Video, description of movements, performances in the younger group. Choreography for children, children's dances. Video, description of movements, performances in the junior group of the Mbdou Child Development Center -

Game choreography lesson plan.

(Example of tasks that make up the lesson)

Dear parents! Attention! This is just an example of a lesson, children will not do the same thing every lesson!!!)

The game choreography lesson consists of two parts:

The first is warm-up and learning the basics of choreography;

The second is rhythm and dancing.


1. Dance warm-up (5-7 min.)

The teacher tells a fairy tale accompanied by classical music.

“In the fairy-tale forest, morning came and the sun rose (children reach up several times), flowers began to grow and bloom (children squat down and slowly grow, open their arms), the breeze blew (children raise their arms and swing in different directions), through the forest the bunny jumps (children jump, pretending to be a hare), the bunny stops and looks around (children turn their head), etc.”

As a result, the warm-up includes: turns and circular rotations of the head, warming up the arms, legs, feet, jumping, studying hand positions, exercises for straightening the back, turning the feet, and developing the plasticity of the hands.

2. Circle (3 min.)

Children stand in a circle and, moving in a circle, depict animals (foxes, cats, birds, bears, etc.)

When doing exercises in a circle, children develop their imagination; the teacher tries not to help them, but offers different variants gait and mannerisms of animals.

3. Rugs (5-7 min.)

For example. “A boat floats on the waves (children do the flexibility exercise “Boat”), it sways on the waves “children lie on their stomachs and lift their arms and legs off the floor, bend and sway), etc.”

On the mats, children do exercises for eversion of legs, stretching (splits, various bends), flexibility of the back (bridges, boat, basket, boat), and coordination of movements (bondage, train).

4. Dance games (5 min.)

For example:

- the children turn on the music, they run to it in a chaotic manner, while they are running they are given the command to pretend to be soldiers, when the music turns off, they must stand in a soldier’s stance, then the music resumes, they march like soldiers, during which they are given the next command and the music turns off again;

- the game “Needle”, the children turn on the music, they run, march or waltz to it (depending on the material we cover in class) when the music turns off the children should fall to the floor, when it turns on the children continue their movement.

Games develop children's attention and creative thinking.



5. Rhythm (5-7 min.)

- children clap or trample the rhythm that the teacher sets for them;

- children listen to music and clap the rhythm, highlighting the main beats.

This type of exercise develops in children the ability to listen to music and fall into the musical rhythm.

6. Games for developing musicality (3 min.)

For example. Children are given images for different musical fragments, and each fragment has its own image; children must remember which music plays which image. Musical fragments are included in the mix and children must show the images assigned to each melody.

This type of exercise develops associative thinking and musical abilities.

7. Dancing (10-15 min.)

Staging dance numbers.

Develops the ability to move plastically to music and gives an idea of ​​what dance is.


1.The initial duration of classes is 45 minutes, then the time can be increased to 60 minutes. (if everyone in the group can cope with such a load).

2. Be sure to wear a comfortable uniform to classes, preferably black (leggings, T-shirt, rag ballet shoes, NOT SHOES).

Abstract open class creative association “Rhythmics with choreographic elements”

Title of the work: Summary of an open lesson of the creative association “Rhythmics with elements of choreography”
Author: Petrova Marina Gennadievna, teacher additional education, choreographer, MBUDO "Center for the Development of Creativity of Children and Youth"
Job description: summary of the final lesson on choreography for children of the first year of study (5-6 years old). This material will be of interest to additional education teachers, educators, and music directors.

Target: test the depth and strength of children’s knowledge on the ground and in the middle of the hall
1. Develop plasticity
2. Ensure that the exercises are performed correctly.
3. Strengthen the muscles of the spine and the whole body.
1. Piano
2. Tape recorder, discs
3. Red mittens
4. Mats for ground gymnastics

Progress of the lesson
- for girls
-for boys
2. Body positioning:
-feet together (heels and toes)
-extend your knees and bring them together
-hands lie on the waist with palms down, fingers forward, elbows to the side.
-Connect the shoulder blades and lower them down
-Lower your shoulders and stretch your neck up.
-Belly - pull in the navel
3. Warm up in a circle.(children, at the musical introduction, form a circle from the columns with a simple toe step)
-step with an extended toe and knee, the toe indicates the width of the step, hands on the belt.
- steps on high toes, knees extremely extended, body extended upward (we carry an imaginary glass of water on our head and do not spill it).
-steps on your heels, knees extended, hands on your belt.
-run in a circle, keep your knees together (knee to knee), raise your heels high back almost to your buttocks, toes extended. The steps are small, we jump up, hands on the belt, elbows to the side.
- scissor jumps in a circle, we bring our legs forward, straight at the knees and with outstretched toes, the legs change with a jump. Hands on the belt, back straight.
- “gallop” with your right shoulder forward, stand facing in a circle, hands on your belt, elbows to the side, turn your head in right side. Look at your elbow and at your neighbor to the right, we jump with side steps in a circle.
- “gallop” with your left shoulder forward, stand with your back in a circle, hands on your belt, elbows to the side, turn your head in left side, we jump with side steps from the left foot.
- jump, turn your face along the dance line. We jump on one leg, the second one rises with the knee bent high, the toe up at the knee of the supporting leg.
- steps with pointed toes
With this step, we line up along the lines as at the beginning of the lesson and take our places.
4. Warm up in the middle of the hall(position of the body, arms are lowered along the body, elbows and hands are strongly extended)
- tilting and turning the head
- “heron” head forward and backward
- “Dunno” raising and lowering shoulders
- “swing” raising the shoulders in turn
- circular movements of the shoulders
- swing your arms to the sides
- tilt the body to the sides “tumbler”, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt, bend to the sides, bending at the waist.
- “table top”, legs extended at the knees, standing shoulder-width apart, lean forward and stretch our arms forward, pretending to be a table top
- bend to the front, place your hands on the floor, for two counts, hands on the floor, for two counts, hands on your belt.
- raising and lowering onto half-toes, heels and toes stand together, knees together, stand on half-toes, hold heels together.
- “Spring”, we squat and press our heels onto the floor.
- “bicycle” raising and lowering the heels in turn
- jumping in sixth position, heels and toes together, knees extended in the air, landing in a “spring”. Jumps are long, then small and fast.
5. Expressive plasticity – ground floor warm-up(on the floor).

- “Seated emphasis” - positioning of the body, legs, arms, head.
Sitting on the floor, stretch your legs forward together, press your knees to the floor, and stretch your toes strongly. The back is straight, the lower back is pulled up, the hands are on the belt, the elbows are to the side, the shoulders are down, the shoulder blades are in the lower back, the neck is extremely stretched upward. The head looks straight.
- “Sitting emphasis” - work of the feet.
We shorten and straighten the feet one by one, using circular movements with the feet. Pay attention to the position of the back and the elongation of the knees.

- “Lump” - pull your knees to your chest, clasping your knees with your hands, gather into a lump, take the starting position.

- “Airplane” - raise your arms to the sides, depicting the wings of an airplane, while your legs rise from the floor at an angle of 45 degrees, elongated at the knees and toes, your back is straight, your shoulders are lowered, your neck is open. We lower our feet to the floor, hands on the waist to the starting position.

- “Cross” - we lie on the floor on our back, arms spread to the sides, legs together, knees and toes extended. At point No. 2 (slightly from the floor), we simultaneously raise our arms, legs and head, then lower them to the starting position.

- “Rainbow” - lie on the floor on your back, arms apart, legs together, knees and toes extended, tense your arms very much. Lift your shoulders off the floor, rise from the floor until you stand on the top of your head, shoulder blades connected, arms strong. Take the starting position.

- “Corner” - we lie on the floor on our backs, arms spread to the sides, legs extended at the knees and toes joined together. We raise our straight legs up to point No. 2 (slightly from the floor), then to point No. 4 (until the angle is 90 degrees, again to point No. 2 and place our feet on the floor. (in this exercise, the buttocks do not come off the floor, the knees always straight)

- “Butterfly” - starting position sitting on the floor, legs connected by feet, knees lying on the floor, holding your legs with your hands. The back is straight, the shoulders are lowered into the lower back, the lower back is strongly pulled up. We lean forward on our feet, try to touch the floor with our chin, while trying to place our elbows on the floor. We rise from the floor with a straight back to the starting position.

“Goose” - starting position sitting on your knees, spread your feet apart until your buttocks are on the floor, grab your heels with your hands, bend your elbows, straight back, shoulders down, knees firmly apart to the sides. We lean forward, place our chin and chest on the floor, then rise to the starting position.

- “Soldier” - the starting position is kneeling, knees shoulder-width apart, arms pressed along the body (at attention), back straight, shoulders down, shoulder blades pulled back. We lean our shoulders back (with a plank) as close to the floor as possible and return to the starting position.

- “Bridge” - starting position on your knees, knees wide apart. We bend back at the waist and place our hands on our feet to form a bridge. The head is thrown back. We return to the starting position.

- “Log” - starting position lying on the floor on your stomach, arms extended forward behind your head, legs together. Stretch out as much as possible. Pull your buttocks in, forming lumps. We turn on our side to the right, our legs lie on our legs, we do not join our hands. Then we roll over onto the other side over our stomach, keeping our head straight and not throwing it back.

- “Boat” - starting position lying on the floor on your stomach, arms extended forward behind your head, legs together, buttocks and stomach retracted. At the same time, we raise our arms, legs and head up, pretending to be a boat, then to the starting position. Raise the boat and swing forward, back - the boat floats.

- “Ring” - starting position lying on your stomach, bend your knees and grab your feet with your hands. Raise your clasped hands and feet up to form a ring. Lower it to the starting position.

- “Kalachik” - starting position lying on your stomach, legs extended, hands lying near your chest on your palms. Straightening our elbows, we rise on our hands, resting our palms on the floor, while simultaneously bending our knees, we understand our legs and bring them closer to our head, forming a ball. Use your toes to reach the top of your head and return to the starting position.
- “Push-ups” - for boys.
Starting position: lying on your stomach, hands resting with your palms on the floor near your chest, elbows bent, legs together resting your toes on the floor. The torso is like a “plank”, we straighten our arms all the way, while raising the torso - a plank, we lower the torso trying to touch the floor with our chin. The stomach does not sag, the buttocks do not rise up.

- “Push-ups” - for girls.
Starting position: “Seated emphasis”, place your hands on the floor back a little further than your hips. Raise your buttocks off the floor with your knees and toes extended, forming a “mound”, pull your buttocks firmly in, and throw your head back. Return to starting position.
6.Dancing games
- “Washing” - children dance to depict the process hand wash, this dance develops attention and coordination of movements, all movements are repeated 4 times, it is difficult to connect movements with arms and legs.
Hand movements - starting position with legs together, hands in fists, back straight, head looking straight.
-4 times- using fists we depict washing alternately in one direction and then in the other
-4 times - fist on fist, pretend to squeeze, then in one direction, then in the other
-4 times- lower your hands down and wave your hands from side to side, pretending to rinse
-4 times - fist to fist, squeezing
-4 times - raise your arms at chest level, straight at the elbow, using your hands to depict shaking
-4 times - raise your right hand up and lower your hand down, then do the same with your left hand. Repeat. We pretend to hang up the laundry.
-8 times – raise both arms up and, with the movement of your hands, depict clothespins.
-4 times- we wipe the sweat from our forehead with a bent hand, we are tired.
Leg movements - heels stand on the floor, bend the left leg at the knee 2 times, then the right leg 2 times. The knees bend once at a time when we depict “rinsing” and “clothespins”. We connect the movements of the legs and arms together.
- Game "Red Boots"
Starting position, children stand in a circle, hold hands and jump counterclockwise, sing a song:
Jumping along the path
Red boots
These are not boots
Lenochka's legs (if Lenochka performed jumps in a circle very well), these words are spoken by the teacher.
All children stop, turn in a circle and clap their hands, and the one who was named goes into the circle and shows his ability to make jumps, stands in the circle again, the game starts from the beginning.
- Dance "Ducklings"
Children invite their parents to dance with them, stand in a circle in pairs, each child has a red mitten on his right hand. All movements are performed 3 times.
Starting position facing in a circle, legs together, arms raised to the sides and bent at the elbow, hands representing the beaks of a duck.
-3 times - work with fists
-3 times- with forearms
-3 times- with knees
-3 times- clap
Then everyone joins hands and jumps around in a circle.
We repeat the movements of the first part of the dance again, only we clap above our heads and jump in a circle, but in pairs (each child with a parent).
The third time we perform the movements, we clap in front, tilting our torso forward and spinning in pairs with jumps.
For the fourth time we perform the dance movements while standing facing in a circle. Bow.
Children accompany their parents to their seats.
7. Bow

MBDOU Child Development Center –

Kindergarten No. 10 “Tullukchaan” GO “city of Yakutsk”,

Yakutsk Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

teacher - choreographer, Illarionova Olga Semyonovna

Features of dance production

for children 3 – 4 years old

Dance is an element that gives a person a feeling of freedom, flight, and pleasure. Teaching dance to preschool children is quite difficult, especially to children 3–4 years old. Movements must reveal the content of the music and correspond to the character, form, dynamics, tempo and rhythm of the musical work. At the same time, the movements encourage conscious perception of a piece of music. And the music becomes more understandable and easier to assimilate, giving movements special expressiveness, clarity, and rhythm. It is known that both in singing and in movement it is necessary to achieve complete compliance with the music. Vivid examples of the relationship between music and movement are demonstrated by such sports as gymnastics, figure skating, synchronized swimming. A significant place in the musical and rhythmic education of preschoolers is given to dancing . To teach a child to convey the character of a musical work, its figurative content through the plasticity of movements to music - this is exactly what the work on dance is aimed at. It is known that children love to dance. By dancing they satisfy their natural need for movement. In the expressive, rhythmic movements of the dance, feelings, thoughts, moods are revealed, and the character of children is revealed.

Dance- this is art. It is aimed at solving musical-rhythmic, physical, aesthetic and mental development of children. Movements to music accustom them to collective action and help foster a sense of collectivism, friendship, camaraderie, and mutual respect. Movement to music strengthens children's body. The satisfaction received by the child in the process of motor actions is accompanied by significant physiological changes in his body, breathing and blood circulation improve. Cheerful music excites the nervous system, causing increased activity in the higher parts of the brain associated with associative, intellectual and volitional processes. The activity of skeletal muscles in preschool age is important, since in a growing organism the restoration of expended energy is characterized not only by a return to the original level, but also by its excess. Therefore, as a result of dancing, energy is not wasted, but rather gained. Musical and rhythmic movements contribute to the formation of motor skills and improve posture. Regular dance classes are very beneficial for physical development children: posture improves, body proportions improve, muscles become stronger. Gradually, children begin to move more easily, more gracefully, and become relaxed. Children develop qualities of movement such as lightness, flexibility, elasticity, dexterity, speed and energy. Thanks to music, the movements of preschoolers become clearer, more expressive and beautiful.

It has been noticed that if they like the music, the children have a desire to move, it is difficult for them to sit still, they literally “splash out” their emotions. Rhythm can be “experienced.” And it is easier for children to convey their understanding of music not through words, but through movements. And this is a good prerequisite for the creative process. By acquiring knowledge and skills in the field of dance art, children begin to understand that each dance has its own content, character, and image. To convey the expressiveness of dance images, the child must remember not only the movements themselves, but also their sequence (which in itself has a positive effect on the development of memory and attention), but also mobilize imagination, observation, and creative activity. Dance accustoms children to the norms of cultural communication. Children are taught modesty, goodwill, and friendliness. Boys begin to treat their partners with care. Dance becomes one of the means moral education child.

Educational dance lessons for children at a tender age kindergarten, have their own characteristics. You should know that dancing for children in the younger group should differ from the process of teaching children to dance in preparatory group. It depends on the development of the kids, their age characteristics.

Dancing for the youngest children (3-4 years old)

At this age, children have little developed coordination. While walking, they waddle like ducklings, stretching out their legs even when there is no need for this, and often letting their heads hang down. Jumping and running are difficult for them. U 3-4 year old child nervous system She is constantly excited, which is why the feeling of psychological “inhibition” is not sufficiently developed. This causes a slow response to the music being played.
But it is at this age that children are very interested in dancing for children, so a competent teacher-choreographer will be able to gradually teach young children to dance to rhythmic music. It is necessary to choose only a bright and very expressive melody that the kids will like. If the words of the song are present, then the children will sing them with pleasure while dancing at the same time! The most important skill in younger group Children should be able to hear the beginning and conclusion of a piece of music. This will help them start movements on time and finish them on time.

Consistency in teaching dance to children 3-4 years old.
It should be as follows:
1. Kids listen to a piece of music.
2. The teacher-choreographer tells them about the form and character of this music.
3. Children watch the dance performed by the choreographer himself (together with the teacher or an older child).
4. The kids start dancing all together. The teacher and educator help them find their left arm or right leg... Spins the children in the right direction, etc.

The purpose of educational dances for children in the younger group of kindergarten.
Little dancers should acquire skills such as:
rhythmically march, walk and even run to the rhythm of the music, which they must “catch”;
performing dance routines with various attributes (toys, plumes, umbrellas, etc.);
alternately stamping one or the other foot, spinning in pairs and independently, clapping your hands to the rhythm of the music.

Key level indicators:
1. The child’s steady interest in the process of learning dance movements to music.
2. A figurative expression of a particular melody in accordance with its character.

It is how you present choreographic material to young children that determines their desire to participate in productions and go on stage during performances.
- Direct display method.
When starting a dance lesson for children, the teacher-choreographer can show the children the movements. This way little dancers get the opportunity to visually see the embodiment of the desired artistic image. When you first start working on dances for young child dancers, try to perform each movement at the same time as them. You will notice that this technique will captivate them and increase the children's desire to dance just like you. They will strive to quickly master such skills.
- Verbal storytelling method
Movements and plasticity are interconnected with music. And spoken language in teaching children's dances can become a connecting component for complete perception. You need to use concise and specific explanations with precise figurative language. The intonation of your voice plays an important role, just like the strength of the emphasis on a particular word or phrase that you want to convey to the kids.
- Method of improvisation
In dance lessons for children, try to lead students to a relaxed plastic movement - free and liberated. There is no need to let children listen to music first; let them choose the movements that it dictates. You should not single out someone during improvisation, just watch your kids carefully so that they do not perform movements that are not related to the rhythm or style of music.
- Visual illustration method
Stories about the history of the origin of a particular dance style and its diversity can complement classes, ensuring that children in your group fully learn how to dance. You can use photographs, illustrations, videos of dancers performing, both famous and not so famous. Show the children recordings of their performances: let them look at themselves from the outside...
- Game method
This method of dancing for children involves using toys in classes that can help with learning. Such attributes can have a profound impact on the plasticity of each child and decorate the choreographic composition. Passion for the proposed toy will allow the little dancer to relax, he will stop focusing on technique and open up completely. If you offer children a transformation game, they will learn expressiveness and begin to fully use their imagination and childhood fantasy.
- Concentration method
In this method of learning dances for children, a return to the mastered material prevails. You repeat with your children those choreographic movements that they already know well, but with some more complicated variations.

The skill of a choreographer is the key to successful creativity of children! A teacher-choreographer who knows how to apply all these methods in synthesis in dance lessons for children is a true master in his creativity! Be responsible for your children, make your activities interesting and exciting.
Modern dance for children it is an excellent and irreplaceable educational and aesthetic tool in the development of a child’s personality. It ennobles the inner world of every child and allows them to achieve great success!

Modern dance classes for children combine everything a child needs for harmonious growth and development, personality development - both body and mind are involved in the work. If your baby lacks movement and bright positive emotions, we invite you to sign up for classes right now.

The benefits of children's dance classes

The main argument in favor of dancing is that it is a safe and natural form of activity. There are no unusual and sudden loads, hours of stretching or exhausting workouts. All classes are conducted strictly under the supervision and insurance of a choreographer-trainer, with a detailed explanation of movement techniques and lead-in exercises.

The second reason to take up children's choreography is a healthy body and posture in the future. At any dance, at the beginning of classes, the child is helped to position his arms and legs correctly, move, and hold his back. The muscle corset is strengthened, posture and gait become natural and aesthetic. After several years of hard training, the result will last for years - straightened shoulders, a healthy spine and feet distinguish former dancers.

The third argument in favor of dance lessons for children is the aesthetic side. The child learns to express his thoughts and emotions, listen to music, and repeat a rhythmic pattern. Memorizing movements also develops short-term and long-term memory. The baby is socialized, learns to work in a team, support and empathize with people.

Scenario for celebrating the 75th anniversary of Victory Day: “These days the glory will not be silent” The music “Victory Day” by D. Tukhmanov is playing. Children enter the hall. Presenter: All the streets are dressed in flowers, And ringing songs can be heard: Today is a holiday - Victory Day, Happy, bright day of spring! Host: Dear guys! Dear guests! Our country solemnly celebrates the great holiday - Victory Day over Nazi Germany. We have gathered here today to say words of gratitude to all those who defended peace in a terrible war 75 years ago. While you guys are still small, we really want you to grow up brave, strong people, worthy citizens of our country, who love their Motherland and are capable of standing up for its defense in difficult times. 1. We glorify Victory Day in May - a bright holiday for all people. In May, the rainbow laughs, the sun shines hot. 2. I know from my dad, I know from my grandfather - Victory came to us on the ninth of May! All the people were waiting for that day, that day became the most joyful. 3. No matter how quickly the years fly by, she does not move away from us, And soldier’s medals suit her, Military orders suit her. 4. Since then, many fireworks have gone off, But every day that passes without war, And every spring has its beginning, They take their warmth from that spring. 5. People gave their lives for their native country, We will never forget those who fell in a valiant battle. Song “Red Poppies” (Collection “Alyonushkin's Fairy Tales” No. 4) Presenter: Today will be a day of memories And the heart is tight from the lofty words. Today will be a day of reminders about the feat and valor of our fathers. The phonogram of the song plays ____________, a grandmother and her granddaughter enter, (flowers in their hands) sit on a bench. Granddaughter: Grandma, why were you crying there, at the monument? Grandmother: I stood and thought about those who did not return from the war, who died on the battlefields, defending our Motherland. After all, today is Victory Day. Granddaughter: Grandmother, tell me about the war, because your grandmother also fought.. Grandmother: Of course, I’ll tell you, granddaughter. Listen. It happened a long time ago - in the last century in 1941. As people lived, they lived well, made good, and strived for knowledge. They wanted to see their country rich and flourishing. Hitler, the German villain, did not like this. And he, an envious man, decided to exterminate the Russian people. Kill the disobedient and make the rest your slaves. Early in the morning of June 22, by land, by water and by air, he drove his filthy hordes onto our land. My grandmother was just finishing school at the time; they were having their graduation ceremony then. Dance: " Prom 41 years old” The music stops. The soundtrack of the song “Holy War” is playing. The boys line up to the front. 1 boy: Bloody dawn and roar in the distance. Moscow announces: “The beginning of the war. Stand up for the earth, for wives, mothers, for the happiness and life of unborn children. 2 boy: Because I couldn’t even take a step on our land, so that the hated boot could step.” Boy 3: Like an echo rushing across a huge country: To the Ural Mountains and the Siberian taiga. 4 boy: Bloody dawn and roar in the distance Moscow announced: “The beginning of the war!” The boys go to put on their caps, take their machine guns and stand in a column. 1 girl: Oh, war, what have you done, vile one? Our courtyards have become quiet. Our boys raised their heads, They have matured for the time being. 2nd girl: They barely loomed on the threshold and went after the soldier, soldier. Goodbye dear boys, try to go back. 3 girl: Don't bend, stay tall, don't spare bullets or grenades. And you don’t spare yourself, but still try to go back. 4 girl: Go soldier, my dear, A harsh day has brought separation. The rabid enemy went to war against us, The cruel enemy, fortunately for us, raised his hands. The boys leave to the “March of the Slavyanka” The phonogram “Wait for me” plays (the children go out to the dance “Memory”) Dance “Memory” Grandmother: My grandmother, along with other young girls from their class, went to the front and became nurses in a field hospital. They pulled the wounded from the battlefield. Verse: There is a heavy bag on your shoulder, It contains medicines, bandages and water. Through ditches and shell craters You came here by miracle. I got to the defenders of the fortress Among the rubble and stone piles. We didn’t know anything about you, We only knew that your name was Nadya. Where the bravest were timid, You crawled to the firing line, And the soldier, who was dying from his wounds, You gave living water to drink. But when you, getting up and falling, came to our aid under bullets, You were not only Our Hope, You were our Hope. Grandmother: All the people, from young to old, rose up to fight the enemy... Many went to the front straight from school. The war scattered young boys and girls - some to become tankers, some to become anti-aircraft gunners, some to become telephone operators, some to become scouts. Our people walked for many kilometers along heavy front roads. Phonogram “Oh, roads” Presenter: There were heavy battles and now there was a short respite before the battle. In rare hours of rest, soldiers wrote letters to their family and loved ones. The boys come out, sit on the rubble, unfold the letters folded into a triangle (text in the form of an old worn letter) Scene “Letters”. (in the background of the scene, the song “In the Dugout” plays softly. Presentation about soldiers’ letters) Children come out and 1 child reads. Hello, dear Maxim! Hello, my beloved son! I am writing from the front line, tomorrow morning there will be another battle! We will drive out the fascists, take care, son, mother, Forget sadness and sadness, I will return with victory! I will finally hug you, goodbye. Your father. 2nd child. My dear, family! Night. The candle flame is flickering. This is not the first time I remember how you sleep on a warm stove. In our little old hut, Lost in the deep forests, I remember the field, the river, Again and again I remember you. 3 child. My dear brothers and sisters! Tomorrow I’m going into battle again For my Fatherland, for Russia, which is in dire trouble. I will gather my courage and strength, I will beat the Germans without pity. So that nothing threatens you, So that you can study and live! Grandmother: There were moments of rest at the front when you could sit by the fire and sing your favorite songs. Presenter: Song of the war years... Together with the Fatherland, she joined the soldiers' ranks from the first days of the war and walked along the dusty roads. The song shared both sorrows and joys with the soldiers, encouraged them with a cheerful and mischievous joke, and saddened with them about their abandoned relatives and loved ones. The song helped to endure hunger and cold in the name of Victory. She helped the people survive and win. Child: We love war songs, and we often sing them ourselves. Let’s burst out “Katyusha”, Let’s all sing together, let’s all sing together! (Presentation of the war years) Song “Katyusha” Grandmother: It was very difficult for our people, and to make it easier to endure the hardships of the war, artists often came to the front. They performed right in the open air. Dance: Presenter: The path to victory was difficult. The Nazis did not want to leave our land. They wanted to break our people, conquer them, so that our people would not be able to live and work freely, but our people are indestructible. We will honor their memory with a minute of silence. Minute of silence Presenter: The war went on for four long years. Many of our people died in battles for their homeland. The Great Patriotic War passed through every family and claimed the lives of more than 20 million people. Our people passed the test of war with honor. He accomplished a feat that has no equal in history. We will remember and honor the bright memory of our dear veterans who gave their lives for the future of their generations. Song: “Victory Day” (collection “Alyonushkin’s Tales” No. 4) (Grandmother and granddaughter bring the globe into the center of the hall.) Grandmother: Look how small the globe is, And there is a place on it for people, and fish, and forests, and fields. We must take care of this fragile planet, it is our home. And for this, all people on Earth need to live in peace. Granddaughter: We need Peace, grass in dew, Smiling childhood. We need peace, a beautiful world, received as an inheritance. Presenter: Dear friends, we congratulate you on Victory Day! Remember! At what price did this Victory come? But in order not to repeat the troubles, we need to know History. Be able not to betray the country, and when necessary, to defend it! Sound track "Victory Day"