Rexona Motionsense is a new technology for getting rid of sweat. Antiperspirant Motionsense "Absolute Confidence" from Rexona How it works

Sweating is not a problem modern world. Every year many products are released that help get rid of this problem. A well-known brand in the fight against sweat is Rexona, which not so long ago introduced the world to the Motion Sense series of deodorants.

Rexona MOTIONsense products block sweat and eliminate odor.

"Smart" Motionsense

The rhythm of life forces every person to be in constant motion (from reading a book to heavy sports training). A person does not notice how many movements he makes in order to perform some action. During movement, the body sweats, so you need products that will actively protect against sweat all day long. That is why Rexona has released a line of products that will help active people cope with sweating. “Smart” Motion Sense deodorants adapt to a person’s rhythm. New, patented technology allows you to protect even men from sweat 24 hours a day.

How it works?

Conventional antiperspirants contain an active ingredient that blocks sweat glands and fragrance. In addition to these substances, Motion Sense deodorants contain 2 types of microcapsules that not only refresh, but also gradually produce a pleasant aroma throughout the day.

One part of the microparticles reacts to sweating. They have been used for over 20 years. Microcapsules have a shell of starch that dissolves in water, so it decomposes under the influence of sweat, and the contents of the capsules come out (fragrance, which masks the bad aroma). Microparticles become active at the moment of the slightest physical activity, experiences, etc., so they are effective at the most necessary moments. Over the course of a day, such microcapsules are gradually depleted and dissolved.

Another type of microcapsules is called “smart” MOTIONsense particles. They become active with every movement. They contain a scent that makes sweaty areas fresh all day long. “Motion Sense microcapsules are not destroyed by exposure to liquid, since they have a gelatin shell, they become active,” says a representative of the manufacturing company.

When the deodorant is applied to the skin, the capsules are distributed into skin and burst, releasing a good smell. This does not happen to all the particles at once, but gradually throughout the day. This formula provides men and women with more freshness: the capsules are gradually released throughout the day, highlighting nice smell. The formula is patented and has no analogues.

Usually deodorants only mask bad smell, "Rexona" affects the process of sweating in the area armpits. Aluminum salts prevent sweat from coming out. They clog pores, creating an invisible film on the skin.

An unpleasant odor is a consequence of the activity of bacteria that actively multiply in sweat. Rexona deodorants contain antibacterial substances that prevent pathogenic microorganisms from actively multiplying, which provides additional freshness throughout the day.

Antiperspirant scents

Rexona deodorants, which use Motion Sense technology, are produced in the form of roll-on antiperspirants, sprays and pencils. The women's and men's lines have a variety of scents, so everyone can choose something to suit their taste. Women's scents Rexona deodorants:

  • “Lightness of cotton” (lily of the valley, jasmine, white rose, musk);
  • "Aloe vera" (cedar and sandalwood);
  • “The Lightness of Oxygen” (flowers and greenery);
  • “Comfort of Flax” (musk, pear);
  • "" (violet, jasmine, lilies of the valley);
  • "Absolute Confidence" (citruses);
  • “Freshness of the soul” (musk, rose).
Rexona Men MOTIONsense anti-sweat product – takes into account the physiological characteristics of men.

Rexona Men has a line for men that uses MOTIONsense technology. It is no less diverse than women's and gives you the opportunity to choose from 7 scents:

  • “Turbo” (nutmeg, lemon, sage);
  • "Cobalt" (cedar and herbs);
  • “Invisible on black and white” (woody notes);
  • “Extra freshness” (pine aroma with mint);
  • “Transparent Ice” (citrus, lavender);
  • “Extreme protection” (black pepper, cardamom, tangerine);
  • “Football mania” (menthol, lavender, citruses, sage).

I bought this deodorant for myself back in the summer (there were good discounts on deodorants of this brand at Metro), in the end it cost me about 75 rubles. The volume and shape of the bottle are absolutely identical to any series of Rexona aerosols. The absence of a lid, as well as a system for blocking pressing the dispenser, is no longer an “innovation” in this area. By the way, the lock button may break over time (it doesn’t work for me at the moment).

Since I like to run in the mornings during the warm/dry seasons, the Absolute Confidence formula seemed like the best fit for this purpose. Of course, not a single deodorant can interfere with the natural process of sweating, especially when playing sports, but since the manufacturer states that “when moving, the deodorant should activate extra protection,” then this must mean that it was tested somewhere, since it came to such conclusions and it must correspond to what is stated.

I will note that I personally like the “Invisible Defense” series much more than this one, and I will try to explain why this is so.

The first thing a buyer pays attention to is the scent of the deodorant. No matter how expensive and beloved perfume we use, the aroma of the deodorant is also important (firstly, when sprayed and inhaled, and secondly, when this aroma is mixed with the smell of sweat). The aroma, in general, is not bad and not sharp, but again, everything is not for everyone. I liked that the manufacturer began to describe on the packaging what approximate aroma awaits the buyer, because... You cannot open bottles in stores before purchasing. I was initially satisfied with this scent and subsequently, when sprayed, I am also satisfied. When I press the button, a small cloud forms, but there is no “pillar of dust” and I don’t “suffocate” (it is advised to hold your breath when spraying, you can also ventilate the room after). The aroma after spraying becomes subtle and noticeable only upon close contact, but during the day, if you are “active”, there will be a surprise, which will be discussed below.

The second thing that is important for “users” is the presence of marks on the skin and clothes. Alas, I believe, since the composition used maltodextrin (molasses), hydrolyzed corn starch (hydrolyzed corn starch) and sodium starch octenyl succinate, then such white marks may remain on the skin.

Why is maltodextrin needed here?

Thanks to the encapsulated formula, maltodextrin is able to retain and retain the aromatic substances of the antiperspirant, gradually releasing them out.

Accordingly, such unpleasant things can be observed on clothes, but in defense of this “desic” I will say that this is not always the case, no matter how strange it may seem. Since I often wear both black and colored clothes, this “alignment” does not suit me, and in this regard, the “Invisible Protection” series suits me better. But... the manufacturer does not state that this deodorant will not leave white marks on black, or yellow marks on white, so this add-on. there is no need to attribute a function to it.

Next important point in the work of antiperspirants - in fact, this is the protection itself. Of course, you will not stop sweating during training, and if you sweat excessively, you will also not use unprofessional means, such as this “desic”, but to protect a person from unpleasant odor sweat, he should anyway. The deodorant was tested at different times of the year: in the summer, after jogging, I still had to take a shower, but during the actual running and exercise, I did not feel an unpleasant odor, since it fresh air, i.e. in an open space, the smell disappears (accordingly, before applying it to the skin of the armpits, you need to take a shower so that the skin is clean). For summer/hot weather, this scent is a little heavy, in my opinion. To be fair, I should immediately note that during classes I wear only loose cotton T-shirts and tank tops, which allows my skin to breathe. In the cold season, the deodorant generally began to behave poorly, it seemed to me, especially indoors. Sweating in the cold season is less than in summer, but after a working day I immediately wanted to take a shower, because... the smell from the deodorant became somehow strange and intrusive (not the smell of sweat, but the smell of deodorant). And the reason is precisely in the operation/principle of operation of this system, look:

How does maltodextrin release aromatic compounds? When antiperspirant with Motionsense technology hits the skin, microcapsules made of maltodextrin and fragrance adhere to the skin. Later, during our daily activities, these microcapsules break when rubbed against the skin of the arm in the armpit area, allowing the fragrance to be released gradually and continuously, imparting a pleasant scent over time. Thus, a long-lasting effect of the antiperspirant is achieved, which is significantly greater than that of antiperspirants without an encapsulated formula.

That is, in other words, when you move little, there is practically no sweating, and the deodorant is in “sleep” mode and it is practically not felt. But when you move on to “active actions”, the deodorant “starts” to work, and this smell seems to “eat into” your clothes, and in enclosed spaces you gradually begin to feel this aroma everywhere (perhaps the aroma of patchouli also has an effect) . For me, personally, this scent is not easy to endure all day, it gets boring, although it is not unpleasant, it also does not “smack of “freshness”.

The manufacturer is ours, the Russian JSC Arnest, and the barcode, by the way, is also “ours”. The manufacturing date is indicated on the bottom of the cylinder, so try to pay attention to this before purchasing.

The composition can be seen in the photo, I note that it is twice as long and more complex than that of the same “Pure Diamond”. Was it worth it?

In my opinion, it is not worth buying this deodorant for active people, because... “Absolute confidence” can be a big letdown: it can leave stains and make your “favorite” smell “not your favorite” over time. Perhaps the aromatic base (perfume additive) underlying the deodorant is revealed on the skin of each person individually, but personally I didn’t particularly like this product from this series, because... Rexona has better antiperspirants.

In any case, I will not dissuade you from my own experience of use, since you should not forget about the individual factor, because we are all different and so are the requirements/criteria.


My reviews about other deodorants of this TM (for women):

Deodorant-antiperspirant Rexona "Biorhythm"

Deodorant-antiperspirant Rexona Expert Protection Clear Diamond

Deodorant-antiperspirant Rexona "Water Purity"

Rexona “Clean Protection” antiperspirant deodorant, odorless

Antiperspirant Rexona Invisible on black and white "Pure Diamond"


Not for the first time, among budget antiperspirant deodorants, Rexona manages to pleasantly surprise me with their quality, and it is their products that make me more and more happy. So once again, having bought Motionsense Antiperspirant “Absolute Confidence” on sale, I was very pleased with it.

The packaging has changed a little and (in my opinion) began to look more interesting and better:

The button presses perfectly, never stuck:

Now that we've looked at the packaging, let's move on to the product itself.

I bought it out of curiosity, to try something new from Rexona, so I didn’t expect anything special, but in vain.

Its aroma is pleasant, sweetish, with a powdery-floral note (as I feel). I'm quite happy with it. The main thing is that it does not have some unpleasant, cheap fragrance that hits the nose. On the contrary, everything here is very delicate. And for me, this is important. Plus, it doesn’t overpower the scent of my perfume either.

When sprayed onto the skin, it does not whiten it, as sometimes happens with similar products. And in general, it’s practically not noticeable on the skin. It has never caused me allergic reactions or skin inflammation, but it does its job perfectly well - protection from odor and sweat. Even when doing fitness, your armpits remain completely dry and smell pleasant. So far, he has never let me down. It withstood even physical exertion, even in the hot season, allowing me to feel confident.

Result: excellent budgetary means, which managed to pleasantly surprise me with its excellent quality. I'm already using my second bottle and am completely satisfied with it. Anyone who is looking for similar, really working means, I certainly recommend that you pay attention to it.

A person, without even realizing it, moves almost all day without stopping. For example, when driving a car, brushing your teeth or cleaning the house. Appearance is a faithful companion of active people.

"Smart" Rexona Motionsense for men and women

The company began its work on the Russian market in 1996. For more than 10 years, this brand has been one of the most popular among our citizens. The Motionsense men's and women's lines are a real breakthrough among.

The scents of this line of products are varied and, most importantly, unique. Positive reviews Internet sites and forums are filled with information about these hygiene products.

The unique deodorant technology called Motionsense is able to work throughout the day in accordance with the rhythm of the human body. Antiperspirant enhances its aroma and protection with every, even the smallest movement. Whereas other protection products lose their scent at the end of the day.

The smart and persistent aroma of antiperspirant in products began to be used at the end of the 20th century, but the latest Motionsense technology was introduced to the world only in 2011. Antiperspirants with Motion Sense technology include fragrance, unique active ingredients and two types of microcapsules. These particles are able to reveal their aroma not immediately, but gradually, throughout the day and maintain freshness for a long time.

The Motionsense technology in the company's deodorants involves the inclusion of two types of unique microcapsules in the composition of the product. One species reacts quickly to the initial appearance of sweat fluid. These capsules consist of a water-soluble shell, which, when sweat appears, splits instantly and releases aromatic particles that eliminate the smell of sweat fluid. This type of capsule begins to act in the most stressful moments. But the intensity of this particular aroma decreases, as they almost completely dissolve.

The second type of smart microcapsules of the Motionsense formula instantly react to the slightest movement and instantly begin their active action. These capsules, included in the composition, have a gelatin shell. That is why they cannot dissolve in liquid and remain on the surface of the skin for a long time, emitting a fresh aroma. With any action, the unique Motionsense formula begins to work, and each time more and more microcapsules burst, so the pleasant smell lasts all day, even with the heaviest physical activity.

The technology for using and producing smart microcapsules of freshness is patented, so there are no analogues to these deodorants anywhere in the world. In addition, Motionsense microcapsules are supplied by the perfume house Givaudan exclusively to Unilever. This is what gives confidence that similar fragrances are also impossible to find on store shelves.

with Motionsense technology are available for both women and men. Moreover, men’s reviews of products are also important and necessary, because a young man who smells nice is commendable.

The line of antiperspirants with smart microcapsules includes 3 types of products for the fairer sex:

  • Aerosol;
  • Roll-on deodorant;
  • Deodorant - pencil.

Among male line Rexon Motionsense Men can also find all 3 types of products: aerosols, roll-on and stick deodorants.

The collection of products in the series with smart microcapsules includes 8 different women's fragrances, each of which is unique in its own way.

As for the aromas of Rexona Men products containing the Motionsense formula, we can mention 2 aromas.

  1. Rexona Men Cobalt is an aroma of strength and energy, with notes of cedar, herbs and a spicy aftertaste.
  2. Deodorant Rexona Men Extra freshness
    – a unique masculine scent of freshness with hints of pine and invigorating mint.

Rexon's unique composition with the smart Motionsense formula

Any cosmetic product includes a huge number of chemicals and compounds. Most of the words and names are not clear to us, and some are even difficult to pronounce. However, if we are talking about Rexon Motionsense antiperspirant, a substance called maltodextrin deserves attention here. This is a polysaccharide used in deodorants to create capsules. It is obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis of starch from corn, rice or potatoes. Maltodextrin dissolves well and combines with all kinds of molecules, which significantly reduces its price compared to other similar materials.

Thanks to maltodextrin with its encapsulated structure, the aroma is retained very reliably and comes out gradually. This is what makes Rexon's products so unique.