Phan Thiet shopping center. Where and what to buy in Phan Thiet - the best places for shopping in the resort. Phan Thiet Vietnam my vacation review

Phan Thiet, Vietnam - famous resort in the south of the country. Immediate big cities near Phan Thiet - Ho Chi Minh City(195 km), Dalat (174 km) and Nha Trang(246 km).

There are many ways to get to Phan Thiet, by land and water. Travel time from Ho Chi Minh City 4 hours. However, do not be confused Phan Thiet resorts with the city Phan Thiet. Phan Thiet resorts in Vietnam are scattered along the coast, and the main one is, of course, Mui Ne. This place is great for family and relaxing holidays, but there is also nightlife, albeit a little. And Phan Thiet attracts surfers from all over the world with its ideal conditions for surfing - huge waves. Phan Thiet City Vietnam- is by no means a resort place, located between sand dunes and palm trees, although it is located on the shores of the South China Sea. It's more of a poor fishing village. And it seemed to us that there was simply nothing for tourists to do in this city.

Phan Thiet Vietnam my vacation review

I’ll write a short review about my holiday in Phan Thiet, Vietnam. Our introduction to Phan Thiet (Vietnam) it started at night, when we arrived from Ho Chi Minh City on a slip bus, we were dropped off the bus alone in the city itself Phan Thiet(we asked ourselves, because our hotel was 5 km in the opposite direction from Mui Ne). All passengers on the bus traveled further to Mui Ne.

Of course, it seemed strange to us, why no one goes to the city Phan Thiet, Vietnam, but then everything became clear in the morning. When the bus left, we were left with suitcases in the middle of a dark city Phan Thiet, Vietnam, there was not a single taxi on the road. I had to walk towards the illuminated road in the hope of catching at least some transport. However, we didn’t find any transport, some Vietnamese guy from the street got attached to us and started annoyingly offering his services of calling a taxi in Phan Thiet, Vietnam. Then some taxi arrived, one called by our “new friend,” but we couldn’t negotiate with him, he desperately pointed at the meter and apparently really wanted to make money on us. When we showed that we didn’t agree to go by the meter, and we had already learned it after riding in a taxi in Ho Chi Minh City, the taxi driver was very upset, but for some reason he didn’t leave. Then another taxi arrived, then another, and as a result we gathered around us many taxi drivers who wanted to take us. Somehow we negotiated for 130,000 dong (as it turned out later, it was very expensive, because the drive was only 5 km), and got to our hotel in Phan Thiet, Vietnam.

Later we visited several more times Phan Thiet city by hotel transfer and bus (6,000 VND in 2018) and spent one night at Saigon Pt Hotel.

All Phan Thiet city, Vietnam can be viewed in 1 day. Here you can stroll along the embankment, walk through the park, sit in a cafe, go to the store, and move on.

IN Phan Thiet city, Vietnam there is a network of urban transport routes, as well as bus station, from where you can travel to other cities Vietnam.

Phan Thiet Vietnam shops

If you are interested in shopping in Phan Thiet Vietnam, then for such a small city there are several good supermarkets, which we enjoyed visiting, and some we went to every day. There is a large Co.op Mart supermarket in the city center, and there is also a Lotte Plaza in Phan Thiet.

Co.op Mart - famous 3-story shopping and entertainment center in Phan Thiet, and until 2013 it was also the only one (before the opening Lotte Plaza). Prices here are much lower than in Mui Ne, both for food and for everyday goods, perfumes, cosmetics, clothing and household appliances. Also a supermarket Co.op Mart is a landmark in Phan Thiet, because located on the busiest street and nearby public transport routes (for example, bus No. 1 from Mui Ne). Address: corner of Nguyen Tat Thanh and Tran Hung Dao streets, Phan Thiet, Vietnam.

Lotte Mart- relatively new shopping mall in Phan Thiet (opened in 2013). The level is considered higher than Co.op Mart, but the location is not very convenient, you need to take a taxi or take a bus with a transfer (for example, bus No. 1 from Mui Ne, at the end transfer to bus No. 4). You can walk from the center, but it takes a long time, and there are not sidewalks for pedestrians everywhere. Address: 59 Ton Duc Thang, Phu Thuy, tp. Phan Thiết, Viet Nam.

Phan Thiet City, Vietnam

In the city of Phan Thiet, Vietnam, a river with the same name flows, which divides the city in half, forming a small harbor between the resort area of ​​Mui Ne and the city itself. A huge number of fishing boats and boats are moored at the pier in Phan Thiet Vietnam, which is why locals call the harbor Fisherman's Harbor. You can stroll along it leisurely, on foot from the city center. There are also a huge number of seafood restaurants on the embankment.

If you go down to the pier itself, you can get to the fish market. In the city Phan Thiet, Vietnam has several markets where you can buy fruits and vegetables, fish, seafood, as well as clothes and much more. And of course, here you need to buy “dragon fruit” - pitaya, because the city of Phan Thiet is famous for this fruit, which grows in all surrounding areas. Once you leave the city, the “dragon” fields begin. From Phan Thiet pitaya is exported to Europe, the USA, China and Japan.

They say that the Vietnamese have great respect for Russians, and from school they are instilled with love for Russia and hatred for the United States, and this is passed on from generation to generation. These are all echoes of the Vietnam War, in which the Russians played important role in helping Vietnam.

However, on quiet calm evenings in Vietnam, and there’s really nothing to do there in the evening, I watched several documentaries about the war in Vietnam. American films say that they came to save Vietnam from communism. In Russian films about how much they helped Vietnam and played almost a decisive role in the outcome of the war. And in Vietnamese films they didn’t say a word about Russia.

All in all, good attitude I didn’t notice, and first of all my impression was formed after the robbery in Ho Chi Minh City. But everyone decides for themselves. Perhaps my opinion would be different under different circumstances. For example, if I bought a ticket to Vietnam, the transfer would have taken me from the airport to the hotel, I would not have left the hotel and would have written laudatory reviews about how wonderful it is to live in Phan Thiet in Vietnam. And I would not have seen everything that I saw in Vietnam on an independent trip Ho Chi Minh City-Phan Thiet-Vung Tau-Ho Chi Minh City .

Vietnam Phan Tit: cafe food

There is food in Phan Thiet different levels. The cheapest one is street. These are banh mi sandwiches, fried kebabs, rice and more. Finding such a kitchen is not difficult - you just need to go outside and you will find local cafes along the roads. In non-tourist places there is not even a menu. Here you can order one of the dishes on display - the choice is not large. All dishes are served with rice.

For those who like to eat more civilly, there are flood courts in Co.op and Lotte supermarkets. Here all Vietnamese food is presented in a more decent way.

Well, the best food is in specialized cafes and restaurants that have menus in English.

Not far from the hotel Saigon Pt Hotel Phan Thiet, Vietnam Google Cafe is located. The place is interesting because you can eat European food there. All the establishments in the area are for locals, located along the road and don’t even have a menu. Even though we are lovers of exotic cuisine, having tried “this” once, we began to look for other food.

And they found it - Google cafe.

A typical establishment along the road, where there is a cafe on the ground floor and its owners live on the second. Menu.

The Vietnamese resort of Phan Thiet (Mui Ne) is a long strip of sandy beaches with hotels and inns. On the main street, which runs parallel to the sea, there are many souvenir shops, shops, restaurants and massage parlors. Most hotels are entire hotel complexes, with large, well-groomed grounds, high level service, an atmosphere of complete relaxation and privacy for guests.

Phan Thiet is the most popular and sought-after South Sea resort in Vietnam. Its popularity is due exclusively good conditions for tourism, recreation and trade.

What can you buy in Phan Thiet

For tourists visiting Vietnam, Phan Thiet, shopping is a favorite pastime. Firstly, the nightlife here is quite modest. Entertainment includes shopping and excursions. And secondly, Vietnam is a country where you can buy a wide variety of consumer goods at low prices. A wide range of clothes and shoes will not leave any fashionista or shopping tour lover indifferent. The real highlight of Vietnamese textile products are products made from natural materials, in particular, natural silk. The best and cheapest way to buy silk fabrics and products is in local markets where they are presented the widest range.

A traditional souvenir from Phan Thiet is flip-flops (those are flip-flops). Here in the markets and souvenir stalls you will find a huge amount of these shoes. Before buying shoes from Vietnam, be sure to try them on, as dimensional grids on shoes in Vietnam are different from Russian ones.

Crocodile skin
The most exotic purchase for tourists. Those who have visited Vietnam may find products made from real, high-quality crocodile leather: wallets, handbags, belts and much more. Not everyone can afford such luxury items in their homeland, but in Vietnam every tourist can buy such products. The thing is that the price of snake and crocodile skin is two or even three times lower than in Russia.

Tea and coffee
Shopping in Phan Thiet is not complete without traditional tea and coffee. Can I recommend green tea and local Vietnamese coffee, the cost of which is extremely low. Read more about the prices of tea and coffee in the article “What to bring from Vietnam: souvenirs and unusual gifts". Men's favorite purchase is rum and other alcoholic drinks, which can be brought as gift souvenirs.

Another relevant purchase for Russian tourists immediately upon arrival in Vietnam is sunscreen. The fact is that the burning sun of Vietnam has a strong effect on most of our compatriots - many get burned. To avoid such troubles, we recommend purchasing high-quality sun protection products from a Vietnamese manufacturer.

By the way, in pharmacies, in addition to sunscreens and sprays, you can also find many useful ointments and herbs that are difficult to find in our pharmacies and stores. For example, Cobratox ointment contains cobra venom and is very helpful for osteochondrosis, radiculitis and other joint diseases.

In addition to the above, find out in new article at Shopping Expert.

Another profitable and useful purchase in Vietnam can be a disk with a licensed Kaspersky anti-virus program. For comparison, here such a program will cost 5 times less than in our homeland. However, you are unlikely to find a Russian version. But if you have a minimal knowledge of English, then you can easily install an antivirus on a “Russian” computer.

Fruits in Phan Thiet

Local fruits also have a bright exotic taste, which can be seen in abundance on the shelves of bazaars and supermarkets. They are sweeter than similar ones in Russia.

Tourists who intend to try all the local exotics for which Vietnam is famous, Phan Thiet, should enjoy shopping at the fruit markets. After all, in Vietnam, almost all fruits cost mere pennies. For details on fruit prices in Vietnam, see the material “What to bring from Vietnam: souvenirs and unusual gifts.” The choice is simply huge: pineapples, watermelons, small bananas, mangoes. There is even such a specific fruit as durian. Its smell is so unusual that in many in public places, for example, in hotels, transport, shops, they even post a special sign prohibiting entry there with this fruit.

Be sure to try the longan. This fruit is sold in twigs covered with fruit. The longan fruit is small, has a thin but tough brown shell, and the flesh is sweet, juicy and tasty. Among the exotic ones, they also sell mangosteens, rambutans, and a very interesting fruit called “dragon heart”.

Food in Phan Thiet

Shopping in Phan Thiet must include tasting exotic local cuisine. The large main street of the Mui Ne resort is Nguyen Dinh Hieu, along which hotels are lined up in a chain on the sea side, and on the other side there are all kinds of cafes, restaurants, shops, bars, clubs, souvenir shops and stalls with exotic goods.

Mui Ne restaurants offer traditional dishes of European, Thai, Indian and Vietnamese cuisines. Here they prepare the most incredible dishes of the East from snakes, crocodiles, turtles, lobsters, lobsters, crabs, moray eels and even sharks! Phan Thiet hotels mainly offer tourists a buffet; traditional Vietnamese spicy cuisine alternates with impersonal European cuisine. Lots of seafood.

Well, if suddenly, while on vacation, you began to yearn for your native borscht and dumplings, you can have lunch at the Russian cuisine cafe “Sandwich”, which is located before reaching the seafood street called Boke. There you will be offered dumplings, jellied meat with mustard, borscht, pancakes, okroshka and even Russian vodka.

About shops in Phan Thiet

There are a lot of small shops and stalls in Mui Ne. They mainly sell various souvenirs, crafts, handicrafts and other consumer goods. You can find quite high-quality and at the same time inexpensive things, from small to large sizes. Tracksuits, silk dresses for the house, snakeskin wallets, purses, shoes, bags and more.

Supermarket in Phan Thiet

In Phan Thiet there is a large COOP Mart supermarket, which Russian tourists jokingly dubbed the USSR. On the ground floor there is a grocery supermarket, where you can buy household goods, hygiene products, creams, etc. On the second floor - different clothes, essentials, shoes. There is a department of children's things - very good quality and inexpensive in price.

About taxis in Phan Thiet

Catching a taxi in the city is not a problem, there are a lot of them. Easy to recognize - by its white-green color. When you get into the car, make sure that the taxi driver turns on the meter. They charge 10,000 dong for landing.

What to visit in Phan Thiet

Mui Ne spa centers are very popular, offering different kinds massages: from relaxing aroma massage to Thai or hot stone massage. Almost every hotel in Mui Ne has its own spa center, but prices there are higher than in city salons. A subscription to visit such a center can be given as a gift if a holiday (for example, an anniversary) caught you while traveling to Phan Thiet.

If shopping in Mui Ne tires you, take advantage of another opportunity to relax. Tourists are offered interesting excursions to the Binh Chau hot springs, on the basis of which a spa complex with pools filled with hot water with minerals, a mud bath, a cafe and even a crocodile farm was built.

To buy everything you need and get to know the local culture better, visit the local market. Here you can buy exotic fruits and vegetables, local food, all kinds of seasonings, as well as national clothes and even jewelry. in Phan Thiet and other Vietnamese cities, read the special material prepared for you by the Shopping Expert.

On every corner there are cozy fish restaurants where you can taste dishes from freshly caught sea creatures. It should also be noted that holidays in Phan Thiet are very quiet and relaxing; there are no abundance of discos or vibrant nightlife here. Tours to Phan Thiet are ideal for lovers of excursion and beach holidays.

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Shopping in Mui is not very varied, just like in the city of Phan Thiet itself. You can find out what to buy in Mui Ne as souvenirs from Vietnam in the article What to bring from Vietnam. But we will tell you where to buy it at the resort in the article below.

Shopping in Mui Ne and Phan Thiet can be divided into several categories:

  • markets in Phan Thiet and market in Mui Ne
  • Supermarkets in Phan Thiet
  • Mui Ne shops and shops in Phan Thiet


1. Grand Central Market in Phan Thiet and market in Mui Ne Ham Tien- these are the two largest markets in the area. It is worth going to the market in the first half of the day, since most of the stalls are closed by noon, and in the morning you can taste local food, flatbreads and fresh seafood at the markets.

In the markets you can buy everything - from seafood, vegetables and meat, to souvenirs, clothes, and even to the question “where to buy a silk blanket in Phan Thiet” - we will also answer - at the market.

There is a huge selection here, prices can be reduced by 2 or even 3 times, and you can also enjoy the local flavor and rhythm of life.

Is there some more small market in Mui Ne, in the very center near the Swiss Village Resort and Spa hotel on the way to the Mui Ne Hills hotel. This is a small market where you can eat in the morning, buy fresh fruits and seafood, and it is also open until 21.00-23.00 at different days in different ways, you can buy alcohol, beer, something to eat and household items there.

Supermarkets and shopping centers

2. There are two large supermarkets in Phan Thiet: Coop Mart And Lotte Mart Phan Thiet. The first one from Mui Ne can be reached by white bus No. 1, to Lotte Mart by red bus No. 9 or by taxi, the trip will cost 120,000 - 150,000 VND.

There are fixed prices, but slightly higher than on the market. You can pay by card. The assortment is huge, from food and household goods to clothing, cosmetics, phones, watches and many other goods.

In the resort Mui Ne itself there are no supermarkets, there are several large stores souvenirs or where you can buy food.

3. Shops in Phan Thiet and Mui Ne shops.

In the city of Phan Thiet there are a lot of different shops with national goods and other necessary things. There are hardware stores in Phan Thiet, as well as silk stores. Phan Thiet shops are not aimed at tourists, the sellers do not understand English well, they do not speak Russian at all, these shops are more intended for city residents.

What can you buy in Mui Not in stores? Perhaps that's all. A huge number of pharmacies, coffee shops, souvenir shops, silk, linen and cotton shops, as well as national goods.

Also in Mui Ne there are specialized stores of sports equipment for surfing and kitesurfing, where prices are much more attractive than in Russia.

Also in Mui Ne there are shops with down jackets, which can be bought at very attractive prices compared to Russia.

A large number of stores with crocodile and leather products: bags, wallets, key rings and much more for different tastes and budgets.

Many different jewelry stores with pearls, gold and silver.

Shopping in Phan Thiet and shopping in Mui Ne are really varied and very high quality.

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Shopping in Phan Thiet shops, markets

When going to Phan Thiet, in addition to pleasant holiday experiences, you can also purchase some useful things. Always useful on the farm! In principle, there is not such a huge number of shops here as in Ho Chi Minh City, therefore, the choice is more modest, but you can still look at something.

Shopping in Vietnam in the city of Phan Thiet will be successful if you do not expect much from it. Yes, and with large sizes Here, as in other cities, there is tension.

Let's start with a large supermarket.

Everyone knows COOPMarket in Phan Thiet! There is a huge selection of products, including ready-made food and Asian fruits, such as durian, dragon fruit, furry red nuts (I don’t know what they are called!). So if you suddenly don’t want to spend money on a cafe, look here. A grocery store is located on the ground floor. On the second and third floors there are shops with clothes, shoes and accessories. Of course, crocodile leather accessories will attract your attention, but the big question is their authenticity.

Kim's Shop

This company has stores at both ends of the main beach in Phan Thiet. Souvenirs, high-quality household items, sunscreen and many pleasant little things are sold here.

Golden Sand Saloon Resort

In this store you will buy various accessories made of crocodile leather - belts, wallets, purses, etc. It’s better to bargain before buying, as prices may be inflated.

Phan Thiet Central Market

The largest market in the entire Binh Thuan province. Here you can buy inexpensive fruits, vegetables, seafood and cute trinkets. Famous Vietnamese sand paintings are also sold here.

MuiNe Village Market

It is best to come to this market early in the morning. There are inexpensive local fruits here, as well as clothes, although I am not responsible for their quality. You can buy the clothes that are sold here quite inexpensively, but you will wear them for the rest of your vacation.

Market Rank

This is a very small market, open from dawn to 10.30 am, so if you seriously intend to buy fresh fruits, vegetables, sweets or seafood there, then it is better to get up as early as possible.

Other purchases: There are many shops in Phan Thiet with things from Vietnamese brands - Blue Exchange, N&M, Nina Maxx, Maxxstyle. They may not seem exactly cheap to you at first glance, but the items are of good quality, and compared to similar items here, they are cheaper!

Restaurants and massage parlors of the resort.

Note! There are no huge shopping centers in this resort. However, you can buy plenty of crocodile leather accessories, exotic souvenirs, local crafts, natural textiles and the best coffee in the region. Other popular tourist items include fish sauce, pitahaya (“dragon's eye”) and pearls.

Shopping in Phan Thiet


Phan Thiet Central Market- the largest market in the entire Binh Thuan province. For vegetables, seafood and trinkets, you should go here. Here you can buy souvenirs that are not standard for the city. Highlight - famous Vietnamese sand paintings.

On the road from Bo Ke to a fishing village. It is recommended to visit it in the morning: later it becomes very crowded, noisy and hot. Large selection of fresh local fruits, meats, seafood. Can be purchased casual clothes for vacation- It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to carry it longer.

Another small one, but well known to tourists Market Rank is located in the center of the beach and is open from dawn to 9 and a half in the morning. Here you can buy fresh fruits, coconut candies, and have a nice breakfast.

Large shopping centers

Co.op Mart

Russian tourists nicknamed “Auchanom in Vietnamese” for a huge selection of products, including. For a budget tourist, this food option will be a godsend. There is a supermarket on the first floor, clothes, shoes, accessories, including crocodile leather, are sold on the second and third floors, but you should beware of counterfeits.

Note! The place is also known for being a landmark for tourists in Phan Thiet, since it is located on the busiest street and is close to the main routes of public transport.

Lotte Mart

The newer Lotte Mart shopping center, opened in 2014 on an area of ​​35,000 square meters, is considered a level higher than Co.op Mart, but it does not have such a good location: you need to get there either by taxi or with a transfer.

Visiting the center in opening period from 8 am to 10 pm, you can not only enjoy shopping, but also go to the movies and have lunch. There are shops here of all kinds: clothes and shoes, toys, cosmetics, jewelry, mobile phones, books, stationery and souvenirs, household goods and, of course, a huge space with food products, where there is everything you can try in Vietnam.

Popular stores

On the shelves of Phan Thiet you can find not only exotic things. There are plenty of shops here with interesting youth things - bright backpacks, colorful T-shirts, colorful dresses and other stylish wardrobe items. In addition to world-famous brands, there are many of their own brands and designers, for example, Blue Exchange, N&M, Nina Maxx, Maxxstyle.

Note! They are not cheap, but the items are of decent quality and the prices are lower than for similar items in Russia.

In a sports store Jibe's You can buy everything by sailing. High quality brands such as O'Neill, Roxy and Oxbow are available at reasonable prices.

Golden Sand Saloon Resort known for his exquisite crocodile and snakeskin accessories. It is recommended to bargain, the quality of the products is beyond doubt.

Another store with crocodile leather products - Minh Nhung Crocodile Shop. It is no longer possible to bargain here due to fixed prices. The quality of the product is excellent.

Jewelry shop Thinh & Sabine will be appreciated by the fair sex. Unique jewelry self made few will be left indifferent. Another popular store with jewelry—Asian Living.


It’s not difficult to find a souvenir shop in Phan Thiet, especially in the tourist area - you can go to any one you like. Souvenirs are amazingly diverse.

Note! For example, items made from shells, sand paintings, bottles with a beautiful image also made of sand, local flip-flops through your finger. Of course, there are also more familiar magnets, plates, key rings, ashtrays and other trinkets.

IN Kim's Shop chain stores, located at both ends of the main beach in Phan Thiet, they delight travelers with a selection of quality souvenirs, as well as small items like toiletries, sun cream and more.


Huge quantities of silk are exported from Phan Thiet every year. At the resort you have the opportunity to purchase a variety of products made from this noble material - shawls, stoles, scarves, dressing gowns.

The silk comes from Vietnamese factories located nearby, so the prices are very attractive, especially when purchased at the market and not in shops in the tourist area: they start at $5 per meter. For $15 you can buy ready-to-wear clothes like pajamas.

Local silk is valued for its lightness, smoothness and ability to take on almost any shade. When purchasing, you should pay attention to the presence of hooks on the fabric and the accuracy of the applied pattern. If desired, you can buy or sew silk National Costume"aozai", consisting of a tight-fitting long shirt-dress with slits and pants.

One of the best stores to buy silk — Sofia shopping center. Also on sale here leather bags, beach accessories, swimsuits, sandals, sunglasses.


Relatively inexpensive in Phan Thiet are pearl products.

For just a couple of dollars you can buy a small bracelet.

It is not difficult to find shops with pearl products at the resort; they are even in some hotels, but it is easy enough to come across deceivers who, under the guise of pearls, will sell just pebbles. Really high quality product famous brand for sale at the Long Beach Pearl store, but the prices are several times higher than other places.

Advice! The easiest way to spot a fake is to rub the pearls against each other; the enamel on the fake ones will peel off.