Technique for painting with acrylic paints on nails. We learn to paint on nails with acrylic paints. Video: learning to paint flowers on nails with acrylic paints

Most girls love to experiment with their nails. What colors are used on nails? The appearance of the nail plate can be transformed and diversified thanks to acrylic and watercolor paints.

Acrylic paints will be an excellent assistant. They are the most common option used for manicure. This way you can paint absolutely any picture on your nails.

Advantages of acrylic compositions

  • They are safe for nails.
  • They are easy to mix with water, select the desired shades and textures, and they dry quickly.
  • To remove the drawing, it is enough to use ordinary nail polish remover, and if the acrylic has not yet dried, it can be removed with water.
  • You will be able to come up with the most extravagant design, since the variety of color palettes of acrylic paints will give freedom to your imagination.
  • The ability to find paints in any art store and the long shelf life are also incredibly pleasing.

Girls are interested in how to draw acrylic paints on the nails. There are many techniques for applying acrylic paints: sliding, glazing, watercolor, oil, etc.

Instructions for implementation

Before starting work, make sure that all tools are well disinfected and in their place.

For beginner manicurists, step-by-step instructions are best:

  • Correction. First, you should completely clean the nail plates, remove the cuticle, and give the nails the desired shape. You can sand them for better application of the varnish.
  • Base. Next, apply a base coat (clear varnish) to your nails and let dry thoroughly. If you plan to paint on a colored surface, then apply varnish, which will serve as a background, and also wait until it dries completely.
  • Main drawing. Now get started with your creativity. Come up with drawings, or search on the Internet - there are a lot of choices. To get a light and translucent shade, mix the colors you need with water. For a thicker, more saturated shade, do not mix with water.

It is better to use and mix paints from the same manufacturer. There is a lot of choice and you will definitely like something. Don't be afraid to experiment - put a bold emphasis on your nails.

  • Securing the manicure. Secure the finished design with a transparent varnish, which will make the nail plate smooth and shiny, and also save the main design from external influences. Wait for it to dry completely.

Don't know how to paint on your nails? It doesn't matter - you can easily learn this. Let's do a cool manicure with our own hands. What do we need for this? First of all, time and patience. We sit down on a comfortable chair, stock up on acetone, files, varnish, brushes, paints, cotton wool and everything necessary for work and begin painting on our nails. We advise you to cover the table with film or paper, so you will not stain the surface. Print out the drawing so that it is in front of your eyes. Otherwise, you risk getting your equipment dirty. For beginners, we recommend starting with simple drawings.

You need to figure out what is more convenient for drawing, what to choose: brushes, needle, toothpick, dots. How to work with tape and acrylic paints.

Practice first on a suitable surface or paper, and only then draw on your nails. Before applying the design, do a manicure, giving your nails well-groomed appearance. Next, you need to apply a clear base coat to your nails.

Brush drawing:

Toothpick drawing:

Our task is to understand how you can make a cool manicure with beautiful designs yourself, at home. With a little patience and skill, you can successfully make drawings at home without the help of a nail art specialist. Start learning with simple drawings, then complicate the task. Over time, you can take on complex designs. The easiest way is to use tools such as a toothpick or a needle.

How to draw

For nail art, the most commonly used tools are needles, dots and brushes. The technique of drawing with a needle and dots is not difficult even for inexperienced beginners.

What is a manicure needle? Such a needle does not have an eye; one end rests against the rod, the other end is intended for drawing. The needle drawings are thin and filigree. Needles are sold in specialized stores, but you can easily make it yourself. Stick one end into the stylus a simple pencil, and you can use a sharp tip.

This needle is like a thin brush, which is convenient for drawing small patterns.

And this is for more professional nail art. For beginners, a simple needle or toothpick will do, but if you want to improve your drawings in the future, it’s better to purchase professional tools. In order to do fashionable manicure at home - you need nail dots. This is a tool with which we will decorate our nails with various dots, abstractions, or other interesting designs. Dots can be used to create any fashionable design, flowers, petals, any abstraction.

Using sparkles, rhinestones and dots, you can create spectacular designs on your nails.

Of all the tools for nail art, brushes are considered the most difficult and professional. There are a huge number of manicure brushes on sale that can be used to design nails at home. A regular set always includes a liner brush, which is needed to make filigree patterns. In addition, the set necessarily includes a flat brush with which you can perform beautiful flower. For drawings with colored sand or glitter, there is a fan brush. For beginners, the best manicure brush to use is a liner.

A liner is a thin hair brush; with the help of a liner you can draw small elements, curls, circles, and other elements. The liner is convenient for drawing animal faces and drawings from comics.

To work you will need:

  1. The first coating is the base one.
  2. Pink varnish.
  3. Burgundy varnish.
  4. Silver varnish
  5. Brush liner.
  6. Small rhinestones.
  7. Fixative.

  • First you need to apply a base coat to your nails.
  • After drying base coat Apply pink varnish in two layers. Wait 7 minutes for drying.
  • From the upper left corner of the nail we begin to apply burgundy varnish thin line, in parallel, draw another line - thinner.
  • From the other corner of the nail we draw the same, similar lines.
  • We finish the drawing with silver varnish.
  • Next comes the fixer.
  • At the end, we attach the rhinestone to the nail with tweezers or a toothpick, and complete the nail art with a fixing agent.

What paints do professionals use? Masters use acrylic or watercolor paints. Watercolor drawings are more complex; this technique is called watercolor. Water is added while drawing. This allows you to get a blurry picture with a gradient. The acrylic drawing turns out convex, this is noticeable on the nails.

The choice of acrylic paints is rich and varied. Manicure acrylic paints come in four types: translucent, opaque, opaque and impasto. In order to get the desired color, you need to dilute the paint with water. The more water in the paint, the lighter and more delicate the color. You can combine 2 colors to create a unique shade.

It is better to buy acrylic paint in tubes, as it dries quickly. Tubes must always be tightly closed. St. Petersburg paint is best. Watch the thickness of the acrylic; it must not be very liquid, otherwise it will flow off the nail.

Beautiful nails with captivating designs are gaining more and more popularity. After not only ordinary varnishes began to be used to create manicures, fashionistas increasingly asked the question of how to paint on nails with acrylic paints in order to do it at home. It was this material that made nail decoration more accessible.

Advantages of acrylic paints:

  1. The material has a very wide color palette, as well as the ability to obtain a variety of shades by mixing base paints.
  2. Acrylic allows you to create a more accurate, clear and artistic drawing than regular varnish, does not spread, does not crack, does not chip.
  3. Quick drying makes it possible to create multi-layered designs.
  4. Convenient to apply, easy to correct, suitable for both simple and complex compositions.
  5. The long shelf life of paints, as well as cost-effectiveness of use, makes it affordable.
  6. Can be applied to the nail plate without prior primer.
  7. Water is used to remove undried acrylic, which also makes the work easier.
  8. The paint can be applied in either a thin or thick layer, and its brightness and shine make it possible to make the painting memorable and cheerful.

You should choose a paint depending on the technique you plan to use to make the drawing, so for watercolor painting, acrylic is suitable, diluted well with water, such a material is offered by the Runeil company. Mixes easily with water and has a more saturated color scheme Toffee paints. Professionals often choose Polycolor paints, which have excellent properties, but are quite expensive. Lovers of unusual and bright colors, as well as metallic shine, gold and silver in the design, prefer Quimaxi and LadyVictory.

There are several techniques for painting with acrylic paints:

  • Oily. The picture is created using undiluted paints that have an oil consistency. Thus, achieving a variety of textures, voluminous strokes, while maintaining the brush effect.
  • Pastose. Non-translucent, gouache-like strokes are applied to the nail plate, which are made with undiluted paint.
  • Watercolor. Acrylic is diluted with water, thus obtaining a translucent pattern using a brush. Unlike watercolor paint, once dry, acrylic paint is not washed off with water, which makes it possible to apply several layers, but it is not possible to apply paint “wet on wet”.
  • Sliding. A more professional and complex technique, for which acrylic paints are mixed with a structural gel. This gives the material a whitish tint, which disappears after drying, the color becomes rich, bright, juicy. It is difficult to predict during the process what shade you will get after it is completed; this requires experience.
  • Glaze. The technique involves applying several thin, transparent layers of paint after the previous one has dried. This rather lengthy process is most often used to create a background or decorate a jacket.

To get a beautiful design, novice manicurists are recommended to use step by step instructions on its creation, photo and video lessons from the Internet. Moreover, it is better to do the drawing first simple patterns, gradually, acquiring skill, complicating techniques and combinations. Do not mix paints from different manufacturers to prevent unpredictable results.

When decorating a nail, you can use a sticker, rhinestone, dried flowers or other decorative element. Acrylic applied to colored varnish, shellac or special basis for painting. After applying and drying the design, it must be secured with a transparent varnish or a special finish.

Acrylic paints are more expensive than gouache or watercolors; to reduce the cost of nail art design, you can purchase only six basic shades, preferably from the same manufacturer, which will allow you to create different shades yourself. Using white you can successfully correct the incorrect transmission of light and shadow.

Most often, designs are applied to nails using acrylic paints, as they dry quickly, mix easily, dilute with water, are easy to remove, and have bright colors.

However, when answering the question of what colors do masters use to paint on nails, one cannot help but mention watercolor, which has recently become fashionable to use for manicure. The ability of the material to spread allows you to create real paintings, but even a master will not perform Chinese painting with it.

To prevent the paint from spreading, you can draw an acrylic outline with a special tool, which, after drying, is simply filled with watercolor. If you need to paint small details, it is also better to resort to acrylic paints. Colored varnishes, glitter, and dried flowers are visible through the translucent coating.

With this material, landscapes, haze effects, and nebula are produced well. Fresh paints, without grains, are suitable for decorating nails. When choosing a color scheme, it is better to take white, black, yellow, red and blue. Using the listed base paints, you can create a huge number of shades. The drawing should begin by drawing light spots, gradually moving to more dark colors, starting to draw the details. The creation of shadows and highlights will add a special charm to the composition. Only with the help of watercolors can you create an airy, light, delicate drawing.

Manicure with acrylic paints for beginners

Before you start doing a manicure with acrylic paints, it is important for beginners to remember that you should first choose necessary tools and materials: a set of paints, brushes of different sizes, dots or toothpick, palette, water, nail polish remover, ear sticks, fixative or clear varnish.

Acrylic painting consists of certain stages:

Step 1
First they carry out preparatory work, remove the old coating, give the nails the desired shape, remove the cuticle.

Step 2
A base is applied to a polished, grease-free nail, followed by a clear or colored varnish. Allow the coating to dry and begin painting.

Step 3
Typically, a complex pattern is applied to only one finger; a simple pattern is performed on the rest. When applying several layers, you must wait until each previous one has completely dried.

Step 4
After the drawing has dried, it must be secured with a transparent varnish, as it can be washed off with water.

If you want to apply a design to shellac, the procedure is carried out in the following sequence:

Step 1
A base layer and gel polish are applied to the pre-prepared nail, each layer is dried ultraviolet lamp, not forgetting to seal the end of the nail plate.

Step 2
Degrease the surface and begin to create a design, which is applied using dots and brushes. If desired, glue rhinestones or other decorative elements.

Step 3
The pattern is fixed with two layers of topcoat to dry, after which the sticky structure is removed.

IN summer period Floral manicure design is especially relevant, which adds romance and mystery to the image. The easiest way to create daisies is to create a yellow dot and use a brush to paint white petals. To create a more complex floral design, you can first draw the outlines of the future flower and then paint it over.

The paint is applied from the edge of the petal to the core to obtain a more saturated shade in the center. With one touch they draw the core. The picture can be supplemented with leaves. After complete drying, a topcoat is applied, which gives the necessary shine and strength. Ease of execution makes it possible to create a unique masterpiece using nail plate on one's own.

Every young lady who follows fashion trends, knows that painting on nails with acrylic paints is one of the most popular trends in professional manicure. This technique provides ample opportunities for realizing creative ideas and creating a unique design.

The advantage of acrylic over other painting materials is that it is very flexible and easy to use. The composition of the paint is acrylic resins and water based, accordingly, it is easy to dilute it with water or mix different colors with each other, obtaining any desired shade. Acrylic is non-toxic and safe for human health. The material is good for beginners because it can be washed off at any stage of working on your nail design. In addition, acrylic painting dries quickly.

The main difficulty in painting nail plates is that painting nails with acrylic paints requires a certain level of skill. It can be very difficult to draw patterns on your own at home, especially if the design is conceived using complex techniques or elements.

For beginners, it is better to work according to given schemes, following all the instructions step by step. You should learn to draw from the simplest motives.

Preparing for painting at home

Before you learn, you need to prepare the necessary tools. The minimum list includes a set of acrylic paints, brushes with synthetic hair of different sizes, toothpicks, nail polishes, nail polish remover, and a means to fix the finished manicure.

Small nuances when preparing for painting

  • Drawing with acrylic paints on nails should be done with materials from one manufacturer, without mixing products from different companies.
  • Nail designs with acrylic paints can be supplemented with decorative elements such as stickers and rhinestones, which should also be prepared in advance.
  • Nail designs with acrylic paints are usually applied to a base made of colored varnish. In some design options, a transparent base for painting can be used.

Techniques for painting at home

Apply step by step, starting from the base. It is very important to ensure that each new layer of varnish or acrylic is thoroughly dried.

You should draw any pattern for yourself, starting with the contours. In this case, you need to work with a brush of the smallest size. For beginners, the rule is that beautiful drawings on nails - the simplest and smallest.

Design Examples for Beginners


Interesting patterns on nails at home do not mean intricate. Anyone can draw colorful polka dots of different sizes and colors for herself, even if she has absolutely no experience in creating a manicure. Such drawings on short nails they look no worse than on long ones, which allows you to create an interesting design regardless of the source data.

By applying dots, you can create more complex designs on your nails with acrylic paints. For example, if you draw five or six dots in pink so that they form a circle, and place another yellow dot in its center, you will be able to get an elementary one. What if you paint your nail plate? dark shade blue, and draw small dots on top in gold, white or yellow flowers, then you will get a scattering of stars in the night sky.

As a rule, every manicurist has his own secret tool for painting patterns with acrylic. You can also try improvised remedies at home. Dots can be successfully drawn not only with a brush, but also with a toothpick or cotton swab, which will allow you to obtain elements of different sizes.

Colored swirls

Interesting and simple designs on short nails can be created by mixing different colors of acrylic directly on the nail plate. To perform this option at home, you need to put several dots of different colors on it, and then mix them with a toothpick, creating a whirlpool effect. Drawing this option is not only simple, but also fun.

Instead of whirlpools, you can draw spirals of a different type.

funny drawings

Positive designs on short nails can be created using children's drawings as inspiration. Funny houses or hearts are no less touching designs for nails.

Marble pattern

Drawings on short nails, made to match any texture or material, are very impressive. If you add a little water to a nail painted with acrylic, you can create.


Applying designs for nails, imitating the colors of a zebra or leopard skin, will not be difficult, and such patterns look very impressive.

Any of the above options can be decorated with rhinestones or nail stickers.

Video: learning to paint flowers on nails with acrylic paints

In this material we will talk about what acrylic nail paints are, what types they come in and how to choose them correctly. We will also teach how to work with them correctly, including novice craftsmen. At the end, we’ll talk about how to paint with acrylic paints on nails step by step.

What are acrylic nail paints?

Today, nail designs created not with the usual decorative or gel polish are very popular. Painting with acrylic paints on nails is suitable for both professional craftsmen, and for beginners.


Acrylic paints are used today for painting various materials– fabrics, wood, ceramic or glass products. The opportunity to combine different colors, having the ability to create neat patterns, could not be missed in nail art.

Why are nail designs with acrylic paints so popular? It's all about their pleasant features:

  • as already mentioned, any girl can use them in her design, even while sitting at home;
  • the variety of colors is very large;
  • if you are not satisfied with the existing shades, you can mix paints with each other;
  • Both natural and extended nails can be used as a basis for drawing;
  • Before the paints are completely dry, it is possible to remove defects using ordinary water;
  • acrylic nail paints are odorless;
  • the cost of the whole set varies between 500-600 rubles, the quality will be excellent;
  • The material consumption is quite small, so the paints will last for a long time;
  • does not contain toxic substances.


If you do not take into account the manufacturer, all acrylic nail paints are divided into 2 groups:

  1. Thick acrylic. These paints are sold in jars; to work with them you will first need to dilute them with water.
  2. Liquid acrylic. Available in tubes and immediately ready for use. These paints are easier to mix and can be purchased individually.

Additionally, acrylic paints are divided into matte and glossy.

Manufacturer selection

For girls who want to paint their nails with acrylic paints, it is important to understand that cheap and little-known brands will rarely give high-quality results. Therefore, it is better to purchase products from already proven manufacturers.

comparison table

The table shows some brands of acrylic nail paint manufacturers.

Name A country Main advantages Image
  • high quality;
  • Possibility to use at home;
  • reasonable price
Planet NailsChina
  • dense texture;
  • mix well with each other;
  • color saturation
Lady VictoryChina
  • acceptable price;
  • wide palette of colors;
  • retains a glossy shine after drying
  • includes fluorescent and metallic colors;
  • wide color palette;
  • soft non-metalized tubes

How to work with acrylic paints correctly?

Nail techniques

To learn how to create interesting compositions, it is not enough to know how to paint with acrylic paints on nails. There are several ways to apply these paints, which we will now discuss.

Oil painting

When you want to make voluminous flowers on your nails with acrylic paints, the oil application technique is used. With it, paints do not need to be diluted with water, so you can apply relief strokes.

It is advisable to choose a small but flat brush. In this case, the pattern will be more accurate. With this technique, you can also use two colors at the same time, but they do not mix with each other. To do this, they are simply picked up on a brush at the same time.

Gouache painting

This method also involves the use of acrylic paints not diluted with water. Its difference from the first one is that the strokes are more uniform both in texture and color. This technique also has another name - impasto, but still the result is more similar to gouache drawings.

Watercolor painting

This technique is similar to painting with regular watercolors. Acrylic paints are diluted with water, after which they become translucent. This painting is used both for the background in the design and for drawing elements. With its help you can get delicate flowers or a beautiful smooth transition. The advantage over regular watercolor is that it takes longer to dry, allowing you to adjust the pattern if necessary.


This method is the most difficult, so it would be better if a professional does it. Acrylic paint is mixed with structural paint, which becomes transparent after the paint dries. Thanks to this, acrylic is complemented by a white tint and becomes brighter and deeper. The effect is enhanced if decorative elements are added to the design.

The whole difficulty lies in the process of mixing paint and gel. To obtain a certain shade, it is necessary to use materials in the right proportions. This skill comes with experience, but in the end you can get an almost 3D image. An excellent example of this technique is aquarium design.


Painting is quite similar to oil painting, but in this case the paints are diluted with water, after which they become translucent. Then you need to apply acrylic to your nails layer by layer, allowing each to dry thoroughly. The layers must be very thin so that their transparency allows you to practically see all of them down to the very base. This method helps solve the question of whether it is possible to paint with acrylic paints on nails and obtain elegant and delicate patterns.

Painting on nails with acrylic paints is also available for beginners. To do this, you need to follow these tips:

  • even simple drawings with acrylic paints on nails are easier to do on a hand that is not tense and is comfortably positioned;
  • when applying acrylic, you do not need to press hard on the brush;
  • It’s better to start with simple patterns;
  • when creating a drawing, you should first draw the contours, and only then fill the space;
  • if you want to add more complex elements to the design, it is better to use them only on one finger;
  • After drying, the finished drawing must be secured with a finishing coat.

Sample designs on nails with acrylic paints for beginners are presented below.