School event for family day. Scenario of the event for the Family Day “Beginning began. Songs by proverbs




extracurricular activities

on the topic:

"Family day!"

Date: 14.05.2014

Class teacher: Dyumina E.A.



Extracurricular activity

Family day.

Date: May 14, 2014

Venue: assembly hall of the Kurasov school.

Grade: 2-4

Participants: students of grades 2-9, teachers, parents, guests.

Prepared and conducted by: Dyumina E.A.

Target: - instilling in students a sense of love and respect for parents, pride in their family.

Tasks: - to form ideas about the family in children;

Enrich parent-child relationship experience of joint creative activity;

Promote the development of communication skills, kindness and family relationships;

Forming students' view of the family as people who love each other

And take care of each other;

Raise love and respect for family members in children, teach them to take care of their relatives


We have gathered in this hall today for a reason!

Today we will learn how important family is to us!

Good afternoon, dear guests! We are glad to see you at our family holiday.

May 15 - International Family Day. In 1993, the General Assembly decided that since 1994 (20 times this year) 15 May will be celebrated annually as International Day of Families.

Family is the main thing in the life of each of us. A family is close and dear people, those whom we love, with whom we take an example, whom we care about, whom we wish good and happiness. It is in the family that we learn love, responsibility, care and respect.

1.This holiday is not on the calendar,
But for us it is important in life and in destiny.
We just couldn't live without him
Enjoy the world, learn and create.

2.In family circle we are growing up,

The basis of the basics is the parental home.

In the family circle, all your roots are

And you entered life from a family!

3.Family is holy word, and you can't offend him!

It contains our roots, our strength, our cherished words!

4.On our unusual
And the solar planet
Live two different worlds:
Adults and children.

They love each other
Help each other
But sometimes each other
They don't understand at all.

And the adults swear
And the children are offended

And then they have nothing
It doesn't work at all.

Now, if I could
At least for a little bit,
So that adults can
To look into childhood ...

And children would become adults,
Just a little ...
Have you presented?
Let us
Let's go on the road!

We open our FAMILY ALBUM. And its first page ... MOTHER.

Mom ... This is the first word that a person utters, and it sounds equally tender in all languages ​​of the world. Mom has the kindest and most affectionate hands. They can do everything. Mom has the most loyal and sensitive heart, it does not remain indifferent to anything. And no matter how old you are, five, fifteen or fifty, you always need a mother, her affection, her look.

And the more your love for your mother, the happier and brighter your life!

Go around the whole world
Just know in advance:
You will not find warmer hands
And more tender than mom's.
You will not find eyes in the world
Affectionate and stricter.
Mom to each of us
All people are dearer.
Hundred paths, roads around
Walk around the light.
Mom is the most best friend!
Better than mom no!

Staging "It's just ... mom is the most tender!"

We all love our mothers, unfortunately, we often forget to tell them about it, and sometimes with our actions we upset them and even hurt them ...

Harsh cough sounds at night

Harsh cough sounds at night
The old woman took to her bed.
For many years she has been in our apartment
I lived alone in the room.

There were letters, only very rarely.
And then, not noticing us,
She kept walking and repeating: "Children,

You should come to me at least once.

Your mother bent over, turned gray,
What can you do - old age has approached.
How good would we sit
Near our table.

You walked under this table,
Songs were often sung until dawn,
And now they parted, floated away.
Here you go, gather all of you. "

Mother fell ill, and that same night
The telegraph never tired of shouting:
"Children, urgent! Children, very urgent !!
Come, mother is ill! "

From Odessa, Tallinn, Igarka,
Putting things aside until the time,
The children are gathered, but it's a pity
By the bed, not by the table.

Stroking wrinkled hands
A soft silver strand
So why did you give separation
So how long to stand between you?

Mother waited for you in rain and snow,
On hot sleepless nights.
Is it really necessary to wait for grief,
To come to your mother?

Is it really just telegrams
Have they brought you to the fast trains?
Listen! As long as you have a mom,
Come to her without telegrams!

The song "Far from Mom" ​​performed by the school musical group"Dzungariki"

DAD - the second page of the album.

Speaking about a real strong family, one cannot but say a special word about our dads. The man is the protector of the family and the country. He is the head of the family, a support for his wife, an example for children.

My dad is funny
But strict and honest
Read books with him
And it's interesting to play.
My dad is a wizard
He is the nicest
It turns instantly
What you ask for.
He can be a clown
Tiger, giraffe.
But best of all
He knows how to be a Pope!
I will hug him
And I whisper softly:
-My daddy, I you
I love it very much!

Dads are different:

The one is silent, and the other is screaming,

He sometimes hums

The one sticking out on the TV

He happens to hug

With the warmth of strong hands

He sometimes forgets

That he is his son's best friend.

Dads are different ...

And as the days go by

Their sons grow up

Point to point how they are.

No wonder they say: "There is no need for another model, when the example of the father is in the eyes"

Don't recognize dad today.

He came and suddenly at the door

I didn't throw my hat on the table

And he hung it up as if he were visiting.

He said: "Great, daughter!"

And laughing this time

He kissed mom on the cheek,

And I shook my grandmother's hand!

He didn't hide in the newspaper

I looked at everyone at the table,

He did not beat the cutlet with a fork,

As if someone was sitting in it.

He was better, he was more beautiful,

He poured tea into cups,

Even grandmother is not a mother-in-law,

And he called him mummy!

I asked my mother directly:

"Mom, what happened to him?"

“On women's day,” said my mother,

Dad should be like that! "

This is incomprehensible to me.

Maybe an adult who will understand?

Ain't daddy nice

Be good for a whole year?

Yes, indeed, I would like to wish your dads to be caring and attentive every day of every year !!!

The song "Dad can ..." performed by the 4th grade.

Third page -Grandmothers and grandfathers.

Our family is not only mothers and fathers, but also grandparents.

Together with my grandmother
We live very amicably!
Together we go for a walk
Together we go to bed

Together we wash the dishes
-True true!
I will not lie!

We do not like to be discouraged
We can sing and dance
-Grandma will clap me,
Well, and I - to spin, stomp!
I try not to be capricious
I don't shed tears, but I smile
-We are great friends with her,
Because we are a FAMILY

If so they say:
An elderly man -
This is a treasure of wisdom,
This is a fund of gold,
This is a scattering of talent
And burning in the eyes ...
These are our Atlanteans
Both in deeds and in speeches.
Thank you for everything
And honor and honor to you,
And thanks for being
What you were and are.
Make your soul young
It's too early to grow old.
So be healthy
Live richly!


Granddaughter ... Granny! Why do I have two arms, two legs, two ears, two eyes, but only one mouth and one nose?
Granny. And this is because, granddaughter, so that you walk more, do more, see more, hear more and talk less and do not stick your nose where you don’t need to.

Song "Grandmother next to grandfather" performed by 2nd grade.

And now we will hold a comic competition that will tell us who else we should congratulate on family day. They answer in chorus.

Read books about the war

Only the brave ... (boys)

Sew undershirts for dolls

Needlewomen ... (girls)

BROTHERS and SISTERS - page 4.

The word "family" is understandable to everyone, like the words "mother", "bread", "homeland". Family ... The story comes from the word "seed". A small seed, planted with love, sprouts. And in order for the seed to sprout, you need to live in love and harmony.

And if you live like this, you will have wonderful and tender fruits - these are children. And funny stories happen with the playful kids.

PIECES (based on Vashukov-Bandurin's ditties)

1. Trunk - rubbish - rubbish!
Would perform all day!
I'm reluctant to study
And it's not too lazy to sing ditties!

2. Once Alyosha went himself
For cereals in the supermarket.
“Mom, but there is no cereal,
I had to buy candy! "

3. Dad solved the problem for me,
I handed over the notebook and I'm crying -
Says the teacher took
I won't ask for an integral.
4. Teacher Tole says:
"What are you running around school for?"
“Who will carry me?
Should I ask the head teacher? "

5. I taught my little sister Masha:
"You need to eat porridge with a spoon!"
Eh! In vain I taught -
I got it on my forehead with a spoon.

6.In our class, all the guys
They love to excel.
Who draws, who sings,
Just not to study.

And the last page of our album -PETS.

And in our family he lives
Very kind nice cat.

And my house is guarded
And always plays with me
Handsome dog - labrador
We go for a walk with him in the yard.

I have a hamster -
Licks fur, chews food.

And we have, which year,
A parrot lives in a cage.

They are smaller brothers -
Also members of our family.

The song "Do not tease the dogs ..." performed by A. Novikova


“Happy is he who is happy at home,” L. Tolstoy asserted. An innumerable set of poems, songs and legends have been composed and are still being composed about the home, dear, dear, paternal. In terms of its significance, the home was among such concepts of the Russian people as life, conscience, Motherland, land, goodness, father and mother. This house is always different from other houses, although construction designs may be similar. The difference lies in the very atmosphere of the family, family habits, traditions - the culture of the family. Today we will build the "House of Happiness" - a house consisting of wise thoughts, kind words, good mood.

Family culture is inherited from generation to generation. Considering the experience of our elders, we begin to lay the foundation of our house with the Tradition brick.

Each family creates its own traditions, however, a young family is not built from scratch, but with the experience of parental families, families of their relatives and friends. Other traditions are passed down from grandfathers and great-grandfathers.

Many families have a tradition of celebrating birthdays and others. significant dates, celebrate national holidays at a friendly feast. It is very important that mutual respect and understanding become a tradition, and tact and high relationships become a habit and remain in the family for life.

Many guys who are on the verge of an adult independent family life, advocate cooperation, not confrontation in family relationships... Every family has its own lifestyle. The traditions of our ancestors make it possible to lay the next brick for the construction of the House of Happiness called Cooperation.

Psychologists consider cooperation to be the most constructive way of family relationships. It is based primarily on mutual respect between adults and children. Parents here do not play democracy and freedom with their children, but really consider even the smallest of them to be persons deserving respect.

Sincere, respectful relationships are established, as a rule, in those families where they prefer cooperation. Such relationships begin with communication, with intimate conversations. Peace and harmony in the house is the highest value. They never shout here, because they understand that no problem can be solved by shouting.

Folk wisdom says: small children do not let you sleep, but with big ones you will not fall asleep yourself. What is the secret of mutual understanding and good relations between parents and children of different ages? The secret is very simple. It is necessary to develop in children the ability to be friends, and subsequently it will create the basis for a normal family atmosphere. A prerequisite for the happiness of a young family in our house is the "Friendship" brick.

It is safe to say that a house in which there is a feud, where there is no good relationship between the elders and the younger, cannot be called happy. Psychologists note how essential signs friendship, mutual understanding, empathy, deep emotional affection.

Friendship inspires and inspires, makes a person more purposeful, nobler, more self-confident, kinder and, of course, fosters selflessness. Let us recall the ancient aphorism: "What you gave is yours, what you took is lost." It's like a competition for the right to be kinder, more cordial, and compliant. And there are no losers here. Such friendship enriches and uplifts, gives each of us the opportunity to feel happy.

Like other positive qualities, love for work is instilled from childhood in the family. Respect for workers, taste for work, sense of duty and a number of other indicators that are highly valued in any society at all times are based on it.

It is impossible to become a real person without hard work. And here is another wisdom that fits the topic: not a day without hard work. From childhood and for life. For a young family to live happily ever after, our house simply needs a “Trud” brick.

The basis of family life is honest, conscientious socially useful work. The working atmosphere in the family is formed gradually. Everyday work of all family members provides the necessary harmony in relationships, guarantees material well-being.

Children provide all possible help to adults. Adults perceive work as a source of well-being, which is naturally passed on to children. KD Ushinsky justly remarked: "The best form of inheritance left by parents to their children is the education of industriousness, which is one of the most important conditions for human happiness."

Whatever moral principle we take, it is obvious that it is learned from early childhood and in the family. A growing person thinks very early about the problems of good and evil, justice and injustice, and looks for answers to his questions, first of all, from his elders. The true love of parents always raises the tone of family life, evokes a feeling of joy, creates a fertile environment for moral education child. The condition for the emotional health of the family is the authenticity of feelings, when the act is in harmony with the state of mind. Therefore, the next building block for our home will be "Health".

Health is one of the most important life values ​​of a person, it is a state of complete well-being, which includes the following components6

♦ high efficiency and resistance to diseases.

♦ self-confidence, based on the ability to manage their actions, feelings and thoughts.

♦ desire and ability to manage their own health.

Scientists argue that the health of a modern inhabitant of our planet is mainly determined by his lifestyle, i.e. everyday behavior. "All in your hands!" - asserted one sage. Everyone chooses the lifestyle that will ensure health and happiness for himself and each of his family members.

A person cannot perceive the world around him with his mind alone, he needs to connect his heart and his feelings here. Aesthetics, the concept of beauty, the need for it have become firmly established in our life, they put young family members before the need for the first independent moral assessments: what is good and what is bad. With this in mind, you and I must lay a brick called "Beauty" in the construction of our house.

Man has always strived for beauty, it is not for nothing that aesthetics originated about 2500 years ago and at once in many states and in different parts of the world.

Our home provides us with unlimited opportunities for creativity, spiritual development and self-improvement. For people who love their home, he not only pays with beauty and comfort, but also helps a young family to rally, quietly solve many problems. He teaches to creativity, which gives minutes of invaluable communication with beauty.

We spend a significant part of our time at home - we relax, do our studies, do our favorite things, celebrate family holidays, and run our household. Here children grow up and receive their first life lessons; intra-family relations, traditions are formed, a special family atmosphere of the hearth develops. Harmonious combination furnishings and a pleasant color scheme create a feeling of peace of mind, comfort, help to restore strength. The next brick necessary for our house is "Cleanliness".

“What it is like at home, so is it yourself,” says popular wisdom. Our home is a place of psychological security and comfort. But by itself he does not become such. In order to be warm and comfortable in the house, in addition to sincerity in relations between loved ones, elementary order is needed. Cleanliness, as you know, is both a guarantee of health and a necessary condition for comfort in our home.

You've probably noticed that it is easier to maintain order in the house than to restore it. And you need very little: each member of the family to clean up after themselves, and then cleanliness and order will be a joy.

It is important for a person that he has a favorable relationship with family members, to experience emotional well-being in the family. The definition of happiness includes the desire to be understood. The desire and ability to understand the other is the basis of a healthy psychological climate any family. For complete happiness, our home needs "Understanding."

In a family, an atmosphere of mutual understanding between spouses, between parents and children is important. Children cement their parents' feelings. The well-being of children is impossible without parental love, trust and understanding. "Happiness is when you are understood." Children need to understand their parents and take care of them. But happiness lies in reciprocity, which means that parents also understand children.

What does it mean to prepare young people for family life? Formation of feelings, will, culture of human behavior, creation of the moral and aesthetic foundation of the personality. Boys and girls, boys and girls must be educated in a spirit of genuine respect for one another.

The "Respect" brick is very important for the construction of our house. Respect for everyone around you, respect for another person, for his experiences, needs and interests is the leading requirement of moral relationships between people in general and future family members in particular.

In a family where respectful relationships are built (elders - to each other and to the younger, and the younger - to the elders and to each other), there is also mutual assistance, an optimistic attitude is maintained.

For the upbringing of a moral personality, it is very important whether a child grows up in a family of parents who love and care for each other and for their children. The mutual love of parents is the main educational factor. The prosperity and happiness of a young family in our home is impossible without the "Love" brick.

“This is a great mystery,” said the ancients about love. Only when the family reigns real love, it becomes the highest value, an irreplaceable hotbed of sincerity and human warmth. In many ways, the happiness of a family and its moral climate depend on whether a trustful, loving atmosphere reigns in it between spouses, between parents and children. To love means to understand each other from a half-word, from a half-glance, it means to live in harmony and happiness. Let us recall the words of the writer Saint-Exupery: "Not to look at each other, but to look in one direction - this is what it means to love."

The construction of any house always ends with the construction of a roof. The roof of our house for a young happy family is called “ Good mood". It should be interesting at home, and the family should give good food to children's imaginations and feelings. A smile and positive emotions - sympathy, peace of mind, consolation, confidence, optimism - will create what can be called a family hearth that rallies people who are related by kinship, warms, nourishes feelings and rests the soul. In such a house, a good mood always reigns.

So, we have built a "House of Happiness" with you. The happiness of a person in the family is the greatest moral value. Where, if not in a family, a person gets what he aspires to at any age: the feeling of being needed by loved ones, the realization that you love and love yourself, the belief that there is a place on earth where you are expected and loved ...

House, as everyone has known for a long time,

These are not walls, not a window

These are not chairs with a table;

This is not a home.

Home is where you are ready

You come back again and again

Furious, kind, gentle, evil,

Barely alive.

Home is where you will be understood

Where they hope and wait

Where do you forget about the bad

This is your home.

I wish each of you to build the same "House of Happiness" for your family. Be healthy and happy!

Family is what we share for everyone,
Little by little: both tears and laughter,
Rise and fall, joy, sadness,
Friendship and quarrels, silence print.
Family is what is always with you.
Let seconds, weeks, years rush
But the walls are dear, your father's house -
The heart will remain in him forever!

Our dear guests!
We wish you happiness without torment,
Don't worry for no reason
Always have a great view
And for a century you don't know where what hurts.
And a year later in this place,
Or maybe even at this hour
We will gather with you again
Family circle as it is now.

Extracurricular activity "My family".

The material was prepared by the primary school teacher of the MAOU Secondary School No. 58 Afanasyeva Svetlana Anatolyevna.

Description: this event focused on junior schoolchildren and their parents. The material will be useful for class teachers, teachers of the EPE course, educators summer camp, teacher-organizers.

Objectives: understanding by children of the value of the family in human life; fostering a sense of love and respect for parents, pride in their family; development of family creativity, family and school cooperation.

Preliminary preparation:

1. Invitations for parents, the formation of teams (as an option for the camp shift: the formation of a different age "family" of children of senior, middle and junior squads).

2. Decoration of the exhibition of drawings "Dad, Mom, I - Friendly family!».

3. Creative work of students "Traditions of my family", "Names that I am proud", "Holidays of my family."

4. Photo exhibition "Look into the family album".

Equipment: audio equipment and phonogram of the song "Parent's House" (from the repertoire of L. Leshchenko), posters with proverbs and sayings about the family, a poster with the "Golden Rule of Morality", "Wise Thoughts".

The course of the event.

1. Introductory remarks. Motivation. (The soundtrack of the song "Parents' House" is played).

Leading: “None of us fell off the moon. We are all branches and leaves of a huge and intertwined common human tree.

Dear friends! Grandparents, aunts and uncles, moms and dads! Today our evening is dedicated to the theme "My family". All of us are united by one word that will sound today - “family”. We invite you to take part in contests. For correct, original answers, your teams will receive tokens, and at the end we will summarize the results of our meeting.

Warm up:

What is a pedigree? (List of generations of the same genus.)

What is a genus? (A number of generations descended from the same ancestor.)

What is an ancestor? (An ancient relative by birth.)

2. The main part.

1 task - "Chair of memory".

Leading: In the Middle Ages, any knight who wanted to enter into a knightly union had to prove his noble origin. The knightly family tree and coat of arms served as the proof. In order to compose genealogical tree, you had to know your ancestors well. The knights could not participate in the tournament if they did not provide a coat of arms of some kind.

Could one of you give the name of your great-grandmother?

Do you know where she comes from?

Leading: - We learned a lot of interesting things about your relatives.

And who are those relatives who live with you?

A family - a group of relatives living together (S. I. Ozhegov).

There may be a different number of them. I suggest you count how many relatives there are in A. Kondrashov's poem. So, 2nd task - "How many are we?"

One two three four

Who lives in a large apartment?

Four men.

Grandfather lives in an apartment,

Both dad and great-grandfather,

And Micah, father's son.

The beauty still lives

It is inseparable from family.

One of them calls her

Your beloved granddaughter

Dear daughter

Another one calls her

And the third - cute Masha

And our mistress!

And calls it mom

The youngest man.

(5 people.)

3- "Dedicated to all grandmothers and grandfathers."

(Students recite poetry.)

1. I am with my grandmother

I have been friends for a long time.

She is in all undertakings

With me at the same time.

I don't know boredom with her,

Everything is pleasant to me in her,

And grandma's hands

I love most of all.

2. For everything that we now have,

For every happy hour we have

For the fact that the sun is the light of us,

We are grateful to our dear grandfathers.

3. Our daddies are not worse:

They can cook porridge, cabbage soup.

And for the house everything you need

They can quickly make.

4. The main thing to say about moms is

To put it in just two words:

We call the motherland "mother"

And mum is tenderly - "mama".

5. Our beloved,

Grandparents, Mom and Dad!

We wish you, dear ones, health,

So that there is no reason to be sad

And in perfect health, of course

To live until the wedding of great-grandchildren!

4.Family contests

1. Competition "Proverbs".

It's warm in the sun ... (and good in the mother's presence).

Mother feeds children ... (like the land of people).

There is no better friend ... (than my own mother).

Alive parents - read ... (died - remember).

Uh, fellow, a finger will hurt ... (and the mother's heart).

The hostess in the house ... (like pancakes in honey or a bee in the garden).

Lead the house ... (do not shake your beard).

What is it like at home ... (so is it yourself).

The hut is not red in the corners ... (red with pies).

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better).

The bird rejoices in the spring ... (and the baby to the mother).

Leading : Friendship, peace and tranquility in the family are the most precious thing. As the proverb says, "Treasure is not needed, if there is a way in the family."

5. Scene "Peace in the family is the most precious thing."

Once upon a time there was Grandfather and Baba.

We lived and did not grieve.

We washed down the crackers with tea,

Once a month, the sausage was chewed.

And everything would be all right, but the Little Hen is small

She took it and laid the testicle.

The testicle is not simple

The egg is golden.

And now at our prices

And in general it is priceless.

For family, for advice:

Collected Granddaughter with Grandma Grandfather.

Grandfather. Anyway. Such a thing.

What to do with this testicle?

Maybe eat? Or sell?

Or change for dollars?

Maybe the walls will fall

Will we buy a modern musical center?

Grandma. What are you, grandfather ?! Fear God!

Music doesn't cost much!

We'd better buy a TV

Vacuum cleaner or transistor

Or take a cart of soap,

To keep the house clean.

Granddaughter. Maybe we can buy me a perfume?

Grooms will be stunned!

Or French lipstick?

And everyday noisy dispute.

It’s not that, but it’s not so.

Grandfather. You are a bastard!

The world has never seen such a thing!

Only the Hen is silent

Stands near the table.

Hen. Well, I never expected

Become the cause of a scandal.

To stop it

And, flapping his wing lightly,

I dropped the testicle on the floor,

Broke it to smithereens!

Granddaughter is crying, Baba is crying ...

Granddaughter and Grandma.

He turned out his pockets with a hole.

Grandfather. No money, so what ?!

(Together) - Peace in the family is the most precious thing!

Leading:- Yes, peace and friendship in the family is the most precious thing. Do you know your relatives?

6. Competition "Who is this?" (choose the correct card)


1. Brother of the wife. (Brother-in-law.)

2. Husband's brother. (Confident.)

3. The husband's sister. (Sister-in-law.)

4. The wife's sister. (Sister-in-law.)

5. The wife's mother. (Mother-in-law.)

6. The wife's father. (Father-in-law.)

7. Husband's mother. (Mother-in-law.)

8. The husband's father. (Father-in-law.)

9. Daughter of a brother or sister. (Niece.)

10. Brother of father or mother. (Uncle.)

11. Sister of father or mother. (Aunt.)

12. Wives of two brothers. (Sisters-in-law.)

13. Husbands of two sisters. (In-laws.)

14. Mother of wife and husband. (Svati.)

7. Contest "Get to know the child".

Parents are blindfolded. They must find their child by touch.

8. Competition "Mom's hands"

How many kind, affectionate words have been said about mother's hands! They wash, cook, wash. They also heal, soothe, caress. Will our children be able to recognize the hands of their mothers?

Children recognize their mother's hands by touch.

9. Competition of artists.

Children draw on the board according to their assignment.

Draw a big circle

From above a small one,

There are two ears on the top of the head -

This will be the head.

Let's draw for beauty

Give him more mustache.

Here the fluffy tail is ready -

You are more beautiful than all cats!

You are convinced that your children are wonderful artists.

10. Competition - "Get to know your family in the picture."

11. Competition "Musical".

Guess what or who is being sung about in the song and sing 1 verse together.

1. If you went out to sing with him. (Friend).

2. She still lies and looks at the sun. (Turtle.)

3. They are so wonderful - with a book, with friendship, with a song. ( School years.)

4. Do not twist it, you will not find on it that country, a special country about which we sing. (Globe.)

5. Imagine: he was green. (Grasshopper.)

6. He did not go through anything, he was not asked anything. (Antoshka.)

7. They are made of flowers and bells. (Girls.)

8. They run awkwardly. (Pedestrians.)

9. He runs, sways. (Blue carriage.)

10. Drawing of the boy. (Solar circle.)

11. It is fun to walk with her across the open spaces. (Song.)

12. It will make everyone feel warmer. (Smile.)

13. She is delicious, the ideal of the pioneers. (Potatoes).

12. Theatrical competition.

The first task is to dream up and portray:

Hot iron (first family);

Boiling kettle (second family);

Ringing alarm clock (third family);

Ringing telephone (fourth family);

Working vacuum cleaner (fifth family).

The second task is to depict a gait:

The person who has just had a hearty lunch (first family);

The person who is shaking his shoes (second family);

The person who kicked the brick unsuccessfully (third family);

The man who got lost in the dark forest (fourth family);

A person who was unexpectedly woken up by an alarm clock (fifth family).

1) forgetful person;

2) a person with poor diction;

3) joyful;

4) mysteriously frightened;

5) enthusiastic.

3. Summing up, awarding participants

Leading:-Thank everyone who came to us today. Good health and success in all your endeavors to our beloved mothers, fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers! And in parting, I will ask you to leave your signatures on our "Wall of Mood" (reflection).

Irina Yaponchintseva
"Family day". Scenario of an event for younger preschoolers and their parents

« Family day»

(for kids junior preschool age )

Children enter the hall and become a semicircle.

Lead 1: Kind day, Dear guests! We are glad to see you at a family holiday. May 15 is celebrated worldwide family day.

Reb. 1: We are family. Family is me!

Reb. 2: A family- this is my dad and mom!

Reb. 3: A family- this is my fluffy cat!

Reb. 4: A family- these are two dear grandmothers!

Reb. 5: Two grandfathers!

Reb. 6: My little sister and my brother are naughty!

Reb. 7: Family are godparents, aunts and uncles!

Reb. eight: A family- this is a Christmas tree in a beautiful outfit!

Reb. nine: A family- this is a celebration at a round table!

Reb. ten: Family is joy, family is home!

Reb. eleven: Where they love and wait and do not remember about evil!

(children sit down)

1. Lead 1: Family are parents, close people, home. These are common joys and concerns, joint affairs... This is happiness and love.

There is such a proverb among the people "All a family together - and the soul is in place "... And indeed it is. But one more main thing in family is health... And in order for our families we were healthy, we will now all together perform exciting gymnastics, which can be done every morning throughout family.

Warm-up is in progress "St. John's Carp"

2. Lead 2: Family is home where you are always expected.

House, as everyone has known for a long time -

These are not walls or windows

Even the chairs at the table

- This is not a home.

Home is where you will be understood,

Where they hope and wait.

Where will you forget about the bad -

This is your home!

Russian proverb says "My home is my castle"... Each families have their own fortress - their own home, but not all of them are ideal.

Today we invite participants to build a facade perfect home where every brick will mean something.

The game "Build a house" (2 are invited families)

Build a house from modules. Each module is a brick signed (health, understanding, love, smile, empty modules sign themselves)

Each the family has their own home, but not everyone knows that the word house is not Russian. It comes from the Latin word Dominium- ownership. The word house means not only a building, but also living itself - being under its roof, in the circle of loved ones and loving people... Their unanimity, friendship, support, agreement, ability to get along with each other - this is the strength of the house.

3. Lead 1: We all know the proverbs about home. I will start a proverb, and you try it to finish:

A guest on the doorstep - happiness in ... (home).

- A house without a mistress ... (orphan).

- House lead ... (do not shake your beard).

- An apple from an apple tree ... (falls not far).

- What are rich ... (so happy).

- It's good visiting ... (and it's better at home).

Not only about the house, but also about family many proverbs and sayings. Let's remember them. You need to correct what is wrong.

- Not be born beautiful, a be born rich(happy).

- Love is a ring, and a ring has no problem (no beginning and no end).

- Seven nannies have a child in close look (without an eye).

- Sweethearts scold only on Fridays (amuse themselves).

What good fellows you are, you coped with all the tasks correctly.

4. Lead 2: The house is different. Our children also have a second home, in which they spend most of the day. And what kind of house we are talking about, you will now understand (children read a poem about kindergarten).

Child: There is a wonderful house in the world

Children in that house are taught

It seems to me that this house

The best in the world.

Child: I am everyone day I go here

I study, grow, mature.

And I'm leaving here

Always a little smarter.

Lead 2: Guess what kind of house you are talking about? Of course, about kindergarten.

In our house, in our big family 63 people are fathers, mothers and children.

Of these, 21 are mothers, 21 fathers, 13 girls, 8 boys.

The youngest family - the Anchugov family.

2 large families. Families: Ustyuzhanins and Ivanovs. Let's greet them with applause.

Most popular female name- Sophia (Sophia, Alice.

The male name is Timofey.

The rarest names are Milana, Gleb, Polina, Semyon, Ksenia, Mikhail.

And we live in our house very merrily and amicably! We will sing a song for you about this!

Song "We are friends"

The game "Flowers in the meadow"

Games with parents

Competitions between families

General dance "At me, at you"

Lead 2: Family is that that we share for all,

Little by little: and tears and laughter,

Rise and fall, joy, sadness,

Friendship and quarrels, silence print.

Let seconds, weeks, years rush

Family is that that is always with you.

Lead 1: Folk wisdom reads: “The child learns what he sees in his home. Parents are an example to him! " Don't forget this. Take care of your families, take care of each other, help your loved ones! And the children will follow your example! May everyone be healthy and happy!

Gifts are given to children (Balloons).

Related publications:

"Mothers Day". Scenario of a joint event for older preschool children and their parents Target. Expanding the positive field of interaction between children, parents, teachers. Tasks. 1. Expand children's understanding of the International Holiday.

"Family day". Scenario of a joint evening of leisure for parents and children Purpose: to form primary value ideas about the family, family traditions, responsibilities. Objectives: Encourage participation.

Consultation for parents "Education of independence in younger preschoolers" The desire for independence is already manifested in early age... It is important not to ignore this desire, but to constantly support it.

Scenario of the "Mother's Day" event for preschoolers MBOU DOD DDT MO Kavkazsky District Event on the theme: "Mother's Day" Prepared and conducted by a teacher of additional education.

Purpose: fostering respect in children, love for older people, possession of communication skills with adults. Promote stronger relationships.

Scenario of the holiday in primary school "Family Day"

Holiday objectives:

    Form the moral culture of children and parents

    Promote the development of communication skills, kindness and family relationships

    Foster feelings of love and pride for your family, a sense of respect for your loved ones

    Develop creative initiative

Lead 1. Good evening, Dear friends! Today is an unusual day, because it is on May 15 that we celebrate the kindest, warmest holiday - Family Day, a day of joy and happiness.

Lead 2 : What is family? A word that everyone understands like “bread” and “water”. It is from the first moments of life next to each of us. Family is home, dad and mom, close people. These are common concerns, joys and deeds. This is love and happiness.

Lead 1 ... What is happiness? Undoubtedly, happy is the one who can do what he loves, happy is the one who loves and is loved. And, of course, happiness is to have a family in which mutual understanding and harmony reign.

Lead 2. What will become a symbol of the holiday? A tall powerful miracle tree that can withstand any winds and bad weather. The silhouettes of children's hands depicted the crown of a tree, and the prints of the parent's palms depicted its roots, which provide support and support for the plant.

Children take turns reading verses:

1st: There is no such holiday in the calendar,

But for us it is important in life and in destiny.

We just couldn't live without him

Enjoy the world, learn and create.

2nd: When our friendly family was born,

I was not next to my dad and mom.

Often I look at their beautiful photos,

And a little bit angry, and a little bit jealous.

3rd: I ask dad: "Where was I then?"

Dad answers: "You weren't there."

How can it be that without me

Was such a close-knit family born?

4th: I love it so much when the moon looks out the window,

And fairy tales roam quietly in the corners.

And next to my mother is holding her palm,

And strokes my hair lightly.

5th: Today is a day off at the house,

Today is Sunday.

Dad and I are doing magic together in the kitchen

We bake cookies for mom.

6th: We set the table and put flowers,

We put the cookies on the dish.

We will give mom love and a bouquet,

Mom will wash the dishes.

7th: My dad loves in the diary

Sign beautifully

And with deuces that they give me

He lets mom figure it out.

8th: What is family? This is mother and father,

Brothers, sisters and me.

Hall in the house, porch.

And neighbors, relatives, school, street, pond,

Gardens, friends, what the ears are torn.

9th: This is something you cannot live without,

This is my childhood, and I cannot forget it ...

It gives strength to create and create,

Wherever you are, it calls.

Hunt to open the door,

Sit at the table

10th: Remember those who are not,

And also about the past, as if it was not a hundred years old.

Our roots are family, like the source by the river,

This fortress is yours, the old men say.

11th: And my father said, my mother repeated to me,

So that I preserve the family, I began to continue it.

You can't live without a family, you can't become a person,

You need to live and love and raise children,

Plant a tree, also build a house,

Remember the word of the fathers - the strength of the Motherland is in him.

Lead 1 . "Let's get acquainted".

Each family is invited to introduce themselves, showing how special they are.

Family composition. What they love. What they are fond of. What is appreciated in life and people. Family coat of arms.

Lead 2. It is not easy to start a family, and it is even more difficult to maintain. Troubles and joys happen in every family, but we do not always succeed in resolving many conflicts with dignity, there is a lack of worldly wisdom. It is not for nothing that popular wisdom says: "To live life is not to cross a field."

Lead 1 ... But if there is mutual understanding and love in the family, then the problems are necessarily solved, and everyone feels easy and joyful in their souls. After all, if the family is together, then the soul is in place.

Lead 2 ... And the world is immediately painted with bright colors, and the gentle orange sun shines merrily for the children.

(Children sing "The Orange Song" (music by K. Pevzner, lyrics by A. Arkanov, G. Gorin).)

Lead 1 : Guys, without whom is a family not a family? (Answers of children)

Lead 2 : That's right, without mom, mom, mom - the keeper of the hearth, the continuer of the human race. Every person from birth to the end of his life carries in his mouth and mind the image of a mother, mother, grandmother. Mom for each of us is a shrine. A girl born on the planet, becoming an adult, is the continuer of the human race. Female image sung in poetry, songs, in the human mind. All your life you need to be gentle, affectionate, respectful and take care of your mother and grandmother.

Lead 1 ... Why do we love our mothers?(Answers of children)

Probably because they gave us life, because we see the blue sky and green grass, hear the song of the lark and know the taste of ice cream, for sweet word, per warm hands and the good songs they sang at our cradles ...

Children: Emerald herbs

Sky is blue,

River, forest and rocks -

All that caressed the eye

All that is sweet to the heart

Mom gave it to me.

The music of the surf

The song of the lark

Lullaby song

What they sing to a child -

All that is sweet to the heart

Mom gave it to me.

Warmth of the heart

Endless joy

Tenderness along with affection

And with the evening tale

All that is sweet to the heart

Mom gave it to me.

(Song about mom)

Lead 2: Listen to the tale"Seven daughters" and answer the question: "Which of the daughters acted the most correctly?"

Lead1 : The mother had seven daughters. Once a mother went to her son, who lived far away. I returned home only a week later. When the mother entered the hut, the daughters, one after another, began to say how much they missed their mother.

I missed you like a poppy seed in a sunny meadow, - said the first daughter.

I was waiting for you, like dry land is waiting for a drop of water, - said the second.

I cried for you like a little chick cries for a bird, ”said the third.

It was hard for me without you, like a bee without a flower, - chirped the fourth.

I dreamed of a rose dreaming of a drop of dew, ”said the fifth.

I looked out for you like a nightingale looks out for a cherry orchard, ”said the sixth.

And the seventh daughter said nothing. She took off her shoes and brought her water in a basin to wash her feet.

Lead 2: Scene "Who is more important?"


I collected books in my portfolio,

I run out into the corridor ...

I have with one boy

Conversation ensued.


And my dad is a champion!

He goes to the stadium:

He throws dumbbells up -

Dad is the strongest in the world!


Although men are strong -

Pancakes can't bake ...

You men are fools

To educate and teach you.

And parsley from dill

You cannot tell!


Is there no use for a man?

This talent is not given to us?

Who nailed the shelf for the books?

Did you fix the faucet in the kitchen?


You don't want to cook borscht,

Do not fry the cutlets ...

You should run away to work,

Well, there is no more business!


You prickly splinter

You don't know us men well

Every now and then you shed tears

And besides, for no reason ...

You are thorny words

You say shy ...

Dad - the head is in the house!

Girl. And mom is in the house - a neck!


No! It is not necessary to decide in a dispute,

In the hallway conversation

Who is stronger and who is more important ...

It's just that mom is the most tender!

I will share with her a secret

I won't hide anything

Because mom is a joy ...

Mom I love you!


And my dad is just a miracle

He is a protector true friend,

We feel very bad without him,

If he leaves suddenly.

I argue with him and draw,

I play ball and dance with him.

He brings me gifts

He will ask me about everything!

Dad is always nearby

We are nowhere without dad!

Boy ... Who is the most important in the world?

Girl ... Adults and children know -

Boy. Our friendly family

Girl ... This is Dad,

Boy. This is mom

Together. And of course it's me!

(The song "Our dad is great")

Lead 1: The most friendly, trusting relationships are usually established between grandparents and grandchildren. Grandmothers and grandfathers try to share with us our joys and sorrows, act as advisers, warn against rash actions. Grandparents are worthy of respect and gratitude for their love for us, grandchildren. We congratulate you on the holiday and dedicate poems.


There are many friends around, but I think
That my most faithful friend is my grandmother.
She doesn't have to go to work on Sunday and Saturday
Two special days are coming for me.
Grandma has a lot of trouble with us:
Grandma makes us sweet compote.
Warm hats need to be tied
A funny tale to tell us.
The grandmother works the whole day.
"Grandma, honey, sit down, rest!"

Such a grandfather grows a beard,
That I am always surprised at her.
“With him,” my mother said, “
You won't be in trouble:
Grandpa has a lot of intelligence in his beard. "
And, really, relatives will ask for advice,
If he strokes his beard, he will say the answer.
I envy my grandfather sometimes
I wish I could grow a beard.

Lead 2 : For them, soulful ditties

We know a lot of ditties -

Both good and bad.

It's good to hear that

Who doesn't know any.

Hey girly laughter

Sing along ditties

Sing more fun

To please the guests.

Oh, today at 6 o'clock

Parents meeting!

You need to put a pillow

To the "place of punishment."

Ah, today is a holiday in the house,

Cabbage pies -

Petya learned his lessons

Everything and even oral.

Dad, mom, dear,

What is your allergy?

How do you take notebooks,

Everything is shaking with a fever.

Oh how on time my daddy

All so evenly bald,

Otherwise, looking at my diary,

He would be very gray!

So that the son reads the book,

Dad gave him a ruble.

Sonny read a lot of books -

Daddy went around the world.

Every day to your piggy bank

I throw a ruble.

To buy yourself a brother

I've been saving up a whole year.

Fir-trees - pines,
Thorny, green.
Even our grandmothers

In love with grandfathers

Daughters - mothers play

Dad - mom we imitate.
Chur, on the couch - I'm lying,
Well, you go to wash.

Mom and dad and brother -

Here she is my kin!

Oh thank you dear

That you are all I have!

The ditty has a beginning

The ditty has an end.

Who listened to our ditties,

Let's face it - well done!

Lead 1: And now I invite you to take part in the competition program.

1 task. The children are invited to split into two families. The number of people in families is not limited, the more, the more interesting. Each family needs to come up with a surname, choose a mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, the rest are children. Families are given props and costumes. Daddy puts on a hat, mommy - an apron, grandmother - a handkerchief, grandfather - glasses. Children pick up Stuffed Toys... When the teams have assigned roles and put on costumes, they line up opposite each other. The presenter announces the presentation of the teams. At his signal, each team in chorus calls their last name. Next, a competition begins between the two families.

Lead 2:
Dad's books
A whole thousand!
Which one will not ask -
He will find it right there.
Probably dad
Already knows everything
And sits down alone again
And reads.

2 task. Each family is given paper chamomile petals (their number is equal to the number of participants), which are in the box at the start. Part of the proverb is written on 7 petals. The family forms a column at the start. At the finish line, the father of the family has a small table and a chair on which he sits down before the start of the competition. At the signal from the leader, the participant runs with his petal to the father of the family and leaves it on the table, returns, slapping on the shoulder, passes the baton to the next participant, and so on. When the last petal is brought to the father, he must quickly select the petals with the words and lay them out so that the proverb is obtained. The head of the family, who quickly collects a chamomile with a proverb and gives a signal (raised hand), wins. Proverb:"A family is strong when there is only one roof over it."

Lead 1:
There is no dirt, trash in the apartment,
I took everything clean ... (mom)

3 task. The teams line up at the start. A chair for mom is ready at the finish line. Mom sits there, garbage spills out next to her. Crumpled paper plays the role of rubbish. The amount of rubbish (paper lumps) is equal to the number of participants. Each family is given a broom. At the signal from the presenter, the participant runs to the mother with a broom, grab the garbage with a broom, sweep it to his team, pass the baton to another, and so on until all the garbage is over. The first team to complete this task wins.

Lead 2:
She's not old at all
Although completely gray,
She will tell me a story
And on Christmastide he tells fortunes.
I will sit next to her:
Let's tie it, grandma!
Not because there is nothing to wear,
And not to save money
She puts the thread in the evenings
In countless rows of ranks.

4 task "Grandma's Competition". Families are paired. Each pair is given a prepared ball (a thick woolen rope wound around a pencil) and a pencil. The task is to rewind in a pair of threads from one pencil to another. The family in which all couples complete the task faster wins.

Lead 1:
He did not work out of boredom,
He has calluses in his hands
And now he is old and gray
My dear, beloved ... grandfather

5 Task "Grandfather's Fishing". Families become pairs at the start. On the opposite side there is a lake with fish. Crumpled wads of paper play the role of fish. The first pair takes a seine (any fabric rectangular) on both sides, runs to the lake, captures fish (as many as they can) and returns to the team, passes the net further. At the signal from the host, the fishing stops and the families count their catch. The team with the most fish wins.

6 Quest "Through the mouth of a baby" . Families have to guess what this is about. If the family guessed the task from the first prompt, it gets 5 points, on the second attempt - 4 points, on the third attempt - 3 points, on the fourth attempt - 2 points.


You can't tear Dad away from her;

You know everything with her;

Local, 2 times a week;

- She is also "Russian".

2. Toilet paper:

This is something very long;

But they take a little;

There used to be a shortage;

She is usually in the toilet.

3. Soap:

Found in every home;

Smells tasty;

You can blow bubbles;

They take with them to the bathhouse.

4. Vitamins:

This is useful for both adults and children;

They are multi-colored;

They are small, round, or flat;

Sold in pharmacies.

5. Candle:

Most often it is long and thin;

This can cause a fire;

An indispensable attribute of the holiday;

They also go to church.

6. Lemon:

This is such a fruit;

The fruit is southern, but it can grow on the window;

It is very good for tea;

This is sometimes called money.

7. Felt pen:

This is a great joy for children;

They can dry out and then they are thrown away;

Economical, a person can refuel them;

They are better than colored pencils.

8. Toothpaste:

It may foam;

Always packaged;

There are a lot in stores;

With this, caries is not terrible.

9. "Chupa-chups":

A delicacy for everyone;

It happens with a filling;

Always on a stick;

Round like a ball.

10. Postcard:

This is a gift for the holiday;

Now there are musical ones;

On them the inscriptions "Happy Anniversary", "Happy Wedding";

Can be sent by mail.

Lead 2 : All relatives are a big family, where everyone helps each other. Father is a breadwinner, breadwinner. Mother is a hostess, educator of children. Children are joy and help at home. And old people are his wisdom.

And now contests for the whole family.

7 Task. Collect a proverb. "

The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.

What is the treasure for when the family is happy.

A family is strong when there is one roof over it.

The family is in a heap, and the cloud is not scary.

A family without children is like an odorless flower.

You will find everything in the world except your father and mother.

When the sun is warm, when the mother is good.

8 Task. " Family ties" . Families are encouraged to take turns guessing riddles. If the family is at a loss, another family may respond.

    My father's son. (Brother)

    My dad's mom. (Granny)

    Father's or mother's brother. (Uncle)

    The daughter of my sister or brother. (Niece)

    Mom's or Dad's sister. (Aunt)

    My child's son. (Grandson)

    The son of my sister or brother. (Nephew)

    My mother's daughter. (Sister)

    Father of the wife (Father-in-law.)

    Wife's mother (Mother-in-law)

    Husband's father (Father-in-law.)

    Husband's mother. (Mother-in-law)

    Husband of daughter, sister. (Son-in-law.)

    Son's wife (Daughter-in-law, daughter-in-law)

    Brother of the wife (brother-in-law.)

    Husband's brother (Brotherhood.)

    Sister of the wife (Sister-in-law).

    Husband's sister (Sister-in-law.)

Lead1 ... Well done! For your gamedrawing of the win-win lottery "Crown of the Miser"

1.The Thrill-Lover (Buttons)

2.Transmitter of thoughts at a distance (Envelope)

3 You got a postcard, as we should have (Postcard)

4. You got a pencil, it was nobody's, now it is yours (Pencil)

5. We give you as a gift an excellent modern vacuum cleaner (Brush)

6. There is no more practical win than a plastic bag (Package)

7. Palace 2 by 3 (Scarf.)

8. Do you like sweets al no - here's a handful of sweets (Sweets)

10. Hanger for smallanoble apartments (Nail.)

11. Washing machine "Baby" (Eraser.)

13. To pass you a quarrel - eat the apple of discord (Apple.)

14. We ask you not to be angry with us - the lid is also useful (Lid for the can.)

15. Reach out your hand - get the head of a bow (Lu.)

16. Happiness fell into your hands, you got three potatoes (Potato.)

17. You were worried a lot, but there is no loss. On the ticket: beets got to make vinaigrette (Beets)

Lead 1: Guys, what is most important for every family, of course, is to be friendly. So today's holiday has shown how friendly you are, and this is the most important thing.

Lead 2 ... It is very important for a happy family life to have your own home. In the XV century. there was such a book "Domostroy", which said that a good house should be set up "near a hill with a forest and a good meadow, and so that healthy winds would blow it; yes, you need to take into account that the house is open at sunrise, it will be cool in the shade in summer , and in the winter to be illuminated by the sun. "

Lead 1: You know this letter well. In modern Russian it is called simply "d". In Old Church Slavonic - "good", but outwardly, what does it look like? That's right, to the house. Russian peasants called this letter - "house". The house protects a person from animals, from evil people, all kinds of troubles. It gives warmth, comfort, peace, saves from cold, rain and wind. We sleep in it, eat, work, babysit children, pray to God, sing songs, tell fairy tales. Home is the whole world. It is very important to have your own home, without it a person cannot be happy.

Lead 2 : The letter "o" is like a round dance. People will join hands, and a round dance will turn out. Friendly, loving people join hands each other... This is you, your dad and mom. Sisters, brothers, your family.

Lead 1: The letter "m" looks like a fence. After all, the house must be protected, the family must be protected. You can live peacefully behind the fence. Now in the word "HOUSE" each letter stands in its place, as well as each member of the family.

Lead 2 ... Everyone knows how difficult it is to raise a child, especially in our difficult and unstable times.

Lead 1 ... And how much love, strength and kindness is needed to raise three or four children!

Lead 2 ... And today I want to wish everything large families happiness, good luck, joy and warmth. This is the family of Mikhail Merzlikin, Konstantin Novikov.

Lead 1. And so that laughter and soulful songs always sound in your families.

Song "Parents' House"

Lead 2: What could be more expensive for a family?
Warmly welcomes the father's house,
Here they are always waiting for you with love
And they see them off with kindness!
Father and mother and children together
Sit behind festive table,
And together they are not bored at all,
And the five of us are interesting.
The kid is like a favorite for the elders,
Parents are wiser in everything
Beloved dad is a friend, breadwinner,
And mom is the closest of all, relatives.
Love! And appreciate happiness!
It is born in a family
What could be more precious than her
In this fairy land

This concludes our holiday, thank you for your attention!

Primary School Family Party Scenario

Scenario of a family holiday "The beginning of everything is the father's house"

Work description: the material was created for primary school teachers, can be used for events for the Defender of the Fatherland Day and March 8.
1). Supporting the initiative and independence of children and their parents
2). Development creativity pupils
3). Involvement of parents in joint activities with children
4). Formation of respectful attitude of children towards their parents and parents towards their children
5). Formation of cultural traditions in communication between adults and children

Preparatory work for the holiday:
- making gift surprises for parents and grandparents;
- each child brings their own family photo;
- preparation of a festive program.

Decoration and equipment:
- on the blackboard posters with the name of the holiday and family photos with wishes from children;
- doll, glasses, tea service, tablecloth, scarf for the scene;
- scarves for the performance of ditties, checkers, a meat grinder, a bell, two dolls, diapers, hoops, skipping ropes, sweet prizes, blindfolds;
- phonogram of the songs "Father's House", "My Mommy", music for ditties and games.

Event progress

Video "About the family"
Teacher: Hello dear guys, girls and boys! And also dear parents, dads and moms, grandmothers and grandfathers! We are glad to welcome you to our holiday. Recently there was a festival of men, and soon the festival of women is approaching. The two dates are so close to each other. Therefore, we decided to combine these two holidays into a single whole and call it a family holiday "The beginning of everything is the father's house."

February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day. In 1918 the first regiments of our Russian Army entered the first battle with the enemies and won the victory, so on February 23rd we celebrate the birthday of the Army and Navy, Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Native land can do anything: feed us with warm bread, give us spring water, surprise us with its beauty. And only he cannot defend himself. Defense of the Fatherland is the duty of those who eat its bread, drink its water, admire its beauty. Today defenders of the Fatherland and future defenders are at our holiday.
Let's greet the defenders of your family hearth, your dads, grandfathers, classmates and congratulate them on the holiday.

When ice lies on the rivers
And the blizzard rushes into the distance,
A wonderful holiday brings us
Brooding February.

There will be a holiday for all soldiers
Defenders, fighters.
Everyone will be happy to congratulate
And grandfathers and fathers!

I went for a walk in the yard.
Climbed over the fence
And left on the fence
Half pants - that's how grief!
How will I go home now
Am I ragged like that?
Mom will teach
So that I do not climb again.
Daddy will say: “Lame!
There is a hole in the pants now. "
Grandma will cry
But he will patch my pants.
Well, and my grandfather, my faithful friend,
Will walk around me
Take me out into the yard
Jump over the fence itself,
He will teach me -
It's fun for us to live with our grandfather!

For all defenders of the Fatherland, the song "Serve Russia" sounds

1 competition "Aircraft designers" for dads, grandfathers and boys


He hums and draws with chalk,
He paints in white and white
Blue on paper.
He draws himself, sings himself.
What is this? (Airplane)

- Well, of course, the plane. And the first competition was the competition for aircraft designers. There are sheets of paper on the table. Dad (grandfather) and son need to make one airplane each. Points are awarded for speed and quality of work. Now let's do the tests.

Airplanes are launched, the results are summed up on the flight range.

2nd competition "Mom's helpers"
- And now we will look into the kitchen of my mother. So my mother ground the minced meat. What do you need to do with the meat grinder now? Assignment: disassemble and assemble the meat grinder (the son disassembles the meat grinder, and the dad collects).

3rd competition "Gather mushrooms"
Checkers are scattered in a circle. Participants blindfold. How many mushrooms a participant picks in a certain time, so many points will be received!

Boy 1: Our bell is terribly ringing
I fly out into the corridor ...
I have with one girl
Conversation ensued ...
- And my dad is a champion!
He goes to the stadium:
He throws dumbbells up -
Will be the strongest in the world!
Girl: Although men are strong -
Pancakes can't bake ...
You men are fools
Educate you, teach you,
And parsley from dill
You can't tell!
By the way, who washes the house?
God has not given you talent ...
TV "consuming"
You lie down on the sofa!
Boy 1: No use from a man ?!
This talent is not given to us ?!
Who nailed the shelf in the kitchen?
Did you fix the faucet in the kitchen?
Girl: You don't want to cook borscht,
Do not fry the cutlets ...
You should run away to work,
Well, there’s no more use!
Boy 1: You prickly splinter
You don't know us men well
Every now and then you shed tears
And besides, for no reason ...
You speak prickly words, shy ...
Dad's head in the house!
Girl: And mom is in the house - a neck!
Boy 2: No, it is not necessary to decide in a dispute,
In the hallway conversation
Who is stronger and who is more important ...
It's just ... mom is the most tender!
Children: Go around the whole world
Just know in advance:
You will not find warmer hands
And more tender than mom's.
You will not find eyes in the world
Affectionate and stricter.
Mom to each of us
All people are dearer.
One hundred ways, roads around
Walk around the light.
Mom is the best friend!
Everything: There is no better mom!

Teacher. Our dear guests, of course, you guessed who will be discussed further. Mother - we call the earth so when we grow bread and flowers, when we soar over it in a rocket and see what it is from a height. Clean, clean, all blue - this is probably because mothers walk along it, smiling at their children, their future. Mama! The most beautiful word on earth, this is the first word that a person utters and sounds in all languages, sounds equally gentle. Mom has the kindest and gentlest hands, they can do everything. Mom has the most faithful sensitive heart - love never extinguishes in it, it does not remain indifferent to anything. And no matter how old you are - five or fifty - you always need a mother, her affection, her look. And the more your love for your mother, the happier and brighter your life.

March 8 is a solemn day,
Day of joy and beauty.
All over the earth he gives to women
Your smiles and flowers.

Grannies, moms, girls,
Women of our country
I would like to congratulate you all,
Happy first spring!

For a whole year you have been in worries,
Couldn't even straighten their backs,
But stop working today
It's time for you to rest.

We men adore you
For love, beauty and work.
And let me deliver today
Your gentle hands from the bonds.

We will put on the hostess's robe
And we will take care of children.
We will hand you flowers and gifts
And we will bake a cake for the holiday!

There are many mothers in this world.
Children love them with all their hearts.
Only mom is one
She is dearer to me than everyone else.

Video "Mom"

Teacher: Girls always play with enthusiasm as mothers and daughters, "trying to imitate adults. Let's watch them quietly.

Scene "Three Moms" based on the poem by E. Serova.

Tanya in the evening
I came from a walk
And the doll asked:

How are you, daughter?
Again you crawled under the table, fidget?
Sit out all day without lunch again?
It's just a disaster with these daughters!

Go to dinner, turntable!
(The girl takes the doll and puts it at the table)

Tanyushin's mom came home from work
And Tanya asked:

How are you, daughter?
Played again. probably in the garden?
Managed to forget about food again?
"Lunch!" - Granny shouted a hundred times
And you answered: "Now and now!"
With these daughters, it's just a disaster.
Soon you will be as thin as a match.
Go to dinner, turntable!
(Daughter sits down at the table)

Grandma is here,
Mom's mom, came
And she asked my mother:

How are you, daughter?
Probably. in the hospital for a whole day
Again, there was not a minute for food?
Did you eat a dry sandwich in the evening?
You can't sit all day without lunch!
I’ve already become a doctor, but everyone’s a fidget.
It's just a disaster with these daughters!
Soon you will be as thin as a match.
Go to dinner, turntable!
(Mom and Grandma sit down at the table)

Three mothers are sitting in the dining room.
Three mothers are looking at their daughters.
What to do with stubborn daughters?

All (in chorus):
Oh, how difficult it is to be mothers!

The song "My Mommy" by S. Melnikova is being performed

4th competition "Trap for Mom"
Mothers are involved. They are blindfolded. Then they have to guess their child by hand.

Teacher: Our girls are also future mothers. Today we also celebrate their holiday

5th competition (for girls) "Swaddle the Doll"

6 competition "With chairs" or "Tie a bow"

Child: Mom has a job, dad has a job.
They have Saturday left for me.
And grandma is always at home!
She never scolds me!
Sit down, feed: don't be in a hurry,
Well, what happened to you there?
I say, but grandma doesn't interrupt,
Sorting buckwheat grain by grain ...
It's good for us - like this together.
Without a grandmother - what kind of house?
Child: What does our grandmother like?
Maybe chat
With all our relatives,
That can gather in an instant.
And what do grandmothers love?
Probably a cheesecake oven.
They are also attracted
Playful ditties.

(A group of children performs ditties)

1.Put your ears on top of your head,
Listen carefully.
We will sing ditties for you
Very good.
2.We start cooking with dad -
There is smoke and noise in the kitchen.
Wish we finished with him
Culinary College.
3 the girls in our class
Curled curls,
And the boys in our class
4. Daddy writes an essay,
Grandfather is solving the equation.
Everyone is sitting with lessons
Here is our family row.
5.In daughters - mothers we play,
Dad - mom we imitate.
Chur, on the couch - I'm lying,
Well, you go to wash.
6 no puppies or kittens
Mom and Dad don't want to
They say, they say: "This is too much!"
So buy me a brother!
7. Fir-trees - pine trees,
Thorny, green.
Even our grandmothers
In love with grandfathers.
8.I count very quickly.
Everyone at school is proud of me.
Not a single boy in the class
Will not keep up with me
9 fun accordion plays
Eh, we have a team!
Let's put it bluntly: from the boys
We cannot take our eyes off.
10 ditties have a beginning
The ditties have an end.
Who listened to our ditties
Let's face it - well done!

7 competition "Chastushki" (for mothers and grandmothers)

8 competition "Sports"
Moms spin the hoop. Girls are jumping rope. Who will last longer.

Teacher. It's time to end our holiday. The family is dad and mom, grandmother and grandfather. Family is also our favorite class. I would like to see peace and tranquility in your families. And you were friendly with each other, as today at our holiday. Your children have prepared wishes and recorded them in a large family album. (Children are reading).
Family is a magical symbol of life. Take care of it! It all starts with the family. The beginning of everything is the father's house. We sing a song about this.

Final song "Father's House"

Our holiday is already over
And we want to say more.
Allow goodbye
I wish you health!

(Children give gifts)