There must be patriarchy in the family. Trekhlebov A.V. How to feed your family. What is patriarchal marriage

Many people can only guess what a patriarchal family is, without delving into its essence and importance for society. Patriarchal is a family where patriarchy rules, that is, the leading role is played by the husband, man, father.

Origins of the patriarchal family

In Ancient Rome, Greece, Egypt, the right to inheritance was transferred by male line. During patriarchy, a woman remained the guardian of the clan.

In modern Orthodoxy, the patriarchal structure has changed, but the fundamentals remain the same. Perhaps for some the word “patriarch of the clan” sounds like a combination dating back to antiquity, however, this is not so. Happy is the family in which a man is the leader. Initially, God created a patriarchal family, where the man played the leading role and remained the breadwinner and protector.

Patriarchal family is a type of family relationship where the last word belongs to the man.

In a patriarchal family, several generations live under one roof

It is logical that if patriarchy existed, then there was matriarchy. Matriarchy arose during the period of protection, the birth of children, and procreation, but it did not last long; the clan could exist while organizing production and protection.

Distinctive features of a patriarchal family

  1. The patriarchal structure is characterized by patrilineality, when heritage, title, and position in society are transmitted through the male line.
  2. Patriarchal society is characterized by only two types of family relationships.
  3. With monogamy we see a picture - one husband and one wife, with polygyny - a husband and several wives.
  4. The main sign of patriarchy is the presence of many generations of relatives living in the same estate. Three or four generations live under one roof, while all management belongs to the oldest man of the clan or the family council.

A wise manager developed the household, led wisely, directing life at home in a “peaceful direction” and without interfering in women’s affairs. Bolshak or house-builder - this is what the Slavs called the head of the clan, emphasizing his position.

About family in Orthodoxy:

The main disadvantage of such relationships is the hyper-responsibility of each member of the clan, often leading to low self-esteem.

Important! A huge advantage of patriarchal relationships is the attitude towards old people in this house, where there cannot be an abandoned child, and all problems are solved peacefully, by the whole family.

Traditional patriarchal family

From the perspective of relationships under patriarchy, which exists even in modern society, the primacy of the father and husband and the pronounced dependence of the rest of the family on him are clearly visible.

In a patriarchal family, the wife tacitly submits to her husband, and the children to their parents.

In such a family the man remains:

  • the owner of unlimited authority;
  • breadwinner;
  • breadwinner;
  • owner;
  • chief financial manager.

The father's parental authority has no limits and is not discussed. Men have almost all the rights, unlike women. The authoritarian interests of the clan are much higher than personal feelings.

The housebuilder, as a rule, rarely participates in household chores and raising children, placing all responsibility on the female half Houses.

Important! Patriarchal family type does not mean tyranny of its head, but skillful leadership of relatives. The Bible says husbands are to love their wives, and they are to be obedient (Eph. 5).

A woman in a patriarchal way remains the creator of comfort and coziness in her, a wise educator of children, living with her husband in mutual understanding, preserving the strength and durability of the family marriage. The wife's virtue is valued no less than the headship of the owner of the house, and her wise education of children in piety and respect for elders produces wonderful fruits.

Modern families are mostly nuclear; this is when two generations live in a house, less often three. A sign of patriarchy in nuclear clans remains the primacy of men in resolving important issues.

Types of patriarchal modern family

  1. A family built on mutual understanding and trust, where the man is the main earner and breadwinner, and the wife is the organizer of coziness and comfort in the home, a wise teacher of children, is the strongest and happiest.
  2. While doing odd jobs, a man cannot provide his wife and children with everything they need, but at the same time he tries to remain a commander and leader for them, he dooms family existence to conflicts and quarrels. Financial and moral instability often lead to the breakdown of family relationships.
  3. In the modern world, another type of communication has arisen when a rich oligarch takes a beautiful, young woman as his wife, dooming her to the role of Cinderella. She is satisfied with her financial situation, he is satisfied with having a beautiful wife.

The desire to live under the tutelage of a man does not mean the infringement of women's rights.

How to create a strong patriarchal family in the modern world

The modern cell of society can hardly be called traditional patriarchal, because in it a wife can earn more, spend most of her time at work, but the basic biblical principles of respect and submission to a man and her husband are not violated.

In a traditional family, husband and wife live in fidelity and respect for each other

Every woman dreams of a man providing the family with everything necessary, or remaining the main adviser and organizer of the house, having the right to a decisive vote.

Advice! A wise wife, even if she earns more than a man, will always respect her husband and leave the guiding right in resolving family issues to him.

In a happy traditional family:

  • the man supports the authority of all its members;
  • the husband is responsible for the children and wife;
  • the father of the family is the main provider or manager of the family budget;
  • parents raise their children to respect their elders;
  • husband and wife strive to live in fidelity, chastity and respect for each other.

God built a hierarchy, at the top of it stands Jesus, below Him is a man to whom his wife reproaches. A woman who wants to rule in an Orthodox family automatically turns everything upside down, placing both her husband and Christ under her feet.

Patriarchy or the primacy of a man in a nuclear family on the basis of Christianity has been and remains the basis of its strength, happiness and well-being. A husband, a father, who takes care of his family, like the Savior takes care of the Church, remains his protector, protection and wise leader. A woman, a wife who knows how to submit to her husband, will always be the ruler of the clan, a loving and beloved wife and mother.

Important! The biblical promise of a happy family living according to patriarchal Orthodox canons remains the fifth commandment given by the Creator to Moses on Mount Sinai. Honoring parents from generation to generation will bring benefits to subsequent generations.

Prayers for the family:

Principles of the traditional Orthodox family

Unlike the ancient patriarchy, where total control and power reigned, modern Orthodoxy preaches respect for a man, honoring him as a father and breadwinner.

The total control of the old days is destructive to marriage in the modern world. In an Orthodox marriage, where the father is the head and the mother is the keeper of the hearth, they are raised harmonious personalities who grew up in a calm environment.

A man who has taken on the role of head of the family wisely:

  • manages the family budget;
  • protects the honor of his wife;
  • participates in raising children.

In such families, children are brought up in strictness and love; their parents are role models for them in all situations.

The authority of parents is built on their own position in life; they must constantly monitor their emotions and words so as not to sin. Caring for children cannot suppress their own initiatives, but it is wise to guide the offspring in the right direction so that the child decides that he made the decision on his own.

You can criticize patriarchy as much as you like, but it cannot help but note that such families practically do not divorce, remaining the basis of a healthy society.

Patriarchal family

Vedagor: A woman should not even go to work at all. A man is a man's CHI - energy, the same way. If you are a man, how can your wife work for someone else? What kind of man are you? Yes, our wives never worked. Her family is full of responsibilities - there is no end to it.

And we demand from her to be a man: Go to work, come on, otherwise the family doesn’t have enough money. What kind of man is he who cannot feed his wife and children? What kind of man is this? Is not the right approach, and that's the problem. And women, they are intuitive, like dogs, they understand everything, they just can’t say it. - “Something is wrong with my man. Why? They themselves don’t understand.” Women are intuitive. And the family is destroyed as a result, because men have the wrong attitude towards their wives. Do you understand what I'm talking about? Or not really.

Man from the audience: It’s clear, but the problem is much deeper.

Vedagor: Agree.

Man from the audience: We created the problem because men don’t have jobs, both in big cities and in other areas, and now women are hired for jobs with double functions, i.e. they take her there - she performs a double function. And they choose in exactly the same way - for double functions, you understand. Here. Therefore, on purpose, let’s say, these “guys” created such conditions to put the men in a humiliated position. When you talk about how a man can’t find a job, well, sometimes you have to choose: or get involved in menial jobs, that is. go bomb the fat-assed people there, that’s it, and thereby also kind of leave, make money in a different way, yes. Rob, say, or extort something, sometimes restore justice. Or perform women's duties, because she has a job there.

Vedagor: Well, I’ll tell you with my own example. When I figured it all out, I just gave up on the city and went into the middle of nowhere, there weren’t even any roads there. Well, there was only a narrow road that went there and took the timber out from there. In such a wilderness that it was no longer possible to go any further.

Man from the audience: Where is it? Where?

Vedagor: Well, it’s high in the mountains, in the Caucasus - in the Krasnodar Territory. Well, in short, it was no longer possible to go further. And great, I fed my family.

Man from the audience: Did you have a house?

Vedagor: Well, in the end, they actually gave me a gift, even a house. Those. abandoned there, you could get a good deal for a bottle of vodka. But my friend told me: Alexey, I have a dacha there, it’s so expensive for me to get there, so go and live there. I say: Well, I don’t have money, I need to pay you. He says: Well, if you have money, you’ll give it back. And there was a nice garden there, I collected it all, handed it over to the state, and gave the money to the owner. And a few years later, I bought this house. It turns out that it was a gift, one might say. But there you could get a normal house in the neighborhood for a bottle of vodka in those days.

Man from the audience: Where did the children study?

Vedagor: Well, there is a school there - an eight-year school. Previously, it was ten years old. In those years, it was impossible not to go to school, because my children were forced to go.

Man from the audience: But how did the wife agree? Did she also share this worldview?

Vedagor: Yes. Because in Our Tradition it’s like this: The husband is the needle, the wife is the thread, where the needle goes, the thread goes. Those. I told her: I won’t let you give birth until you master this. I won't let you have children. Those. I explained to her how to use energy. If you want children, well, be so kind as to study this. No, then why do I need it there.

Man from the audience: What exactly?

Vedagor: Well, sexual energy management. Necessary? I just experienced all this on my own skin, all this is POSSIBLE. It is possible to feed a family without violating modern legislation, and without going against society. They live in villages, how much salary do they receive there per month?

Woman from the audience: We are from a village, I want to highlight an old log house in the Valdai region that our friends recently bought for 150,000 rubles. There is a lake nearby - a source of water, this is the current price, 480 km from Moscow.

Vedagor: Please, there is a possibility. And now there are excuses that the husband cannot feed the family. Yes, all this is nonsense. I checked in my own practice, but I have friends who move and live happily ever after. Here's a good movie you can download from the Internet, watch " Happy people"? Like Muscovites, the men went to the taiga and live happily there, leading a decent life. Maybe that's all. It’s not possible in the city, I agree with that. Well, this is a dump. Che, live here. The Ancestors told us:


And then it is possible. My children have not suffered from a single childhood disease because they lived in Nature. Is it possible to raise healthy offspring in the city? Impossible.

Guy from the audience: Alexey Vasilyevich, and you know - there is such a Torsunov, he gives lectures and tries to interpret them according to the Vedas. He means he is examining the question that if a woman is forced to work, then she should be there, even if she is the boss, yes. All the same, her husband is her priority, and she must consult with him, ask him. And then it is almost guaranteed that there will be harmony in the family. What can you say about this or is it all self-deception?

Vedagor: Well, you ask women, if they work on the side, will they have the opportunity to support their family normally? Yes, it's impossible. How can my children eat well if I don't have a cow? It is not possible to feed it now. A cow is a nurse, so my wife has to milk the cow every morning and walk. This is for me, of course, I need to pull out the manure, mow the hay, and my wife has her own responsibilities. When should she go to work?

Guy from the audience: If we take the period of residence in the city, there.

Vedagor: So, what's the point? You, explain to me the meaning of starting a family in the city. What benefits do I get? Explain at least one benefit

Guy from the audience: Well, no, roughly speaking, but to be very specific: I go to work, my wife goes to work to earn money for a house and in the nearest village to go to land.

Vedagor: Yes, you can buy a house for nothing, now there are abandoned villages, come in and take it. You negotiate with the village council, they are abandoned there. You won't find the owners even during the day with a fire. I have friends, they buy out entire villages for nothing - abandoned villages. They move in and live there. These are all excuses.

In modern society, patriarchal marriage is becoming an “atavism.” This is due to the features of this type. Let's find out in more detail what this form of marriage is.

What is patriarchal marriage?

The term “patriarchal marriage” has a special meaning.

The main component is “patriarchy” or “the power of the father.” It means:

  • male dominance in the family;
  • its dominant role within the “unit of society”;
  • high authority.

Undoubtedly, the man in the family is the head; in family relationships, he plays a leading role around which family life. Such a “king” has unquestioning power and can make decisions without discussing them with anyone.

At the same time, it is the man who bears the greater responsibility for:

  • well-being of children and spouse;
  • providing for the family;
  • reasonable housekeeping;
  • accumulation of financial resources;
  • older generation.

For centuries, patriarchal families formed the strong foundation of society. They preserved traditions that were followed by new generations. Family relationships in our time, everyone is less similar to this form of family structure.


Most scientists claim that all previously existing civilizations were only patriarchal. There are also those who argue that during the Neolithic and Paleolithic times (5-7 thousand years BC) society was gender equal.

Some believe that patriarchy was preceded by matriarchy, that is, the dominant role was given to women.

But not all scientists agree with this statement, because they believe that male dominance is a natural phenomenon that should determine the essence of relationships at all times and in all nations. The philosopher and sociologist Giddens believed that there were certainly differences in dominance, but there was never a woman who held complete power.

This is explained by the fact that the main purpose of a woman is to care for them. Women become financially and physically dependent on men.

Main characteristics

A classic patriarchal marriage is characterized by:

  • patrilineality. carried out only through the male line. It's like material values, and about social status;
  • monogamy. In a patriarchal marriage, the husband has one wife, and the wife has one husband. However, there are exceptions, in polygamy it is considered legal, but under patriarchy, polyandry cannot be found in any culture;
  • multigenerational families. This sign is considered the main one; up to three generations can live together, but the dominant role belongs to the older man.

In a patriarchal family, a man is:

  • breadwinner;
  • breadwinner;
  • the main manager of funds;
  • the owner.

The parental authority of the father is non-negotiable. Men are endowed with all rights, which cannot be said about women. A woman in a family is assigned the role of a teacher of children, she creates coziness and comfort, lives in mutual understanding with her husband, maintaining the strength of the family union.

Advantages and disadvantages

In patriarchal families, the wife devotes herself entirely to the home, children and husband. Decide together with your spouse family issues she has no right. A man makes all decisions alone, without being interested in his wife’s opinion.

In families with such a structure, women cannot even think about work or a career, and this is very important in our time, because in this way a woman shows her personal qualities, communicates with people who are interesting to her and does what she loves.

While taking care of household chores and children, a woman cannot receive a proper education. She does not have the opportunity to expand her knowledge and live a full life. Financially, a woman is completely dependent on her husband, she cannot have personal money and she must discuss all purchases made with her husband.

If responsibility in the family lies with the husband, then the wife and children should be calm about their financial well-being; the woman does not have to think about how to feed her husband and children. Children who grow up in patriarchal families, seeing how the head of the family takes care of them, take an example of responsibility for their loved ones.

Real men grow up in patriarchal marriages.

Patriarchal marriage in astrology

According to the structural horoscope, there are five types of marriage: patriarchal, romantic, vector and equal. Sometimes patriarchal marriage is called “child marriage”, since its main purpose is considered to be the birth of children and their upbringing. There is another goal - gaining freedom.

It is not difficult to calculate a patriarchal marriage; the spouses were either born in the same year, or the age difference is a multiple of 4, 8, 12, etc.

There are ideological triplets of signs that define patriarchal marriage:

  • Horse, Tiger, Dog;
  • Rooster, Snake, Bull;
  • Boar, Cat, Goat;
  • Rat, Monkey, Dragon.

The patriarchal type of marriage is characterized by the following commandments:

  • a mutual desire to prolong the family line is considered an ideal situation for concluding an alliance. Children are the goal and meaning of such a marriage. In a patriarchal union, children are everything. It is very important to maintain a childlike atmosphere even in the absence of children. You need to be simple-minded, naive and pure like children, at the same time this does not mean that you need to be stupid;
  • thrift. Large incomes and the presence of servants do not eliminate the desire and opportunity to create with your own hands. This is precisely what is highly valued in such a union;
  • Constant housework takes up too much time, which does not provide the opportunity for intellectual communication. Even if such an opportunity arises, it should be neglected. Such a marriage does not accept discussions of world politics; there is no point in talking about political views and not discuss your husband's views;
  • division of the family territory into male and female. In practice, it looks like this: the woman takes care of everyday life, cooks, does the laundry, and the husband gets the garden, the garden, the car and the money;
  • in a dispute the truth can be born. Perhaps this is what happens, but not in a patriarchal marriage. Disputes and quarrels in this marriage are unthinkable;
  • don't show love. You need to keep your feelings to yourself. Love can be replaced with tenderness, friendship, gratitude for the benefits provided;
  • there is no need to change anything, this applies not only to rearranging the furniture, but also to the routine and responsibilities in the house;
  • there is no need to strengthen and improve relationships. The less attention you pay to the quality of the relationship, the better. Let it be as it should be.

Tired of fragile modern relationships, it’s time to remember patriarchy. The effectiveness of this form of relationship has been tested by time! We build relationships according to the principle - the man is in charge!

I thought it would be nice to describe my experience, the experience of my older comrades, father, grandfather, which they passed on to me, and the experience of my peers who decided to arrange their family according to the principle - the man is in charge!

The post is for informational purposes only for those who have realized that the “henpecked” and “equal partner” options in terms of forming a family are not for them.

I will try to write my point of view, criticism and comments are welcome.

1. So, what is patriarchy? Patriarchy (literally, the power of the father, also andrarchy, androcracy) - form social organization, in which the man is the main bearer of political power and moral authority, exercises control over property, and fathers in families have authority over women and children. Patriarchy is characterized by the presence of institutions of male power and male privilege, as well as the subordinate position of women. Many patriarchal societies are also patrilineal, meaning ownership and social status are inherited through the paternal line. (via wiki)

Patriarchy as a family structure is traditional form cells of society throughout the existence of mankind, it is characteristic of almost the entire population of the earth, major religions and government systems. But on this moment We live in a world with broad rights for women and the institution of patriarchy is losing its position. Of course, in its classic version, it is practically impossible in civilized countries - including Russia. Therefore, it needs to be adapted to modern realities.

2. A woman's choice. If you understand that the patriarchal family structure is the only one that will suit you, then you need to select a woman with your mind, not your heart.

For young man, of course, you want to see a gorgeous porn star next to you, but someone may decide that he needs a gray mouse - this is not so. Everything is quite simple, you need to look for a girl who is ready to live with you in a family according to your rules. Usually, very beautiful ladies are very spoiled by the age of 18-20 and try to use their holes instead of visa gold, and their self-esteem the size of a galaxy will not allow you to create a worthy wife out of her. These are sent to the forest. We also reject downtrodden young ladies with zero self-esteem, because... they are next to strong man turn into a helpless child, and this does not suit us. We are looking for the keeper of the hearth and the mother of our children, and not a silent creature with the rights of a dog. We need to look for a middle ground.

You need to clearly understand what is important to you in a woman and make a list. But to create a family according to the principle of patriarchy, it must necessarily have the following qualities:

1) The desire to be a housewife (may not be able to cook - the main thing is the desire itself)
2) Be independent (no friendships with your mother until the grave)
3) Should not be very smart (a lively mind will not allow her to focus only on home and family)
4) She must love you very much (this is not necessary for you)
5) She must be a girl with a capital G, no boyish ways.

The list that you make must be 51%+ complied with, the rest can be corrected, added, developed, purchased over time.

3. What does life look like inside a patriarchal family? The basis of the family is the man. You are a breadwinner, you plow like an ox and, most importantly, you are constantly growing qualitatively, constantly increasing your family’s income. You give money to the family, the woman manages it (you must trust her and she must learn to use it), but you control how the money is spent. If the money runs out ahead of time or the spending is not reasonable, she gets a hit. You give every penny of your money, no nest eggs - this is the lot of henpecked people. Trust your wife. If you need money to meet friends or new fishing gear, you agree on this with your wife, but at the level of “we discussed it and I decided.” You can keep 10-20 percent of your income for such things, but this money should be known to your wife - no nest egg. Trust must be 100%.

The example routine is as follows. Morning. The wife gets up 25-30 minutes earlier than her husband - prepares breakfast, walks the dog, takes care of the child. You get up, have breakfast, be sure to spend 5 minutes with your wife and stomp off to work. In the evening you will have dinner and your time (you need to agree with your wife that you have an hour and a half after work, when you unload negativity or fatigue after a working day), after which you must devote time to your wife and children. This scheme will allow you to avoid unwanted conflicts with your wife, and, don’t forget, you are the head of the family and any irritability or hysteria greatly undermines your authority in her eyes. Sometimes it is worth raising your voice or reprimanding your spouse for obvious mistakes, but these are rare exceptions and this should be used only in those moments when she really deserves it. If you do this occasionally, sooner or later it will not be effective. And if you lose your temper because of a bad mood or failures at work, then your wife will harbor a well-deserved grudge against you.

4. How to raise a wife? What methods and steps should be taken to raise a hearth keeper?

A) Friends. You need to control her social circle. It is advisable to drive away unmarried wagtails and single “childhood friends” from her. Wagtails may whisper feminist “values” out of envy. There were cases when these sluts broke up families, and then offered their services as a replacement. Women's friendship doesn’t happen - let him be friends with your friends’ wives, period! And “childhood friends” can take your wife away from you under the auspices of romance, etc. heresies. After which she, of course, will crawl back, but forgiving this is no longer realistic. These are also not rare cases. It's very easy to do. You just have to hint that the “wagtail” is very good and it will disappear from sight. Try to create its society for it yourself. Find out which of your friends' friends she likes best and meet with this friend more often. This is a big but very important job.

B) Mother-in-law. Mother-in-law is different, but still mother-in-law. Make your family as independent as possible from your wife's family.

B) Domestic violence. No violence! Don’t dare raise a hand against your wife - there will be no turning back. Sometimes it’s worth raising your voice, but rarely and to the point. No long analyzes of relationships. No more than once every 3-4 months you can have a heart-to-heart talk. But teenage squabbles should be left to teenagers. If it starts to itch, ignore it. She is a woman and it’s in her nature to itch about all sorts of bullshit - don’t react. Do not forget that you are much stronger and smarter - do not react - otherwise you will lose your authority. It will always itch - develop immunity.

D) Filling life. Spend time with her alone. At least once a week, take an interest in her life and problems. Organize her hobby or part-time job. But control this, don’t let yourself get carried away too much, otherwise processed foods and unwashed children are waiting for you. Go out together once a week. Control its qualitative growth - it should be there. You must grow together. Don't let her turn into a stand-up aunt. Focus on her appearance. Spend money on her looks. She should be pleased and proud of herself. Pay her a salary - engage her with a small portion of your salary to perform simple functions of your job. Courier functions, print a document, call someone. She should have OWN money. Appreciate her work - always praise her for her successes. Leave some decisions entirely to your wife - let her feel the difference.

5. How to educate yourself? Keep your mark, be a lion, a stone wall and a father of the family. Line of values: Family->work->friends->Homeland->hobbies. Play sports, keep yourself in shape. Drink in moderation. Learn to make decisions not only for yourself, but also for the whole family and be prepared to bear responsibility. Never share your problems with your wife - that's what friends are for, or keep your problems to yourself. Improve yourself, read books. The faster and better you grow, the faster your wife will do it. Learn to indulge her whims, but without bending. Sometimes, when she has difficult moments, help her with her sector of responsibility. Be lenient - cultivate this quality in yourself. Have your own time - fishing, going to a bar with friends, etc. (This is not even discussed by the wife), just let her know, but do not abuse it.

6. And finally, I would like to note. Being the head of a patriarchal family is not about privileges and absolute power, but about duties and responsibilities. I, personally, am at the beginning of this difficult path (only 10 years of experience), but I have never regretted my choice.

"Sanity" by Trekhlebov

Part 1


According to supporters of YASVK, there are two terms: Conceit is when you yourself heard somewhere, read somewhere, and personal experience.
And “sanity”, which consists of the following:
1. Opinion of an authoritative person (why do we need authorities in a fair society???). According to Trekhlebov, they (well, of course!!!) should be a person who knows the Vedas (the rest, apparently, are simply non-humans...).
2. Advice from our ancestors - Vedas (advice from other ancestors is harmful to us, because everything is wrong with them, because gladiolus... :))
3. Personal experience
In order.
1. Opinion of an authoritative person. They supposedly need to be guided when making decisions. There is, in my opinion, a catchphrase from Belinsky: “a crowd is a gathering of people living according to legends and reasoning according to authorities.” And I like one more phrase: “It will not be easy for them - those who rely on the truth of authority instead of relying on the authority of truth.” The opinion of this or that person must be taken into account, but one must establish oneself as an authority (supporters of YASVK sometimes say not “authority”, but “competent person”, but “competence” is also a subjective criterion, because a “professional” differs from an “amateur” only in the amount of experience (the question of how objectively positive it is remains open), and knowledge of theories (the question of the consistency of which is also open)) is the same as “creating an idol for yourself.” The only difference is that an idol is an authority in everything, and an authority more often on a specific topic, but the essence of the phenomenon is the same. Especially for those who did not understand anything, I repeat again: I am not saying that you should NOT listen to the opinions of other people, evaluate them, and take note: I am saying that in a fair society there should be no authorities and the authority of opinions should not be at the forefront of decision making. After all, at a minimum, “A delusion does not cease to be a delusion just because millions of people are guided by it.”
2. Advice from our ancestors. Firstly, our ancestors are far from ideal, which is actually why we now live exactly this way and not otherwise. YASVK supporters have the only excuse that refutes this - the Grays, but there will be a separate article about the grays. In general, such a postulate says that people brought up on “common sense” (in the context in which this word is understood by supporters of YASVK) will never acquire the methodology of knowledge and creativity that those supposedly “our ancestors” acquired. Because those (if we assume the fact of their existence and the writing of SAV) thought independently, with their own heads, and at the moment when they lived SAV were the pinnacle of their art of dialectics, as the art of comprehending life. Times change, the Vedas remain. Given that there have not been, are not, and will not be static processes in the Universe; despite the fact that each person is unique, as evidenced by at least unique fingerprints; The Vedas for some reason still remain an inexorable truth, and people who follow the postulates of these same supposed SAVs will thus never get to more high level development. A methodology of knowledge based on the authority of long-gone people (who supposedly were so smart, but for some reason they were suddenly thrown under the skating rink along with their minds), and writings that are dead - this is far from sanity, but the very best Zombie culture is something that a really sane person should avoid, at a minimum!
In general, this is, well, I won’t say that it’s cunning, but it’s a PR move, again: “if you want to be sane, read the Vedas!”
In general, if we talk about real sanity, then there is one very simple thing that you need to rely on. I won’t argue with personal experience, but I still need to add one feeling to it. This is an innate sense of Conscience, given to us by God, which will always tell us how justly we are acting, despite all commitments, be it supposedly SAV or something else. Personally, my Conscience told me that, even if everything in YASVK is quite logical and looks correct, it is still written with malicious intent and not in fairness. And in order to understand this methodology of knowledge: personal experience (which includes what you read, hear, opinions of all kinds of people) plus conscience, you don’t need any scriptures: you just need to be attentive and listen to yourself, feel yourself, your Conscience - then there will be no problems with real sanity.


The Concept of Public Safety (CPS) distinguishes another type of mental structure, which is called Human. It can be characterized, from my point of view, as follows: orientation in choosing the best line of behavior towards actions commensurate in their time orientation with the concept of “Eternity”. That is, a real person acts in such a way as to at least “not cut the branch on which you are sitting” (and this branch is our common planet Earth), and in the continuity of generations, with the expectation that his biological species will live together forever with planet Earth. These principles can also be characterized by what is called Divine Providence. For example, a Man, in the fullness of his dignity, will not engage in usury, and although, it seems, the opening of a bank (essentially a usurious shop) will not particularly affect the life of one, and even perhaps several subsequent generations, but after a longer Over a period of time, either all the money will end up in the hands of a moneylender who produces nothing, or there will be: at a minimum, inflation and social tension, at a maximum, driven by modern science (spurred on by moneylenders), a biosphere-ecological global crisis. There are no norms of behavior in the COB, there is only a methodology for building a just society, what is called the Kingdom of God on Earth, namely: everyone must behave like a human being, under the dictates of conscience (as a direct connection with God) and every time in choosing the best line of behavior, be guided by your own mind and the expediency of some actions in line with God's Providence. An example of why there are no specific instructions like “do as our ancestors did”: in our country we need to fight alcoholic genocide, this, in my opinion, lies in the mainstream of Providence, here we have a complete flight of fantasy. In Muslim countries where there is a “prohibition” law, any actions aimed at combating this phenomenon are not so important in the mainstream of fishing, because everyone already knows that this is bad, and it’s better to do something else. Thus, for each person in different life circumstances, Providence will be different, and there simply cannot be specific recipes “for everyone.” Yes, and each person is inherently unique, life circumstances too, and recipes like “do as your ancestors did, because their authority is indisputable” are simply harmful. The essence of the COB is to provide a methodology for distinguishing between processes and phenomena in environment and the ability to be creative in line with God’s Providence (righteousness) to build a Just Society (the Kingdom of God on Earth).
This is something like this, in brief, about where “all evil” came from and where to start overcoming it. Nevertheless, stories about the Grays, “interplanetary agreements”, according to which the Grays either fly in or fly away from our planet, about the Nights of Svarog, Kali Yugas, do nothing but remove full responsibility from every person who believes in this and give illusory ideas about the essence of man as a species and the world order as a whole.