Quizzes for the New Year. New Year's quizzes and competitions Questions for the New Year about the Christmas tree

What children's New Year's party would be complete without a New Year's quiz for children? We bring to your attention a quiz with answers for a children's audience.

Where does Santa Claus put gifts and how many fur coats does he have?

  1. What was the name of Father Frost's great-great-grandfather?
  2. How many fur coats does Santa Claus have?
  3. What colors are Santa Claus's fur coats?
  4. What is the name of Santa Claus's magic stick?
  5. How many horses does Santa Claus harness to his sleigh?
  6. What does the three horses symbolize?
  7. Name the month in which it begins New Year.
  8. Who helps Santa Claus do good deeds?
  9. Who do Snow Maiden and Grandfather Frost consider their relatives?
  10. How many lumps of snow does the Snowman's body consist of?
  11. What tree is called a symbol of winter?
  12. What modern and safe device replaced the wax candles that were attached to spruce branches?
  13. How many years ago did shiny balls appear to decorate Christmas trees: one hundred, two hundred, three hundred?
  14. Who is in charge of winter in Northern Europe?
  15. What is the correct name for the place where Christmas trees are usually sold?
  16. What is the name of the winter wizard in Western Europe and America?
  17. What are we talking about when, when decorating a Christmas tree or a room, they say that it needs rain?
  18. What is serpentine made from?
  19. Where does Santa Claus usually put gifts?
  20. In which country do children and adults find new Year gifts on the windowsill?
  21. What time of year has Santa Claus never seen?
  22. What does Grandfather Frost sprinkle on the head of the child who told him a poem?
  23. Where do many kids put letters for Santa Claus?
  24. What does Grandfather Frost like to draw on the windows?
  25. How does Santa Claus bring gifts to children?

1. Morozko or Grandfather Treskun. 2. Three. 3. Red, white, blue. 4. Staff. 5. Three. 6. Winter months. 7. January. 8. Snow Maiden. 9. Snow Woman and Snowman. 10. Out of three. 11. Spruce. 12. Electric garlands. 13. One hundred. 14. The Snow Queen. 15. Christmas tree market. 16. Santa Claus. 17. About decoration. 18. Made from colored paper. 19. Under the Christmas tree. 20. In Germany. 21. Summer. 22. Confetti, 23. In the freezer. 24. Patterns. 25. In the bag.

New Year's quiz “For children and their parents”

What is the name of this cheerful assistant of Santa Claus?

  1. What color fur coat does Santa Claus have: white, blue, green or red?
  2. What object throws confetti loudly?
  3. What animals does Santa Claus harness to his sleigh?
  4. What animals are in Santa Claus's sleigh?
  5. Who is sculpted from different sized lumps of snow?
  6. Which tree “brings” gifts on New Year’s Day?
  7. Who melted while jumping over the fire?
  8. What is Snowman's favorite headdress?
  9. What was the name of the boy kidnapped by the Snow Queen?
  10. What is "serpentine"?
  11. What New Year's song tells about the life of a Christmas tree?
  12. In which country do they eat exactly 12 grapes when the clock strikes?
  13. Which new year character can't walk without a broom?
  14. Who was the “great-great-grandfather” of Santa Claus?
  15. Icy carrot is...?
  16. What magical item does Santa Claus always carry?
  17. If you add up all the winter months, what do you get?
  18. Which tree was decorated for the New Year holidays in Ancient Egypt?
  19. Which country is the first to celebrate the arrival of the New Year?
  20. Where is the estate of Russian Father Frost?
  21. How does Santa Claus get into the house?
  22. What is the name of the clock that announces the arrival of the New Year?
  23. The prototype of Santa Claus?
  24. What do children in Mexico get at midnight?
  25. What is Santa Claus called in Finland?

1.Green. 2. Firecracker. 3. Horses. 4. Deer. 5. Snow Baba. 6. Christmas tree. 7. Snow Maiden. 8. Bucket. 9. Kai. 10. Paper ribbon in a roll. 11. “Born in the forest...” 12. In Spain. 13. Snowman. 14. Frosty. 15. Icicle. 16. Staff. 17. Winter. 18. Palma. 19. New Zealand. 20. In Veliky Ustyug. 21. Through the chimney. 22. Chimes. 23. Saint Nicholas. 24. Gingerbread dolls. 25. Joulupukki.

The best time to celebrate the New Year is in fun company. But guests have a habit of arriving long before the chimes strike, so the hosts, in addition to taking care of the table, are faced with another problem related to entertaining the entire gathered company. In this case, holding a quiz for the whole family will help out.

Family Quiz

Difficulties arise with choosing topics for questions. But a way out of this situation can be easily found. It is enough to contact Eastern calendar, according to which 2020 is the year of the Rat. And although this animal can create many problems, during the holidays people forget about it and welcome its arrival along with the beginning of the New Year.

Approximate quiz plan for the New Year of the Rat 2020 with answers:

  1. Who is the toughest swimmer? These are rats that, without particularly straining, can swim up to 30 km without stopping. The endurance of rats is legendary. As scientists have found, they feel great even in severe frosts. If it were not for the shortage of food, they would have lived freely in the Arctic.
  2. What can you find in an empty pocket? (hole)
  3. Why do gorilla have very large nostrils? (answer: because she has thick fingers)

  4. What stones cannot be found in the sea? (dry)
  5. The name of the mouse queen in The Nutcracker? (her name was Myshilda)
  6. Which fairy tale hero met the evil rat "Shushara" (Pinocchio)
  7. Where can I get cheese for free? (in a mousetrap)
  8. Spiderman is Spider-Man, but who is the real superhero Batman? (Batman.)
  9. One corner of the rectangular dining table was sawed off. How many corners does the table have left? (5)
  10. What can you cook quickly, but cannot eat? (homework)
  11. Who is Joulupukki? (Santa Claus in Finland)
  12. In which country is Grandfather Frost called Baba Zhara? (in China; in Cambodia; in Egypt).
  13. Which saint became the prototype of Santa Claus? (Nikolai)
  14. Ice carrot is... (icicle

Find separate questions for adults and children. The answers may be funny. The evening preceding New Year's Eve will pass much faster. For some, this will be a chance to show off their own erudition, while others will sparkle with endless jokes, amusing the whole company.

Funny New Year's quiz for adults

The hit of the festive evening will be riddles, a love for which many adults have retained since childhood. A lot of mouse-themed riddles have been invented. Additionally, adults can ask various questions about mouse life.

  • What can't a person eat for breakfast? (dinner and supper).
  • The warmest dressed New Year's dish (herring under a fur coat)
  • Rats and mice constantly chew on something; their bodies require small amounts of food. What is the reason for this behavior? It is impossible to answer this question without thinking. Will your family and friends be able to solve this problem? They will be interested to know that in this way rodents solve the problem with their teeth by constantly grinding them down. In a year, a mouse’s teeth grow up to 13 cm, and this growth becomes a problem for the mouse’s existence.
  • Even an adult can be taken aback by the question: “The most clumsy mouse from folk tales.” Although this fairy tale was told to everyone in childhood. (The Tale of the Chicken Ryaba).
  • What happens if you turn right three times in a row? (answer: you will end up turning left)
  • What was the name of the old woman's rat Shapoklyak from the cartoon "Cheburashka"? (Lariska)
  • What is the place of residence of ship rats? (hold)
  • Fashionable earrings for suckers (noodles).
  • Another quiz question will force you to turn to Russian classical literature - what is the surname of the main character of Dostoevsky’s novel “The Idiot”? (answer - Myshkin)
  • It would be a little funny to ask what is under the “mouse”? (rug). Children and teenagers answer it most quickly, because... They associate the word mouse no longer with an animal, but with a part of a computer.
  • What was the name of a bat in Rus'? (Bat.)
  • What is easy to pick up from the floor, but almost impossible to throw far? (feather)
  • Not ice, but quickly melting, not a ship, but floating away. (salary)

    What's not in a woman's handbag? (answer: about)

  • At first glance, the answer to the question of what animals carry a bag is simple: a kangaroo. But this is not the only marsupial. Nature also created the marsupial rat.
  • Without two minutes, and not in one eye. (the president)
  • What is called "blue gold"? (this is when the beloved wife got drunk)

The question related to the dark topic of poisoning will also be simple. Fans of detective stories will immediately say that in most works, criminals use arsenic for these purposes.

There will never be too many questions for a cheerful company. Because answering them is interesting, especially if small prizes are awarded for each answer. Even the candy you receive for participating in the quiz will be much tastier. For example, the one who answers the tricky question, how can you spell the word mousetrap in three letters, will legally receive a sweet reward? You can guess that this is a cat only after thinking carefully.

No less tricky will be the question of a plant closely related to mice. The answer is not so complicated, but few guests will remember New Year's Eve about mouse peas.

Even more interesting questions can give foreign languages. In Chinese, the word "bat" is translated as "happiness."

There are many interesting and little-known facts about the life of rats. For example, these animals do not like loud noises. An entire rock concert had to be organized to drive them out of the town of Southport.

A story that happened 200 years ago in France may seem funny to guests. It all started when the authorities decided to move the city market to a new location and published an advertisement about it in the newspaper. Exactly one day before the move, all the rats gathered together and went to a new place where the market was to reopen. I’m tempted to ask, since when did rats start reading newspapers? The funniest question is best left for the end of the quiz to lighten the mood.

Questions with answers for children

Make it even easier to select questions for children. Any riddles related to winter and the New Year are suitable for them. The main thing is that they are not boring. For example, a good question would be what kind of sled does a schoolchild ride on most often? (On your own portfolio). What personality gray can be found under the tree, according to one New Year's song, on New Year's Eve? (Wolf). Questions for the youngest children should be simpler. For example, these:

  1. Where does Santa Claus put gifts?
  2. Who always helps Santa Claus?
  3. Second month of the new year? (February)
  4. Where does the city's Christmas tree come from for the holiday?
  5. What hangs from the roof before winter comes?
  6. Who are the most best friends Santa Claus?
  7. Who takes Santa to New Year's Eve?
  8. Older children can be asked and offered answers, of which only 1 is correct. For example, residents of which Russian city are the last to celebrate New Year? The correct answer must be chosen from the names of three cities: Kaliningrad, Astrakhan, Moscow.
  9. Both children and adults know that all coniferous trees are prickly, but there is one of them that does not prick, and its needles do not grow down, but up. Of the three options, children must be asked to choose the correct one. They list - cedar, pine and fir. The correct answer is fir.
  10. Snow-vegetable sculpture (snowman)
  11. Snowman's favorite hat. (pan, bucket)
  12. Older children should know which of the living people became the prototype of Santa Claus. Can I ask about what people called December? The answer options are such that choosing the correct one, without knowing the answer, can only be done by chance. (Morozailo, Stuzhailo, Gonyailo).
  13. A very simple question can be asked about the New Year's fruit. It will not be an apple, not a banana, but many people’s favorite tangerine.
  14. Even the little ones can answer the name of the dance performed near the Christmas tree (this is a round dance).
  15. With which magic item Is Santa Claus always coming? (staff)
  16. Where is the residence of the Russian Father Frost? (In Veliky Ustyug)

To make it more fun, both children and parents are allowed to answer questions together. You can ask children questions by showing frames from your favorite cartoons.

No quiz is complete without riddles. Many winter riddles on almost any topic, including about snow, winter and frost, can be easily found in special collections. Children like this, and the risk of destroying the apartment on the eve of the New Year is reduced. After answering the question, the child should receive little present. Prizes for the quiz can be chosen from small toys, books and sweets.

For many people, New Year is the most long-awaited and favorite holiday. To celebrate and celebrate it well, you need to think through all the details of the celebration in advance - the venue, snacks, entertainment and competitions. For those wishing to have a fun and unforgettable New Year's Eve, a quiz with answers will help, which will become the main issue for the New Year 2019 and a source of good mood.

Quiz for New Year 2019

When planning the scenario for the New Year's holiday, it is necessary to take into account the category of the audience, that is, guests and invitees, so that each participant feels comfortable and fun.

What is known about the symbol of the year

By Chinese calendar The Dog will be replaced next year by the Yellow Earthen Pig (Boar). Therefore, you should not forget this important fact and when compiling a quiz for the New Year 2019, you should apply a variety of facts and interesting information about pigs.

You need to take care in advance about choosing and purchasing prizes in the form of this year’s symbol. This way, each of the winners will have a souvenir as a reminder of a good time.

Below is an example of a quiz with questions and answers about this animal, but if desired, they can be expanded and supplemented, because both children and adults can participate:

  1. Make a nuisance - plant what? (Pig).
  2. Who isn't a pig's comrade? (Goose).
  3. A female name used to call a pig in folk tales in Russia (Khavronya).
  4. What will a pig find everywhere? (Dirt).
  5. The name of infectious inflammation of the parotid glands in children (Mumps).
  6. Name of wild pig (Boar).
  7. A disparaging name for a fat and clumsy person (Hog).
  8. Pig's child (Piglet).
  9. Fable by I.A. Krylov (“Pig under the oak tree”).
  10. The name of a rare and expensive gourmet mushroom, the search for which involves an animal (Truffle).
  11. The name of the piglet, Winnie the Pooh's friend, from the famous animated film (Piglet).
  12. The name of the piglet from the TV show “Good night, kids” (Piggy).
  13. Which of the piglets from the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs” was the smartest and built a house out of stone? (Naf-Naf).
  14. What kind of meat is used to prepare boiled pork? (Pork).
  15. Which famous Russian poet wrote the following lines:

Remember this every son, every child know this.

A son will grow up to be a pig, if the son is a pig.(Vladimir Mayakovsky).

For corporate events

If this is a celebration among work colleagues, then a New Year's quiz will allow you to have a fun and active celebration of 2019, unite the team and raise team spirit. Questions for the competition can be from a wide variety of fields of science, natural history and other areas, and also relate directly to the history of the creation and operation of the enterprise. To make the competition fun and noisy, you can write questions in advance on small pieces of paper and mix them all in a hat or cap. All participants take turns taking out their forfeit and reading the task out loud.

To maintain your corporate image, you can prepare small souvenirs with the symbols or emblem of the organization as gifts.

The main requirement for the format of tasks is a comic form, variety and New Year's theme:

  1. Main alcoholic attribute New Year's table. (Champagne).
  2. Beautiful wishes during the feast. (Toast).
  3. What is prohibited to do during the working day? (Sleep).
  4. What's hard to get up on the morning of January 1st? (Eyelids).
  5. The song performed by actor Andrei Myagkov in the film “The Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath!” (“If you don’t have an aunt”).
  6. The name of a concert that is broadcast annually on television. (“Blue Light”).
  7. What comes after the New Year? (Hangover on the morning of January 1).
  8. Snow woman's colleague. (Snowman).
  9. How did the Snow Maiden melt? (Jump over the fire).
  10. What color is the Winter Olympics or fever? (White).

In the family

Celebrating the New Year with the whole family is a great opportunity to become closer friend to a friend, to show attention and care for your loved ones, to spend unforgettable moments together. Questions for the quiz must be selected taking into account all age categories of family members, so that even the youngest can give answers with pleasure:

  1. The name of a city in Russia, which is considered the geographical residence of Father Frost. (Veliky Ustyug).
  2. Where does he live? New Year's grandfather with the name Baba Zhara? (Cambodia).
  3. The most common salad New Year's menu in Russia. ("Olivie").
  4. In which country is there a custom of throwing old things and furniture out of the house on New Year's Eve? (Italy).
  5. Areas where the New Year is celebrated first in the territory Russian Federation. (Kamchatka, Magadan).
  6. The city to whose residents the holiday comes last. (Kaliningrad).
  7. Which artist painted the painting “The Snow Maiden”? (Vasnetsov V.M.).
  8. The most popular New Year's movie in the territory former USSR. ("Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath!").
  9. A popular holiday children's song. ("The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree").
  10. The name for small rolled rolls of colored paper. (Serpentine).

For children

Children always look forward to the New Year with great impatience, because at this time incredible emotions await them, a lot interesting gifts and impressions. To prepare tasks for a children's quiz, you need to carefully select questions to give all participants the opportunity to express themselves in an intellectual battle:

  1. The main attribute of the holiday. (Christmas tree).
  2. Funny name for Santa Claus in Finland. (Youlupukki).
  3. Where does the New Year's Eve take place next to the palm trees? (Cuba).
  4. The name of the queen of snow and cold. (The Snow Queen).
  5. Spruce deposit. (Forest).
  6. Dancing around the festive tree. (Round dance).
  7. The predecessor of modern Santa Claus. (St Nicholas).
  8. An analogue of the domestic Santa Claus in the USA. (Santa Claus).
  9. Name the winter months one by one. (December January February).
  10. Where does Santa Claus keep gifts for children? (In the bag).

It is imperative to think through rewards for all children; encouragement can be in the form of candies, sweets, toys.

Ekaterina Lukyanovich

Hello children! Today we will immerse ourselves in the fabulous holiday atmosphere!

New Year's Eve

V. Shumilin

On New Year's Eve, like in a fairy tale,

Full of miracles.

The Christmas tree is hurrying to catch the train,

Leaving the winter forest.

And the stars shine brightly

And they dance in a circle.

On New Year's Eve, on New Year's Eve,

For the New, New Year!

Little funny guys like snowflakes

They fly and fly all night.

And songs are everywhere

Sounds funny.

The wind whistles

Blizzard sings

On New Year's Eve, on New Year's Eve,

For the New, New Year!

Who is the main guest in every home on New Year's Day? (Father Frost).

What nickname is Santa Claus most often called? (Red nose).

Where are the main treasures of Santa Claus kept? (In the bag).

Without what attribute is the New Year impossible? (Christmas tree).

How can you make a magical one from an ordinary forest tree? New Year's beauty? (Decorations and garlands).

What is customary to light on the Christmas tree in the New Year, as well as on festive table? (Candles).

What are the bright shiny ones called? New Year's ribbons which are used to decorate the Christmas tree? (Tinsel).

What are the names of the colored strings of lights that can be seen on the Christmas tree on New Year's Day? (Garland).

What is the name of the chain made of children and adults who hold hands and walk around the Christmas tree? (Round dance).

What do children look forward to most for the New Year? (Present).

What is the name of New Year's ball when everyone present puts on carnival costumes? (Masquerade).

Which city is the birthplace of the Russian Father Frost? (Veliky Ustyug).

Where is the homeland of all Christmas trees? (Forest).

Forest beauty,

So green

Decorated with toys

Garlands, firecrackers. (Christmas tree)

They're spinning in the air

They lie in our palms,

Weightless as feathers

And they are all called. (Snowflakes)

The children rolled three balls,

We secured them slightly

They took a red carrot -

Done. (Snowman)

With fragrant thin peel,

They will decorate the table in the house,

Like mood vitamins.

Everyone will know. (Tangerines)

Exploded by fireworks

These sweet moments.

Everyone believes, everyone waits

This festival. (New Year)

Coloring "Father Frost".

Dance to a song "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"Author: R. A. Kudasheva

Reading poems that the children have learned.

Thanks guys!

Publications on the topic:

On the eve of New Year's holidays I suggest you interesting idea, holiday card for children 5-7 years old. It can become an invitation card.

Integrated local history quiz game for children 5–6 years old “Russia and Tambov” Municipal budget preschool educational institution « Kindergarten“Rosinochka” SYNOPSIS Integrated game - quiz.

New Years is soon! Everyone will rush into their memory chests and start looking for suitable crafts for the New Year. I rummaged through my chest.

New Year's extras for children 5–7 years old The game is played in the final part New Year's party. Participants are children aged 5-7 years. All words belong to the host of the matinee. Before.

"Christmas story". Holiday for children 6–7 years old based on the fairy tale “Morozko”“New Year's Tale” 2017 Holiday for children 6-7 years old. Based on the fairy tale "Morozko". Children enter the hall and perform a waltz to the song “Winter.

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Quiz about animals for children (6–7 years old) in the pre-school group Goals: Instilling interest in nature and the animal world, developing curiosity. Preliminary work: We looked at photographs of animals.

Attention! The site administration is not responsible for the content methodological developments, as well as for compliance with the development of the Federal State Educational Standard.

This development of an educational and entertainment program will unite student teams and allow us to find out which of the children knows more New Year’s traditions.

(Slide 1)


Is New Year falling from the sky?
Or is it coming from the forest?
Or from a snowdrift
Is the New Year coming to us?
He probably lived like a snowflake
On some star
Or was he hiding behind a piece of fluff?
Frost in his beard?
He climbed into the refrigerator to sleep
Or to a squirrel in a hollow...
Or an old alarm clock
Did he get under the glass?
But there is always a miracle:
The clock strikes twelve...
And from nowhere
New Year is coming to us.

Guys, the long-awaited, unusual and most beloved New Year holiday is coming soon. But not many people know about the history of this holiday and its traditions. To find out the New Year's experts, we'll hold a New Year's quiz. A team is represented from each of the 4 classes of our lyceum. I invite them to submit their name and captain.

These guys are great, but let’s think without whom our competition would not have taken place. (JURY) Of course, the teams will be evaluated by the jury. Let's ask them to be strict but fair.

1 competition. Warm-up

We will ask questions to each team in turn, you will think and give an answer, be careful, if the answer is incorrect, the other team will answer.

  1. Which tree is a symbol of the New Year holiday? (Pine, spruce, cedar, fir)
  2. Name the snowman's headdress? (Pelvis, bucket, hat, cap)
  3. Where does Santa Claus get gifts for children? ( Out of the bag, from a sock, from a chest, from a safe)
  4. What is the name of Santa Claus's magic wand? (Scepter, club, rod, staff)
  5. Strings of lanterns on a Christmas tree? ( Fairy lights, confetti, beads, serpentine)
  6. What is it stuffed with? New Year's crackers? (Nails, salad, candy, confetti)
  7. What month, year ends and winter begins? (January, December, February March)
  8. Performer of a lullaby for the Christmas tree? (Snowstorm, blizzard, blizzard, frost)
  9. What is the name of the dance Christmas tree? (Cha-cha-cha, waltz, polka, round dance)
  10. At what point does the New Year begin in our country? (10, 12 ,1,2013)

(Slide 13)

2 competition

People started celebrating New Year's Eve a long time ago. Our teams will be given a text where they will need to insert the missing words to make the story of the New Year's holiday.

(Slide 14) The guys fill in the missing words. The work is submitted to the jury.

(Slide 15) Let's check what needed to be inserted in the gaps.

For a long time, the ancient Slavs celebrated the New Year on March 1. They gave us the tradition of lighting lights on Christmas trees. With the adoption of Christianity, the New Year began to be celebrated on September 1. More than 300 years ago, in 1700, Tsar Peter I ordered to celebrate the New Year on January 1. At the same time, the tradition of decorating Christmas trees, arranging fireworks and New Year's costume carnivals arose.

(Slide 16)

3 competition

In our country, the famous grandfather is Father Frost. He is dressed in a long red coat with white fur. Santa Claus has a long white beard and holds a staff in his hands. He comes to visit not only with gifts, but with his assistant, his granddaughter Snegurochka. Our children will need to find out what the name of Santa Claus is in other countries. (Slide 17)

Let's ask our jury to sum up the interim results. While they fail them, we learn how in different countries They celebrate the New Year, as they call Santa Claus.

(Slide 18) In the USA, Canada, Great Britain and Western European countries, Father Frost is called Santa Claus. He is wearing a red jacket
decorated with white fur, and wearing red trousers. There is a red cap on the head.

(Slide 19) Grandfather with a hooked nose Yultomten and the dwarf Yulnissaar. Both leave gifts on the windowsills on New Year's Eve.

(Slide 20) New Year's grandfather's name is Joulupukki. He has a tall cone-shaped hat and a red outfit. He is surrounded by gnomes in pointed hats and capes with white fur.

(slide 21)

4 Competition

They have many names, but they do one thing, give gifts. Now let's find the differences between Father Frost and Santa. Each team writes as many differences as possible. (slide 22)

(Slide 23)

5 competition. Musical

Who better to sing a song about New Years? You need to consult and decide what song your team will sing, and sing it better than your opponents.


The questions are over, friends!
And I praise everyone, guys.
The test has come to an end.
Well done to those who didn't make a mistake!
And who made a mistake even a little,
Not a good guy, but a hammer!

Well done! And now, while the jury is counting the points, we will find out how Father Frost differs from Santa Claus.

Well, now let's find out which class knows more about the New Year? The jury gives the floor. (Congratulations to the winners).


Connect the country and the name of Santa Claus in it.

Fill in the missing words.

For a long time, the ancient Slavs celebrated the New Year on March 1. They gave us the tradition of _____________________. With the adoption of Christianity, the New Year began to be celebrated ______________.

More than 300 years ago, in 1700, King _____________ ordered the New Year to be celebrated _________________. At the same time, the tradition of decorating Christmas trees, arranging fireworks and New Year's costume carnivals arose.

Answers to assignments

New Year's story

For a long time, the ancient Slavs celebrated the New Year on March 1. They gave us the tradition of lighting lights on Christmas trees. With the adoption of Christianity, the New Year began to be celebrated on September 1.

More than 300 years ago, in 1700, Tsar Peter I ordered to celebrate the New Year on January 1. At the same time, the tradition of decorating Christmas trees, arranging fireworks and New Year's costume carnivals arose.

Connect names and country

USA – Santa Claus

France – Père Noël

Finland – Joulupukki

Find differences

Father Frost lives in Veliky Ustyug, and Santa Claus lives in Lapland. Santa Claus is a tall, strong, mighty hero. Santa is a short, plump, ruddy, cheerful old man. Father Frost's outfit can be any color except black, and Santa Claus's outfit can only be red. Our Russian Father Frost wears a warm boyar hat with fur trim, the kind worn by Russian tsars or very rich boyars. It is called "boyarka". Santa Claus wears a hat with a white pompom at the end. Father Frost's fur coat is long and richly decorated with gold or silver embroidery, which repeats the pattern frosty patterns on the windows, with eight-pointed stars and snowflakes, and on the edge of the fur coat there is white fur, on the belt there is an embroidered sash.

Santa Claus has a short fur coat with white trim on the collar, sleeves and along the hem, and black on the belt. leather belt. Santa Claus has white mittens on his hands or the color of his fur coat, and white felt boots on his feet. Santa Claus usually wears black gloves on his hands and black boots on his feet. The main attribute of Santa Claus is a staff, crystal or silver, with a twisted handle. Santa Claus sometimes holds a stick with a curved end and glasses in his hands. Santa Claus travels on foot or in a sleigh drawn by three horses. Santa Claus rides in a cart pulled by reindeer.

Santa Claus' assistants are good elves. Father Frost's faithful assistant and companion is his granddaughter, Snegurochka. Santa Claus solemnly enters the house, without any fuss he passes gifts from hand to hand or places them under the tree. Santa Claus sneaks through the chimney and hides gifts in stockings by the fireplace.


history of the holiday

What is the name of Santa Claus?

Find differences?




1 point
for the correct answer

1 point per inserted word

Up to 3 points

For each difference 1 point

Up to 5 points