Congratulations on your wedding day in winter. Winter wedding. Ideas for a winter photo shoot

How the champagne sparkles in our glasses
Let Love sparkle in your tender hearts.
I wish you to become happy together,
So that Love does not have, like a ring, an end!

Let her warm you in the winter cold,
Protects from autumn showers and thunderstorms.
After all, when there is Love between wife and husband
Life is like a fairy tale from rainbow dreams!

Congratulations to the newlyweds when the wedding is in the fall

Amber foliage dances in the air.
Maple leaves are golden in the autumn sun.
And love is dizzy
Our dear newlyweds.

Their happy eyes shine
Their gentle smiles illuminate their faces ...
And I want to tell them so much!
And to wish to love is not unlearning.

Everything happens on the path of life.
And the sun often hides behind the clouds
But, if there is Love, then you shine
It will be better than any sun!

Love is the golden key from all obstacles.
She leads you forward with her.
Appreciate, take care like a treasure,
Those feelings that are bestowed by Fate!

On this memorable day I want to wish you
Amicably, live harmoniously, seek compromises!
So as not to lose the wonderful feeling,
Try to "water" Love every day.
After all, she, like a flower, is more charming from attention.
A family life only with Love - like a song!

Congratulations to your wedding in prose

On a special and long-awaited day
We wish you well!
So that the bride is beloved, desired,
AND beautiful wife was,
So that she looked at her husband with love,
Well, my husband expressed himself in verse.
We want to wish you Health,
To the house of Prosperity and All Sorts of Benefits!
You are now a spouse and a spouse:
You will live together day after day.
Take care, love each other,
Understand always and in everything!

Poems for newlyweds when the wedding in winter

Sorceress Winter gave us a miracle:
Connected together
Lovers hearts.
Let them be happy
For the bride and groom
And this winter day, and these two rings.

Like the first white snow, like tender snowflakes,
May life be pure
From quarrels and hardships.
May it lead to happiness
Any path you take
And a shining star
Love will save you!

Cheerful toast to the newlyweds from the groom's friend

You were the bride and groom
And now they have become - husband and wife.
Together in the morning and together in the evening.
And the surname is also one.

Yes, my friend, you are now ringed.
Now you are a husband, not a bachelor.
So do it, be kind, exemplary
Your legally certified marriage!

I know: you will be an honest husband,
And you will love your wife very much!
After all, with such a lovely wife
It's a shame, my friend, to be a different husband

Poems for newlyweds when the wedding in spring

Delicate scent of spring flowers,
Birds in love are chirping by the window
Happy beating of two hearts
The Beauty-Spring gave us.

We will ask Spring for Great Happiness -
Sunny Smiles and Kindness,
And Love - deep, tender, passionate,
And comfort in the house, and warmth!

We wish you Understanding,
And health to each of you,
And raising a glass of champagne,
Let's say to you with love "Good Hour!"

Winter weddings have a special charm and comfort. What to consider when preparing for a winter wedding and what to look for - read our article.

Winter comfort: pros and cons

Winter is the warmth of a fireplace and cozy wooden dining rooms, hot cocoa and mulled wine. While winter is not so popular among couples planning their wedding, but in vain! As in any other season, the weather in winter has its own characteristics. The charm of falling snowflakes and a pleasant chill may well be replaced by frost and blizzard, and maybe even rain and sleet. These weather options are worth considering only if you and your fiancé are planning a photo shoot or an outdoor ceremony. In all other cases, you are not afraid of any changes in the weather and frost. Just pay attention to the magical snowy landscapes, especially outside the city: snow caps on the coniferous paws of pines, slightly trampled paths in parks and forest parks. And most importantly - permanent festive mood December to February: New Year, Christmas, and then the romantic Valentine's Day - one festive mood is replaced by another.

It is necessary to think over the place for the ceremony and the walk very carefully so that the weather and the whims of winter do not interfere with enjoying the wedding day. Do not deny yourself a magical ceremony in the fresh air against the backdrop of snow-covered spaces - just make sure that the ceremony goes quickly, smoothly, and the guests do not freeze. For this it is worth preparing blankets and hot drinks.

Stylistics and themes

Winter prepares pleasant surprises by deciding to say the cherished "yes" among the snow-white landscapes. These are cozy and warm styles: rustic, eco, boho, wooden decor and interiors, the warmth of candles and garlands, lamps, lanterns. A magical wedding can be organized not only in city restaurants and country hotels, but also to rent a cozy cottage among a pine or deciduous forest with a fireplace and wood trim. In the same place, in the forest, you can organize forest tale with ceremony and say the most important words to each other under the whisper of the forest.

For a banquet or a buffet table, it is better to choose halls of warm colors, with an unobtrusive decor, or with a wooden finish. The fireplace will be a big plus. The color scheme of the wedding will be decorated with both bright traditional colors: red, green, brown, and unusual colors, but with a warm character: gray, mustard: wine, burgundy and purple. Or you can leave the palette and make a snow-white celebration, to match the natural colors. Refresh color palette gold, silver and bronze, blue and blue will help.

The image of the bride and groom

We even envy you a little, winter brides! What gorgeous images you can create in this snow-white time! These are graceful dresses with long sleeve and knitted elements, and fabrics with shiny trim and embroidery, beads, bugles and sequins.

For a walk, be sure to prepare warm knitted scarves, hats, mittens and snoods, cozy knitted sweaters large knit and comfortable warm shoes, for example, ugg boots, boots or boots. For the groom, in addition to knitted accessories, you can pick up high boots, or pair of funny shoes: two pairs of boots or ugg, the same for the groom and for you. In continuation of the Russian theme, you can choose scarves and earflaps for the images. You should definitely pay attention to harmony. outerwear and a wedding dress: it is worth considering the splendor, length and color of the dress. From the west came the fashion to wear knitted cardigans, coats and snood scarves that fit perfectly into any wedding look, but do not forget to take warmer clothes with you for light outerwear, in order to warm up in between filming. The groom can opt for a classic coat, complementing it with a warm tweed jacket and woolen sleeveless jacket, and pick up classic or more informal men's options to match your accessories. You can add glitter to your makeup in winter: let not only nature shine around - you will also become a star at your holiday!

Winter in decor

Winter dictates its own canons in decor, which it makes no sense to ignore, because these trends are very warm and cozy. All the materials for the decor were literally presented by nature itself:

  • tree and needles,
  • natural fabrics,
  • moss, cones, berries,
  • cotton and paper,
  • horns, feathers and other "animal" materials.

You can create a unique holiday using Russian motives: Gzhel, Zhostovo painting, Khokhloma, traditional Russian style. Particular attention should be paid to floristry, its very composition is special, and also because it must be resistant and withstand temperature changes without losing its shape. Cotton and muscari will give lightness to the bouquet, cones and dried flowers will give warmth, berries and amaryllis will give brightness, ranunculus will give romance. The decor will be complemented in the hall and glass and crystal, both in the quality of vases, and candlesticks and pendants for additional decor... Velvet and brocade will add aristocracy to the evening. You can also fill your wedding with real winter scents.

Of course, a wedding is one of the brightest and most anticipated events in the life of every girl. She is the bride, the star of the day, the most beautiful and happiest. And, of course, any girl dreams of her wedding being extraordinary, elegant, magical, in a word, perfect.

And what a joy it is to plan details, search for accessories, listen to compositions for the first dance, choose a bouquet and invitations! But if the celebration is also scheduled for winter time, you will need an individual approach. We'll have to think over all the little things with special care, provide possible difficulties, make sure that guests are comfortable.

However, it is well worth the effort, because a Russian wedding in winter is an extremely impressive sight. Soft fluffy snow goes extremely well to the exquisite dress of the bride, a light frost adorned the cheeks of the handsome groom with a blush, and wedding photo session in winter it is worthy of the most flattering words. Well, our tips will help you plan a flawless fairytale wedding!

Features of the celebration

Let's look at what a wedding is in winter, we will discuss the pros and cons of this event in detail. This will help you decide whether to make your dream come true or whether it is better to wait until the warmer season with the wedding.

Of the most, perhaps, huge advantages - crazy discounts on all kinds of wedding services. In winter, it is much easier to rent the desired room, order a luxury car, sign up for a haircut to a popular stylist, buy fashion dress for a share for half the price.

Another positive thing is that there are no queues at the registry offices. You can safely choose the day you like and be delighted to make sure that it is free! The range of wedding dresses, shoes, and accessories is unusually wide, in contrast to the summer months, when dozens of brides rush to salons, sweeping away everything in their path. Imagine a winter video clip - it's a real masterpiece!

What are the cons?

Of course, the weather. It can be unpredictable. Although, in principle, in the summer, too, no one is immune from heavy rain with thunder and lightning. However, our winter can "please" not only with snow, but also with a thaw with mud, puddles and other consequences. Just in case, you need to be prepared for this too. You also need to think about where to place guests during the wedding photo shoot, because they are unlikely to want to walk on the street for several hours. However, this problem is solved by a light buffet table in anticipation of the young.

If the celebration takes place in a metropolis, during bad weather there is a chance to get stuck in a traffic jam and be late to the registry office or a restaurant. And, of course, winter is the season of colds, so you need to take care and try not to catch the virus.

As you can see, there are not so many downsides, and they are not so significant as to deny yourself the pleasure of playing a real Russian wedding!

Choosing a dress for a wedding

In winter, of course, a special outfit is needed for a wedding. Unfortunately, designers have not yet come up with special dresses, and in winter, as in any other period, boutiques offer wedding dresses made of organza, satin, brocade and silk. But at the same time, there are countless accessories that allow you to simultaneously warm up and give the bride's image a unique magical twist. You can choose an elegant fur coat or short fur coat, sew a fur cape, order gloves or an exquisite muff.

There will be no problem with shoes either - any decent salon owns an impressive assortment of ankle boots, over the knee boots and ankle boots, you just have to decide on the model! As you can see, being such a stunning bride, a real Snow Queen, is possible only at a winter wedding!

Choosing a wedding scenario: what is the best way to celebrate a celebration in winter?

Of course, you need to separately approach how the holiday will take place in the cold season. in winter it can be very unusual - for example, a celebration in the spirit of the fairy tale "Twelve Months". To do this, it is not necessary to take guests out of town to the forest - a cozy city landing or a beautiful park will do. Ideal if it will be located next to the restaurant where the wedding is planned.

Imagine trees shrouded in snow, a bright fire (you need to take care of it in advance - find out if it is possible to start a fire in a given place, prepare firewood, fuel, matches, and lay the honor of lighting it on witnesses), a flushed, happy bride with a bouquet of snowdrops ...

To keep the guests warm, instead of traditional champagne, you can offer them mulled wine - elegant and stylish, and also very fragrant. In the fresh air, it is enough to hold one or two contests so that none of the invitees has time to feel the discomfort from the nibbling frost. And then you can go to the banquet hall, which will also be decorated in accordance with the fairy tale. For example, it is divided into four sectors-seasons, each in its own colors... Winter - in blue and white, spring - in pale green and light green, summer - in yellow, and autumn - in orange and crimson-red.

Tables, according to the season, can be decorated with artificial snowflakes, branches of flowering trees, bouquets of bright flowers and spikelets of wheat. You can pick up napkins in the theme, make cards for guests in a style befitting a particular sector. In general, the flight of imagination is unlimited when the wedding is played in winter! Ideas for its implementation can be found in fairy tales, classic American Christmas films, and ancient Russian traditions.

Fairy script

For example, take everyone's favorite "Snow Queen" as a basis. This production is just perfect when planning a wedding in winter! The ideas for its implementation are as follows: the main characters - The Snow Queen and Kai, they are the bride and groom. A wedding dress for such a fairy tale should be truly royal!

Lace, rhinestones, furs are appropriate here, bouffant skirts... Makeup is worth considering separately. After all, the action takes place in a fictional world, and the main character is not anyone, but the Queen of Winter herself! Therefore, more than allowable artistic make-up with painting, small rhinestones, mother-of-pearl silver shadows, abstract motifs ... You can also make a manicure to match it.

The venue is the North Pole! What could be more beautiful when a wedding is taking place in winter? The ideas for its "arrangement" are as follows: let the hall be decorated with snow-covered branches, flickering snowflakes, ice sculptures, glass balls in white and blue tones. After all, today the banquet hall is not just a restaurant, but a royal palace, icy, sparkling and cold. On the table, let there be crystal glasses and decanters, silver bowls with ice cubes for alcoholic beverages. In short, the field for activity is simply huge, it all depends on the degree of imagination of the organizers!

A good option

What other scenario can you think of when a wedding is being held in winter? There are different ideas. For example, you can order three white horses with bells and a painted chaise instead of a foreign car for young people and arrange a Russian folk wedding, celebrate the celebration on Valentine's Day or Maslenitsa. Such events are insanely popular.

Depending on the chosen theme, you can dress up the hall with all kinds of hearts and red and gold helium balloons or arrange it in the form of a solid Russian hut with a samovar, balalaikas, a chest for gifts. And bridesmaids can appear in the form of red maidens in folk costumes and decorations.

It remains only to choose suitable option and enjoy the preparation!

Photo for memory

Of course, the wedding in winter is a significant event. Ideas for a photo session should be thought out to the smallest detail. After all, all the fabulous pictures will remain for a long memory. The photos and videos taken during the time are very impressive. Of course, it is imperative to take a series of pictures in the fresh air, surrounded by snowflakes and drifts, and only then go to the hall for the celebration.

However, guests can go there immediately, so as not to chatter their teeth in the cold, looking forward to when the young will finally finish shooting. Let no one urge the groom, bride and witnesses, because they are working on the most basic nuance - memorable shots.

And what can be done if a wedding takes place in winter! Photo ideas are striking in their variety. You just need to take care of the accessories in advance that will help make the photo session bright, memorable and fresh! Rent, buy or search from friends fur hats, beautiful mittens with winter pattern, thick stylish scarves and bright stoles. Cups with steaming mulled wine, bundles of firewood, sledges, and a fire lit in the middle of the snow will perfectly complement the picture. You can play snowballs, take a picture on the skating rink, arrange a photo session near a huge snowman (of course, it would be nice to do it before the photo session, and not during).

Good to know

Do not forget that it gets dark early in winter, so it is better to schedule work with a photographer and videographer in the first half of the day. However, evening shots also have their own charm - the photos will be wonderful in the light of night lamps, around which snowflakes are circling, as well as against the background of blackening snow-covered trees.

It all depends on how professional the equipment of the hired specialists is and what opportunities it gives. Naturally, all this should be discussed a few days before the celebration. If time permits, you can even shoot a romantic love story with the bride and groom. Then the operator will put your favorite slow music on the footage, add a couple of special effects, make titles, and a real film about the creation of your family will appear in your home collection.


And may a luxurious wedding lead to a luxurious, long, happy family life!

The wedding turned into a winter fairy tale,
Happiness spun for two.
You have not connected in vain -
Even the curious snow has subsided!
We wish you great joy,
Peerless in this wondrous hour.
You got married at times cold,
This means that your life will be hot!

Everything will shine in the white mess
Mendelssohn's march will suddenly sound.
After all, today everyone congratulates you.
May happiness fly faster
May winter not bother him
On the contrary, it will give you warmth!
After all, today everything around is shining
In colors of light, joy, kindness.

Winter wedding, snowy fairy tale!
The air is clean, so frosty.
The dress is lush and snow-white,
In the hands of a golden talisman!
Be happy! Be betrayed
You are each other until old age!
May the sorrows be unknown to you
Live without grief and troubles!

Summer, autumn flew by. Bins
Full to the top. And mother winter
She wrapped everything up in snow until spring,
Spun in a white waltz of the young.
Jokes, songs, congratulations sound.
- Bitter! Bitterly! - The guests are shouting joyfully.
Jokes, laughter, fun is in full swing.
It's a winter wedding, but it's hot for the darling.

Whirled, whirled this winter.
Hearts two in unison suddenly beat.
You walk the same path through life,
Forever for love to settle!
You put rings on your finger today, -
So you are a match for each other!
And let no blizzards in the fierce winter
Will not sweep away real happiness.

The earth is white today, how wonderful!
The bride is also in white - no more beautiful.
You are on the right path. Everyone knows,-
In winter, a wedding bouquet is softer.
May your blizzard union be stronger,
Be faithful, tender and loving.
And every year becoming dearer,
Fall in love with each other, over and over again!

Happy Wedding Day, we want to congratulate you,
On this winter, beautiful day!
From the bottom of our hearts, we say these words to you,
Young! There is a light in the hearts
Let it burn and let your dreams come true,
May all life be happy.
We wish you warmth in everything!
Oh, how "Bitter!" Bride, hold on!

Congratulations to the young people on the wedding:

In the summer there are quite a few weddings and this is understandable - the weather is good, the prices for fruits and vegetables allow you to save a lot on food, there are colorful natural landscapes around, thanks to which the wedding photo session comes out very bright and beautiful.

However, if you think about it, how could anything be more charming than a bride in a white dress with a red bouquet of roses against a background of white snow, together with her lover, who gently hugs her so that she does not freeze. In winter, the wedding is no less beautiful, especially if the lovers want to get married and do not want to wait another 4-5 months until the warm seasons.

What are the advantages of a wedding celebration in winter?

Probably, someone will be sincerely surprised when he finds out that in Ancient Russia the wedding was played in the winter. The celebration was held on a grand scale - a samovar with hot tea, bagels, sweets, pickles and other goodies. The whole village was celebrating, placing benches in one house and no one was cold, because they danced, drank and walked all the time. Modern youth do not need to think about where to celebrate a wedding, because they have restaurants, cafes, clubs and other establishments at their service. The prices for the celebration are much lower, as few events are held in winter, the demand falls and the price falls accordingly. The only thing that can be very expensive is fruits and vegetables, but after all, bananas and apples in winter are the same as in summer, it will be difficult to find cucumbers and tomatoes, so it's time to remember about grandma's pickles and preparations for the winter.

In winter, there is no need to rush to the registry office to take the required date, since there are very few couples who would like to register their relationship in winter. As a result, there are no long queues in the corridors and you can choose any date that suits the bride and groom the most.

Prices will also drop for hairdressing services, make-up artist, photographer, cameraman and toastmaster. Therefore, it is more than profitable to celebrate a wedding in winter. It is also worth considering that, since the number of spouses decreases in winter, it will be quite easy for the bride to choose a wedding dress, the assortment will be wider than ever. In addition, in winter there are often very favorable discounts on Wedding Dresses last season. Do not think that in winter brides are extremely limited in the choice of outfits, you can choose any style of dress, the main thing is to choose a warm and comfortable fur coat that will complete the outfit. Also to the attention of brides are coats and shawls made of natural and faux fur that can be decorated with a brooch with sparkling stones.

In summer, the weather is usually very hot, every bride, who got married in the summer months, remembers how often makeup needs to be corrected so that it does not "float", how uncomfortable it is to walk on stiletto heels, as the legs are swollen and you need to constantly shake off the street dust from the dress and mud.

All these problems are solved in winter, the makeup remains intact, the fur coat warms, as does the look of a loved one.
Speaking about celebrating a wedding in winter, we must not forget that it is in winter that the most romantic holiday of the year is celebrated - Valentine's Day. The advantage of holding a wedding on this day is not only in a special holiday mood, but also in the fact that almost the entire city and public institutions are decorated with hearts and festive decorations. And how nice it is to celebrate another wedding date on Valentine's Day!

It is much easier to hold a banquet in winter than in summer, since food is stored longer in cold weather. In addition, there will be no annoying flies and wasps in the hall, which in summer simply haunt guests and sit down on dishes, which is why then the desire to eat them disappears.
In winter, you can save very well on your honeymoon, as all travel agencies offer very favorable conditions for traveling abroad. In addition, it is very unusual to have a wedding in winter, and to spend your honeymoon somewhere on a sunny beach next to the warm azure sea.

Ideas for a winter photo shoot

Winter is a great time for wedding photo shoots, as the snow miraculously harmonizes with the white dress of the bride. It gives the girl charm, innocence and purity, so the photos are very beautiful and unusual. To add wedding photo brightness, it is enough to choose a bright bouquet of red and tea roses or lilies. Young people can be photographed both in the snow and against the background of green trees or pines.

If the bride and groom have substantial finances at their disposal, one can think of unusual ideas for photo sessions. In the arsenal of every experienced photographer there are many ideas for a winter photo shoot, the most interesting are the following:
1. Photos with horses with a carriage or winter sleigh. Such a photo session will look very colorful and beautiful, especially since horses are considered majestic and graceful animals.
2. In the background holiday decorations for New Year and Christmas. Such decorations are very easy to find if the photo session takes place in December or January. V big cities New Year's towns are opening, in which you can find many beautiful places for photographing, which is only a green tree with sparkling New Year's lights and various ice sculptures.
3. Photos with contrasts. A black suit of the groom, a bouquet with red roses of the bride, a wedding car in dark colors and so on will look very unusual on white snow. Also, the photographer can play with contrasts, taking photos in cold and warm colors.
4. Snowfall. Nothing will beautify wedding photos like falling snow. Not a few couples have such wedding photos, which makes them exclusive.
5. In a snowy forest. Photos of a couple against the background of a winter forest are incredibly beautiful, especially if you can find a beautiful background - green spruces, bullfinches, icy tree branches, a snow-covered bridge and the like.

If the weather leaves much to be desired, do not think that the wedding photo session will fail. Today it is very fashionable to do thematic photo shoots in theaters, winter gardens and palaces. If there are such sights in the city where the couple will marry, you can make unusual and very beautiful pictures... The main thing is to consult with a photographer before the wedding and make a list of places where you can hold a photo session. Much depends on how creative the photographer and the couple will be.

What wedding scenario can you think of?

In no case should the wedding turn out to be dull, so you should definitely come up with interesting scenario, and not to hold a wedding exclusively within the framework - painting in the registry office and a feast. There are several scenarios that can brighten up your winter wedding.
1. Traditional wedding... The ancient traditions of celebrating a wedding can come in handy, the main thing is to stipulate in advance for the bride and groom what they want to see at their wedding. The Russian style is unique, so the national treasure should and can be used.
2. Fairy tale. A wedding can be easily turned into a fairy tale, especially since the weather accompanies this. You can make a wedding in the style of the fairy tale "Morozko" or "12 months", the main thing is to play it skillfully and interestingly. So, for example, in the forest it will be possible to light a fire and sit next to it with guests, and to give the bride a bouquet of delicate and beautiful snowdrops.
3. Registration of marriage in a snowy forest. If there is a beautiful forest near the place where the bride and groom live, it is a sin not to take advantage of this. A wedding celebration against the backdrop of white snow and green firs is an incredibly beautiful and magical event. Guests will be happy to wander through the forest and get great pleasure from contemplating the surrounding beauty of natural landscapes. So that those present at the holiday could warm up, they can be offered hot mulled wine instead of cold champagne, as a result it will be tasty and warm.
When using a script for a wedding, it is very important not to get too carried away with this, since not only the newlyweds, but also the guests themselves, can get tired of the action.

What is the best wedding outfit for a winter wedding?

Winter is a great time, but at the same time it is very cold, so lovers who want to get married should think over their wedding wardrobe inside and out. The bride can choose a dress of absolutely any color - pink, blue, beige, ash, mother-of-pearl, all these shades will perfectly harmonize with white snow. In case the girl wants to go to the wedding bright outfit, nothing should hold her back, on the white snow everything will look very harmonious and magical. If the bride wants a crystal white outfit, she can slightly revive it with a golden belt, a bright brooch, or ask to make a custom-made lace bodice in a delicate lilac or blue color.

To order, you can sew a fur coat and gloves, which will become not only fashionable, but also very useful accessories during cold weather. It will not be superfluous to put a warm long coat in the wedding cortege, which the bride can wear in between photo sessions. Instead of elegant shoes, you should give preference to fur boots, over the knee boots or ankle boots. It is much easier for the groom to choose an outfit for a wedding. It is enough to choose a suit warm jacket or a raincoat, the color of which will be in harmony with the bride's attire. Just in case, the bride and groom should bring a spare pair of shoes.
How to choose a place to celebrate your winter wedding?

It is impossible to play a wedding in the open air in winter; you will need to choose a cozy restaurant with good heating. An additional plus will be if there is a park or square next to it, where guests can take a walk and breathe fresh air. On the street, it will even be possible to hold several contests, and then come and warm up in the banquet hall. It is very important to decorate a restaurant or cafe beautifully. Green spruce branches, colorful garlands, artificial snowflakes and bouquets of snow-white flowers can be used as decorations. Snowflakes can be made from regular napkins.
Care should be taken that the restaurant is not far from the place of the painting, otherwise it will be necessary to hire a bus or route taxi for guests.

The dishes on the wedding table should be very hearty and warming, since from the cold street, guests will most of all want to drink a hot drink and eat a warm dish. For this reason, you will need to ask in the kitchen that meat and fish dishes are periodically warmed up and guests can drink hot punch or mulled wine.

Cons of having a wedding in winter

As beautiful and magical as a winter wedding is, it also has some drawbacks.
The weather in cold seasons is poor. In winter, you never know to expect good sunny weather or snowfall, sleet or fog. For example, if a bride in a snow-white dress walks through wet snow, it is unlikely that it will remain the same white, the hem will be hopelessly ruined. If you don't choose the right footwear, it is very easy to get your feet wet and, as a result, the next day you will have a fever.

Also, do not forget that in winter there is a very high probability of getting sick, so they hope that guests will not come to the celebration in full force. Especially the bride and groom should be careful, since if they spend the entire wedding event coughing, the celebration is unlikely to bring them pleasure, so it is better not to visit public places a week before the wedding.

In winter, prices for fruits and vegetables are very high, and without them the wedding table will look very poor. Therefore, fresh vegetables will have to be exchanged for pickled salads and pickles, and raspberries, strawberries and apricots - for oranges, bananas and apples.

Photo sessions in winter are short in time, since at 4-5 o'clock it is already quite dark. The only thing that can remedy the situation is candles, but again, they can be put on the street near the restaurant, in the park you will have to rely only on lanterns, which can slightly spoil the photos. To avoid taking a photo session at night, you must choose the first half of the day for registration. You should not send guests to the park during the photo session, they can easily freeze, which will naturally affect their festive mood.

Organization of a wedding