So, let's begin the first stage of our event. Attention, "Quiz"!!!

    Sound repetition, mainly at the end, in two or more verses (Rhyme).

    At the Lyceum, this man seriously studied French poetry, for which he was nicknamed “the Frenchman” (Pushkin).

    A set of events in a work of fiction that are presented in a certain connection (Plot).

    In his youth, this writer took part in the defense of Sevastopol, after which he wrote the series “Sevastopol Stories” (Tolstoy).

    When do you think the first library appeared? (The first Biblesothecae discovered by archaeologists belong toIVcentury BC. During excavations of the ancient state of Assyria, a huge palace was found, where clay tablets with tests were placed in boxes).

    An oral story based on a miracle, a fantastic image or performance perceived as reliable (Legend).

    This great poet and playwright never wanted his plays to be recorded and published, he believed that his plays should only be performed on stage (Shakespeare).

    Transferring the name of one object or phenomenon to another object or phenomenon by similarity (Metaphor).

Teacher: Well done guys, according to the results of the first competition, the “Librarians” team wins.

Stage 2

Teacher: the next stage is called “Young Poet”. Each command is given a list of words from which you must create your own poem.

List of words for the first command: literature, desire, physical education, message, love, serve, joy.

List of words for the second command: write, poet, educate, advice, book, move, world.

Children complete the task.

Teacher: Well done boys! To summarize, the “Librarians” team is still in the lead.

Stage 3

Teacher: For the next competition, called “I am a camera,” team captains are invited. This competition will help us find out how attentive our “Librarians” and “Readers” are, and how well developed their memory is, because this is so important.

On the board (for each student separately) there are portraits of famous writers and poets (indicating their last names). Your task is to remember all the portraits within 30 seconds, after that, one image is deleted, and each of the captains must voice who was depicted in the disappeared portrait.

Let's sum it up... The Readers team wins.

Stage 4

Teacher: Today a letter was received from an unknown writer. But, unfortunately, the contents of the letter are unclear, since it consists of a chaotic set of letters, and you guys have to figure out which words are encrypted. Letter to the first team:

Network elbow onod derstvos tats rutkulmyn mechelokov – teinche.

Answer: “There is only one way to become a cultured person - reading.” (A. Maurois)

Letter for the second team:

Vodasbo tesuschetvus basin, the barrels will die in the olibetics.

Answer: “Freedom exists to go to the library.” (I. Brodsky)

Stage 5

Teacher: Well done boys! While the jury is summing up the results of the competitions, your task is to write a letter to primary schoolchildren, telling them why it is so important to visit libraries.


The children finish their work. The total number of points is calculated. The teacher announces the results and awards the winners with memorable prizes.

Based on the results of all competitions, the “Librarians” team wins. (The teacher gives the “Winner” medals to the “Librarians” team, and the “For” medals to the “Readers” team. active work"). The teacher asks the children if they liked the event, he should ask them what they propose to do next time.


Every school in the world has a treasured office, the main “filling” of which is not stylish furniture or modern technology, but books. We are, of course, talking about the school library. Both teachers and students turn to the services of a specialist working within its framework - a school librarian - every day. Interestingly, there is a world-wide holiday dedicated to libraries of educational institutions. Let's find out more about him!

Russian schools joined the School Library Month relatively recently - only in 2008. It was then that this wonderful, useful action was organized and carried out. Its motto was the wonderful phrase: “The school library is on.” As part of the national month, most Russian schools hosted a variety of events: exhibitions, competitions, seminars, conferences, presentations and librarian congresses.

Currently, more than 60 thousand libraries operate within schools and similar educational institutions in Russia.

What challenges do school libraries face? Instilling in students a love of books, a healthy lifestyle, the reading process, meeting the information needs of teachers, carrying out ideological and educational work.

Russian school librarians have the opportunity to celebrate their professional holiday twice a year: on May 27 - on All-Russian Library Day and in October (in 2017 - October 23) - during the International School Libraries Month.

The Russian School Library Association (RSLA) invites you to take an active part in the International School Library Month 2017!

The month is a time to draw everyone's attention to school libraries, children's reading, and is an opportunity to support school librarians.

In pursuance of the order of the head of the Education Department dated 01.01.2001 No. /581-o “On holding the municipal School Libraries Month”, in order to attract the attention of all participants in the educational process, the parent community to school libraries, books, children's reading and the formation of a positive image of the school library as information and educational space that ensures creativity and development of schoolchildren, based on the information letter of the Ministry of Education dated January 1, 2001. No. 000/09о in the city of. Elektrostal is held from 10/01/2017 to 10/31/2017 municipal School Libraries Month dedicated to International Day school libraries.

Our school is an active participant!

The school library invites everyone to take part in a wide variety of events held as part of School Library Month, offering a variety of forms of work.

Event plan

School Libraries Month at Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 22 with UIOP”


the date of the




Integrated lesson “In the boundless sea of ​​books”


Festival “The World of Unknown Secrets of the Forest”

5.10.17– 25.10.17

class class leaders

Stand "October - International School Libraries Month"



1-11 grades

Virtual acquaintance with the work of children's writers by sending out presentations with portraits of writers from the library

offices primary classes

1-4 grades

primary school teachers

Book exhibition for International Literacy Day



1-11 grades

“Meeting with the Text” - a series of loud readings for the 115th anniversary

16.10.17– 23.10.17

Exhibition of creative works of students

23.10.17– 30.10.17

library reading room

2-4 grades

primary school teachers

Master class “Making a book cover with your own hands”



The bottomless magic of school library books has helped more than one generation of students prepare information for a lesson, write an essay, and pass exams. Each educational institution offers high school students and junior school children a repository of books on any subject and on any topic being studied.

In the modern world of universal gadgets and the Internet, the holiday is designed to attract the attention of children, parents, and patrons to school libraries and their provision of textbooks, popular literature and periodicals.


The holiday helps preserve the wonderful traditions of reading and instill in children a sense of love for “living” books. Electronic devices that are gaining momentum and store billions of pixels of information are unable to convey roughness. book pages, the smell of dusty old textbooks and the aroma of fresh printing ink. School Library Day is celebrated all over the world.

Significant events and dates associated with the holiday:

  1. 1999 - UNESCO initiates a book depository day.
  2. 2005 - the date receives official status.
  3. 2008 – the holiday comes to new level. For changing significant date a month is coming, during which events can be held on any day.
  4. 2008 - for the first time the holiday is celebrated in the Russian Federation.

Every year, each month is given a thematic title: “Center of Gravity”, “Literacy and Learning”, “Territory of Interaction”. A floating celebration date allows organizations to independently choose the day for their celebrations.


The classic list of events includes presentations of the best librarians, honoring veterans, holding seminars, forums and conferences. Events dedicated to the love of books are attended by schoolchildren, their parents, invited guests, and patrons of the arts. Collections of books for library needs are organized and thematic wall newspapers are published. Meetings of the younger generation with book authors and critics have become traditional on this day.

On this day, competitions for young poets and reciters are held. Anyone can make a donation in the form of books, classical literature, textbooks, which are included in school curriculum or recommended for extracurricular reading. Online seminars are held to strengthen network cooperation between Russian and foreign librarians.

In addition to the international holiday, Russian library workers celebrate their personal day at the end of spring.