Wedding decor: a complete guide. Wedding decor as a dream come true Decor for independent brides

Original wedding decor is the result of coordinated work between the contractor and the couple. What should you pay attention to when choosing it? What can you do on your own? Read about it in our article!

Basic decorative elements

1. Arch

Depending on the style of the wedding, the arch can be replaced with a door, gate, trees or just flower vases. You can decorate it with ribbons, garlands or any other original elements.

Author of the photo: Victoria Maslova |

2. Path to the altar

The special path along which the bride will walk can be decorated with fabric or rose petals - this will add solemnity to the event.

3. Decorating chairs

Do not forget about this decorative element, because the chairs, path and arch form a single ensemble and, accordingly, must be in harmony with each other.

4. Central compositions

Author of the photo: Alexander Rudakov |

Creating the right decor

1. Decide on a wedding theme

The first thing you need to do when preparing a wedding is to decide on its and. The sooner you do this, the more time you will have to prepare the decor. Once the style of the holiday is determined, it will be easier for you to understand what can be used for decoration and what should be avoided.

2. Don't forget about the budget

When choosing a decorator, honestly state the budget with which he will have to work. Perhaps together you can find ways to save money. As a last resort, small details can be done yourself.

3. Make a list of necessary things

Add everything you need to decorate your holiday. Hanging chandeliers, antique set, tablecloths, candles, flowers - list every little thing, required amount and even the place where you plan to buy it.

Author of the photo: Artyom Rozanov |

4. Important nuances

It's hard to explain your fantasies and dreams to another person. To visualize your ideas, create a moodboard not only with beautiful decorative elements, but also with fonts, shades, monograms, ornaments and other little things that you want to use in your wedding design.

5. Discuss

Meet with your decorator as many times as necessary to agree on all the details. Do not rush to reject the contractor’s proposals without thinking - he is a professional in his field, and his advice should be heeded.

6. Choosing floristry and lighting

Even if you know exactly what flowers will be at the wedding, don’t refuse to look at other options. Perhaps during the experiment you will find interesting combinations or original solutions. Don’t forget about the role of proper lighting in wedding design - not only the final picture, but also the quality of the photographs depends on it.

Photo by: Mila Tobolenko |

How to make the decor not seem old-fashioned?

1. Balance!

Combine modern and traditional styles in approximately equal proportions, but in such a way that one dominates a little, otherwise the wedding theme will be unclear.

2. Seek help from professionals

What's better than an experienced contractor who isn't afraid to experiment? Don’t be shy to ask for advice from a specialist - he can suggest many interesting ideas.

Author of the photo: Evgenia Glyanets |

3. Try it!

4. Study traditions

Find out what each of them means, and then it will be easier for you to interpret them in English. modern style. In addition, this way you will not look stupid, for example, by writing a Chinese character incorrectly.

Photo by: Mila Tobolenko |

Decorating secrets

  1. If the room in which the wedding is planned is small, correctly placed mirrors will help to visually expand it.
  2. Light colors in the design will help give the interior an airy feel. If the wedding style involves the use of a dark color, make an accent on it or place it on the ceiling - this will create the illusion of volume.
  3. Upward lines visually expand the space - properly draped fabrics and lighting can work wonders!
  4. When guests gather in the room, it will seem smaller than it is. This should be taken into account when decorating it with bulky elements.
  5. If you plan to use a photo booth, it is better to place it at the entrance.

Author of the photo: Natalya Grigorieva |
  1. Jars with screw-on lids can be used as vases or candle holders. To make them more original, they can be painted, decorated with beads, or even placed in a knitted case.
  2. Another alternative to vases would be old wine bottles. You can make unusual compositions from them, and if desired, wrap them with twine.
  3. You can use beads, branches, flowers, buttons, stones, petals, fruits, cereals and even water as fillers for vases.
  4. If you start collecting birdcages a few months before the ceremony, it will be ready on your wedding day. unusual decor, which can be filled with origami, candles or flowers.

Adding variety to your wedding decor is so easy! Today we have prepared for you 15 ideas that will be the highlight of your wedding and, due to their simplicity, will help you cut your budget!

1. Drapery

Use this technique when decorating your table, and you will get an original detail that will be remembered by all your guests. If your wedding is held in elegant style- choose a neutral color for drapery, and add brightness to a casual party with colored fabric.

2. Antique candelabra

Combined with the drapery, antique candelabra with candles transform the space into a mystical show of dancing lights.

3. Table lamps

Candelabra can be replaced table lamps. They can be decorated with flowers and greenery, which will allow you to hide the cords, or leave them as they are for a loft-style wedding.

4. Decorative pillows

If your wedding has a seating area, complement its interior with bright pillows. They do not require significant financial investments, but look elegant and catchy. Besides, this great way combine colors and styles.

5. Seating cards

Instead of the usual table, put a board in the foyer and pin cards on it with the name of the guest and indicating his place behind. festive table. Everyone can easily find themselves and, if desired, take the card with them. This way, everyone present will quickly find their seats, avoiding confusion.

6. Pots with flowers

Flowers can be placed not only on tables, but also above them! Flower pots hanging from the ceiling are an interesting way to zone a space.

7. Colored dishes

Rent a color one glassware. This will immediately transform the table setting and require much less investment for central compositions.

8. Ribbon with a pattern for table setting

11. Original numbering

Replace the table number cards with some playful details: wine bottle labels, lanterns, topiary or brightly colored flags.

12. Family photo archive

Decorate your wedding with a wall of family photos. You can dedicate each row to a different generation or simply mix all the photos together. An alternative could be family tree, in which your family's window is filled out right at the wedding.

13. Photo board

Photos can also be used to make a decorative board in a retro style. If they don’t fit stylistically, “aging” them artificially, and then decorate them with greenery or a flower garland.

14. 3D photo zone

Create an impressive photo zone using shapes of various sizes. These can be bright paper flowers, Balloons, a garland of greenery or fabric tassels.

15. A huge number of paper lanterns

Decorating a room with paper lanterns is nothing new, but if there are not one or two, but more than a hundred, that’s a completely different story. Touching, fabulous and, undoubtedly, original!

Many brides want the wedding ceremony to be original, so that the accessories, decoration of the hall and car look unusual, catchy, and original. The simplest way to solve this problem is to trust professionals, but their services are not always cheap, in addition, find experienced wedding designers not easy. A do-it-yourself wedding, ideas for organizing it on your own will allow you to avoid unnecessary expenses and make the wedding ceremony unique and original. Want to learn how to make your own wedding accessories?

How to organize the wedding of your dreams with your own hands?

If you decide to organize the wedding of your dreams with your own hands, then the first thing you need to do is choose a date. Go to the registry office where you want to legalize your relationship and submit an application for marriage. When the exact date of the celebration is set, you will be able to soberly weigh your options and understand whether you will have time to prepare everything yourself for the chosen day or whether you will have to use the help of family and friends.

Next, decide on the theme of the wedding. Think about how you see your wedding: will it be a classic event in white, a celebration in bright colors, or a production based on your favorite work? If you want the whole wedding to be imbued with a specific theme, then decorate the decorations - elements of the decor of the hall, cortege, invitation cards - in uniform style.

What can you do for a wedding with your own hands?

You don't need to have great talent to make original wedding decorations yourself. Do you have a passion for crafts? Then, with a little imagination and hard work, you will be able to create unique, exclusive items. Even inexperienced needlewomen can easily make decorations for a motorcade of cars, glasses, and candles with their own hands. And also - a pillow for rings, a basket for rose petals, interesting invitation cards for guests.

Invitation cards

The wedding for guests begins with the receipt of an invitation. After reading the invitation card, a person gets the first impression about the upcoming wedding, its theme, spirit, and direction. Template ready-made cards items purchased in a souvenir shop do not have individuality or originality. Hand-made wedding invitations will help you show attention and respect to future guests.

You will need:

  • a thick sheet of white paper;
  • colored cardboard;
  • textile;
  • glue stick;
  • sequins;
  • rhinestones;
  • ribbons;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • double-sided tape.

Manufacturing instructions:

Decorating glasses and candles

According to tradition, on the wedding day, the newlyweds drink drinks from special glasses. They are sold in stores or made to order, but sometimes the bride and groom do not find original and stylish dishes that would match the declared style of the wedding. With the help of available materials and decorative elements, you can easily make original wedding glasses.

When decorating glasses for a wedding, satin ribbons are used in most cases. A combination of white and pink ribbons or other pastel shades that match the wedding theme looks beautiful. They wrap the stems of glasses, make small flowers, or simply glue them to the glass. Ribbons go well with beads and shiny rhinestones.

Lace is an exquisite decoration for wedding glasses. This finished material has an original, intricate design that will look good on clear glass. To give wedding items a touch of luxury, a wide satin ribbon is glued to the base of the bowl, and the glass walls are decorated with silver rhinestones. The junction of the stem and the bowl is decorated with a satin bow.

Candles are actively used to decorate a banquet hall for a wedding or during a family hearth lighting ceremony. To ensure that candles fit into the wedding style, you need to use appropriate decorations. When decorating, the same materials are used as for decorating wedding glasses. Candles are complemented with satin ribbons, beads, rhinestones, small artificial flowers, lace patterns or painting.

Souvenirs for guests

Gifts for wedding guests are a fashion trend in wedding fashion, which is gaining momentum every year. At the end of the wedding, presenting a souvenir to those who came to the celebration is considered a sign good manners. To do this, you don’t need to spend a lot of money, but just use a little imagination and desire to give your guests pleasant little things.

It is customary to give sweets to guests at a wedding. To do this, you need to make a box or envelope with your own hands, designed in the general style of the celebration. Sweets, marmalade, lollipops, and chocolate are placed inside this box. A mandatory element of the package contents is a postcard in which the newlyweds express gratitude to the guests for being present at the celebration. Original souvenirs for wedding guests will be:

  • keychains with a wedding theme;
  • mugs with photos of the bride and groom;
  • fridge magnets with wedding logos;
  • gift soap;
  • candles;
  • pot with indoor plant;
  • a bottle of wine with a picture of the newlyweds and the wedding date instead of a label.

Car decoration

The decor of the tuple has great importance, it should be as solemn and original as the entire event. Making your own decorations for the car in which the bride and groom will ride during the wedding will not be difficult. Take ribbons of the color you like and secure their ends to the tabs on the front and back of the car. To decorate cars for a wedding you will need:

  • wide satin ribbons;
  • compositions of artificial flowers;
  • lush bows;
  • toys;
  • image of rings, hearts.

The original version is decoration wedding procession fresh flowers. To do this, flowers are collected in small bouquets and decorated with ribbon and floral netting. The created compositions are attached to tape near the door handles. Make large bows from organza, tulle or mesh, the core of which is decorated with bright satin ribbons. Attach bows with tape to the front and back of the car above the license plates. Don’t forget about decorating the interior: wrap the steering wheel with ribbons or lace, attach flower garlands to the windshield so that they do not obstruct the driver’s view.

Hall decoration

In most cases, the banquet hall is decorated for a wedding by the owners of the establishment. But sometimes the bride and groom want to make decorative elements with their own hands and place them in the room. To decorate the wedding hall to your liking, use balloons, fabric draperies, original tablecloths, and satin ribbons. Floral arrangements made from fresh flowers add a special charm to the banquet hall. It is recommended to place bouquets on tables for guests.

Balloons filled with helium are a more economical option compared to decor made from fresh flowers. Satin ribbons are attached to the balls, the ends of which are tied to the backs of the guests' chairs. Balloons hanging near the ceiling look romantic and cozy: colored serpentine is tied to them, which gives the room an original and unusual look. Make an arch out of balloons and place it behind the backs of the chairs on which the newlyweds will sit.

Garlands that are made using multi-colored paper, fabric, etc. look unusual and fun. satin ribbons, lace. From the selected material, cut out the figures you like (circles, hearts, squares, etc.), then sew them together in the form of garlands and decorate the hall for the wedding. Do you want to add a touch of coziness and comfort to the interior of your restaurant, making it original and unique? Then use a lot of fabric for decoration. Drapery is done either along the walls of the entire room, or separate zones are identified.

Wedding table decor

The table for the newlyweds should stand out among all the bright decoration of the hall, but be in the same style with the rest of the decorative elements. Original decoration There will be compositions of fresh flowers on the table. Traditionally flower arrangement give it an oblong shape, place it in the center of the table, for which use any fresh flowers that match the color and go well with each other. Many decorate the wedding table full skirt. To make such a product with your own hands you will need:

  • wide satin ribbon;
  • tulle or colored tulle.

No one will remain indifferent to the carefully thought-out wedding decor, because modern tendencies 2019 surprises with original ideas using even the most unexpected objects. In the presented section on the portal, we want to offer you not just wedding design ideas, but also help you get inspired by thematic photographs.

Our team will prove that even ordinary floral decorations in the hands of skilled decorators can look unusual and attractive, and ordinary objects can add a unique twist to the holiday. More ▾

Wedding decor trends 2019

In 2019, wedding planners offer:

  1. Avoid floristry. Namely, from cut flowers. Instead, decorators advise using flower plants, live garlands of lush greenery, branches, candles, and glass florariums. This idea will look especially good outdoors or at a loft-style celebration;
  2. Paper decor. Original decor made from paper is gaining more and more popularity. After all, paper allows you to bring any idea to life: huge flowers, airplanes, garlands, lanterns... Paper will help make your wedding bright, colorful and... economical;
  3. Create a multidimensional space. Using mother-of-pearl and light, you can fill your holiday with the mysterious twinkling of stars. The theme of space and the underwater world will look especially good in the decor if you choose the appropriate fashionable wedding color for 2019.

But, most importantly, use your own imagination and go for it!

Wedding decorations

Don’t know what to start with in design beautiful wedding? Our materials with photographs will definitely help you.

The portal site hastens to offer:

  • Original ideas for wedding decoration using flowers;
  • Compositions in the form of terrariums;
  • Vegetables as decoration. Especially if you plan to decorate your wedding in autumn style;
  • Using familiar objects in an unusual role: jars, books, birdcages, vintage candlesticks, etc.

Interesting? Then find out more in the “Wedding Decor” section.

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Look for decorators who are close to you not only in style, but also in spirit. Those you can trust. Give them freedom of action and enjoy the result!

1. The decorator will do everything cheaply, quickly and beautifully

There is such a simple rule in marketing: only 2 out of three points can be completed at the same time. Cheap and fast means ugly; cheap and beautiful - means long; fast and beautiful - that means not cheap. This rule fully reflects the work of decorators. It is impossible to get everything at once.

Be prepared for the fact that if you apply for decor 2 weeks before the celebration, the price tag for services will be at least 2 times higher - this is a fee for urgency; for the fact that the team will move away from other planned projects and focus all their efforts on yours.

If you want a beautiful celebration, but at an affordable price, book decorators in advance. And if someone easily decides to decorate your wedding in a week according to your drawings and ideas for a minimal price, be prepared to get not the best result.

2. You can work without a contract

If you want to work without a contract, then you are not afraid for your wedding. No contractor providing quality services will work without a contract. And don’t let these extra pieces of paper scare you, but, on the contrary, make you happy, because these are your guarantees.

The contract usually specifies the details of both parties, the date of the event, the budget, the number of people, working conditions: the time required for installation and dismantling, the possibility of posting photos from the wedding in the portfolio and other important conditions. Failure to comply with these conditions is punishable by a fine. And this applies to both sides.

Don't forget about this when signing the contract, and read the terms carefully so that they don't come as a surprise to you. Signing the contract and making an advance payment usually guarantees that the selected date is reserved for you.

3. Decorators only set up decorations at a wedding.

The work of a wedding decorator is in many ways similar to the work of an interior designer: he meets with the couple, learns their history, habits, hobbies, hobbies, and lifestyle. Then the wedding concept is born: style, theme, color scheme, volume of decor. Sketches are often drawn.

This is followed by a long and very thorough preparation process: selection and purchase of parts, production of decor to order and by hand, sewing of textile decorative elements, purchase and preparation of floral decoration. Installation and “arrangement” of individual decorative elements is only 10% of the total amount of work, and even here a sense of style and taste is required. Therefore, you should not treat decorators as props people who will simply bring blankets and a table to your wedding.

4. Decorators have a catalog of ready-made designs

This misconception sits firmly in the “minds” of brides and grooms and often results in the question: “How much does it cost to arrange a wedding?” Couples are waiting for a specific answer to a question, a specific number. And in return they receive the amount of the minimum budget, and sometimes the minimum amounts of individual items.

And all because good decorators work individually: they do not have ready-made concepts, a catalog of vases or napkins from which to choose when creating the design of their wedding. They strive to make a wedding a personal celebration that will tell the story of your couple. In this case, you do not need a catalog - a special offer is being prepared for you, according to which the team will work in the future.

5. Decorators work only on the wedding day

Many couples are surprised when decorators ask to send information in advance and agree on the style several months in advance. And all because working directly on the wedding day is just the tip of the iceberg. All the most basic things are done in advance: the earlier the decorators begin to prepare, the more thoroughly and calmly the preparation will be not only for them, but also for you.

You should think in advance about the list of guests and their number. Invitations should be prepared, printed and distributed much earlier than a month before the wedding. And on the wedding day, all that remains is to gather strength and bring the concept to life!

6. Decorators work without prepayment

This common misconception often puts the decorator in an awkward position when, at the time of signing the contract or at the first meetings, he announces the percentage/amount of the advance payment. In response, they often hear surprise and bewilderment. The amount of prepayment for decoration differs significantly from prepayment, for example, to photographers, videographers, and managers.

And there is a reasonable explanation for this. Materials are purchased in advance, payment for the work of additional subcontractors is made in advance, and the team must also be paid on time. The prepayment amount can be fixed, or it can be a percentage of the pre-approved estimate - annex to the contract.

7. The decorator doesn’t have to see the wedding location.

Inspecting the venue of the celebration is one of the main stages of preparation for a wedding by a professional decorator. Most decorators prefer to do this together with photographers and videographers who will be at the wedding.

During such meetings it is determined best place For wedding ceremony Taking into account the light, technical and aesthetic capabilities of the site, capacity and ease of work, the necessary measurements of furniture and premises are taken, and a diagram of the arrangement of all areas at the wedding is made, including in case of bad weather.

8. Decorators are service personnel.

Unfortunately, almost every decorator has encountered such an attitude in their work: this may concern a couple, restaurant staff, and other specialists. There are clients who believe that if they pay money for their wedding decor, they should receive “worship”-level treatment in return.

We hope that among our readers everyone respects the contractors who are rooting for your wedding. If you treat the people working at your wedding with respect and friendliness, you will receive in return not only quality service, but also a pleasant preparation in a warm atmosphere.

9. Decorators don’t need to be fed.

Decorators arrive for installation at least 6 hours before guests arrive, and sometimes even overnight! What follows is a labor-intensive, complex and very hectic installation process. Many decorators remain on site at least until the end of the ceremony, and often until the end of the entire celebration, to help, if necessary, with lighting candles, moving decor, etc.

Thus, the team is on site for at least 8 hours, and, of course, they will want to eat. Preparing water and basic snacks is an elementary manifestation of care on your part for the people who make your holiday with their own hands.

10. The bride’s bouquet can be ordered on the eve of the wedding

Couples should know the basic principle of work of decorators in the field of floristry - flowers are ordered in advance, usually 2 weeks in advance, in the desired color scheme, volume and composition. Therefore, it may simply be impossible to fulfill any of your whims and wishes with such a late order. Of course, florist decorators will try to comply with the desired color scheme, wishes for flowers in the bouquet, but if you have strict requirements, it is better to plan this in advance.

11. A decorator can redo the decor on the eve of the wedding.

A bride's panic on the eve of her wedding is a classic. Often this results in calls or letters with the words: “We thought and decided: let’s make not 6, but 8 tables,” or “... the decor is not in a rustic style, but in classic style”, or “we will have not 50, but 70 guests - let’s make additional elements.”

Most often, decorators try to meet halfway and last days They do everything to sew an extra 10 napkins or order new bonbonnieres for guests. But it is impossible to change the concept and the most essential elements of a wedding. Remember this when new ideas come to your mind at the last minute.

12. Wedding decor includes balloons, tablecloths and chair covers

Your wedding is as individual as your couple, so the expression “turnkey” with ready-made solutions for color and decor is not for you. This “standard Soviet” set should be forgotten, because the concept of wedding decor is quite broad: it includes a huge number of elements, from invitations and printing to compliments to guests.

The more thoughtful these elements are, the more beautiful your holiday will be. Each wedding is unique and does not necessarily have to include all the many items on the decor list. Listen to the advice of the decorator - he will always help you choose the most necessary things for your wedding, based on your wishes.

13. The more decor, the better

The other side of the issue is the volume of wedding decor. More does not mean better or more beautiful. It’s not a wedding that looks beautiful when all imaginable and inconceivable decorative elements are present, and every square centimeter of space is strewn with flowers.

A wedding looks beautiful when every element fits into the concept, it is individual and selected specifically for your couple, and high-quality materials are used for decoration. It is not striking and not colorful. A beautiful wedding is not one that is backed by an incredible amount of decor, but a love story between the bride and groom!