Secrets of “delicious” communication with successful men. Prada (Julia Lanske). First after God: how to communicate with a successful man “Same as everyone else”

During interviews at our agency, women often ask me questions about how to communicate correctly with a man, or how to avoid mistakes that lead to aggravation and complete destruction of relationships? Learning to manage relationships after the first meeting with a coaching psychologist is as problematic as, for example, learning to play the piano by taking one lesson on the instrument from a world-famous maestro or lifting a record weight in a weightlifting competition without hard training. Here, I am sure, my coaching sessions and trainings that I conduct for our clients will help you, but this is not the plot of my article.

Without any doubt, your internal restructuring in the area of ​​personal values ​​and views on the development of relationships with men requires some work on yourself. However, I will try to reveal to you a few secrets that will help you take a fresh look at relationships and protect yourself from the same old mistakes that have destroyed hundreds and thousands of seemingly strong unions between men and women.

The first secret. Women want men to change over time, but men want women not to change.

Developing relationships, women unconsciously want the man to change in the process of living together, gradually coming into line with the image that women have formed in their heads under the influence of social and parental programming. Of course, women want their man to change, giving up the lifestyle he was used to before they got together or family life. Most women want him to communicate less with friends, drink less beer and watch football? Yes, they are absolutely right! Loving man, of course, changes under the influence of a wife or girlfriend, but not all men are able to do this at the same speed and in the way that seems right to women.

Ask yourself a question: was the young guy you once married or with whom you started your life together always a good and sympathetic family man who knows how to raise children correctly and prefers to spend time with his family? Of course not, but you sincerely hoped that he would certainly become like that, turning a blind eye to his shortcomings from the very beginning. Unfortunately, many men’s habits become systemic with age, and it is not without reason that Marcus Tullius Cicero wrote in his work “On the Limits of Good and Evil”: “ Consuetude est altera natura"(Habit is second nature).

I often hear from men: “When I first saw her, she was like an angel descended from heaven, she was witty, athletic, beautiful and sympathetic. She supported me in everything, knew how to dress with taste, never argued with me or asked unnecessary questions. All my friends were jealous of me! And what happened then, after ten years of marriage? Then this angel turned into a “bitch”, constantly quoting her mother and constantly tormenting me with her endless remarks and remarks. She “sank”, and instead of a beautiful, young girl, I saw in front of me an unkempt, ninety-kilogram something with an unchanged cosmetic mask on her face.”

A man, when starting a family or entering into a relationship, DOES NOT WANT a woman to change. This is, of course, stupid, not far-sighted and naive, but that’s exactly how it is! He wants the woman, both ten and fifteen years from now, to remain the same girl that he first saw at the bus stop a long time ago. He unconsciously wants you not to grow old, not to get fat and, like the first time, to have selfless sex with him!

What does a woman want? A woman wants a man, on the contrary, to change in accordance with her ideas about ideal husband, father and just a man. The woman wants him to leave his hobbies, earn money for the family, come home on time and spend everything free time with my family.

Summary: a man needs the woman next to him NOT to CHANGE, and a woman, on the contrary, needs her companion to CHANGE and correspond to her ideas about the ideal. Try, if possible, of course, to return more often to the image of the very girl he once first met in the park.

The second secret. Prioritize or why am I doing this?

There is a well-known phraseological unit, “Pyrrhic victory.” The expression "Pyrrhic victory" is used to mean: a dubious victory that does not justify the sacrifices made for it. The origin of this expression is due to the battle of Ausculum in 279 BC. e.
Then the Epirus army of King Pyrrhus attacked the Roman troops for two days and broke their resistance, but the losses were so great that Pyrrhus remarked: “Another such victory, and I will be left without an army.”

In order not to repeat the mistakes of Pyrrhus, in relationships with men, and in everyday life, it is very useful to ask yourself the question: “ For what?" Why am I expressing my opinion now? Why am I giving him advice? Why do I demonstrate my superiority to him and thereby humiliate his manhood? Why do I tell him how to drive a car correctly? Why do I speak badly about his mother, friends, etc.?

By asking yourself these questions, you will be able to look at your relationship differently and, as a result, correctly set goals and priorities in your life together. If the main thing for you is truth-seeking, self-affirmation and awareness of your own momentary rightness, continue to argue and constantly humiliate him, continue to find fault with little things and inflate conflict situations out of the blue.

However, if you prefer to be far-sighted and wise, and the main thing for you is still harmony in relationships, peace in the family and love, try not to do everything described above. Always set your priorities: do you need Pyrrhic victories over your beloved man or harmony and happiness in your family?

Third secret. Allow the man to assert himself.

From early childhood, and this is due to the psychophysiological characteristics of men, boys try to assert themselves with all available means and ways. They constantly compete with each other and constantly argue about which of them runs faster, pees further and whose dad is stronger. With age, little changes; it would seem that adult, educated and accomplished men constantly compete with each other, finding out which of them is “cooler”, who has a more expensive car or a more respectable job title. Older men also continue to play, but with adult toys.

This is both good and bad. It’s bad because men often “don’t see the forest for the trees,” but it’s good because the spirit of competition and the desire to assert themselves forced them to make great geographical discoveries, defeat the enemy and achieve something in life.

I remember how one of my institute friends married a student from our course, not because he loved her (as he himself initially thought), but because most of our classmates agreed that she was the most beautiful girl At the institute. Naturally, life put everything in its place, and they, unfortunately, parted. Here is a revealing and vital example of male self-affirmation. One way or another, it is useless to fight the karmic need of men to compete and assert themselves, but this can be perfectly used to strengthen your relationship.

Summary: allow a man to show off in front of you and others, support his opinion about himself, tell him more often that he does something great, and most importantly, better than others!

The fourth secret. A woman thinks intuitively, and a man logically. Negotiate!

A woman often makes conclusions without first analyzing the situation. Men's conclusions are formed based on an analysis of cause-and-effect relationships and logic. This is the main obstacle to mutual understanding and reaching agreement. Very often, women want men to guess something themselves and make the best decision based on intuition.

Very often a man does not understand why his wife, girlfriend or female colleague is in an unreasonably bad mood. They painfully search for the reason, often blaming themselves for what happened, trying to find a logical connection in such a dramatic change in their beloved’s mood. But a woman in such a situation wants him to guess all the reasons for her poor condition, and if he does not, then he is simply a callous and inattentive person who is only concerned about his own problems.

Are you familiar with the situation when a wife scolds her husband for bringing bad potatoes from the store? My husband was instructed to simply buy potatoes, the quality of which he is not very knowledgeable about. But, according to his wife, he himself had to “guess” which potatoes, at what price and where to buy.

Summary: Always be specific! Clearly and simply convey to men what you want from them in a joint relationship, in sex, what gift you would like to receive for his birthday and what products he should buy in the supermarket. The ability to speak with a man in the language of logic will help constructively solve many problems that arise in life together.

Fifth secret. Give the man the opportunity to experience his problem himself and make a decision.

As paradoxical as it may sound, men have remained “cave” people since the Neolithic. The caveman always solved his problems alone by rolling a basalt boulder to the entrance to his home.

Sometimes it seems to you that you are able to help a man solve his problems, based, of course, on the best intentions, however, this is not always the case. When a man faces a problem and comes home in a bad mood, it seems to you that it’s time to show your participation and support him with advice as a life partner. Take your time! A man needs to “roll over the stone” and be alone with his problem. Don't worry, he will tell you about his problem when the time comes. Let him experience his emotions and feelings! By the way, this is another significant difference. male psychology from women's.

Summary: if your man is concerned about some problem, do not pester him with questions, advice or an offer to participate. Just ask unobtrusively if he needs your help? If he needs to consult with you, he himself will turn to you for help, remember this!

The sixth secret. Never undermine a man’s authority, especially in front of strangers.

Line up to count to ten, take a deep breath and exhale if you have an irresistible desire to scandalize your man in a store, at a party or in any other public place. Even if your man has done something indecent in your opinion, please talk to him about it at home, but not in public. Moreover, a man perceives such a manifestation of “educational” work as a betrayal on your part and a blow to his own authority. Remember that everything that happens between you concerns only the two of you and it is not at all necessary to “wash dirty linen in public.”

Also, men have an extremely negative attitude towards being approached in in public places using family nicknames and diminutive names. In public, just call him by his name. I remembered a good joke on the topic. The personal driver of the company’s general director came to work and the following dialogue took place between them:

Good afternoon, Nikolai Pavlovich. I am your new driver, my name is Vasily.

Basil? Well, you have a last name. I want to know your last name!

You see, Nikolai Pavlovich, it will be awkward for you to call me by my last name when addressing me.

It's up to me to decide, Vasily! What's your last name?!

If you insist so much, Nikolai Pavlovich, my last name is Beloved.

Summary: apply the knowledge of the fourth secret. Discuss the problem, negotiate and find compromise solutions, but only tete-a-tete, without prying eyes and ears. Avoid diminutive epithets when you are not alone!

Seventh secret: The devil is in the details.

Over the years, the vector of men's tastes and preferences has shifted from quantity to quality. The man begins to pay attention great importance little things and details. This also manifests itself in personal relationships. If an ardent eighteen-year-old young man, filled with erotic fantasies, does not notice primitively done makeup or a carious tooth on a girl he liked at a disco, then a mature man will immediately pay attention to some little thing that can at first glance cause rejection of you as a person.

Why am I talking about this?.. It’s very simple! Mature men, on an unconscious level, like impeccable details. Marketers who professionally use car design concepts know this very well. wristwatch And business suits to increase sales volumes. There is a saying in Russian culture: “You meet people by their clothes,” and this is true! Take a look at the “beauties” from glossy magazines for men. Nothing special? Photo stylists are well aware of the advantage that they emphasize in their models, these are details!

All models “do not” have acne-prone skin, they have snow-white teeth and flawless makeup. Of course, this is largely due to the Adobe Photoshop program, but, nevertheless, this is exactly what attracts men. We understand perfectly well that time takes its toll, and it’s difficult to compete with your man’s eighteen-year-old secretary if you…

However, there is a recipe! Look after yourself. Eat right (this is a rather interesting section of my coaching sessions) and monitor your condition skin, do not allow undyed roots gray hair, visit your dentist regularly and make sure your manicure (pedicure) is always up to date. Young girls do not always attach importance to this - let him hear!

Summary: Pay attention to details, not global image. Watch yourself! You will be out of competition, regardless of age. Little things rule the world!

I am waiting for you at my coaching sessions and trainings.

Your success is my pride!

Sincerely yours, Konstantin Ryazantsev.


And a successful man whom you can be proud of and even brag about to your friends, but when such a man appears, you don’t know what to do, what to say. And therefore you behave like a fool: you laugh falsely at his bad jokes, seek approval, fawn - even disgusting yourself. Or, on the contrary, they turned on a deep defense, saying: “Diamonds can’t buy me, sir, don’t give a damn about your coolness.” In general, you play anyone but yourself - and this is a wild mistake. Because the fan feels everything, and he doesn’t like it.

Rule one and basic: for you he is successful, cool and all that . But in his environment and among people of higher rank, he is so-so, a normal, intelligent guy. Therefore, extinguish the sparkle of admiration in your eyes and remove the ingratiating notes from your voice. You need to look not at his watch and car, but much deeper.

Success test

Men are terrible braggarts. They love to demonstrate their success, so the industry expensive watches, cars and yachts may not worry about their future. If a citizen has achieved something, he strives to show it. There is nothing to be done, the voice of an ancient instinct: the more successful the male, the more fans there are around him. And who are we to argue with instinct?

The only trouble is that some men try to brag not about real success, but about its illusion. If you dig deeper, it turns out that the new boyfriend occupies a high-profile position, but in terms of finances and the career ladder, it is “deaf.” That the Rolex on your hand is a fake, and the prestigious car was taken on credit, and the lion’s share is spent on repaying it. Not a man, but a demo version, a dummy in a bright wrapper.

To avoid getting into trouble and feeling like a fool, provoke a man to prove his success. Don't reject, but doubt. Don’t believe the words: you have to see, touch, inhale the aroma of “Dolce Vita”. Get to know his surroundings, listen carefully to stories about work, ask about his impressions of different countries where he supposedly visited. All these spy tricks are justified by unofficial but reliable statistics: 90% of men tend to embellish reality.

"Same as everyone else"

Remember an important commandment - there are no supermen. That is, there are no men (and people) who are not vulnerable on all fronts or successful in all areas. The world-famous scientist will not survive not only in the jungle, but in the ordinary Russian outback. A titled athlete will sit in a puddle during an ordinary dictation. A high-ranking official can easily turn out to be a spineless henpecked man, and a successful oligarch - a complete “nothing” in bed.

Therefore, the coolness of your counterpart is just the reflected light of admiring eyes, and not at all a halo over his head. A person is simply lucky to realize his talent in one area or another. But according to the law of compensation, he still has a lot of weak points, and he knows about them.

In general, no compliments, kissing hands or aspirated phrases. A successful person is primarily interested in certain character traits, and not in the amount on the account and the collection of real estate. As they say, he is the same as everyone else. He just has money or fame - by the way, that’s a headache.

So, he’s interesting, but he doesn’t look like an idol, or “first after God.”

“I really love and respect this wealth of yours...”

As you have already seen, a successful man is cut from the same cloth as the other seven billion people. Don’t even think about apologizing for your “common” origins. Don’t be embarrassed when a restaurant serves a dish that you don’t know how to approach. Smile and admit that you have never eaten krakozyabra with cactus sauce: “Can you show me how to deal with it?” - that's all.

Moreover, do not wring your hands and roll your eyes in the spirit of the heroines of the Russian classics: “Oh, I’m not a match for you, my aunt and mother have no dowry.” Leave class inequalities aside, don’t gasp at designer renovations, don’t ask how much you paid for an octopus-shaped vase. And don’t faint when you see golden shells. “You have great taste, good taste,” praise the person who deserves it.

In general, don’t be humble and don’t play the broken record: “Why do you need Cinderella?” Don’t waste compliments either: you’ll think, “expensive and rich,” the main thing is that the person is a good one.

How to behave in the company of a successful man

- “Why did you decide to buy me?”

- “Because you said that it is impossible to buy you...”

A man’s high status does not give him any privileges in terms of communication: you should not dance to his tune from the first minutes, you should not do anything at all except good manners and respect. But all interlocutors deserve this until they prove otherwise through bad behavior.

  • Bet on intangible bonuses

Yes, dinner with a wealthy admirer is a good chance to enjoy lobster and elite wine at his expense, but you don’t have to behave “like it’s the last time in your life.” Trying to snatch a sweeter piece, the girl looks stupid and flawed, that same spectacle a la “like from a hungry land.” Behave modestly, but with dignity, remember that you have a great opportunity to communicate with an interesting person, his highlight is strength and success.

  • Listen carefully

There is a lot to learn from him, and believe me, he loves to teach and instruct. Don’t lose the thread of the conversation, ask clarifying questions, show emotions in moderation: it is important that you pay attention and pay tribute to his intellect, without playing giveaway - he is probably tired of helpful fools.

  • Minimize communication if you are deliberately offended

For example, he doesn't respect your wishes and does it rudely. “Order yourself some delicacies, at least eat like a human being” - after that you have every right to “remember urgent matters” and take your leave. This is a sad life lesson: sometimes success comes to those who have the time to teach the basics of etiquette.

  • Be a good communicator

It’s easy to say, but without exaggeration this is a lifelong mission. Broad outlook, sharp mind, quick reaction, excellent sense of humor, tact, well-spoken speech - skills that have been honed over the years are listed separated by commas. Once you master them, you will become self-sufficient. And you will understand that it is not the one who has a lot of high-denomination notes who is rich, but the one who is satisfied with what he has.

  • Don't buy banknotes

Successful men know how to court in such a way that they completely blow off a girl’s head. Basically, they have unlimited resources for this: delivering a bouquet by courier, pampering you with jewelry and perfume - all this is pleasant and so similar to true feelings. Don't take at face value what you can easily buy if you have the finances. Exquisite seduction with a steep price tag does not mean the authenticity of your love story: he just can afford it. Keep your head on your shoulders!

  • Know your worth

Don’t whine, saying: “What does he need, I have nothing” - this is pure heresy. Yes, successful men have a lot going for them. Almost everything you can buy. But the most important things are not bought or sold. Feelings and emotions come first. They can cover you out of the blue: your high-status admirer himself cannot understand why in your society he turns into a timid fifth-grader. You like it - and that’s it.

And if you have the assets listed in the “be a good conversationalist” paragraph, then there is nothing to worry about at all. You are healthy, cheerful, sparkling - a real treasure.

  • Find out romance

Men who have conquered the peaks have acquired the armor of cynicism. “Everything can be bought and sold” is their motto and saying. But under the impenetrable shell of the majority hides a romantic who still stubbornly believes that there is true love and loyalty. That women are capable of loving not for money, but just like that. That there is the only one in the world with whom he will trustfully lay his head on her lap, who will understand, forgive, and support.

If, thanks to you, a romantic awakens in a cynic, consider that life was not lived in vain.

  • Enjoy its energy

But this advice is given with doubt: once you try something beyond the ordinary, you will no longer want to return to the ordinary. Men who can rightfully be called “masters of life” are a special story. A grandiose scale of thinking, a wide format of actions, but the most important thing is energy. They radiate strength, determination, and passion everywhere. Next to them, the real taste of life is acutely felt. And it’s so easy to be a true woman. And believe in the fairy tale about Cinderella.

  • Step up

No matter how beautiful the story of the fairy-tale Cinderella was, in reality everything is somewhat different: princes prefer princesses. We are not talking about a dowry the size of half a kingdom, but about the manners, education and intelligence of the “princess”. You wouldn’t believe that a smart man would be seriously attracted to a girl who can only polish floors and replant rose bushes. But when she is a bright, interesting personality, it’s a different matter.

Probably, a love story with a successful and wealthy man will end in a banal breakup. But you should not take this as a personal defeat; on the contrary, it is a lesson, an incentive to work on yourself. Read, educate yourself, “pump up” your brain, develop your own point of view, work on your figure and style: charisma and charm are capital that no one has ever resisted.

Video lecture "Civil marriage: how not to get into trouble, and how to get out of it?"

In this lecture we will examine from all sides such an interesting social phenomenon as " civil marriage" (i.e. cohabitation).

You will learn all his true ins and outs and be able to make a meaningful choice.

*Mouse over to pause scrolling.

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11 golden rules for communicating with a man (part 3: Don’t set logical traps for a man)

Let's continue the topic of communicating with a man. And today we will look at the rule, which sounds like this: “Don’t set logical traps for a man”. This point stems from the incorrect application of the previous point.

If you remember, in the previous material “Don’t be a why” (i.e. when you need to avoid the question “Why?”), we talked about motivating questions. The purpose of these questions is to make the man feel that some action is taking place as if on his initiative.

So, the point is that you can get carried away by such motivating questions, and the “output” will be complete nonsense.

Naturally, I will now give you an example of a slightly exaggerated dialogue, even greatly exaggerated, so that you understand how absurd it can look.

Your task is to stop conversations of this kind already in their infancy.

For example, you come from afar and ask a man:

- Dear, agree that proper nutrition- This is good?

There is nothing to object here, and the man says:

- Tell me, would it be great if you and I ate more foods that retain their nutrients during the cooking process, microelements?

You can’t say anything either, and the man answers:

- Well actually yes…

He no longer understands what’s what, he feels something is wrong, but for now he answers like this. You continue:

- Do you think this could help us become more active, healthier, and get sick less often?

The man is already sliding off his chair, but answers:

- Maybe…

Because, again, there is nowhere to go... And you “finish off” him:

- Then agree, it would be great if we had a double boiler...

All. Captain Obvious, and the man can only say in a gloomy voice:

- Yes…

That's all. How do you think, What emotions will such “questioning with passion” evoke in a man?

Seemingly harmless leading questions... I think you already understand, from what I wrote, what feelings this evokes.

Women, in principle, also assume correctly, because when I ask this question at webinars and seminars, they tell me that this will probably cause:

- feeling tired and tired;
- that the man will feel trapped;
- will feel aggression;
- awkwardness and irritation;
- bewilderment;
- rejection;
- that he would want to escape as quickly as possible...

And, characteristically, all this is true. All this splendor is mixed in different proportions, and in the end it turns out that a man, when he listens to such “tricky” questions, feels like a retard at a psychiatrist appointment.

Those. you simply crush him with your intellect. Naturally, this will not work if you need the man to listen to you.

How can I say it better?

We don’t just tell you what not to do, but, if possible, also explain what you should do.

You say something like:

“Darling, what do you think about purchasing a steamer? Then I could pamper you with something tasty and healthy more often.”

Do you understand? This is the difference - feel it!

And that’s it – you will have a steamer, it’s a matter of the near future. You don’t need to “load” a man with this logical chain of “three YES”: “Yes – Yes – Yes – Probably,” and he agreed.

Forget about those stupid NLP techniques where they tell you that you need to get a person to say “Yes” three times. To hell with them!

You speak: “Darling, what do you think about purchasing a steamer?...”

Those. you give a man some benefit, show that this will bring something good to him too. And he will happily buy you this steamer, or fulfill some other request. If not immediately, then at least he will already be set up to carry it out and, as soon as he can, he will do it.

Well, at this point I finish this article. I hope that you felt the message that I laid out here.

Don't overdo it with motivating questions - often you just need to say it directly, pointing out some specific benefit for the man.

Apply this rule, it works very well. And we will meet with you very soon and consider the following rule of communication.

Well, if you feel that you already have a lot of knowledge, but for some reason you can’t act, I’m glad to invite you to my online program.

This is a 100-day training, during which you will master the skills of competent communication with a man, penetrate the secrets of his psyche, reveal your true nature, learn to accept and love yourself and much more.

Dmitry Olegovich Naumenko,
Love Without Compromise.

My problem definitely got off the ground: I received an algorithm of actions because I understood the simple truths in the scheme of acquaintance and initial communication! I didn’t know this until I was quite mature. If only all this had happened a little earlier!

I discovered a creative side within myself that I didn’t even know I had.

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Your life will come to an end new level, your social circle will change, high-status acquaintances will appear. You will meet and go on dates only with the best of the best, and begin to build quality relationships leading to a happy marriage.

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Participate and create your life the way you want!

“...One man admitted that I was the only one who did not fail his provocation, which he organizes for all girls at the beginning of their acquaintance. I smiled back with the “smile of Gioconda”

I recently separated from my husband, with whom I was in a “shifter” marriage. Striving to find new, harmonious relationships with a worthy man I realized that I was not internally ready to meet the “man of my dreams”) Since I again began to attract men weaker than me, I made mistakes in communication and again could fall into the trap of the old scenario.

But I was very lucky and at the right time I accidentally got into Julia’s open trainings! I literally fell in love with Julia’s powerful positive energy, because she has the gift of reviving a True, Free, Wise, Happy Woman in her listeners!

And then I decided to take part in the training game “Secrets of Delicious Communication,” which became a real discovery for me. It is full of valuable, unique information that you will not find anywhere else; it contains the wisdom of a True Woman, practical techniques, and study of real situations.
The presentation of the material is, as always, excellent - motivating, wise, humorous presentation from Yulia and deep, amazing, valuable material from Alexander - this is just a super tandem!!!

Now I know exactly in which direction I should head in order to land at my cherished harbor. I enjoy the results obtained and enjoy communicating with interesting men, I have never received so much admiration! I just returned from Europe, where I was invited by a successful man with serious intentions.

Recently, one man admitted that I was the only one in a long time who did not fail his provocation, which he arranges for all girls at the beginning of acquaintance. I smiled back with the “smile of Gioconda,” but laughed quietly to myself - if it weren’t for the training, I would have failed that provocation and many others).

Tasty, wise communication is a powerful attraction tool the right man into your life.

Girls, fill yourself with the joy of being a True Woman, develop yourself, move towards your dreams, towards your true purpose, and Julia will help you on this path!

“...I became more open to meeting men. I have significantly more acquaintances and dates, because the excitement in building relationships has appeared and many fears have disappeared.”

I was faced with the fact that the man I was dating led me by the nose for a long time, but did not offer anything concrete. He disappeared and reappeared. This relationship seriously unsettled me. At some point I realized that I was doing something wrong.
The “Secrets of Delicious Communication” training attracted me with its unique approach to building communication.

I previously did not understand the true intentions of men and how they think the way they did after completing a communicative training game. This training just helped me a lot! He dispelled me mentally, because... I was very upset, I pumped up my energy, I began to notice my mistakes when communicating with men and correct them in time. I became interested in meeting men and felt the taste of communicating with them! I understood how to present myself to men in a tempting and elegant way. I had a powerful internal transformation of my image and condition. I began to think about what I say to men, and how they can translate my words to themselves.
As a result of this training, I broke off a relationship that was dragging me down. I became more open to meeting men. My acquaintances and dates have increased significantly, because excitement in building relationships has appeared and many fears have disappeared.
What I liked most was how Yulia presented the training. She was able to so correctly convey emotionally all the female roles and images in an incredibly cheerful manner that is unlikely to ever be forgotten!!! It was very fun and easy and this state was also easy to translate into real life, which made it possible to consolidate this skill. Practical classes were worked out very carefully. Group work helped in practice to track one’s own mistakes in communication and avoid making others’.

Today, I have not yet met my man, but my approach to men has changed radically. I took a more active position, began to choose men according to other criteria, took responsibility for building my personal life. I am planning to change my job in the near future, because... I realized that she was taking away all my strength and was preventing me from arranging my personal life.

“... My perception of HOW to better build communication has changed... My fullness has changed, I already communicate from a different state. »
The training attracted me because it touched on those aspects of psychology between M and F, in which I obviously had a gap; I did not understand at all how relationships flow and develop like a river. I rather had some kind of nervous spasms when communicating, somehow twitchy, often stuck in the role of a Girl, did not realize that in other roles I remain MYSELF, NOT inventing, but only illuminate my other facets, which I already have THERE IS, but I neglected them and was embarrassed. No one paid any attention to them, nor did they explain the importance of being multifaceted; I didn’t realize it myself, but Yulia pulled them out and helped me work through them.
I was tired and tired that I couldn’t figure out what to change and how to communicate in a new way, I couldn’t jump above my head, I needed a springboard. Julia gave the impression of a person who knew how to help move to a new level of consciousness, perception of herself and men.
I’ll say for sure that I learned a lot of new things, but what’s more important is that my perception of HOW to better build communication has changed, a lot of know how, which contains the very essence of communications. Moreover, the changes are not just in the pronunciation of other words, but my fullness has changed, I am already communicating from a different state. Through many examples and their analysis, Julia helped me enter those states from which I emit different facets of myself, I can regulate them, shift the emphasis to those that will now “work” better. Moreover, I myself began to become more aware of these states and “surf” on them, switching myself, and with that the manner and style of communication that disgusted me, and at the same time men. Yes, I’m still learning, yes, I still mess up with some men, BUT I began to fully realize and see where the mistakes were, why they happened, I began to see the whole communication situation better, it’s easier to relate to “non-inclusion” and now I’m accumulating my own experience, and the feedback from the “switched on” men helps to further hone the art of conquering with the tongue :)))
The Game itself is simply fantastic. Working through situations, breaking them down into components, understanding their deeper meaning is simply incredibly useful and important! It would seem nonsense at first glance, but so what if I said so! And then you start to see things that you didn’t pay attention to before, all the mistakes, reefs and pitfalls, and you think: how could I live and not understand such simple, but EXTREMELY important things?

My problem definitely got off the ground: I received an algorithm of actions because I understood the simple truths in the scheme of acquaintance and initial communication! I didn’t know this until I was quite mature. If only all this had happened a little earlier!

I discovered a creative side within myself that I didn’t even know I had.

“The Game itself is simply fantastic. Working through situations, breaking them down into components, understanding their deeper meaning is simply incredibly useful and important!”

Your life will reach a new level, your social circle will change, and high-status acquaintances will appear. You will meet and go on dates only with the best of the best, and begin to build quality relationships leading to a happy marriage.

This is not just another seduction or image training. This a unique interactive transformation program led by two experienced trainers, which will reveal the full potential of your female image in communication.

You will not find programs of this level on the Internet.

You will start playing and you will like this Game!

Participate and create your life the way you want!

“...One man admitted that I was the only one who did not fail his provocation, which he organizes for all girls at the beginning of their acquaintance. I smiled back with the “smile of Gioconda”

I recently separated from my husband, with whom I was in a “shifter” marriage. Having rushed to search for a new, harmonious relationship with a worthy man, I realized that I was not internally ready to meet the “man of my dreams”) Since I again began to attract men weaker than me, I made mistakes in communication and again could fall into the trap of the old scenario.

But I was very lucky and at the right time I accidentally got into Julia’s open trainings! I literally fell in love with Julia’s powerful positive energy, because she has the gift of reviving a True, Free, Wise, Happy Woman in her listeners!

And then I decided to take part in the training game “Secrets of Delicious Communication,” which became a real discovery for me. It is full of valuable, unique information that you will not find anywhere else; it contains the wisdom of a True Woman, practical techniques, and study of real situations.
The presentation of the material is, as always, excellent - motivating, wise, humorous presentation from Yulia and deep, amazing, valuable material from Alexander - this is just a super tandem!!!

Now I know exactly in which direction I should head in order to land at my cherished harbor. I enjoy the results I got, I enjoy communicating with interesting men, I have never received so much admiration! I just returned from Europe, where I was invited by a successful man with serious intentions.

Recently, one man admitted that I was the only one in a long time who did not fail his provocation, which he arranges for all girls at the beginning of acquaintance. I smiled back with the “smile of Gioconda,” but laughed quietly to myself - if it weren’t for the training, I would have failed that provocation and many others).

Tasty, wise communication is a powerful tool for attracting the right man into your life.

Girls, fill yourself with the joy of being a True Woman, develop yourself, move towards your dreams, towards your true purpose, and Julia will help you on this path!

“...I became more open to meeting men. I have significantly more acquaintances and dates, because the excitement in building relationships has appeared and many fears have disappeared.”

I was faced with the fact that the man I was dating led me by the nose for a long time, but did not offer anything concrete. He disappeared and reappeared. This relationship seriously unsettled me. At some point I realized that I was doing something wrong.
The “Secrets of Delicious Communication” training attracted me with its unique approach to building communication.

I previously did not understand the true intentions of men and how they think the way they did after completing a communicative training game. This training just helped me a lot! He dispelled me mentally, because... I was very upset, I pumped up my energy, I began to notice my mistakes when communicating with men and correct them in time. I became interested in meeting men and felt the taste of communicating with them! I understood how to present myself to men in a tempting and elegant way. I had a powerful internal transformation of my image and condition. I began to think about what I say to men, and how they can translate my words to themselves.
As a result of this training, I broke off a relationship that was dragging me down. I became more open to meeting men. My acquaintances and dates have increased significantly, because excitement in building relationships has appeared and many fears have disappeared.
What I liked most was how Yulia presented the training. She was able to so correctly convey emotionally all the female roles and images in an incredibly cheerful manner that is unlikely to ever be forgotten!!! It was very fun and easy, and this state was also easy to translate into real life, which made it possible to consolidate this skill. Practical classes were worked out very carefully. Group work helped in practice to track one’s own mistakes in communication and avoid making others’.

Today, I have not yet met my man, but my approach to men has changed radically. I took a more active position, began to choose men according to other criteria, and took responsibility for building my personal life. I am planning to change my job in the near future, because... I realized that she was taking away all my strength and was preventing me from arranging my personal life.

“... My perception of HOW to better build communication has changed... My fullness has changed, I already communicate from a different state. »
The training attracted me because it touched on those aspects of psychology between M and F, in which I obviously had a gap; I did not understand at all how relationships flow and develop like a river. I rather had some kind of nervous spasms when communicating, somehow twitchy, often stuck in the role of a Girl, did not realize that in other roles I remain MYSELF, NOT inventing, but only illuminate my other facets, which I already have THERE IS, but I neglected them and was embarrassed. No one paid any attention to them, nor did they explain the importance of being multifaceted; I didn’t realize it myself, but Yulia pulled them out and helped me work through them.
I was tired and tired that I couldn’t figure out what to change and how to communicate in a new way, I couldn’t jump above my head, I needed a springboard. Julia gave the impression of a person who knew how to help move to a new level of consciousness, perception of herself and men.
I’ll say for sure that I learned a lot of new things, but what’s more important is that my perception of HOW to better build communication has changed, a lot of know how, which contains the very essence of communications. Moreover, the changes are not just in the pronunciation of other words, but my fullness has changed, I am already communicating from a different state. Through many examples and their analysis, Julia helped me enter those states from which I emit different facets of myself, I can regulate them, shift the emphasis to those that will now “work” better. Moreover, I myself began to become more aware of these states and “surf” on them, switching myself, and with that the manner and style of communication that disgusted me, and at the same time men. Yes, I’m still learning, yes, I still mess up with some men, BUT I began to fully realize and see where the mistakes were, why they happened, I began to see the whole communication situation better, it’s easier to relate to “non-inclusion” and now I’m accumulating my own experience, and the feedback from the “switched on” men helps to further hone the art of conquering with the tongue :)))
The Game itself is simply fantastic. Working through situations, breaking them down into components, understanding their deeper meaning is simply incredibly useful and important! It would seem nonsense at first glance, but so what if I said so! And then you start to see things that you didn’t pay attention to before, all the mistakes, reefs and pitfalls, and you think: how could I live and not understand such simple, but EXTREMELY important things?