Scenario for the holiday “Cosmic New Year. New Year's scenario for children of the preparatory group New Year's scenario on a space theme

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New Year's scenarios and competitions

Space rescuers - script for a New Year's performance for children


The curtain is closed.

The overture sounds. On the front of the stage is a tree stump, behind which Pinocchio sits, like at a desk, writing a dictation. Malvina dictates.

Malvina: In the infinite space of the Universe, life is boiling and seething. Every star in the sky is a large or small planet. Each can be home to intelligent creatures, amazing animals, strange plants and flowers.
Pinocchio: How I would like to fly into space...
Malvina: You will definitely fly if you study well! Write on.
Pinocchio: Most of all I would like to become a space rescuer. I would defeat all the scary space monsters and save all the planets from any natural disaster.
Malvina: Naughty boy! Sit down and write a dictation! ...

Music is playing. The curtain opens. On stage, Starry sky.

Pinocchio:(jumps up again) Do you hear the roar? The space rescue ship is approaching. They have completed another rescue mission and want to relax on our beautiful fairy tale planet.

The roar of engines can be heard. A flying saucer appears on stage. We hear the voices of rescuers:

— The interplanetary ship "Rescuer-1" calls the cosmodrome of the Planet of Fairy Tales. We ask for permission to land.

Speaker: Landing is permitted!

The plate lands. Space rescuers emerge from it.

1: Hurray! How good it is to walk on the solid surface of the planet.
2: Yes! I'm also a little tired of weightlessness. I want to run and jump.
1. Where are the owners! Fairy-tale characters always greeted us so warmly and hospitably! A boy and a girl ran out - fairy-tale heroes.

- We are here
- We are very glad to see you!
Guests: There are only two of you, but where are the rest?
- Maybe something happened to you, and we need to intervene
-Who to save?
Children: No. Everything is fine!
“Now we have a very important time on the planet. All fairy-tale heroes are preparing for a trip to the beautiful planet Earth.
— Soon the New Year holiday will begin on Earth.
- What would New Year be without fairy-tale heroes?
- Without Malvina and Cinderella...
- Without White Snowballs and her gnomes!
- So we are getting ready.
— We sew new costumes, prepare new songs, dances and games for earthly children.
- Everyone is very busy!
- And then all together -
Father Frost,
— Snow Maiden, Boy — New Year
- And that’s it, that’s it, all the fairy-tale heroes are flying to Earth.
- And there are Decorated Christmas trees...
- Holiday carnivals...
- New Year's concerts...
Rescuers: How we would like to be able to attend such a wonderful holiday at least once!
Heroes: So let's fly with us! Earthly inhabitants will only be happy to have such guests.
Rescuers: Are we flying to Earth?
- Unless some kind of disaster happens in space...
- And there will be no need to save anyone...
- So we agree!
Heroes: Hooray!
Hero: I’ve dreamed of making friends with you for so long, tell me about your profession!
- You have one like this interesting life!
Rescuers: Yes! We are fulfilling a very important mission.
— We save the planets from terrible catastrophes, natural disasters, from various enemies.
- You probably have a weapon - invincible and very dangerous.
Guests: But what about, for example: An ordinary space gun.
— With its help you can overcome almost all space problems:
— I press the yellow button and the cannon disperses rain clouds over the planet if the planet is suffering from flooding

(You can demonstrate the operation of the gun)

“And the cannon can also, on the contrary, gather clouds into a heap and cause rain and downpours if there is a raging drought on the planet and plants and animals die from thirst. There is a blue button for this.
- And with the red button we can direct powerful flow cosmic energy and save exhausted plants and animals...
- How interesting!
— What if space monsters attack?
Rescuers: Our cannon can neutralize all enemies.
— It is capable of freezing and paralyzing the enemy for some time. And all sorts of space monsters will not be able to budge. But only for a short time.
- The fact is that all our weapons are very humane. No one can truly die from it.
- This is the main rule of space rescuers - not to destroy anyone or anything in the Universe.
Rescuers in chorus:"Only to save."
“We still have many different types of weapons, because inventors and scientists of many planets make weapons for us for all occasions.”
Hero: I wish I could go with you. On your wonderful flying saucer!
Save someone from a terrible earthquake or flood, or...
Guests: Someday, Boy, your dream will definitely come true.
Heroes: Leave the guests alone! They just got home from work!
- Yes, it’s true! Rest, please.
— And look at what wonderful concert numbers we have prepared for earthly children.

Song "Doll"
Song of Little Red Riding Hood
We are learning the New Year's dance with snowflakes and...
Song "Smile" - (Sing along with the audience)
At the end of the last one, the sound of a spaceship is heard.

Heroes: Where does this sound come from! It's too early to fly to earth!
- This is Santa Claus's spaceship taking off.
- Strange, it’s still very early...

The Snow Maiden and other heroes run onto the stage: We're in trouble! Save!

All: What happened, Snow Maiden?
Snegurochka and others: We were calmly preparing to go to Earth.
“Everyone helped, both good heroes and bad ones.”
- And the bad ones only pretended that they were preparing to fly with us
- In fact, they planned to deceive us and disrupt our flight to Earth
Rescuers: what did they do?
- Santa Claus just left for a minute...
— And the New Year Boy was just loading gifts for children into our spaceship...
- (Everyone) SO WHAT?
- Baba Yaga and her associates captured the spaceship along with the New Year Guy
- And with gifts
- Yes, they flew away...
- Now New Year will never come on Earth!
- Children will not receive gifts!
- What will happen to the Guy!
Rescuers: Stop panicking!
Answer clearly: Where could they fly?
Snow Maiden: We know where - to the Black Planet. To the Space Witch. Only she is always happy to see all kinds of bandits.
Rescuers: The task is clear. Let's move on to execution! Readiness number one.
Boy: Dear rescuers! Please take me with you. I will help! I'm brave! I'm obedient! Oh please!
Guests: And what? Let's get the guy. It won't be easy for us there on the Black Planet. Let him help us.
- OK then! Hurry up, get on the ship with us and let's fly! Wait for us with victory. Calm down Santa Claus and get ready for the New Year. The celebration will definitely take place.

The plate flies away

Sounds Cosmic SOS

Voice: Attention! Attention! The planet of flowers calls space rescuers. We have a terrible problem. The nourishing cosmic energy, without which we cannot live, has disappeared. Please help. Otherwise we will all die! Let's die! Help (Voice weakens)
Commander's voice: We change course. We are urgently flying to save the planet of flowers.

The plate changes course. Lands.


Planet of Flowers. Dying plants and flowers.

Vote: Save us. We are dying.

Rescuers run out of the saucer.

- We barely made it!
- They almost died!
The commander orders the space cannon to be set up.
Rescuers:- Prepare the space cannon!
-The weapon is ready.
— Set up for the maximum (large) flow of cosmic energy.
- Made!
- Turn it on!

Light effects, music. Flowers come to life.
Dance of cosmic flowers.
Circus act "Flowers"

Flowers: Thank you, brave rescuers! Stay with us and relax!
Rescuers: We are glad that we were able to help you. Take care of yourself and your energy.
- We can’t stay. We are in a hurry to the Black Planet, where the Boy is in captivity - New Year.
Flowers: Be careful! The space witch is dangerous.
Rescuers: Forward! Course - Black Planet.
The plate flies away.
The curtain closes.


Proscenium. Or a curtain covering a plate.
Black planet. Foggy, mysterious, scary.
In the center of the stage is a mysterious composition of actors. Then they part. In the middle is the Space Witch.
Circus act "Aerialists".

Witch: I received news from my fabulous friends -
They are flying to visit me, and they also took a gift with them.
Servants: Which? Which present?
Witch: We'll see now.
The roar of a spaceship is heard. Barmaley comes on stage...
In a cage (or tied with ropes) - New Year's boy.

Bad: Accept your gift, Space Witch!
- Look what good boy! Smart, kind. Hilarious!
“And most importantly, while we hold him captive, the New Year will not begin on the entire planet—on Earth.”
— The most beloved holiday of earthlings will not take place.
— Children will not receive gifts.
— Cities are not decorated with wonderful Christmas trees and festive illuminations.
- In a word, instead of a holiday in Earthlings there will be grief...
Everyone laughs.
Witch: Well, this is our way, the pagan way. I love this very much.
Witch: what guy, do you like visiting me? After all, look, everything here is so beautiful, bright, so many good friends. They are just waiting to play with you - pull your ears, give you bruises under your eyes, pull off your nice clothes and tear them all up - turn them around...
The bad ones rub their hands and laugh.
-Yes, we are like that: funny and unexpected...
The Song and Dance of the Bad Heroes and the Witch
New Year: Nothing will work out for you, you evil old woman of nobodies, they will fly here
my friends are space rescuers, and your joy will quickly end.
Witch: who is old. I am old? Grab him, guys, and get him out of my sight before I tear him to pieces.
Servants drag the New Year to the back of the stage.
The witch still can’t calm down...
- No, you heard! Such audacity. I'm an old woman! I am old?
— Frightened servants: Old! Old woman! Oh, no - young, young!
- Am I worthless?
- Like this! Look at me, fools
-Oh, I feel it’s getting closer spaceship.
“Maybe the guy was telling the truth, his friends are flying.”
- Well, then we will meet them with dignity.
- The main thing is to scare them right away!
- Everyone is in place!
(The curtain opens - Starry sky)

The plate lands. Rescuers come out.
- Something suspiciously quiet!
Witch's voice (like an echo)- Trouble! Trouble! Trouble!
- Is this an echo? Or the Witch is mocking us.
- He's mocking. He's mocking...
“We’re not scared at all!”
- Scary... Scary...
-Witch, you're a fool
- Turnip! Turnip! Ugh! I like you Turnip! (Comes out) Now I’ll catch you, then you’ll be on your knees begging me to forgive you! A - no! I will not forgive! I will put you on a stick along with this pagan boy - New Year.
- Listen! New Year's Eve. We need to find out where she keeps it.
- Speak, witch. Where's the guy?

Witch: Guy - Here he is (Points to the left. Everyone rushes there, and the 1st bandit comes out from there) and here he comes out, the 2nd and so on. Rescuers rush to him every time. But the bandits come out one by one and surround the rescuers.
Witch: Well, the rescuers came across. "We are brave, we are invincible" and now
What will you sing?
Rescuers: We are not afraid of you even now, Witch! And your intimidated assistants too!
Bandits: who is intimidated! Am I intimidated? Yes we will now...
They attack the saviors.
Fight! At first it seems that victory is on the side of the bandits. But the Rescuers are concentrating. The commander gives commands.

- Turn on the space gun. Command - to disperse the clouds, wind attack!
A terrible wind rises. First, all the bad characters are blown up to the edges of the stage, they scream and resist.
— IR gun to collect clouds, continue the wind attack.
All the bandits are “blown away” into one heap in the middle of the stage.
Rescuers: Maybe we'll treat you to some cosmic rain?
- No, don't! All our bones already hurt. Forgive us. We were just joking. We'll give you your boyfriend back. Here it is - take it.
- They bring out the New Year.

- Hooray! We won!
— — What will we do with these bandits and their boss? If we leave them like this, they will again harm all the peaceful inhabitants of the Universe.
“We don’t have time to educate these mediocrities.” Let them remain on this inhospitable planet and I will be bored here alone at a time when all the inhabitants of the Universe, together with earthlings, will celebrate the New Year.
“And so that they can’t ruin the New Year, they need to be neutralized for two hours.” Turn on the gun. We need to paralyze them for two hours. When the holiday is over, let them move again.
- Right!
- We're ready. Gentlemen bandits, please take comfortable positions. So that you can enjoy spending two hours without moving.
Bandits: No need. We do not want. (They begin to move, and therefore the blaster shot catches them in extremely uncomfortable and funny poses)
Commander: And we were getting ready! Shoot.
The thieves freeze.
- All. They have two hours to think about their behavior. And we need to fly away quickly. We cannot be late, because the inhabitants of the Earth are so looking forward to the New Year.
- And we also need to transfer the cosmogram to Santa Claus and his friends so that they fly to Earth. We'll meet there.
The plate flies away.

Voice of the New Year Guy: Attention! Attention! I'm calling Santa Claus! No connection!
A meteor shower, a cosmic hurricane, begins. The music is playing and the lights are flashing.
Votes:"Attention! Meteor shower begins.
- We are in danger.
— Heading for the nearest planet.
— We're making an emergency landing.
The plate lands.
Everyone leaves the plate.
— This planet is called “Aiko”. A very friendly and hospitable tribe lives here. “We once saved him from an attack by giant beetles.”

Music is playing. Dance "Aiko"

Leader: We are glad to welcome you, heroic rescuers. Our people remember your help in the fight against terrible space bugs. Thank you for coming to us again and we invite you to be our guests.
Rescuers: Thank you for the invitation, but the Meteor Shower is over and we need to leave. We are in a hurry to celebrate the New Year holiday on planet Earth.
Leader: We wish you and the inhabitants of the Earth happy holiday. Goodbye.
Rescuers: Goodbye! Everything is in place!
The plate flies away.


The plate lands. Earth. The heroes are met by Malvina, Snegurochka, fairy tale heroes, Snowflakes. Rescuers, hero, Boy - New Year take the stage.
Malvina: Finally we waited for the Rescuers to return.
Snow Maiden: And with them is the New Year Guy!
Pinocchio:(braggart) It was very difficult, but we won!
Malvina: Pinocchio, as always, you are arrogant, but you yourself, perhaps, never got off the spaceship!
Rescuers: In fact, Pinocchio helped us a lot.
“And he showed himself to be a true comrade and a brave fighter.”
Pinocchio: Now my dream will come true and I will definitely be accepted into space rescuers.
Malvina: But first you have to finish school!
Rescuers: Yes, Malvina. A rescuer must be both brave and smart.
Malvina: Now, thanks to you, brave rescuers, the holiday will definitely take place.
Snow Maiden: You just have to wait for Santa Claus
Exit of Father Frost and Snow Maiden.
Voice of Santa Claus:(sad) I’m in a hurry and flying - I want to see everyone.
Good afternoon, dear children!
I am very glad to welcome you all... But I am not in a festive mood. After all, the boy - New Year's - was kidnapped by bandits.
Snow Maiden: Grandfather. Boy - New Year is here with us! Look.
New Year: Brave Rescuers defeated the thieves and brought me to Earth.
Father Frost: This is amazing! Thank you, space heroes. You can ask for any reward!
Rescuers: The best reward for us is participation in the New Year celebrations
- together with the inhabitants of the Earth.
Father Frost: Well, stay tuned and celebrate.
All: Hooray!
Father Frost:
-In the whole year that I haven’t seen you, you have grown so much. They became almost adults. Tell me how you spent 2009. Did you listen to your parents?
-We listened!
— Did you help your mothers?
-They helped!
-What about dads?
-Yes …
-Yes …
Together: Happy New Year! With new happiness!
So …
-Every morning? "
Snow Maiden: Grandfather, you gave the children a real interrogation. And the children at our holiday today are the best. They study, dance, and sing.
Malvina: And since they are real children, they can sometimes play pranks,
Pinocchio: and run and scream.
Snow Maiden: But only during breaks and on weekends. Right, kids?
Children: Yes!
Grandfather: I see that you have adequately prepared for the New Year 2007.
Snow Maiden: Yes, grandpa. It's time to light the Christmas tree!
Father Frost: When there are no obstacles to the holiday,
Let our Christmas tree shine brightly!
Dance of snowflakes. The Christmas tree lights up.
Everyone is dancing.
New Year:
I am the New Year and at this fabulous time
I would like to send you my best wishes!
So that always, in cities and villages,
You were happy and cheerful!
Malvina: may the festive evening bring a fairy tale,
Rescuer: And let the fairy tale last for a long time.
Pinocchio: And under the tree for magical things
Rescuer: A generous boy brought you the New Year!

Everyone is on stage.

Father Frost: We, dear children, congratulate you on the holiday.
May you have many new friends.
Snow Maiden: Rejoice and be healthy and cheerful
May happiness reign in every home

Together: Happy New Year! With new happiness!

Father Frost: Stay healthy
Next we move on time.
Definitely in a year
We will come to visit you.

Final song. Exit of all heroes. The plate is "dancing"

New Year's scenario holiday for children preparatory group.

Children enter the hall and perform dance to the song "New Year".

Child: The New Year is knocking on us with a ringing song

And there is no more wonderful holiday in the world,

When winter showers everything with silver,

When the holiday comes to every home,

When ringing laughter sounds everywhere

And everyone believes in happiness and success.

And Santa Claus gives out gifts

And everyone gets up in a merry round dance!

Children in chorus: Happy New Year!

Children: 1. New Year! New Year! What it is?

This is a miracle of miracles! The biggest!

2. New Year! New Year! The windows are frozen

New Year! New Year! There are cakes on the table!

3. Let the fluffy snow swirl, let the blizzard sing a song

Near the fragrant Christmas tree we celebrate the New Year!

They form a big round dance around the tree.

Educator: Let's start the holiday: we need to light the Christmas tree.

Repeat: 1,2,3, Christmas tree, Christmas tree burn!(The Christmas tree does not light up)

Look, there’s a snowball on the Christmas tree,

It is magical and sparkles and burns.

We will give the lump to everyone

And the magic words need to be said.

Together. Skok-skok, skok-skok! You roll, roll, snowball

Not along the stumps, not along the paths, but according to ours, according to the palms of our hands.

Count your palms and collect smiles,

So that the Christmas tree sparkles with lights in front of us!

Place a snowball on a tree branch. Everyone repeats the words:

Magic snowball,

Help us, friend.

Turn on the lights on the Christmas tree as soon as possible!

The tree lights up, everyone claps their hands.

Children: 4. We meet with the Christmas tree for the last time,

Will lead us New Year to school in first grade!

5. Christmas tree, don’t be sad in vain,

We are your fun ones faithful friends!

Performing a song ___________________________________

Educator: Is the tree really good? Let's sit down, children, slowly,

We will sit quietly and admire the Christmas tree.

Children sit on chairs.

Educator: Now no one flies on a mortar,

And he doesn’t go to the stove to get water.

The simple truth has long been known.

That the keys to the world of miracles have been lost.

And only closer to New Year's Eve

And this means we are wizards today,

We are all creating miracles today!

The Snow Maiden girl enters the hall to the accompaniment of quiet music. He covers his eyes with his hands and begins to cry.

Educator: Girl Snow Maiden, why are you sad?

Maybe you forgot your way for the Christmas tree?

Snow Maiden: How can I not cry guys, he’s lost,

Santa Claus said goodbye to our planet this morning.

He wanted to celebrate the New Year in space,

Various inhabitants of the planets will be congratulated.

We will be left without a Christmas tree, without gifts and ideas,

I don’t know where to look for him! I can't fly into space!

Educator. Don't be upset, Snow Maiden. The North Star will show us the way. You just need to find her.

Time moves forward, accelerating the course of events.

And technological progress brings us many discoveries.

Maybe on Mars, the Moon and Venus

Are space wonder beasts walking?

Are there cities on Jupiter?

We need to get there soon!

We built a rocket and we're going to fly

Pack your bags, the countdown has begun!

Child. If you try really hard,

If you really want it,

You can go to heaven

And fly to the Sun.

Like in a fast rocket,

Fly around the entire globe.

And seriously, not for fun

Meet Luna.

Children perform game song "Rocket" , at the end they take their seats in the hall, the lights go out, the stars twinkle. On the table there is a telescope, a star abacus, and a globe map of the starry sky.

Educator: Oh, how interesting it is here! Everything here is new, unknown.

Not a planet - just a miracle! How fabulously beautiful it is here.

There is a Christmas tree here too! And it’s so similar to ours!

Everything sparkles, everything sparkles. Christmas trees, you know, are everywhere.

The Astrologer comes out.

Children. Hello!

Astrologer. Greetings, friends!

If on New Year's night

We should look at the starry dome,

Then we will see one star in the sky,

But I won’t say which one.

It twinkles so brightly! And somewhere in the sea

Now, probably, the sailor is checking his way along it.

1st child. We know that this is the North Star, it shows the way to the north, people use this star to determine the direction of the horizon.

2nd child. Astrologer! Show us the way to the North Star.

Astrologer. Why do you need it?

2nd child. New Year's holiday on earth. And only the North Star can cause a starfall. Do you know when stars fall, people on Earth make wishes?

1st child. We want to find Santa Claus. And the North Star will show us the way.

Astrologer. The path to the North Star will be shown to you by the Milky Way, which lies through my “Moon Cafe”. I invite you to a space show!

Educator: The sky shines with a cheerful light, everything sparkles with blue,

And, by the way, an unknown, unearthly sound is heard somewhere.

Astrologer: I know everything about the stars

I am the best stargazer in the world!

I can tell you a lot from the stars -

Happy New Year to everyone!

Let me look at the starry firmament,

Perhaps happiness is already coming to us?

Look outside the windows Starfall!

Make wishes...(pause)

The girls light the lights.

Star. Today the stars are a cheerful flock

They break into the house

They start dancing.

They became bright lights

On your Christmas tree.

Star Waltz.

Astrologer: I see... Spreading its fiery tail,

A comet rushes among the stars.

A girl, Comet, flies into the hall to the music.

Comet: Listen, constellations, the latest news,

Wonderful news, heavenly news!

It happens in the world that only once a year

A beautiful star is lit on the Christmas tree.

The star burns, does not melt, the beautiful ice shines.

And immediately a happy New Year comes!

Astrologer. I invite you to celebrate this amazing magical holiday at my Moon Cafe.

Comet. What's your menu today? What can you eat?

Astrologer. There is “Star Hour” tea, “Meteor” kvass and tubes of earthly ice cream.

A boy in a cat costume comes out, with earthly ice cream in tubes on his tray.

Astrologer. This is my assistant - Moon Cat.

Lunar cat. When I get tired of growing,

Then I'll become an ice cream maker.

To do for children -

All names and stripes:

Dairy, strawberry,

With raisins, strawberry,

With nuts, in chocolate

And even in marmalade,

Tastier than cake -

Great ice cream.

Come and help yourself.

Comet tries ice cream.

Dance of the Comet and the Moon Cat.

The comet and the Moon cat fly away.

Astrologer: If on New Year's night we look at the starry dome,

Then we will see the Milky Way and you will not turn away from it.

The path is long and pirate ships are waiting for you ahead.

Lunar cat. And I'll fly with you, and I'm sure

I'll be able to drink some milk sometime.

The chorus of the song “Rocket” is repeated again. The lights in the hall go out.

Educator: I'm kind of scared, maybe we should sit on the moon?

Space is painted black, and there is no one nearby.

Music plays and space pirates enter the hall.

1 pirate. Hey, is there anyone alive on Snickers on Mars?

2 pirate. No way, your curse!

3 pirate. Completely let down, no discipline.

Hey, fear, frighten everyone!

2 pirate. Uh-uh-uh...

3 pirate. Now terrify everyone to complete horror!

4 pirate. I am the terror that flies on the wings of the night!

5 pirate: The holiday is coming - New Year and the pirate is waiting for gifts

Santa Claus gives gifts, but he doesn’t live here!

6 pirate: We will bury the polar star in the meadow.

No Christmas tree for the kids! And keep quiet, not a murmur!

And let's brothers fight for our happiness!

They get gifts, we get a star. Is this fair?

All: YES!

1st pirate. Everyone laughs, the brave ones got caught. Where's the gun? Where is it, your equipment? Craters, volcanoes, mice, cockroaches, well, calm down! To combat training exercises, march at a fast pace!

Pirate dance.

Presenter: Did you steal the star to make the children bored?

Pirates: Yes!

Lunar cat: Astronauts, come to me! Have you been to the moon?

You know that weightlessness can completely defeat them.

Distract your attention and fly in zero gravity.

And I’ll throw a net over them so they don’t fly away!

Held game "Robots and Stars" - pirates move to the music of “Robots”, and astronauts move to the music of “Stars”. The music changes without stopping. During the game, the pirates must gather together, at which point the Moon Cat throws a net over them. The pirates give the star, which the presenter hangs on the tree and drives the pirates away.

Pirates. While yours took it.

Children. Polar Star, where are you? Answer me.

Smile at us with a silver ray.

Jubilant music sounds, Astrologer and Polar Star come out.

Polar Star. Without delay

all your wishes will come true

And a ray of sunshine in the morning

comes to visit you more often!

Let there be fun around

Let a true friend be nearby.

And every day is like New Year,

calls you to a good fairy tale.

Dance of the North Star and the Stargazer.

Snow Maiden. Star, have you seen Grandfather Frost?

Polar Star. A snowball is falling quietly.

The moon bent its horn

New Year's Eve evening!

The stars dance in circles.

Lighting the way for Frost,

So that he can come to the children.


Someone is coming...

The music of an approaching rocket and the voice of Santa Claus sounds:

Father Frost: Frost has finished his flight!

And the Earth sends greetings to you!

Santa Claus enters the hall .

FATHER FROST: Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

Hello my friends! I'm very glad to see you!

After all, I noticed your planet a long time ago,

Nothing compares to her radiance!

Let's get acquainted, I am Santa Claus!

I brought gifts to all your residents!

Educator: Yes, you Santa Claus is obviously very tired,

That you didn’t even recognize the Snow Maiden!

Together with the guys on a new rocket

We found you on this planet.

FATHER FROST : On the road girls, on the road boys!

We must fly to our Earth!

The lights in the hall go out. The chorus of the song “Rocket” is repeated again. The light turns on.

Educator: The journey is over. The rocket landed.

Before us are forests and fields...

Hello, our home planet!

Children: Hello, our native Earth!

Father Frost. Join the round dance, the New Year has been waiting for a long time!

Round dance song ________________________________________.

Father Frost. Well, funny people live in this kindergarten!

We will play again and notice the most dexterous ones!

Game “” Santa Claus counts to five:

1,2,3,4,5 - let's all dance now!

(everyone will wave their hand, jump, squat, stand...)

(all the children dance, D. Moroz claps his hands)

At the end of the game: 1,2,3,4,5, - everyone run to the chairs!

At the last words, Santa Claus runs and takes several children's chairs, lies down on them to the full length of his height.

The teacher makes fun of D.M. and suggests D.M. take your place of honor near the Christmas tree.


Hanging on the backs of two chairs winter jacket with his sleeves turned out, and on the seats lies fur hat, a scarf and a pair of mittens. To cheerful music, 2 players turn out the sleeves of their jackets, then put them on, and then put on a hat, scarf and mittens. The prize goes to the one who takes a seat in his chair first and shouts “Happy New Year!”

Father Frost: Our Christmas tree is shining, shining very brightly,

So, it's time to give out gifts!

The hut is worth it. Santa Claus hits it with his with a magic staff. Little frosts come out of the house to the music.

Frost dance.

1 frost. Himself in snow-white felt boots,

Through the blizzard through the snowdrifts,

Little Frosty is coming

To celebrate the New Year,

It goes on and grows every day,

It grows stronger tirelessly.

2 frost. And the blizzard sings a song

We talk about this all the time.

Don't forget - New Year

It's just around the corner

And definitely Frost

He will come to meet you.

3 frost. On cheerful children's Christmas trees

Miracles shine in needles,

And under the tree on New Year's

Everyone will find something.

You just need to do it in advance

Make a wish!

Father Frost . Guys, have you made a wish?

Children. Yes!

Father Frost. Well, then, frosties, we need to fulfill the children’s wishes. Hurry up, run to the house, bring a surprise here!

The Frosties run to the house and take out a bag of gifts.

Santa Claus distributes gifts.

Father Frost: Have you received all the gifts? Have you forgotten anyone?

Raise your gifts and say thank you to everyone!

The children were singing at the decorated Christmas tree,

But the time has come for me to say goodbye to you,

Goodbye children, have fun,

Goodbye, dad, mom, Happy New Year, everyone!

Children . Goodbye, goodbye kind grandfather Freezing.

You fulfilled all my wishes

And he brought us gifts!

NEW YEAR'S MORNING "Space Journey"

Music is playing. Children enter the hall.
1. Let the music play loudly,
Hurry to our elegant hall
Here we go guys
Our new year carnival!
2. It’s good for us today,
Better places can not found!
Near the New Year tree
Don't pass, don't pass!
3. Tell me guys
What kind of holiday awaits us all?
Answer amicably, loudly,
We are meeting…
Children: New Year!
4. If the Christmas tree blooms with lights,

5. If the masks stand up in a round dance,
This means it has come... (New Year.)
6. If the children's people are cheerful,
This means it has come... (New Year.)
7. If the heart sings with soul,
This means it has come... (New Year.)
8. New Year's Eve, New Year's Eve
Dream and reality meet
For the New Year, for the New Year
Miracles happen.

Song "Tick-tock"

9. Stand in a wide circle
Hold hands tighter
To celebrate the new year
We'll start a round dance.

Round dance:. "New Year's" (children sit on chairs.)

Ved. Guys, do you like fairy tales? Here you are waiting today Christmas story! Sit back, take a closer look! If you see something unusual, fascinating, very funny, or maybe scary, then clap your hands, laugh, cover your eyes with your hands if you’re scared, but most importantly, don’t jump on your mom’s lap, don’t climb under a chair or onto the top of the Christmas tree . Meet your guests and have fun with them, sing and dance! And so-o-o-o, the fairy tale begins... (lights dim).

Santa Claus comes out and sings a song.

D.M. I’ll decorate the branches with frost, throw some white snow on the snow,

So that everything would be more beautiful in the forest on New Year’s Eve.

And I’ll be going to the guys in Kachkanar

In a cozy kindergarten, and there will be a holiday there! I know, I know, the children are looking forward to meeting me and will certainly delight me with songs and dances!

How much I love having fun with the kids!

(The growing theme of the approaching spaceship sounds. The light and music installation is turned on) (the Christmas tree is lit)

In a clearing among the trees, a saucer lands!

Come on, I’ll hide behind the tree and find out everything about it!

(A spaceship in the form of a flying saucer appears on the stage. The humanoid Big-headed Cosmoglot comes out, dances, looks around)

D.M: Finally I'm real

D.M: Finally I'm real

D.M: Finally I'm real

How much I love having fun with the kids!

(The growing theme of the approaching spaceship sounds. The light and music installation is turned on) (the Christmas tree is lit)

The guidebook says planet Earth. The nearest forest is near Kachkanar. It's here. This means that the given object is also here! The object is Santa Claus. Find, capture, load into a spaceship, deliver to Shelezyak’s planet!

(Father Frost comes out from behind the tree)

D.M . It’s you who wants to capture me, load me up and take me to some planet! Why do you need me?

G.K. The object has been discovered! Santa Claus, I scan it - it’s definitely him! White beard, mustache, red fur coat, hat, stick in hand.

D.M . What a stick, it's a staff!

G.K. We need the object for entertainment, because we have a New Year holiday on our planet, but there is no fun. I learned that Santa Claus brings joy and gifts to everyone!

D.M. Who are you? What is your name?

G.K. I am the big-headed cosmoswallow.

I have arms, legs and a big head

All the universal sciences are like two and two for her.

She's a hundred times smarter than you

I know how to drink and eat

This is what the Bigheaded Cosmoglot lives for.

Through space traffic jams

Past the stars and other things

I'm in a flying saucer

Flew to you on Earth.

I have a huge blaster

I'm a master at firing it.

If only I want

I'll take over your world in no time

I'm dangerous to people

I am a galactic villain!

(G.K. points his weapon at D.M.)

G.K. Now I will turn you with the help of a laser shrink into a little Santa Claus. Yes, yes, otherwise you are so big, you won’t fit in my spaceship.

D.M. What are you thinking? Yes, I'll freeze you now! (hits with the staff and points it at the alien). Well, turn into an ice block!

(G.K. doesn’t freeze, starts laughing loudly. D.M. tries again, but nothing works)

G.K. Your stick has no effect on me, but the laser shrinker will make you small and helpless! (points the weapon at D.M.)

Ved. Run, Santa Claus, save yourself. (D.M. runs around the tree and runs out the door. G.K. follows him, shoots. He brings in the toy D.M..)

G.K. Gotcha, no one has ever run away from me. Well, that's it, it's time to go. (G.K. flies away)

Ved. Guys, did you see what happened in the forest? What is our holiday like now without D.M.? We urgently need to help out D.M. But how? We don’t know where this planet is?!

(The phonogram “Robot Bronislav” plays, the Robot appears)

Robot: Hello. I know where Shelezyak's planet is. I am the robot Bronislav. I turn on the reboot, I turn on the reboot. (robot boys come out to the music)

Song "Robot Bronislav"

Robot: The brain is a processor for me, Instead of nerves it’s a wire!

It's clear that I'm a Super-me-ga-ro-bot!

Robot Dance

Robot: I was sent to help you from the planet Shelezyaka. I know that Big-Headed Cosmoglot kidnapped Santa Claus. Get ready to fly urgently and save D.M. and help clean Shelezyak’s planet from space debris. Let's load into the rocket! Everything is in place! Fasten seat belts. I'm starting the countdown. 5,4,3,2,1 puuuusk! (Cosmic music sounds)

Song "Winter Song"(get into a circle quickly)

Game "Meteor Shower"(parents throw snowballs)

Ved . Guys, it looks like it's a meteor shower, let's wait it out behind the tree.

Robot: Well, we have arrived on Shelezyak’s planet.

Ved: What is this under your feet?

Robot: These are fragments of stars and meteorites. The big-headed space gullet forbids the inhabitants of the planet to remove all this space debris. The inhabitants of the planet will soon have nowhere to walk, or even live. You probably noticed that there is not a tree, not a bush, not a single flower here.

Ved: And the guys and I will now remove all the garbage. Need baskets for garbage collection.

Game "Garbage Recycling"(after the game the children sit down)

Robot: Well, now let’s take a little break and admire the beauty of the stars in the sky.

Stars dance.

(The Big-headed Cosmoglot appears)

G.K: Who dared to restore order on the planet?

Ved: You can't do that. If you do not take care of the planet, then there will be nowhere for the inhabitants of this planet to live.

G.K: Who's talking? There is no need to teach me, I myself know how to behave on the planet.

Ved : I’m saying this, and even children know about it, right, guys?

G.K: What? Are these little guys smarter than me?

Ved: They are future schoolchildren! And they know that without green spaces your planet will die. Do you have plant seeds? The children will help plant them.

G.K: There are seeds, but they are in the zero-gravity zone and can only be reached by jumping balls.

Ved : We have brave souls.

Game "Overcome weightlessness"

Ved : Look, cosmic flowers are blooming

Dance of "Cosmic Flowers"

Ved: Look how beautiful it has become around! Let's take care of the planet, there are no more beautiful flowers anywhere!

G.K: I won’t behave like this anymore, I’ll plant trees and flowers. Well done guys, you brought me to my senses, for this I will teach you how to play the game.

Game "Robots and Stars"(sat down)

G.K : And take Santa Claus, because what would New Year be without him?

Ved . But of course, it’s small and not real.

G.K. Exactly! Don't worry, I'll fix everything now. After all, I have an almighty blaster.

(trying to enlarge Santa Claus, but the blaster is discharged, he goes to charge)

Game "Stars and Constellations"
(All children are stars. On command, the stars gather into constellations. Sometimes in groups of three, sometimes in groups of 5, then in groups of 6 (Cosmic music plays, the guys return to Earth)

Ved : It’s so good to return to your home planet, to your favorite kindergarten.

(Santa Claus enters the hall and touches himself)

D.M: Finally I'm real

not tiny, normal

What happened to me?

Just a miracle happened!

Hello my friends!

Happy New Year! Here I am!

Hey kindergarten people!
Come out to the round dance!
Give way to the dancers!
We are meeting ….

Children: New Year!

Song “Santa Claus Walked Through the Forest”

D.M : Well. We can continue the celebration. How elegant it is in our hall.
D.M: Guys, aren't you afraid of frost?

Children : Frost is not a problem for us.
We are not afraid of the cold.
We dance and sing
We have a lot of fun!

D.M : I'll check now.

Dance-game “Lavata”

D.M: I'm very happy today
And I'm friends with the guys.
I won't freeze anyone
I won't catch anyone's cold.

D.M. Let's continue the fun. Children, shall we dance again? Who will dance who?

Modern general dance

D.M. Oh, I'm tired.

Ved : Sit down, relax, and the guys will read poetry to you.


D.M : Our holiday is coming to an end. You made me happy with your
round dances, games, dances, the time has come for me to please you.
Oh, where's my bag?

(D.M looks under the tree, invites the children to look under the chairs,
asks his parents.)

D.M: Oh, I'm an old fool.
Head with a hole.
I left it on a stump in the forest.

Well, this matter can be fixed, that’s why I’m a wizard. I have magic needles.
(hands out needles to the guys). Now everyone go up to the tree, close your eyes and say the magic words: “Become the needles as gifts from the tree,” and blow the needles onto the tree. Now open your eyes. (under the tree there are gifts that were previously covered with a blanket)

D.M. gives gifts to children. Children thank Santa Claus.

D.M . And now it’s time, friends, we need to say goodbye,

Congratulations to everyone from the bottom of my heart

Let's celebrate the New Year together

Both adults and kids!

We invite everyone to perform their favorite round dance song

"The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"

New Year's Scenario: “Star Journey” in a pre-school group

Music head - Karpenko O.V.,

Description of material: I propose a New Year's party scenario for children in the preparatory group. The material will be of interest to music directors of children's institutions.
Target: creating conditions for children’s emotional relaxation.
Tasks: develop children's creative abilities
Cultivate a sustainable interest and love for music.
To develop communication skills in children.
Stargazer - adult
Snake - adult
Polaris - girl
Pirates - boys
Luntik is a boy;
Comet - girl
Stargazer – boy
Attributes and decorations
Advertising brochures for tour packages in different countries(France, Greece, Spain, Türkiye, Panama);
weapons for pirates (plastic);
cell phone for Baba Yaga;
silver rain plumes for the starry waltz;
Christmas tree;
globe of the starry sky (luminous);
4 - 5 chairs;
mirror ball;
Children go out to the song " New year's night"performed by N. Kadysheva
Children sit on chairs
1st child.
New Year is just around the corner
Everyone's favorite holiday.
Still awaiting his arrival
Quiet and mischievous.
2nd child.
Both old and young
We are glad to meet him.
In winter he will come to you and me,
Having gone through all the obstacles.
3rd child.
He will light the lights on the Christmas tree,
Will give us gifts.
His affairs are like a round dance,
And cheerful and bright.
4th child.
And we will immediately become warmer,
Even though the world is freezing in a blizzard.
And we will be even stronger
Love, take care of each other.
It's a fun time for everyone,
Everyone is in joyful excitement.
And it's New Year's Eve now
The show will begin!
Round dance "Merry round dance" Music. etc. E Matvienko
The children sit down.
The lights go out.
What's happened?! The light turned off…
What should we do now?
The beam illuminates the Astrologer.

Don't make noise and don't be afraid.
Everything is fine. Calm down.
Host - Who are you and how did you end up here?
I am a Chinese Stargazer
I keep count of all the stars.
It is very important for me to know
How many are there in each constellation?
And who's turn is it?
Every year it comes...
Presenter - Interesting! What year is it now?
Don't you know?!
You surprise me!
Where is my youngest Stargazer?
Come on, explain everything to your aunt!

Stargazer - child
The Year of the Horse will come on Earth.
A old year belonged to the Snake.
But the Snake just doesn’t want to crawl away,
So he does harm and bothers everyone to spite...
Well done! He knows everything, even though he is small!
Wow, I could have caught that snake by the tail!

Well, okay, let’s make some noise... Here I am.
Why did you turn off the light, Snake?
What – can’t you make a final joke?!
I’m not doing it out of malice, but just like that, easily, gliding...
You, Astrologer, go turn on the light for us.
Now I will show you the white light!
I recently opened a travel agency,
My presentation will be here.
Presenter - Actually, we’re not having a presentation here, but a New Year’s celebration...
Snake: - So I say: soon the winter vacation, travel time. On this occasion, I offer you a wide range of tourist routes:
Slide show
Dear children, fathers and mothers,
Look at the advertising brochures.
Have you ever been to Panama?

Go ahead, there will be a tsunami.
All to Spain, to hot Madrid!

Whoever comes will immediately burn.
How wonderful the food is in Greece:

Vinegar, pepper and other spices.
On the excursion “Rooftops of Paris”

The roof moves with delight!
Vacationing in Antalya, Turkey,

Don't forget to kick off your sandals
So how? Have you decided where you will go?
Presenter - Maybe we want to fly to the moon!

Snake - Well, well, I didn’t pull your tongue...
To the Moon, so to the Moon!
I’ll hiss... I’ll wag my tail...
Without insurance... fly away!
For 12 years - goodbye!
Runs away

The lights go out again. Swift cosmic music sounds. Luntik appears.

Presenter - Luntik! Are we on the moon?
Luntik - No, it was me who fell from the Moon! But I’ve been on Earth for a long time, I’ve learned a lot and made friends with everyone. I'm very glad to see you! And with joy I want to dance with friends! Please dance Moonata with me
Presenter - Lunatu??? How is it?
Luntik - Stand up one after another, put your hands on your shoulders, walk in a circle and sing:
Lunata. (Dance-game) based on the game “Lavata” (sat. Holidays in kindergarten Yaroslavl 1998)
We dance together, tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta,
Our cheerful dance, this is Lunata!
Presenter (asks) Were there pens?
All. Were
Presenter Were there hangers?
All. No
Children walk in a circle, holding their shoulders with their hands, the game continues until the leader’s imagination runs out. Children can hold their ears, heels, etc.
Luntik - Good with you! But it’s time for me to go to my friends and girlfriends - bees and butterflies.
Presenter - But now it’s winter, butterflies and bees are sleeping...
Luntik - It’s okay, I’ll guard their sleep... See you in the cartoon, guys!
Luntik leaves. The lights go out again.
Or (if Luntik is a child)
Presenter - And it’s good with you, Luntik! Stay with us!…
Presenter (to the Astrologer) - Somehow our holiday didn’t go according to script... And in general, such a strange feeling of weightlessness...
This is Space... The snake still sent us on a space journey. Well, let's navigate by the stars. You need to take a telescope and look at the starry sky...
The mirror ball is spinning.
Presenter - What do you see, dear Astrologer?
Stargazer - I see... Spreading its fiery tail, the comet flies between the shining stars!
A girl in a comet costume runs out.
Presenter - Is the comet flying? Where?
Stargazer - Yes, right at us! Here!

Comet (girl)
I am a celestial comet!
I know that there is a kindergarten somewhere.
There is a Christmas tree in that kindergarten
And only once a year
See it at the top
Can bright star!
The star burns, does not melt, the beautiful ice shines,
And immediately a happy New Year comes! (Runs away)
Presenter (to Astrologer) - We have, we have such a Christmas tree in kindergarten! Only we are somewhere in space now and cannot find our way back...
Astrologer – If on a late winter night
We should look at the starry dome,
Then we'll see one there,
A very bright star!
She is the North Star
Will always help travelers!
My star, fly to me!
And light the way for the guys!

Polaris (girl)
I shine brightest in the sky!
And I know the right way to the north,
But you need a little different one.
Now you need the Milky Way!
Sings the last chorus of the Astrologer's Song from the film "Little Red Riding Hood"

But be careful children
After all, you can, standing on the Milky Way,
Meet space pirates!
Hold on so you don't collapse!
So let all the stars come here now!
Together we will dance the Starry Waltz!
"Star Waltz". The mirror ball is spinning.
(at the choice of the music director)
Presenter: - Dear stars, thank you for the Starry Waltz!
Can't you see the Christmas tree there?
Stars: - Why do you need a Christmas tree?
Guys, why do you need it?

Children: We want to go back to kindergarten,
After all, it’s a holiday for all the kids!

Then we need a Christmas tree,
So that she shows the way.

So that, like on a lighthouse, on it
The star was shining, everyone could see it better!
And so that there’s more around her
Lots of lights were burning!
So that the New Year's star lights up on the tree,
You guys need to do what you always do.
Hold hands together, stand around the tree,
Say: One, two, three! Come on, little star, shine!
A star lights up. And then all the lights turn on.
Stargazer - Well, I told you, the stars know everything!
And now the stars will tell us what will happen next?

Next there will be a round dance!
Happy New Year!
Song “New Year”, Music and lyrics by E. Eremeeva
The children sat on the chairs
Presenter: - Soon we will completely return to our Christmas tree, but while our space journey continues, I propose to tell poems about the New Year holiday.
Trained Barbos invited Bug to dance,
Grandfather Frost dances with the Snow Maiden on his arm.
The lights on the Christmas tree are dancing, and the firecrackers and flags are dancing.
Fat snowmen are tap dancing at the broom.
The songs are spinning on the record, the colors are spinning in the picture,
And in the aquarium, the fish also dance in circles.
There are smiles everywhere because it’s New Year.
(P. Sinyavsky)
Presenter: - You know, our children are healthy, and it’s warm in our kindergarten, but in Space it’s very cold! The children probably already have ice-cold palms?
Yes, we have a make-believe
The leg hits the leg,
The nose is frozen and a little
Icy palms...
Astrologer: Oh, how cunning you are! They want to dance with their palms! And we'll keep your feet warm!
Children dancing dance
Dance “Ice Palms”
Children sit on chairs.
The lights go out, cosmic music sounds, the spotlight flickers.
2 Space Pirates appear.

1st pirate. Hey, on Snickers, on Mars, who is making noise and trampling all over the whole Cosmos,
2nd pirate. All sorts of fine dust flew in!
Presenter: - We are not dust. We are star travelers kindergarten"Sunny" from
Kinelya from planet Earth! And who are you?
Pirates: - Who are we?! (laugh) Now you’ll find out! (sing to the tune of ditties)
We are cosmic assholes
We are pirates - bullies!
And along the Milky Way
We won't let you pass!
Ah ha ha! Oh-ho-ho!
We won't let you pass!
1st pirate. Hey, fear, come on, scare everyone!
2nd pirate. Uh-uh-uh...
1st pirate. Now, come on, terrify everyone to complete horror!
2nd pirate. I am the terror that flies on the wings of the night!
Presenter: - Just think, we have our own pirates!
Pirate Dance
And it’s not scary at all, but funny!
1st pirate. - Everyone laughs, the brave ones got caught!
2nd pirate. - Let's see how brave and dexterous you are in the game!
Playing at the discretion of the music director
1st pirate. You know, brother pirate, I liked playing with the guys!
2nd pirate. And me! Let's skip them through the Milky Way?
1st pirate. Let's! Let's not be pirates anymore, but let's be good guys?
2nd pirate. Let's! And the guys will come to us, tell us about the Earth, and play with us. Well,
What, let's be friends?
1st pirate. Let there be light! (the lights in the hall turn on) Fly! Sing and dance!
Hurry to your beautiful Christmas tree for the New Year!
2nd pirate. And it’s time for us to say goodbye and return to Space. Goodbye!

Presenter: - What should we do now, Astrologer?
Astrologer: - It's time to remember that the coming year is the year of the Horse. We need a Horse!
Presenter: - Yes, we have it!
Astrologer: - So she will lead us to the Christmas tree now!

Horse: Trust me, star horse,
That everything will be fine with you.
Now we're forming a circle
And suddenly we’ll stand near the Christmas tree!
Hurry up and join the round dance!
My year is coming! My new Year!
Round dance “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”
Words by Raisa Adamovna Kudasheva, music by Leonid Karlovich Bekman.
After the verse “... the hairy-legged horse...” immediately “Now she is smart...”. Children stay near the Christmas tree. (horse in a circle)
Slide 22
Astrologer. Well, here you are. And it’s time for me to leave you so that the stars can shine and smile on other people too!
Presenter: - Yes, dear Astrologer, thank you, all your stars and constellations! We wish you happy Milky and Earthly ways!
Our stellar journey has ended successfully! And the holiday is just beginning.
Song “Russian Winter” by L. Olifirov
Father Frost and Snow Maiden enter.

Father Frost:
Hello adults! Hello children!
The most magical holiday in the world!
Snow Maiden:
People laugh, snowflakes fly,
The colored garlands on the Christmas trees are on fire!
Father Frost:
How good, how beautiful you are!
My feet are just asking to dance!
Snow Maiden:
Guys, let's dance with Santa Claus
Song dance “Dance with Santa Claus” Music. etc. I. Marchenkova
Children read poetry
Music director's choice game
Ved. Santa Claus, I know you are a wizard, the guys have already made wishes, now they want to find out what paths the guys expect in life.
Santa Claus: And I will predict what paths await the children in life.
To the boys... you, you, you
I predict success!
On the hockey field, in a difficult struggle
you will defeat everyone!
Here's your guarantee - a magic stick,
Any puck is obedient to her.
Hands over a stick.
Know this, girls! In the new year
you will become even more beautiful.
I have wisely provided this:
Here's some magic star powder for you.
Showers the girls with New Year's confetti.
New Year! New Year! New days - new count!
Peace for the planet, joy for the children
he will bring it with him!

The dance “Christmas trees, balls, firecrackers” is performed
Santa Claus gives gifts and leaves and says goodbye to the children before next year Everyone stands in pairs in a circle, walks around the hall to the music, and dances.


(script for a festive theatrical event for the upcoming

New Year 2015)

Target : create a festive atmosphere of joy and provide conditions for development creativity at junior schoolchildren through active activities during and in preparation for the New Year holiday.

Tasks : development of creative abilities,

instilling responsibility and friendliness in children's team.


Presenter – Krasnaya V.P.

Santa Claus - Klimova D.Yu.

Snow Maiden – Khilko L.V.

1 alien – Rakhmenova R.S.

2 alien – Klimova M.

Baba Yaga - Klimova L.V.

Kikimora – Trimasova D.V.

Leshy – Khilko E.F.

Brownie – Trimasova T.V.

Music is playing. The presenter comes out.


Hello, dear guests, guys! We have gathered here again today to celebrate the New Year 2015 together!

Soon, very soon, the long-awaited and most desired, most magical and most mysterious, even extraordinary, joyful, fabulous - new, new year 2015 will come!!!
How many congratulations you will hear on the eve of the New Year! We would like to wish you all the best!!!... May your dreams come true and your wishes come true.

Well, the very first wishes will now be addressed to you from the director of our school.

Well? We have music playing, the Christmas tree is decorated, the toys are hanging - I think it’s time to start the holiday!

Well, who will start the fun - that’s the question!

After all, I don’t see my assistants!

Where is the Snow Maiden? Where is Santa Claus?

(answers from the audience)

My friends! Come to me quickly!

We need your songs and dances.

They are already waiting for you! Hurry! The hall is full of people!

Father Frost and Snow Maiden appear at the door

Father Frost:

Let's go, let's go! Now! One minute!

A New Year's melody sounds, Father Frost and Snow Maiden walk through the hall

Father Frost:

Hello. Guys!

I hurried to you from the snowy forest in the morning,

I asked the horses to gallop faster,

I was afraid to be late for your holiday,

Suddenly, I think, you won’t wait for Grandfather!


Well, what are you Grandfather! What would it be like without you?! Who will light the Christmas tree and bring gifts? And we really miss your granddaughter, because we’ve been waiting for a whole year!

Snow Maiden:

Hello guys,

Girls and boys!

Happy New Year,

Happy new day!

Happy New Year's tree!

We will celebrate our holiday

Fun today!


Well, here we go! We can't delay any longer! Get ready for a round dance! Let's celebrate the New Year together!

Round dance song “Yolochka-Yolochka”

Everyone takes their seats. Music is playing. Aliens enter and slowly walk through the hall. They say the purpose of their visit to muffled music.

Alien 1:

- We landed. Planet Earth. School. New Year's Eve. The object we need is here.

Alien 2:

We carry out the order: put Santa Claus to sleep, capture him, and deliver him to a space plate.

They surround Father Frost and the Snow Maiden to the music, make movements over them with their hands and put them to sleep. Father Frost is taken away with him, and the Snow Maiden is left under the tree.

After they leave, the Snow Maiden opens her eyes, sees what is missing and begins to cry.

The music sounds “And I’m walking like this all in Dolce Gabbana ...”, Baba Yaga appears dancing

Baba Yaga:

- Ugh! Finally got there! Oh, I'm so tired! It’s so cold outside, all my cheeks are frozen. But I was also preparing for the holiday, so I found a braid for myself.

(takes hold of the braid, it falls off)

- (angry) Ugh, you're a pest! Don't become visible to me as a blonde! ( throws out his braid)


Something about you, Yaga, has become nervous.

Baba Yaga:

(stops near the Christmas tree and listens)

Who's roaring here? No way Snow Maiden?

(approaches the Snow Maiden) Come on, honey, don't cry! What's the problem, tell me! Maybe I can help? Rely on Yaga!

Snow Maiden:

Grandma, grandma! ( crying) We're in trouble! Some strange people kidnapped my grandfather and said that they would take him to a plate.

Baba Yaga:

What are you doing! I told you, there are only hooligans all around!

(walks, thinks)

Listen, are these people brilliant?

Snow Maiden:


Baba Yaga:


Snow Maiden:

Baba Yaga:

Ahh... Well, I know this ensemble too. It's called "Brilliant". They also live in the same apartment building with me. By the way, they do too.

The group “Brilliant” appears and performs the song “Tick-tock, watch...” Baba Yaga and the Snow Maiden watch them

Baba Yaga:

Well, what the heck?

Snow Maiden:

No, not these, grandma!

Baba Yaga:

Well, then we know the deal, aliens! UFOs keep flying and flying over the forest! There is no peace! Now we've arrived here. To the kids! Until Grandfather! ( walks around the hall indignantly)

Snow Maiden:

What are we going to do, grandma?

Baba Yaga:

What to do, what to do? We will help Grandfather! Now I’ll call my friends here, together we’ll find a way out!

(calling) – Leshenka, Kikimora, Brownie!!! ( whistles)

Music is playing. The three of them come out Kikimora, the Brownie barely follows them, holding his lower back, groaning and gasping.


Oh, oh, old age is no joy! The weather is cold, my bones hurt, my lower back ache. Hey, Kikimora, give me a medicinal decoction!


Oh, now, now, Leshenka! Here's my signature potion. Take a sip and everything will pass!


(tastes, spits) - Well, it’s disgusting, this is your potion!


But it will save you and relieve your lower back pain.


What do you cook it from?


From leeches and tails!

I add fly agarics and birch leaves.

And I mix bugs and boogers with grass,

I bring everything to a boil -

It's better than jam!


Drink your own crap!


What to do? Need a drink! Well, just once, just a sip... ( persuades, pulls medicine towards him)

The goblin took a sip, chewed, straightened up and danced


Oh, I really feel better!


Well, enough for both of you! Just look how beautiful it is around! Which elegant Christmas tree? This means that New Year is coming soon! Maybe Yaga decided to invite us to the holiday?


Oh, yes! Hello Yaga! What was calling us?


Has something happened?


Why did we have to rush? Answer me, there’s a bone in my throat!

Baba Yaga:

Don't make noise, don't get angry! Calmly figure it out! Here the kids are sitting, going to celebrate the New Year!


Well, what is the reason for this?

Baba Yaga:

(hits Leshy on the forehead with his fist)

You are a stupid man! Here Moroz was stolen and taken to the Alpha system! We don’t know what we should do. I called you for some advice!


Well, we can do that. We will now ask all the children to first stomp their feet, then clap their hands.


Exactly! And in a moment they will return Grandfather to us and will not reach Alpha.

The children, together with Domovoy, stomp their feet and then clap their hands. They wait, but nothing happens.


Your advice is not suitable! Grandfather will not return to us like that!


Can we ask Gorynych to visit that plate? He will set all his enemies on fire, grab Frost - and so he was!

Snow Maiden:

What should we do then? We can't live without Grandpa!


Well, why do they need Santa Claus? Here is a riddle, here is a question!

Everyone thought about it. Music is playing. Aliens appear.

Everyone froze, stood, looking at them.

Snow Maiden:

Grandmother! Here they are! These stole our Grandfather and wanted to leave our children without a holiday!

Baba Yaga:

Look, look, why is this being done? The hooligans have arrived again! Did they really want to kidnap someone else?

1 alien:

Name: Santa Claus. Brings gifts. Lights up the Christmas tree with bright lights. Suitable for the New Year holiday.

Baba Yaga:

- (pushes Leshy) Yes, stop dozing! It's time to start negotiations. Come on, Leshenka, get in touch with the alien hooligans!


- (coming to his senses, angrily) - Hey, why do you need Santa Claus? Seriously tell us!

2 alien:

The task of Santa Claus is to introduce the New Year into the Alpha system!

Baba Yaga:

- (intervenes angrily) Well, what do you need for the New Year? And who will figure out how to greet you? Well, how can you not be angry?!


You aliens, don't make any noise! Give us grandfather back quickly! Otherwise we'll give you a beating! ( shakes his fist)

1 alien:

Wait to fight! We will return your frost to you only when you teach us how to celebrate the New Year. We'll see.

Snow Maiden:

So there is only one way out - have fun, sing, play. Otherwise, we will never see Santa Claus!

Baba Yaga:

Ahh... Well, it’s possible! Come on, guys, tell me, do you want to see Frost at the holiday?

Then we need to show the aliens how we can all have fun together!

Snow Maiden:

-(appeals to aliens)

Don't just stand on the sidelines, come and have fun with us! Let's get together in a round dance and sing a funny song!

Round dance song “White, White in December...”

Everyone sit down


Well, we sang a song. What else do honest people do for the New Year?

Baba Yaga:

- (addressed to Leshem, Kikimora and Domovoi)

What are you really worth? Did I call you to help or what? It wouldn't hurt to ask the children riddles! Come up with something that you won’t be able to figure out forever!


It's us, Yaga, in a moment!

He wiggles his ears and jumps under the bushes. Little gray coward, his name is...



She walks around in a golden fur coat, the gossip has a fluffy tail, and very cunning eyes. And her name is... (fox)


Clubfoot, clumsy. Loves honey, does not like cold. Until spring I got used to snoring. What kind of animal is this? … (bear)

Baba Yaga:

Eh, you! You can’t even solve difficult riddles! Look how quickly the kids dealt with them! ( swings at evil spirits)

Now I’ll give the guys a task! Guess what I like to do most? ( fly in a mortar, on a broom) Do you think it's that simple? Even astronauts learn this business! Let's see how you do it! And the first to try to play with us will be the aliens!

Baba Yaga conducts the Sack Run relay race


We, Yaga, also know games! Now let's have a lot of fun with the children!

(plays one game with children)

Kikimora holds the second

Baba Yaga:

Well, what, planet dwellers! Look how fun it is here! Time for us to start dancing!

1 alien:

Wait to start dancing! We have talent too!

2 alien:

Thank you for letting us stay and teaching us how to have fun!

1 alien:

Now we understand how to celebrate this holiday: more laughter, dancing, songs and games. This is the kind of New Year we will arrange on our planet.

Snow Maiden:

What about our holiday? We won't be able to do it without Grandpa! After all, you haven’t seen how beautifully the lights sparkle on our Christmas tree and how much the kids love to receive gifts!

2 alien:

Fine! We will return Frost to you only if he promises that he will help us celebrate the New Year too!

1 alien:

Well, now it’s our turn to amuse the children! Everyone in the hall is sitting so beautiful and elegant, in bright glamorous New Year's costumes.

Baba Yaga:

Wow! Not only did you learn to have fun, but you also managed to pick up such fashionable words!

1 alien:

We realized that for the New Year everyone should have bright, beautiful carnival costumes. On our planet we will tell everyone about this and we will have a real New Year!

2 alien:

And now is the time to dance a cheerful dance for you, and we ask you, our assistants, to dance with us too!

Performing a dance number

Baba Yaga:

Well, the aliens, well, they made me laugh! Grandma hasn't danced like that for a long time! Now come and visit. If anything, I live on the eighth floor.

1 alien:

Thank you for the invitation and for the celebration! We apologize for the inconvenience caused. You can get your Frost back!

Music is playing. Santa Claus enters

Snow Maiden:

- (runs up) Grandfather, dear, are you safe?

Father Frost:

Yes, I wanted to freeze them! But then the soul softened, because they also want a holiday. I promised them a holiday too, but only at first with the boys. I look, everyone has already gathered and they have been waiting for me for a long time. Hello, Yaga! I see Leshy with Kikimora and Domovoy are also here.

(addresses the aliens angrily):

What are you doing here? Have you decided to ruin the holiday again?

Snow Maiden:

No, Grandfather! In fact, they are not evil, they just wanted a holiday, but they did not know how to celebrate it. But the boys and I quickly taught them! And Grandmother, Leshy, Kikimora and Brownie helped us save you. They are all so great today!

Father Frost:

Well, if so, then fine! Thank you! Everyone stay at the holiday, now we will light the Christmas tree!

Snow Maiden:

It is high time! The guys are all already tired of waiting! And the Christmas tree is so good!

Father Frost:

Guys, let's get together in a round dance and light up our forest beauty!

Everyone stands in a circle

Baba Yaga:

Well, guys, repeat after me: “ Trynda, brynda ta-ra-ra, it's time to light the lights!»

(children repeat)

« Lyuli, truli gi-gi-gi-light up all the lights!”

(children repeat, the Christmas tree doesn’t light up)

Father Frost:

Well, what are you doing, Yaga! I completely forgot the magic words! Come on, who can tell me what to say correctly? (children's answers)

Well, of course! Now let's say together: " One, two, three - the Christmas tree is on fire!!!”

(the lights come on)

Snow Maiden:

It’s so good that everything ended so well! Well, now is the time to sing a song around such an elegant Christmas tree! Guys, let's join hands and dance in a round dance!

Performing a round dance song

Snow Maiden:

Do you know, Grandfather, how many New Year’s rhymes the kids learned? Now they will make you happy.

Children read poetry. Afterwards, Father Frost and Snow Maiden distribute gifts.

Snow Maiden:

Guys! You are so great! But it’s time for Grandfather and me to move on.

Father Frost:

North wind! Spread your wings! Me and the Snow Maiden are flying again!

Snow Maiden:

We have opened magical doors for you to a new, tempting, joyful year!

All the heroes say their wishes

Baba Yaga:

May all misfortunes leave you! We wish you everything...

All (in unison): brilliant!!!

1 alien:

We wish that captures of Santa Clauses were possible only in fairy tales.

2 alien:

Live in joy, peace and harmony!


We wish the world to become kinder! So that all evil spirits turn into such kind Babok Yozhek, Kikimora, Leshy and Brownies...

All (in unison): like us!!!

Father Frost:

We got to know you better at the celebration; we have many friends in this room. Christmas tree, promise to come to us again! Christmas tree, until the New Year! Goodbye!

Performance of the final number performed by all the characters “New Year’s Song”

Awarding of participants


May winter be a silvery powder

Freeze any trouble

We wish you all the best

Happy New Year!

The hour is coming, the hour of parting,

Let the Christmas tree live in memory

Let's say goodbye to each other

Before new meeting on New Year's Day!

And now we’ll take a short break and look forward to seeing you all at the continuation of our festive evening!