Thematic week, which ones have become big. Calendar - thematic planning in the senior group "that's how big we are." "Physical Education", "Health"

Which of you guys would undertake to help a friend? Why?

Do you think it is easier to do work alone or in a team?

Let's do an experiment.

Assignment: How much cereal will one person eat, how much will a group of children eat?

Conditions: The work is famous not for haste, but for accuracy.

Compare the results of one person in sorting grain and a group of children. Where is there more?

Who has more fun and faster work?

What conclusion can we draw?

Why did people come up with the proverb: “Friendly is not burdensome”? How are you

Do you understand the word “not heavy”?

I show the cargo - a stack of thick books.

Can one person carry it?

And if everyone takes part of the load,

based on the book?

Let's try!

Hard? So, together (children

they finish in unison “not heavy”).

What can you do together in a group? (Lead the children to the answers - make the bed, water the plants, put things in order, etc.)

Why do they say “Hardworking like an ant?”

The teacher shows the picture.

Look how small the ant is and how huge the ant pile is! - Like this

it turns out?

Because every ant is hardworking, there are many of them, and they work together.

No wonder the proverb says: “An ant is not great, but it digs mountains.”

Now let's remember the proverbs about work. I will say the beginning

proverbs, and you are its continuation.


What goes around comes around.

Without labor there is no fruit.

If you want to eat rolls, don't sit on the stove.

Time for business is time for fun.

The bird is red in its plumage, and the man is red in his handicrafts.

The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.

Patience and a little effort.

The sun paints the earth, and labor paints man.

What other proverbs and sayings about work do you know?

How do you feel about those who work hard and help others? How

What are these people called?

What kind of person would you like to become?

Who do you like to help?

What do you like to do most?

Are you expecting praise, rewards, or are you doing it selflessly?

How do you understand the word “selfless”?

Let's play the Finish the Sentence game.

Listen carefully. “When I see a tired mom (dad), then...”

The teacher asks several children, leads them to answers - bring slippers,

set the table, wash the dishes, etc.

Game situation:

Guys, I have a magic bell, with its help you can

make a wish for your parents. Whoever made a wish can come and

call quietly.

Did you all make a wish?

Remember! When parents come home tired from work, be

be attentive to them, ask how you can help them. Protect your vacation

people close to you.

Tell me, who else happens to need our protection and help? (The teacher leads to the answer about helping birds, animals, plants)

How we take care of birds in winter time of the year?

Absolutely right

Together with parents we make feeders, pour out food, store seeds


Now imagine that you are walking down the street and see something broken.

tree. What will you do? Why?

Problem situation “A bad deed is a good deed.”

Look at the monitor screen. You see two pictures, try it

determine which of them depicts a good deed and which one depicts a bad one?

Explain your choice? Why do you think so?

Well done boys! It is good to protect the weak, the younger; help the sick,


Evgeniy Permyak - How Masha became big: A fairy tale

Little Masha really wanted to grow up. Very. But she didn’t know how to do it. I tried everything. And I walked in my mother’s shoes. And she was sitting in my grandmother’s hood. And she did her hair like Aunt Katya’s. And I tried on beads. And she put the watch on her hand. Nothing worked. They just laughed at her and made fun of her.

One day Masha decided to sweep the floor. And swept it. Yes, she swept it so well that even my mother was surprised:

Mashenka! Are you really getting big with us?

And when Masha washed the dishes clean and wiped them dry, then not only mother, but also father was surprised. He was surprised and said to everyone at the table:

We didn’t even notice how Maria grew up with us. He not only sweeps the floor, but also washes the dishes.

Now everyone calls little Masha big. And she feels like an adult, although she walks around in her tiny shoes and short dress. No hairstyle. No beads. No watch.

Apparently, they are not the ones who make little ones big.

Y. Akim “Neumeyka”

Have you heard?
At the entrance
The postman walked
With the unusual
By letter.

Crumpled envelope
And on it
By line
It is clearly written:

To the first floor
Letter carrier
I came in.
I saw how Vova
They planted
At the table.

With a fairy tale
The broth was poured in.
- Letter to the Incompetent! -
The postman said.

For a spoon
And mom answered:
- There is no such thing!

In the apartment
Above them
Once upon a time there lived a boy
All over the room
He scattered

Having heard about the address,
- Don't think, uncle,
That I am a Clumsy!

I, uncle,
Haven't graduated yet
I'll line it up
And I'll clean everything up.

To the apartment to the right,
Where did you just wake up?
Golubchikov Slava

Little sister to him
I put it on
And Slava was bored
And looked
To the ceiling.

The postman said
- Not a bad family!
Doesn't he live here?
Citizen Ignorant?

But Slava
An offensive word
Stocking pulled
And he exclaimed:
- Yes you!
I dress myself
Whenever I want,
And this is... well, simple
I'm teaching my sister!

The letter carrier is coming
To another
And he sees in the kitchen
like this
And piled up
And mother and daughter

The postman said
- Trouble!
Me again
Got it in the wrong place!

Went down to the yard
Letter carrier
And soon
Almost fell
For a three year old
Boryu -
He watered the flowers
From a small watering can.

And here
Have not found

The postman sat down,
And again
Hit the road -
I'm not smart enough to look for it.

He is looking for the recipient all over the world.
But what's in the letter?
Tell me a secret?

Two words
In an envelope
Registered letters:
Two offensive words.

And I ask you:
Try your best, guys.
May this letter
Not found

Enchanted girl - A. Krestinsky, N. Polyakova

Three evil wizards
I can not,
Don't want
And I will not
Our girl Kira
They follow you everywhere.

Mom will tie up the apron,
The girl's mother will say:
- I'll go to the kitchen
Play alone.
“I can’t,” she answers.

Mom asks: “Wash the dishes!”
She answers: “I won’t!”
Kira needs to go to the doctor,
And she stood her ground: “I don’t want to!”

It’s like this always and everywhere:
- I don’t want to and I won’t!
And at every step:
- I can not!
- And she doesn’t even know other words,
- It’s immediately obvious - ENCHANTED!

We discussed the whole apartment,
What should we do with poor Kira?
We flipped through the pages of textbooks,
To find a remedy from wizards,
To find a means,
To save Kira,
So as not to harm the girl
I can't, I don't want and I won't.

We thought and thought and came up with:

As if we are all unfortunate prisoners,
It's as if wizards have taken us captive,
And no one saved me from the villains.
Tomorrow Kira will hear everywhere:
“I can’t, I don’t want and I won’t”
From any of us.

Kira wakes up just before dawn,
Asks: “Grandma, give me candy!”
But for the first time in five years
Kira hears in response:
- I can not!
Kira asks her mom for candy
But my mother answered stubbornly:
- Don't want!
-Who will dress me as soon as possible?
Who will dress me warmer?
But some miracle happened
Kira hears:
- I won’t!
- I won’t!

And no one comes to Kira,
It’s as if Kira is alone in the whole world.

What about Kira?

Kira was scared. I lay down
Pulling the blanket up to his nose.
I just didn't expect anything
And she quietly got out of bed.

Yawned lazily
I pulled on my stockings
After hesitating a bit,
I tied the lace.

She went and, sighing at every step,
She said: “I can wash myself.”

The soap floated like white foam,
The soap smelled like strawberries.
It was slippery palms -
They creaked a little.
Cheeks turned red
And the eyes are clear.

Silently, obediently,
Piece by piece
Ate a cheesecake
Washed down with milk.

And after eating, she said:
- Will
together with mom
Wash the dishes!

What about wizards?

The wizards heard
The villains are no joke
We were alarmed.
And I said I can't:
- I'll run away!

And he said I don’t want:
- I'll fly away!

I jumped straight into the window. I won’t,
I caught a cold along the way.

Serves them right!

Ekaterina Ivanova
Approximate educational planning educational work. Theme for the week of September is “That’s how big we are!”


Day weeks


OO Mode Cooperative activity adults and children, taking into account integration educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for samosas. Children's activities. Relationship with parents.

Monday, 04.09. F

"A game “What is there in the kindergarten, in the group?”

(children list pieces of furniture, toys, pointing at them).C: enriching and replenishing children’s vocabulary, teaching children to listen to their interlocutor, expressing their thoughts. P/I "Sun and Rain" Target: development of dexterity and ingenuity.

Didactic game with Nastya B., Milana P. “What will I take to kindergarten?”(children are offered pictures with various objects; they need to choose what can and should be taken to kindergarten). Situational conversation “How Sasha and Dasha didn’t share a toy”Target:bring up children's friendly feelings, sympathy and affection for each other. DI "What changed?" Target: development of memory, attention. Independent games and activities in an environment, showing interest in equipment and toys in a group; free movement in the group space.

Consultation on the topic: “Children’s adaptation to kindergarten”

Target: assisting children in adapting to a new kindergarten or team.

Speech development.

O. S. Ushakova “Speech development of children 5-7 years old” page 24 Retelling a fairy tale "The Fox and the Cancer" Tasks: connected speech: teach to tell a fairy tale coherently, consistently and expressively without the help of questions teacher; lead to the compilation of a descriptive story based on the picture "Fox".

Music Development.

Hearing. Give children information about composers D. D. Shostakovich and G. Sviridov. Learn to determine the genre and character of music. Works: march, lullaby. Enrich children's statements about the emotional and figurative content of music.


O. A. Voronkevich “Welcome to ecology!” p. 193 Conversation about pets Goals: Reinforce the concept "Pets". Learn to write descriptive stories about pets using models.

P. Walk

Monitoring weather changes. Goals: forming children’s ideas about the weather, showing its influence on the flora and fauna, forming primary ideas about autumn. P/I "Shepherd and Flock" "Geese" Target: improvement of coordination of movements, development of dexterity, space. orientation.

Individual working with Vanya, Liza, Dasha - jumping on two legs "like bunnies". C: strengthening the ability to jump on two legs. Read poem:

So autumn has come, I got my feet wet in a puddle.

The breeze sneezed -

A leaf fell from a tree, turned on its side and fell asleep... Target:formation of ideas about autumn. Children's games with outdoor toys, games in the sandbox “We’ll bake Easter cakes and cookies for dolls” Target: development of independent play activity.

H.E. Job

p/sleep Reading a fairy tale "Prostokvashino"

"paths of health". Conversation with children topic: "Our group" bring up love for your group, a desire to play together, and to come to kindergarten with pleasure. P/I "Hang a wreath" C: Teach children how to dance in a circle. Individual work with Artemy V., Elisha P., remind children of the need to put toys back in their places after games. Construction game "Kindergarten for toys"(children are invited to build a kindergarten for toys from soft modules or large building materials). S/R "Professions" C: development of interest in children’s games. Independent play activities of children in activity centers.

R. Walk

Crow observation. C: expanding knowledge about the crow, interest in bird life.

Outdoor game "Sparrows car" Target: develop children's ability to run quickly when given a signal teacher, without bumping into each other, start moving and change it at a signal, find your place.

Labor activity: watering sand for play. Goals: teach to maintain cleanliness and order in the area, encourage to provide assistance to an adult; clarify the knowledge that ear sand crumbles, and from wet sand you can make pies for dolls.

Day weeks


OO Mode Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for independent activities of children Relationship with parents.

Group/subgroup Individual Educational activities in special moments

Tuesday 05.09. R.

Observing indoor plants (how to determine which plants need watering)

Observation of care, arouse a desire to provide all possible assistance teacher.

DI "Choose by color" C: tilting the idea of ​​colors. With Andrey K., Kirill G., Vanya Ch., practice identifying sensory features (color, shape, size) develop attention, memory, speech. Situational conversation about friendship, upbringing friendly relationships in a group of peers.

S/R "Polyclinic" C: revealing the meaning of medical activities. staff Independent games for children in the center games: develop play activities; adaptation to the space and subject equipment of the group.

Consultation for parents on the topic "Game in a child's life"

Target: To give parents ideas about the importance of games in a child’s life.

FEMP V. P. Novikova " Mathematics in kindergarten. Lesson notes for children aged 5-6 years” p. 4 Counting to 5 Target: practice counting to 5; teach to compare two groups of objects by adding a missing object to a smaller group or removing from the larger group is the odd one out; learn to navigate in space

Phys. Culture Practice walking and running with changing direction, walking and running "snake" between objects, maintaining balance on a reduced support area. Repeat the jumping exercise. P/I "Sparrows and the car" C: teach to run in different directions.

Construction "Umbrella" Target: introducing children to a new method of construction for them - folding a sheet of paper "accordion". Learn to make crafts using this method. Encourage children's creativity and initiative.


Observing the sun. Goals: give an idea of ​​the role of the sun in the life of animals and plants; develop cognitive interests, sustained attention, observation, cultivate a love of nature.

P/game "Sparrows and the cat" develop fast running at the signal. With a group of children, practice jumping on two feet: develop jumping ability, agility, strength. Labor activity: collecting flower seeds in a box. C: teach to distinguish mature seeds from immature ones. P/I "Who will throw further" C: develop coordination of movements, the ability to impart throwing force. Independent play and physical activity of children in the area with outdoor toys and sports equipment (balls, rollers)

H.E. Job p/sleep Reading a fairy tale "Prostokvashino"

Invigorating gymnastics, walking on massage mats and paths "health". Develop children’s ability to dress independently after sleep; cultivate perseverance. Theatrical game based on a fairy tale "Teremok".C: developing children's interest in theater. Games. Individual Job

with Maxim, Vanya, Polina – clarify the idea of ​​personal belongings (comb, locker, towel, etc.) Examination of children's and family photographs brought from home in advance. Watching an excerpt from a cartoon "Leopold the Cat" C: show how to behave politely in any situation. Independent activities of children in centers activity: drawing with pencils, using stencils.

S.K. Walk

Observing children's play preparatory group. Make children want to imitate big children, play together, no quarreling: bring up friendly relationships among peers.

Children play in the sandbox with outdoor toys, develop skills in play activities in a group of peers.

Labor cleaning up sand in a sandbox after games: develop hard work skills.

Day weeks

Integration of OO Mode Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of development. environment for samosas.

children's activities

Relationship with parents.

Group/subgroup Individual Educational activities in special moments

Reception and examination of children. Morning exercises

Wednesday 09/06. S.K.

Conversation with children on the topic: "Our group" expand children’s knowledge about their group, develop the ability to navigate in a group space. Reading a poem by A. Barto “Mashenka. Conversation with Mom" C: drawing children's attention to the style of communication between mother and child, arousing a desire to take care of the babies. Individual work with Polina K., Leroy Z. awaken interest in creative manifestations in play and playful communication with peers. The communication situation on topic: "My friends" invite children to talk; bring up friendly relationships between children. DI "Echo" C: repeating a simple rhythm by clapping your hands. Games and activities in the environment, showing interest in equipment, toys in the group, free movement in the group space.

Consultation for parents on topic: « Upbringing communication with peers in older preschool age"

Target: enriching knowledge and ideas about the rules of communication between children and peers.

FCCM Golitsina N. S. “Synopses of comprehensive thematic classes. Old group" page 18. Subject: "We are now in senior group» Target: Give an idea of ​​the new status children: they already senior group students; consolidate knowledge about the premises kindergarten, employees; recall the rules for caring for plants; introduce new types of duties.

Drawing "Butterfly" Target: continue to introduce children to non-traditional techniques drawing. Learn to create a drawing using technology "monotype". Develop the ability to choose independently color scheme paints Develop color perception, improve fine motor skills fingers and hands. Arouse a positive response to the results of your creativity.

Music Development of Singing. Development of music. Hearing and voices. C: hear and subtly convey the up and down movement of a melody. Exercise children in distinguishing sounds by pitch, in pure intonation of fifths up and down.


Watching the wind. Goals:

develop the ability to see the beauty of the sky; develop creative imagination, evoke a desire to fantasize.

P/game "Aircraft" target: develop the ability to move easily, act on a signal teacher. Individual working with Nastya, Kirill, - teach to move silently, develop motor qualities. S/r about seasonal changes in nature "How we walked in the park", « What trees have become» C: development of observation and attention. p/n "At the bear in the forest..." C: Teach children to alternately perform different functions (run and catch).

Independent play and physical activity of children in the area with external materials.

H.E.R. Job sleep Reading a fairy tale "Prostokvashino"

S.K. Evening

Invigorating gymnastics after sleep, walking on massage mats and paths "health". Gaming development experience: mastering the rules for using toys and aids (location in certain places: in a doll corner, on a touch table, etc.) D/ And: “Make a picture-matryoshka” - teach children to collect simple pictures, select parts according to shape and image; develop attention, observation, visual and imaginative thinking, perseverance and fine motor skills of the fingers. Develop the gaming experience of each child; help children discover new possibilities for reflecting the world through play; awaken interest in creative manifestations in play and playful communication with peers. Independent activities of children in centers activity: drawing at will; development of creative abilities


Observing the properties of sand, comparing wet and dry sand and what can be made from sand: expand children’s knowledge about the environment, develop thinking, memory, speech.

Outdoor game: "Bunnies" practice jumping on two legs, running in a given direction; learn to act on cues teacher.

Children’s independent games with outdoor toys, to develop children’s play and motor activity, bring up friendly relationships between children.

Day weeks


OO Mode Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for self. children's activities Relationship with parents.

Group/subgroup Individual Educational activities in special moments

Reception and examination of children. Morning exercises.

friendship. Target: we teach children to be friends, to help their friends in trouble.

Thursday 09/07. P.

Looking at pictures on the topic "autumn",watching the rain from the window. C: consolidation of knowledge about the signs of autumn, its features. Di “Let’s set the table for tea” Target: introduce the names of utensils into the dictionary, learn to find the named objects among others.

Play with a group of children who had come earlier Board games "Lotto" "Mosaic" etc. - develop fine motor skills of the fingers, thinking, active speaking. The communication situation on topic: "My favorite toys" develop children’s speech, the ability to express their thoughts clearly for others, bring up emotional responsiveness. Games with favorite toys and aids; bring up careful handling of toys, teaching to put all games and toys back in their places after playing.

Cognitive research and productive activities. Tugusheva G. P., Chistyakova A. E. " Experimental activities middle and older children preschool age» Page 41 "Excursion to the children's laboratory"Target: to clarify the idea of ​​who scientists are, to introduce the concept "the science", "hypothesis", about the way of understanding the world - experiment (experience).

Modeling. Modeling by D. N. Koldin “Modeling with children 5–6 years old” page 13 A bunch of grapes. Continue teaching children to roll small balls of plasticine between their palms and flatten them on top with their finger on the cardboard. Develop fine motor skills of the hands; thinking, attention.

Phys. Culture. Practice walking and running in a column one at a time. Learn to maintain stable balance when walking on a reduced area of ​​support, and practice vigorous pushing off the floor with both feet.

S.K. Walk

Observing flowers in a flower bed. Goals: clarify the name of the flowers, their structure. Features of size, color, shape of petals, leaves, stem; encourage comparative statements. P/game "Hares and the Wolf" develop fast running. Individual work with Andrey, Nastya. Standing jumps on two legs - push off energetically and land correctly.

Target: develop dexterity. P/I "Sly Fox" Target: develop endurance and observation in children. Practice running fast, lining up in a circle, catching, and develop the need for physical activity.

Independent play and physical activity of children with outdoor toys and sports equipment on the site.

Job sleep Reading a fairy tale "Prostokvashino"

Invigorating gymnastics after sleep, walking on massage mats and "paths of health" Involve children in self-care (dressing, undressing, washing, promoting the development of independence, volitional efforts, positive self-esteem. Retelling a fairy tale "Kolobok" Target: bring up ability to retell a story by answering questions


Individual working with Varya, Vanya. D.I. "Close - Far". Target:

enrich your vocabulary, develop free communication skills; develop spatial orientation; cultivate a desire to play with the teacher Game“We are so used to order” reinforce children’s knowledge of the need to put all things in their place, cultivate neatness, bring up desire not to take part in feasible labor

(cleaning up toys). Independent activity of children in activity centers; develop children’s cognitive interest in the subject equipment of the group.

P. Walk

Bird watching.

Goals: develop children’s cognitive interest in birds; instill a desire to take care of them, develop knowledge about the habits of birds, cultivate a love of nature.

Outdoor game "Birds in Nests" learn to walk and run in all directions without bumping into each other; teach to act quickly on a signal teacher, to help each other.

The work of cleaning sand into the sandbox after games: education of hard work skills.

Independent play and physical activity of children at will.

Day weeks

Integration of OO Mode Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities

Relationship with parents.

Group/subgroup Individual Educational activities in special moments

Reception and examination of children. Morning exercises.

Friday 09/08. H.E.

Reading a fairy tale by L. N. Tolstoy "Three Bears".Target: bring up the ability to listen carefully and understand the content of a fairy tale. Conversation "What do I play at home"Target: develop dialogical speech according to type: "question answer". Russian folk game "Loaf". Target games: formation of a sense of belonging and a positive psychological microclimate of the group; identifying likes and dislikes in the group. With Maxim G., Olesya S., practice comparing objects by length and height. Di « Wonderful pouch» Enrich children's sensory experience and the ability to record it in speech. Improve children's perception, actively including all senses. Game-situation "Hares and Hunters" Target: learn to use various means of expression (facial expressions, gesture, posture)

Independent activity of children in activity centers, role-playing games: "Mothers and Daughters", "Shop".Target: to form friendly relationships between children. Individual consultations at the request of parents. Target: dissemination of pedagogical knowledge among parents.

Drawing "Rainbow" Target: develop Creative skills through teaching non-traditional types of drawing, continue to introduce children to new types of drawing; develop interest in creative activities; cultivate accuracy in work.

Phys. Culture Practice walking and running in a column one at a time. Learn to maintain stable balance when walking on a reduced area of ​​support, and practice vigorous pushing off the floor with both feet.

Familiarization with art. literature Ushakova O. S. “Introducing preschoolers to literature and speech development” page 105 English folk tale "Three piglets" V processing C. Mikhalkova. Tasks: teach to understand the emotional and figurative content of a fairy tale, its idea; develop figurative speech (selection of definitions, comparisons for a given word)

S.K. Walk

Watching the wind. Target: develop attention. Di “Assemble the fruit molds”.P/i "Throwing balls". Target: develop ball throwing skill and agility. Labor order: collecting pebbles on the site.

Individual Job with Learning nursery rhymes by heart "Egorka the Hare".Game exercise "Teddy Bear" Borey K., Nastya

Remind the dressing sequence. Continue to teach children to dress independently for a walk, observing the sequence. Material for observations: turntables.

Remote material: skittles, balls;

sand sets.

Job sleep Reading a fairy tale "Prostokvashino"

Story game "Chauffeurs".

Water games: "Fishing" (use a fishing rod to catch a fish).

Di "Recognize by sound" (musical instruments) Role-playing game "Let's give the doll some tea" with Arseny R., Polina K. Target: enrichment of vocabulary, development of gaming activity.

Conversation about maintaining order in the group and in games. corners. Labor in a corner of nature to water houseplants, remove dust from leaves, cultivate hard work. Musical corner: pipes.

Game corner: constructor.

R. Walk

Sparrow watching Goals:: expand knowledge about the appearance and habits of a sparrow; bring up attention and observation. Independent play and physical activity of children in the area with outdoor toys and sports equipment. P/n "Carousels". Target: practice walking and running in a circle.

Approximate plan of educational work with children 1.5 - 3 years old “That's how big we have become”

Program content:

  1. Formation of elementary ideas about the growth and development of children.
  2. Expanding Conceptions of Change social status (growing up) child in connection with attending kindergarten.
  3. Creating an emotionally positive climate in the group and kindergarten for a comfortable stay for children in kindergarten.

Directly educational activities by educational areas:

« Physical Culture» , "Health"

General developmental exercises with flags and ribbons as shown by the teacher.

General developmental exercises “How big we are!”

"Cognition" (development of sensory culture)

Conversation "What do I know about myself" . To form children’s ideas about the importance of organs for normal human life. Clarify knowledge with children: we look with our eyes, with our ears we hear, with our nose we breathe, etc. etc. Practice orientation in parts of the body: in front - where the face is, behind (behind)- where the back is, on the right (right)- where the right hand is (the one with which the spoon is held is drawn), left (left)- where the left hand is.

"Cognition" (development of horizons)

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to:

Looking at the painting "Games with a doll" (authors of the series E. Radina, V. Ezikeeva), learn to understand what is depicted in the picture, answer the teacher’s questions about its content, learn to correlate the objects depicted in the picture with the corresponding subject pictures.


In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to offer children:

Conversation "Our toys" . Enrich children's vocabulary with nouns denoting the names of toys, vehicles, verbs, adjectives, adverbs. Practice using some question words (who, what, where) and simple phrases consisting of 2-4 words.

"Artistic creativity" (drawing)

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to offer children:

Drawing “We draw balloons with flowers ourselves” . Practice technique "printing" . Recognize the images of balls and flowers in the resulting images. Continue learning to draw lines of different lengths. To develop children's emotional perception of a given image.

"Artistic creativity" (applique)

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to offer children:

Applique “This is the bouquet we have” . Cultivate an interest in creating beautiful bouquet in collaboration with the teacher and other children. Learn to create a composition from ready-made applique elements: choose them as you wish and place them on a complex form (silhouette of a bouquet). Show the possibility of making a flower using the paper plastic technique - from crumpled lumps. Develop a sense of form and composition.


In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use:

  • for hearing ("Little Night Serenade" music V.A. Mozart, “In Spring” St. Maikapara)
  • for singing ("That's how big we are" music E. Tilicheeva)
  • for musical-rhythmic movements ("Merry Dance" music M. Kartushina, “This is how we can do it” music E. Tilicheeva, "Squat" music A. Roomer)
  • for the game DMI ("Tambourine and Rattles" music M. Kartushina)

For fun “Ladushki visiting grandma” .

  • models of independent dressing/undressing and hand washing
  • flags, ribbons, tambourines, skittles

Illustrations of children washing, dressing, combing their hair, playing, drawing, eating, etc.

To carry out educational activities in the family on the topic, it is advisable to recommend that parents:

  • look at the illustrations
  • look at the reflection in the mirror
  • perform movements to a dance tune with parents

Complete simple constructions "Furniture for Katya's doll" .

Joint educational activities on the topic at special moments:


  • situational conversation "I'm going for a walk"
  • looking at doll clothes
  • comparison of an adult's fingers with a child's
  • a game “The girl Masha goes to kindergarten” (build a house from cubes of different colors)
  • educational game "What can my hands do"
  • role-playing game “How Masha and Vanya were going to visit”
  • educational game "Mirror" (repetition of the teacher’s facial expressions)
  • reading by I. Muraveyk "I myself" , E. Mashkovskaya "Mitya - himself" , E. Ilyina "Top-top" , A.Barto « Younger brother» , "Mashenka" , S. Kaputikyan "Masha doesn't cry" , Z.Alexandrova "About little Tanya" , E Blaginina "Alyonushka" , D. Gabe "My family"
  • situational conversation "I'm lost" - learn how to behave correctly if you get lost on the street
  • didactic game "Child and Doll" – learn to find common and distinctive features in a child and a doll
  • finger game "My family" - develop knowledge about your family
  • finger gymnastics "That's how big we've become"
  • didactic game “What can we do?” . To make children understand that they have grown up, like the heroes of the works, that they can already do a lot themselves
  • examining illustrations, clarifying words denoting actions and properties of objects "multi-colored plumes" , "round ball" , "colored ribbons" , « Stuffed Toys» and etc.

Games with laces, develop children’s ability to classify according to characteristics (thickness, length, color).

  • exercise for the formation of clear and intelligible speech “Pass the doll Katya” , learn to politely ask a friend for a toy
  • reading a poem by A. Barto "Toys"

Reading a poem by V. Berestov "Sick Doll" , help understand the content of the poem, evoke an emotional response to it.

Hygiene procedures:

  • game situations “Let’s show the doll how to dress properly”
  • artistic word: "Wash Poems" V. Stepanov

Game situation “Let’s teach the Incompetent to wash his hands” .

Breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner:

  • game situation “Let’s teach the Incompetent to use a napkin”

Didactic exercise “Let’s show the doll how to arrange spoons.” .


Observations of spring changes in nature (behind the blossoming leaves on the trees; behind the appearance of the first grass; behind the blossoming dandelion); behind the sparrows (onomatopoeia game: sparrow - "chirp-chirp" ) .

Outdoor games “Catch the ball!” , "Roll the ball" , "Throw the ball" , "Ball in a Circle" , "Catch me" , "Run to me" , "Run and Jump" ; "Raise your feet higher" , "Step over the stick" , "Walk through the stream" .

  • individual work on the development of basic movements
  • labor on site: (following the rule “Every thing has its place.” Encourage children to follow an adult’s instructions: bring a toy, put it in the indicated place)


  • creating simple designs by acting out familiar plots: we will build furniture for toys, set the table and invite guests
  • games on tambourines, rattles "Russian folk melodies"
  • laying out elements (balloons, flags, flowers) on flannelgraph
  • clarification of the names of objects and words denoting their actions and properties. Use of expressions in speech: "the doll is sleeping" , "car rides" , "The bunny is dancing"
  • paperplastic "Candy on a Plate for Friends"
  • reading S. Prokofiev's fairy tales “When is it okay to cry?” a series "Masha's tales" , to evoke a desire to listen to a work, to encourage a correlation between the content of the work and personal experience children
  • playing out a situation in a puppet theater: toys line up in pairs and go for a walk along the street
  • supervision of cleaning by an adult game room, attraction to elementary labor activity (put away toys)
  • exercise in drawing chickens, flowers, flags with your finger on trays with cereals
  • didactic game “Who came by car?”
  • looking at toys (trucks, cars, buses, trains), teach to distinguish by appearance and name transport toys and their main parts: body, cabin, steering wheel, wheels, windows
  • examining the clothes of the Katya doll, dressing the doll for a walk, clarifying ideas about clothing, the purpose of the color of things, the dressing sequence

Didactic exercise “Let’s show the dolls what order we have” , "Where the toys are" , “How we know how to place a chair correctly” .

An evening walk:

  • playing with water and sand "We know how to build a bridge"

Outdoor games “Catch the ball!” , "Roll the ball" , "Throw the ball" , "Ball in a Circle" , "Catch me" , "Run to me" , "Train" , "Run and Jump" ; "Raise your feet higher" , "Step over the stick" , "Walk through the stream" .

  • children playing with balls and pins “We are so accurate”

Independent activities of children's choice.

Deadline for implementation of the topic: 22.05-31.05
Topic of the week: This is how big we have become.
Goal: Expanding the child’s understanding of himself as a member of the team.
Final event: entertainment, dedicated to the day child protection.
Date of the final event: 2017
Responsible for the final event: N.A. Nesterchuk

Monday Morning:

KD / SKR 1. Conversation with children about friends and loved ones.
Goal: to cultivate in children interest, attention and a friendly attitude towards others.
2. Didactic game “Which tree is the leaf from?” - to consolidate knowledge about trees.
3. Work in a corner of nature: washing plants.
Goal: invite children to talk about why it is necessary to wash indoor plants; improve labor skills and abilities.
4. Morning exercises.
Target. Promote the physiological awakening of children. Ind. Work (Daria, Sasha, Kira). game exercise: “Say with the word sunny.”
Goal: to learn to select words that have the right meaning and coordinate them with nouns. Activate children's vocabulary.

Goal: To teach how to use toys for their intended purpose, to implement various game plots with their help

Formation of a holistic picture of the world
“Learning to play and work together”, Literature: Volchkova V.N. Cognitive development, p.143
Program content: teach the ability to control one’s behavior; improve yourself as a person through communication with people, restrain yourself and listen to the opinions of others; teach children to coordinate their actions with the actions of their partner when doing work together.
OO. Physical development. According to the plan of the additional education teacher.
Games, preparation for a walk.

ID / TFR Game exercise: “Whose locker is better?”
Goal: to consolidate the ability to independently maintain cleanliness and order in your closet.
Reading Ushinsky’s book “Four Wishes” (excerpt about spring).
Analyze the work of the canteen attendants.
Evening: DD / FR;
1. Gymnastics for waking up after sleep (card file No. __)
2. Observing blooming violets in a corner of nature - to form a caring attitude towards indoor plants.
3. Didactic game “Wonderful bag”.
Goal: To improve children's perception through the active use of all senses (touch). Enrich sensory experience and the ability to record received impressions in speech.
4. Role-playing game “Hospital”. Plot: “The baby needs a vaccination.”
Tasks. To identify children’s level of gaming skills and the ability to select attributes for the game. Promote the formation of friendly relationships between children.
Vocabulary work: vaccine, virus, sick, treat, diagnosis, medicine, prescription, doctor's appointment.
With Nikita. Artem. Roma repeat the names of the spring months.
Individual work on movement development: side gallop (Roma, Nikita, Kirill)
Add summer clothing templates.
Artistic and creative activity “Draw beautiful clothes” - consolidate the ability to draw a human figure, observing proportions.

Musical (according to the plan of the music worker)
6 Interaction with families of pupils Consulting upon request of parents
Day of the week Regular moments of HP and CP, respectively.
with OO Joint activity of an adult and pupils aimed at the formation of primary value orientation and socialization. Subject development organization - spatial environment to support children's initiative
(independent activity corners)
Educational activities during regime moments.
Group, subgroup Support for the student’s individuality 1 2 3 4 5
reception and examination of children from children's schools / children's homes;
KD / SKR 1. Conversations “About polite words” “About helping adults”
Purpose: To remind children of the need to say hello, say goodbye, call preschool employees by their patronymic names, not interfere in adult conversations, politely express your request, and thank them for the service provided.
2. Didactic game “Make no mistake.”
Goal: To teach children to distinguish objects by the material from which they are made, to identify and correctly name such properties as: hard, soft, rough, flexible, hard, etc.
3. Outdoor game “Bear and Bees” - develop reaction speed and dexterity.
4. Morning exercises. Lexical exercises on the use of prepositions of spatial meaning “What has changed”, “What is wrong”, etc.) Gosha, Dima, Marina. Introducing and viewing illustrations depicting insects - introduce the diversity of insects, develop curiosity.

Speech development. Coming up with a story on the topic “How will I take care of my health”
Literature: Golitsyna N.S. Abstracts on complex topics. classes..., p.414
Program content: consolidate children's understanding of healthy way life, consolidate, show the importance of following a daily routine in strengthening the health of each person, teach to reason and draw conclusions. Develop children's memory, attention, curiosity, highlight the rules of healthy eating. Foster a sense of responsibility for their health and the desire to take care of it.
NGO Artistic and Aesthetic Development. Productive (drawing)
“Our group” Literature: IA Lykova p.128 Visual activities in d.s.
Program content: develop independence and creativity, learn to reflect impressions of the surrounding life; to form ideas about kindergarten employees, about the work processes performed by each of them; cultivate respect for the work of adults; improve the ability to navigate the premises of a kindergarten.
Games, preparation for a walk.
Walk: Card file of walks, card no.
Return from a walk, KGN, lunch, work before bed VHL / RR;
ID / SKR Development of self-service skills - learning to put things in order in our lockers.
Evening: DD / FR;

2. D/i on traffic rules: “Guess what sign” - teach children to distinguish road signs. Consolidate children’s knowledge about the rules of the road.
3. Didactic game “Who can name the insects the most?” - to form knowledge about insects, to activate children’s speech.
4. Cognitive and research activities with soap bubbles - blow bubbles from different-sized straws, find out whether the size of the bubbles depends on this.
Word game (Polina, Milana)
“Who is who?”
-Who are you to your grandfather? (grandson)
-Who is Lisa to you? (sister)…
Goal: to consolidate knowledge about family ties, to learn how to correctly name relatives.
Bring figurines of adult animals and their cubs for the game in the “Forest Kindergarten”

Walk. Card file of walks, card no.

Day of the week Regular moments of HP and CP, respectively.
with OO Joint activity of an adult and pupils aimed at the formation of primary value orientation and socialization. Organization of a developing subject-spatial environment to support children's initiative
(independent activity corners)
Educational activities during regime moments.
Group, subgroup Support for the student’s individuality 1 2 3 4 5
Wednesday Morning:
reception and examination of children from children's schools / children's homes;
KD / SKR 1. Conversation “Who works in our kindergarten”
Goal: To consolidate ideas about the characteristics of the work of kindergarten workers ( nurse, cook, janitor). Explain the significance of their work, form a positive attitude towards their work.
2. Didactic game “What clothes do I need?” go for a walk, go on a visit, go on holiday.
Goal: consolidate knowledge about items of clothing and their purpose.
3. Reading fiction Kalinina N. “Helpers”
4. Morning exercises.
Target. Promote the physiological awakening of children. Compiling stories on the topic “If I had a magic wand” (Roma, Nikita, Artem) Duty in a corner of nature: watering plants.
Continue to teach children to independently determine the need for watering by the color of the soil, to develop responsibility for the assigned task.

Organized educational activities of the NGO Cognitive Development
FEMP “Dividing the whole into equal parts” by V.P.Novikov, p.85
Program content: practice dividing a square into 4 equal parts by folding diagonally; learn to show one-fourth, form an object from 4 isosceles triangles, and navigate in space.
OO Physical development
Physical education (according to the instructor’s plan)
Games, preparation for a walk.
Walk: Card file of walks, card no.
Return from a walk, KGN, lunch, work before bed VHL / RR;
ID / TFR 1. Situational conversations about the rules of washing, exercise “We follow appearance»
Continue to develop cultural and hygienic skills.
2 Reading “The Frog Princess”
Goal: continue to introduce children to folk art; develop memory, speech.
Evening: DD / FR;
Gymnastics for waking up after sleep (card file No. __)
2. Problem situation “Mom got sick”: to develop a desire to comply with moral standards (mutual help, care), foster a respectful attitude towards parents;
3. Theatrical game “A round the world trip”
Goal: to develop the ability to justify one’s behavior, develop faith and imagination, and expand children’s knowledge.
Children are invited to go on a trip around the world. They must figure out where their path will lie - through the desert, through the mountains, through the swamp - and change their behavior accordingly.
4. Outdoor game “Run, don’t hit me” - consolidate the ability to act after a signal, develop attentiveness and dexterity.
Clarify children's knowledge about the professions of cook, laundress, dressmaker. Conversation about safety rules when cooking, washing, sewing. (Egor, Nikita, Polina) Add attributes for the s/r game “Shop” (plastic cards)
Goal: To promote the emergence of a playful concept in children, to take on a role depending on the plot.
Organized educational activities of the NGO Artistic and Aesthetic Development.
Productive (modeling) (applique)
Program content:
Walk. Card file of walks, card no.
6 Interaction with families of pupils Individual conversations and consultations with parents on issues of interest to them.
Day of the week Regular moments of HP and CP, respectively.
with OO Joint activity of an adult and pupils aimed at the formation of primary value orientation and socialization. Organization of a developing subject-spatial environment to support children's initiative
(independent activity corners)
Educational activities during regime moments.
Group, subgroup Support for the student’s individuality 1 2 3 4 5
Thursday Morning:
reception and examination of children from children's schools / children's homes;
CD/SKR 1. Conversation “How will I take care of my health”
Goal: Expanding ideas about health and a healthy lifestyle. Formation of emotional responsiveness to the state of loved ones. Expansion of knowledge about the functions of body parts, the variety of sensory organs, their hygiene and prevention. Development of the ability to establish a connection between the action performed and the state of the body, well-being.
2. Didactic game “Grandma’s Basket”, aimed at developing ideas about products that are good for health.
3. Work in a corner of nature - irrigate flowers - develop a love for plants.
4. Morning exercises.
Target. Promote the physiological awakening of children. Individual work with Amir, Nikita, Andrey.
Target. Strengthen the ability to divide words into syllables.
Create conditions for children to play independently with their favorite toys.
Goal: To teach how to use toys for their intended purpose, to implement various play games with their help.

Organized educational activities of the NGO Social and communicative development.
Speech development. Y. Tuvim “Letter to all children on one very important matter” (reading)
Literature: Golitsyna N.S. Abstracts on complex topics. classes..., p.415
Program content: Develop thinking abilities, logical and imaginative thinking, improve oral speech skills. To develop children's interest in a healthy lifestyle
Strengthen knowledge of personal hygiene rules. Introduce small genres of oral folk art(proverbs, sayings). Develop a sustainable interest in the rules and norms of a healthy lifestyle;
Develop children's cognitive and speech activity; curiosity, attention, memory, thinking
Develop gross and fine motor skills, coordination of movements, imagination, auditory perception.
To foster a child’s conscious attitude towards their health and the desire to be healthy. NGO Artistic and Aesthetic Development.
OOO Productive (drawing) “Our group” (continued)
Literature: IA Lykova p.128 Visual activities in d.s.
Program content: Learn to draw sketches in pencil, develop imagination and desire to draw. Follow the sequence of actions.
Games, preparation for a walk.
Walk: Card file of walks, card no.
Return from a walk, KGN, lunch, work before bed VHL / RR;
ID / TFR 1. Conversation “Behavior at the table.”
Goal: To develop self-service skills and cultural and hygienic skills, teach children to eat independently, pay attention to the fact that they need to hold a tablespoon correctly and lean over the plate.
2. Reading a poem by S.Ya. Marshak "Fire" OBZH “Fire. Dangerous items"
Evening: DD / FR;
Gymnastics for waking up after sleep (card file No. __)
2. Reading stories by V. Oseeva: “Offenders.”
Stimulate a passion for reading and communicating with adults and peers about the content of what has been read; learn to answer questions based on the content of what you read;
3. A creative story on the topic “Why quarreling with a friend is bad.”
4. D/i “One, two, three, find what could be dangerous” in order to consolidate ideas about the sources of danger in the house, develop intelligence and attention.
Individual work (Ulyana, Sonya, Denis) Game "Show me the number of sounds you hear."
Goal: to practice counting by ear.
Progress: children have numbers from 1 to 10. The teacher behind the screen hits a drum or metallophone with a hammer. Free drawing "Friendship". Develop the ability to convey human interaction in drawings. Improve your drawing skills by combining different materials: colored wax crayons and white (gouache). To develop children's imaginative perception and creativity.
Organized educational activities of the NGO Physical Development
Swimming (according to instructor's plan)
Walk. Card file of walks, card no.
6 Interaction with families of pupils Individual conversations and consultations with parents on issues of interest to them.
Day of the week Regular moments of HP and CP, respectively.
with OO Joint activity of an adult and pupils aimed at the formation of primary value orientation and socialization. Organization of a developing subject-spatial environment to support children's initiative
(independent activity corners)
Educational activities during regime moments.
Group, subgroup Support for the student’s individuality 1 2 3 4 5
Friday Morning:
reception and examination of children from children's schools / children's homes;
CD / SKR 1. Conversation-reasoning “What have I learned?”
Goal: develop the ability to evaluate yourself, your abilities and skills, learn to express your thoughts and listen to others.
2. Listening to audio recordings “Sounds of Nature”, “The Sound of Rain”, etc.
3. Conversation - reasoning “Rules of behavior in nature in spring” to form the prerequisites for environmental consciousness
4. Morning exercises.
Target. Promote the physiological awakening of children. Individual work (Sasha, Denis, Ilona) Didactic game “Say the opposite”
Goal: to consolidate in the child’s mind and vocabulary the opposite characteristics of objects or antonym words. Looking at the illustrations “Mama-Sorceress”
Goal: To develop a caring and sensitive attitude towards the closest people (mother, grandmother), the need to please loved ones with good deeds.

Organized educational activities of the NGO Cognitive Development
Cognitive and Research Topic: “Obstacle Course”
Literature: Golitsyna N.S. Abstracts on complex topics. classes..., p.413
Program content: Preserve and strengthen physical and mental health children; - to develop children’s need for an active and healthy lifestyle; - develop the ability to maintain correct posture in various types activities.
NGO Artistic and Aesthetic Development.
Musical (according to the plan of the music worker).
Games, preparation for a walk.
Walk: Card file of walks, card no.
Return from a walk, KGN, lunch, work before bed VHL / RR;
ID / SKR Work with the canteen attendants. Remind children of neatness skills.
Reading poems by Russian poets and winter.
Evening: DD / FR;
Gymnastics for waking up after sleep (card file No. __)
2. Watching the cartoon “Cheburashka”
Learn to answer questions about the content of the cartoon you watched. Develop group conversation skills.
3. Role-playing game “Let’s cook dinner and feed the family”, improving the ability to take on a role and perform actions according to the accepted role
4. Work assignment: washing doll clothes.
Goal: to teach to appreciate the work of others, to cultivate hard work.
Ind.r. with Polina, Diana “Who’s Next”
Purpose: to exercise the ability to perform long jumps. Game with building materials: “Let’s build a house of Friendship” - develop children’s constructive skills, the ability to build simple structures, and enjoy the results.
Organized educational activity Walk. Card file of walks, card no.
6 Interaction with families of pupils Individual conversations and consultations with parents on issues of interest to them.
Kalinina N. “Helpers”

Y. Tuvim “Letter to all children on one very important matter” (reading)
My dear children! I am writing to you a letter: I ask you to wash your hands and face more often. It doesn’t matter what kind of water: Boiled, spring water, From a river, or from a well, Or just rain! You definitely need to wash in the Morning, evening and afternoon - Before every meal , After sleep and before bed! Rub with a sponge and washcloth! Be patient - it doesn’t matter! And ink and jam will be washed away by soap and water. My dear children! I really, really ask you: Wash cleaner, wash more often - I can’t stand dirty people. I won’t give a hand to dirty people ,I won’t go to visit them! I wash myself very often. Goodbye! Yours Tuvim
Translation from Polish by S. Mikhalkov
V. Oseeva “Offenders”
Tolya often came running from the yard and complained that the guys were hurting him.
“Don’t complain,” my mother once said, “you have to treat your comrades better yourself, then your comrades won’t offend you!”
Tolya went out onto the stairs. On the playground, one of his offenders, the neighbor boy Sasha, was looking for something.
“My mother gave me a coin for bread, but I lost it,” he explained gloomily. – Don’t come here, otherwise you’ll trample!
Tolya remembered what his mother told him in the morning and hesitantly suggested:
- Let's look together!
The boys began to search together. Sasha was lucky: a silver coin flashed under the stairs in the very corner.
- Here she is! – Sasha was delighted. - She got scared of us and found herself! Thank you. Go out into the yard. The guys will not be touched! Now I’m just running for bread!
He slid down the railing. From the dark flight of stairs came cheerfully:
- You go!..