Collecting things for the maternity hospital. What to take with you to the maternity hospital. What does a mother need in the maternity hospital - a list of everything needed for childbirth and after childbirth

Pregnancy is coming to its logical conclusion, and the expectant mother is faced with the question: what to take to the maternity hospital? What things are necessary, and what can you do without? How to sort all the essentials so that childbirth and the first days with your beloved baby are comfortable and joyful? So, on the day of giving birth, a pregnant woman must have with her documents and necessary things, which are conventionally divided into “three bags”: one for the birth itself, the other with things that the mother will need during the birth. postpartum period and the third - with things for a newborn baby. In addition, it is advisable to immediately prepare the fourth bag for discharge. You can immediately take it with you to the maternity hospital or entrust it to your relatives on the day of discharge.

When to pack your bag for the maternity hospital?

It is advisable to carry the necessary documents with you at all times from the 32nd week, because pregnancy is an unpredictable time. It is better to pack an “alarm suitcase”, that is, all the necessary things for the maternity hospital, laid out in bags, by the 36th week of pregnancy, since labor can begin at any time.

Which bag to take to the maternity hospital?

Sanitary rules and regulations (SanPiN) prohibit the use of fabric, leather or wicker bags in the maternity hospital as potential sources of the spread of pathogenic bacteria. All necessary items must be packed in plastic bags or packages. It is convenient for the woman herself if the bag is transparent - this will make it easier to find the right thing.

It is unlikely that the maternity hospital staff will react favorably to the large number of packages brought by a pregnant woman to the maternity ward. The division into 3 or 4 bags is conditional; ideally, have one bag with you.

You can buy ready-made “maternity hospital bags”, or you can assemble the contents yourself and put them in a plastic bag(s).

What documents are needed for the maternity hospital?

The list of documents for the maternity hospital is standard for all residents of Russia; in 2015 it remains similar to the list for 2014.

Documents required for the maternity hospital:

  • passport;
  • medical insurance policy;
  • an exchange card with the results of tests and ultrasound (otherwise the woman in labor is sent to the observation department of the maternity hospital as unexamined);
  • birth certificate (if you have not registered with antenatal clinic, it will be issued in the maternity hospital itself);
  • birth contract, if you signed one;
  • in the case of a partner birth - passport, fluorography, tests for the accompanying person.

In addition to documents, essential items also include a mobile phone with a charger.

List of things to take to the maternity hospital: what should you take for childbirth? (bag 1)

What can you take to the maternity hospital for the birth itself? The list is small. Theoretically, you only need to have washable slippers with you, and everything else should be given out in the birth block itself. However, each maternity hospital has its own rules, which you should find out about in advance.

During childbirth you may also need:

  • loose T-shirt or nightgown, better - not new;
  • clean drinking water (at least 1 liter, some even take 5 liter bottles with them);
  • towel and liquid baby soap;
  • disposable toilet seats;
  • warm, but not woolen socks;
  • a camera or video camera (if you plan to capture the joyful moment of the birth of a child; in this case, your birth partner should have them with you).

What to eat in the maternity hospital for the birth itself is usually asked by those who are about to give birth for the first time. During the birth process, food is the last thing women think about. But if you still intend to take something edible for yourself, then let it be baked or dried fruits, bread or crackers, boiled eggs, broth.

In the same bag, put aside things for the newborn that will be put on him immediately after birth:

  • diaper;
  • vest, blouse or bodysuit;
  • sliders;
  • cap

Maternity hospital list for mom: things you will need after giving birth (bag 2)

After giving birth, the young mother will have to live in the maternity hospital for several days, so it’s worth taking care of everything in advance the right things: clothing, household items and personal hygiene items.

So, what should a pregnant woman take to the maternity hospital for the postpartum period:

  • Nightgown and robe (although many maternity hospitals only allow you to use those issued);
  • Pads for postpartum discharge. However, doctors sometimes prohibit the use of pads to control blood loss;
  • Soft toilet paper, paper toilet seats;
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste;
  • Towel, comb, mirror;
  • Nail scissors;
  • Soap, shower gel, shampoo, hypoallergenic intimate hygiene, deodorant without or with a slight odor;
  • Special disposable or cotton panties (3-5 pieces);
  • Nursing bra (1-2 pieces) and disposable inserts for it;
  • Postpartum bandage(if you plan to wear it);
  • Cream “D-Panthenol” or “Bepanten”, which can be useful for cracked nipples or for lubricating a newborn’s bottom in places of redness;
  • Glycerin suppositories (many people have problems with bowel movements after childbirth);
  • Face cream, hand cream, hygienic lipstick;
  • Vitamins for pregnant and lactating women, other medications (if you are taking);
  • Drinking water without gas. Otherwise, you will have to drink “local” - boiled tap water;
  • Utensils – mug, plate and spoon.
  • Notepad and pen for writing down important information;
  • A magazine or book for leisure reading;
  • Garbage bags (there is usually no trash can in the rooms).

Maternity hospitals usually allow visits, during which you will be provided with missing items or products if necessary. Keep in mind that the list of permitted products in the maternity hospital may vary depending on the institution.

In addition, here are answers to the most frequently asked questions:

What pads should I take to the maternity hospital? Better - specifically postpartum (postoperative or urological), they have maximum absorption, and the discharge after childbirth is abundant in the first days. One package to the maternity hospital will be enough. Some women, however, are more accustomed and comfortable with regular “night” pads (in this case, take a couple of packs of soft pads - not “mesh” pads, which lead to sweating).

Which robe is better to take to the maternity hospital? If the medical institution you choose does not provide their own sterile gowns and nightgowns, choose a cotton robe in which you will be comfortable, first of all, during feeding (unbutton, open). Best options– with a zipper or wraparound.

What soap should I take to the maternity hospital? For yourself and your baby, you can take one baby liquid soap or solid baby soap in a soap dish. You will use it for washing your newborn and for washing your hands. If you wish, of course, you can take different soaps for these purposes, but why do you need extra luggage? And one more thing about soap: some doctors recommend that mothers wash themselves with laundry soap after giving birth. It really is an excellent disinfectant that helps tighten wounds (tears, cuts). BUT! Apply laundry soap It should only be used in the area of ​​the sutures themselves, there is no need to go “inside” - this product is too alkaline for the mucous membrane!

List of things for a newborn baby in the maternity hospital (bag 3)

Now let’s discuss the best part: what to take your baby to the maternity hospital? The list for a newborn baby includes hygiene items, diapers and clothes.

List of things to take to the maternity hospital for a child:

  • Diapers, size 0 or 1 (2-5 kg ​​or 3-6 kg). One pack of 28 is usually sufficient;
  • Baby soap (liquid or solid, in a soap dish);
  • Cotton wool, cotton pads or cotton buds with a limiter to clean the baby’s nose and ears, lubricate umbilical wound;
  • Wet wipes, disposable handkerchiefs;
  • Baby cream, diaper cream. Keep in mind that any, even the most “hypoallergenic” cream may not be suitable for a child - take small packages with you;
  • Maternity hospitals usually provide diapers, but if you want to use your own, include this item in the list. It will be enough to use 2 cotton and 2 flannel ones, size 60x90 cm. It is convenient, but a little expensive, to use disposable absorbent diapers;
  • Soft towel for baby;
  • Baby vests or, even better, blouses with external seams and fold-over sleeves (open-closed arms). You can replace the bodysuit. The amount should correspond to the number of days you will spend in the maternity hospital (to change your baby’s clothes every day). Most likely, 4-5 pieces will be enough;
  • “Anti-scratch” mittens made of thin cotton, if the blouses leave the hands of the hands exposed;
  • Romper suits, cotton overalls – 4-5 pieces;
  • Cotton caps, size 1 – 2 pieces.

The main question that concerns mothers regarding the “equipment” of the baby: what diapers (and it would be correct to say - diapers ) take it to the maternity hospital? It is difficult to say which diapers are best for a newborn. What is clear is that in the conditions of modern maternity hospitals, reusable diapers, gauze and diapers are absolutely not an option. Therefore, you need to choose from disposable ones. Like cream, diapers may not be suitable specific child, so you can take a small package of any diapers of a suitable size and find out on a trial basis whether they suit you and your child.

First aid kit for the maternity hospital: The list of necessary medications interests many pregnant women. Remember, you are going to the hospital! All the necessary medications will be given to you if necessary. Another question is surgery. caesarean section. In this case, you should check the list of medications at the maternity hospital or perinatal center where the procedure is planned.

The pacifier and breast pump cause a lot of controversy. To dispel your doubts in this regard, we recommend that you read our articles and

List of things to leave the maternity hospital (bag 4)

Discharge from the maternity hospital is a happiest event, for which, of course, you need to prepare in advance. Most expectant mothers are primarily concerned about clothes for the baby's discharge, and this is understandable: it is important not to overcool or overheat the baby.

It's easiest with "summer" newborns . Their standard set of clothes includes a cap, a blouse (vest or bodysuit) and rompers. Wrap the baby in a light blanket or dress in a light onesie if you have to travel in a car.

What should you take to the maternity hospital for your baby in winter? The list of things to take to the maternity hospital in winter is updated warm cap, envelope or transforming overalls. Blanket and ribbon - no best idea if you have to take your baby in the car. According to the rules, even a newborn must be transported in a special car seat. The blanket, as you understand, does not provide any slots for straps. Under outerwear put on a flannel vest or blouse, rompers and a cap.

What should a newborn take to the maternity hospital in the fall and spring? The off-season is a changeable time, it’s easy for your baby to catch a cold. Dress him warmly enough, but don't overwrap him. During this period, depending on the weather, a demi-season envelope or overalls will be suitable. If the baby was born at the beginning of spring or the end of autumn, you will have to use winter clothes.

Clothes for a new mother should be comfortable. Don't expect to fit into your pre-pregnancy jeans right away. Few people can achieve this - some are surprised to note that the belly has become only slightly smaller than during pregnancy. It is preferable to wear a dress or skirt on the day of discharge. The blouse should be loose, because with the arrival of milk, the breasts become very large. Don’t forget to include street shoes in your discharge bag – sturdy ones, flat or with low heels.

Photos to remember the day of discharge will remain with you forever, so make sure you have the necessary cosmetics. Concealer indispensable on this day if your skin is not perfect.

You can download the list of things for the maternity hospital (document in *.doc format) using the link spisok-rod dom. doc

We hope our detailed list necessary things will make your preparations for the maternity hospital easy and joyful. Do not forget to find out about the exact rules of a particular maternity hospital - each of them may have its own restrictions.

Have an easy birth!

The nine most exciting and happiest months in a woman’s life are coming to an end, and a new reason for excitement appears - what should you buy for the maternity hospital? What things should you take with you to make your stay in the postpartum ward comfortable for both the young mother and her newborn baby? Do you need diapers, and if so, how many? What things are more convenient and better for the first days of a child’s life?

Now let's look at this in more detail.

What to take with you to the maternity hospital?

Most of the list expectant mother occupied by personal hygiene items. Don't forget to take your comb with you, toothpaste and a brush, several comfortable lounge suits (or nightgowns). Each woman has her own list.

An experienced mother will tell you that you need to take with you everything that you use every day at home and that you cannot do without in the maternity hospital. But there are some things that everyone needs to take:

  • Gaskets (special thick, with a breathable or cotton surface);
  • Soap, towel, toilet paper and shampoo (small samples are very convenient);
  • Home clothes;
  • “Nursing” bra and inserts for it, panties. How to choose , ;
  • Slippers that can be washed;
  • Roll of paper towels;
  • Utensils (cup, plate, spoon);
  • Postpartum bandage (especially if you have a cesarean section);
  • Mobile phone and charger;
  • Documents (passport, exchange card, your medical policy, etc.).

Diapers for a newborn baby

Already in the postpartum department, the young mother will have to independently care for her child. The medical staff will advise you to change your baby into clean clothes every day, and they should also be changed if your newborn baby burps on them. And small children spit up often! Therefore, it is better to calculate in advance how many sets of clean change of clothes you need to take with you.

Also decide on this: will you use diapers? Although now swaddling is considered a relic of the past, diapers are very useful in the postpartum ward! You can cover your baby's crib with them, as well as put them on your bed so that the baby doesn't burp on your bed. It is convenient to cover the baby with diapers, dry him after washing, place a diaper folded several times under the newborn’s head (this trick will help you a lot if the baby burps frequently and profusely).

Another tip: if you are going to the maternity hospital in the summer, then simple thin diapers can replace your baby’s clothes; they are very convenient for swaddling a newborn without being too tight. And a diaper will always come to the rescue if there are no clean clothes left at hand, and the baby needs to be changed. Experienced moms They advise you to take more diapers with you to the maternity hospital.

  • In the warm season, it is better to use thin diapers. You can wrap a baby in them, and then he definitely won’t feel hot;
  • Thick flannel diapers are comfortable in winter, and they also absorb moisture better. Take them with you to place under your baby’s head;
  • For every day you will need an average of 2-4 diapers, and if the newborn spits up profusely, this figure will increase to 5-6 diapers per day.

Even if you don't plan to use diapers at all, be sure to take at least a few with you for the crib in the postpartum ward!

What clothes are best for a child in summer and winter?

It depends on the time of year and on your own preferences. Experienced mothers say that the most comfortable clothes for newborns these are rompers (or pants) and vests (or blouses). If the child burps or stains some part of the clothes, then he does not have to change the whole thing, it is enough to change only the top or bottom.

In the cold season, children's "men" are convenient. This is a one-piece jumpsuit, thanks to which all parts of the baby’s body are securely covered, and the legs or arms will remain warm, even if the baby opens up in the crib at night. But usually there is no need to wrap up the child, because in the maternity hospital the heating is very good in winter, and the wards are hot even in a snowstorm and severe frost.

Important: consider all options! Take with you both warm clothes and very light ones so that your baby will be comfortable if it suddenly gets very hot or cold in the postpartum ward!

But you shouldn’t take all your children’s things with you at once; your relatives or husband can bring you everything you need later. Pack what you need for your baby in a separate bag and leave it in a visible place when you get ready to go to the maternity hospital. For the first time after giving birth, a couple of diapers, a few baby suits (or “men”) and a small package of diapers will be enough for you.

Don't buy too many clothes in the same size!

If you are not sure which clothes are best to choose for your baby, then we recommend buying both romper suits and onesies. But don't buy too many clothes in the same size! In a few weeks all this will not be enough for the child.

It’s better to buy 6-8 replacement sets and regularly take your soiled clothes home for washing to your husband or mother, so that clean clothes will be delivered to you the next day. If your relatives do not have the opportunity to visit you every day, then only in this case is there any reason to stock up on a large amount of children's clothing.

So, for a comfortable stay with your baby in the maternity hospital you will need:

  1. 1-2 clean sets of children's clothing for every day.
  2. Diapers and a small towel for the baby.
  3. Hygiene items (liquid baby soap, wet wipes, diaper cream).
  4. Disposable diapers of the smallest size (at the rate of 6-8 pieces per day).

To care for a child in the maternity hospital, you don’t need much, but young mothers often take with them a long list of things that they end up not even using.

Each maternity hospital has its own rules and list of necessary things, so it is better to focus on this. Often, the maternity hospital supplies the mother and her baby with everything they need, and the mother in labor can only take with her personal hygiene items, clothes for herself and her baby, and bed linen.

List of things to leave the maternity hospital

In winter, it is better to dress a newborn baby in layers. Keep this in mind when planning to buy baby items for discharge from the hospital. Envelopes are considered the most universal - a kind of blanket corner that can be decorated with lace, ribbons or embroidery. In the future, the envelope is used instead of a blanket in the stroller during walks, so choose it responsibly. In severe frost, under the envelope, you should first put on the baby a warm suit or “man”, and then a winter overall.

Important: in the cold season, it is better to buy envelopes insulated with down, padding polyester or fur. In summer, buy an envelope made of lightweight and natural fabric, which will not create a greenhouse effect inside.

In winter, it is better to dress a newborn baby in layers.

Take moisturizing baby milk with you to the maternity hospital. It is suitable for caring for dry skin of a newborn, and for your face and hands!

Additional information about the list of things for a newborn baby in the video:

It is better for a young mother to choose clothes that are comfortable and do not restrict movement. Immediately after birth female body is far from ideal, so it is better to use a special bandage that will support the stretched abdominal wall, tighten and hide the stomach. Many mothers prefer to be discharged from maternity hospital in loose dresses and tunics that visually hide extra pounds.

What things to take to the maternity hospital: what will probably be useful, and what will remain as dead weight? Many women are not too puzzled by this issue, believing that this is not the main thing and that it is much more important to prepare a dowry for the unborn baby. Yes, this is more important, undoubtedly, but the lack of essential things at hand in the maternity hospital and, on the contrary, the presence of a lot of unnecessary things can ruin your mood and bring a lot of inconvenience for the entire time you are in the postpartum ward. So, let's list the things that are essential and completely unnecessary.

What you need to take for yourself

1. Documents. This is the first thing to take to the maternity hospital. Undoubtedly, if you are admitted to the maternity hospital urgently and suddenly forget your documents, they will not leave you on the street. But do not lose sight of the fact that the exchange card (the one that is handed out upon registration and filled out by the obstetrician-gynecologist in charge of the pregnancy) is necessary for the proper management of labor, especially if the woman in labor has any health problems , which the doctor in the maternity hospital may not even know about.

2. Clothes. You will need:

  • a robe (preferably not with buttons, but with a belt that can be easily opened to feed the baby) and a nightgown;
  • panties, you can have a classic cotton shape, but it’s better to buy disposable ones at the pharmacy, as practice shows - these are things that are necessary for the maternity hospital, since you will have nowhere to wash them in the hospital, and there will be no time, especially if you are in the ward with the child;
  • a bra, preferably especially for nursing mothers; it also wouldn’t hurt to grab disposable absorbent bra pads (so that leaking milk doesn’t stain your underwear);
  • socks;
  • slippers, which must be washed;
  • postpartum bandage.

3. Personal hygiene and toilet items:

  • sanitary pads: it is recommended to purchase the most absorbent ones, preferably special postpartum ones (sold in pharmacies);
  • toiletries: toothbrush, toothpaste, toilet paper, hypoallergenic soap (like “baby soap”);
  • towel for hands and body.

4. Cutlery, food and drink, stationery:

  • the list of things to take to the maternity hospital upon admission must include a bottle of drinking water (during childbirth you will often feel thirsty);
  • plate, fork, spoon, mug (there are maternity hospitals where you need to bring your own dishes, find out about this in advance);
  • tea and sugar (sugar is also in short supply in many maternity hospitals; it will be enough to pour it into a small coffee jar);
  • a boiler or a small electric kettle (a woman in labor needs to drink more hot water, this stimulates good milk production);
  • a notebook with loose leaves, or even better, adhesive paper for notes, and a pen (you may have to make some notes, and even if you are in a general ward, the food that your relatives will definitely bring you will need to be stored in a common refrigerator, and therefore, you will need to attach notes to everything with the date the product entered the refrigerator).

And further - Don’t forget to top up your mobile phone balance and take a charger with you.

What to take for your child

1. Diapers. Some thin and some thick. Even if you are not a supporter of swaddling, it is very difficult to do without diapers in the maternity hospital, believe me. These things are necessary for a newborn in the maternity hospital.

2. A pair of pacifiers(if you are not their opponent) for the baby. A pacifier will help you get at least a little rest.

3. Disposable diapers. Do not take reusable ones, as there is no place and no time to wash them. Select diaper size - 3-6 kg.

4. Wet wipes, safe for newborns.

5. Discharge kit(in principle, this is not necessary; relatives can bring it closer to discharge).

6. Towel.

What to leave at home

1. The list of things needed in the maternity hospital does not include cosmetics and perfumes. Firstly, yours appearance Few people will be interested. Secondly, you really won’t have time to put on makeup, and you won’t have the desire either. The only thing you will need is a comb, perhaps a hair dryer. And of course, no perfume - you are not going to a party, but to a hospital, where there are many mothers with babies.

2. Books. Believe me, you won't be bored. It's just an extra burden. At the most, take a couple of useful magazines with you.

3. We don’t take a player or laptop for the same reasons. If you have an uncomplicated birth and everything is fine with the baby, you will be discharged 3-5 days after birth.

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In the last months of pregnancy, starting from the 36th week, a woman, as they say, should be in full combat readiness. At any moment, the little one can “knock” and “ask to be born.” Contractions, after which they almost always begin suddenly, and the expectant mother must grab the things she collected earlier and run to the maternity hospital.

From personal experience

The first preparations for the maternity hospital followed a strict list, which was announced in the antenatal clinic. I don’t remember what it included, but the package was modest, and as a result, my husband ran to the maternity hospital, now with a spoon, now with a pacifier, now with pads...

The second time I became smarter and “downloaded” the list from the Internet. My husband looked at me getting ready for the maternity hospital, to put it mildly, with surprise. “Are you moving?” - he asked when I packed a huge bag and placed it next to three bags. Otherwise! A set of bed linen, a small electric kettle, a hairdryer, books, magazines and even an MP3 player is already a rather large package. And a lot of things for the baby, for the doctor, and for yourself, your beloved. Well, I didn’t forget about him (they were going to give birth together). Where would he be without slippers, a robe and a razor?

As a result, I went to the maternity hospital with a “mini-kit”, and my husband supplied everything else as needed. Thank God that he had the patience to convince me that I wouldn’t need everything in the maternity hospital. I can imagine how the maternity hospital workers would greet me. The third time I will definitely get ready without unnecessary things, but with everything necessary.

In the meantime, let’s discuss what should be taken to the maternity hospital and what should not be taken.

Traditional list

Each maternity hospital has its own characteristics, and the lists of necessary things are very different. For example, if in the maternity hospital where you are going to give birth, hot water by the hour, otherwise there is none at all, then you will simply need an electric kettle. Therefore, be sure to take into account the conditions of the maternity hospital.

But still, the main set is traditional things, which you cannot do without even in the most modern maternity hospital with all the amenities.


  • Passport (without it they will not be discharged from the maternity hospital);
  • Exchange card (without it they will be sent to the observation department);
  • Agreement with the maternity hospital (if any);
  • Insurance policy (if any);
  • Passport, sterile clothing for the accompanying person (for partner childbirth);
  • Money.

Personal care products

  • Soap. Some maternity hospitals require liquid soap and disposable towels;
  • Toothpaste and brush;
  • Toilet paper;
  • Towels;
  • Disposable diapers (useful for both baby and mother);
  • Pads (special postpartum pads are sold, but some doctors advise using regular torn sheets);
  • Underwear (comfortable panties (several pieces), nursing bras, and breast pads);
  • Cloth. Preferably two nightgowns with a comfortable top for feeding, a dressing gown for the season, slippers (must be washable);
  • Cosmetics (for those times when you can’t do without face and hand cream).

Things for the baby

This list is the most pleasant and is worth paying the most attention to.

  • Diapers (it is best to take a whole pack of diapers for newborns, because you will not have the opportunity to wash the diapers if you are determined to use them in the future);
  • Wet wipes (however, to avoid allergic reactions, it is better to wash the baby with clean boiled water using ordinary cotton wool);
  • Baby skin care products (powder, diaper rash cream, lotion);
  • First aid kit (belly button care products are a must, ask your pediatrician about everything else);
  • Disposable diapers.

Pacifiers, bottles and formula cause a lot of controversy.

Baby clothes

Choose clothes based on the season. The number of things should be sufficient, but not excessive. Size - from 56 to 62. Pre-wash and iron clothes. You will need:

  • Hats;
  • Bodysuit or vest;
  • Knitted blouses;
  • Diapers (thin and flannel);
  • Socks, thin mittens;
  • Blanket.

Prenatal and postnatal first aid kit

Agree on the list of medical supplies with your doctor. Each maternity hospital requires certain medications, and some offer their own, or ask you to buy them as needed. However, it wouldn’t hurt to buy some pharmaceutical “remedies”:

  • Bandage and cotton wool;
  • Syringes, vein catheter, dropper;
  • Oxytocin;
  • Kedgood;
  • Sterile medical gloves;
  • Glycerin-based laxative suppositories;
  • Ointment for cracked nipples;
  • Digital Thermometer;
  • Hydrogen peroxide;
  • Zelenka;
  • Tincture of calendula.

Items to be checked out

It is not necessary to take a bag with these things with you to the maternity hospital. It will be brought to you immediately before discharge. It should contain elegant things for the baby and mother. Please note that the things you wore to the maternity hospital will not fit you when you leave.


  • Water without gas;
  • Herb tea;
  • Cookie.

You may also need the following things:

  • Breast pump;
  • Dishes;
  • Electric kettle or boiler;
  • Thermos.

However, do not rush to pack everything into bags for the maternity hospital. These things should be in a visible place so that, if necessary, your husband can see them and bring them to you at the maternity hospital.

List of "absurdities"

You can find fault with all of the above. For example, why use a breast pump when in the first days there is no milk at all, but only colostrum, which, as it seems to every mother, is not enough for the baby, so they rush to feed the baby with formula.

Or cosmetics. It’s hard to believe that a new mother will have time to paint her lips and eyelids immediately after giving birth. But, to each his own. When you are discharged, you want to be in full swing.

However, there are more absurd things in the proposed lists:

  • Watch;
  • Knitting;
  • Books;
  • MP3 player;
  • A cheese sandwich;
  • Washing powder;
  • Basin;
  • Baby monitor;
  • Pillow;
  • Night lamp;
  • Elegant dress;
  • Limousine and others.

However, if you see the meaning in these things, then feel free to take them to the maternity hospital. The main thing is that you feel comfortable and comfortable. Good luck!

Especially for- Tanya Kivezhdiy

Hour "X" comes unexpectedly. Suddenly you realize that mild pain has become periodic, and it’s time to go to the maternity hospital. The delivery bag must be prepared in advance. So that you can get into the car as quickly as possible, without wasting time looking for personal belongings, underwear, clothes for you and the baby. What to take with you to the maternity hospital? What items and things will be needed?

The maternity hospital packing list includes essentials for mother and baby. At the same time, you need to take only what you really need and what you cannot do without. Packing your bag "just in case" will guarantee you several suitcases of personal items. Therefore, we recommend using the main principle for collecting: only what is necessary. What things are necessary in the maternity hospital?

The list of necessary things should be divided into three bags (packages):

  • Things for mom before and during childbirth.
  • Things for mom after childbirth.
  • Things for the baby.

Some clothes, linen, and dishes will be necessary for the mother both before and after the delivery room. But it’s still better to put two separate packages for yourself. When entering the maternity hospital, unpack only the first one (things and personal hygiene items “before childbirth”), and in the postpartum ward, unpack the second one (package “after birth”). Additionally, if you are planning a family birth, a separate package will be provided for your husband.

Things in the maternity hospital for mom

Let's bring full list what is needed in the maternity hospital. This list for mom can also be divided into 3 parts: documents and money, clothes and care items, things needed after childbirth.

Documents and money

This includes examination data (tests and ultrasound), a pregnant woman’s exchange card, a civil passport, health insurance, as well as a contract for childbirth (if one was concluded).

As for money, you need to take both cash and a plastic card with you. Take a large number of It's not worth the money in cash. Let the main amount be on the card; it can be withdrawn as needed (most maternity hospitals have ATMs for issuing money).

If you are planning a family birth, then in addition to your passport and tests, you must take your husband’s passport and tests, as well as his clothes (shoe covers, robe, personal belongings).

Clothing and personal care items

The first list to the maternity hospital consists of those things that will be needed before giving birth:

  • Slippers, rubber slippers (for shower).
  • Nightgown, robe (warm or light - according to the season).
  • Cotton and wool socks.
  • Lingerie - panties and bras.
  • Two towels (large and small - for shower and for hands).
  • Personal care products: soap, toothbrush and toothpaste, shampoo, comb.
  • A pack of disposable diapers (90x60) - they will be needed for childbirth and examinations.
  • Enema - usually the intestines are cleaned at the beginning of contractions (in the middle of contractions it is more difficult to clean, since the walls abdominal cavity with frequent contractions they are tense and do not let water in). Sometimes it becomes necessary to cleanse the intestines a second time.
  • Dry and wet wipes.
  • Utensils (cup, plate, spoon).
  • Garbage and dirty laundry bags.

The following items will be needed during fights:

  • Water - up to 2 liters, or a thermos with tea. During contractions, it is better to drink tea from mint and lemon balm (they stimulate the opening of the uterus), after childbirth - tea from nettle (increases blood clotting, stops bleeding).
  • From food - fruits and dried fruits, dry cookies (for a snack, if you really want to).
  • Clock - measure the duration of contractions, the time between contractions.
  • Tennis ball - you can use it to massage your back and stomach during contractions.

In addition, in some maternity hospitals, women are allowed to bring a camera or video camera during contract childbirth. During normal childbirth, you are usually not allowed to take equipment with you.

What is needed after the delivery room

The second list is those things that will be needed after childbirth:

  • Bras - better special models for breastfeeding women. Please note that as you start breastfeeding, your breast size will increase by 1-3 units. Purchase in advance busts 1-2 sizes larger than yours.
  • Shirt with front fastening (for convenient feeding).
  • Disposable panties - after giving birth you will have to change them often, there will be no opportunity to wash them.
  • Sanitary pads (special after childbirth - with maximum absorbency).

In addition, you may need:

  • Cream for cracked nipples. When the baby begins to actively suck, the nipples that are unaccustomed to this become injured (cracks form). You can heal them with bepanten (cream) or ice cubes. It is better to prepare them in advance from a herbal decoction and keep them in the refrigerator - just in case (of course, if the postpartum ward has a refrigeration unit with a freezer).
  • Postpartum bandage (many women successfully manage without it).
  • Suppositories with glycerin for easy going to the toilet after childbirth. There may be tears that will require stitches. You cannot push with a stitched perineum. To cleanse the intestines you will need glycerin suppositories (and possibly an enema).
  • A breast pump may be necessary if for some reason you cannot feed your baby. Expressing breasts with your hands is difficult. Save milk and breast-feeding A breast pump will help.
  • Thermometer - although most postpartum departments still have thermometers.

Want something interesting?

You may also need tools to calm you down and occupy your time:

  • Paper and pen (for notes).
  • Player and headphones.
  • A book - for example, about childbirth, about caring for a baby, about the peculiarities of its development. You can read modern pediatricians. The famous doctor Komarovsky has a series of books: “The Beginning of Your Child’s Life”, “A Handbook for Sensible Parents”, “Medicines”, “ORZ”, which clearly and simply describe the main mistakes of parents and give clear recommendations on how to treat a child in order to so that he grows strong, healthy, without the appearance of allergies.

What you will need for checkout:

  • Baby clothes.
  • Clothes for mom (beautiful, you will be photographed).
  • Cosmetics (also for beautiful photos from the extract).

The mother and baby spend 4-5 days in the maternity hospital (if the birth proceeded normally without complications). Therefore, the amount of things for a newborn should be calculated for several days.

Baby clothing sets can be divided into three packages:

  • Clothes for the maternity room (this is a vest, a diaper, a cap - they will be put on the baby immediately after birth). You will stay in the delivery room for up to 2 hours. After this, you will be placed in the postpartum ward.
  • Clothes for staying in the maternity hospital. In most cases, mother and child are placed together. Therefore, 2 hours after giving birth, you will find yourself with the baby in the same room, where you can change him into different clothes (a vest with scratches - closed arms, rompers or bodysuits, if necessary - overalls).
  • Clothes for discharge and street wear. After a few days in the maternity hospital, your baby will be vaccinated with BCG and discharged home. You can prepare for discharge beautiful clothes(put on a cotton undershirt, cap, rompers, outside - a beautiful overalls and a hat). To go outside, the newborn is placed in an envelope (if it is summer) or warm overalls(if it’s winter outside). Winter overalls can be purchased to last a year and during the first months of walking, roll up the sleeves and legs inside.

What is needed in the maternity hospital for a child:

  • Diapers (the smallest New Born series) - a pack. The number of diapers can be approximately determined as 10 pieces for every day. You may need less of them, then you can take the extra ones home.
  • Diapers for the baby: thin calico (6-7 pieces) and flannelette (6-7 pieces).
  • Baby vests - 4-5 pieces.
  • 4-5 pieces of rompers or bodysuits (for newborns weighing 3 kg, buy bodysuits of size 52).
  • Thin chintz caps (with ties) - 2 pieces and flannelette - 1-2 pieces.
  • Warm socks - 2 pairs.
  • Warm bodysuit - 2 pieces.
  • The overalls are flannelette and wool, where the legs are joined together.
  • Mittens for the hands (scratch mittens are mittens made of chintz, they cover the hands and prevent the baby from scratching himself with his nails).
  • Powder.
  • Blanket or warm envelope.
  • Nail clippers - full-term babies are born with long nails. They need to be carefully cut so that the baby does not scratch himself.
  • Cotton swabs (for cleaning the nose and ears, as well as treating the umbilical wound).
  • A feeding bottle - you may need it if your baby has colic and you need to dilute him with dill or chamomile water.

Necessary items for the maternity hospital are packed in separate, clean bags. In the reception room of the maternity hospital they are not allowed to bring things into travel bags. Each package must be marked “for mother”, “after childbirth” or “for baby”).

How to choose things for a newborn

Not so long ago, the choice of things for a newborn consisted of vests, diapers and caps. The babies were swaddled and taken out for walks in a blanket until they were 6 months old. Fortunately for children and their parents, these canons were found to be incorrect.

For the last ten years, babies have been dressed in rompers and bodysuits from the first days of life. This gives them freedom of movement, stimulates muscle tension and earlier physical development.

How to choose clothes for a newborn:

  1. Clothing for a newborn baby and infant should be made only from natural fabric. The skin of a newborn is thin and vulnerable, so choose soft chintz or thin knitwear. The threads used to sew clothes must also be cotton.
  2. At first, the baby will get used to the clothes. Any seals, fasteners, or seams will interfere with it. Therefore, undershirts are made without buttons or buttons. They are wrapped and secured with ties. For the same reason, the seams are placed on the outside (the clothes are put on inside out).
  3. The most comfortable sliders are those with fasteners located on the shoulders. However, they are more difficult to put on; it is necessary to turn the child from back to stomach several times. Waist-length rompers should have a wide knitted elastic band (so as not to put pressure on the umbilical wound).
  4. New fabric is washed before sewing diapers. This makes it softer.

If the baby was born in the summer, you will need a minimum of clothing - bodysuits, undershirts, thin caps, light sweaters, overalls. If the birth took place in winter, clothes for the street are required. The very next day after discharge, they plan street walks with the child.

What you need for winter festivities:

  • Warm overalls - depending on the temperature, it can be down or synthetic. For lower temperatures (-10ºC and below), down is chosen. For walks around 0ºC, you can wear synthetic padding. The overalls must have covered arms and legs. A newborn often pulls them out of the sleeves and legs, turning the onesie into a warm envelope.
  • Warm hat - worn over a thin flannel cap. It should also have ties.
  • Warm woolen socks - put on rompers under overalls and additionally warm the baby’s feet. Young children often fall asleep while walking. Therefore, street celebrations turn into street sleep.

Maternity hospital bag: when to prepare

Theoretically, labor pains occur at 38-42 weeks. However, their earlier manifestation is possible. Therefore, the antenatal clinic recommends packing your purse for the maternity hospital in advance - at least at 36 weeks. By this time, your belly will begin to sink, so your birth bag should be ready.

A list of what is needed for the maternity hospital can be obtained from the reception department of the maternity hospital. According to accepted rules, the territory of the maternity ward must be sterile, which means that all things must undergo heat treatment. Therefore, in the reception area of ​​the maternity hospital you are allowed to take a limited set of things with you.

But every maternity hospital has its own rules. Therefore, coordinate the proposed list in advance with the requirements of your maternity ward.

The list in the maternity hospital for mother and baby in different departments may vary. In some maternity hospitals they make do with a minimum of supplies, in others they accommodate the young mother halfway and try to make the process of childbirth and postpartum recovery easier for her.

What if you forgot something?

If you forgot something, no problem. Every maternity hospital has a pharmacy where you can buy diapers, disposable diapers, baby bottle, powder or enema. There are also children's clothing stores (daily and for checkout).

However, you cannot put newly purchased baby undershirts or bodysuits on your baby. All new things must be washed, ironed, and only then added to the child’s clothes.