Scenario for a birthday party with close friends. Best birthday for your best friend. Scenario for a friend’s birthday, fun games, cool competitions - and congratulations

When your friend’s birthday comes, then you need to not only congratulate her beautifully, but also come up with a scenario for her birthday. And we came up with a scenario for a friend’s birthday with a possible option for decorating the venue. A birthday script for a friend will be the coolest gift from you to your friend. And she will answer you the same.

Scenario for a friend's birthday.

The scenario is designed for those who are ready to host a friend’s birthday themselves and believe in themselves, rather than hiring a toastmaster.

You need to start by decorating the room where the holiday (banquet) will take place. We offer you our decoration option: in addition to balloons, decorate the walls with photographs from your friend’s life - photographs of you together, photographs from childhood, photographs of some fun moments, etc. Also hang up handmade posters with congratulations or you can look at the option from our website. You can also attach a wall newspaper somewhere in a visible place, where you will wish your friend a happy birthday, short biography, naturally, photographs of the hero of the occasion, a place for congratulations from family, acquaintances, relatives and friends. You can see an example of the design. Stock up on prizes in advance that you will give to competition winners. Prizes can be not only practical, such as a key chain, but also fun, such as a clothesline. Give funny gifts (yes, in general, that’s all) with interesting sayings. For example, for a clothesline for a woman you can say: tie your husband tighter to you or young man. Make up your own sayings.

Magic tree.
Each guest is given a piece of paper in the shape of a leaf from a tree. They will have to write wishes to the birthday girl, but not simple wishes, but those that can come true. For example: have two children, get a dog, buy a car, get married, get rich, etc. After everyone has written, the leaves are attached to the magic tree so that the birthday girl does not see what is written on them. Then, when the moment comes, she will be led to a magic tree and she will “pluck” 3 leaves, the wishes on which will come true in the next three years (or 1 leaf, on which the wish will come true in the next year).

A feast is an integral part of all celebrations. And naturally, you need to prepare for it thoroughly. But you will do this yourself, it all depends on who will be at the holiday, where the holiday will take place and what your imagination is capable of. We can only offer each of the guests to make badges that will show who will be staying where. This can also be done competitively. For example, the table where friends will sit will be marked with some color or flower. Let's say Blue colour. Badges should have the same color as your friends. Or, let’s say, there will be a vase with a rose on this table, then a rose should be drawn on the badges. The relatives' table, naturally, will be marked with a different color or a different flower, and the relatives' name tags will have the same color or flower. And so it is for each of the guests. And the essence of the competitive moment is that whoever is the first of the guests to fully sit down at the table will receive a bottle of champagne or another drink.
Option for gifts for the birthday girl: if it’s not money, but some kind of thing, then you can make a special place for gifts, where guests will put their gifts (like under the Christmas tree on New Year), and the birthday girl will then open them and guess who gave it to her. If the gifts are money, then you can look at ours.
The guests sat down at the table. The holiday has begun. And you can start it with the words: Let's fill glasses, shot glasses and wine glasses with strong, entertaining and delicious drinks, and drink them to the bottom in honor of our birthday girl, and part-time (wives, sisters, daughters, colleagues - depending on the position) and myself best friend(Name).
At my friend's
Today is the best day
It's her birthday
Everyone congratulates her!
She amazed everyone with her beauty
She won our hearts!
I wish you happiness
So that there is no bad weather!
Let them admire you
Remain like this always!

Then everyone drinks and has a snack. Next come congratulations, which also depend on who will be at the holiday. If you are parents, then you need to start directly with them, but if you are just friends and acquaintances, then you assign the roles yourself. Not everyone should be congratulated at once. Again, if there are relatives, then the closest family ties come first, then again eating cooked dishes, competitions and subsequent congratulations.

Let's move on to possible competition options.

1. Advantages and qualities.
Everyone probably knows how to play cities. If anyone has forgotten, let us remind you: the name of the city is, for example, Samara, the next one must name the city that begins with the last letter of the name of this city, for example, Astrakhan. And so on. The essence of this game is the same, only instead of cities you need to name the qualities and dignity of the birthday girl. But not with adjectives, but with nouns. For example, beautiful - beauty, smart - intelligence, tender - tenderness.

2. Ostrich and sand.
Very interesting competition. Girls and boys participate in this competition, with one less girl. If there are 6 guys, then there are 5 girls. The girls place their hand on their waist so that it forms a semicircle and stand in a circle. This will be sand. And men, of course, will be ostriches. Music is playing. The end of the music will indicate danger, but what does an ostrich do when it is afraid? That's right, he sticks his head in the sand. Thus, when the music ends, the guys will have to squeeze their heads into the hole formed by the hand of a girl. The one who does not have time is eliminated and takes any of the girls with him. The game continues until only one girl remains. This is where the fun begins. As a rule, sand tends to crumble. Therefore, now the two remaining guys must stick their heads... into the legs of the remaining girl, spaced as wide as possible. Prize for the winner. And the girl too - for her courage!

3. Feed your neighbor.
Guests are divided into teams. A spoon is ready in front of each guest. On command, the first person (the one on the edge, usually) takes this spoon, fills it with the first thing that comes to hand (salad or something else) and feeds it to his neighbor on the right. The neighbor, after chewing everything, does the same. And so on along the chain until the last of the team is fed. And then, for more fun, everything is repeated, but in the opposite direction.

And to end the holiday, according to tradition, with dancing. And at the end of the birthday it wouldn't be bad


Phonogram of a birthday song. The presenters come out.

Presenter 1 : Come on, girls, a little

Everyone clap your hands (girls clap )

Hey boys, have fun

Stomp your feet, friends! (boys stomp )

Presenter 2 : Kids are in the hall today

Why were we called here?

What are we celebrating today?

Maybe New Year's holiday?

( children's answer ).

Why have we gathered here?

Maybe everyone got bored?

( children's answer )

Whose birthday is it today? (at Natasha's )

Who accepts our congratulations today? (Natasha )

For whom is the sun smiling in the sky today? (for Natasha )
For whom does a bright flower bloom in a field? (
for Natasha )
The birthday boy is right here! What's his name? (
Natasha )

Presenter 1: Come on, loudly, without hesitation,
Let's say together "Happy Birthday!"
(All repeat together )

Presenter 2: Today we celebrate the birthday of a wonderful girl, Natalya Evseeva, she turned 17 years old.

Natasha, congratulations!

And we all wish

All the best to you:

Health and laughter

More success,

Good luck and luck in fate!

Presenter 1: 17 years is the beginning adult life, this is farewell to childhood. Therefore, we decided to celebrate today’s holiday in a way we never did as children. The Day of Disobedience is declared! Today we will be mischievous, have fun and tease each other, and also scream loudly. Shout: “Happy Birthday, Natasha!”

(Everyone shouts. This is done several times so that the congratulations turn out loud and harmonious).

Presenter 2. And now we are together

Let's shake our heads

Let's work with our feet

Let's clap our hands.

Let's dance merrily

Raise the mood

On everyone's birthday, let

The friendly laughter does not stop.


(minus “If it’s fun for you, then do it)

The text in the verses is repeated, only the movements change.

1. You came to your birthday - have fun! (send a kiss to the birthday girl)

You came to your birthday - smile!

You came for my birthday

Having fun without a doubt

You came to your birthday - good!

2. (substitute thumb right hand to the nose, and put the thumb to the little finger of the left hand - the “Pinocchio” movement)

3. (puff out your cheeks and slap them, blowing out air with a sound)

4. (play on the lip index finger- this is how little children love to play)

5. (repeat all movements starting from the first verse)

Presenter 1. And in order to make your birthday fun, we will now solve riddles about this wonderful holiday.

Fulfillment of all desires -
Cool holiday –…(Birthday )

Dad baked it for the holiday
Sweet apple...(pie )

Abandon all your affairs,
Come visit us quickly...( guests )

In new packaging bright
In the room there is...( present )

Everyone who came to visit us
I'll ask you to go behind...( table )

Dressed in bright candy wrappers
Chocolate...( candies )

Open your mouth wider
Let's eat delicious...( cake )

You hold the cake tighter
I'm going to blow it now...( candles )

Don't be bored at the table
Drink hot with cake...( tea )

Presenter 2. I invite the birthday girl and all her friends to fun competitions.

    Competition "How it was"

Everyone gets a task. Participants must depict:

- How the birthday boy learned to walk.

- Depict what the birthday boy did as a child rhythmic gymnastics;

- How the birthday boy, sitting on the potty, called his mother.

- How the birthday boy selected his favorite toy

- How the birthday boy demanded in the store to buy him a toy.

    « Congratulation"

Burst the balloon, and in it the phrase “Happy Birthday!”, Glue it on a strip of paper. And tell everyone together.

    Competition "Self-Portrait"

Invite guests to draw a self-portrait of themselves. Prepare whatman paper in which you need to cut two holes for the hands and sheets of paper on which, in fact, the self-portrait will be drawn. The guest inserts his hands into the holes in the Whatman paper and, without looking, draws his portrait. The one who did it best, funniest, most beautiful takes the prize. Whatman paper can be replaced with a simple blindfold.

Presenter 1. And her friends rush to congratulate Natasha...

Song and dance "Birthday!"

Presenter 2. And we continue to have fun.

    Competition "Caterpillar".

All participants line up like a train and, holding each other by the waist, squat, imitating a caterpillar. The presenter asks the caterpillar to show how it sleeps; how she stretches, how she yawns, washes herself, does exercises, looks for food, eats, and goes dancing.

    "Mothers and Daughters"

The presenter offers to remember childhood and the game of “mother and daughter”. Participants are divided into two teams with an equal number of players. Each team is given bows. Participants stand opposite each other. The first one ties a bow for the second one, the second one ties it for the third one, etc. The last one ties first. The team that did it earlier and more accurately wins.

    "Magic bag"

During the dance, guests pass the box to each other. When the music stops, the one in this moment The box is in his hands, without looking, he takes something out of it and puts it on himself. Game continues.

Presenter 1 . Oksana Grigorievna, what other gifts do you think can be given for a birthday?

Presenter 2: Gifts can be different: big and small, long-awaited and unexpected, purely personal and for the whole team. It’s impossible to list everything! I suggest playing with gifts, and everything will become clear right away!

If what I call is to give to usCan

Then shout loudly:"Yes!" and clap your hands.

If anythingbad I offer you

Then shout loudly:"No!" and stomp your feet.

Will we give them smiles?

Scales from a red fish?

A ray of sunshine and spring?

And the snowdrops in the forest?

A kilogram of sweets?

A stool without legs?

Moans, tears, failures?

A very old, deflated ball?

Good behavior?

Fun mood?

Life's best moments?

And our loud applause!

Presenter 1. And now we move on to the most solemn thing - a festive cake for our Natasha!

To the soundtrack of the song “We congratulate you on your birthday, loving one,” a cake with candles is brought in, Natasha blows them out, she is given a gift, everyone claps.

Presenter 2. We invite everyone to a festive tea party.

Place of providence: apartment, cafe.
The host should preferably be a friend or girlfriend of the birthday boy.

- Hello. I think everyone knows why we have gathered here. Today is a significant day. And whoever does not think so, let him be the first to throw a stone at me. Exactly (...) years ago our beloved (name of the birthday girl) was born. First, let's remember how each of us met the birthday girl.
(guests take turns telling how they met the birthday girl).

All stories are different, but they have one thing in common - a happy acquaintance with our dear birthday girl. Before you, (name of the birthday girl), accept congratulations, I would like to give you a common gift, from all your close friends and relatives, with love.
(This present must be prepared in advance. Each guest should bring one or more photographs with the birthday boy, it is better if some of them are old and forgotten by the birthday boy. A photo album is compiled from these photographs, you can buy a ready-made one, or you can make it yourself and add a handwritten note to each photo personal congratulations).

And now it's time for the first one toast, which naturally will be for our birthday boy. And I, as the presenter, will be the first to congratulate my close friend on this wonderful day:
You are a loving daughter, you are a faithful and devoted friend, you are an excellent worker (student), you are an excellent housewife, you are simply incredible beautiful woman. I would like to wish you never to lose your cheerfulness. May your life be bright, eventful, cheerful and simply happy. After all, if you are happy, then we, your close people, will be happy. I love you very much, and no matter what happens in your life, you can rely on me, because I am one hundred percent sure that you yourself will always come to my aid. Happy birthday My dear! You will succeed in this life and all your dreams will come true.
(you can then invite guests to take turns congratulating the birthday boy)

You heard a lot of pleasant words addressed to you, a lot of warm wishes, but we didn’t finish there. In your birthday we just want to shower you with compliments. To do this, I will hold a small auction where I will sell one of your items for compliments.
(the presenter takes out the birthday girl’s personal item; these can be children’s toys or children’s clothing.)

To receive a lot, you need to describe any part of our body birthday girls, but don't repeat yourself. In addition, you need to use the pronoun “most”. I'll be the first to say: the birthday girl has the most charming eyes. And so, the auction begins.
When there is silence, the presenter says: “(for example) The most slender legs - one, the most slender legs - two,” and if the silence continues, “the most slender legs - three.” So, birthday girl We are all good, of course, but thanks to (the winner is called) we learned that she has the very best legs after all. The winner receives an honestly earned lot.

But this lot was bought by our birthday girl’s parents, it’s time to raise a glass to them. After all, only such wonderful people as (mother’s middle name) and (father’s middle name) could raise such a wonderful daughter. Thank you very much. ( Toast to parents)
(A short break is taken. The host calls several guests over and goes with them to a separate room. There they receive wigs and clothes. The guests must portray domestic stars, for example: Alla Pugacheva, Sergei Zverev, Stas Mikhailov.)

Our birthday girl is a noble girl, she deserves to be congratulated by the most famous people of our country.
One person called me and expressed a great desire to congratulate our birthday girl. I'll put it on speakerphone now.
(In advance, you need to record a ready-made audio greeting from D. Medvedev on your phone (such congratulations can be downloaded on the Internet). Turn it on and let everyone listen).
I think everyone agrees with the president’s words; you should definitely drink to this.
And now, with stormy applause, deafening applause, I ask you to meet our first guest.
(to the song “A Million Scarlet Roses” a girl dressed as Alla Pugacheva enters. She must portray a star for one verse)

- What kind of people we have here, the great Alla Pugacheva came congratulate our birthday girl. Why are you Alla Borisovna singing about a million scarlet roses, but you yourself came empty-handed?

Alla Pugacheva(the dialogue needs to be worked out in advance):
- A person like me is a gift in itself. I want to wish the beautiful birthday girl not to be afraid of anything in this life. I reached such heights only because I was always confident in myself. And you, baby, always be confident in yourself! Goodbye!

- Let's see off the prima donna with applause and at the same time meet our other guest.
(under song“More glamor” comes out a young man portraying Sergei Zverev. He depicts a star in one verse).

- I can `t believe my eyes!!! The king of glamor himself attended our modest event.

Sergey Zverev
- Star in shock.
(approaches, touches hair, evaluates face, looks dissatisfied)
I thought there was some little rascal sitting here, but here is a real queen. I don't even need to do anything, you're already amazing. Congratulations Happy birthday, always remain the same beauty and add as much glamor to your image as possible. Glamor rules the world! Thank you everyone, see you soon!

- I have no words, only emotions. I think we need to meet the next guest.
(a man impersonating Stas Mikhailov comes out to the song “Everything for You”)

- Stas, dear Stas, I ask you to give me an autograph, I adore your songs, I adore you.
(the presenter hangs herself on Stas’s neck, hands him his poster, but Stas pushes her away)

Stas Mikhailov(the dialogue must be discussed in advance):
- Wait, beauty, I didn’t come to you today.
(approaches the birthday girl, kneels)
Only for you, sunrises and fogs. For you, seas and oceans. For you, flower meadows. For you!
(kisses hand)
I'm in love! I have seen many women, but none are more beautiful than you. I will take you to the ends of the world, I will give you the starry sky.

- Stas, I think you have a wife!

Stas Mikhailov:
- Oh yes, I was daydreaming. All the best to you, big and strong love, it’s a pity that it’s not with me...

- Wow, what an incredible stir around our birthday girl. After such guests you need to move away a little. Let's raise our glasses for ensuring that our birthday girl is always surrounded good people.

I see that the guests are already having a lot of fun, a lot of energy has accumulated and the best thing to do now is to dance. But we will not dance quite normally. The music will constantly change, which means your movements should change and correspond to the sounding melody.
(it is necessary to include a pre-prepared selection of various melodies: waltz, rock, Russian folk melody, tango, Lezginka, oriental music, techno, etc.)

Well, I propose to raise our glasses and drink to our wonderful company, which has gathered thanks to our wonderful birthday girl, you are all great fellows and magnificent dancers.
Then the holiday can take its own course.

Happy holiday!

Girls' best friends are not diamonds, as is commonly believed, but real people - our dear girlfriends. We always want to share our deepest secrets with them and live together every happy moment of life.

To have more such happy memories together, give your best friend an unforgettable birthday with jokes, skits and fun competitions!


The main thing is to prepare the location of your holiday in advance. To celebrate your best friend's birthday, a reserved table in a cafe is not suitable, you need to use your imagination!

Here are some great places to congratulate someone or celebrate their birthday:

Choosing a venue is only the first step towards congratulations. The place definitely needs to be decorated! Bright colors will help you here air balloons– they can be inflated independently and scattered chaotically on the floor. Or you can order balloons inflated with helium and let them fly under the ceiling. At the same time, the hanging ribbons with which they are connected will add mystery to the room and make the atmosphere even more festive.

In addition to balloons, streamers, candles, flowers, soap bubbles are suitable (which you can also inflate yourself, or you can simply rent a special machine for inflating them) - whatever comes into your head will be suitable for decorating a holiday for a friend! And the more fun the environment is, the better.

Surprise Party

It just seems so easy to throw such a party. But the congratulation organizer must think about many things! To ensure that the party really turns out to be a surprise for the birthday girl, it is better to follow these tips:

Ideally, this should be her apartment - best friends often have keys to each other's homes. Or you probably know someone from your friend’s family and can persuade them to help you organize. If this option is not suitable, it could be someone’s apartment, this will be the easiest way to organize a holiday. But not yours - the birthday girl will immediately guess what’s going on!

  • By the way, about this - the birthday girl should never know that you are preparing something for her!

Try to carry out the entire preparatory process as unnoticeably as possible: behave naturally, do not hide anything (unless it concerns a party - then lie shamelessly!).

  • There must be invited guests at the party!

But the main rule of a surprise party should be special invited guests - only the most best friends and close people of your birthday girl.

Gift scene

Of course, you can simply give a gift with nice wishes and, as they say, “get over it.” Or you can prepare a real scene that your best friend will remember for a long time. For the next scene we need three girls and a presenter.

The presenter appears in the room with the words: each of us has heard the phrase “ female friendship"! But what is really hidden behind these insidious words? Let's find out!

3 girls appear, they laugh at something.

  • 2nd girl: and then it turned out that it was not a top at all, but a skirt! I had to apologize to his owner for a long time!

They laugh together.

Walk, people!

At a surprise party or a planned celebration for your best friend, there must be fun competitions and games with which you will entertain the guests, and most importantly, the hero of the occasion.

  • ABC

For this competition you will need leaves and pens according to the number of guests. On pieces of paper, guests write down the letters of the birthday girl's name in a column. The winner is the one who comes up with compliments or affectionate adjectives for each letter of the name the fastest. At the same time, compliments should not be repeated!

  • Artists

This competition can only be held if your birthday girl good feeling humor. For it you will need felt-tip pens of different colors according to the number of guests and whatman paper.

Guests line up in one column in front of whatman paper. The host announces that now the guests must draw a portrait of the birthday girl. The first guest is blindfolded, after which he draws only one part of the birthday girl’s body. The next guest is blindfolded... the game continues until the portrait is drawn.

This is where you need humor, because it’s simply impossible to draw beautifully while blindfolded! But that’s not all - looking at the portrait, the presenter begins to say a toast and give the birthday girl funny compliments. For example, if the portrait has big ears: “I wish you to have such ears that you can hear as many compliments as possible!” and if the eyes are painted in different colors - blue and green: “I wish you to have some zest in your image! For example, eyes of different colors are an almost unique combination in our world!”

There are a huge number of congratulation scenes; I would like to draw your attention to a scene in the style of Ghostbusters. Watch this scene in the video below.

If you want to show how dear your friend is to you, how much you value her and how much you value your friendship with her, then hold a holiday in her honor using the scenario for your friend’s birthday “Into Fire and Water...”.

A living corridor consisting of guests is organized in the hall. Balloons, firecrackers, and streamers are distributed to guests. The musical composition “Happy Birthday!” plays, and the birthday girl appears in the hall. The guests greet her with thunderous applause and shouts of “Hurray!!!” and “Happy Birthday!” The presenter makes a congratulatory speech and an introductory speech on the occasion of the birthday. After this, everyone is invited to the table.

The birthday girl is in the center. The first toast to the birthday girl sounds:

You and I through fire and water

And in any bad weather!

You are not a friend, you are a fighter!!!

In all matters, you are great!!!

We drink to you today!!!

We are happy to congratulate you!

Let's introduce you to the order,

And you will be rewarded!

Next, according to the scenario for a friend’s birthday “Into fire and into water...”, the award winner comes out - captain of the women’s guard, detective citizen O.P. Ivanyuk. (a girl dressed in a commander’s uniform in a tunic with shoulder straps and cavalry trousers, to make the captain look funnier, give her fake breasts and a gigantic butt)

Okay, comrades... We’re sitting, so we’re drinking... Don’t invite me!!! Attention!!! Pour into glasses one at a time! One gulp for the birthday girl, two!

So, I have been entrusted with an important task: watch, test, reward! Birthday girl, march to the center of the hall. Before receiving the Order “Into Fire and Water...” you must: A) go into a burning hut, B) stop the horse while it is moving, C) accept congratulations with honor and dignity. For the first test I will need a hut and fire.

The captain calls 2 girls and 4 guys. The girls will be a hut, and the guys will be fire. Girls should hold hands and raise them up like a roof. Young people wear bright wigs, they will be fire. The music turns on. The hut is standing. Young people dance around girls, pretending to be fire. Their task is not to let the birthday girl into the hut. The result is a funny mess.

Next, the scenario for a friend’s birthday “Into Fire and Water...” suggests the following test for the birthday girl - to stop the horse in motion. For this, 2 young people are called. They put on a horse costume. And they must dance in this costume, after which the birthday girl catches the galloping horse.

After this test, the captain of the women's guard, the detective officer, citizen Ivanyuk O.P. pompously presents the birthday girl with the order “Into Fire and Water!”

Then a gift giving ceremony takes place. And after the gifts, the dancing begins. And during the festive disco, the presenter holds various competitions.

Couple competition for the best striptease

2 guys and 2 girls are called. The guys will play the role of a pole, which the girls, dancing beautifully, will undress.

Creative competition “Dinner Party”

2 guys and 2 girls are called. The guys are seated on chairs, they must sit and not move. The girls' task is to decorate the guys with the food lying on the table. These could be bananas on your head, lettuce on your shoulders and cucumbers on your knees. The flight of fancy is appreciated by all those present.

Game "Locomotive of Friendship"

Everyone present participates. The guests stand one after another and move like a snake to the music. And the leader commands: “Grip on the right ear!”, “Grip on the left elbow,” “Grip on the knees,” etc. The task of those present will quickly be taken over to the place where the presenter said.

At the end of the festive evening, you can arrange fireworks.

Scenario for a friend's birthday "Into fire and water..."

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