Birds made of beads. Exotic birds. Beads How to make a parrot from beads

Make a three-dimensional hummingbird figurine on a 1.2 m long wire, starting with the beak, the rows of which are strung flat. Then continue alternately lowering up and down using a volumetric parallel weaving method. For flat wings, stretch two wires through the beads of the body, for voluminous legs - two other wires. Pull one wire through the last top row of the body - for the tail.

String beads on it using the following method: flat weave and cross the ends. Thread your fingers onto additional wires, starting with the one facing backwards. Then pull the wire forward through the last row of the paw. String beads for three fingers, twist the ends of the wire and cut off the excess.

For a parrot figurine you will need a wire 1.3 m long. Start working with the beak. Complete the first three rows using the flat hem method, the fourth row will become the bottom volumetric one, and then make all subsequent rows volumetric. Thread two separate wires for the legs and wings through the body beads. The first row of paws should be voluminous, and the subsequent rows should be flat.

Thread your fingers onto additional wires, starting with the one facing back, and pull the wire forward through the last row of the paw. Twist both ends of the wire and cut off the excess. Carry out the lowering of the flat wings according to the pattern and, slightly moving them towards each other, lay them flat on the back.

Parrot weaving pattern:

Weaving pattern for a simple and long-tailed parrot:

To weave these parrots, you need to master the parallel bead weaving technique. Shown here are 2 diagrams of two different parrots. The peculiarity of these patterns is that the back and abdomen are merged in one image; if you look closely, you will see that the color of the beads is marked with a stick in the center of the circle, which is tilted to the right or left.

Their weaving patterns:

Required material:

White beads
- yellow beads
- black beads for beak, eyes and paws
- wire

Its weaving pattern:

To make a voluminous parrot, you need to take:

Red beads
- blue beads
- yellow beads
- black beads
- white beads
- copper wire
The weaving technique is called “parallel”.

1. Make the entire figurine of a crowned dove, with the exception of the beak and tail, in volume on a wire 1.5 m long. Start stringing with the top two rows of the head with a tuft, then continue, stringing the top and bottom rows simultaneously. Stringing directions are indicated in the diagram. Each feather of the crest is shown in the diagram by arrows. In the last bottom row, string one bead and make one feather tuft on each individual wire, then again pull the wires through the beads in the opposite direction. Pull the ends of the wire through your head in front of the last top row and out.

2. Perform the rows of the torso by alternating lowering back and forth using the method of volumetric parallel weaving. Skip the second back row, pull the ends of the wire in the opposite direction through the first back row. Make the body and stretch two separate wires for the flat wings and voluminous paws. For the claws, string the beads according to the pattern onto one end of the wire.

Weaving pattern:

With the exception of the first two rows, make a three-dimensional bird figurine on a wire 1.3 m long. Bend the first three rows of the beak downwards. After completing the head, pull the ends of the wire through the head, behind the row where the eyes are marked, and out. Perform the rows of the body by alternating lowering back and forth using the method of volumetric parallel weaving. Stretch two separate wires for stringing flat wings and voluminous legs. Thread beads onto each individual claw wire.

This time on the topic of beading figurines, we will look at a master class on the basis of which you can make cute parrots from beads with your own hands, namely a cockatoo with its signature crest of a beautiful multi-colored feathered bird. At first glance, the work may seem quite complicated to you, but step by step photos And detailed description, even a novice needlewoman can cope with the process.

How to weave a cockatoo

First of all, we note that basically the beaded parrot presented will be created on the basis of volumetric weaving technology, the essence of which is the sequential weaving of two tiers: upper and lower.

Before work, you will need to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • beads number eight in three main shades: light, orange and dark;
  • wire (diameter 0.2 mm);
  • thin fishing line and a needle - will be needed for stitching the finished figurine.
  • The basis for weaving is wire, one hundred and fifty centimeters long.

The first and second rows are made using a parallel technique. The number of beads in rows, respectively, for the first - one and for the second - two dark beads.

The further process is already built on the basis of volumetric technology. In this case, each upper tier (TY) will form the back of the craft, and each lower tier will form the tummy.

So, the VY of the third row (r.) consists of three dark beads. This set is placed on the same level in the previous rows. NYA – two dark beads. Here you need to bend the wire so that this low one lies below in relation to the previous tier. After this, the weaving is tightened.

Fourth row: cast on either end the following sequence of beads: four white (BB) and six orange. Next, holding the final orange bead, pass the same wire tip through the five oranges and a couple of whites in the opposite direction. After tightening the weave, you will get the first feather, which will subsequently fold into a tuft. Then, string the next pair of BBs here and pass the second wire tip through the four BBs in the current tier (minus the beads that form the parrot’s crest). AE – four BB.

Fifth row: VY consists of the following low: 1 BB, 1 dark, 3 BB and five orange (OB). Holding the final one from the set, draw the same tip into four OBs and two BBs in the opposite direction. Having pulled the weave together, string 1 BB, 1 dark and 1 BB.

Pass the second end through six beads in the current tier minus the beads that form the feather of the parrot's crest. NYA -5 BB.

Sixth row: VYa consists of 4 BB and 5 OB. Here you will also need to hold the final bead and draw a wire of 4 OB and 1 BB in the opposite direction. Next, after tightening the weave, dial 3 BB. In this case, pass the second end into 6 BB in the current tier, with the exception of those that form the feather of the parrot's crest. AE – 5 BB.

Eighth and ninth pp. they are made of white beads, respectively, in tiers: for the eighth - four and seven, and for the ninth - five and eight.

Tenth row: VYA 6 BB. At this stage, prepare two additional sections of thirty centimeters each and insert any of them into the pair of outer beads at one end of the row, and the second through the same ones, only at the other end. Such segments will then be used to create cockatoo wings. NYA – 9 BB.

Eleventh r. – seven BB. NY – ten BB. Here also take an additional segment of thirty centimeters in length and draw it into the four central beads. Subsequently, the legs of the cockatoo will be made on this segment.

Twelfth row: in the upper tier - eight BBs, in the lower - nine.

Bright parrot

The next figurine of a parrot is a rather bright product, because it is based on the use of multi-colored beads. In this contrast, the little beaded bird looks very much like its living prototype. The weaving process is quite simple and further we will analyze its main stages.

First, let's decide on the materials and tools. The basis for weaving this parrot is beads of a wide variety of shades: blue, scarlet, emerald, yellow, dark, purple. In addition, you will need wire and scissors.

The work begins with creating a head from beads. The weaving wire has a diameter of 3 millimeters and a length of three meters. The first to string are 3 pieces of dark colored beads. Move this hem to the center. The resulting bottom needs to be connected in a circle. In this case, the ends should pass through the last bead of the second side. Weaving the head in in this case– one of the simplest processes. The first and second rows are flat. Make dark rows after each level.

At the next stage, the technology of work changes - it will be voluminous. Here the dark rows should be made alternating two lines.

To create wings from beads, you will need additional sections, the length of which varies around thirty to thirty-five centimeters. On a shorter length, these parts may not work out, so it is better to take them with a reserve. They are inserted into the final 3 beads in a certain row, according to the diagram. In addition, they should be fixed along the weaving process in a row that is not pulled together tightly. This will make it possible to make the wings more even. Both parts are identical to each other. Having made them, fix the ends among the broaches.

The further process continues according to the diagram until the next bead row begins to form yellow color. Before weaving the next one, fasten the next additional section (about thirty cm in length). It needs to be stretched into 6 pieces of beads located in the center of the row. Next, continue working and weave the next 3 rows. Once you've finished with them, extend the next additional piece of the same length.

According to the diagram, make the parrot's paws, as well as three claws with a heel. The sequence of actions to create this element from beads is clearly visible in the diagram. Similarly, another one is woven with the first leg.

Once you have completed all the details, secure the wire. Your funny colorful beaded parrot is ready.

Video: Learning how to weave hummingbirds from beads

A beaded bird can be an excellent interior decoration, toy or talisman. To create it you need a suitable pattern, thin wire, beads of different colors and, of course, your imagination.

DIY green firebird

It is best to make a green firebird using the parallel weaving technique. The essence of this method is simple - we string a bead onto a wire, and first string those beads that will be below onto one end of the wire, and then thread the other through them. Using the same principle, add the remaining rows.

Before weaving a green firebird, it is better to draw a diagram. Outline only the body; all other parts must be made using a different technology. It is better to start creating a green firebird with a beak made of black beads. It should be a thin strip.

Next, add other rows. You can use beads of light green, emerald, and marsh colors. All shades are either combined in one row, or each row consists of one of them.

The next task is to add the tail and wings. The easiest way would be to make parts of the wings and tail in the form of strips, which need to be fastened together and tied to the body. Considering that the firebird itself will be green, you should use similar shades of beads and combine them with others matching colors, for example, with bronze, gold, orange, red, black, brown or yellow.

To make the green firebird as impressive as possible, string contrasting beads onto the ends of the pieces. Remember that there must be one pattern for both wings.

Bird of happiness made of beads

You can make a bird of happiness using the parallel weaving technique, but in such a way that it is used in the process of making the wings and tail.

First you need to draw a diagram so that it represents both the body and the tail. The tail should be widened downwards. It is better to look for bright colors, for example, orange, blue, light blue, emerald, etc.

After the body and tail are ready, you need to weave the wings using a parallel technique and wrap them to the base. It is advisable that each wing consist of three parts.

To make the tail of a beaded bird more interesting, you can tie threads of beads and wire to it.

Stork made of beads

When making this voluminous bird, you can use several techniques at once. It’s easy to make legs - we string red beads onto a thick wire and wrap three small wires with several beads to the bottom.

When creating the torso and head, you should use a different technique. We string white beads onto a wire, roll them into a ring and create a second row, winding the wire to the previous one after stringing each bead. It’s better to start from the tail, then widen the rings in the body area, and then narrow and lift them up to form the neck and head. The eyes can be glued, and the beak can be created separately and tied on.

The wings are created using the parallel weaving technique. For their base you need white beads, and for the tips - black. Next, we tape them to the body.