Birthday wishes for a student. Ideas for congratulating children on their birthday at school. Beautiful happy birthday wishes for a schoolchild


Happy birthday greetings to a schoolchild in verse

Congratulations on this joyful day,
And I wish you success on your birthday!
Many plans and happy ideas await you -
So may inspiration accompany you in life!

You have a lot of things to do -
You need to finish school and continue studying,
May fate reward you with luck and patience -
For someone like you, everything should work out!

Happy birthday! You are a schoolboy
This means that the lesson
Must learn today
Dear, kind angel!

I wish you happiness
To get things going
And so that terrible misfortunes
They flew off like an arrow!

Don't be sick, don't be upset,
Never hesitate
And try to study
Excellent as always!

Collect your notebooks
Don't be late for class!
In the evening - a sweet gift
Receive it on your birthday!
May everything be a joy for you,
Both science and leisure!
To be admired.
And he was the best friend!

Today is your birthday,
This means you can take a break from all your studying.
But only today! Remember that teaching is
There is a sure way to become successful...

Always study "excellently"
Learn to be successful from an early age.
I just want to be a decent schoolboy,
Only in this way will you be able to see the light of success.

Happy birthday, throw away your notebooks,
Accept gifts and congratulations.
What a cake! Beautiful, tasty, sweet,
How else could it be on your birthday?
I wish you to be healthy and cheerful,
So that you have enough time for everything,
So that all your wishes come true,
What you wanted and what you dreamed about.

On this day I wish you
Overcome any limit -
So that, burning towards knowledge,
You have firmly mastered it!
To taste new successes
It arose in you of its own accord
And formed! In a word,
Happy birthday, student!

There will still be so many roads in your life,
So many wonderful discoveries and, I won’t hide, worries,
A year-long path lies before you,
May there always be faith on this path!
Faith in God, in people, and, of course, in yourself,
May fate give you many sunny days!
We love you very much! You're doing great!
Happy birthday, son (daughter)! Your mother and father.

Happy birthday, my dear schoolboy!
On this day you go to class,
Let studying not be dreary,
I write these lines from my heart!
I wish friends forever,
Kind, good classmates,
Smart, warm-hearted mentors,
And excellent achievements in everything!

Happy birthday! Happy birthday!
Songs, music all around!
Please accept congratulations
From me, my young friend!
First of all I wish
I wish you good health!
I drive away all illnesses,
Forget everything about pain!
I also wish you smart
And to be savvy.
So that you get straight A's from school
I always carried them in packs!

> > schoolboy

We would like to congratulate
Happy birthday school!
To wish inexhaustible
children's fun.
To want with joy
Everyone go to school
And more knowledge
We should buy it.
So that it’s not a burden
Books and notebooks,
For children to solve
Everything in life is a mystery.
Dear, beloved school,
knowledge is a strong stronghold!
You greet us with warmth
Every academic year.
This is where we grow up
Let's get smarter
So that life is difficult
We walked more boldly.

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The bell rings confidently
Persistently, measuredly.
Congratulate the school on the holiday,
The students are in a hurry.
Here we will grow into young men,
Our girls are like girls.
Well, how can we be dear,
Dear teachers,
Where are we without you?
You give us the main thing
Patience, attention,
But most importantly -
You have given a passport to life for many.
May God give you strength and courage,
The love of your students.
So that in years to come we will be with you
They gathered under the roof of the school.

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What do you wish for your birthday?
Of course, there are no two opinions:
Understanding, inspiration,
Achievements and victories.
To pass by
A streak of bad luck.
So that the lessons
They didn't raise their voices.
So that there is hot tea in the dining room
And, of course, pie,
To eat... Otherwise
And the lesson will not go well.
So that guys early in the morning
Gathered on the porch
And with the task done,
And with a smile on his face.
So that everyone can be friends
So that during changes
They didn’t decide with their fists
The essence of your problems.
And also - health to the children,
Fresh strength for teachers,
Longevity for our school,
Happiness and success to us!

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Birthday is awesome! –
This time.
Be cheerful today! –
That's two.
Put all problems aside! –
That's three.
You are the best school in the world! –
I think it's four.
I want to wish you success! –
It's five.
We'll all come and eat the cake! –
That's six.
Bring fun to everyone! –
It's seven.
Happiness will outweigh troubles! –
It's eight, nine, ten.
Happy birthday!

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It's truly a wonderful day
Which we have been waiting for a long time,
After all, there is an anniversary at our school,
And we gathered in this hall.
Smiles bloomed all around
And the frosty day became warmer,
The circle of friends has become wider,
Like a canopy of stars in the dark sky.
At first glance - many years, but not,
But how much joy and troubles have been experienced here!
Meetings, partings, victories over oneself,
And how many joyful and bitter tears were shed!
And on this anniversary day
We gathered to remember again
Those who have gone down in history now
And who filled this day with labor?
There are many of them - old and young,
Whose work is akin to the work of a hero,
Who, sparing no effort,
The future grows, and there is no rest for it.
We are starting the holiday!
The celebration is fun!
Your anniversary is wonderful
School celebrates!

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Our palace is called a school
And cheerful people live here
The whole family is young
Nimble, fast, mischievous
One happy family
We live in a team
And every day we go to school
More dear and dear.
School! The best friend
Our second home
Here we comprehend the course of science
We are a friendly family.
Oh school! A ray of happiness and good luck
Let them always accompany you
And everyone new day let it be better
For all the years you have lived.

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Look how elegant
It's school at this hour!
Why garlands of flowers
Gave her every class?
Solemn, cheerful day
For children, teachers.
Our school celebrates
Have a wonderful anniversary!
I don't know a better school -
She is already many years old!
Explains and teaches everything
And it gives the answer to everything!
Everyone is caring, like mothers
And how kind grandmothers are.
We suddenly get tired of studying,
there will be room to play!
We live here very friendly:
Senior, junior - everyone is important!
They will help us if necessary
Together troubles are not terrible!
And everyone has talents
People are used to developing here.
We have so many graduates
It’s impossible to count them all at once!
Do they sing?! How do they dance?!
Since childhood we have not been afraid of stages!
Well, who will make everyone laugh,
Those will be taken to KVN!
This is our school!
Happy Birthday to You!

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Congratulations to the school anniversary
I want to congratulate you on behalf of all the children,
From everyone who is studying and has previously studied,
Today is our school's anniversary!
And I want everyone to be proud of her!
So that you always remember your friendly class
And all the teachers who taught us.
Our school of life teaches us
We received the basics of all knowledge in it!
Don't forget the noisy changes
Peers with whom we studied,
And became family - the school walls
To whom many have already said goodbye.
The school remembers all the teachers,
They taught children with love,
And on your…summer anniversary
We met many again today.
From all of us - our deepest bow to you!
You all deserve glory from the school!
We veterans cannot forget their names,
You came to our holiday by right!
We are glad to see graduates,
Everyone at our school respects them,
And with them all the students
Those who study continue.
Today our school is... years old!
No... school! Happy birthday to you!
For all of us, for all of us, you are dearer -
Great teacher of teaching!

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The new school year has arrived, the first month of school is always very troublesome in terms of organizing children, as well as their parents. During this period, the first parent meetings take place, unless, of course, they took place at the end of August. However, on the first parent meeting in the new school year, parents, as well as the class teacher, will have to develop a plan for the entire school year and solve multiple organizational matters. Among such issues, ideas for birthday gifts for children are always discussed at parent meetings, and the very fact of whether it is worth congratulating children on their birthday at school or not.

At home, everyone congratulates their children on such an important and, most importantly, most beloved holiday. But, besides family, the child has friends, acquaintances and, of course, classmates. And any child will appreciate congratulations, and even more so a gift from the team with whom he spends a lot of his time. In addition, school is another home, and at home, in the family, it is customary to congratulate each other on such an event. Therefore, it is imperative to congratulate children at school.

It is clear that such a gift will be rather symbolic, because it is important for the child that his classmates will congratulate him, that they remember about this, albeit with a hint from the teacher. The main thing is attention.

So, let's look at several options.
Guys primary school can buy puzzles both useful and interesting.

To make the gift a surprise for those children whose birthdays are later, you can buy small lego constructors on different topics, and for girls - creator's Kit, for example, a set for soap making or weaving baubles.

Board game - This universal gift, which both boys and girls will be delighted with.

Can be offered as a gift calyxes. The choice of such products is quite large, so you can easily choose the option you like. Often parents buy ordinary cups, but order some kind of inscription, for example, the child’s name or a photo of the birthday boy.

A good option for a symbolic gift - a beautiful original keychain, and Photo frame.

Can be ordered balloon bouquets for girls and balloon animals- for boys. Balloons- an indispensable attribute of such holidays; children simply adore balloons.

For older kids, you can choose something from stationery. Now on sale interesting options all kinds of questionnaires, personal diaries. This will be a great gift for girls, and boys can buy interesting notebooks.

Both kids and teenagers love sweets. If all options have already been used or for other subjects you have not come to general opinion, can be ordered caramel candies or gingerbread. It is clear that such gifts cannot be purchased in bulk and you will have to place an order every time, however, any child will undoubtedly like such a gift.

Many parents prefer that the gift be useful, so they decide to buy, for example, markers or colored pencils. Of course, this is a useful and necessary gift. But a gift for a child is a kind of surprise and, of course, a pleasant one. Well, what a surprise it will be if each child is given the same markers on such a day. Naturally, the decision is made by a specific parent group, but do not forget, such a gift is not obligatory, and if you have already decided to congratulate children at school, put yourself in the child’s place, would such a gift bring you joy or: “Oh, pencils, I have these well, thank you..."

It is clear that such gifts are purchased with parents’ money; older children understand this very well. The birthday boy will be much more pleased with congratulations from his classmates.
As an option for congratulations, you can prepare holiday wall newspaper, where every child can leave their wish.
Since our children are familiar with technology, we can prepare presentation-congratulations or interesting video mount.
Of course, you can choose your own option for congratulating your child.
Wishing all the birthday people great health and may their dreams come true!

Topic of the article: Happy birthday to a student. Happy birthday! I want to wish you to always remain loved, affectionate, gentle, beautiful, fragile, adored by men, respected at work and loved by children.

Let your children admire you and always follow your example.

Let this day become the first step towards new accomplishments and discoveries in your life. Happy birthday!

I greet you on the day on which you were born! I wish you that every moment in your life will be the same holiday for you, and that you will also shine and sanctify the world around you. Happy birthday!

I wish you to always be beautiful, to love and be loved, to heal someone’s wounds, to bring someone back to life, to be unique for someone, cheerful, tender, nice, sweet! And so that you have enough strength for everything!

On your birthday, I want to give you one bright candle of happiness, a wave of joy. My woman, my mischievous ray of sunshine, I wish you that everything in your life is A+, that you find time for creativity.

Happy Birthday! Let every day bring new rays, and let people only inspire and not upset.

Laugh more often, because there is nothing more beautiful than hearing your laughter. Long years to you, but don’t let them become a burden to you. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday! For every year that passes, may you now gain a million rubles!

Happy birthday. And may the strength in you not fade away, the desire for victory not disappear, the enthusiasm not dry up, the call of the heart for happiness not subside.

I wish to catch the admiring glances of men, and for your chosen one to be fascinated by you for life. Happy birthday!

Paying compliments to this woman is a real pleasure for a man, and her birthday is just another reason to tell her what a wonderful and charming person the Birthday Girl is. We all wish her great female happiness, more positive emotions, mutual understanding in the family and at work, never getting sick and unfading beauty, both internal and external. Happy birthday!

Now I wish Happy Birthday to a girl whose beauty is warm and bright, like spring itself! Believe me, even in the most simple dress, a little tired of household chores, you are the most beautiful of all!

I wish you to succeed in any endeavor and to make all your family proud of you.

On your special day, I just want to wish you peace and stability.

Never get sick, don’t regret anything! Congratulations!

Our wishes for you today: harmony in the family, health and inexhaustible vital energy! Let there be a lot of travel, new ideas and unique moments!

On this joyful day, we want to sincerely wish you eternal paradise, endless happiness, a faithful friend in trouble, clear youth, a beautiful life! You always remain like this: with a gentle heart and a kind soul!

I wish you to always have only the month of May in your soul! And in life there is always a warm summer!

Our beauty, be true to your dream, boldly go towards your goal. May everything work out for you! We all love you very much!

True true friends and many bright, unforgettable moments! Happy birthday!

Happy birthday! May everything on your birthday please your eyes, caress your ears and delight your delicate taste!

On this wonderful day, I wish you health, happiness, may success and good luck always accompany you!

There are many different roads in the world, but I want you to follow only the one on which happiness, good health, success in business are always present, faithful friends and great and true love!

Let as few of your wishes come true as there are stars in the sky, and let your ears hear kind words as few as there are grains of sand on our big planet.

Happy birthday from my huge heart!

Let there never be unfulfilled dreams in your life, never once did it sound like I didn’t succeed, and every time you said: I did it! Happy birthday!

Let life give you everything that is most ideal, surprising you with something new and amazing every time.

May the bird of luck constantly circle around you! So that if the career is successful, if the salary is decent!

Let the moments of joy and relaxation give your heart serenity and joy, paint your life with bright colors, and let happiness, like music, sound in your soul!

I wish you to always be on the strong side of success and recognition.

Live in luxury and poverty, we wish you never know! Happy birthday!

On this joyful day, let your head be clear, your mood cheerful, and your heart burning with the desire for the best.

Beauty, be surrounded good people, and most importantly, be truly happy! And everything else will follow!

Happy Birthday to You! Nothing lasts forever, but it seems that your smile will always remain so cheerful, mischievous and beautiful!

Career growth, vital energy, decisive action and a lot of fun! Hooray!

May success, joy and inspiration become your constant companions. Let everything work out! Happy birthday!

Let problems run away, let there be love every night, let separations fly away, let there be no barriers in life!

Greet every new day with joy and achieve new successes!

May happiness settle next to your home and always visit you! Happy birthday!

Let your life flow like a full river, let only good news make you happy. Our beauty, always be healthy, cheerful and cheerful. I wish you good luck and happiness in everything. All earthly blessings to you and family comfort.

Freedom-loving, independent, seductive, bright, passionate nature with good feeling humor is all you! From the bottom of my heart, please accept my congratulations on your birthday!

On your birthday, I congratulate you and cherish the hope that you will like my gift

All the most amazing, amazing birthday wishes!

I want to wish you happiness, success, carefreeness and, most importantly, patience. Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday! I wish you that there will always be those who love you and those whom you love nearby.

Let your life be an exciting path towards a brighter side for you.

I want to wish you all the simplest, but most important: not to know illnesses and worries, to be able to fall in love at any age.

In the whole world there is no lower and more affectionate grandmother than my grandmother. She is the embodiment of kindness and generosity. Mine... glorious and irreplaceable. Today is my grandma's birthday. I sincerely congratulate you, my dear. I wish you never to get sick, long and happy years life. Thank you, grandma, for being you.

Happy Birthday Wishes for a Student - On your special day, I just want to wish you peace and stability.

I wish you never to lose your fortitude, to always remain at the height of success and fame, to constantly fill your life with good deeds and new achievements, despite the weather and world events, to remain a person with a soft heart and high enthusiasm of the soul.

Happy birthday to you, beautiful! You are the best, you are a source of warmth and light for us, you bring so much sun, joy and hope into our lives. Always remain the same cheerful, energetic, young soul. I wish you happiness, health and long life!

I would like to wish you fortitude for great achievements, a steely grip for success in business.

The little son is no longer little, but a real schoolboy! Although it is difficult to get used to, time passes at a very high speed and these days it will be his birthday! Just imagine how happy he will be with gifts and congratulations! Toys and sweets go well with useful and necessary things, but congratulations top that entire list. Even if your beloved schoolchild is not entirely literate, he will certainly be able to read a sweet and most important congratulation. He will immediately understand that it is he and no one else who can be such a major person. He will understand how much his parents love him and how proud they are of his success at school. The main thing is not to allow melancholy and sadness to creep into the congratulations about the fact that your beloved schoolchild is growing up so quickly.

Be healthy, our dear schoolboy,
Don't be sad and don't be sick!
And may there always be strength
For your studies!
Happy birthday, our dear
Congratulations and we want
May you study well!
We speak from the heart!

Schoolboy, you are standing at the beginning of the path,
We believe that the best is ahead,
And on your birthday we wish you - study!
Be diligent and don't be lazy!
Make your parents happy, be great,
Everything will turn out to be a success later!
We wish you happiness, dear,
We will always be there for you!

Today, schoolboy, is your birthday!
The sun laughs quietly in the sky,
And with my ray of love, loving you,
Sends his greetings! stays with you
All his tenderness and warmth.
We wish you good luck, dear!
We wish you always to be lucky,
And have enough strength to study!

You school years remember forever,
You will soon be a big man,
It's your birthday, dear!
You will remember him for a long time, dear.
May your school days be wonderful
You, schoolboy, keep them in your soul,
And boldly forward! Make a goal for yourself
And, of course, achieve it!

A brand new jacket and a satchel on your shoulders,
You are going to school, our dear schoolboy.
We cannot express everyone's wishes in words.
Today, on your wonderful birthday!
Let your main dream come true,
And you will become a great director,
You know you have something to strive for
Just always be a golden man!

Wonderful school years
You will remember more than once or twice!
Remember the beautiful sunrises,
And my head is spinning again...
You are a schoolboy, we congratulate you
Happy birthday from the bottom of my heart!
We wish you mind and health,
May all your days be good!

What kind of schoolboy, look -
Just a sight for sore eyes!
He has us today
Let's celebrate your birthday!
We wish you good deeds,
And glorious studies,
To be kind and brave,
And health is the main thing!

We wish you a bright path,
You, our schoolboy, are ahead.
May you always be lucky
And never be sad!
Have fun on your birthday,
Believe that your life will be glorious,
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
Reach all the peaks, dear!

Schoolboy, we have good luck and luck
We want to wish you now
Congratulations, dear, Happy Birthday!
We know that you are the best among us.
And we wish you a lot of happiness,
Always be confident in yourself
Remember, parents are involved,
You will carry it with you through the years!

Study, our dear schoolboy,
Let there be enough strength
For new beginnings,
And a lot of knowledge
Our dear, get it!
Now - meet the guests,
And in a glorious mood
Let's celebrate your birthday!

Our dear schoolboy, happy birthday
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!
Let the mood be cheerful,
And all friends will come to the holiday.
Have fun, may there be a lot of happiness,
And luck awaits only ahead,
May the road in life be easy,
And you pass the exams, don’t let us down!

Schoolboy, we wish you good luck in your studies,
Don't be lazy and study well
Let all your problems be solved,
Well, today, on a big holiday,
On your birthday, we congratulate you!
We wish you to go through life more boldly,
We wish you clear skies,
Joy was waiting for you on your way!