The amount of military pensions. Increase in pensions for military pensioners in April. Military pensioners will become “one hundred rubles” richer: the April indexation will be very modest. Military pensions: when and by how much will they be indexed? The procedure for registering and paying a pension

In 2017, the topic of military pensions did not leave the paper and virtual pages of news publications. Against the backdrop of the economic crisis, interest in this issue is understandable and does not lose its relevance. Let's figure out what promises the state made to former military personnel and to what extent it fulfills them.

Reference. Number of military pensioners in Russian Federation reached 2.6 million people.

New developments in pension rights for former military personnel

Citizens who served in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have the following types: pension provision:

  • for length of service;
  • on disability.

Family members of the former defender of the Motherland are entitled to a payment in the event of the loss of a breadwinner.

Details of who and under what conditions these payments are established can be found in Law No. 4468-1 of 12.2.93. We will only dwell on individual points that affect the increase in pensions for military pensioners from 2017.

In 2017, significant changes occurred in the procedure for assigning pensions to military pensioners, affecting citizens to whom payment for length of service was erroneously assigned.

According to amendments No. 63-FZ dated 3.IV.17, the elimination of a counting or factual error should not lead to the deprivation of the pensioner’s right to payment if the inaccuracy was not his fault.

Such citizens will continue to receive security from the state in an accrued amount until one of the following events occurs:

  • emergence of the right to military pension;
  • the emergence of the right to an insurance pension.

The accrued amount, like the “correct” pension, is subject to annual indexation.

The reason for these changes was the decision Constitutional Court, who examined the complaint of a former military man who was deprived of the right to state support, established erroneously, and pointed out the inconsistency of this norm with the basic law.

Indexation of pensions for military pensioners in 2017

Reference. According to official data, since 2011, the size of military pensions has increased 1.9 times.

The state has accepted an obligation to increase payments for state provision in two cases:

  • simultaneously with an increase in pay for military personnel;
  • annually, from the first of January, by increasing the share of monetary allowance taken into account when calculating pensions.

In the first case, the amount increases simultaneously with the increase in army pay; the size of the increase depends on the new “salaries” of security forces. The salary was increased - the pension was increased. Plans to increase the pay of soldiers have been discussed for a long time, but they have never been implemented.

Reference. The last time there was an increase in army pay was six years ago.

In the second case, indexation should occur regardless of the growth in income of active military personnel. Five years ago, at the end of 2012, the share of monetary allowance taken into account when calculating state benefits was set at 54%.

It was planned to increase it annually by at least 2%. At this rate, no later than 2035, pensions should have been assigned at the rate of 100% of the amount of salary. True, not all former military personnel will live to see these happy times.

Everything went well, the coefficient was increased annually almost by the amount of inflation. The last time the military pension was indexed in this way was at the end of 2016, bringing the reduction factor to 72.23%, while simultaneously introducing a moratorium on its increase until 01/01/2018.

Thus, pensions for military pensioners were indexed only once in 2017, by changing the reduction factor by 2.78%. In his decrees, the head of state gave instructions not only to increase the size taking into account the general increase in the general price level, but to ensure that it was 2% higher than the inflation rate. Unfortunately, this instruction is not being followed.

In practice, this policy has led to the fact that payments are not “indexed” in order to ensure a decent standard of living for old military personnel, but are “pulled up” to the level of inflation. It seems that they have indexed them, but life has not become any easier.

Reference. Over six years (2012-2018), the reduction factor increased by 18%, and the inflation rate increased by 42.68%.

Nothing is known yet about plans to further increase the share of income of the Armed Forces personnel, which affects the size of the pension. The draft general budget of the country for next year does not contain relevant instructions, although it has already passed the approval procedure in the Federation Council of the Russian Federation. It was this document that previously established the value of the coefficient.

Increasing pensions for military pensioners in 2017

The past year has been full of rumors about planned changes. Deputies made proposals to increase pensions. Experts talked about the budget deficit. Initiatives have been put forward to increase the length of service required to grant a pension. The heads of ministries reported that there was money. So will there be an increase or not?

Will. From the beginning of the new year, it is planned to increase the pay of military personnel and employees of other law enforcement agencies. Consequently, according to the principle “raise the salary - increase the pension”, payments to pensioners will increase.

They plan to raise salaries by only 4%. Military pensions will also change by approximately the same amount. As a result, 14% of the country's annual budget will be spent on payments to the military.


The economic crisis does not allow the state to fully fulfill its obligations to pensioners. The budget deficit on the one hand and the upcoming elections on the other are forcing officials to look for a middle ground. If until 2017, military pensions grew only due to an increase in the reduction factor, then in 2018 it was decided to support not only former but also active military personnel, increasing the latter’s pay.

There is no money in the new budget to increase the estimated coefficient. Its size will remain the same (72.23%), and the moratorium on the application of Article 43 of Law No. 4468-1 will be extended until 01/01/2019. The corresponding draft law has already been sent to the president for signature.

We can only hope that the country will finally emerge from the crisis and be able to fully fulfill its obligations to the people who honestly and conscientiously performed the hard military work.

Referred to citizens who are unable to perform work duties subject to permanent residence within the Russian Federation. This provision is paid to certain categories of persons upon reaching , due to the loss of a breadwinner or confirmation of disability.

Pension indexation from April 1, 2017 set at level 1,5% . Previously it was assumed that the increase would be about 2.6%. Due to indexation, pension recipients are compensated for the increase in the cost of the consumer basket necessary to ensure their existence.

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The amount of such payments is set at the state level and is subject to annual increases. When determining the size social pension the value (PM) and its change are taken into account.

The cost of living takes into account the cost consumer basket. The calculation is made for different categories of citizens: pensioners, children, able-bodied persons. The PM is established by adopting the federal law on the budget of the Russian Federation for the financial year.

In 2017 PM decreased to 8,540 rubles. Regional authorities introduce their own PM indicators, which need to be guided by when assigning payments. The total financial support of a pensioner cannot be less than the minimum monthly wage in a particular region.

After indexing average value social pension totals 8,774 rubles. The smallest pension amount is due to and, as well as to persons retirement age. The largest pension amount is paid to citizens with, persons who received group 2 disability in, and under 18 years of age.

A proposal was also made to decrease indexing size up to 1,5% . This is explained by a slight increase in the cost of food and non-food products, which are included in the minimum set

A final decision on the amount of indexation has not yet been made. We monitor current information as it arrives from official sources.

Indexation of military pensions

Also subject to adjustment military pensions from April 1, 2017. This will happen due to increase coefficient that is used when calculating the pension. As a calculation coefficient when determining the size of pensions for long service and disability due to war trauma applies base size social pension.

Expected that in 2017 pensions will be indexed in full according to the procedure specified in the legislation. The procedure will only affect working citizens. How much the second indexation will be depends on the economic indicators in the country in the first half of the year.

For working pensioners it is made recalculation security taking into account paid insurance premiums. After completion of the work, citizens will be fully indexed. The government plans to consider the issue of indexing pensions for this category of citizens.

An example of calculating a pension from April 1

Troshkin Egor Vladimirovich is a disabled person of group 2 at the age of 16 years. For the disabled child category in 2016, the pension amount was RUB 11,903.51

After indexation, the security amount will be:

RUB 11,903.51 * 1.5% = 12,082.06 rubles.

Troshkin E.V. lives in Amursk, Khabarovsk Territory, where the coefficient applies 1,2 . After adjustment, the amount receivable will be:

RUB 12,082.06 * 1.2 = RUB 14,498.47

The living wage for children in the Khabarovsk Territory is RUB 13,404 Since the size of transfers ( RUB 14,498.47) is greater than this value, then no additional payments are provided to the disability pension.


  1. Social pensions are received by disabled categories of citizens.
  2. Happy April, 1 there will be an increase in social pensions, which is planned at the level 1,5%.
  3. The amount of indexation of social pensions is set on the basis of the increase in the cost of the food basket for consumers.
  4. The size of the social pension cannot be lower than the indicator living wage in the region.
  5. Military pensioners are entitled to an increase in pension in the amount of 1,5%.
  6. Military pensions awarded for length of service are subject to increase.
  7. Military pensions are adjusted due to an increase in the reduction factor that is used when calculating payments.
  8. Indexation of insurance pensions took place in February 2017, and the second in April.
  9. About the size next indexing information has not yet been provided.
Published 03/29/17 17:03

Increasing pensions for military pensioners in 2017, the latest news: the Ministry of Finance proposed expanding the number of banks for payments to military pensioners.

Pension increase in 2017 in Russia, last news: The media found out who will increase their pension and by how much from April 1

In Russia, on April 1, 2017, the second indexation of pensions this year will take place. As I wrote earlier, all types of pensions, including social benefits and payments to military pensioners, will increase by 1.5%.

Previously, the Russian government established an indexation limit taking into account the cost of living of a pensioner. Initially it was supposed intkbbee increase pensions from April 1, 2017 in Russia by 0.38%, but then the figure was increased to 1.5%. Ultimately, m the average size social pension will increase by 129 rubles and after the increase will amount to 8,774 rubles.

The increase in pensions from April 1, 2017 in Russia will also affect the category of military pensioners. At the same time, as expected, the average disability pension for military personnel who served in conscription will increase by 181 rubles and amount to 12,343 rubles; The survivor's pension for military families will increase by 155 rubles - up to 10,462 rubles.

The pensions of disabled pensioners who were injured in hostilities and WWII participants receiving two pensions will increase by 206 and 200 rubles, respectively, and the amount of payments for outstanding achievements and special services to Russia will increase by 247 rubles - up to 16,723 rubles.

Pensions for working pensioners will not increase in Russia from April 1, 2017, but after such a citizen leaves his labor activity, his payments will be indexed in full, taking into account past periods.

Indexation of military pensions in 2017, the latest news: the Ministry of Finance proposed to expand the number of banks for payments to military pensioners

According to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, the range of banks for military pensioners will be significantly expanded. A corresponding bill to expand the range of banks serving military pensioners was proposed by the department.

Now military pensioners receive social payments through Sberbank of Russia or using a Russian Post transfer. However, even commercial institutions are expected to be included in the circle of banks. For example, Gazprombank, VTB and Rosselkhozbank have already approached the government with proposals for cooperation.

Published 09.10.17 10:26

Increasing pensions for military pensioners in 2017 from October 1 in Russia: it became known when military pensions will be indexed.

Increasing military pensions in Russia, latest news in October 2017

The issue of increasing pensions for military pensioners in Russia has long been of concern to former employees of law enforcement agencies. Previously, information appeared that payments to this category of citizens would be increased in October 2017, but so far no legal acts have been adopted in this regard.

On April 1, 2017, a intkbbee social indexing pension payments by 1.5%. According to experts, the planned indexation of pensions was completed in 2017, and the next indexation Russian pensioners we can wait no earlier than 2018.

Experts note that an increase in the salary of active military personnel automatically leads to an increase in pensions for former military personnel, and the size of the change depends on the amount of the monthly salary paid according to military rank and the position held. According to the general rule, this happens in October, but since 2015, there has been no widespread increase in these payments to all categories of military personnel: increases were carried out periodically for employees of different ranks.

According to unofficial data, the increase in military pensions in October 2017 could only occur due to an increase in official salaries. This rule applies to payments for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the fire service, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and other law enforcement agencies, however, apparently, indexation will not take place.

The size of the pension is revised once a year, and the adjustment coefficient depends on the established level of inflation over the past period. The values ​​of other types of pensions are revised or indexed at different times: in January, February and April.

Cash payments to military pensioners increase upon the fact of an increase in the amount of salary or from the date of increase in a special indicator - a reduction factor used when calculating the amount of benefits for a military or other employee.

The gradual increase in the coefficient ended in 2015, and from that time its size began to be established annually by a separate federal law: before the beginning of 2016, the PC was 66.78%. From 2016 to 2017 - 69.45%. During the period 2017-2018. - 72.23%.

From the beginning of next year, Federal Law No. 430 of December 19, 2016, establishing the value of the PC and repealing the effect of part two of Art. 43 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 4468-I, which means that from January 2018 the size of pensions for former military personnel will be revised without fail. According to experts, in this case there are two scenarios:

  • The effect of the canceled part of this article has been resumed. The reduction coefficient is determined at the level of 74% (a gradual increase of 2% per year, since the coefficient in 207 is 72.23%), pensions in this case will increase slightly.
  • A new one will be accepted the federal law, which determines a different coefficient. Its value should be higher than the current one in 2017.

In addition, a former law enforcement officer can receive a second pension. A corresponding opportunity arises if, after leaving service, a person continues to work in a civilian profession. There are certain criteria specifically for processing insurance payments: you need to dial a sufficient number pension points and serve a certain period of time (8 years and 11.4 IPC).

In addition, for certain categories of military pensioners, the pension is increased by the amount of the increase calculated on the basis of basic value social pension (5,034.25 rubles): such a benefit is established for disability for military personnel in the amount of 300%.