Development of higher mental functions in preschool children. A system for developing skills and abilities for the development of higher mental functions in preschool children with general speech underdevelopment. Analysis and synthesis

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Methods and techniques of speech therapy.

1. Imitative performance;



Using methods and techniques in working on vocabulary formation

and grammatical structure of speech.

Dictionary expansion

Formation of the word formation function

Development of coherent speech

Formation of inflection

Formation of the syntactic side of speech

Visual methods:

Using the “Speech Therapy Village” layout, the “Fairy Frigates” manual

Verbal methods:

Story, conversation, explanation,

Clarification and dissemination of the statement;

Dramatization games.

Practical methods:

Creative exercises;

Sign schemes;


Visual methods:

Showing a sample task and method of execution;

Using the “Speech Therapy Village” layout;

Tape recordings;

Sign-symbolic modeling.

Verbal methods.

Method of word creation;

Word games.

Practical methods:

Imitative-performing and creative exercises;

Models of consoles.

Visual methods:

Tape recordings;

Looking at paintings;

Using a sandbox;

Layout of the “Speech Therapy Village”;

Descriptive diagrams.

Verbal methods:



Dramatization games;


Practical methods:

Imitative-executive and role-playing games;

Question and answer games.

Visual methods:

Using a sandbox;

Models for working with prepositions;

Layout “Speech therapy village”;

Tape recordings.

Verbal methods:


Show sample execution.

Practical methods:

Speech, imitative-performing and game exercises;


Visual methods:

Using the “Speech Therapy Village” manuals; sandbox, fairy frigates;

Examination of paintings and drawings;

Showing a sample task and how to complete it.

Verbal methods:

Method of writing a letter;

Clarification and dissemination of the statement.

Practical methods:


Graphic diagrams;

Speech and creative exercises;

Using a sandbox.

2) Expected results correctional work.

Generally. Children show interest in educational activities throughout the entire lesson, they are active in class, independently reason, classify, make generalizations and conclusions. They respond adequately to assessment of their activities, have a solid knowledge of the world around them, and use the acquired skills in practical activities. Formation of lexical representations. Children have a rich vocabulary. Unmistakably use generalizing words and concepts. They speak freely on topics that go beyond the visible situation. They master subject concepts in accordance with the program, establish private and general connections between them. Formation of the grammatical structure of speech. As a result of correctional work, by the end of the year, the intensity of word creation in children significantly decreased, a critical attitude towards speech and its grammatical form developed, and speech self-control developed. During this period, children quite accurately understand the meanings of words expressed by prefixes and suffixes, distinguish the morphological elements of words expressing the meaning of number and gender. Children sufficiently understand logical-grammatical structures that express cause-and-effect, temporal and spatial relationships. Formation of coherent speech. Children are able to compose texts different types: description, narration, reasoning. Children's descriptions include the name of the object, its details and qualities. When telling a narrative story, a clear structure of the text is visible, and children are also able to break the text into its component parts. By the end of the year, children freely enter into dialogue with peers and adults, actively communicate in educational topics.

Criteria for determining the level of lexico-grammatical representations

children of the 7th year of life (preparatory group).

Low speech level

Grammatical structure of speech

Speech development

The child distinguishes and names a large number of animals and plants, but does not differentiate animals well by their habitat and does not know many words denoting parts of the animal’s body, parts of clothing, furniture, and utensils. The possibilities of using a subject dictionary, a dictionary of actions and attributes are limited. Establishes private connections, compares objects according to individual characteristic features. Has difficulty identifying common features. Learning activity is unstable and associated with bright, attention-grabbing events.

The child only uses simple sentences, consisting of 2-3, rarely 4 words. There are gross errors in the use of grammatical structures: confusion of case forms; the use of nouns in the nominative case, and verbs in the infinitive or 3rd person form;

the use of number and gender of verbs when changing nouns by number is not accurate; lack of agreement of adjectives with nouns, numerals with nouns; frequent omission of prepositions; conjunctions and particles are rarely used.

The child finds it difficult to establish connections, and therefore makes substantive and semantic errors in retellings and independent stories; When telling stories, the help of an adult is required. Omits structural components of a narrative story. In creative storytelling, he repeats the stories of other children, does not use speech as evidence.

Average level of speech.

Grammatical structure of speech

Speech development

The child distinguishes a large number of objects, identifies characteristic and, under the guidance of the teacher, essential features. Able to compare objects based on differences and similarities. Doesn't have enough general concepts and general connections.

The child rarely makes errors in the agreement of numerals with nouns, adjectives with nouns in gender, number, and case. Makes mistakes in using both simple and complex prepositions. There are minor difficulties in understanding logical-grammatical structures expressing cause-and-effect, temporal and spatial relationships

In the story, the child uses simple common sentences, complex constructions are almost never used,

makes omissions and logical errors, but corrects them himself with the help of an adult and peers. Shows interest in verbal communication, but is not active enough in it himself

High level of speech.

Grammatical structure of speech

Speech development

The child knows the basic signs of living things, establishes connections between the state of living beings, the habitat and the compliance of conditions with needs. Masters subject concepts in accordance with the program, establishes private and general connections under the guidance of a teacher and independently. Models features of objects and connections. The cognitive attitude is stable.

The child quite accurately understands the meanings of words expressed by prefixes and suffixes, distinguishes the morphological elements of words expressing the meaning of number and gender. Sufficiently understands logical-grammatical structures expressing cause-and-effect, temporal and spatial relationships.

The child has speech skills. He is proactive and independent in inventing fairy tales, capable of composing texts of various types: description, narration, reasoning. Its descriptions include the name of the object, its details and qualities. When telling a narrative story, a clear structure of the text is visible, and the child is also able to break the text into its component parts.

The child also freely enters into dialogue with peers and adults and actively communicates on educational topics.

3) Monitoring, feedback system, tracking learning results. Forms of current, intermediate, final control, methods of assessing knowledge, abilities, skills.

In my work, the form of current, intermediate, and final monitoring of children’s speech development is diagnostics. When conducting diagnostics, I relied on the examination materials set out in practical manuals by Filicheva T. B., Chirkina G. V. “Elimination of general speech underdevelopment in children preschool age" and Kiryanova R. A. "Comprehensive diagnostics of preschool children with severe speech impairments" (materials from a specialist preschool), and I was also guided by such manuals as: “Speech therapy examination of a child” by S. E. Bolshakova, “Didactic material on the examination of children’s speech” by T. B. Bessonova, O. E. Gribova, “Album for a speech therapist” by O. Inshakova. B., “Methodological recommendations for speech therapy diagnostics and correction” by I. A. Smirnova. I consider a speech therapy examination scheme, which consists of the following points, to be one of the diagnostic methods for identifying the level of lexico-grammatical concepts in children with OPD:

1. Study of the vocabulary of the language.

Child’s independent addition of thematic range:

what sunshine? - warm, bright...

what vegetables grow in the garden? - cucumbers...

selection of synonyms, antonyms, related words;


Correspondence of the dictionary to the age range;

Availability of verbs, adverbs, adjectives, pronouns, nouns in the dictionary;

Precise use of words.

2. Examination of the grammatical structure of speech.

A) Function Status inflections:

Converting singular nouns to plural in the nominative case;

Formation of the genitive case form of nouns in the singular and plural;

Agreement with numerals (2 and 5).

b) function state word formation:

- formation of nouns using diminutive suffixes;

Formation of adjectives (relative, qualitative, possessive);

Formation of names of baby animals;

Forming verbs using prefixes.

3. State of coherent speech.

A) Reproduction of a familiar fairy tale:

- by memory;

- according to a series of pictures.

Fairy tales: “Kolobok”, “Ryaba Hen”, “Teremok”.

b) Compiling a story based on a series of plot pictures.

Logical sequence in the presentation of events;

The nature of agrammatism;

Features of the dictionary.

4. Processing the information received, filling out diagnostic cards.

Diagnosis of children with ODD cannot fully rely on identifying knowledge, skills, and abilities. For a child of senior preschool age, what is primarily important is not the amount of subject knowledge of a certain educational field he owns, but the way in which this knowledge was mastered by the child. Thus, a certain set of knowledge that a child possesses does not always indicate his real results. Therefore, when selecting methods and diagnostic material, I took into account the psychological characteristics of children and the structure of the speech defect.

List of methods and diagnostic material for examining the lexico-grammatical structure of speech.

1 . Subject and subject pictures by lexical topics.

2 . Action pictures:

boy draws;

girl watering flowers;

Mother is washing the dishes;

grandma knits socks;

boy plays with a ball;

girl jumping rope, etc.

3. Pictures depicting different numbers of objects:

table - tables; hat - hats; bucket - buckets.

Game "One - Many".

Goal: to identify children’s ability to independently form a plural noun from a singular noun.
Progress: The speech therapist shows a picture depicting one object and invites the child to find a picture depicting the same object, but in large quantities.

Pictures: ball - balls; house - houses; bucket - buckets, etc.

The speech therapist shows a picture and calls it: ball.

“What do you have,” asks the speech therapist, “what’s in the picture?”

Child's answer: There are balls in the picture.

Thus, it is proposed to name all the pictures (5-6 pictures).

A game “Catch and call.”

Speech therapist: I will throw a ball and name words that mean one object; you throwing the ball ; will you tell me a word that means many things? This game reminds us of the rules of the game “One - Many”. The speech therapist throws the ball to the child, calling the word “home”; child
returns the ball calling the word “home”. You need to teach your child to combine movement with words. The speech therapist names from five to eight words.

4. Pictures depicting large and small objects.

Game "Big"- small".

Goal: To identify children’s ability to form diminutive noun suffixes using suffixes.

Equipment: Pictures depicting large and small objects.

Progress: Red circles - large and small. The speech therapist suggests naming what is on the card: small circle, large circle.

The speech therapist asks the child to name the circles without the words “big” and “small”.
This? - points to a small circle.

Child's answer: circle.

And this? The speech therapist shows in a large circle.

Child's answer: circle.

Speech therapist: Help me, please, I need to make out the pictures.

Place small objects in the pictures under the circle, large objects under the circle.

The speech therapist places a tray with pictures of large and small objects in front of the child and monitors the child’s progress in completing the task.

Below the small circle there are drawings: a Christmas tree, a ball, a ball...

Under the large circle there are drawings: a Christmas tree, a ball, a ball.

The speech therapist suggests naming large objects first, and then small ones.
Child's answer: Christmas tree, ball, ball;

Christmas tree, ball, ball.

5. Pictures depicting homogeneous objects that differ in some way (size, height, width).

Ribbons - long, short.

The fence is high, low.

Rope - thick, thin.

6. Pictures depicting two and five objects.

Game "Name How Many".

The pictures are upside down. The child does not see them.

Goal: To identify children’s ability to coordinate numerals (2 and 5) with nouns in gender, number, case.

Progress: In front of the child are pictures that are upside down. The speech therapist offers to name what is on the card.

This is... (the child names any object at random). The speech therapist turns the picture over and asks them to name what is on the card (ball). This is how all the pictures are turned over sequentially.

Speech therapist: Name the objects that are drawn on the cards.

The child names: ball, Christmas tree, bucket, car.

There are 4 cards in front of you, but I also have a fifth, look,” the speech therapist offers the child a card with a picture of two circles. - What's on the card?

Child's answer: Mugs.

Speech therapist: How many circles?

Child's answer: Two.

The speech therapist places a card with two circles in front of the pictures.

Speech therapist: Name the objects, adding the number 2.

Sample : two balls, two Christmas trees... continue.

The speech therapist changes the first card to a card with a picture of five

circles, after inviting the child to close his eyes.
Speech therapist: Open your eyes and see what has changed.

Child: New card.

Speech therapist: Count how many circles are on the card.

The speech therapist suggests naming the same pictures, but adding a number 5.
Sample : 5 balls, 5 Christmas trees.

Game "Four Seasons" Goal: to clarify children’s knowledge of the characteristic features of each season, their sequence. Summary: Name how many seasons there are in total. In the first cell of the table, draw what happens only in winter (spring, autumn and summer). (for the game you need a sheet of paper lined into 4 squares - 4 seasons). Game "Listen and Draw" Goal: to clarify children’s knowledge of lexical topics. Summary: Speech therapist: I will name a word, and you draw only one object that matches this word. The word "Toys". What will you draw? (for the game you need a sheet of paper lined into 8 cells - 8 lexical topics).

Game "Find the odd one out"

Goal: to clarify children’s ability to compare, analyze, generalize, classify, draw conclusions, and identify the odd one out of a group of similar objects.

Speech therapist: Today Dunno drew objects for you. Tell me what he drew? How can you say in one word what Dunno drew? Why can’t I say that Dunno drew vegetables and fruits? Find the extra item. Name it and shade it.

Material to study the condition coherent speech

1. Pictures with action.

2 . Scene pictures.

Z. Series of plot pictures (2,3,4,5) .
4. A series of pictures based on fairy tales: “Hen Ryaba”, “Turnip”, “Teremok”.

When examining children, I relied not only on special diagnostic material, but also on my observations of the child in regime moments, play activity, attended the classes of teachers in my group to monitor the dynamics of the child’s speech development. It follows from this that the use of variable tasks and games, and various examination methods makes it possible to more accurately identify the level of development of lexical and grammatical concepts in children, which in turn contributes to the accurate choice of methods and technologies of correctional work. 4) Results of the work. In the preparatory group, diagnostics were carried out in September (introductory), in January (interim) and in May (final). From September 1 to September 15, introductory diagnostics were carried out, which showed that 60% of children preparatory group The grammatical structure of speech is significantly disrupted, which is reflected in the difficulties of changing the cases of nouns ( I draw with a pencil, there are no ears, they dig with a shovel), in the formation of the plural of nouns ( tree - tree, leaf - sheets), in the absence of prepositions or their incorrect use ( squirrel sits in a hollow). During examination vocabulary It was found that children find it difficult to select antonyms ( tall - small, long - small, brave - weak), do not know the names of body parts ( elbow - nail), confuse generalizing concepts ( vegetables and fruits, wild and domestic animals). There is also insufficient development of the statement and difficulties in retelling the text from the picture. Based on the introductory diagnostic data, three subgroups of speech development were formed: Group No. 1 – with a borderline level between the average and high level; Group No. 2 – with an average level; Group No. 3 – with a low level. Corrective work was planned with each subgroup, and the time load per day, week, for each child in the group was determined. From January 1 to January 20, an interim diagnosis was carried out, the data of which showed significant dynamics in the speech development of each child. Based on the results of a survey of the grammatical structure of speech, 30% of children moved from a low level to an average one, and high level increased by 20%. The vocabulary survey also showed growth dynamics: 5% of children moved from a low level to an average one, and a high level increased by 25%. When replenishing vocabulary, the percentage of growth is not large. I explain this by the fact that children with general underdevelopment In speech, it is with great difficulty that verbal forms and a vocabulary of signs are acquired, which is due to the pace of vocabulary formation in these children in general. A survey of coherent speech showed that 35% of children moved from an average level to a high level and 45% of children moved from a low to an average level. These data show a significant increase in speech development. Based on the results of the interim diagnostics, the subgroups were re-formed, but their composition changed. The survey data made it possible to transfer children from groups with a low level of speech development to a stronger subgroup. From May 15 to May 30, the final diagnostics were carried out, which showed high results in all three indicators. About 80% of children have a high level of speech development and 20% of children showed an average level of speech development. These are the children who are at the beginning school year had a low level of speech development, as well as children with low performance and increased fatigue. The results of the examination allowed me to predict the characteristics of the child’s development and select the optimal content of education and upbringing, means and techniques of adequate corrective influence. The revealed unevenness in the timing of maturation of individual functions in children made it possible to determine their individual characteristics and outline optimal conditions for normal speech development. I introduced the diagnostic data to teachers and parents of the preparatory school. speech therapy group, which allowed them to: - monitor the progress of the child’s development throughout the school year, - receive complete information about the developmental characteristics of each child, - timely identify speech disorders of various types, - successfully overcome identified speech deficiencies and master basic knowledge and skills for schooling, - correctly build pedagogical communication with the child. Thus, the system of work on the formation of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech using a variety of games, methods and techniques, a planning system, contact with teachers and parents contributed to the fact that positive dynamics are observed in speech development children with general speech underdevelopment, as evidenced by the diagram.

Data from a survey of the grammatical standing of speech of children in a preparatory speech therapy group.

Introductory diagnostics

Interim diagnostics

Final diagnostics

Data from a survey of the vocabulary of children in a preparatory speech therapy group.

Introductory diagnostics

Interim diagnostics

Final diagnostics

O - high level; O - average level; O – low level

Data from a survey of the coherent speech of children in a preparatory speech therapy group.

Introductory diagnostics

Interim diagnostics

Final diagnostics

O - high level; O - average level; O – low level.


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    A COLLECTION of documents on education at the federal level is the result of the work carried out to accumulate and systematize basic documents on education for the period 1-2005.

  1. Explanatory note to the report of the head of the administration of the Saransk urban district, Vladimir Fedorovich Sushkov

    Explanatory note

    on the achieved values ​​of indicators for assessing the effectiveness of local governments of urban districts and municipal districts for 2009 and their planned values ​​for a 3-year period

  2. Results of consideration of the draft decision of the Orenburg City Council “On the budget of the city of Orenburg for 2012 and for the planning period of 2013 and 2014”


    2.1. The main directions of budget and tax policy, preliminary results and forecast of socio-economic development of the city of Orenburg, medium-term financial plan…….

  3. Work plan of the Center for the Development of the System of Additional Education for Children and Youth of the Moscow Region


    Streamline the forms of internal control, review and evaluate individual areas of activity of structural divisions at meetings with the director of the Center;

In speech therapy, it is customary to use practical, visual and verbal methods.

The choice and use of one or another method is determined by the nature speech disorder, content, goals and objectives of correctional speech therapy, stage of work, age, individual psychological characteristics of the child, etc.

Verbal methods used in frontal forms of speech therapy work are story, conversation and reading. This type of method involves influencing the child’s thinking, his imagination,

feelings, encourages verbal communication, exchange of impressions.

A story is a method in which the presentation is descriptive. It is used to create in children an idea of ​​a particular phenomenon, to evoke positive emotions, to create a model of correct expressive speech, to prepare children for subsequent independent work, to enrich their vocabulary, and to consolidate grammatical forms of speech.

A conversation is a focused, pre-prepared conversation between a speech therapist and children on a specific topic. This method involves identifying children’s knowledge on the topic of conversation, creating an attitude to assimilate new topic, is carried out to consolidate and differentiate the speech skills of children.

Reading is a receptive type of speech communication, the purpose of which is to cultivate interest in the book. Reading allows children with speech impairments to master not only the form of various statements, but also to master the prosodic side of speech and help develop the logic of conversation.

The use of verbal methods in frontal forms of speech therapy work must meet the following conditions:

Rely on the level of speech skills of the child;

Be in the child’s zone of proximal development;

Correspond to the logic of the child’s mental activity, take into account the peculiarities of his thinking.

Practical methods of speech therapy are considered to be exercises, games and modeling.

Exercise is the repeated repetition by a child of practical and mental given actions. They are effective in speech therapy work

mental activity.

Games include creative games and games with rules. In turn, games with rules are divided into mobile and didactic. During the game, the child’s spiritual and physical strengths develop: his attention, memory, imagination, emotions, and, of course, all components of speech.

HomeModeling is the process of creating models and using them to form ideas about the structure of objects, the relationships and connections between the elements of these objects.

The effectiveness of using practical methods of speech therapy depends on the following conditions:

Should facilitate the process of children acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities;

Must be accessible to the perception process of children;

Must be consistent with the goals and objectives of correctional work.

The next type of methods used in frontal forms of speech therapy work are visual methods. These include observation, looking at drawings, paintings, models, watching filmstrips, films, listening to records, tape recordings, as well as showing a sample task and method of action.

Observation is a purposeful, organized and recorded perception of the object being studied in a certain way. Children with speech impairments observe animals, the activities of adults, and phenomena of the reality around them. Observations are intended

clarify and deepen knowledge about objects with which the child often

touches in his life (dishes, clothes, furniture, tools, school supplies).

Examination is a process of directly familiarizing children with the surrounding reality, helping to clarify and expand children’s ideas and develop cognitive activity.

Listening to tape recordings is accompanied by a conversation with a speech therapist and retelling. Tape recordings of the speech of the children themselves are used for analysis, to identify the nature of the disorder, to compare speech at various stages of correction, and to instill confidence in the success of the work.

Showing a sample task and method of action is a system of regulatory rules for organizing by a speech therapist the process of children acquiring new knowledge and methods of action by prescribing and showing algorithms for completing tasks.

The effectiveness of using visual aids in frontal forms of speech therapy work is determined by the following conditions:

Visual aids should be clearly visible to all children;

Must be selected taking into account the age and individual psychological characteristics of the child;

Must meet the objectives of speech therapy work;

Should contribute to the development of analytical and synthetic activity, observation, and speech.

In the process of speech therapy, not only a variety of methods are used, but also techniques: showing a sample, explaining, clarifying,

explanation, pedagogical assessment.

Questions for self-control

1. Describe the basic principles of speech therapy

on frontal forms of speech therapy work.

2. Describe the main methods of speech therapy.

3. Reveal the features of planning and conducting frontal forms of speech therapy work.