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Rustam Rezepov - coach on interpersonal relationships, explains to women the reasons for their problems with the opposite sex and reveals secrets happy marriage.

Trainings for women

Rustam Rezepov has been conducting trainings in Russia and the CIS countries online and live for 9 years. He is the creator of his project Offers more than 10 types of training for women to increase personal value, talks about how to interest and make any man fall in love with you. Among the author's free educational materials you can find several practical recommendations for solving frequently encountered problems in relationships. The author also offers personal coaching, which is a year-long practical training.

How to solve all problems with a man?

According to Rustam, if a man does not call, does not write, cheats, beats or otherwise offends, this means only one thing - that he does not love the woman. If a man loves, then he will never allow himself to behave like this. Therefore, in his trainings, Rustam Rezepov teaches not how to deal with a specific problem, but how to make a man fall in love with you. To do this you need to learn to be self-sufficient, strong, independent woman, which you want to conquer.

The secret of strong relationships and marriage

Most women who come to Rustam’s training want to either return their man or change existing relationships, or marry your chosen one. The coach gives one solution to these problems: restoring emotional connection through constant stirring up interest. He advises not to rush to respond to SMS, write them as briefly as possible, speak in riddles and provoke jealousy. Rustam Rezepov believes that the only reason for male infidelity is the confidence that the woman will not go anywhere. During the training process, he talks about all the tools that you can use to warm up interest in your person.

Among Rustam's clients are adults wealthy women and businesswomen. The educational materials are aimed at women aged approximately 23 to 47 years.

Short description course: the electronic magazine “Flower Garden Collection” talks about how to learn how to create beautiful flower beds. Summary course: electronic magazine, in pdf format, contains text information and photographs on flower bed design different types and purpose. The entire collection consists of 73 types of flower beds, which you can receive to your email address by subscribing to the newsletter. For […]

  • Brief description of the course: the video course “Pruning an Apple Tree” talks about how to learn how to properly trim an apple tree. Summary of the course: video lesson from the gardening course, duration 25 minutes 38 seconds. After watching the lesson, you will learn: How to properly prune an apple tree a year after anti-aging pruning; What to do with the tops: remove, shorten or leave; What tool is needed for the job; AND […]

  • Brief description of the course: the video course “Young Electrician Course” talks about how to learn electrical installation of any room. Summary of the course: the video course consists of 5 parts, each with 2 lessons. The total duration of the course is about 3 hours. In the first part you will be introduced to the basics of electrical engineering, consider the simplest diagrams for connecting light bulbs, switches, sockets and learn about the types of tools […]

  • Brief description of the course: the video course “Sew by myself” tells you how to learn how to sew clothes of any style and from any fabric. Summary of the course: the video course consists of 6 practical lessons, with a total duration of 1.5 hours. In the first lesson you will learn what tools and accessories are needed for sewing: sewing machine, types of scissors, measuring tape and much more; In […]

  • Brief description of the course: the video course “DIY Interior Design” talks about how to learn how to create a design project and make an interior design for any room. Summary of the course: the video course consists of 10 lessons, with a total duration of 1 hour. The author of the video course will introduce you to the components of interior design for a room: You will learn how to draw up a floor plan, take measurements and use […]

  • We provide knowledge that works in life
    The Internet is full of “Gurus” who hand out relationship advice left and right.
    with men. Often these recommendations sound interesting and are presented by the “Super Coach” very clearly. But 99% of these tips don't work real life. Or they can only work in some specific situation.

    We provide systemic knowledge that represents an Effective Model of Building Relationships, which covers all possible situations and goals in relationships with men.
    You will receive answers to all your questions. Without exception..

    Our students get real results in their lives.
    Only our reviews are real!

    Training can be fun. Could be a show. May look like a mysterious gathering of knowledgeable aunties.

    Or it might just be productive!

    It is precisely because we provide accurate knowledge that works in communication with men that our students get real results in their lives.

    We are only interested in your results in your training!

    We have created a simple and understandable system

    We have developed and pieced together a simple and understandable system for building relationships: what to do, what to say, how to react - at every stage of the relationship.

    Dating, dating, creating a strong interest in a man, relationships, restoring relationships, receiving money, gifts, marriage proposals -
    you will have precise, proven instructions on how to act at these stages.

    Your relationships with men will now bring you only bright positive emotions.

    What will you get as a result?
    completing the training

    • The man you choose will fall in love with you. Even if it seems that there is no chance, and now he is still or no longer interested in you.
    • You can restore a relationship with a man after a breakup, after a breakup. Both at the initial stage of the relationship, and if he has already filed for divorce and may be living with someone else.
    • You will receive investments from men. Men will give you gifts, men will provide for you (if you want it), men will confess their feelings to you, and will help you in every possible way in life. And you will receive the biggest investment of your life - An offer of marriage from the right man.
    • You will be able to control communication with a man, his emotional state towards you, and the development of your relationship. In your hands you will have the exact technology for building relationships, precise phrases, precise actions that will literally instantly form a the right attitude to you. Even if initially he didn’t like you outwardly and now he no longer appreciates you.
    • A “sex only” relationship will turn into a “I love you, my dear! Marry me!” relationship. Even if now he says that you are not the woman he has dreamed of all his life.
    • You will meet the man you like and build a stable relationship with him. For this you will have an exact step by step plan actions that you will simply follow step by step, phrase by phrase - and the right man will be at your feet!
    • You will become even more confident. You will feel real feminine power in yourself. And this will not be the result of self-hypnosis, but the real state of affairs. Any man will be like an open book to you.
    • Your relationships with men will develop in the direction
      in whichever you want.
      If you want a romantic date under the starry sky - ok. Do you want a serious, stable, long-term relationship?
      and a feeling of confidence in the future - ok. If you want him to provide and try for you - ok. And so on. And if you want all this together, that’s OK too. You won't just get one thing, you'll have a choice!
    • Millionaire, businessman, top manager, stripper, womanizer, student, electrician, athlete, singer, theater and film star - to each of them you will have a key that makes you the most beloved woman in his life. Even if there are a lot of sexy beauties around him, all his thoughts and actions will be directed only at you.
    • Your friends will admire you. Your friends and close people will never understand what happened to you, why men began to react to you this way, what attracts them to you, what arouses their interest. And they will ask you for advice so they can learn just like you!
    • Career advancement, business development, new acquaintances and “connections”. Remember, every man is a door to the big world. His world. This is the key to the doors that are open to him. Therefore, very often the finalists of the training receive promotions on the career ladder, enter into large contracts, and increase the scale of their business. They are simply helped in this by men who are crazy about them.
    • You will read your beloved man like a book and you will know several steps ahead where your relationship is developing, and what to do so that everything is your way. Now you will feel only stability and pleasure from the relationship, just like your man.
    • Your children will thank you. After all, you can pass on to them all the knowledge that will make you happy in a relationship. And they will not have to go through difficulties in relationships. They will be able to get what they want in a relationship - easily! After all, you can help them with this.

    The trainings of Rustam Rezepov's project 101lovesecret ru (101 secrets of love, or your beloved man at your feet) receive the best reviews from grateful women who have found their happiness

    In his trainings, Rustam Rezepov successfully teaches women how to meet and make a man fall in love with them, how to interest him and lead him to marriage. Rustam also helps women return their beloved men. His trainings are highly effective and a large number of women who were trained as part of the 101LOVESEKREN.RU project highly appreciated the quality of the training materials in the form of numerous grateful reviews.

    Rustam Rezepov has been working as a women's interpersonal relationship coach for over 10 years and is one of the most famous and popular coaches in this field. In his educational materials, he helps women solve problems with the opposite sex and reveals the secrets of a successful and happy marriage.

    Rustam graduated from Khakass State University named after. N.F. Katanova and has an economic education.

    Rustam Rezepov is the author of books and trainings, many of which have become bestsellers, as they very effectively help solve women's problems that arise in relationships with men. He conducts trainings both online and live, traveling not only throughout Russia and the CIS countries, but throughout Europe and North America. Rezepov conducts at least one hundred trainings and seminars a year.

    Rustam Rezepov organized his project 101 SECRET OF LOVE (101LOVESEKREN.RU), which is gaining popularity from year to year, since women’s reviews of training within the framework of this project are the most positive.

    In addition to trainings and seminars, Rezepov also offers women personal coaching.

    We invite you to take a closer look at the training in the 101LOVESEKREN.RU project in order to solve your problems in personal life and create a strong and happy relationship with your chosen man.

    Free project training materials
    “101 SECRET OF LOVE” by Rustam Rezepov

    The book "The Truth About Men That Most Women Don't Know"

    A book worth 300 rubles is a gift!

    This book is for those who want to find and attract into their lives worthy man. You will learn what you need to do to make him fall in love with you and propose marriage.

    In addition to the book “The Truth About Men That Most Women Don’t Know,” you will receive a series of bonuses from the author in the form of free useful video lessons on how to create happy relationship with the opposite sex.

    Effective plan “How to make a man fall in love with you in 6 steps”

    Mini-plan “How to interest a man”

    7 simple ways attract a man to a woman aged 25 to 48 years

    Guide “How to Meet a Man”

    10 powerful moves

    Book “How to quickly marry your loved one”


    This book can be downloaded free of charge

    A guide worth 500 rubles is free!

    Guide “How to increase your importance to the right man”

    10 Techniques for Increasing Importance

    Free guide “How to get your man back”

    Three simple but necessary steps

    Secret knowledge base from Rustam Rezepov

    More than 30 hours free video for women, about how to make a man fall in love with you, get him back and build a stable relationship with him

    The most popular trainings and seminars of Rustam Rezepov in the 101LOVESEKREN.RU project

    Best-selling training “The man you love is at your feet”

    Intensive “Elite Lady” and “Elite Lady 2.0”

    Training “Beloved man at your feet”

    Intensive “I will be loved”

    Seminar “A simple path to quick marriage”

    A large number of women often use correspondence with a man simply as a means of informing about something. That's all! Do you really think that he is very interested in what you did today? And after you list your affairs and activities, will he want to meet with you? Hardly.

    Because each of your messages should have its own specific purpose, and not stories about how you drank tea with jam today, which your mother brought you. And the general goal in communicating with a man by correspondence is to evoke emotions for you in his head.

    Evoking emotion should be the goal of every message. Not informing him about something that seems interesting to you, but calling out emotions! When a man begins to feel emotions towards you, he will begin to become attached to you, he will begin to want to see you. Because men love not the smartest, and not even the most beautiful women. Men love those who evoke emotions in them. Although they themselves may never admit it, because sometimes they don’t realize it, otherwise everyone would marry only beauties.

    Correspondence to in social networks or via SMS - this is one of the most powerful tools, and if you use it correctly, it will lead you to the fact that a man will quickly and strongly become interested in you and invite you on a date. It surprises me why so many women miss the opportunity to make a man interested and intrigued. So that he starts thinking a lot about you and falling in love, so that he invites you on dates and gives you gifts.

    How to fall in love by correspondence. Five secrets

    Let's look at 5 secrets of falling in love by correspondence today.

    1. You must be in a position of high importance

    In short, what you write, how and when you respond should all place you in a position of high importance. And at the same time, he should be in the position of needing you. And if you position yourself correctly in correspondence, then in further real communication you will only need to maintain this, and the man himself will develop a relationship with you, he will invest more and more in you.

    And to do this, you don’t need to immediately respond to his message, let the man wait. And the longer, the better. When he waits, he starts thinking about you, waiting, getting nervous. This is very good for you. Just remember yourself when you were waiting for a message or call from someone and your state when you received it. You can respond to an SMS or message on social networks in at least 30 minutes, maximum in a day (this is even more desirable, then his interest in you will be further warmed up).

    2. He needs to feel like you DON'T NEED HIM.

    But at the same time he must see your interest. And here both factors are important: Not needy, BUT showing interest. If you remove one of them, sooner or later there will be a breakdown in communication. If you are just not needy, then it will seem to him that you are not interested in him, that you are too unavailable to him.

    Or vice versa, if you are too interested, he will relax, begin to dictate his terms, answer less often, maybe even stop writing altogether, and the relationship will go downhill.

    Therefore, if you want to interest someone by correspondence, then take the position “Not needy, but showing interest.”

    That is, as already written above, you do not immediately respond to all his messages and, moreover, your message text should be shorter than his. And noticeably shorter. He has three sentences, you have one, he has three words, and you have one. The fact is that the length of the text during correspondence clearly shows your level of interest in it. You may think this is stupid, but the paradox is that men perceive it this way. Well, if you want to kill his interest in you at the very beginning of your communication, then you can write him long letters with some information about you (which, again, may seem important only to you, and a man does not need this information , he needs emotions).

    And remove all smiley faces and signs. Your message should only contain words. That's all! Extra characters can show your wrong image. And if you are afraid that without emoticons and additional punctuation marks he will not understand anything, then do not be afraid, as this is just great and will work into your hands. Let him think, wonder what you wrote to him and how to understand it. And if he doesn’t understand anything at all and starts calling you, then don’t pick up the phone. This will be an interesting intrigue out of nowhere. You asked a man a riddle and ran away 😉

    3. When he tries to manipulate in correspondence, pushes for intimacy, or is negative - you need to put him in his place!

    But with positivity! And we must not forget about the 2 previous rules.

    Don’t bend, don’t get offended, don’t get angry - you drive him into the framework with one phrase, and demonstrate positivity. This is necessary so that he understands that he still has a chance to develop communication with you. And when you do it right, he will definitely take advantage of this chance.

    4. He needs to see how attractive you are.

    When you write to a man, always remember what image you are putting into the text. As you write, he will understand. If you convey to him the image of a woman who has no luck with men or a woman who no one needs and in general your life is hard and you are all tormented by it, then he is unlikely to have the desire to invite you on a date.

    If your correspondence occurs, then your page on social networks or on the website should be truly attractive. And she should be attractive not for you, but for him!

    That is, if your page is not attractive to a man, then everything you write to him will not arouse his strong interest. Because your page = you. And even more so if he has not yet seen you in real life.

    But this rule is also VERY important for those who are already in a relationship with the right man, or who are restoring a relationship. An attractive page - this may sound very simple, but it is very important when corresponding with a man via the Internet!

    5. You should have abundance, not scarcity.

    In your SMS messages, in the way you write, on your page on social networks - a man everywhere should feel ABUNDANCE in your life.

    Abundant attention from people - you have many friends who love you. Abundance of attention from men - cool men are interested in you. But you are not available to them sexually! And you have an interesting, vibrant life.

    This image wildly attracts men and arouses strong interest in women. And vice versa. Showing scarcity and a boring life will turn a man off and your value to him will be zero.

    When you apply these 5 principles in your correspondence with the right men— you need to be prepared for an SMS attack from their side. Because they will develop a strong interest in you, and they will want more communication with you, developing a relationship.

    This is exactly what happened in the lives of several thousand of my students who master correspondence techniques. If you want to learn more not only about how to make someone fall in love with you by correspondence, but also about how to find, interest and make a man fall in love with you, and then build a serious, long-term relationship with him, then I recommend that you study what I have collected over many years conducting Knowledge Base trainings for women.

    The database is free and contains more than 30 hours of useful and interesting video. You can access the database HERE

    Also join our VKontakte group ! There you will find a lot of goodies, useful things and interesting things! Both on the topic of relationships and on the topic of increasing vibrations and prosperity in all areas of life!

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