Funny toasts at prom. Congratulations to teachers on graduation evening. Dancing with obstacles

Prom- a unique holiday: touching, cheerful, solemn and noisy, this is a holiday at which everyone, one way or another, is the hero of the occasion: the graduates themselves, their parents, and the teachers present. Which means in entertainment program Such a holiday must have performances that unite everyone, give the opportunity to show surging emotions and just enjoy making noise and having fun. And here games at the table and role-playing fairy tales are simply irreplaceable.

Proposed table chants for prom very different: funny, lyrical and playful - written and selected specifically for this holiday, choose according to your situation and program. Thanks to the authors!

1. Table chant "Graduates" twentieth of the year"

In this table chant the presenter explains that he reads three lines, and the graduates chorus the fourth line: “Graduates of the twentieth of the year"


Today the girls are super beautiful!

Boys are elegant - everyone likes them too!

Let youth fashion be like us,

Because we…

Graduates: Graduates of the twentieth year!


Hooray! School exams are a thing of the past.

Thank you to the teachers, because they tried so hard!

Today we will walk until sunrise -

They can't do otherwise...

Graduates: Graduates of the twentieth year!


There is a reason to remember the first time

We came to first grade with my mother hand in hand.

We learned so much here: about the world and nature,

And today we...

Graduates: Graduates of the twentieth year!


Parents are happy, they don’t believe that their children have grown up like this,

Thank you, dear ones, you are the best on this planet!

We will be happy always and in any weather -

They won't let you down...

Graduates: Graduates of the twentieth year!

2. Table chant - “Big Break” noise maker

This is a small table where all the guests participate. As the host pronounces the text, the guests need to react in time and make their sound in unison at a certain word. It is better to conditionally divide the guests into three sectors and assign them the following noise accompaniment (if necessary, the host can give signals to the sectors):

With the word CALL, the first sector - knocks on glasses and glasses with vetch;

BIG CHANGE second sector - claps his hands together;

CHILDREN (children) third sector - stomps his feet.


On the school schedule best time -

As soon as the BELL rings, the BELL will ring

And then the tramp of CHILDREN'S feet is heard:

They run to the dining room, meet the cook,

BIG CHANGE - CHILDREN are happy about it!

We need to run into the yard, eat porridge and pie,

Before the lesson bell rang,

Call a friend and finish the game,

I will keep a BIG CHANGE in my heart!

Alas, it does not last forever and the BELL rings again.

And again the tramp of CHILDREN'S feet is heard...

But the time has come for the last call,

And a CHILDREN leaves the school yard.

And there are BIG CHANGES ahead for everyone,

And now we must certainly congratulate them! (Toast)

3. Chants from parents at prom.

Leading: Graduates - when I give the signal: I raise my hand up, you shout in unison to the rhythm of the chorus of the beloved Queen song “We well, we well rock you” (vi vel, vi vel rock yu): “ Let's remember school!

If the presenter or one of the parents organizing the congratulation , have vocal abilities, then it can be completely done to the backing track of this song, then it will turn out especially impressive..


Are you going to the graduation party?

Waiting ahead of you adulthood.

We studied together for eleven years,

Friendly greetings to my beloved school:

Graduates: Let's remember school! (2 times)


Childhood is over, we've grown up,

Have you chosen your goals? Go boldly!

Shout out to the teachers thank you

And to carefree school years!

Graduates: Let's remember school! (2 times)


The teachers sigh slowly:

Students leave, they grow up.

New children will come to school again,

Well, for you - changes are coming!!

Graduates: Let's remember school! (2 times)


Our other parenting advice to you:

Loyalty and honor are the secret to success!

Don't forget your school friends

Now don’t hide your joy!

Graduates: Let's remember school! (2 times)

4. Table chant - answer “Yes-no” to prom.

9. Table game - chant with balls.

This is a table game in which all guests can take part (thanks to the site for the idea). The game is fun, unites everyone and is very bright (everyone is given a ball). Graduates receive red balloons, parents receive green balloons, teachers receive balloons yellow color. And the presenter holds balls of all three colors in his hands and “conducts the hall”: he raises a green ball - the parents say their line, etc., when he lifts three balls at once - everyone shouts: “Hurray!” and waving the balls. The phrases on the cards can be distributed, or you can pre-rehearse with each group so that they remember.

Characters and phrases:

- Alumni Team: ;

- Parents team: ;

- Team of teachers: ;

- All guests:"Hooray!"


Presenter: And then came the magical graduation.

Fun over the edge - dance, play and sing!

And loudly at the table we shout a toast like this (raises the red ball)

Graduates(waving red balls):“Long live our holiday, wonderful graduation!”

Presenter: Graduates, parents and all teachers

They scream loud and friendly with happiness (picks up three balls)

All ): "Hooray!"

Presenter: After all, the graduation holiday is pure pleasure (yellow ball up)

Teachers (waving yellow balls):“Like sweet, delicious jam!”

Presenter: Guys, have fun - this is our valuable advice! (green ball up)

Parents(waving green balls):“After all, once in a lifetime there is a dawn of youth!”

Presenter: Advice to parents: lose 20 years of age,

And become young again, cast aside doubts.

Let's cheer up moms, dads - you are young at heart! (raises the red ball up)

Graduates(waving red balls):“Long live our holiday, wonderful graduation!”

Presenter: And teachers too, remember the best moments (picks up a yellow ball)

Teachers (waving yellow balls):“Like sweet, delicious jam!”

Presenter: So that everyone’s youth now shines like a rainbow,

Merry (raises three balls) -

All (they shout in unison and wave balloons): "Hooray!"

Presenter:...the company shouted.

Presenter: May a bouquet of good luck await every graduate, (raises the green ball)

Parents(waving green balls):“After all, once in a lifetime there is a dawn of youth!”

Presenter: Behind festive table communication is so joyful (picks up a yellow ball)

Teachers (waving yellow balls):“Like sweet, delicious jam!”

Presenter: Everyone deserves a holiday - everyone is happy with themselves (raises the red ball)

Graduates(waving red balls):“Long live our holiday, wonderful graduation!”

Presenter: And most importantly, friends, it’s time to proclaim

That graduation will take place here, of course. .(picks up three balls)

All (they shout in unison and wave balloons):"Hooray!"

10. Table chant "High school graduation"

All words belong to the host and only at the end of each quatrain the guests shout in unison: “Graduation”


Summer! It's time to leave school!

Our dear class is standing on the threshold

That's because we have...

Guests: High school graduation!


You will agree, of course, with me

It's a wonderful holiday, we...

Guests: High school graduation!


Let's shout loudly and cheerfully, brothers!

Today is not an easy day

Cool holiday...

Guests: High school graduation!


11. Shout"Long live issue 20..!"

Leading: Spring! And it's time to leave school!

All: Long live issue 20..!

Leading: You don't have to be afraid of exams anymore!

All: Long live issue 20..!

Leading: I want to jump, joke and laugh!

All: Long live issue 20..!

Leading: There will be singing and dancing all night tonight!

All: Long live issue 20..!

Leading: Parents can't wait to see you today!

All: Long live issue 20..!

Leading: I would like to join hands with everyone!

All: Long live issue 20..!

Leading: Leading. Let's shout loudly and cheerfully, brothers!

All: Long live issue 20..!

12. Table chant - role-based congratulations “Farewell to our school!”

Congratulations on graduation

Dear N.! This year is special for you: you passed one of the most important stages of my life - I finished school. I don’t know about your future plans, most likely you will enter one of the universities or technical schools. Regardless of this, I want you to always remember the words of the ancient Indian poet Bhartrihari:
Knowledge is the highest beauty in man.
Knowledge is a secret treasure.
Knowledge gives joy and glory.
Mentors mentor,
Knowledge - true friend in a foreign land.
Knowledge is the supreme god.
Kings value knowledge, not wealth.
People without knowledge are not people.
For you, dear N.! Here's to your future successes!

Congratulations on graduation

The path of a new life lies before you.
Please accept our greetings, quiet but heartfelt.
Let faith and love be your endless spring
The essence of a difficult life will not be clogged.
The last bell is ringing
Familiar and unusual.
Here comes the last lesson -
Ordinary and unusual.
The teacher furtively wiped away a tear,
Holding flowers to your chest,
The tenth grader sighed enviously
Seeing you off from the line.
Lots of things to do on your way
There will be big and small
But only to everything that lies ahead,
School was the beginning.
And you will remember, believe me, more than once
On good days and in bad weather
Last bell, and eleventh grade,
And the eyes of first-graders are clear.
You will dare in life,
Difficult and interesting
I want to wish you to live it
You are restless and honest.

Congratulations on graduation

Oh, school, school, where are you?
Where are our childhood dreams?
And all of our teachers?
We part, loving you.
The last bell rang
He won't call us to class.
You all taught us how to live.
We should thank you
You will forgive us for our mistakes.
We will remember and love you,
Let's not forget our school
And your kind smiles.

Congratulations on graduation

In the rain or in the heat,
But in due time,
Every new spring
Last call!
It's like an exam
He sums it up
Ten school years.
He's the foreplay of the entrance
Into the infinity of roads,
He is in any weather
He will call you over the threshold.
He is beautiful, desperate,
Ready to become a springboard
He signals the beginning
The main steps in life.
How many promises it contains!
This ringing calls into the distance.
It contains the bitterness of farewells,
And there are a million hopes.
In rain or heat,
But in due time,
Every new spring,
Last call!

Congratulations on graduation

When you're only seventeen
Having parted from the student bench,
Sometimes it can be difficult to figure out:
Where to go, which road?
And let the first path along it be difficult,
So as not to turn towards side paths.
Let your conscience be everywhere for you
Your advisor and compass.
But even though we are parting ways with school,
There is no room for sadness and longing.
Still we remain in our hearts
Near school desk and boards!

Congratulations on graduation

A lilac fog floats above us,
Above the native scale is the midnight star.
The teacher is in no hurry, the teacher understands
That soon we will leave here forever!
One more bell - and the noise of the lesson will fall silent,
And then we will remember how we ran away from them.
How often did we look for crib sheets under the table,
And how, having been overdue for a day, we paid off our debts.
You are my dears! I want to stay with you
But, alas, we can’t - we are going into a big life.
Like ships at sea, we will soon sail,
But we will meet again on the path of life!

Congratulations on graduation

You have become an adult, and we are proud of you,
You have embodied wonderful traits:
Cheerful, energetic and skillful.
Among the weak - kind
And among the strong - the brave.
We want your life to be so
Healthy, kind, clean, bright.
And may you be different from everyone else
Good luck, happiness and success!

Congratulations on graduation

You graduated from school, boy, -
Don't subtract, don't add.
All that remains is to congratulate -
I unlearned it after all
Without much reproach
Until the last lesson,
Until the last call.
At the farewell ball in the hall
Decorated to the envy of everyone
You girls with tears
And lipstick.
Don't be sad that you didn't give it
Gold medal for you:
Passed the exams - a hero.
Even far from home
Follow Ohm's law.
But completely different laws
Life will teach you.
And more than once
There will be tears and lipstick,
But such is the lot of men.

Congratulations on graduation

Today you are a graduate!
A wonderful moment of youth,
The soul is sublime and airy
And you believe in tomorrow innocently.
Now your choice is free
And all wishes are fulfilled.
You don't like peace
And so the soul is still vulnerable!
It's time to say goodbye to school
And different feelings are crowded!
A year and many years will pass,
Fate will put everyone in their place.
Some will probably be praised,
For others, he will put up barriers!
And it's very difficult to give advice,
And sometimes you won’t find the answer.
But you, playing with your fate,
Sometimes I get bumps,
Don't rush to retreat
Only the strong can win!
May your life be full
Surrounded by the warmth of friends
And warmed by personal happiness,
And as unusual as a comet!

Congratulations on graduation

The sun is above the desk, summer is at your feet.
How long does it last, last call?
The universe doesn't fit in the windows,
The school looks on, but itself decreases,
Views fly over the distant helm,
With a sharp lancet, a mighty machine,
And over the country, like over an assembly hall,
The day is filled with blue and scarlet,
School farewell crystal bell!

Congratulations on graduation

Youth is a wonderful time.
What can we wish for?
Happiness in this world and goodness.
Let life rush to distant lands!

Congratulations on graduation

To teachers:
The teachers were side by side with us,
We were raised for ten years,
How they worried about their relatives’ children -
We will never forget this.
Teachers, we wish you good health,
And more useful celebrations,
So that you do not encounter slander,
Trouble would not weigh on your shoulders.
How much was it for school years
Various lines, meetings,
We will remember them for a long time,
We will cherish it with all our hearts.

Congratulations on graduation

A parting word, a kind look,
We rejoiced at our victories together.
Today each of the guys will say:
Life was very interesting for you and me!
It all seems like yesterday
And even your husband took part.
Excursions, hikes, evenings,
After all, this is also a little happiness!
Let everyone envy
How do you cook and sew with us!
With such a leader our class
He was in sight, always held in high esteem by everyone!
Thank you for everything you gave us,
Sorry for the worries and disappointments!
We wish you love, hope and dreams,
Ideas, good luck, smiles, inspiration!


unofficial part of the prom in 11th grade

Good evening, Dear friends! Let me begin the unofficial part of our prom. Take your seats at the festive table. Let's start the holiday and congratulate all the graduates. The long-awaited day has come - the last day of your school life. But it seemed that just recently, you, first-graders, crossed the threshold of school for the first time, holding huge bouquets of flowers in your hands, and in your eyes there was a question: “What will happen next?” And now, when I look at you - so beautiful and young, I see the same question in your eyes: “What will happen next?”

Already beyond that line, beyond that threshold.

And it will end with a new epilogue.

And not shying away from yesterday’s plot,

While another is being created anew,

The uniqueness of this moment

It will happen again in some new face.

And again the rain will wander through the garden,

And the garden will smell fresh and moist.

Will this happen to us or not in dreams -

Essentially, it’s not that important.”

Table chant "Graduation"

All words belong to the host and only at the end of each quatrain the guests shout in unison: “Graduation”


Summer! It's time to leave school!
You don't have to be afraid of exams anymore!

Our dear class is standing on the threshold
That's because we have...

Guests: High school graduation!


I want to jump, joke and laugh!
There will be singing and dancing all night tonight!

You will agree, of course, with me
It's a wonderful holiday, we...

Guests : High school graduation!


Parents can't wait to see you today!
Let's shout loudly and cheerfully, brothers!

Today is not an easy day
Cool holiday...

Guests: High school graduation!

And today, what is important is that you have received certificates of complete secondary education and I propose a toast to the uniqueness of this moment! After all, today is the first and last such evening in your life.

You know, in youth a person is not able to perceive time as a circle, he perceives it as a road leading forward to new horizons.

But in reality:

Time is running at full speed,

He is calling you to follow him.

Year after year flew by

Many days already and now...

The moment of farewell comes,

The moment of the final line...

Parting is about to happen...

Let your dreams come true!

Everyone’s dreams, of course, are different, but today everyone was united by our school, this hall, the music, the mood. Tonight is a reminiscence of the past, conversations about the future, declarations of love, vows of friendship and fidelity, as well as dancing, competitions, and games.

Did you know that the school is a production that produces a very high-quality product, which is called “GRADUATE”. But we will now check whether this product corresponds to the issued certificate.

Please provide your last name:

1. Dmitry Ivanovich (Mendeleev)

2. Pyotr Ilyich (Tchaikovsky)

3. Mikhail Vasilievich (Lomonosov)

4. Wolfgang Amadeus (Mozart)

5. Arthur Conan (Doyle)

7. What was the name of the poet Yesenin (Sergei)!

Dear friends, I propose to take a journey “Along the Waves of Our Memory.”

We go back to the distant time when you came to school for the first time, with moms and dads, grandparents. The first ceremonial line, the first teacher who took you to the first grade, sat you down at your desk, asked you to keep your back straight, your hands on the desk... and from that moment your school life began. Clumsy sticks, circles, squiggles, naughty hands. Do you remember?

I suggest you write an oral essay. To make it easier for you, we will write together. I will start the sentence, and you say the last word:




Host: And now we will hear the parents’ story about this day:


Table break.

And the guys will probably support me that we dedicate this toast to our parents.
Having filled their glasses together, our graduates will stand up and loudly and lovingly say three times, “Thank you mom, thank you dad.” And the parents will say in response: Congratulations!

Many adults believe that children have unconventional thinking. Of course, you are far from children. Now we will hold an erudition competition.

Guess which famous fairy tales we are talking about:

1. A fairy tale about a vegetable farm (Turnip)

2. On the advantage of stone buildings over thatched ones (The Three Little Pigs)

3. About overcrowding of living space, which led to the destruction of the building (Teremok)

4. About the difficult path of a bakery product to the consumer (Kolobok)

5. The tale of how a psychic gave the president a radar device (golden cockerel)

6. About the first victim of a bad investment (Pinocchio)

7. About how love turns a beast into a man (The Scarlet Flower)

8. About a girl who almost had sex three times unequal marriage, but then she finally found her prince (Thumbelina)


Two people come out onto the stage or elevated area (maybe just with friends, at home), one of them is dressed in a southern manner (reminiscent of old man Hottabych), the other is dressed ordinary (translator).

The southerner (Yu) spreads the rug and sits on it, while bowing his head.

Translator (P): Hello, my dear! Today our guest from the south will tell us his tale.

YU: By. De. Re.
P: Grandfather planted a turnip.
YU: You. Re. Bo.
P: The turnip has grown big.
YU: By. De. Re. Cha.
P: Grandfather went to pull a turnip.

YU: Cha. By. Cha. And you. Not. Mo.
P: He pulls and pulls, but he can’t pull it out.
YU: By. De. Bah.
P: Grandfather called grandma.
YU: Bah. Behind. De. De. Behind. Re. Cha. By. Cha. And you. Not. Mo.
P: Grandma for grandfather. Grandfather for the turnip. They pull and pull, but they cannot pull.
YU: By. Bah. Vnu.
P: The grandmother called her granddaughter.
YU: Vnu. Behind. Bah. Bah. Behind. De. De. Behind. Re. Cha. By. Cha. And you. Not. Mo.
P: Granddaughter for grandmother. Grandma for grandfather. Grandfather for the turnip. They pull and pull, but they cannot pull.

YU: By. Vnu. Zhu.
P: The granddaughter called Zhuchka.
YU: Zhu. Behind. Vnu. Vnu. Behind. Bah. Bah. Behind. De. De. Behind. Re. Cha. By. Cha. And you. Not. Mo.
P: A bug for my granddaughter. Granddaughter for grandmother. Grandma for grandfather. Grandfather for the turnip. They pull and pull, but they cannot pull.
YU: By. Zhu. Co.
P: Bug called the cat.
YU: Co. Behind. Zhu. Zhu. Behind. Vnu. Vnu. Behind. Bah. Bah. Behind. De. De. Behind. Re. Cha. By. Cha. And you. Not. Mo.
P: Cat for Bug. A bug for my granddaughter. Granddaughter for grandmother. Grandma for grandfather. Grandfather for the turnip. They pull and pull, but they cannot pull.

YU: By. Co. We.
P: The cat called the mouse.
YU: We. Behind. Co. Co. Behind. Zhu. Zhu. Behind. Vnu. Vnu. Behind. Bah. Bah. Behind. De. De. Behind. Re. Cha. By. Cha. And you. Re!
P: A mouse for a cat. Cat for Bug. A bug for my granddaughter. Granddaughter for grandmother. Grandma for grandfather. Grandfather for the turnip. They pulled and pulled and pulled out the turnip.

A southerner says goodbye - bows his head, folding his hands in front of his chest .

Translator: Thank you! Goodbye!

Well done!!!

Table break

People say that two people: a rash person and a suspicious person are good for nothing, since the first acts before he thinks, and the second thinks when to act.
So let’s drink to your actions and thoughts being timely in your adult life!

The aroma of roses and lilies wafts,

Reflecting in the depths of the mirrors

Girls, airy, like fairies,

They enter, barely breathing, into the elegant hall.

It seems that they are not more tender and beautiful,

Only happiness awaits them ahead!

School ball, like Natasha's first ball,

Full of anticipation of love.

Music and light clothes -

Graduation evening is unique!

I believe that my hopes will be fulfilled,

And dreams will not turn into smoke.

And the teachers are native faces,

And friends with cheerful eyes...

Graduation night will not be repeated,

Making a noise like a spring thunderstorm.

Dear Guys! Boys and girls! Sirs and ladies! Today everyone envy you.

"Find your soul mate"

The organizers need to prepare cards with words in advance; the trick is that, despite the fact that each word on the card is complete on its own, if you attach it to another (equally valid) you will get a new word with a completely different meaning. The presenter’s task is to come up with and remember such words in advance (grape-grad, air-spirit, cinema-theater, auto-pen, soap-var, hay-mower, seven-ya, etc.) according to the number of participants, children and parents , then write these parts of words on separate pieces of paper or cards, mix them and invite the children to pull out one at a time and find their “meaningful” half. There is music for them. They are dancing.

Leading: And now, I want you all to dance! But since everyone is already tired, the dancing will also be called lazy!

Game "Lazy Dancing"
6-7 people dance without moving;

sitting, without using legs;

without arms and body (only facial expressions).

Guys, our evening continues, dance, have fun! (dance break 20-30 min.)

Please take your seats..

Table break.

People say that the blessings destined for you from above search for you all your life just as you seek them.
So let's drink to your blessings finding you as quickly as possible!


"Moment of glory"

This is creative fun. Each pair draws a card with a task - some famous duet: literary, cinematic or real, which they will have to portray. Couples are given 3-5 minutes to think. Then the presenter, in a dynamic rhythm, announces one couple after another, each will have their own “minute of fame,” during which they must portray something characteristic and recognizable for their characters.

Leading: Dear friends! Now I will give you cards on which movie characters or book heroes are written. Which couple finds each other quickly says so.


Pinocchio - Malvina
Kashchei - Baba Yaga

Ruslan - Lyudmila

Prince Guidon - Swan Princess

Onegin - Tatiana

Wolf - Little Red Riding Hood

Romeo - Juliet

Master – Margarita

Leading: SO! couples found each other (let's get to know who found whom)
The couples met, HUGGED, KISSED!

Well, now the next thing... every family has a white and a black stripe, and our couples are no exception. Let's imagine that a dark period has come and the lovers do not talk to each other, BUT THEY MUST DO COMMON THINGS! (You can ask what’s going on, what do you think?)

Since you don’t speak, you must understand each other without words.
The prize will be given to the couple that is more original.
I give you a card with a certain task written on it, and he pantomimes what the girl should do. Shows until she guesses (and so each pair does one task) the best is determined by the guests.
The presenter says...
THE FAVORITE MUST..... (and the pantomime begins)

1.go to the market and buy a flower pot.
2 buy champagne
3. buy beef tongue
4. chicken breast
5. beef liver
6. buy fish.

Whose pair can complete these tasks the fastest moves on to the last one.
Dance competition: on command, each couple dances:
1) Waltz
2) Lambada
3) Letka - enka.
4) Tango.

Well, we sail further along the waves of our memory. And now they are flashing: second and third grades. Torn, stained trousers, bruises, abrasions, contusions. Parents rushing around the shops in search of another pair of shoes, notebooks, and briefcase.

Shout - answer for graduates "What is in your briefcase?"

This is also an answer: “Yes or no”, only the guests choose the answer themselves, they must answer quickly and amicably

It's time to collect your briefcase,
And we are waiting for the correct answer.
If you agree, answer “Yes”
And if you don’t agree, “No.”
What's in your briefcase?.......
A box of bright watercolors?......
A simple regular pencil?...
Plate of fish and goulash?......
A textbook with a glossy cover?...
Paper bow for playing with a cat?...
Your favorite toy?...
And the New Year's cracker?...
Rubber eraser and ruler?...
Battery powered crane machine?...
Notebooks, books and notepad?...
And a machine gun and a machine gun?...
And a compass and a large pencil case?...
And an electronic dump truck?...
And replaceable shoes - sneakers?...
Album for a cool sketch?...
Universal slingshot?...
And a medical glove?...
New designer for work?...
A set of paper of all colors?...
Cardboard, and glue, and plasticine.?..
And kerosene and Vaseline?...
Diary with a filled page?...
To put a unit there.?..
Did we manage to collect the briefcase?
For which everyone gets a high five!

And here comes fifth grade, sixth grade..., slaps on the boys' heads, pulling girls' braids, notes about discipline in diaries, parents going to meetings.

Do you remember?

You need to answer honestly and quickly.

Questions for graduates.

1. Have you ever wanted to burn a school magazine?

2. Where does childhood go?

3. Which teacher has the most memorable voice?

4. Do you often run away from class?

5. Who did you like to copy from?

6. Who is the youngest in your class?

7. Which “5” was the most joyful for you?

8. What subject have you studied for 11 years, and its name has not changed in 11 years?

9. What is your favorite moment in class?

10. What is your favorite place in school?

Now questions for parents (if parents cannot answer, graduates help):

1. Surprise on the teacher’s chair (button)

2. Bad globe (map)

3. Dating club, for parents and students ( Parent meeting)

4. Album for autographs of parents (diary)

5. From 2 to 5 (score)

6. Place where 11 years are served (school)

7. Signal for the beginning and end of torment (bell)

8. School-wide President (Director)

9. There is a (blackboard) in every office

10. Boys don't wear that (skirt)

11. All teachers are looking forward to this (vacation)

12. You can’t live on this at school (salary)

And now questions for teachers:

You need to tell only the truth, something other than the truth, and not quite the truth, i.e. what lies on the heart.

1. Where do careless students come from?

2. What are boys and girls made of, and how does this show up in the classroom?

3. Remember the new words that you took from your students’ vocabulary?

4. Are there vitamins in the fruits of enlightenment?

5. What do you remember about 11th grade?

6. Who was the best in the class?

7. If you were to lose your voice, what 5 words (only 5) would you say to your students before falling silent forever?

8. Which student gave you the biggest headache?

9. How many steps does the staircase in front of the school entrance consist of?

10. What season do you love most and why?

Table break.

Table chant - noise maker “Big change”

It is small at a table in which all guests participate. As the host pronounces the text, the guests need to react in time and make their sound in unison at a certain word. It is better to conditionally divide the guests into three sectors and assign them the following noise accompaniment (if necessary, the host can give signals to the sectors):

With the word CALL, the first sector isknocks on glasses and glasses with vetch;

BIG CHANGE second sector –claps his hands together;

CHILDREN (children) third sector –stomps his feet.


The best time in the school schedule is

As soon as the BELL rings, the BELL will ring

And then the tramp of CHILDREN'S feet is heard:

They run to the dining room, meet the cook,

BIG CHANGE - CHILDREN are happy about it!

We need to run into the yard, eat porridge and pie,

Before the lesson bell rang,

Call a friend and finish the game,

I will keep a BIG CHANGE in my heart!

Alas, it does not last forever and the BELL is ringing again

And again the tramp of CHILDREN'S feet is heard...

But the time has come for the last call,

And a CHILDREN leaves the school yard.

And there are BIG CHANGES ahead for everyone,

And now we must certainly congratulate them!

Game “What they teach at school”

This table game a reason to say words of gratitude to the teachers and school administration from the parents.

Leading: “I suggest, in a humorous or serious form (your choice), to say what they were taught at school. But not just like that, but also by remembering the alphabet. For example, the first parent says the option (what he was taught at school) with the letter “A” - neatness, the second (along the chain) - with the letter “B”, until we reach the letter “I”. Without thinking too much, we say the first thing that comes to mind.”

Table break

Everybody knows:
“The overly caring and indulgent love of parents spoils their children, in contrast to the attentive and calm love that makes them honest.”
Let's drink to the love for our children, which will bear fruit in the future!

I was just given a package for graduates, and in it...

Comic fortune telling"The Box of Fate"

(Prepare a beautiful box and cards for the number of graduates or a little more)

Leading: “Today everyone believes that every graduate present at this ball will certainly become something great, unique and world famous, most likely this will be the case. The question is what and which of them needs to do so that the world starts talking about them . This box contains comic forecasts about this, everyone can pull it out, find out for themselves and tell those present, because only those who are able to sincerely rejoice at success have gathered here.

Each graduate must draw a card from the box and say the phrase: “The whole world will know about me because...” then read the prediction. Since it is unknown who will get the card, the main text is written in the masculine gender, for girls the corresponding ending is in brackets.” .

Variants of comic predictions:

(you can come up with your own)

1. I will join the royal family by winning the heart of one (one) of the heirs (heirs).

2. I'll come up with an idea a new style in clothing design and I will call it by my name.

3. I will become an active fighter for the rights of pets, in particular their right to decide for themselves whether to continue their breed or not.

4. I will become a missionary in Africa and at the age of 80 I will receive the Albert Schweitzer Medal and the Prize for Humanism.

5. I will become an actor (actress), but I will proudly refuse to act in films, for which I will be awarded a special award “For Honor and Dignity” at the film festival.

6. One day I will hold a press conference at which I will declare myself the son (daughter) of F. Kirkorov and A. Pugacheva, and as evidence I will present a test tube stolen from the chemistry room.

7. While practicing in a karaoke bar, one day I will realize that I hear an eighth note and tell the world about it.

8. I will win a billion dollars in a casino and, in front of an astonished audience, refuse to take it.

9. I will enter the Guinness Book of Records with the attraction of “unprecedented generosity”: I will buy cakes for all the children in my city and bite into each one.

10. I will declare myself a successor to Lenin’s work and will walk as the “ghost of communism throughout Europe”

11. I will travel around the world on an inflatable banana.

12. I will declare myself a “clairaudient” (clairaudient) who predicts the future through mobile communications.

14. I will build a hut and live in it with my loved one for 33 years and 3 days.

15. Having trained for many years, I will surpass Mona Lisa, showing the world my mysterious smile.

16. I will breed a new breed of Ciao-Ciao dogs, which in translation will mean: “Goodbye, school, hello adult life!”

17. Make friends with Bigfoot

18. Establish contact with an alien civilization.

19. I clone myself and come to the next meeting of classmates in triplicate.

20. I will invent a cure for unhappy love.

Dance block with competitions:

1. Pair dance on a newspaper. After each stage, the newspaper is folded in half.

2. Balloons between partners. Whichever pair falls or bursts is eliminated from the game.

"Take hold of...

A competition that depends on the experience and imagination of the presenter. But it can be done in any company. All or two teams can take part. Everyone dances to the music. From time to time the music is interrupted by the presenter’s command: “Grab your hands…” You may be asked to grab: yellow, red, blue, etc., paper, wood, etc., your nose, your knee, someone else’s nose, behind the neighbor’s knee, behind the presenter’s microphone. Each time, the one who did not manage to take on the specified task is eliminated from the game. The host determines when to stop the game and how many winners to announce.

Dancing with balloons

To conduct this competition you will need balloons - one for each pair of participants, and of course music.
Pairs are formed from among the participants, and not necessarily of different sexes - there will still be no close contact between the dancers.
Each couple is given balloon, which is placed between the players. As soon as the music starts, couples begin to dance, holding the ball with their stomachs. As soon as the music stops, pass the ball to another pair. And so on several times.

Everyone is invited to the tables.

Table break

Our life is like overcoming a mountain range: having climbed one mountain peak, which seemed to be the last, new, even higher peaks appear before our eyes. This is how we spend our lives in constant ascents. Therefore, when conquering the next peak, think about the fact that it is easier to overcome any obstacle not alone, but hand in hand with your spouse.
So let our parents never stop there and continue their journey with love in their hearts, as it is the highest value that should always be with a person on life’s journey!

We continue our journey.

And now the seventh, eighth grade, inscriptions flash on the walls of the school, in the corridor, on the desks: “Lena + Vasya, Kolya is a donkey, Tanya is a fool! Etc. and so on.".

And what nicknames echo about you, dear teachers, in my opinion, not a single subject teacher was left unattended. And somehow the parents began to get more nervous and visit the school more often... by invitation.

While you are reminiscing, I invite brave volunteers. Boys and girls.

Theater competition.

I would like (I think that it will also be interesting for parents and teachers to know) to see what theatrical skills you have.

After all, you are entering a new, adult life, and as you know, “all life is a game, and the people in it are actors!”

Now I will distribute cards with just one word written on them.

These are your roles, but you don’t say a single word, you show everything through pantomime. (The guys must go on an impromptu stage)

The characters, when mentioning their role, pronounce the following phrases:

Graduate - “What am I? I’m nothing...”,
Laziness - mother - "Ba-a-ldezh!",
School Principal - "What's going on here?"
Klass.ruk-l - “They are good for me!”
Mamanya - “Where is the school looking?!”
Dad - “He’ll get a belt!”
Classmates - "It's good to play the fool!"

Once upon a time there was a Graduate... So he would have lived in peace, but the Graduate was overcome... Mother Sloth... The school principal was the first to worry... And the Graduate was to him... All because it was not Mother Sloth who whispered in his ear ...The school principal...called the Class Teacher...The Class Teacher...went to the Graduate...But Mother Laziness is still whispering to him...Then the Class Teacher...called Mamanya...Let's go Mamanya.. and the Class the Principal...And the Principal said...And the Class Teacher...answered.And Mamanya...said.To which the Graduate...answered. Because she whispered in his ear Mother Lenya... Mamanya went... for Papanya... Papanya..., Mamanya... came, the class teacher... and the Principal... to the Graduate... And the Graduate named after... And Lenya -mother to him...And Dad rushed...for Odnoklassniki...because any matter can be solved better in a team. Odnoklassniki came running...And I would like to tell them Mother Laziness...but only the Director said first. ..then the Class Teacher added...Mamanya spoke...Papanya shouted loudly...After which Odnoklassniki entered into an argument...To which the Graduate responded...

Well done! Thanks everyone!

.Table chant - “Yes-no” answer for prom.

The essence of this is that the host asks a variety of questions, humorous and serious, and provokes positive (yes-yes-yes) or negative answers (no-no-no), sometimes deliberately confusing the guests. And everyone answers. as it sees fit, there are no losers. just a reason to shout together.

Did you come to the graduation?(Yes Yes Yes)
Did you all bring flowers?
(Yes Yes Yes)
Will we be sad and bored? (
No no no)
Shall we celebrate the graduation?
(Yes Yes Yes)

Have we passed all the exams?(Yes Yes Yes)
And you didn't sleep at night?
(Yes Yes Yes)
But is it all over now?
(Yes Yes Yes)
Is there a big life ahead?
(Yes Yes Yes)

Will we go to school tomorrow?(No no no)
Shall we take textbooks?
(No no no)
Shall we break the dishes?
(No no no)
Should we praise teachers?
(Yes Yes Yes)

Shall we invite artists?(Yes Yes Yes)
Shall we dance and sing?
(Yes Yes Yes)
Will we all leave in an hour?
(No no no)
Shall we meet again tomorrow?
(Yes Yes Yes)

Shall we pour some lemonade?(Yes Yes Yes)
Let's sing together merrily?
(No no no)
Shall we start a fight?
(No no no)
Shall we dance better?
(No no no)

Are you guys any good?(Yes Yes Yes)
Are you having fun?
(Yes Yes Yes)
Are you tired of answering?
(No no no)
Maybe it's time to say a toast?
(Yes Yes Yes)

Table break

People say that the most beautiful girl must have the eyes of a mountain chamois, hair the color of agate, skin softer than a peach, a waist thinner than the slenderest tree.
So let's drink to our dear graduates!

And now I would like to expand the knowledge of parents and give them some expressions from the “School Explanatory Dictionary”:

1. Teacher and students - Alibaba and the 40 robbers

2. Teacher and student – ​​wolf and lamb

3. Student’s answer at the blackboard – report with a noose around his neck

4. Student’s notebook, checked by the teacher – scarlet sails

5. The student went home to get his diary - “walking across three seas”

6. One for a hint - woe from mind

7. Student’s essays – notes of a madman

8. Sunday is a ray of light in a dark kingdom

9. An excellent student received a “2” - an optimistic tragedy

10. A student going to the board is a torment.


1. What is there not a single exam or test without? (spur)

2. Where does the lesson begin and where does it end? (call)

3. The most important person in school? (director)

4. Weapons for fighting between students? (ruler)

5. What is often our enemy? (language)

6. What is a school day incomplete without? (turn)

7. What should you not call schoolboy Gusev? (goose)

8. Is the globe the size of a ball? (globe)

9. How can you get dirty at the board? (chalk)

10. Furniture that is sometimes confused with a notebook? (desk)

11. Twelve months? (year)

12. Nine months? ( academic year)

13. Where does the student counting ravens look? (window)

14. School cafeteria specialty? (porridge)

15. Teacher's "rapier"? (pointer)

17. “Cool excuse”? (reference)

18. The meaning of a schoolchild’s life? (holidays)

7. Answer for graduation "Boys-Girls"

The presenter reads out two lines; you have to guess and shout out in chorus the correct answer, “boys” or “girls.”

Beautiful bows and open eyes,

This is how we came to school...(GIRLS)

With a knapsack on his shoulders and short hair

The curious, quiet ones came...(BOYS)

Beautiful, smart girls in fashionable skirts,

With good grades, diligent...(GIRLS)

Not very diligent and with a full head,

But in sports there are always first, brave...(BOYS)

The last bell has rung,

They stand beautiful in tears and bows...(GIRLS)

And slightly embarrassed that my nerves trembled,

They look away matured and strong...(BOYS)

(This game can be played at any school party or as a table game at )

And our journey down the waves of memory continues. The 9th and 10th appeared. ABOUT! These hairstyles, earrings, shoes, suits, perfumes, and what characters...! Resentment, independence, freedom, remarks..., moaning parents with their thin wallets. The teachers got nervous, swallowed pills...

Quiz for parents:

1. How much pocket money do you think your children need?

2. Are you glad that your children have become adults?

3. Do you recognize your children with your eyes closed?

Please rest a little. Leave the table.

Games in the hall

Funny monkeys

The presenter is a graduate,

A game.

The girls will take off their one shoe and hide behind the curtain with their foot out, and the dads will have to pick it up and put it on.


Please go to the tables.

Chants from parents at prom.

Leading: Graduates - when I give the signal: I raise my hand up, you shout in unison to the rhythm of the chorus of many of Queen’s favorite song “We well, we well rock you”(vi vel, vi vel rock yu): “ Let's remember school!

If the presenter or one of the parents arranging , have vocal abilities, then it can be completely done under the backing track of this song, then it will turn out especially impressive..


Are you going to the graduation party?

Adult life lies ahead of you.

We studied together for eleven years,

Friendly greetings to my beloved school:

Graduates: Let's remember school!(2 times)


Childhood is over, we've grown up,

Have you chosen your goals? Go boldly!

Shout out to the teachers thank you

And to carefree school years!

Graduates: Let's remember school!(2 times)


The teachers sigh slowly:

Students leave, they grow up.

New children will come to school again,

Well, for you - changes are coming!!

Graduates: Let's remember school!(2 times)


Our other parenting advice to you:

Loyalty and honor are the secret to success!

Don't forget your school friends

Now don’t hide your joy!

Graduates: Let's remember school!(2 times)

Table break

Popular wisdom says: if a good person wants to live in the same beautiful place for a month, he should sow corn there, if he wants to live for a year, he should build a house, and if he wants to live his whole life, then he should raise a child.
Let's raise our glasses to the bottom for what is ours Dear Parents we sowed more than one corn field, built a beautiful house and raised you!

Dear friends! Nothing brings friends together like choral singing. Now we will try to sing in choir, dividing into two teams: 1st (parents and teachers), 2nd (graduates).

You must guess and sing the melody:

For adults:

1. A song explaining the rotation of the Earth around its axis (somewhere in this world).

3. Song about a rabid appetite and unwillingness to work (Antoshka)

4. A song about a harmless animal that the whole house hates (Black Cat)


1. A song about using a smile as electricity (from a smile...)

2. A song about a country where you can meet the firebird and the golden horse (small country).

3. A song about cheerful long-distance passengers (we are going, going, going).

4. A song about an animal that every mongrel knows (Cheburashka)

Table break

People say that the most beautiful young man should have the eyes of a falcon, the hair of a raven, the body of a cypress, and the mind of a serpent.
So let's drink to our dear graduate!

- And finally the pier is visible, and on the pier is the 11th class. Sensitive, charming, beautiful, obedient! So we have arrived at the pier, and a sea of ​​life awaits you, and already on this voyage each of you must become a captain. Time will tell how your future fate will turn out.

Now I ask the graduates to come to me.

Game - "perestroika" - "2014"

This is a fun team game. Graduates are given cards with the numbers 1,2, 0, 4.

Children must listen carefully to the question and stand up correctly with the numbers.

Questions for the competition:

- Everyone here needs a simple number; the fire department has a service (01)
- And of course everyone knows what age they get a passport? (14)
- How many thousands of leagues under the sea did Jules Verne describe for you and me to read (20)
- At this age, everyone knows, by convention, birthdays are not celebrated (40)
- Everyone is ready to answer me how many hours there are in a day (24)
- How many months are there always in Marshak’s winter tale (12)
- The bullseye number, you know it when you shoot accurately at a target (10)
- After these numbers, perhaps the police will help you (02)
- From an early age everyone knows how much we get by multiplying 6 by 7 (42)

- Stand up correctly, people, show your graduation year. (2014)

“Become according to the magazine!”

This outdoor activity for graduates involves every graduating class.

Will quickly line up in the order they were written in the class journal.

The presenter must check whether the graduates are lined up correctly.

Graduates are ready to take the oath.


1. Do you swear to remember your home school, respect and honor your teachers?

2. Do you vow to come to a meeting with your friends, teachers and classmates at least once every five years?

3. Do you vow to send your future children to the school you attended?

Please sit down.

Table break

Do you think Roosters haven’t heard anything about J-J. Rousseau? Eh, dear ones, apparently you haven’t heard anything about the Roosters. So, every parent in Roosters knows:
“To make a child smart and sensible, make him strong and healthy: let him work, act, run, scream, let him be in constant motion.”
Do you know why? Yes, because the Roosters know and value smart people!
So let's drink to our smart and sensible children!


Fun game. Suitable both as an intermediate and as a warm-up to begin with.

We prepare masks in advance, but not the usual ones, so that they cover the face completely. We take an A4 sheet of paper, cut out an oval, and put the participant’s face there. We draw an animal, object, plant, and so on around the oval.

The willing participant comes out to the presenter and sits down on a chair. The presenter or presenter tries on a mask for him. Everyone except the player can see what kind of mask it is. The participant must use leading questions to guess who he is. Questions could be:

1. Is it alive?

2. Is this an item?

3. Is this an insect?

4. Does it fly?

5. Is it green?

You can ask no more than 7 times. Then the loss is counted.

Dance break.

Parting words to graduates:


You can expand your horizons

If you lose your temper more often.


Adults forbid children to do things

What they can’t do themselves.


When a decision needs to be made,

Act quickly and decisively.

Get a certificate! You have to worry about studying!


Don't be afraid to talk about your shortcomings

If they are strangers.

And about successes, if they are your own.


Theoretically, almost anything is possible

In fact - nothing!

A gameTongue Twisters

Table chant “Graduates of the fourteenth year”

(Author N. Khudyashova)

In this table chant the presenter explains that he reads three lines, and the graduates chorus the fourth line: “Graduates of the fourteenth year.”


Today the girls are super beautiful!

The boy is elegant - everyone likes him too!

Let youth fashion be like us,

Because we…



Hooray! School exams are a thing of the past.

Thank you to the teachers, because they tried so hard!

Today we will walk until sunrise -

They can't do otherwise...

Graduates: Fourteenth year graduates!


There is a reason to remember the first time

We came to first grade with my mother by the hand:

We learned so much here: about the world and nature,

And today we...

Graduates: Fourteenth year graduates!


Parents are happy, they don’t believe that their children have grown up like this,

Thank you. dears, you are the best on this planet!

We will be happy always and in any weather -

They won't let you down...

Graduates: Fourteenth year graduates!

A game

Funny monkeys

Let's remember how fun it was when we were very little and remind adults of this.

The presenter is a graduate,

Participants are parents and teachers.

The presenter says: “We are funny monkeys, we play too loud. We clap our hands, we stomp our feet, we puff out our cheeks, we jump on our toes. Let's jump together to the ceiling, bring our finger to our temple. Let's stick out the ears and the tail on the top of the head. We'll open our mouths wider and suddenly make grimaces. When I say the number “three,” everyone freezes with grimaces.”

The participants repeat all the movements after the leader, and when he says “Freeze!”, they freeze with the same face they made! Are cameras far away? But in vain, such footage disappears!

Come up with a prize for the funniest face! The game can be played several times, but do not overdo it, otherwise you will get bored.

Table break.

One old woman constantly crossed the road in the same place, completely ignoring the whistles, calls and gestures of the guard.
One day he couldn’t stand it and, after waiting for the woman to cross the road again at a red light, he approached her and asked:
– When I raise my hand, do you understand what it means?
– Of course, I’ve been teaching at school for thirty years!
So let's drink to those teachers who remain teachers until the end of their days.

6. Alumni chant "Our 11th grade"

Here is a phrase for graduates: “Our 11th grade”


Who is the noisiest at school?

The walls are shaking from you,

We'll be honest about this

Graduates: Our 11th grade!


Who is the smartest in school?

We'll tell you everything without embellishment,

Everyone in this school knows

Graduates: Our 11th grade!


Who is the friendliest at school?

As strong as a pineapple?

We will tell you without a doubt

Graduates: Our 11th grade!


Who is graduating today?

You have tears of joy.

Who stands at the beginning of life?

Graduates: Our 11th grade!

Fun photo shoot with a mustache

I like this activity because the photos always turn out funny, and people pose much more artistically. False mustaches, beards and crowns help a lot with this. I advise you to print templates from my website and make such accessories. .

Dancing with obstacles

First stage.We stretch one rope at a height of 1 meter, and the other at a height of 50 cm from the floor. You can move them a little, not one above the other. As a rule, there is no place to tie in the apartment; you have to hold the ends of the upper and lower ropes in your right and left hands.

Now we turn on dance music (preferably fast Latin) and ask you to step over the bottom rope and crawl under the top rope. If there are few guests, several dance circles.

Second phase.We blindfold two participants tightly and ask them to overcome obstacles. We are quietly removing the ropes... all that remains is to observe the efforts of the careful dancers.

Dear friends! All good things come to an end. And our evening comes to an end.

Let's say goodbye quietly, let's say goodbye in a low voice...

Before you set sail,

In a sea of ​​wanderings and a life of storms,

You will taste, friends, goodbye

These sweet big pies.

To have enough strength on the road,

Try to take a deep breath,

In the moment of farewell on the school threshold

Try to blow out the candles.

Let this hour be remembered by you,

Let the warmth of parting and meeting

It will stay with you for a long time.

Table noise maker "Talk show"

The directors of many popular television programs, in addition to the characters, also film the audience in the hall, with whom assistants work unnoticed by the viewers, prompting them to react “correctly” to the plot. Monitors or signs may contain the following entries: “applause”, “laughter”, “approval”, etc. You can play a game at a prom so that guests feel like spectators of such a talk show for a couple of minutes. The presenter makes remarks and raises the sign - the audience demonstrates the appropriate reaction.

Noisemaker text:

Today I brought everyone together

Wonderful graduation party!(applause)

It was not in vain that you dressed up,

Of course, you are wonderful!("Wow!")

And your release is the best

Great success awaits him! (joyful laughter)

They were gentle and strict,

But the teachers tried!(applause)

And of course, great mom

Special respect, don't you agree?(applause)

Not everything went smoothly

At times it was...not sweet.(general laughter)

But let the bad things be forgotten

After all, our ball continues!("Wow!")

And in honor of the graduates, it’s time

Shout loudly and unanimously: (“Hurray!”)

Closing song (to the tune of “We wish you happiness”)

In a world in which there are many roads,

The time is coming for you to leave.

There will be sun, light and rain, snow and thunder,

But let each of you remember,

That in any of your hours, even difficult times

The school will believe in you and remember you well.

We wish you happiness,

Happiness in this big world,

Like the sun in the morning, let it come into the house.

We wish you happiness, and it should be like this

When you are happy yourself, share your happiness with others!

Whether the path will be difficult or easy,

I still want to return it

Time has flown past your school years.

No matter how difficult fate is,

Remember, the light from the familiar windows is always waiting for you.

One astrologer used to go out every evening and look at the stars. And so, one day, walking along the outskirts and with all his thoughts rushing to heaven, he accidentally fell into a well. Then he started screaming and crying; and some man, hearing these screams, came up, guessed what had happened, and said to him: “Oh, you! Do you want to see what is happening in the sky, but don’t you see what is on earth?”

For clearly identifying the Goal!
You are strong in Word and in Deed.
Its usefulness and meaning should be very clear,
To exclude all speculations are false!..

When going to a meeting with classmates, each of us feels excited and it seems that there are so many words and wishes that we want to say to old friends and respected teachers that we don’t have to prepare specially: everything will be remembered and will tell itself. But it is this very excitement that can let you down at the most inopportune moment and in the end, apart from a couple of traditional phrases, nothing will come to mind, and then it can be a shame, because you so wanted to be on top and be remembered by your classmates as eloquent, witty and resourceful... .

To avoid this, we suggest taking with you a couple of poems, toasts (comic or lyrical) and written by real professionals in their field (thanks to the authors), which can help out and will certainly entertain and delight your classmates.

We offer toasts and table jokes for meeting with classmates:

1. A poem about the 80s - for meeting with classmates.

I wanted to go back to childhood, to the happy eighties,
Where it was so easy to live and sing, it seemed like forever!
Where New Year- good holiday! He smelled like tangerines forever!
And every person was proud of his Soviet Country!
Where is the soda in the vending machines with one cup for everyone!
“The Irony of Fate” is in cinemas, there are no obstacles for kissing!
The ice cream cost pennies, and the popsicle - wow! Already twenty-two!
And a couple of lovers on a bench, they couldn’t have been happier on earth!
Where songs spilled out of open windows
About how “the maple tree makes noise, and about Alyoshka’s love.”
Where the world was woven from goodness and light... But where to find all this again?
I wanted to go back to my childhood again...But, as we know, there are no tickets there!
There is no way to get him back! And only in the soul - a distant warm light!..


2. A toast to school friendship.

You graduated from school a long time ago,

So they counted - ...... years...
The people are still cheerful
At least some are bald, and some are gray.
Still laughing loudly
Still full of hope
And the “girls” are charming,
And the “boys” are ready for battle.
We drink to victories, to accomplishments,
For the sun of our new days,
Let's drink to the fulfillment of desires,
For friendship - there is nothing more important!


3. "Top class!"

Twenty years have passed now
From the prom
Both lucky and unlucky -
In a word, life was shaking.

Who is immersed in a career?
Someone writes books
Someone is happily in love
Who has children?
I'll raise a glass to you,
Let everything be top class!


4. Toast “Let’s drink to our old deeds!”"

If only there was time to see each other more often -

There would be reasons to drink a hundred times.

No time! For real friends

There is only one way out - to make up for everything now.

Glasses - higher! Closer snacks

Let's drink to our old affairs.

And we wish you, as usual, in Russian,

May our life be carefree!

(Source: znayka. net)

5. Welcome speech " Thirty years later"

Thirty years ago you stood the same way,

We held hands with excitement in our souls,
Before the big road of adult life
We dreamed and made plans.
You chose the path under sensitive guidance
Teachers, their parents.
We rushed into life, with a little regret
About school and about a desk for two.
And childhood passed away unnoticed
And it remained somewhere in the distance...
But you studied further and worked,
And you are already meeting families.
Now you have weaned your children,
After all, time does not stand still, it moves forward.
And the meeting of former schoolchildren, mind you,
Gives a boost of energy for many years!


Life goes on in an endless circle.

It's like a train is moving faster and faster.
Where are you now, friends?
My Komsomol youth?

It's been so long since I've seen you!
Our paths did not cross.
Let's get together with old friends.
How much longer do we have to go alone?

Let's remember the class, tent summer,
And dates in the apple orchard.
The ship and the scarlet dawns...
Leningrad and swans in the pond.

Graduation... A cheerful, sad holiday.
And the teacher’s big order:
Having grown up, sometimes you, just once,
Take a look at your own, favorite class!

Let's remember how we were together, the whole horde
They escorted the boys to the Army.
Wishing to achieve military glory,
They were waiting for letters from their soldiers.

Gradually they scattered around the world.
The world has changed, it has become different.
Only greetings over the phone
To my gray-haired classmates.

We don't need sad dates,
For friends round table call.
We have always been close.
Can we turn back time?

Years fly by and sometimes
Passing by, we won’t recognize
All our acquaintances, those close to us in soul.
Everyone thinks about their own things.

So let's meet, guys!
And let's light our "Cool Light".
Let's remember all the things, events, dates,
Let's plunge into youth for an hour.

Having laid out family albums,
Let's drink sweet wine together.
Let it become our common home
The school class is the native side.


7. Joke "Reaction after meeting classmates..."

Gray-haired people ate... Gray-haired people drank
And they remembered what they were like...
There are wrinkles on the foreheads... Sclerosis in the eyes
And the silent question excites:
"What has happened to us over the years?
And who are all these freaks around?
Are gray-haired women childhood friends?
And the grandfather opposite is the neighbor’s boy?”
Yes, life is not a picnic, but a complete picnic!
Life's waves are worse than a tsunami,
The lush roses have withered with time,
Why such wild metamorphoses??
When you've finished eating and drinking everything,
Then they howled at the top of their lungs...
And everyone thought: “GREAT GOD!!
Can it really be me... with such a face?


8. A joke about the Odnoklassniki website

My son came to me, a scoundrel,
And he asked sadly:
"Classmates, father -
What it is?

What kind of site is this?
Where are the gray-haired people
Giving up on real life,
Are they drowning in fornication?

Where the path to betrayal is visible,
The goal is clear and the means
Where do they want to return?
During Brezhnev's childhood?

Where is their peace disrupted?
Where do they spend their nights?
What kind of site is this?
Explain to me, father?"

I attracted my son to me
And he said with sadness:
"FSB database -
That's what we are!"


9. Joke "Meeting, years later."

A sketch about how classmates meet after different numbers of years can be used as a lead-in to a toast: “Let’s drink so that in 100 years we will be happy with each other, as in the first years after leaving school!”

When they meet in a year- kissing and hugging...

When they meet in five years- they hug and exclaim: “Bah, what people!!” and then they go somewhere together.

-After 10 years- they smile broadly and say: “How many years, how many winters!!!” and share news with interest

-In 20 years- they greet each other while running and say: “We need to get together somehow,” and run away without agreeing on a meeting.

-After 30 years- they almost sincerely say: “You look great” and immediately start talking about their grandchildren. And

In 50 years- they open their eyes wide and in response to the greeting they ask: “Who are you?”

10. Dedication for the evening meeting.

February. Saturday.
A school that is familiar to us to tears.

Smiles. The joy of meeting
The motive is familiar. Bouquets of roses.

Memories. Conversations.
Exchange of business cards. Success.
And reconciliation of an old quarrel,
And children's laughter, as before.

Let's remember the frogs in milk
When things get hard for us.
Look, we'll jump out onto land,
And your soul will become light.

At school we were taught to think,
Prove. Even if he’s wrong.
We were taught to live as adults,
Which is not made from flowers and herbs.

Now the blizzards and blizzards have died down,
The snow melted away again.
And our souls also became warmer,
And familiar eyes met.

Yes, life threw us
Which is scary to even remember.
We lived sometimes rejoicing, sometimes loving.
But today, on this beautiful day

We met 30 years later!
Now they are sedate and important,
We have become more patient and wiser.

Forgetting about time, age and worries,
Let us remember the carefree days of school.

11. “School day routine” joke.

Dream. Alarm. Shower. Charger.

Breakfast. Tea. Briefcase. Notebook.
Shoes. Path. Crows. Check.
Being late. Fail.

Turn. Behavior.
Two. Head teacher Sadness.
Clarification. Call.
Running up the stairs. Lesson.

Numbers. Rules. Torment.
Light. Window. Dreams. Visions.
Verbal counting. Example. Board.
Multiplication. Yearning.

Two. Disappointment.
Perspective. Punishment.
Optimism. The fight against vice.
Jokes. Laughter. End of lessons!

House. One. Hooray! Toys.
Soup. Pancakes. Compote. Cheesecakes.
Rest. Cartoon program.
Telephone. Computer. Mother.

Meeting. Kiss. Diary.
Oh! Belt. Questions. Scream.
Excuses. Snot. Tears.
Exclamations. Threats.

Reconciliation. Textbook.
-Do it yourself! -Yes. Reshebnik.
Dinner. Bath. Relaxation.
Repeat tomorrow morning:

Dream. Alarm. Shower. Charger..

The selection is posted for your reference.

Now that all the exams have been passed, it’s time for the graduation party, at which I consider it my duty to say that everyone is sincerely glad that they spent their school years at this school! We may not know which path we will choose in the future, but we know for sure that our school years and the kindness of our teachers will always warm our hearts! And I want to wish you, dear teachers, happy life and professional success!

Today we, yesterday's schoolchildren, are having fun at the prom. Today we say goodbye to our native school and teachers, each of whom contributed to making our future clear and prosperous! I want to sincerely wish our dear teachers good health and a happy destiny!

On the gala graduation evening, I want to say thank you to the teachers, thanks to whose efforts we were able to reveal our talents and successfully pass the final exams! Maybe one day our children will go to the same school, and we will definitely not forget to tell them how fun it is to study, try to please teachers and just grow up!

Today is the long-awaited school holiday, prom. It would probably be honest and fair, on behalf of all graduates, to say thank you to our teachers and wish them good health, happiness, good luck and great success in teaching new students!

School, and with it childhood, are left behind today, but our hearts will always have warm memories and sincere gratitude to those people who taught us, foolish children, rejoiced at our successes and helped us never lose heart and believe in ourselves! I want to wish our dear teachers bright, simple human happiness!

It seems like just yesterday you were a first-grader, and today you are a graduate, a handsome young guy! Please accept my congratulations on your graduation party and stay strong at the celebration! Don't forget to say a kind word to the teachers and dance with the queen of the evening!

Perhaps you were sometimes lazy, and sometimes you even failed, but we always believed in you and today, having passed the exams with honor, you are going to the graduation party! I wish you to have a lot of fun, to be the life of the party, the guy who has the brightest future!

Today you say goodbye to school at your graduation party, and tomorrow a new, adult life will begin... Perhaps one day you yourself will become a teacher? In any case, I don’t have to worry about your bright future! Congratulations, graduate! Just be a king today and be happy every day!

Graduation party at school can be called the first adult celebration, and therefore I wish you today to hold on to it with dignity, remember only the best about your school time and just have a lot of fun! Happy holiday to you, graduate! I wish you happiness and good luck!

Today you, together with other children, are giving up the class to new students, and you yourself will celebrate your graduation from school at the graduation party. Please accept my congratulations on the end of your school youth and entry into the time of young adulthood! May luck smile on you, may your wish to the teachers be the most sincere, and may you yourself be the happiest!