What is the minimum pension now? The amount of the minimum pension and who can count on it. The size of the minimum old-age pension in the Russian Federation

In order to assign values ​​of individual measures social support for low-income people and the determination of state and regional budgets for a specific year, the concept living wage(PM). Regulatory normative act – . According to it, the PM is set quarterly depending on the increase in prices for goods and services included in the consumer basket.

Consumer basket consists of a minimum set of products and vital services for the population necessary for the healthy functioning of the body for one month. Its qualitative and quantitative composition is approved at the country level at least once every five years.

Prices for items included in the cart vary by region of the Russian Federation. Accordingly, the PM calculated from them will not be the same across the subjects of the Federation. The rate of consumption of necessary goods for certain categories of people is also different. Therefore, PM is allocated for pensioners, for the adult working population and for children.

It is important to understand that the article describes the most basic situations and does not take into account a number of technical issues. To solve your particular problem, get legal advice on housing issues by calling the hotlines:

Living wage for a pensioner(PMP) is established as the minimum pension. If a citizen has a smaller pension with all allowances, he is entitled to . It is carried out from federal and regional budgets.

Since 2019, the average cost of living in the country has been set at 8,846 rubles. The increase was 120 rubles. It turns out that minimum size pensions from January 1, 2019 will be 8846 rubles.

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On the Internet and in life, you can increasingly find various rumors that in 2018 the social minimum pension will fall in relation to the cost of living. I’m interested in a logical question: how then can I live on this money? Let's find out more about pension supplements, the planned minimum wage for next year and what inflation will be.

News: what is the minimum pension amount established in Russia from January 1, 2018

On the eve of the New Year, many residents of our country are interested in how much the pension will be in next year whether it will rise and what size it will take. This indicator depends on the cost of living, and it is individual for each region and is set based on the prices of goods present in the consumer basket.

Minimum pension size by region of Russia

The highest cost of living is non-working pensioners recorded in Moscow. After watching last news, pensioners have probably heard the words of the mayor of the capital, Sergei Sobyanin, at the beginning of 2018, its value, and therefore the size of the minimum pension benefit, will increase to 11,500 rubles. The mayor is confident that the city budget is sufficient to increase the size of pensions, and guarantees timely payments to residents of the capital.

Other regional leaders cannot always find funds for such support and hope for help from the state budget and money freed up from cuts in payments to working citizens retirement age. The Government, in turn, has many other social programs, so it invites districts to solve problems on their own

Sergei Sobyanin

For clarity, the size in Russia in 2018 for all regions is presented in tabular form:

Minimum pension table in Russia

Who will receive the minimum pension benefit?

The minimum pension benefit will be received by those who have not earned insurance coverage or have not accumulated required quantity points. The right to receive it arises in three cases:

  • due to old age,
  • upon the loss of a breadwinner,
  • on disability.

Additional payments to the minimum pension and indexation percentage

Pension payments will be made in 2018. Its size will be 3.7%. If the pension turns out to be below the subsistence level, its size is increased to this indicator through special social supplements. Thus, the minimum pension will be set at the level of the subsistence level in a particular region.

Minimum amount pension points

Preferential pension - amount in rubles and documents required to receive

A preferential pension is understood as a pension that is assigned ahead of the regular one. The Government of the Russian Federation has approved a list of positions that are eligible early exit for retirement (Federal Law No. 173, Article 27, 28).

But there are also productions with harmful conditions work that allows you to retire:

  • women aged 45 years with 7.5 years of experience in hazardous work and general work experience 15 years,
  • men aged 50 years, with 10 years of work experience and 20 years of total work experience.

We list some categories of citizens with early retirement:

  1. Divers.
  2. Theater artists.
  3. GA pilots.
  4. Drivers of trams, buses, trolleybuses.
  5. Subway and railway workers.
  6. Emergency workers and firefighters.
  7. Working in prisons.
  8. Working in the Far North.
  9. Women tractor drivers.
  10. Women doing hard work in the textile industry.
  11. Logging workers.
  12. Workers on ships.
  13. Workers involved in hydrological, geophysical, geological exploration and other work.

To calculate an early pension, you must contact the Pension Fund with the following documents:

  • application for early retirement pension,
  • employment history,
  • passport,
  • insurance certificate,
  • a clarifying certificate with information about bonuses, other payments and the right to a preferential pension,
  • certificate of average wages in 2000-2001 or 60 months before 2002,
  • military ID (men),
  • children's birth certificates.

Minimum pension: basic accrual parameters

An example of calculating a preferential early pension.

Pensioner B. has total experience work for 25 years, 15 of which he worked in the Far North.

81.49 rubles – cost pension point in 2018

4982.9 rubles – fixed payment amount

1.5 – coefficient of increase in fixed payment for length of service in the Far North

172 points – the number of all individual pension points.

Having received the right to early retirement in 2018, citizen B applied to the Pension Fund at the age of 55. The amount of his pension was:


So the size preferential pension for each case it is considered individually.

In conclusion, it is worth recalling that the minimum is not the only issue that concerns pensioners. Recently, the Government has been particularly active in discussing increasing the retirement age. It is quite possible that a new reform awaits our country.

If you are interested in what the size of pension payments will be in 2019, find out what the minimum pension in Russia will be from January 1, because this indicator clearly demonstrates changes in the amount of accruals for the majority of pensioners.

Recipients of pensions in the Russian Federation are not only elderly people, but also disabled people, orphans, residents of northern regions and other categories of citizens who do not have the opportunity to earn money. We propose to understand how the income of these people depends on the size of the minimum pension and what to expect in the coming 2019.

How is the minimum pension calculated?

The basic rule for calculating pensions is: “The minimum allowance due to pensioners cannot be less than the minimum subsistence level (ML)!”

This parameter is determined annually by the law on the federal budget. The document regulates the size of the PM for different groups citizens:

  • people who have reached retirement age;
  • children;
  • disabled people;
  • working population.

Thus, in the first half of 2018, this indicator for pensioners was set at 8,762 rubles. (Federal Law dated December 5, 2017 No. 362-FZ), and already in the second half of the year it was revised and amounted to 11,280 rubles.

At the same time, the PM is established both for each region and for the country as a whole - to determine the minimum threshold of material support.

In accordance with these data, their financial support is determined. The minimum pension in 2019 will be adjusted in accordance with the figures laid down in the budget law, which will be released in December 2018.

  1. The main number of pensioners are elderly people who have reached the age threshold and become recipients of an insurance pension, or, in other words, an old-age pension. This allowance depends on length of service and the amount of pension contributions. Insurance payments consist of fixed amount and pension points. Its size cannot be less than the pensioner’s minimum monthly allowance determined for a given region - in this case, the recipient writes an application to the Pension Fund office and is awarded an additional payment from the federal or regional budget.
  2. A social pension is awarded to citizens whose length of service is less than the required number of years (in 2019, this figure must be at least 10 years). In addition, recipients of this type of payment are disabled people, orphans, disabled citizens who have lost their breadwinner. The amount of social financial security also cannot be lower than the subsistence level for a given category (adult citizen, child, elderly person).

Last news

The main news regarding the provision of elderly people remains the increase in the retirement age by 5 years from 01/01/2019.

This bill has already been approved in the State Duma. The first step to a new pension system There will be a gradual increase in the length of work experience. Upon completion of the reform, this threshold will reach 65 years for men and 60 for women.

This news was unpleasant news for the majority of working citizens and acquired a wide social resonance. However, politicians are convinced that this decision is dictated by necessity - otherwise by 2025 there would be one pensioner for every working person. The reform has positive sides– according to officials, in this case, government funding for the Pension Fund will no longer be needed, and the size of pension payments can be significantly increased.

The Presidential decree on indexing payments to senior citizens above inflation was important for budget formation. Following this course, officials planned to increase the average insurance pension in 2019 by 7% (in 2018 they increased by only 3.7%). Finance Minister Anton Siluanov announced such figures, and Labor Minister Topilin subsequently commented, noting that the average allowance will increase by 1,000 rubles. per month.

The head of the Pension Fund Drozdov believes that additional funding will not be required. Moreover, officials promise a similar increase in subsequent years. However, it will be possible to judge what the minimum pension will be in 2019 only in December 2018, when the budget law for the new financial period is adopted.

Increase in pensions in 2019

An increase of 7% will affect insurance payments to senior citizens; social benefits will still correspond to the minimum subsistence level. The average increase, which should be 1,000 rubles/month, is a guideline for the average pension in the country. In 2018 it is 14,400 thousand, in 2019 it will be 15,400 if the promises of officials are fulfilled.

Important: the 7% indexation will only affect non-working elderly people. After a working pensioner goes on vacation, the amount of his benefit will be increased in accordance with all past indexations.

The government still cannot please working older people. Their insurance benefits are not subject to indexation. It rises only by the amount of pension points, which are recalculated annually by Pension Fund employees. It is worth considering that the maximum number of points per year is no more than 3 units, which on average gives an increase in pension of about 200 rubles. However, President Vladimir Putin said that the question indexation of pensions is not closed to working citizens. According to him, people with minimal income and public sector workers especially need an increase.

Indexing in 2 stages

Raising the average monthly payment by 7% planned in 2 stages:

  1. increase by the amount of inflation from February 1, according to the law. Inflation is expected to be around 3%;
  2. an increase from April 1 by an amount depending on cash receipts to the Pension Fund in the current period - about 4% are planned in 2019.

New rules for calculating PMP

The Ministry of Labor has found that the calculation of the cost of living in many regions is done incorrectly. The difference with the actual PM indicator was found in more than half of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and in some it was more than 15%.

In 70 regions, the PMP is set higher than the actual one - in favor of older people, but in 14 regions this figure is lower than the actual one. In connection with these data, the Ministry of Labor initiated the development of legal norms that will regulate the new procedure for determining PM.

According to this methodology, the actual level of subsistence minimum for the 2nd quarter of the previous period will be taken as the basis for the living wage. That is, in 2019 it will be a value corresponding to the PM for the period from April to June 2018. This indicator is calculated according to Rosstat data on the cost of the consumer basket in the region.

Important: in those regions where the PM is overestimated compared to the actual one, this indicator will not decrease - pensioners will not lose anything. But in regions where the subsistence minimum is lower than the real one, the amount will be increased.

According to Russian legislation, pension provision unemployed citizen receiving a pension through the Pension Fund cannot be less than the regional subsistence minimum for a pensioner (PMP). Due to climatic conditions and differences in the standard of living of the population, this value is established for each region separately and is being revised annually from January 1. In 2019, its sizes vary from 7811 rubles. (Tambov region) up to 19,000 rubles. (Chukchi Autonomous Okrug) - see. It is noteworthy that the size of the minimum pension in Russia with an increase in the minimum wage (minimum wage).

If the pension amount is less than the PMS, it is provided in the form of the difference between the PMS and the amount of accrued pension provision. The surcharge can be financed from the regional or federal budget. Unfortunately, Working pensioners are not entitled to social supplement, since their income also takes into account wages in addition to pensions.

February 20, 2019 V. Putin in his address to the Federal Assembly instructed to review the methodology for indexing pensions, not exceeding the living wage of a pensioner. Previously, indexing concerned only base size pensions, which is why the size of the social supplement decreased, but the amount actually paid to the pensioner did not change. The President proposed indexing pensions above the subsistence level, that is, bring the pension amount to the PMP, and then index it by the appropriate coefficient. You can read more about the President's instructions.

Now each region has its own methodology for calculating PMP. However, during 2019, unifying calculations may be introduced. In connection with these changes, in some regions, the size of the PMP in 2020 (and therefore the size of the minimum pension) may either increase or decrease. But pensioners should not worry about this: according to the law, the amount of the already accrued pension, taking into account the social supplement they can't downgrade.

What is considered the minimum pension in Russia?

Social supplement to pensions for non-working pensioners in 2019

If the amount of income (material security) of a pensioner is less than the minimum monthly wage in the region, he is assigned a social supplement. It was introduced in 2010 with the aim of improving the material well-being of low-income pensioners. Only pensioners who meet the following set of conditions can count on additional payment:

  • the pensioner does not work after receiving his pension;
  • lives on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • has a total income less than the amount of PMP.

Depending on whether or not the size of the regional PMS exceeds the value of the pensioner’s subsistence minimum established in the country as a whole (in 2019 it is 8846 rubles), the pensioner may be set one of two social supplements towards retirement:

  • federal- if the PMP in the region is less than the federal one (paid through the Pension Fund);
  • regional- if the established regional PMP is greater than the federal one (paid by the Social Security authorities).

It happens that after the announced indexation of pensions, pensioners do not notice any increase. As a rule, social surcharge is to blame for this:

The fact is that during the year only the pension size itself is indexed, and the PMP level for establishing the minimum pension does not change throughout the year. In this regard, after the next indexation, pensioners continue to receive a pension in the amount of the regional PMP (in this case, the amount of the social supplement simply decreases).

Thus, we can say that the annual indexation of pensions is felt only by those pensioners who do not receive social supplement to the subsistence level - and this is:

  • non-working pensioners whose pension itself is greater than the regional PMP;
  • working pensioners (they are not entitled to either a social supplement or annual indexation; in total there are 9 million of them in Russia).

It should be noted that the social supplement to the pension is established only on an application basis. This is usually done immediately at the time of registration of the pension after calculating its size. However, in practice, sometimes the pension is less than the PMP! In this case, the pensioner you need to apply yourself with a corresponding application to the Pension Fund of Russia or Social Security at the place of residence.

Table - Minimum pension in Russia in 2019 from January 1 by region

Minimum pension in Russia in 2019 for non-working pensioners will correspond to the minimum subsistence level of a pensioner, effective from 01/01/2019 and calculated on the basis of the consumer basket for food and non-food products.

The amounts for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation differ significantly; they are shown in the table.

No.Name of the subject of the Russian FederationSize of PMP in the subject, rub.
Central Federal District
1 Belgorod region8016
2 Bryansk region8523
3 Vladimir region8523
4 Voronezh region8750
5 Ivanovo region8576
6 Kaluga region8708
7 Kostroma region8630
8 Kursk region8600
9 Lipetsk region8620
10 Oryol Region8730
11 Ryazan Oblast8568
12 Smolensk region8825
13 Tambov Region7811
14 Tver region8846
15 Tula region8658
16 Yaroslavl region8163
17 Moscow12115
18 Moscow region9908
Northwestern Federal District
19 Republic of Karelia8846
20 Komi Republic10742
21 Arhangelsk region10258
22 Nenets Autonomous Okrug17956
23 Vologda Region8846
24 Kaliningrad region8846
25 Saint Petersburg8846
26 Leningrad region8846
27 Murmansk region12674
28 Novgorod region8846
29 Pskov region8806
North Caucasus Federal District
30 The Republic of Dagestan8680
31 The Republic of Ingushetia8846
32 Kabardino-Balkarian Republic8846
33 Karachay-Cherkess Republic8846
34 Republic of North Ossetia-Alania8455
35 Chechen Republic8735
36 Stavropol region8297
Southern Federal District
37 Republic of Adygea8138
38 Republic of Kalmykia8081
39 Krasnodar region8657
40 Astrakhan region8352
41 Volgograd region8569
42 Rostov region8488
43 Republic of Crimea8370
44 Sevastopol8842
Volga Federal District
45 Republic of Bashkortostan8645
46 Mari El Republic8191
47 The Republic of Mordovia8522
48 Republic of Tatarstan8232
49 Udmurt republic8502
50 Chuvash Republic7953
51 Kirov region8474
52 Nizhny Novgorod Region8102
53 Orenburg region8252
54 Penza region8404
55 Perm region8539
56 Samara Region8413
57 Saratov region8278
58 Ulyanovsk region8474
Ural Federal District
59 Kurgan region8750
60 Sverdlovsk region8846
61 Tyumen region8846
62 Chelyabinsk region8691
63 Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra12176
64 Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug13425
Siberian Federal District
65 Altai Republic8712
66 The Republic of Buryatia8846
67 Tyva Republic8846
68 The Republic of Khakassia8782
69 Altai region8669
70 Krasnoyarsk region8846
71 Irkutsk region8841
72 Kemerovo region8387
73 Novosibirsk region8814
74 Omsk region8480
75 Tomsk region8795
76 Transbaikal region8846
Far Eastern Federal District
77 The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)13951
78 Primorsky Krai9988
79 Khabarovsk region10895
80 Amur region8846
81 Kamchatka Krai16543
82 Magadan Region15460
83 Sakhalin region12333
84 Jewish Autonomous Region9166
85 Chukotka Autonomous Okrug19000
86 Baikonur8846

Note: On average, the country's PMS in 2019 was set at 8846 rub. according to paragraph 5 of Art. 8 of the Federal Budget Law of December 5, 2017 No. 362-FZ.

Minimum pension in Russia from January 1, 2019

In January 2019, the minimum wage was increased to 11,280 rubles. In this regard, there were many expectations about raising pensions. However, they were all unfounded - from January 1, minimum pensions in Russia increased for another reason.

The minimum pension is related only to the pensioner's subsistence level (PLS), but not to the minimum subsistence minimum for the working-age population. Increasing the minimum wage does not affect the size of pension payments in any way, since this value sets the minimum level of income only for working population.

Let us remind you that pensions can be increased only in 3 cases:
  1. Due to indexing by the coefficient established by the Government:
    • insurance (labor) pensions - from January 1, 2019 increased by 7.05%;
    • government, including social pensions- from April 1, 2019 they plan to increase by 2.4%.
  2. Due to recalculation according to pension legislation:
    • for working pensioners - they increase annually from August 1 on a non-declaration basis (in accordance with the insurance contributions made);
    • at any time at the request of the pension recipient, if there are grounds.
  3. By increasing regional PMP, which is carried out annually from January 1 (in this case, other things being equal, the amount of social supplement for non-working pensioners, whose pension is less than the minimum subsistence level established in the region, increases).

Thus, from January 1, 2019, pensions were increased only due to, and not due to an increase in the minimum wage. As a result, pensioners received This amount of additional payment is determined relative to the average size of the insurance pension in the Russian Federation (RUB 14,414 at the end of 2018). Accordingly, those who receive the minimum pension will not experience a significant increase in payments from 01/01/2019.

25% of the population of Russia are people, so the issue regarding the level of the minimum pension in 2018 worries millions of compatriots from all regions of the country. At the same time, no one can yet give exact figures, since the level of annual inflation will be calculated only based on the results of December. Nevertheless, in this article we will provide a summary table with the size of the living wage for pensioners in all regions of Russia for 2014-2018.

It is known that from January 1, 2018, pensions will be indexed by an amount exceeding annual inflation by 1%, but this only applies to non-working pensioners.

Collocation "minimum pension" Today it has no official interpretation. It is rather a colloquial term, the meaning of which is generally clear to everyone. And this is the very guideline that is taken into account when paying pension benefits.

This indicator is different for each region and is revised annually, depending on the region’s economy, consumer price levels, inflation, etc. And if the total amount of pension payments is less than the PMP, the corresponding social supplements will be paid from the federal/regional budgets.

State of the economy at the end of 2017

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev speaks quite cautiously about the current situation with filling the budget, with a moderate note of optimism.

“We are working to increase social standards, it will definitely be included in the 2018 budget, including pension payments, however, we will not be able to go beyond our current capabilities.”

“Economic growth, as well as rising energy costs, are the main factors determining the size of pension indexation,”- noted the head of government.

According to him, both indicators may show positive dynamics in the near future, but so far there is no extra money in the state treasury.

Social pensions: little reason for optimism

If regional subsistence levels as a whole are not much higher than the average labor pensions, then this cannot yet be said with regard to social pensions - here the imbalance is quite serious.

In the government and the State Duma, the majority of officials and deputies agree that the size social payments needs to be increased. But, according to Dmitry Medvedev, in 2018 there will be indexation, but mainly due to an increase in the amount of mandatory payments, that is, it will happen somewhat unconventionally. At the same time, the level of pension benefits is planned to increase by the real inflation rate for 2017, and not the forecast for 2018.

However, the head of the Ministry of Finance Anton Siluanov is not so optimistic and believes that it is unlikely that there will be several additional trillions in the state treasury necessary to ensure an increase in social payments by 12%, in accordance with the projected inflation rate.

He is the main lobbyist for the new pension system, which provides for the creation of a pension fund for citizens.

The corresponding government decree does not provide for the indexation of their pensions (as well as accrued) up to 2019. Hope dies last: Today, two bills have been registered in the Duma database providing for the abolition of this Cabinet resolution. But whether they will be accepted in the difficult current situation is a moot point.

In any case, experts agree that we will really have to be patient, and the abolition of indexation of payments for this category of citizens is a great relief for the treasury.

Expectations for 2018

If we assume that indexation will be carried out in full, the increase coefficient from January 1, 2018 will be about 3.7%. As of early December, inflation was 2.5% compared to 5.4% a year earlier, and this figure is not expected to decrease. The increase in pensions, as already noted, will occur on February 1, since today the level of annual inflation has not been determined.

For those who can’t wait to see how much their pension will grow, we offer a summary table of PMP for 2014-2016 with a forecast for 2018:

Item no.RegionLiving wage for a pensioner, rub/month
Central Federal District
1 Belgorod region5760 6054 8016 8521
2 Bryansk region5648 6169 6648 7066
3 Vladimir region6044 6953 8377 8904
4 Voronezh region6039 6865 8680 9226
5 Ivanovo region6078 6570 7434 7902
6 Kaluga region6130 6870 8472 9005
7 Kostroma region6210 6960 8736 9286
8 Kursk region5710 5973 6391 6793
9 Lipetsk region6100 6530 8600 9141
10 Moscow region6812 7549 8950 9513
11 Oryol Region6000 6500 7800 8291
12 Ryazan Oblast6140 6341 7256 7713
13 Smolensk region6335 7119 8634 9177
14 Tambov Region4802 6238 7468 7938
15 Tver region6225 7042 8540 9078
16 Tula region6310 6860 8487 9021
17 Yaroslavl region6252 6591 8102 8612
18 Moscow8502 9046 11428 12147
Northwestern Federal District
19 Republic of Karelia6354 7161 8803 9357
20 Komi Republic7798 9078 9577 10180
21 Arhangelsk region7064 8893 11173 11876
22 Nenets Aut. district13430 14210 16510 17550
23 Vologda Region6316 7081 8801 9355
24 6354 7161 8803 9357
25 Leningrad region5900 6150 7868 8363
26 Murmansk region8840 8972 11338 12052
27 Novgorod region6120 6822 8437 8968
28 Pskov region6344 7130 8715 9264
29 Saint Petersburg6258 6270 8668 9214
Southern Federal District
30 Republic of Adygea5679 6281 8138 8650
31 Republic of Kalmykia6053 6327 7526 8000
32 Krasnodar region6312 6735 8418 8948
33 Astrakhan region5382 6149 7947 8447
34 Volgograd region6350 6769 8510 9046
35 Rostov region6350 6775 8488 9022
Volga Federal District
36 Republic of Bashkortostan6070 6513 7842 8336
37 Mari El Republic5557 6274 7967 8468
38 The Republic of Mordovia5702 6084 7468 7938
39 Republic of Tatarstan5912 6310 7526 8000
40 Republic of Udmurtia5730 6563 8502 9037
41 5413 5771 7391 7856
42 Kirov region5968 6414 8236 8754
43 Nizhny Novgorod Region5943 6470 7992 8495
44 Orenburg region6071 6350 7042 7485
45 Penza region5740 6033 7622 8102
46 Samara Region5941 6420 7554 8029
47 Saratov region5420 6200 7232 7687
48 Ulyanovsk region6010 6210 7900 8397
49 Perm region6136 6877 8175 8690
Ural federal district
50 Kurgan region6300 7000 8370 8897
51 Sverdlovsk region6354 7161 8803 9357
52 Tyumen region5882 6908 8530 9067
53 Chelyabinsk region6215 6734 8499 9034
54 Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug8985 9807 10732 11408
55 Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug9634 11224 13425 14270
Siberian Federal District
56 Altai Republic6328 7107 8619 9161
57 The Republic of Buryatia6354 7161 8803 9357
58 Tyva Republic6354 6970 8388 8916
59 The Republic of Khakassia6330 6922 8482 9016
60 Altai region5877 6647 8363 8889
61 Transbaikal region6354 6929 8803 9357
62 Krasnoyarsk region6235 6900 8411 8940
63 Irkutsk region6266 7109 8801 9355
64 Kemerovo region6017 6386 8059 8566
65 Novosibirsk region6750 7295 8803 9357
66 Omsk region5932 7353 8217 8734
67 Tomsk region6298 7144 8415 8945
Far Eastern Federal District
68 The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)9915 11506 Zone 1: Zone 1:
15817 16813
Zone 2: Zone 2:
13394 14237
69 Kamchatka Krai12228 12894 15560 16540
70 Primorsky Krai7818 8444 8744 9294
71 Khabarovsk region8012 8974 10895 11581
72 Amur region7590 7590 8796 9350
73 Magadan Region11810 12410 14770 15700
74 Sakhalin region10043 10580 11999 12754
75 Jewish Autonomous Region7414 7417 8800 9354
76 Chukotka Autonomous Okrug14000 15885 19000 20197
North Caucasus Federal District
77 The Republic of Dagestan5912 6640 7900 8397
78 The Republic of Ingushetia5843 6444 7352 7815
79 Kabardino-Balkaria5865 6568 8095 8604
80 Karachay-Cherkessia5827 6351 6796 7224
81 North Ossetia5958 6350 6920 7335
82 Chechen Republic5517 5798 8156 8669
83 Stavropol region5817 6474 7524 7998

It is clear that the real indicators for 2018 will differ from the above, and in some cases significantly, but they can be taken into account as a guideline for the first half of the year.

Reforming pension legislation

From the beginning of 2017, a new pension calculation system is expected to come into effect, according to which, from the second half of next year, Russians will receive pension benefits based on the formula used today.

Borrowing progressive experience is, of course, very tempting, but if you compare the budget structure of the two countries, as well as living conditions and many related factors, it may turn out that blind copying, instead of a positive effect, will lead to the emergence of new problems that complement existing ones.

In any case, many deputies, highest-ranking officials and experts are convinced that such a radical reform of the pension system will not proceed smoothly and without problems.

According to Sergei Belyakov, Ex-Minister of Economic Development, such manipulations will cause a significant reduction in the level of pensions of citizens born after 1967. According to preliminary calculations, with the new pension system their social benefits will be approximately 10% less than the current ones, which will inevitably lead to a deterioration in their quality of life.

If we talk about triple freezing pension savings, then thanks to this step the government managed to save a significant amount budget money, but it was precisely these funds that the Russian economy lost as prolonged investments. And this is also a solution that does not work for the future. But these are the current realities.