Anniversary script "car signs". Sketch congratulating the driver on his anniversary at work Game “Pedestrian path”

See also:
Happy birthday to the doctor
Russian poems
Texts of funny congratulations to the boss
-Happy Birthday Poems
Funny birthday greetings to a colleague
Happy birthday to mother
-SMS jokes - texts
-Toasts to the guys
-Toasts about love
Poems by M. Tsvetaeva

Congratulations to the motorist
In a team at work
Never drink on holidays
Because day after day
You men are driving!

But today is an exception,
Surprisingly, you have a glass.

We will tell you this toast:
Don’t let fasting spoil your nerves,
Where are the traffic cops standing?
Let the traffic lights burn
Only green light
Let pedestrians do this
Follow the rules
It will be right!

Easy roads for you, of course,
May things go well
Cars don't break down
Happiness to you in everything, men!

Cool congratulations to the driver
Let us smell a little gasoline
Chauffeur-specific perfume,
If only our hands and strength were true,
An iron horse to pull dashingly!

Happy anniversary to the male driver
When you are driving,
We are always calm...
You won’t be lured by the “ruble”
Everyone is happy with this!

We wish you the best,
Smooth as glass
And with friends so that you
The luckiest of all!

Congratulations on Driver's Day
Are you driving today?
You go, you don’t get bored,
And together with the road
You are celebrating a holiday.
May you, driver, be lucky
There will be everything you need -
Strong tea and sandwich
And it’s not boring on the way.

Congratulations to the driver friend
The girls are following you like vines,
Are you ready to take them to the seas and oceans.
Pour in gasoline, press the gas pedal,
Now you have to ride and rock.

Travel at road speed,
And traveling in a car to live,
We wish you happiness and patience,
Attention on the way, love and crazy luck!

Motor transport in our life -
Everyone knows: it is very important.
Congratulations to everyone who is with him
Inextricably linked
We want to wish them all
The tracks are always happy,
And health and warmth,
And the love of loved ones,
So that fate does not let you down,
So that adversity passes by

Happy anniversary to the male driver
A ribbon flies in the asphalt night,
The protector writes a pattern in it,
Brothers, no nail, no rod,
So that your engine does not knock!

So that you are always warm,
The sun laughed in the wind,
My dear friend was waiting at home,
With the table set for the holiday!

Happy anniversary to the male driver
One of the most important achievements of modern civilization is cars. And an important professional achievement that a person can make in his life is to become a road transport worker. Motorists literally and figuratively move humanity forward, along frozen icy roads, among hot sands and gloomy swamps. Continued success to you in this!

Happy anniversary to the male driver
Braided around the Earth
The route winds into the distance.
Can be heard clearly
There is a pedal under your foot.

I like the ride.
Keep the road clear
Always easy!

Happy anniversary to the male driver
You are the best driver
And your cap
Sticks out of the car confidently.
Lightly and casually touching the steering wheel,
You've covered a lot of roads.
Feel free to continue turning the steering wheel,
I wish you plenty of braking distance!

Congratulations to the ambulance driver
Motor transport in our life -
Everyone knows: it is very important.
Congratulations to everyone who is with him
Inextricably linked
We want to wish them all
The tracks are always happy,
And health and warmth,
And the love of loved ones,
So that fate does not let you down,
So that adversity passes by.

Congratulations to a woman motorist
Motor transport in our life -
Everyone knows: it is very important.
Congratulations to everyone who is with him
Inextricably linked
We want to wish them all
The tracks are always happy,
And health and warmth,
And the love of loved ones,
So that fate does not let you down,
So that adversity passes by.

Congratulations to the bus driver
The driver is calm, the passenger is confident;
Dust blown to the side of the road;
The steering wheel is obeyed and the engine is checked,
And a car flies into the distance like a bird...
Dream? Believe me, it will be so
On all roads, give only time;
Well, for now, don’t let us be judged harshly.
Happy holiday everyone! Have a nice trip!

Happy anniversary to the male driver
Participants traffic
Happy last Sunday of October!
And even more so for you: in your position
Not celebrating this day would be in vain!
Let me pay tribute today
Without pompous and loud phrases:
Happy motorist (and road worker) day!
On this day we hasten to congratulate you!

Script “Fifty dollars” for a man’s anniversary (50 years). The script is interesting, festive, unique and kind.

The solemn intro sounds.


Hello, dear guests!

Stop making complexes, stop being shy,

And get ready to congratulate

And hug and kiss,

And don’t skimp on gifts,

Have fun with all your heart!

Good evening friends! Today everyone present here big celebration. We will congratulate a person who is very dear to us. Our wonderful friend, relative and colleague Oleg (name of the hero of the day) celebrates a beautiful round date - fifty years.

An excerpt from the song “This holiday is a birthday” (from the repertoire of Tatyana Bulanova) is played.


Someone smart once came up with:

Anniversary is a very important date,

It should be celebrated with fun

Treats and complete idleness,

We need to dress in the best things,

There is no escape from tradition!

We will certainly try

To celebrate the holiday... perfect!

So, fifty. Is it a lot or a little? The ancient numerical horoscope speaks of the number “50” as very good, it is the number of renewal! It favors good changes, the desire to “refresh” relationships with loved ones, and bring some new impressions into life. But this does not mean that everything needs to be changed completely: family, home, work! Because your loved ones are your support!

After these words, the presenter passes the floor for congratulations to the wife of the hero of the day. The wife says her prepared words.

Leading(after congratulations): And we raise a toast to these wonderful words!

After all, when a man has such a reliable “rear”, his life is much more pleasant... Thank you, and we continue to congratulate our hero of the evening.

Once upon a time there lived a hero of the day,

Not young, but not old either.

Once upon a time in a wonderful moment

He reached fifty dollars

And I decided for the anniversary

Invite guests.

The social circle is very diverse:

Moms, dads, brothers, sisters,

And colleagues and friends,

And matchmakers and godfathers,

Aunt Masha, Uncle Vanya,

Their spouses, children, nannies...

I haven't forgotten anyone

Invited everyone to the holiday!

Hasn't stopped talking since then

Congratulations friendly choir!

The presenter gives the floor to the relatives and friends of the hero of the day for congratulations.

Poems for gifts

Mobile phone

It's not the ringing of bells

And not the sound of an alarm clock,

New mobile phone!

Then the wife will call,

That management is strict,

With a new tube in hand

You will have time for a lot!


Everyone in the world loves money,

Adults and children love it.

Profit will double

With this new wallet!


The artist lived a long time ago,

He painted a canvas.

May it bring you joy

Hanging on the wall, it!


There are a thousand problems in life,

But don't get angry, my friend,

Pour some tea and drink with us,

Problems will resolve themselves!


Solemn toasts sound

And mine, friends, is extremely simple:

Receive a new toaster as a gift

And raise a toast to it!


Modern lifestyle

Makes us rush.

Not a minute, not a moment

You can't live without a watch!

Camera/video camera

The years fly by like birds,

The past will never come back.

The best moments of life

Your camera will “grab” it!


Everyone who is invited to the holiday,

Must be both full and drunk.

The hero of the day is not a newcomer,

Pouring cognac!


The main thing in a man is his mind

And, of course, perfume!

With this subtle aroma

Girls will like you!

CD with songs

You speak, there is no hearing,

Did a bear step on your ear?

There's no reason to mourn

The “stars” can howl!


The gift is small in size,

But with all my heart,

Documents like a boss

Sign with this pen!


To travel around countries,

No need to think for a whole year:

Get a suitcase

He himself will invite you on vacation!


You lacked warmth

Cold winter times?

This blanket will warm you up

Like a warm woman's hand!


Eh, autumn weather,

Rain is falling from the sky...

It will be this time of year

Better with an umbrella than without!


In this small envelope -

Things that are important, believe me:

There is a car, a dacha, a house,

Don't refuse anything!

Leading: Look how many good friends and loving relatives our hero of the day has! They are ready to do anything for him, even sing songs of their own composition!

A song is being performed. It would be great if someone knows how to play the guitar and can accompany you. You can get by with karaoke.

Song of the friends of the hero of the day (to the tune of the song from the film “It Was in Penkovo” “You can’t hide from people in the village”)

The hero of the day cannot hide from his friends,

Will not go to Antarctica on foot,

It won't close with four locks.

We will still come on the anniversary!

Repeat last two lines.

We will sit down at the tables in a crowd,

“Pour it!” - let's shout by chance,

When you turn fifty,

Be kind, treat your friends!

Repeat last two lines.

We wrote this song for you

Listen to us and drink to the bottom,

May your life be nice and fun,

You only have one life!

Repeat last two lines.

Leading: What a wonderful song and what a professional performance! What does true friends mean? But, as you know, first of all, a man in his Life must build a house, plant a tree and raise a child. Did our hero of the day succeed in all this?

Let's check...

The presenter calls the hero of the day to his place and sits him on a chair.

Several pictures are drawn in advance on large sheets of whatman paper (it is better to attach it to cardboard so that the whatman paper does not curl up); you need to draw a sketch: a house, the hero of the day with his wife, the hero of the day with children, a car, the hero of the day with a tree. Cutouts are made for the face in the pictures.

During the story, the presenter, with the help of an assistant (one of the guests), changes the pictures. The hero of the day’s task is to just look through the hole.

These “pictures” can be used for photography later in the evening.

Art miniature

"The house that

built by Oleg (name of the hero of the day)"

This is the house that Oleg built.

The house has a laid dining table,

Vodka, snacks, solid pickles,

This is Oleg with his wife,

In the house that Oleg built.

Next to Oleg are Oleg’s children,

The most best kids in the world,

Those who were raised by a good wife,

Loving, sweet, beautiful,

The one who set the dinner table,

The one with all the pickle on it,

In the house that Oleg built.

This is a family class car

The one that is more passable on the road than KAMAZ.

Oleg’s children will get into Oleg’s car,

The best children in the world

Oleg sits down with his wife,

Loving, sweet, beautiful,

The one who set the dinner table,

The one with all the pickle on it,

In the house that Oleg built.

This is the dacha, Oleg’s joy,

Reason to meet more often, guys.

We're driving in a family class car,

Of course, Oleg’s children are coming,

The best children in the world

Oleg is traveling with his wife,

Loving, sweet, beautiful,

The one who set the dinner table,

The one with all the pickle on it,

In the house that Oleg built.

This is a group of cheerful guests

(the host points to the guests),

The one who came for the anniversary,

The one who walked with Oleg at the dacha,

The one who went everywhere with Oleg,

Sitting in a family class car,

The one that is more passable on the road than KAMAZ.

Here, of course, are Oleg’s children,

The best children in the world

Here is Oleg with his wife,

Loving, sweet, beautiful,

The one who set the dinner table,

The one with all the pickle on it,

In the house that Oleg built!

Leading: As you can see, Oleg has succeeded in everything and confirms the title of a real man! So let's raise a toast to this and wish happiness and further prosperity to his wonderful family!

An excerpt from the song “Happy Birthday” (from the repertoire of Irina Allegrova) is played.

After this, you can take a break, then games and competitions begin.

Games and competitions for birthdays, anniversaries

Game "Get to know her"

This is a comic test for the hero of the occasion. The presenter invites several women, including the wife of the hero of the day. Then he calls the hero of the day himself and blindfolds him. Then he explains that the birthday boy will now undergo a test: will he recognize his soulmate from all those called by the kiss. In fact, only his “half” will kiss the birthday boy - several times and in different ways. Let the birthday boy choose!

Competition “Object for Thought”

The players are divided into teams. The presenter gives each team the same object, for example, a bucket, and asks them to come up with and depict as many different ways of using it as possible. The team whose imagination is richer wins.

Game "Treat"

The host goes around the guests with a tray of sweets and treats them. But these candies are not simple, each of them contains a task for the guest under the wrapper.

shake hands with the hero of the day:


dance for him;

dance with him;

sing for him;

sing with him;

tell a joke;

tell a story about the hero of the day;

have a drink with him; tell a poem.

Game "Errands"

Relay game for two teams. Participants run to the finish line in pairs (the front one is held by the waist by the back one). On the way you need to run around the placed bottles of alcohol. If any pair gets separated or drops the bottle, the team receives a penalty point. Five penalty points take away the victory from the team, even if it was faster.

Game "Confusion"

Male-female couples are invited to play. The presenter names the parts of the body that the man and woman in a couple should touch, for example: right hand - left leg, head - head, etc. When taking each new pose, you cannot disconnect the previous “connection”. The pair that makes a mistake (or doesn't stay on their feet) is eliminated. The winners receive prizes.

Then the presenter offers a little rest from noisy games and announces the ceremonial presentation of an unusual gift to the hero of the day.

Anniversary "fifty dollars"

Leading: You know, friends, in honor of the fiftieth anniversary of our hero of the day, celebrations and folk festivals were held throughout the country. And the state even ordered the minting of special anniversary coins in denominations of fifty dollars! The fifty-kopeck piece is cast from pure gold and has a portrait of the hero of the day engraved on it.

You need to draw and cut out of cardboard a large “coin” of 50 rubles, which is given to the hero of the occasion.

Leading: Let this fifty-kopeck piece decorate your piggy bank and let it attract other, real ones. After all, although they say that money doesn’t buy happiness, it’s much more fun with it! And I propose to raise a toast to this - to the financial well-being of the hero of the day and his family, to new successes, to the fact that he does not stop there and continues to enjoy doing what he likes and what he can do.

On your birthday I wish
I'm good luck driving
Let the problems be solved
And health is in full swing.

May the road be smooth
And happy - every flight,
And the salary is so huge,
What to put only in the case.

Life passes behind the steering wheel,
You have tasted wanderings.
You will always deliver without any problems
Even the most important cargo.

On your birthday I wish you
You have to go in a straight line.
All roads and all routes
Let them always lead you home.

Happy birthday, driver!
You are our truck driver.
You are the steering leader.
The best - top class!

We wish that the road
Led you to happiness.
At your beloved threshold
So that your family is waiting for you.

Just so that the wind is fair,
No obstacles on the way.
So that you can get directions
Just bring joy.

Happy Birthday. I wish you to overcome even the longest journey with good spirits, I wish you always bon voyage and happy return home. I also want to wish you strength and health, achievement of all your goals and accompanying good luck along the way.

You see us so little -
Relatives, friends,
After all, alas, there are not many holidays,
The roads always call you.
We want to wish you
To always have enough strength,
To grow muscles
When you're driving a truck,
And the policeman, good uncle,
To let you go without looking
For documents and rights.
And to make your head spin,
From the best congratulations,
In your Holy holiday- birthday!

Happy birthday to a wonderful man of strong endurance and steel tempering. An excellent driver, a cheerful truck driver and simply good man, I wish that the sun of hope never goes out in your life and the stars of luck always light up. May the roads lead only to success, may every path be kind and happy, may the car never fail, may your health always remain good and your nature cheerful.

Happy birthday, captain of long roads. I wish you cheerfulness behind the wheel and Have a good mood, flickering landscapes of beauty and inspiration, delightful moments of charm and joy, undoubted confidence in success and always a successful path. Be healthy, persistent, brave in heart and kind in soul. May every trip be prosperous, may your dear ones always wait for you at home. loving people.

Let the road float into the distance
Let the traffic police not bother you,
There is no knocking anywhere in the engine,
You don't stand in a traffic jam for half a day.
I wish not to be bored
Don't rush, don't be late,
Don't fall asleep, don't slow down,
Don't light the candles either,
Don't pick up ladies from the sidelines,
Well, don’t lose the cargo!

Under the sound of wheels and the noise of the road,
Let your worries go away.
We would like to wish you a happy birthday,
Wish you warmth and good mood.

Always on the go and driving,
But know that home is always waiting for you.
Let a lot of happiness surround you,
Great joy comes.

Beautiful on your birthday
I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
And wish you great happiness,
To value his family.

To make time go faster
On the road smooth and straight
And what would be in a good mood
You were always on your way home!

Half a century is half a life's journey, a turning point in the lives of many men, when they can take stock and make new plans. For such an event, it is necessary to send out, order a hall, decorating it in the spirit of the holiday in order to emphasize the solemnity of the moment.

A man’s 50th anniversary scenario cannot do without a toastmaster - it’s too serious an event. In any case, the role of the leader can be taken on by one of the active relatives or friends with experience in public speaking or simply pronounced qualities of an unofficial leader. He must know the hero of the occasion and all the guests well. To be sure, it is worth writing down all the achievements of the hero of the day, interesting childhood events. A few toasts and congratulations must be learned by heart, and the guests will say the rest.


“We invited all the guests on this day for the anniversary,

They looked after the hero of the day, dressed him more decently,

And we would like to clarify this with you at this hour.

Both young and old should know who the hero of the day is today?

Who's pressed and shaved, looking positively presidential?

Everyone recognized the hero of the day, but they didn’t tell him his age!

It’s not an easy road for you to walk 5 dozen, and now, I’ll tell you straight

This needs to be washed! (everyone answers, saying their name and age in chorus).

Dear Ivan Ivanovich! For you! Be healthy and lucky, we tell you lovingly!”

After the toast, the host suggests conducting an experiment

“In front of you is a half-drunk bottle of wine. I start a thought, and you finish it. Bottle half...full? Fair! Empty? It is truth too. Only the first answer was from an optimist, and the second was from a pessimist. So, happy anniversary. This phrase “Turning 50” is missing a short “already” or “yet.” Let's ask Ivan Ivanovich, what would he insert here? "More?" - this means that our hero of the day is an optimist in life. Toast: to the healthy optimism of Ivan Ivanovich - if he is still 50, then he will definitely be 100!”

Musical screensaver


“Dear Ivan Ivanovich! Next to you today are your dearest people - wife Svetlana Sergeevna, children Alexander and Valentina, grandchildren Katyusha and Maxim, who have prepared a lot of kind words for you.”


“Dear Vanechka! Congratulations on this important date and I want us to continue to have one road together, where we can enjoy every day and have more such joyful days. Let the light in the window remind you that you are always welcome here. Here’s my passionate kiss as a gift to you.”


“Dear daddy! On this day, accept congratulations from your grandchildren and children. For us, you are always the most important, even though we are much older. Years go by, my head turns grey, a lot of worries and worries are behind me. But who cares about age if you have a warm heart in your chest.”

Grandchildren congratulate with a song to the melody “From a Smile”

“Today is grandpa’s anniversary, everyone woke up with the sun today.

They quickly ran to grandfather, kissed him and, of course, smiled.

Chorus: Birthday is your holiday, have fun and sing with us,

Your weary hands will rest,

For you, our whole family baked a big pie,

To congratulate you to all your children and grandchildren!”


“Dear guests, a toast to congratulations! Over the half century that the hero of the day lived, he fulfilled his mission in full - the house was built, the children grew up, and so did the trees. What else happened in his destiny, the stars and our guests will tell.”

Stars with questions hang on the wall. Guests take turns taking a star.

Sample list of questions

  1. How did you meet Ivan Ivanovich?
  2. What do you like most about the birthday boy?
  3. Why can the hero of the occasion be given an order?
  4. What happy events happened in the life of the hero of the day?
  5. Guess his dream!
  6. What would you like to ask Ivan Ivanovich?
  7. What interesting incident did you have with the birthday boy?
  8. How many years has Ivan Ivanovich been bearing his new name – grandfather?
  9. Where did the hero of the day begin his career?


"Thank you nice words to the birthday boy, for the achievements of Ivan Ivanovich!”

Musical screensaver


"Ivan Ivanovich! Accept congratulations from your best friends!”


“Our dear friend and colleague! We have known each other for half our lives, and all these years we have known you as an excellent family man, father and grandfather, true friend and professional. I wish you health, happiness in your family, success!”


“Dear guests, it would be a shame not to drink for such wishes!”


50th anniversary script for a man fun competitions should include, and preferably thematic.

Contest "Happy Anniversary"

Props for the competition - 9 cards: S, S, B, I, L, E, E, M! Exactly 9 volunteers are needed to participate. The presenter hands out cards to everyone and asks them to stand in a line so that they can read the inscription in the hall. Participants line up and raise their hands up. And now everyone comes out in turn and uses their body to depict the letter chosen for greeting.

Musical pause

Congratulations from the team

It is best to prepare a colorful address folder for the hero of the day. A toast is proposed for kind words from the team.


Prepare a bottle of champagne with the “branded” label of the hero of the day - autographed photo. You can start by placing a very small bet – 10 rubles.

The scenario of a man’s 50th anniversary can be beautifully completed with a ritual with an anniversary cake. At the end of the holiday, the cake is brought out to the music of the song “Closing the Circle.” The lights are turned off, the hero of the day blows out the candles. Guests with candles in their hands around the table sing the song “Here is one of those stories...”.

Anniversary scenario for drivers


“I am glad to welcome everyone to the celebration of the anniversary of the respected Ivan Ivanovich, a driver from God and simply a wonderful person. On the eve of today's celebration, a special commission calculated the mileage that our hero of the day has driven over all the years of his life. labor activity. These kilometers would be enough to circle the entire globe 10 times. And this is not the limit. He still has enough time in this life to double his personal best, which is what we all wish for him.”

After a short break, a representative of the convoy or vehicle fleet where the hero of the day works takes the floor. The welcome address is read out.

Exam on traffic rules

The 50th anniversary scenario for a male driver includes an exam on traffic rules.


“Do you know who is the most superstitious person? Of course, drivers! They have so many different signs! Before taking the exam, their hair is unwashed, and there should be a nickel under their heels. I wonder if today the hero of the day foresaw how this could be useful to him, because he will have to confirm his proud title - a virtuoso driver. Anyone who has ever passed the traffic police exam knows that it consists of theory and practice. We will not break traditions, so we start with the theoretical part.”

Props: print the corresponding road signs. For each sign there are three answers, from which the hero of the day must choose.

Stage one – a fun exam on traffic rules “What the signs show”

  • archaeological excavations;
  • work in the garden;
  • Men at work.
  • cross wind;
  • C'est la vie: white stripe, black stripe;
  • Pinocchio goes for a swim.
  • butcher's shop;
  • cattle drive;
  • Bullfight in Spanish;
  • ski jumping;
  • drawbridge;
  • you and I are on 2 shores...
  • rough road;
  • black beach;
  • speed bumps in an embrace;
  • You can only turn the steering wheel counterclockwise;
  • roundabout intersection;
  • You can only move around your own axis;
  • reindeer riding;
  • so that's what you are;
  • wild animals;
  • It's my anniversary;
  • I’ve prepared 50 liters – I’m expecting guests!

For brilliant passing of the theoretical part, the hero of the day is awarded the latest traffic rules.


  • “We are moving on to the second stage – the driving test. Before sending the test subject to the track, here are some signs:
  • someone “kissed” your car while driving - get out and check: if from behind - to an increase in cash receipts, if in front - to expenses;
  • folk wisdom: if you forgot to warn the person you meet about the inspector lying in ambush, tomorrow he will leave you best friend. If you saw it yourself, tell it to someone else, so as not to anger God;
  • the most real sign: if you wash your car, it will rain soon;
  • the worst curse: that you come across a tipsy blonde driving a right-hand drive Gazelle.”

Driving test

“Attention, testing time! I ask car enthusiasts to join the hero of the day! Props for the competition: three children's cars with long ropes tied to them and three pencils. Drivers are given pencils and the ends of ropes are tied to them. The cars are at the start, at the other end of the room. At the signal, drivers begin to wind the rope around the pencil, pulling the car to the finish line. Whose car arrives first wins.”

For the scenario of a man’s 50th anniversary, a cool diploma - you need to prepare a certificate, and of the most impressive dimensions. It would be reasonable to plan the result of the competition, but even regardless of the results of the competition, the presenter must note the skill of the birthday person and present the “Virtuoso Certificate”. At the same time, a present is presented - a monthly pass for a tram or bus, because the cherished dream of any driver is to at least someday be a passenger.

Musical pause


“The certificate has been issued, all that remains is to buy a car. And here again we have a bunch of signs:

  • I bought a car on the 13th - I found myself in eternal torment with it in this life;
  • study its license plate carefully - if it contains the number 13 or at least the sum of the digits is equal to this fatal number - the car’s karma is hopelessly destroyed.

To prevent this from happening to our hero of the day, we take the test:

How many times a year do we live “Friday the 13th” – 1, 2 or 3 times? (answer - 3 times).

Our Ivan Ivanovich is quite ready to purchase a new car, which is what we wish for him. But a new license and a new car must be washed, otherwise it will break down every day. It is believed that the driver needs to drink as much as the height of the license will fit in the glass. The hero of the day’s favorite drink (non-alcoholic or low-alcohol) is poured and he drinks to the accompaniment of friendly applause.

Car enthusiasts consider cars to be living creatures, divide them into boys and girls, reward them with compliments - “hero”, “beauty”, and this is understandable - if the driver loves his car, it reciprocates his feelings. Let's remember all the car brands." (Guests take turns naming the brands; the one who remembers the last name wins a car deodorant prize. You can also ask him to describe the named car.


“Many signs among drivers relate to money in one way or another:

  • ;if the gasoline level needle is at zero - to minor expenses;
  • if you wash your car at home, thieves will clean it out, although if you wash it under someone’s window and even turn on the music, then this will result in a dented face or roof;
  • “autograph” of pigeons on a car means money, if washed off it means expenses;
  • The situation with the ban on seeds in salons is incomprehensible, they say it will lead to unforeseen expenses, but the maximum that threatens in this case is dry cleaning of the salon.”

Competition "Dry cleaning"

Three participants are invited and given rollers of tape. Garbage is prepared on cardboard - chopped threads, etc. The task is to vacuum and quickly restore order. The winner receives a gift detergents for cars.


"The most funny signs associated with representatives of the traffic police:

  • Don’t whistle in the car - the inspector will slow down;
  • do not count money in the car - an experienced inspector can hear the rustle of banknotes 10 km away;
  • disrespect for signs can make any Friday the thirteenth, even for the smallest inspector.”

The scenario for a man’s 50th anniversary must include games, preferably professional ones.

Game "Traffic Controller"

Volunteers stand in a circle. The presenter shows the movements of the traffic controller, each of which corresponds to a specific phrase:

  • arms to the sides - “no stop”;
  • one hand up - “stop, auto!”;
  • right hand in front - “give way to the ski track”;

The presenter shows the movements, the players’ task is not to get lost. Anyone who comments incorrectly leaves the game. The prize for the winner is a baton (toy) and the right to occupy any intersection.

Quiz “My car”


"Friends! Our Ivan Ivanovich has been behind the wheel all his life and has probably studied his car thoroughly. Let's check out our best auto mechanic." The hero of the day is shown slides or pictures with individual spare parts and car parts, and he names them. If in doubt, you can ask the hall for help or call a friend. The birthday boy is given a steering wheel with the inscription “Best Mechanic”.

Game "Pedestrian path"

Stripes are drawn on the floor. Players are divided into teams. We have to cross the path different ways-only on white or black stripes, rotating a hoop or inflating a ball - both speed and result are important.


“Maybe someone has their own, exclusive signs? (guests call). But in my opinion, it’s important to just be attentive and follow the rules, and for a good mood - a song, I suggest everyone sing together for the birthday boy (everyone sings “Hold on tight to the steering wheel”).”

Another video script for a man’s 50th birthday.
45 years old woman - . Read how to celebrate a man's birthday.

For many years you have been driving, driving,
Full of energy, vigor, strength,
The car is like your relative
You almost never part with her.

Let your cherished dreams come true,
Let the road be smooth and straight,
May we always be preserved by fate.

You have the golden mean of life,
Wonderful 50th anniversary,
Dear driver, all the best to you, good luck,
Everything will be fine in your destiny.
We wish you good health,
So that the green light burns on your path,
So that everyone greets you with joy,
So that all your cherished dreams come true.

You've been driving since you were a teenager,
A true professional, it's no secret
Today is your 50th anniversary,
Accept congratulations quickly.
Let the road wind like a light ribbon,
Let there be no place for sadness in your life,
Good health to you, success in everything,
You don't care about all the problems.

You're an experienced driver, it's no secret
It seems like you've been driving for a hundred years,
But you're only 50 yet,
We congratulate you on your anniversary today.
Not a nail or a rod on your road,
Avoid all worries,
May your health never let you down,
Let spring always sing in your soul.

You've been turning the wheel for many years now,
Believe me, there is no more experienced driver,
You can drive a car with your eyes closed,
If only there weren't a traffic police post on the way.
Congratulations on your 50th anniversary,
We wish you endurance, success and patience,
May your life be long and happy,
And always in a great mood.

Our driver is simply awesome
It will take us to any location,
I've been driving for many years,
Achieved huge victories.
You know literally everything about the car,
And I learned the song of the engine a long time ago,
Congratulations on your 50th anniversary from the bottom of our hearts,
Always be friends with good luck and happiness.

You have a lot of experience as a driver,
You know the car from A to Z,
Even at night you dream about the road,
May everything be fine in your destiny.
Good health to you, happiness,
May life last long with your participation,
Let the engine always work properly,
Let them look forward to seeing you at home.

The wheels rustle and the engine sings,
The driver drives the car confidently,
Your experience has already come a long way,
Your skill is breathtaking.
Congratulations on your 50th anniversary,
We sincerely wish you good health,
Always be in a great mood
Let the sun of luck shine for you.