Scenario for New Year's party in elementary school. An interesting scenario for a New Year's party for an elementary school. A school party for the New Year script.

New Year's Eve primary school. Scenario

Author: Yurasova Svetlana Ivanovna teacher primary classes MBOU Pogrebskaya secondary school, Brasovsky district, Bryansk region

Scenario for New Year's party for elementary school

Description of the event: This scenario New Year's party is designed for students in grades 1 - 2. Fairy-tale heroes: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Detective, robbers.
Target: create conditions for development creativity students through active activities in preparation for the New Year holiday.
- development of children's creative potential;
- uniting the children's team;
- introduction to the culture of New Year celebrations.
The progress of the holiday
What kind of guest has come to us?
And there are garland lights on it.
How elegant she is!
Comes to us with her
Winter holiday - New Year! (together).

Finally, the New Year
I knocked at the gate.
He will bring you success
Happiness and joy to everyone!

We have gathered here today
Celebrate the New Year's holiday!
According to tradition, we will start the holiday with a song about the Christmas tree.

Our Christmas tree is no more beautiful!
Our grandmothers and mothers,
Join the round dance!
New Year is coming!
Round dance “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter...”
Songs are sung cheerfully
And the round dance is spinning,
And the guys can't wait:
When will Santa Claus come?
Enters the hall Snow Maiden.
- Hello guys!
I'm so glad to meet you,
See your friends again
Rejoice together again
And sing a song about the Christmas tree,
Let's start the holiday
Sing and dance together.
1.New Year's stars hung up
On a merry Christmas tree.
And the bear is cheerful today,
And the wolves dance.
Santa Claus is walking again
Through the forest apartments,
Treats you with lollipops
Creamy ice cream.
Squirrels dance, hares dance,
The forest people are very happy
New Year!
2. And the Snow Maiden on the Christmas tree
Brought some laughs.
And dance the polka with her
White snowflakes.
It's good for friends to spin
With a song on the hill,
And then go study
Only for A's.
Squirrels dance, hares dance,
The forest people are very happy
Greet with song, meet with dance
New Year!

Snow Maiden.
-Guys, today D.M. and I decided to make a surprise for you.
Where is D.M. himself? Guys, did grandpa come here? (No)
We walked with him, he said that he would just drop in for a moment to the forest dwellers to wish them a Happy New Year.
How to be? Where to go?
Where can I find grandfather?
I came up with an idea! Here he is -
My assistant is the telephone.
(goes to the phone and calls)
The best detective in the world
Santa Claus will find us.
- Hello, please accept the search request.
Address: Bryansk region, Brasovsky district, Pogreby village, school.
Appears Detective.
- Place, time and signs:
Height and age, how were you dressed?
Snow Maiden.
- Just Grandfather Frost,
He is all white, red nose.
All clear. And the reward?
Snow Maiden.
How much do you need for your grandfather?
What he hides in the bag
It's quite enough for me.
Snow Maiden.
You need to ask the kids for permission.
(addresses the guys) - Well, guys, give back the gifts that D.M. prepared for you.
- You see, the children don’t want to give gifts. We'd better invite you to the party. Right guys? (Yes)
Just find D.M., please, otherwise a holiday wouldn’t be a holiday without him.
Detective(leaves, grumbling). Okay, okay, greedy people - beef, I need your holiday, I’ll arrange a holiday for myself.
Guys, in the meantime, the Detective is looking for D.M. let's play a game.
Game "Christmas tree"
There is one game for you:
I'll start the poem now,
I'll start, and you finish,
Answer in unison!
It's snowing outside, the holiday is coming soon... ( New Year).
The needles glow softly, the coniferous spirit comes... (from the Christmas tree).
The branches rustle faintly, the beads are bright... (glitter)
And the toys swing - flags, stars... (crackers),
Threads of colorful tinsel, bells... (balls)
Fragile fish figures, birds, skiers, ... (snow maidens),
Whitebeard and Rednose under the branches...(Santa Claus).
What a wonderful Christmas tree! How elegant, how... (beautiful)
Here again hundreds of tiny... (lights) lit up on it,
The doors are wide open, like in a fairy tale, the round dance is rushing in... (dance).
And over this round dance there was talk, songs, ringing laughter.
Happy New Year)!
Happy new happiness to everyone!

Game "Around the Christmas tree"
We'll go right now! One two Three
Now let's go left...
Let's quickly get ready for the Christmas tree...
We will also disperse quickly...
We will sit down quietly...
And let’s stand up slightly...
Dance, our legs...
And clap your hands...
Snow Maiden.
Our Detective has been missing for a long time. Apparently he won’t be able to find Grandfather Frost without me. Don't be bored guys, I'll be back soon (leaves)
Robbers run into the hall.
1 break- Wow, what a beautiful tree!
2 times. - I wonder what kind of jewelry she’s wearing?
1 break- Probably gold and diamonds!
2 parts- Oh, and let's have fun! We will sell all the wealth from the tree and celebrate the New Year all year long.
1 time. (addressing the children)
- Well, little ones, can we take the decorations off the Christmas tree?
2 parts- Swoop in, rob everything you can!
The Detective appears:
- So, so, who is going to rob whom here?
Robbers: - Yes, we were joking.
Sleuth.- Ok, I forgive you. And now a final question: D.M. you?

Robbers: What are you, what are you, we have never heard of such a thing!

Sleuth.- Consider that I almost believed you. So, either you come with me to look for D.M. and we receive a bag of gifts as a reward, or you will celebrate the New Year in a damp basement in the company of rats and mice.
Robbers: Yes we are, yes we are, just say it!
Sleuth.- Behind me!
(Everyone runs away noisily).
Snegur. Grandfather, the guys have already been waiting for you and want to say hello to you.
Hello, kids - girls and boys!
Happy New Year, Happy New Year!
Congratulations to all the children!
Congratulations to all guests!
I was coming to your holiday through the forest
How beautiful it is there, wonderful!
Christmas trees with snow-white hats!
How their needles shine!
I see your tree too -
Everything is decorated and beautiful.
Snow. - Let's dance together,
Let's celebrate the New Year together!
D.M. Who wants to please me with a poem about winter, New Year, or a Christmas tree?
1. Hello, forest Christmas tree,
Silvery, thick.
You grew up under the sun
And she came to us for the holiday.
2. The birds were calling above you,
The rain poured water on you,
The gray bunny ran
And he jumped under the branches.
3. In the middle of the large hall
All in toys, all in lights
Shined, sparkled
The Christmas tree is visiting us again.
4. I lit my fires, friends,
New Year is everywhere.
And we can’t live without fun
Welcome his arrival!
5.The Christmas tree is dressed up for the holiday
It lit up with lights.
How they burn and sparkle
Everyone is invited to the celebration.
6. At the green Christmas tree
Beautiful needles
And from bottom to top
Beautiful toys.
7. Let's dance merrily
Let's sing songs
So that the tree wants
Come visit us again!
Now we'll sing about the Christmas tree
And we won't go around.
And while we're walking like this,
Let's depict what we're singing about!
Children stand in a round dance and sing the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.” (The words of the song are accompanied by gestures depicting the content of the words)
“Zayushkina’s Hut” - musical
Stand up, guys.
Everyone is about to dance in a circle.
Dance, song and fun
We are celebrating the New Year!
SONG“It’s good that every year...”
1. It's good that every year
New Year is coming to us.
Lights up our Christmas tree
And starts a round dance.
Chorus: If dancing is not enough,
The dance has a twist.
We'll dance all over again
and then vice versa.
2. Come on, make the circle wider, wider,
Come out quickly friend.
Clap your hands more cheerfully,
Don't spare your hands today.
3. We dance under the Christmas tree
We can do it for three whole hours.
And we won’t get tired no matter how much:
Such miracles!
Pripe V.

Father Frost
Although almost completely gray,
And I dance like a young man.
Together with you even now
I'm ready to start dancing.
Snow Maiden
Grandfather, what will we dance in the 21st century?
Father Frost
I have no idea.
Snow Maiden
Then let's dream it up ourselves! The dance of the 21st century is announced. Please improvise.
The best improvisation is awarded from Santa Claus's magic bag.
Father Frost
Phew, I’m feeling hot, give me some water to drink!
(The Snow Maiden gives Santa Claus a mug filled with confetti. Santa Claus pretends to drink, and then seems to throw out the remaining water on the guests.)
Game "Christmas trees happen"» (in a round dance)
We decorated the Christmas tree with different toys, we sing songs about it, and in the forest there are different Christmas trees growing, both wide, and low, tall, thin.
Now, if I say “high,” raise your hands up.
“Low” - squat and lower your arms.
“Wide” - make the circle wider.
“Thin” - make a circle already.
Now let's play!
(The presenter plays, trying to confuse the children)
Snow Maiden
- Now we’ll test your intelligence.
Zaga dki
1. Who flashes in the dense forest,
Does it have a red fur coat?
He knows a lot about chickens!
This beast is called...
(“Wolf!” - fox).
2.Who is trembling under the Christmas tree in the forest,
So as not to meet with a double-barreled shotgun?
He gallops across the field, emboldened.
This beast is called...
(“Lion!” - hare).
3. This beast sleeps in winter,
He looks awkward.
Loves berries and honey.
And it's called...
(“Hippopotamus!” - bear).
4. Hangs on the branches in winter like a silvery fringe,
And in the spring it turns into dew when suspended.
5. Which artist applied this to the glass?
And leaves, and grass, and thickets of roses?
6. We stood all summer, waited for winter,
We waited until the time was right and rushed down the mountain.
Presenter (Game)
Now, friends, we'll play
An interesting game:
What we decorate the Christmas tree with,
I'll name them in order.
Listen carefully
And be sure to answer
If I tell you right,
Say “yes” in response.
Well, what if it’s suddenly wrong,
Feel free to say “no.”
Multi-colored firecrackers?
Blankets and pillows?
Cots and cribs?
Marmalades, chocolates?
Glass balls?
Are the chairs wooden?
Teddy bears?
Primers and books?
Are the beads multi-colored?
Are the garlands light?
Snow made from white cotton wool?
Satchels and briefcases?
Shoes and boots?
Cups, forks, spoons?
Are the candies shiny?
Are tigers real?
Are the cones golden?
Are the stars radiant?
Game "Filmmaking"
On Monday exactly at five
We'll film Africa
We are very welcome
There's a monkey in the frame.
Children (making faces):
Look at me
The monkey is me.
There are many actors here
But he told us strictly
Client director:
“We need a boy—thumb!”
Children (crouching)
Look at me
Boy - with - finger - it's me!
For the program "Rural Hour"
Let's rent a farm now
And for filming you need a pig!
Children (grunting)
And now a surprise for you!
I'll look to the right
I'll look to the left.
Which one of you guys
Will she be a queen?
Game "Quickly to places"
There are chairs placed in a circle in the center, there is one less of them than there are players. Children run around chairs to the music. When the music stops, everyone should quickly take a chair. The player who does not have enough chair is eliminated from the game.
Father Frost
It's time for us to hit the road, my friends!
I'm so sorry to part with you,
I don't want to say goodbye until I cry,
But don't be sad, in a year
Your Santa Claus will come again.
Snow Maiden
See you next year!
I will come to your Christmas tree again!
May it be 2015
Will bring you all joy,
Happiness in personal life
And great friends!
Happy New Year!
With new happiness!

New Year's scenario for students

primary classes

The song “New Year” sounds in Spanish. Masha Voinova.

(Children go out to this music and perform movements)


New Year is calling in a circle

All friends and all girlfriends!

To make it more interesting

We will start our holiday with a song.

Song about the Christmas tree “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”

Presenter 1: Guys, don’t you think we’ve forgotten something? We forgot to say hello to each other. And now, we urgently need to correct the mistake. I'll start. I will go around the circle, lightly hitting everyone on the shoulder with my palm. At the same time I will say the words:

The one who grows up polite

Will not pass by a friend.

Even in the most terrible hurry

"Hello!" he will pronounce.

After the last word, the driver and the one who was tapped on the shoulder run in different directions in a circle. But at the place where they meet while running, they must shake hands and say “Hello.” After this, they must take an empty seat; whoever does not have time, drives.

So here I go.

Game "Hello!"

Leading: Well done, here we are and said hello. Now, let’s smile at each other and sing the song “For the New Year.”

Song : "On New Year's Eve."

Leading: I have already seen that all of you guys are polite and cheerful. Now let's check how attentive you are. I will ask you questions. And if you agree, answer “we”, and if you don’t agree, then remain silent. Be careful! So, let's begin:

- Who is celebrating the New Year?

-Who dances and sings?

- Who receives gifts?

- Who hurts kids?

- Who is so good here, goes sunbathing in galoshes?

- Who comes to school right on time for the third period?

- Who is not afraid of frost and flies on skates like a bird?

- Which of you scores a goal through the windows in a game of football?

- Which of you gives up a seat to older people on a crowded tram?

-Which of you I want to know is a bully and a brawler?

- Which of you I want to know loves to sing and dance?

Presenter 2: If you guys love to sing and dance, then let's all dance togetherDance of little ducks.

Well done boys. Raise your right hand up. And pat yourself on the head.

Guys, do you like receiving gifts? Santa Claus will definitely bring you gifts, but you know that he himself loves to receive gifts, but they very rarely give them to him. Let's all prepare a gift for Santa Claus together.

Now repeat the movements after me and count to three.

- We’ll turn around on the spot (one, two, three)

- We’ll turn around on the spot (one, two, three)

- Let's smile at Santa Claus. (one two Three)

Soon, very soon, Santa Claus will appear here. What weather does Santa Claus like? (snowy) And we have little snow this year. Now you all turn into snowflakes, when the music plays, you must run and spin like snowflakes. And when the music ends, you should flock into small snowdrifts of 5 people.

Music " Silver snowflakes» snowflakes flew. And now we're flying into the snowdrifts.

A game. Snowflake - snowdrift.

Presenter 3: You've made such big snowdrifts, which means it's time to play in the snow. Do you like to play snowballs? What do we do first? (we bend down, take the snow in our hands; we roll a snowball, throw it far, and then all over again). Now let's all play together to the music"New Year's 2011".

Snowball game

Well done guys! You know, while we were playing, the postman brought a letter. Interesting. Who is it from?

“Santa Claus will not come to your holiday, he has lost his way. To help him, you must complete tasks. For each completed task you will receive a star, and they will show the way to Santa Claus to you.”

1.Guess the prankster riddles in just half a minute.

On New Year's Day, before overeating, he ate sweets and jam.

He lived on the roof, poor thing, his name was... (Carlson)

He plays a little harmonica for passers-by

Everyone knows the musician, his name is... (Crocodile Gena)

He was a rain cloud and walked home with Piglet.

And of course he loved honey. This is... (Winnie the Pooh)

The river begins with a blue stream,

This song was sung loudly

Three funny... (Little Raccoon)

Presenter 4:

2. Take part in competitions.

" Flight to hot-air balloon» - To participate in the competition you need 2 people. You need to ride the ball and try not to let it fly out. “Fly” the ball around the Christmas tree. Whoever manages to arrive first without losing the ball wins. (Music…)

"Hold the snowflake" - You need to blow the snowflake from the bottom up so that it stays in the air and does not fall. The winner is the one who keeps the snowflake in the air the longest.(Music…)

3. Sing a song about a forest dweller who loves to sleep in winter, and is also a big gourmand. Guys, who is this, this is the task (this is a bear). What song do you know about a bear? (Why does a bear sleep in winter?

Then let's eat.

Song: “Why does the bear sleep in winter.”

Let's lay out a path of stars and call Santa Claus:

Santa Claus!

The song “Russian Santa Claus” is playing.

Father Frost: Hello guys! It still sounds dull!

Hello guys! Now your answer is not bad. It almost made me deaf.

Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Congratulations to all guests!

I visited you a year ago. I'm glad to see you all again.

You've grown up and become big, and then you recognize me?

I walked to you from the forest for a long time to get to your tree.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, it’s time to light the lights on our beautiful Christmas tree.

Father Frost : Guys, do you all know the magic words that can make our Christmas tree more beautiful? Let's say in chorus one, two, three, Light up the tree with lights!

Father Frost: Let's get up, friends, in a big round dance, let each of you sing now.

Snow Maiden: If you are happy today,

you'll be happy all year long.

Get cheerful

New Year's round dance.

Let's sing a song:Snow Ball.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, would you come up with a game to amuse the kids?

Father Frost: Okay, let's continue the celebration

Playing the game “Prankish Snowman”.

And the point of the game is this

I will catch "snowflakes" (girls),

And you are the Snow Maiden of snowballs (boys).

We'll catch you and freeze you

We'll ask you to sing later.

(music is funny)

Leading: Grandfather Frost, you are probably tired, sit down for a while, and we have prepared a gift for you, and now we will show it.

"Let's smile at Santa Claus"

- We'll go right now (one, two, three)

- Now let's go left (one, two, three)

- We’ll turn around on the spot (one, two, three)

- Let's smile at Santa Claus (one, two, three)

- We'll sit down for a while. (one two Three)

- And we’ll lie down a little more (one, two, three)

- We’ll turn around on the spot (one, two, three)

- Let's smile at Santa Claus. (one two Three)

- Trample our feet (one, two, three)

- And clap your hands (one, two, three)

- We’ll turn around on the spot (one, two, three)

- Let's smile at Santa Claus. (one two Three).

Father Frost: Well done boys! Now tell me, do you obey mom and dad?

Father Frost : But now we will organize a Festival of Disobedience. You will do the opposite. If I go right, where will you go? (left). If I say yes, you say what? (impossible) Is everything clear? Then let's begin.

- You can't eat snow.

-You can cross the street at a red light.

- But in winter you can’t walk without a hat.

- And you can offend kids.

- And you can be rude to elders.

- But you can’t get bad marks.

- And you can’t tease an angry dog.

- What if she bites?

- But it’s true that our Christmas tree is not beautiful.

-And there are no toys on it at all.

- And you don’t know how to dance at all.

Snow Maiden: Let's check, Grandfather Frost, if our guys can dance.

I propose to dance a dance " New Year's toys" Let's learn the movements. Motor, we spin around ourselves, foot on heel, clap, we go to the Christmas tree, and from the Christmas tree.

Dance "New Year's toys"

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, today the guys prepared poems as a gift. Let's listen to them.

Children read poetry, Santa Claus gives gifts.

Father Frost : Well done guys, thank you for respecting the old man. I also noticed that all the guys came in New Year’s costumes.

Please stand up in a round dance, and the Snow Maiden and I will reward all the children who came in costumes.

Parade of children in New Year's costumes.

Father Frost: Happy holiday again, friends.

I must leave you.

May the New Year

It will only bring you joy!

Music sounds: Santa Claus and Snow Maiden are leaving.

Song "New Year 2011"

Marina Buksha
Scenario of the New Year's party for the elementary school “The Pranks of Baba Yaga”

Scenario for the New Year's party “The Pranks of Baba Yaga”

The cheerful hall shines today,

Sparkles with many lights,

Today we gathered at a party,

Your acquaintances and friends,

To celebrate in this hall

Day New Year's Eve soon!

Now let everyone be happy

And the lights are burning all around.

For laughter, joy and songs,

We called the guys here!

(children come out to the music)

Let's hold hands, friends,

And let's dance in a circle!

Not every day, but once a year

Coming to the New Year!


(buffoons run out to cheerful music)

th:What's that noise?

What's all the fuss? A real mess!

th:Are you comfortable, dear guests?

Can everyone see it?

th:Can everyone hear? Was there enough room for everyone?

th: Good health, honorable gentlemen!

th:We guys are just awesome!

th:We are trying for you!

th: We are jacks of all trades,

You won't die of boredom with us!

Order! At this very hour

We will do everything for you!

th:How many of you are here today?

I can’t read it in a day!

th: Both Sasha and Natasha are here!

Vanya, Ksyusha and Lyubasha

th: Vova, Slava, Petit –

That's what children are like!

th:We have been waiting for this day for a long time.

Haven't seen each other for a whole year.

th:Sing, ring with crafts,

New Year's round dance!


th:And now I want to offer you one game,

th:Why you and not me?

th: Yes, why you and not me?

th:No, better let me!

Things won't work out that way for us. Let's be

th:Okay, I don't mind.

To me, Duna, slave,

Fitner, zinter, toad

I, the moon, am a slave.

Fitner, zinter, zhes!

I should host the game!

th:What a counting rhyme she is 100 years old!

I know the counting rhyme!

One two three four.

The boy lived in our apartment.

Skipped classes at school,

I was at football all the time.

th:Let’s try to spend it together so that we don’t quarrel.

th:Let's! Guys, complete our tasks and don’t make mistakes!

th:One, two - the game begins!

And it's frosty outside,

Come on, everyone put their hands to it!

th: There is no need for us to beat our heads,

Come on, everyone grab your ears!

th: Twisted, turned,

So your ears are warmed up.

th:They knocked on my knees,

They shook their heads,

th:Patted on the shoulders

And they sank a little.

th:Oh, guys, what do I hear?

Looks like they're coming here!

th:Come on, let's clap more cheerfully,

Let them find us soon!

Children clap their hands, the Snow Maiden enters the hall

Snow:Hello guys!

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, boys and girls!

Moms and dads!

Grandmothers and grandfathers!

Happy New Year!

And celebrate the New Year, friends,

We can't live without a song.


Snow:Oh, so many kids-

Both girls and boys!

Hello children!

Hello, guests!

The threat of winter is not terrible,

I'm not afraid of a blizzard!

I am the granddaughter of Grandfather Frost,

And I’m called Snegurochka!

th: Snow Maiden, the children have all come to the Christmas tree,

The guests are here but here's a question:

Where does our merry wander?

Good Grandfather Frost?

Snow:Let’s call him in unison m:

“Good Grandfather, ah!”- (3 times)

(Baba Yaga suddenly appears with the cat Buyan. The cat is holding a large box of matches)

BABA YAGA: Oh, have you forgotten me, my beauty? You sing here about winter, and about the Christmas tree! What's good about it? All long, prickly, angry. Now we'll have fireworks here. Brawler, set it on fire!

Snow Maiden: What are you doing! Why did they bring matches? Don't you know that matches are not a toy?

BABA YAGA: Oh, it turns out it’s not just little kids here. (Tries to hide the matches with Buyan). And I say, here again the old lady was offended, she was not invited to the holiday.

Snow Maiden: Of course, they didn’t invite you, because, as usual, you’ll do something. Who did you come with this time? (Looks behind Yaga and sees that Buyan has matches). Oh, you bastards! What are you planning on doing? (Baba Yaga and Buyan make a reservation with the Snow Maiden)

Snow Maiden: Children, is it really possible to leave such guests at the party? (No) Well, go away. (They refuse). Oh, you won't leave! (No) Then the guys and I will call Santa Claus and he will kick you out of the holiday.

BABA YAGA: (scared): Who? Oh, don't! We’d rather leave on our own, voluntarily. But we will show you more! (shakes his fist). Buyasha, follow me! (Leave)

Snow Maiden: Guys, you all know that Father Frost and the Snow Maiden come to us on reindeer. Let's play a game together. Repeat everything after me, just make sure you don’t make a mistake!

(A game "The deer has a big house")

(The noise of an engine is heard, Baba Yaga flies into the hall on a broom with her friend Cat Buyan. Women Yagi has a toy Santa Claus under his arm, and Buyan has a small backpack or bag over his shoulders).

Snow Maiden: Is it you again?

BABA YAGA: Yes we are. What about grandfather? Here's Santa Claus for you. (Puts down the toy).

CAT: And here is a bag of gifts for you (Takes off his backpack).

Snow Maiden: I do not understand anything.

BABA YAGA: There is nothing to understand here. Buyan and I turned your grandfather into a doll.

CAT: Just a couple of little things.

Snow Maiden: But we don’t believe you. The guys and I know what needs to be done so that Grandfather Frost comes to us for the holiday.

CAT: What do you know?

BABA YAGA: They don't know anything. And in general, we’ll call our friend Chufindra for help! Mumriks, chumbriks, scat - Chufyndra come to us now!

(Chufyndra appears in the hall with a roar)

CHUFYNDRA: Who called me?

BABA YAGA: Hello, Chufyndra! It was the cat and I who called you for help. Here the kids want to invite Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, but we want to stop them.

CAT: Help us, will you?

CHUFYNDRA: Yes, with great pleasure. You know that doing nasty things is my favorite thing! So, what are we going to do?

CAT: Let's confuse them, so much so that they forget all the words in the world!

CHUFYNDRA: Exactly! Let's hold a competition

For winter-winter "white" attention!

I will name a lot of things

And you will only "white" learn.

As I say about white and snow - clap,

And what about - what else - stomp.

Winter (cotton) Snowball (cotton)

Chanterelle (top) Snowdrift (clap)

Icicle (clap) Bunny (clap)

Herringbone (top) Sausage (top)

Ice cream (clap) Apple (top)

Candy (top) Grass (top)

Santa Claus beard (clap)

(During the game, the Cat and Baba Yaga try to confuse the children)

BABA YAGA: Ah well! Well, it’s okay, we’ll do some more nasty things to you now!

CHUFYNDRA: And now we’ll cut down the tree!

CAT: Exactly! Where's my axe?

Snow Maiden: Guys, Santa Claus has a favorite song. Let's all sing it together now. Grandfather will hear and come to us for the holiday. I don’t believe that these evil spirits could turn Grandfather into a doll, they don’t have such power!

BABA YAGA: You don’t even have to try! (Unsure) You won't succeed!


(After the song, the ringing of bells is heard. Father Frost and Snow Maiden enter the hall)


Hello kids!

Girls and boys!

Hello guests, hello viewers!

Hello dear parents!

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

May it bring joy to everyone,

May this one be happy

Good old new year!

SNOW MAIDEN: If there are blizzards and blizzards,

It's snowing outside the window,

If the river is covered with ice -

We are celebrating the New Year!

(At this time, Baba Yaga, Chufyndra and Buyan are trying to hide somewhere)

Snow Maiden: We are so glad to see you, grandfather! After all, Baba Yaga and the cat deceived us.

FATHER FROST: What happened to you?

Snow Maiden: Look, grandpa. Baba Yaga and the cat Buyan deceived us, they said that they turned you into a doll.

FATHER FROST: Into a doll? This one? Oh you hooligans!

Snow Maiden: Yes, and they also called their friend Chufyndra and wanted to cut down the Christmas tree.

FATHER FROST: Aren’t you ashamed? Aren't you ashamed, Baba Yaga?

BABA YAGA: Not at all.

FATHER FROST: And you, Chufyndra?

CHUFYNDRA: No. Be! (sticks his tongue out at Santa Claus)

FATHER FROST: Oh, you feisty ones! Oh, you old ones! Guys, let's punish them. They don’t like to dance, but we will force them. (Claps hands) One two Three! Come on, grandmothers, dance!


BABA YAGA: Oh, I can’t dance. Oh, now I'm going to fall.

CHUFYNDRA: Let us go, Frost, Oh, we are tired to the point of tears!

FATHER FROST: One two Three! Music stop!

BABA YAGA: Oh, well, let's be kinder,

CHUFYNDRA: And we will love all children.

FATHER FROST: Aren’t you ashamed, cat?

CAT: Ashamed. Well, then I will behave decently, just don’t kick us out of the holiday!

BABA YAGA: Please, huh?

FATHER FROST: Okay, we'll believe you.

And now on our Christmas tree

It's time to light the lights!

Let her become elegant

And it shines until the morning!

(3 times)

Come on, together, one, two, three!

Our Christmas tree, burn!

(Children repeat the magic words three times, the lights on the Christmas tree light up.)

SNOW MAIDEN: And celebrate the New Year, friends,

We can't live without a song,

Now we’ll sing about the Christmas tree,

And we'll go around it.

Come, honest people!

The Christmas tree is calling us to itself.

Join the round dance

Let's celebrate the New Year with songs!

BABA YAGA: Nice tree! Is it good, guys?

Yes, but someone is missing. Do not know?

And I'll tell you a riddle.

The best swing,

Flexible vines.

Who swings on them?

This. (monkeys)

Buffoon: That's right, the monkey mascot is missing.

Buffoon: Why monkeys?

Buffoon: Yes, because according to the eastern horoscope the coming year is the year of the monkey.

Snow Maiden: But where is the talisman?

After all, he must announce the arrival New Year.

FATHER FROST: Who will help us find him?

BABA YAGA and CAT: We! We will definitely find the monkey. (run away)

Buffoon: Until the talisman is found, let's dance!

(while the guys are dancing, Baba Yaga, a cat and a monkey appear)

Buffoon: Friends, don’t spare your palms,

Symbol New See you soon!

Monkey: Hello, dear guests!

The old year is ending

Good old year!

We won't be sad

After all, a new one will come to us!

Buffoon: I suggest you don’t stand, dance with the Monkey!


FATHER FROST: The monkey had a lot of fun with us.

Bab. Yaga: We wish you happiness and good luck!

Good health to boot!

Cat: Happy, fun holidays!

But don't forget about school!

Buffoon: Study for 4.5

Help mom around the house!

Buffoon: We wish that every home

He was rich in peace and warmth!

FATHER FROST: And now it's time to say goodbye,

Get ready for the journey,

But next year too

I will definitely come to you.

Snow Maiden: Us. Friends, don't forget.

Thank you for your attention!

We won't tell you: "Farewell",

In chorus: A “See you, goodbye!”

A game "The deer has a big house"

At the deer (we depict horns by placing our hands to our head with fingers spread)

House (we connect the tips of our fingers on our palms at an angle, depicting a roof over our head)

Big (we spread our arms to the sides, showing how big his house is)

He looks out his window. (hold one hand horizontally at chest level, support the head with the palm of the second hand, the elbow is on the first hand)

Bunny runs through the forest (we use our fingers to depict a running hare)

There's a knock on his door:

Knock, knock, open the door, (pretend to knock on the door)

There in the forest (point over your shoulder behind your back thumb clenched fist)

Hunter (we show how a hunter takes aim with a gun)

Wicked (makes a scary face)

Run quickly (simulate opening the door)

Give me your paw. (shake the baby's hand)

Scenario for New Year's party for elementary school



The last leaf is torn off,

The calendar was taken from the wall.

Congratulations have been waiting for a long time

January is just outside the door.

The old year is passing away

Its last page rustles.

Let the best that was not go away,

And the worst cannot happen again.

Let him not skimp on happiness,

Let him light the stars on time,

May all your wishes come true.

1st reader.

Let the frost play more merrily

Let it freeze your cheeks.

Happy New Year,

Happy year of joy, happiness, love.

2nd reader

Hours go by, days pass -

This is the law of nature.

And today we want you

To congratulate with new Year!

3rd reader.

We wish you a Happy New Year

All the joys in the world.

Health for a hundred years ahead

For both you and your children.

4th reader.

May the New Year you celebrate

Happy year will come into your life.

And all the good things you dream of,

Let it come true and definitely come.

Any New Year's song is performed. The Robbers run out.

(whistle, noise, screams).

Robbers. Why are you so smart? What's going on here?

Leading. Who are you?

Robbers. And we... (“We don’t want to live differently...”). So you won't have any New Year! We are taking your presenter and will not let Santa Claus come to you. (taken away and taken away).

Parents (stopping the robbers). Wait, what do the guys need to do for you to let go?

Robbers. Let your children amuse us. For example, they will dance some kind of dance!

Children perform the "Dance of the Little Ducklings."

Robbers. Well done! They amused us! Okay, we'll let your leader go. But we still won’t let you celebrate the holiday.

Leading. Robbers, let's agree this way: I'll tell you a few riddles, and if you can't solve them, then you won't bother us. Agreed?

Robbers. Fine. There has never been a mystery that we couldn't solve. Let's.

The presenter asks riddles.

He flies in a white flock

And sparkles on the fly.

He melts like a cool star

On the palm and in the mouth.


Carved, lace

Spinning in the air.

And how the palm sits

So right away - water.


Black, not earth,

Fluffy, not snow,

It heats, not the stove.

(Fur coat)

No arms, no legs,

And he draws patterns on the windows.


Let me be a small bird,

I, friends, have a habit -

When the cold starts,

Straight from the north here.


The robbers could not guess a single riddle correctly.

Robbers. How much we don't know! I'll have to go to school to get smart! Guys, forgive us! Can we stay at your party? We will be good and obedient!

The robbers remain.

Leading. Dear guys, dear guests, I invite you to play the game.


\Robbers carry out

Win-win lottery

1. By chance, you received Georgian tea as part of your ticket.(Tea)

2. Keep your face and hands clean.

You got a piece of scented soap for your ticket.(Soap).

3. Dimensionless vessel for various volumes of liquid.(Ball)

4. To prevent teeth from hurting,

Clean them at least once a week.(Toothbrush)

5. We wanted to win a flashlight,

But I just got a ball.(Ball)

6. You should be happy in abundance from the lottery now:

To you wonderful postcard,

Got it as a souvenir from us.(Postcard)

7. You will receive a balloon,

Fly into space to the stars.(Ball)

8. A rather rare surprise for you -

Two paper napkins. (Two paper napkins)

9. Get it - hurry.

A notebook for you: write poetry.(Notebook)

10. Don’t get sick, be strong,

We hand you the pills.(Vitamin tablets)

11. You look great:

Both clothes and hairstyle.

And the reward is not in vain

You won - a comb.(Comb)

12. To distinguish the days well,

You need to know the calendar well.(Calendar)

13. About all the news in the world

Read it in the newspaper.(Newspaper with crossword puzzle)

14. You listen to advice:

Fruits are the best diet.(Fruits)

15. You got the candy

Come visit us.(Candy)

16. To find out your income,

A notepad will come in handy.(Notebook)

17. “Hurray!” - shout at the whole world,

Your car is a souvenir.(Machine)

18. So that your hair is beautiful -

Receive a comb as a gift.(Comb)

19. There is no typewriter –

We offer this item.(Pen)

20. In life you have to hope for the best,

Take glue if something doesn't stick.(Glue)

21. To write to you beautifully,

Hurry up to get a pen.(Pen)

22. This piece will correct the mistake,

This eraser is called an eraser.(Eraser)

23. This is not a cup, this is not a watering can.

This is the line everyone needs.(Ruler)

24. Always sharpen your pencil

And get a sharpener.(Sharpener)

25. I got into the car and drove off,

You arrived at Cola quickly.(Machine)

26. Japanese camera.(Mirror)

27. Preparation for jaw development.(Gum)

28. Measuring device of the highest accuracy.(Ruler)

29. Music center.(Whistle)

30. This item will be useful to you

Study for “A” grades.(Pen)

Leading. Guys, the New Year is coming very soon. Who do we need to celebrate this holiday?

Guys. Ded Moroz and Snegurochka.

Leading. That's right, guys. Let's call them.

Their names are Father Frost and Snow Maiden. Hear "Song"

Santa Claus"

Baba Yaga flies in on a broomstick.

Robber . Listen, old woman, is there a case?

Baba Yaga. Who is this “old woman”, rotten stump? Who are you talking to like that, you miserable icicle!

Robber. Sorry lady! I was wrong!

Baba Yaga. And don't come near me, I'm offended!

(singing) Don't come near me, I'm offended

Not the approach - once and for all.

I'm offended, don't ever come near me again.

Robbers . You are our most beautiful! You are our wisest! You are our oldest!

Baba Yaga . Again?!

Robber . I won't, I won't! It's gone!

Baba Yaga . Okay, so be it. Speak!

Let's call them.Names of Father Frost and Snow Maiden

(aliens from outer space appear to the accompaniment of cosmic music).
P1: Hello!
P2: Hello, earthlings!
P1: We flew from space, or rather from Mars, to see how you are doing
Earth, welcome the New Year!
P2: (pointing to the Christmas tree) What kind of palm tree is this?
(children answer in unison)
P1: What grows on the Christmas tree? (a game)
Cones and needles?
Baked apples?
Are the beads gilded?
Bears and firecrackers are different toys.
P2: Now we will remember and also put up a tree for the New Year.
P1: And we heard that New Year is fun party where songs are sung and
They lead round dances.
P2: Can you show us what a round dance is and what songs are sung in it?
(they join a round dance and perform “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”).
P1: That's great!
P2: Yes! If it were possible, we would stay with you.

Voice of B.Ya.: Hello! Kiki! Are you there?
K: Yes, in place, in place.
Voice: Do you remember everything?
K: Yes, I remember that I completely...
Voice: Look, don't give yourself away!
K: I won’t give it away.
(communication noise is interrupted).
K: Oh, where did I end up? Your Christmas tree is so beautiful.
Has Santa Claus come yet? Oh, well, I'll wait for him.
P1: Why do you need D.M.?
K: Oh, who are you to ask me?
P2: We are aliens from outer space.
P1: Or rather, from Mars.
P2: Arrived on earth with a special task.
P1: We too, we need D.M.
K: What! Chevo! Yes, you know who D.M. is, yes, he is friends with winter, and she
very cold and angry.
P2: We won’t believe it for anything.
K: Let the guys tell you about winter.
K: Hey, what's your name? Why do you need this, our D.M. did you need it?
P1: We also want to celebrate the New Year in space.
P2: Yes, for real.
P1: We were ordered by any means D.M. deliver
(noise, phone ringing).
K: Hello, Yagusya, we have some rivals here, they also want D.M. kidnap.
B.Ya.’s voice: Kiki, why did you lose your mind at the holiday? What are the rivals? Who are they?
K: Yes, pieces of iron from Mars.
Voice of B.Ya.: Kiki, take them to the forest, and I’ll think of something now.
K: (addressing): Dear alien guests. And for you, really D.M. needed? So I know where he lives. It's not far, I can show you, let's go.
(Kick. He leaves with the aliens.
The Snow Maiden appears to the music).
SN: Hello, guys.
We have matured and become prettier.
Sn.: But I decided to come early to see if everything was ready for
meeting the holiday and D.M.
I was in such a hurry that I’m a little cold, can you help me warm up (Boogie Woogie Dance)
N.G.: Well done, guys! Well, since we have everything ready, it’s time for D.M. call for. So he
he's not lost, let's shout to him.
(children scream, D.M. appears)
D.M.: “Goodbye, guys!”
Sn.: You probably wanted to say hello to the guys.
D.M.: Well, yes, that’s what I said.
sn: Grandpa, the guys have been waiting for you. They also decorated the Christmas tree.
D.M.: Yes, beautiful. And she seems kind of sad.
Sn.: Maybe we should light it?
Guys, do you know how to light a Christmas tree?
D.M.: I know. Should I take matches? No? Are there special words? How does it begin?
N.G.: Let’s figure it out ourselves.
Let's join hands together,
We'll sneak up to the Christmas tree.
Sn.: Let's say together: 1,2,3.
Light up the Christmas tree.

Sn: We have magical things - invisible hats, magic mittens. Now you will transmit them to the music. When the music stops, whoever has them left goes into the circle and completes the task. (shout “Happy New Year!”, jump on one leg around the Christmas tree, etc., the last task is the song – dance “New Year’s Stagecoach”).
Sn.: Where are the gifts for the guys?
D.M.: What gifts?
Sn.: Grandpa, you started to forget everything.
Sn.: Guys, let’s remind D.M., who he is and what he should do

should I sing a song about him?
(song “Russian Santa Claus”
sn Grandfather, where is your hat? Guys, no one saw it? Maybe grandpa dropped it while he was dancing?
D.M.: Snow Maiden, it’s time for us to light the Christmas tree.
Sn.: What are you talking about, grandpa, the Christmas tree has been burning for a long time.
D.M.: Oh, I’m an old fool, with a hole in my head. All my memory is in my hat. Where did I leave it? I don't remember anything. I remember how I left the house, I was walking through the forest - I remember, and I had a hat on, I remember... Guys, maybe yours a hat will do?
Sn.: No, their hats won’t suit you. Yours was magical, covered with frost.
Sn.: I think we should go along the same path as D.M. got there, maybe we
Let's find a hat and gifts.
And while we’re walking, let’s sing a song??????

Sn.: And so as not to get lost, we will go in a friendly chain, otherwise you never know what kind of magic awaits us.
Robbers. And we know where Santa Claus's hat is. The aliens have it
sn.: Until the guests flew to Mars and took D.M.’s hat with them. we must hurry to find them.
Sn.: You guys sit quietly, but keep your eyes open, and when the time comes, so we
(under the sound of a blizzard, Kikimora rushes about, looks out, listens to the ground)
Kik.: Where are they? Here are the pieces of iron...
(aliens with D.M. hats come out to cosmic music)
Kik.: Well, finally!
(They give the hat to Kikimora).
P1.: Listen Kiki, why do we need a hat without D.M.?
Kik.: What are you talking about! This magical hat contains songs, poems and games.
P2.: That's how it is!
Kik.: Here’s how (puts on D.M.’s hat)
song Christmas tree
P1: That's great. Can you try it on for me?
(puts on a hat and reads New Year's greetings).
Kik: She can even read minds.
P2.: How is that?
Kik: How? How? The hat is magical. You can guess what the guys are thinking about.
(P2. Puts a hat on the children, parents - cuts from songs sound).
P2.: Well, that's it, we have to go. We've got our hat, let's fly...
Kik.: Uh, uh, where did you fly? My hat...
(they begin to fight, roar, sound of thunder and lightning).
Kik.: How is it that you dear guests haven’t eaten or drunk and are about to fly away. Before we go on the road, let's go visit and sit...
P1.: And guests are well received.
P2.: And who will we go to visit?
Kik.: And to this... To the frog.
P1.: Is she kind?
Kik.: The kindest thing you can eat.
P2.: Yes, kind. Let's go quickly. (They run forward, Kick slows down).
Kik: Calling B.Ya. Hey Yagusenka, I sent you a piece of iron, feed them fly agaric mushrooms, and add something like that so that they are like D.M. didn't remember anything. And I, this one... I’ll take a walk in the forest and find out if everything is in order in our forest.
(goes in the other direction, D.M. appears to the music
“A Christmas tree was born in the forest”).
D.M. I wander through the forest all day, not a single living soul. Somehow my Christmas trees are not covered in snow.

D.M.: What kind of miracles are these?
Kick: (sits on a stump, cracks seeds) And these, grandpa, are the children who came to the holiday.

Kik.: Are you old and don’t remember anything?
D.M.: Yes, I don’t remember the green one. I don’t remember how I lost my hat.
Kick: Do you want me to tell you where your hat is?
D.M.: Well... You know what?
Kik.: Otherwise. So that's it. This piece of iron arrived. And two came out of it
other pieces of iron who stole your magic hat.
D.M. So so so. What should I do now?

P1.: Hello Baba Yaga bone leg.
P2.: Oh, how I dressed up.
Sn.: Are you crazy? I'm no Yaga to you. I am Snegurochka, granddaughter of D.M. and daughter of winter.
N.G.: Are you probably guests from Mars?
P1.: Well, yes, they are the same.
Sn.: So you are the one who put D.M.’s hat on. stolen?
N.g. Take it back.
P2.: Whatever it is. Kiki said what's in it Magic power.
P1.: Yes, we need it ourselves.
Sn. Let's try to outwit them. (Whispers Sn.)
Sn.: Well, guests, let's play: whoever copes with the task will take the hat.

Riddles about the New Year?????

N.G.: Well, the guys won. We'll have to return the hat. (The aliens are looking for the hat everywhere).
P1.: We probably lost her.
Sn.: Couldn’t she have stayed at Kik’s?
P2.: Crying. We do not know.
N.G.: Yes, she’s cunning, she could have kept it. Let's go find Kiki.
(The heroes leave, Kiki appears, Kik.: Hey, D.M.
D.M.: What?
Kik: Well, how are you?
D.M.: I feel good! I'll fly to Mars...
Kik.: Like to Mars? Why go to Mars? What about us, as guys? You...(shakes his finger) don't joke like that.
D.M.: sings a song.
Kik: crying. Grandpa, dear, don’t
(heroes appear)
Sn.: What happened?
Kick: What happened, what happened. There will be no new year now.

Sn.: This is why

Kik: Yes, DM is going to Mars
Sn.: Grandfather?
D.M.: Huh?
Sn.: The guys are waiting for gifts.
D, M.: What guys? I don’t remember them, and I don’t even hear them.
N.G.: Guys, let’s sing together. Suddenly D.M. will hear us and remember everything (song - “New Year”)
Sn.: Well, what did grandfather remember?
D.M.: no (sings).
Kik.: I'll have to give up my hat. Suddenly he puts it on and remembers everything.
(Kik. gives the hat to Sn. She puts on DM

Everyone shouts: HURRAY!
D.M.: Dear guys! But I was just joking that I don’t remember anything. I wanted to check how friendly you are and how ready you are for the New Year. You are just great

P1.: Now let’s fly to us.
Kik: Yes! We've never been there.
D.M.: But first I have to congratulate the guys (Congratulations to the good guys)

Song "Round Dance"


Hello, New Year's holiday, sparkle of lights,
Hello Christmas tree, welcome guest, friend of children.
All in new toys, in lights,
All covered in silver firecrackers and flags.
A very important guest arrived for our New Year's holiday.
He has a bright complexion, a beard like white fur,
interesting gifts he prepared for everyone.
He will congratulate you on the New Year, dance with you and sing with you.
Who is our guest, guys, this...

Baba Yaga comes out, kikimora, goblin, dashingly

Baba Yaga. ...This is Grandma Yaga. And I will dance and sing and give gifts. And then every year Santa Claus, and Santa Claus.

Kikimora. Why is our Baba Yaga worse?

Leading. Yes, the guys and I somehow didn’t expect this. Where is Santa Claus anyway?

Leshy. Where where. Resting. That's where.

Baba Yaga. (evil spirits) I lost my grandfather, dear, you will have a grandfather. Behind me! (runs away)

Leshy (leader)

And you keep quiet, otherwise I’ll take you into the dense forest, cook it and eat it!

Famously. (Children)

And you too keep quiet, or else...

They run away. The Snow Maiden runs in.

Snow Maiden. Grandpa, oh!

Baba Yaga enters, disguised as Father Frost.

Snow Maiden. Grandfather, where are you behind? I'm looking for you everywhere.

Baba Yaga. Why look for me? I'm here. As agreed, he came.

Snow Maiden. Where did you leave the faithful snowflakes?

Baba Yaga. Whom? Ah, snowflakes! Yes, here they are, our snowflakes. You just need to lure them and they will fly. (Calls snowflakes) Come to me!

Evil spirits run out dressed as snowflakes.

Snow Maiden. Some strange snowflakes.

Baba Yaga. Yes? But I didn’t even notice. (Looks at them) snowflakes are like snowflakes. Start singing!

Evil spirits. We are funny snowflakes. We are smart fluffies.

Baba Yaga. At ease. One, two.

Snow Maiden. Well, okay, come on, grandfather, congratulate the guys.

Baba Yaga. I? But as?

Snow Maiden. What are you saying, grandpa, we need to do round dances, light the Christmas tree, give gifts to the kids.

Baba Yaga. It's all me?

Snow Maiden. Certainly. You are Santa Claus.

Baba Yaga. Wow, what a troublesome position, and at my age! Well, let's sing songs about the Christmas tree and dance in circles. Snowflakes, sing!

Evil spirits. There was a Christmas tree in the forest with only one needle!

Snow Maiden. Wait, wait, this is the wrong song! Now the guys will show you how to do it right.

Round dance.

Baba Yaga. There were round dances, give me some kerosene and matches.

Snow Maiden. For what?

Baba Yaga. What do you mean why? I will light the Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden. You are not ordinary today, grandfather, the Christmas tree is lit with the help of magic words and your magic staff. By the way, where have you been so late?

Baba Yaga. Yes, I mean, I've been watching football. I like how they skate there...

Snow Maiden. What are you saying, grandpa, skating is hockey.

Snow Maiden. Play a New Year's game with the guys.

Baba Yaga. A game, you say? What should we play? Let's go hide and seek! Climb into that bag, Snow Maiden, and we will look for you.

Snow Maiden. No need, grandpa, we always played trickle!

Baba Yaga. Now let's go hide and seek.

(The evil spirits push the Snow Maiden into the bag.)

Hooray! Ours took it!

Leading. Well, what have you done! The guys have neither Santa Claus nor Snow Maiden left!

Baba Yaga. What am I supposed to do! Now the guys and I will play.

Game "Brownie"

Baba Yaga. Fine. I met a real brownie directly. What's next for us?

Leading. It's time to light the Christmas tree, only forest dwellers always helped Santa Claus.

Baba Yaga. Is this the goblin with Kikimora?

Leshy and Kikimora. We are here.

Kikimora. What to set on fire?

Leshy. Whom to scare?

Leading. Not really. Bunnies, squirrels, foxes.

Baba Yaga. Where can I get them? Why are these sitting here? Let them help.

Game "Imagine an animal"

Baba Yaga. Okay, it's time to say the magic words. Hey, Christmas tree, burn!.. Burn, burn clearly, so that it doesn’t go out!.. It’s not all right.

Leading. Need to swing with a magic staff, and we will say: “One, two, three, Christmas tree, burn!”

Baba Yaga. Let's! (waves his staff).

Famously. Let's set it on fire, why are you bothering?

Santa Claus enters.

Father Frost.
I am a real Santa Claus, from a deep, dense thicket,
Where there are spruce trees in the snowdrifts, where there are snowstorms and blizzards,
Where the forests are dense and the snow is loose.

Hello, kids, girls and boys!

How beautiful and elegant you all are!

It's kind of quiet here. Don't you sing songs, don't dance?

The evil spirits slowly run away, Baba Yaga sneaks towards the exit.

Father Frost. Where is my Snow Maiden? (sees Baba Yaga) Who else is this?

Baba Yaga. I'm Santa Claus!

Father Frost. Who am I then?

Baba Yaga. How do I know? Maybe Koschey the Immortal!

Father Frost. Ah, that's it! (waves his hands)
The blizzard breaks out, bend below the pine, spruce,
I’ll fill up everything that’s in this forest, I’ll bring it in!

Baba Yaga. Calmly, without nerves, please, I can wave my hands.

Leading. Wait, now the guys will judge us. Whoever guesses the riddles becomes Santa Claus.

Father Frost. Riddle, I love riddles.

The two of us rolled the ball together.
He's wearing an old hat.
The nose was attached
and instantly it turned out...

Baba Yaga. Water. He's the one who always wears an old hat.

I can’t feel my legs with joy,
I'm flying down a snowy hill.
Sports have become dearer and closer to me.
Who helped me with this?..

Baba Yaga. Koschei the Deathless. He loves sports very much, especially fights with Ivan Tsarevichs.

Leading. Wrong again.

Father Frost. Who are you?

Baba Yaga. (Points to the side) Look who's there?

While everyone is watching, she runs away.

Father Frost. Where did he go? Where is my granddaughter? You can't do this without professionals. Eniki, beniks, forest animals appear in front of me!

Hares enter.

1 hare (into the walkie-talkie) Kosoy is the only one in touch. Reception.

2 hares (into the radio) We went to the site, reception!

Father Frost. Hares, is that you?

1 hare The special forces squad arrived at the designated location.

2 hares We were tired of being afraid of everything, so we decided to train!

1 hare I'm not afraid of wolves or foxes in my native forest!

Dashingly (from around the corner) Oooh!

1 hare faints, 2 hare gives him first aid.

Father Frost. I'm in trouble, hares, the Snow Maiden is missing.

1 hare Special features (writes down)

Father Frost. My granddaughter, snowy.

Leading. She was stolen by evil spirits led by Baba Yaga.

2 hares Special characteristics of the leader.

Leading. Yes, what are her signs? Old, evil, harmful.

Baba Yaga (from around the corner) And not old at all, but aged.

1 hare The task is clear. We get into position.

2 hares We begin interviewing witnesses.

1 hare Let's make a sketch of the kidnapper.


Father Frost. With these signs, you’ll find her right away, and I’ll go and have some ice cream in the refrigerator, otherwise it’s hot here (leaves).

2 hares (into the radio) Oblique 1 Oblique 2. The object in the right sector was not detected. Reception.

1 hare (into the radio) The perimeter is clear. I go out to the collection point. Reception.

2 hares (into the walkie-talkie) I'm waiting there. End of connection.

Hares meet in the middle of the stage.

1 hare Message from the eastern sector: object spotted in the computer lab. Breaking into the Internet.

2 hares We'll take it.

1 hare Forward! For grandpa!

The hares are running away.

Evil spirits enter.

Kikimora (carries a huge carrot) Look, long-eared trackers, what do you want? Right now we’ll give you some carrots.

Leshy. And neither your grandfather nor your grandmother.

Famously. Did you forget the glue?

Kikimora. Goblin, do you have glue?

Leshy. So Likho must carry it.

Famously. You said you would take it yourself!

Leshy. Who said! I said? What did you say!

Famously. Who did you tell?

Kikimora. Okay, I took it. I wanted to check you out. Nothing can be entrusted!

Leshy. What?!

Famously. You're in trouble, friend!

Kikimora. Calm down, calm down. I was joking. Let's coat the carrots.

Famously. Apply more thickly so that they stick well.

Leshy. Don’t stick yourself.

Famously. Teach your grandmother to suck eggs.

Kikimora. Boys, I'm stuck...

The song of the hares can be heard from afar: “Our service is both dangerous and difficult...”.

Kikimora. Unstick me! The hares are coming!

Leshy. Sit down, don't twitch, we'll try to pull it away.

Famously. Here only with an axe.

Kikimora. Me myself!

The song of the hares is approaching. Kikimora tries to break away. Finally she succeeds. The evil spirits run away. Hares enter.

1 hare (into the walkie-talkie) Attention, the carrot object is straight ahead.

2 hares (into the radio) I see the object. I start grabbing (grabs the carrot and sticks it).

1 hare What do you have there (sticks)?

Evil spirits run in, with joyful cries, grab the hares and take them away.

Baba Yaga enters and leads the Snow Maiden with a bag on her head.

Baba Yaga. Where should I place you? Stand in this corner.

Santa Claus enters.

Father Frost. (sees Baba Yaga) Here you are, Baba Yaga! Give me back my Snow Maiden!

Baba Yaga. I took her into the dense forest. The devil is knocking her off the road, she will never come to you!

Leading. They, grandfather, also stole the hares.

Father Frost. Oh, you scoundrels, give back both the Snow Maiden and the hares, or I’ll freeze them!

Baba Yaga. We’ll give it away, we’ll give it away, but do the guys need them? Okay, just complete my three tasks.

Leading. Set your assignments.

Father Frost. The guys and I will make them quickly!

Baba Yaga. Who can wind up the magic ball faster?

Baba Yaga. Well, you completed the first task. Now let’s check which of you is the most attentive.

Baba Yaga. And the last task: who will dance my evil spirits!

Dance competition.

Father Frost. We have completed all your tasks. Give us the Snow Maiden and the bunnies.

Baba Yaga. Take it if you can get it out of the dense forest.

Father Frost. Well, guys, can we help? Let's help out our friends. So that they can find their way to this hall, we will now divide into two teams: crows and sparrows. At my command, each of you begins to scream in the voice of his bird. Let's start!

Baba Yaga brings out Leshy dressed as the Snow Maiden. The devil is exposed. A noise is heard, evil spirits run out shouting: “Help!”

Kikimora - Protect us, grandma!

Dashing - I don't want to die!

The Forest Fairy enters.

Santa Claus - Hello, niece, what made you leave your possessions?

Fairy - There are evil spirits in my forest domain. They are making noise, causing mischief, and have scared away all the animals in the forest. I endured and endured, and when Baba Yaga began to hurt my bunnies and put your Snow Maiden in a bag, I couldn’t stand it! Even though I am a Forest Fairy, I will cast a real spell.

Baba Yaga - Have mercy! Don't put a spell on us!

Goblin - I already stood in the deep thicket for a thousand years in the form of a stump!

Fairy - Then swear that you will never again harm good people

Evil spirits - We swear!

Scenarios New Year's holiday"Winter's Tale"

Snow Maiden
Father Frost
Baba Yaga
Cat Dranik

Children run into the hall and stand around the Christmas tree. The tree doesn't burn.

Ved.: Again we celebrate the holiday,

Happy New Year!

Near the fluffy Christmas tree

We start the round dance again.

Hurry up to visit us,

Dance in the bright hall,

Sing in play games,

Music calls us into the circle!

1 child: Multi-colored lights

This hall sparkles

And invites all friends

To the New Year's ball!

2nd child: So let the music sing,

We're starting the ball.

And invites everyone to dance in a circle

Happy carnival!

"New Year's toys."

3rd child: The windows were decorated by Grandfather Frost

And he brought snowdrifts in the yard.

Snowflakes are falling, a blizzard has begun,

A fresh wind blew on the large spruce.

4 children: We ran into the hall with songs and laughter,

And everyone saw the forest guest.

Green, beautiful, tall, slender.

It glows with different lights.

5 children: Hello, our Christmas tree,

Hello New Year!

Let everyone at the Christmas tree

He will dance and sing!

Ved.: In an old fairy tale, in a Russian fairy tale

There is a snow tower, and in it

The Snow Maiden is sleeping - the princess

Uninterrupted sound sleep.

She sleeps, but today,

Waking up from sleep,

Come to us for the Winter's Tale celebration

She will be a guest.

Elegant favorite

We are all looking forward to the holiday.

Our dear Snow Maiden,

Elegant, beautiful

We'll invite you to visit us.

All: Snow Maiden!

(Snow Maiden comes in)

Snegur.: Just before the New Year

From the land of snow and ice

Together with Grandfather Frost

I’m in a hurry to visit you here.

Everyone's on me the holiday is waiting,

Everyone calls her Snegurochka.

Hello guys,

Girls and boys!

With new happiness! Happy New Year!

With new joy for everyone!

Let them sound under this vault

Songs, music and laughter!

Various miracles happen on New Year's Day.

And today “Winter's Tale” invites us to visit. (Lights go out)

(The light turns on. Koschey lies by the tree, Baba Yaga sits nearby, preening. The cat Dranik enters, sits at a distance, washes himself with his paw).

Snow Maiden: Once upon a time there lived Koschey, Baba Yaga and the cat Dranik.

Dranik: Oh, and I got the owners, pure punishment!

Koschey's skeleton lies on the stove all day long,

And Yozhka has been spinning in front of the mirror for weeks, preparing for a beauty contest,

The beauty has been found!

B. Yaga: Slender little leg,

Ribbon in a braid.

Who doesn't know Yozhechka?

Everyone knows grandma.

Witches at the holiday

They will gather in a circle.

How does Yozhechka dance?

Love to look!

Dranik: Wow! I would like a poker and a broom for you,

Damned idlers!

Good people have everything in store for winter -

And pickles and jams,

And firewood, and kind words!

And you will stretch out your paws!

Koschey: We drank tea, ate potatoes,

The last wood in the stove has burned out...

What we are going to do?

B. Yaga: What to do, what to do?...

Let's eat the cat!

Dranik: Owners, have you gone completely wild?

We need to run away from here before we really get eaten out of hunger!

Snegur: Guys, while these idlers are gone, let's continue the holiday.

Song "Winter Fun".

Dranik: What evil people, they would only ruin everything, they’ve been like this all their lives!

Snegur.: Don’t worry, Dranik. They won't be able to ruin our holiday. Let's talk about mine

Let's talk to Santa Claus and the guys.

Guys, listen carefully to the questions and answer “Yes” or “No”.

Santa Claus is known to everyone. Right? (Yes!)

He arrives exactly at seven. Right? (No!)

Dranik: Santa Claus is a good old man. Right? (Yes!)

Wears a hat and galoshes. Right? (No!)

Snegur.: He brings a Christmas tree for the children. Right? (Yes!)

He comes with a gray wolf. Right? (No!)

Dranik: Santa Claus is afraid of the cold. Right? (No!)

He is friends with the Snow Maiden. Right? (Yes!)

Snegur.: Well, the answers have been given to the questions,

You know everything about Santa Claus.

And this means the time has come,

Which all the children are waiting for.

Let's call Santa Claus!

All: Santa Claus!

(Santa Claus solemnly enters, the cat leaves unnoticed)

D.M.: Hello guys,

Girls and boys.

Cheerful, funny,

The kids are very nice.

Congratulations on your happy holiday!

Low bow to all of you... pranksters!

Snegur.: Grandfather! What pranksters?

D.M.: Do you think that there are no pranksters among these guys?

Snegur.: Not a single one!

D.M.: Yes? Well, let's ask them themselves.

Guys, are there any pranksters among you? (No!)

What about the ugly ones? (No!)

What about the mischievous ones? (No!) And the naughty girls? (No!)

What about the good kids? (No!)

You see, Snow Maiden, there are no good kids among them either.

Snegur: Oh, grandpa, you’re joking again, and yet the Christmas tree is not lit yet.

D.M.: What is this? What a mess!

There are no lights on your Christmas tree!

So that the tree lights up,

You will use the words:

“Surprise us with beauty,

Christmas tree, turn on the lights!

Come on together, come on together!

(Children repeat the words, the tree lights up).

Snegur.: Guys, stand in a circle,

The music calls to the Christmas tree.

Hold your hands tighter.

Let's start the round dance!

Round dance "Santa Claus".

D.M.: Is there order in our domain, Snow Maiden?

Snegur.: What's the order, grandfather?

There is no snow, no icicles, I’m generally silent about the blizzard.

If only you could sprinkle some snow on the kids for fun!

D.M.: I’ll blow cold magical breath now - it will become cool and make you dizzy


Dance of snowflakes.

Snegur.: Wow, how much snow has piled up! Now you can play!

Game "Santa Claus and Children".

D.M.: Well, now it seems that the snow is in order, let’s check the rest.

Have you prepared any gifts?

Snegur.: Get ready!

D.M.: Have you built bridges across the river?

Snegur.: They set it!

D.M.: Northern lights hung...

Snegur: Oh, grandfather, we didn’t count the stars!

Suddenly so lost!..

D.M.: Yes, it’s a mess! You count from that edge, and I will be from this.

(D.M. and Snegurochka go into the background behind the tree, B. Yaga and Koschey appear)

Koschey: Look, some grandfather...

B. Yaga: And with him his granddaughter and a bag...

Koschey: What are we going to steal?

B. Yaga: Give me your granddaughter!

Koschey: No, a bag! Why do you need a girl?

B. Yaga: Do you have a granddaughter?

Koschey: No.

B. Yaga: Neither do I. If we steal her, she will do everything for us, and we will only steal

walk and lie on the stove.

Koschey: I like the bag better!

B. Yaga: Well, stupid! You will have to carry the bag, but the girl will go with her own feet.

Koschey: This is an argument! Let's take the girl!

B. Yaga: Hey, girl!

Snegur. (turns around) What?

B. Yaga: Would you like some candy? (shows a huge candy with his hands)

Snegur.: So big?

Koschey: Big, big! (takes out a small caramel)

(B. Yaga and Koschey kidnap the Snow Maiden).

D.M.: Three million six hundred eighty nine... Snow Maiden!

Did she fall into a snowdrift?..

Granddaughter! We have no time for jokes! The guys are waiting for us!

(Cat Dranik comes running)

Dranik: What is it? What's wrong?

What happened, Santa Claus?

D.M.: The Snow Maiden is missing! I was just standing here and she wasn’t there!

Dranik: Children, did you see who stole the Snow Maiden? (children speak)

D.M.: Oh, I see. Don't worry, they won't succeed!

My granddaughter is one with character! Well, if things get difficult,

We will come to the rescue.

(D. Moroz and the cat fade into the background, B. Yaga and Koshchei appear,

pushing the Snow Maiden in front of them)

Koschey (pushing Snow Maiden): Drag her through the snowdrifts! Punishment! And she said she’ll go herself,

she'll go on her own! What's your name?

Snow Maiden: Snow Maiden!

B. Yaga: Are you hard-working?

Snegur.: Me? Very! I love to draw on windows and I can count stars!

Koschey: We ourselves know how to draw on windows!

But, for example, can you cook cabbage soup?

Snegur.: Cabbage soup? Is it with cabbage?

Koschey (animated): With cabbage, with cabbage!

Snegur: No, I can’t. Grandpa and I love ice cream.

B. Yaga: Now she has tied herself around our necks. He doesn’t know how to cook cabbage soup!

Koschey (to Baba Yaga): I told you - you need to take the bag... And you still keep the girl, the girl...

B. Yaga: In general, Snow Maiden, you will now be our granddaughter.

Snegur.: What is it, the New Year is coming, but you have neither a holiday nor a Christmas tree?

Koschey: How is it not? Look, there are a lot of Christmas trees in the forest!

Snegur.: Oh, I'm talking about a decorated Christmas tree. Even children know about this.

Listen to the song!

"What's hidden under the tree?"

(Santa Claus enters to the sound of menacing music).

D.M.: Oh, there you are, robbers!

Give me my Snow Maiden, otherwise I'm one of you fir cones I'll do it!

Koschey and Baba Yaga: Oh, don’t, oh, we’re afraid,

We will surrender to you without a fight!

(They back away, run away and stealthily steal Santa Claus's bag)

D.M.: It seems that we got rid of these loafers, hooligans.

Now I want to listen to poems and songs.

And I’ll sit and rest, otherwise I was completely exhausted while wandering through the forest.

Children read poetry.

"The Christmas tree is a mischief-maker."

Snegur.: Everyone knows, on New Year's Eve

Each of us is waiting for a gift!

Santa Claus for someone in the morning

He brought them in a large basket.

But also for you here in good hour

Santa Claus has gifts in store!

D.M. (looks for the bag): It can’t be!

What's happened? I can't find the bag!

Snegur.: Or maybe you left it in the forest?

D.M.: No, I know for sure that I hid the bag somewhere here, but I can’t remember where!

(walk, look)

Snegur.: No, the bag is not visible here.

Grandfather, what a shame!

Really no gifts?

Will the children leave the party?

D.M.: How will they leave? I won't allow it!

I'll find the gifts!

Wait, children, we will come

And we'll bring gifts.

(D.M. and Snow Maiden leave the hall. Koschey and Baba Yaga appear.

Koschey is carrying a bag)

B. Yaga: Kosha, come here quickly!

Carry the bag more carefully.

Koschey: Wow! I barely carried the bag. And why is it so heavy?

There are probably a lot of goodies in it.

B. Yaga: Come on, come on,

Here, here!

How will we divide?

Koschey: And so! Was I carrying a bag? I!

This means that most of the gifts are mine!

B. Yaga: Look, what a smart guy!

Who gave you the idea to do such a thing?

(B. Yaga and Koschey argue, fight a little)

(Snow Maiden comes in)

Snegur.: You again? And what do you have?

Come on, come on! Bag!

(B. Yaga and Koschey block the bag)

B. Yaga: We found a treasure under a bush,

And there is no shortage of good in him.

Well, the others in our bag

Snegur.: Yes, this is Santa Claus's bag!

Koschey: We don’t know anything! This is our bag!

Snegur: Well, let's see, Santa Claus will come, then speak differently.

Guys, call Santa Claus!


D.M.: What happened?

Snegur: Grandfather, they found it, they found it! Here's your bag of gifts...

Koschey, Baba Yaga: We won’t give you a bag,

We'll eat everything in it ourselves.

D.M.: Well, if so, help yourself!

(Koschei and Baba Yaga, quickly pushing each other away, take them out of the bag

torn shoe, hat, various rags)

B. Yaga: We don’t want such gifts!

Koschey: Just holes!

D.M.: What they deserved is what they got.

Who touches my bag with dishonest hands,

That one gets rags and cast-offs from his gifts.

B. Yaga: Is it really New Year?

Will this happen without gifts?

Koschey: Eh, we want some treats!

We ask for your forgiveness!

Grandfather, Snow Maiden, forgive me

And give me a gift!

B. Yaga: We will improve, believe me,

We will start a new life!

We will be kinder, better

Every hour, every day!

D.M.: Well, guys, shall we forgive them? (Yes!)

Snegur.: Happy New Year

And we give you an order:

May you all be healthy

Getting better every day!

D.M.: So that there is

And fun and laughter.

Happy New Year, Happy New Year!

Congratulations to everyone, everyone, everyone!

See you next year!

Wait for me, I'll come!

(characters say goodbye and leave)