Draw a bow. Bow on nails, step-by-step instructions for creating a Bow pencil drawing

Every girl wants to look beautiful, stylish and unusual. Manicure also helps in solving this problem. Perhaps the best option in this case is to use a bow - this is one of the simple and original ways to decorate your nails. Its appearance is quite impressive and attractive.


It is difficult to imagine a woman or girl now without beautiful manicure. Thanks to the active development of the beauty industry, every representative of the fair sex can afford many pleasant procedures. In the modern world there are many ideas and means to make women's hands look simply excellent. When choosing a design, you should think about what event it will be needed for. Experts advise paying attention to manicure design with a bow element.

A bow in a manicure will certainly create a highlight. The bow is an element of the holiday. It creates a special mood for its owner. Its shape is light and airy. The bow can be either bright and catchy or calm and neutral, small or large, placed on all nails or only on some part of the nail.

Color preferences also have many variations: from the calmest pastels to bright, rich, varied. The color palette is so rich that it is sometimes difficult to decide which color is needed in a particular case. It can also be designed in different ways, for example, in a simple form, or you can take a flat and sometimes voluminous version. A manicure with a bow pattern is distinguished by its versatility, practicality, and unusualness.

It can be created in various forms:

  • in the form of a pattern along the entire length or on a separate part of the nail, on all nails or on several of them;
  • in the form of stickers that are placed directly on nail plate(along its entire length or just a certain part of it);
  • made using all kinds of stencils of various shapes.

It is believed that such a design is suitable only for young representatives of the fair sex. But this is not entirely true: based on practice, it is often older ladies who order bows and, as a rule, in soft and pastel colors.

Benefits of a bow in manicure:

  • the bow will certainly emphasize and add femininity to the created image;
  • easy to implement - it does not require a lot of time and materials to create;
  • looks harmonious on any nails - with any length and shape, and also complements any designs well;
  • to create it at home, only the thinnest brush is enough;
  • Suitable for both holidays and everyday life.

Disadvantages of a bow in nail design:

  • the presence of bows can cause harm by creating an image of frivolity;
  • to create at home, certain skills are required for the clarity and evenness of the figures performed.

Making a bow

It is important to determine the place where the drawing will be located. Using special devices - a dot or a toothpick - you need to put a dot in the middle. From it you need to draw triangles of the same size and shape.

In this case, you can use both paint and varnish. The edges should be rounded and then painted over the triangles. From the edges you need to draw small shaped ribbons.

The middle of the picture (optional) should be made bolder or left in its original form. The top of the design must be covered with a protective coating, thereby extending the service life of the design solution. Gels are also used when creating a bow.

Then you need to select color palette to create a design. After this, you need to treat the nail and apply a gel of the main color to it. Then dry the gel well in the lamp and make sure that it does not spread while drawing.

After this you need to start creating the drawing. Draw the lines, paint over the voids with the selected color. It’s better to draw the lines in several stages: first thinly, then draw them again. The inside of the bow can be filled with dots or made in one color. To transform the image of the design, you can add sparkles or rhinestones.

Optimal shape

Quite often, a bow is used on short nails, because on them it looks quite natural and simple. If you do not overload the nail, this will create the right pattern effect. On excessively long nails the design looks less impressive: the feeling of lightness and simplicity of the design is lost. The most acceptable option is the natural length of the nail. The shape can be either oval or square.

The bow goes well with the pattern. Often a similar design is made using rhinestones, which are laid out in the shape of a bow. This execution is very original and unusual, although there are exceptions when the design will look decent and impressive on long nails. For volumetric manicure elements you need enough space.

How to get the right bow design?

Probably the most easy way Making a bow is hand-painted using a thin brush or felt-tip pen. The technique is performed quite quickly when it comes to simple forms bantha. If this is a volumetric option, then it becomes more complicated, and it is better to entrust the implementation of this technique to a professional.

It is permissible to perform this design in different versions: monochromatic, lush, with fine details. It is very important to choose the right tone, complementing the drawing with lines, polka dots, and curls. Of course, in the latter case, it is better if such a technique is again performed by a professional. Bows also look good in other designs, as well as on extended nails.

Novice craftsmen, as a rule, use stickers. This is perhaps an even simpler version of this technique. The quality of the result obtained is no different, and in some cases even goes along with more complex techniques. Stamping is also in demand when creating bows. It helps to quickly and accurately position the design in the part of the nail where it is necessary and justified by the design.

Another option for creating a beautiful manicure with elements of bows is to use rhinestones and bouillons. It is preferable to do it on a gel polish coating, since regular nails The service life of this equipment will be much shorter.

Design options. In order to create a real masterpiece on your nails, you need to use delicate colors in the design with the addition of white and pink shades. It can be a French manicure or a solid color, but with the addition of a bow pattern.

When creating a festive or evening version shades with sparkles are suitable. Bow options in white or black, with a voluminous design or in a simple version, will look advantageous on them.

Curls or adding lace elements will also add charm to the manicure. An option is available using bright and rich shades of varnish. Contrasting bows are suitable for them: white and black or red. It is possible to add modeling, but this technique is more difficult to perform.

Materials and tools

To create an interesting design, you need a large assortment of varnishes, as well as gel varnishes, base, topcoat, topcoat, and a drying lamp. You can use acrylic paints on extended or gel nails. Brushes are worth using various shapes and size. For decoration you need to choose rhinestones, bouillons, pebbles.

If you want to create something attractive, you should use all possible rubbings, foil, stencils and stickers. These are not all the devices necessary for work, but only part of them. Purchasing such an assortment is appropriate only if you do manicure professionally. If manicure accessories are needed only for personal use, then this list will be much smaller.

Preparing hands and nails

When covering a manicure with gel polish or extending nails with a bow design, you must perform preliminary procedures. Using a special nail file, you should give the desired shape and size to your nails. It is also important to make a soap bath for your nails - it will help soften the nails and cuticles in order to remove the latter faster and more accurately. There are special spatulas and tweezers for these purposes. It is important to remember hygiene: all instruments that will be used must be treated with any antiseptic.

You can diversify your leisure time by learning to draw with a pencil. This activity does not require a specially equipped place or expensive tools, and does not depend on the gender or age of the future artist.

Where to begin? This lesson will teach you how to draw a bow with a pencil. It is both beautiful and very simple. Just for the beginning master.

What is a bow - everyone knows

From early childhood, mothers wear girls' hair with bows - a decoration made from a single ribbon tied in a certain way. The bow is used not only to decorate hair, but also on hats, dresses, coats, trousers, belts, handbags and any other elements of a woman’s wardrobe.

From a psychological point of view, the presence of a bow on clothes or a handbag speaks of the subtlety and sentimentality of nature, of a gentle, sensitive soul, of a soft and responsive character. Ladies who decorate themselves with bows are romantic and sexy.

In order to transfer the beauty and airiness of ribbon decorations onto paper, you need to know how to draw a bow.

Step by step drawing of a bow

This is very easy lesson. In just 4 simple steps, even a novice amateur will master the technique of this elementary drawing.

So, how to draw a bow step by step?

Step 1. First you need to determine the place on the paper where the bow will be located. Outline the area without pressing with a simple pencil. Draw a slightly flattened oval in the center of the designated space. This is the future node. Draw 6 smoothly curved lines symmetrically from the oval up, to the sides and down, as shown in Figure 1.

Step 2. Now we draw the main elements. To do this, on each side, combine the lines that extend from the oval-knot up and to the sides with a heart-shaped pattern. Moreover, the upper contour will be located slightly above the corresponding upper base line. For clarity, see Figure 2.

The bottom two lines are the basis for the image of the hanging ends of the tape. Draw the hanging ends of the ribbon so that the corresponding bottom base lines are in their center. For convenience, please refer to Figure 2.

The ends of the ribbons can be made any way you like. In our example, the artist depicted them in the form of 2 large teeth at each end of the ribbon.

Step 3. The basis of the lesson “How to draw a bow” has been learned. Let's give the drawing a natural look. To do this, we will draw indentations in the oval so that it looks like a knot of light fabric, and in the shape of an elongated drop we will draw the lower parts of the left and right wings of the bow. To depict the folds of the fabric, we will add 2 short horizontal strokes on each wing, extending from the center of the knot.

For control, refer to Figure 3.

Last step

Step 4. Using an eraser, carefully remove all the auxiliary lines that were drawn in the 1st stage. If you did everything correctly, your drawing will look like the final drawing 4.

Now that you, dear student, know how to draw a bow, you can experiment with the size of the bow or knot itself, the shape of the wings and ends of the ribbons. Each time the drawing will look different.

A bow will decorate any design. It can be added as a decoration to a dress, placed on a hat or woven into a girl’s braid.

  • To make the activity enjoyable, purchase a minimal set of pencil drawing tools:
  1. White thick paper, preferably not smooth, but grainy.
  2. A couple of simple pencils of different hardness. It is better to buy more expensive pencils.
  3. Soft eraser.
  • Exercise every day. Start with something easy, like how to draw a bow. Further complicate the tasks. The master's lessons will help you easily master step-by-step drawings of animals, plants, buildings, and people.
  • Once you feel confident, move away from drawing "step by step." Learn to create from nature. At this stage, you can already sketch almost any object: a still life, a tree, a sparrow on the street or a domestic cat, a portrait of a neighbor.

"Nail art" - the art of creating on nails beautiful drawings. You can draw patterns using regular varnish, acrylic paints or gel.

Varnish is used to paint a picture with a wide brush, and for drawing small details, with a thin one.

Professional artists prefer to work with acrylic paints. Making designs on nails with them is much simpler and easier than with regular varnish. Small details and elements of the required pattern can be applied with their help in the shortest possible time.

Gel varnishes are also often used to create drawings. Their characteristic feature is that they are able to dry without exposure to ultraviolet radiation and have, in comparison with regular varnishes more liquid structure.

Some artists create translucent delicate pictures on nail surface using stained glass and watercolor paints.

Professionals advise beginners in nail art to give preference acrylic paints and varnishes, since applying elements and patterns with their help is the simplest.

Drawing tools

Among the huge number of tools for initial hand positioning, you should use:

  • Needle. In varnish design, images are most often applied using a regular sewing needle. You should work with it very carefully, since when applying a design there is a high probability of damage to the nail.
  • Dots. This tool looks like a needle with a ball at the end. There are several sizes. With the help of dots you can easily control required amount varnish in a certain place. The tool is used when drawing ornaments, curls, round and small elements.
  • Toothpick. For those who are just beginning to master the basics of nail art, a toothpick is an alternative to a needle. With its help, it is almost impossible to draw small elements, but the undeniable advantage of this tool is that it is almost impossible to injure the nail plate.
  • Sponge. A fine-pored and large-pored sponge will help you create a unique pattern.
  • Brush. Exists a large number of various brushes for nail art. The main requirement for them is a pile made of natural materials.

The most popular brushes in painting are:

  • Flat. This type of tool is used in Chinese painting. In addition, it is used when applying colored powder, glitter and glitter.
  • Beveled. Used for drawing complex ornate patterns and ornaments.
  • Fan. With its help, the background of the picture is applied and smooth transitions are made between colors.
  • Striper. This tool has very thin and long bristles. During drawing, it is kept exclusively in a vertical position. With its help you can create neat and even ornateness, ornaments and curls.
  • Column No. 00. This brush has short, fine bristles. Thanks to it, you can apply precise small elements and write letters. It is also used to draw small lines and make the outline of a drawing.

Bow in manicure

A bow can decorate every young girl’s manicure. It can be applied both to all nails, on the smile line, and to a specific finger, for example, diagonally.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a bow design

Determine the place on the nail where the design will be located.

  • Using a dot, place a small dot in the center of the selected location. This is necessary in order to visually indicate for yourself the boundaries of the future drawing.
  • From the point you need to draw two triangles symmetrical to each other. You can use both paint and varnish when creating a drawing.
  • Slightly rounding the edges, fill in the triangles.
  • Draw small ribbon strips from them.
  • The middle can be drawn thicker or simply left as a dot.
  • The finished drawing should be coated with colorless varnish to impart strength and wear resistance.

Drawing a bow using gel

First you need to decide which color scheme A manicure will be performed. For example, you can take pink, orange and white gel.

Then you should treat the nails and apply a gel base to them. Draw a V-shaped line from the middle of the nail. Essentially, at this stage of drawing the bow, you are creating a variety french manicure. The line on the thumb and ring finger should be made pink, on the little finger, middle and index fingers – orange.

Once the line has a finished look, you will need to paint the tip of the nail with the appropriate color. Then, on top, without going beyond the contours, you need to draw a white curve. It should resemble arcs converging towards the center.

Then the gel should be thoroughly dried under a UV lamp. Depending on the consistency of the gel, it may appear blurry. If this happens, you must first wipe off the uneven areas and only then dry them under ultraviolet light.

The design should be completed by placing sparkles on an orange background. The holograms must be carefully placed in a circle and covered with a transparent gel. It is best to take glitter in pastel colors. After finishing the work, you should cover the nail with a large amount of gel and dry it thoroughly under a UV lamp.

On a nail with a pink background you need to draw a bow. The process should be divided into two stages: first thin line match the upper and then the lower parts of the circles. Then outline with thicker lines and dry under ultraviolet light. Place glitter in the center of the bow using transparent gel.

Manicure ideas

Undoubtedly, all people have different tastes: some people like the French style, while others prefer a plain coating. In the latter case, bows can be perfectly combined with all sorts of shades. Pastel colors fit perfectly into the image of a gentle and feminine nature. For a young lady or a girl with a rebellious, explosive character, bright colors would be more appropriate. You shouldn’t strictly adhere to certain types of bows; it’s better to come up with your own, individual look for this design.

French manicure with bows looks very impressive. It will undoubtedly make its owner stand out from the crowd. The tips of the nails can be decorated in any color.

You can diversify your leisure time by learning to draw with a pencil. This activity does not require a specially equipped place or expensive tools, and does not depend on the gender or age of the future artist.

Where to begin? This lesson will teach you how to draw a bow with a pencil. It is both beautiful and very simple. Just for the beginning master.

What is a bow - everyone knows

From early childhood, mothers give their girls a decoration made from a single ribbon tied in a certain way. The bow is used not only to decorate hair, but also on hats, dresses, coats, trousers, belts, handbags and any other elements of a woman’s wardrobe.

From a psychological point of view, the presence of a bow on clothes or a handbag speaks of the subtlety and sentimentality of nature, of a gentle, sensitive soul, of a soft and responsive character. Ladies who decorate themselves with bows are romantic and sexy.

In order to transfer the beauty and airiness of ribbon decorations onto paper, you need to know how to draw a bow.

Step by step drawing of a bow

This is a very easy lesson. In just 4 simple steps, even a novice amateur will master the technique of this elementary drawing.

So, how to draw a bow step by step?

Step 1. First you need to determine the place on the paper where the bow will be located. Outline the area without pressing with a simple pencil. Draw a slightly flattened oval in the center of the designated space. This is the future node. Draw 6 smoothly curved lines symmetrically from the oval up, to the sides and down, as shown in Figure 1.

Step 2. Now we draw the main elements. To do this, on each side, combine the lines that extend from the oval-knot up and to the sides with a heart-shaped pattern. Moreover, the upper contour will be located slightly above the corresponding upper base line. For clarity, see Figure 2.

The bottom two lines are the basis for the image of the hanging ends of the tape. Draw the hanging ends of the ribbon so that the corresponding bottom base lines are in their center. For convenience, please refer to Figure 2.

The ends of the ribbons can be made any way you like. In our example, the artist depicted them in the form of 2 large teeth at each end of the ribbon.

Step 3. The basis of the lesson “How to draw a bow” has been learned. Let's give the drawing a natural look. To do this, we will draw indentations in the oval so that it looks like a knot of light fabric, and in the shape of an elongated drop we will draw the lower parts of the left and right wings of the bow. To depict the folds of the fabric, we will add 2 short horizontal strokes on each wing, extending from the center of the knot.

For control, refer to Figure 3.

Last step

Step 4. Using an eraser, carefully remove all the auxiliary lines that were drawn in the 1st stage. If you did everything correctly, your drawing will look like the final drawing 4.

Now that you, dear student, know how to draw a bow, you can experiment with the size of the bow or knot itself, the shape of the wings and ends of the ribbons. Each time the drawing will look different.

A bow will decorate any design. It can be added as a decoration to a dress, placed on a hat or woven into a girl’s braid.

  • To make the activity enjoyable, purchase the following minimum for drawing with a pencil:
  1. White thick paper, preferably not smooth, but grainy.
  2. A couple of simple pencils of different hardness. It is better to buy more expensive pencils.
  3. Soft eraser.
  • Exercise every day. Start with something easy, like how to draw a bow. Further complicate the tasks. The master's lessons will help you easily master step-by-step drawings of animals, plants, buildings, and people.
  • Once you feel confident, move away from drawing "step by step." Learn to create from nature. At this stage, you can already sketch almost any object: a still life, a tree, a sparrow on the street or a domestic cat, a portrait of a neighbor.