Congratulations on your friend's wedding day in your own words. Congratulations on your friend’s wedding day in prose - congratulations in your own words. Wedding speech to your best friend in your own words.

Soon your best friend will stop living alone and start a family. She will have certain responsibilities because she will be responsible not only for herself, but also for her significant other. A wedding is the first step in adult life, which everyone dreamed of in childhood.

The message that your friend is getting married entails another pleasant stage - preparation for the future celebration. The invitations have not yet been handed over, but the bride’s friends are already thinking about their outfit, hairstyle and makeup. Appears new topic for conversation, because a wedding happens once in a lifetime.

In this pre-holiday bustle, you can forget about one important detail. You must say words of congratulations. You need to think through your speech to the smallest detail, because people invited to the holiday will pay attention to you. Words spoken on your wedding day take on a special meaning. These are parting words, wishes, and simply nice words joy for the young family.

Both guests and newlyweds will listen to your words. For the latter, your speech carries a special meaning, because they put their soul and heart into it. They will remember your congratulations for a long time thanks to the video recording. The heart, of course, can help you find the right words. But it wouldn’t hurt to include logic.

The preparation of congratulations must be taken with full responsibility. You shouldn’t look for ideas on the Internet, because you can do it yourself. A wedding is a romantic and exciting event. Don't forget to mention those details that a young family treats with trepidation. Also let your guests know that you love your friend very much and respect her choice.

No one knows your friend better than you. You have studied her tastes, interests and preferences. That is why the words you spoke will become an authoritative recommendation for many guests. Many people simply copy greetings from the Internet and memorize them. But guests will immediately understand that these are not your words. It’s better to compose your own text in advance and bring it to perfection. How to find inspiration to write a speech? Turn to your heart, remember important moments in life and ask your soul for clues. Then carefully sort all the data and leave what seems most relevant to you.

Sometimes it is very difficult to say what the soul feels. However, with a little effort, everything will work out. Even insensitive people will melt from the abundance of individual traits in the congratulations. Some may even cry from the touching speech. The text must have a connection with a specific wedding. For newlyweds, their wedding day turns into an ocean of hopes. Your words should add optimism to them! Guests will remember your speech and may quote you.

The speech you wrote needs to be re-read more than once. Curiosities and ambiguities can amuse guests, but getting rid of the “dush” is not so easy. Be sure to memorize the text so you can tell it without any hitches. Anxiety is your enemy because it can ruin the whole experience of a wonderful congratulations.

Long congratulations will be inappropriate, so it’s better to calm the muse down a little. Guests may fall asleep without waiting for the end of your speech. Who would like such a congratulation? There is no need to view a wedding as an opportunity to use your talent as a writer.

Wedding congratulations to a friend in your own words

    Dear girlfriend, dear groom!

    accept mine my sincere congratulations Happy Wedding Day! When you and I, (name of the bride) were still very little, we believed in fairy tales and waited for a real prince to come for us. Looks like you've waited for your hero! And I want to wish you that your fairy tale never ends, because you are writing it together! Let there be no place for evil sorceresses, spells and separation in this fairy tale! May harmony and harmony reign in your family, and may your love bloom every day, like a flower in the sun! Take care of each other! I raise this glass to the newlyweds, may their feelings remain as strong for many, many years to come, and may the bride’s eyes shine as much as on their wedding day! Bitterly!

    Dear bride and groom!

    Today is a very special day. It would seem that nothing has changed: the sun shines the same way, the Earth revolves around the sun. But a lot has changed for my dear friend, because now she has become not just a beloved girl, but also a dear wife. The bride (girl's name) is more than a friend to me, more like a sister. We have known her for a long time, but I hope that even now our paths will not diverge. I am sure that behind the sharp turn of fate lies a beautiful new world, in which there is a place of love, happiness, ringing laughter and the patter of children's feet. You are going on an interesting journey together, and as long as you are together, you will be able to handle everything. I want to wish you that harmony will always reign in your family, because when people love each other, it doesn’t matter at all who will drive and who will get the role of navigator. Here's to you, dear newlyweds! May the melody of your soul always be beautiful, and may your hearts beat in unison!

    Dear friend!
    Solemn congratulations
    Happy wedding!
    I wish from the bottom of my heart,
    Only all the warmest,
    So that life is like sugar,
    AND eternal love was burning,
    The longest years of marriage,
    So that every day is like a holiday,
    Burned, shone, sparkled,
    And this is the key to love and happiness!

    Dear newlyweds!

    Congratulations on your legal marriage! The ancient Slavs believed that the patron saint of people on their wedding day is the Sun - this is the source of heat and life on earth. And I wish you that your life will always be warmed by the rays of the sun, and that the fire, the source of family life, will merrily crackle in your family hearth. No matter what troubles happen, no matter how cold the winds blow, keep unquenchable light and warmth in your family. Keep your love and carry it in your heart. I raise this glass to you and your family happiness!

    My dear friend,
    Today you became a wife,
    I wish you from the bottom of my heart,
    May your husband love you like this!

    Unprecedented success in life,
    Don't be upset at all,
    I wish you small children,
    They are always a joy for everyone!

    And let everything in this world
    You couldn't find a happier family
    I wish you throughout this life
    Walk hand in hand all the time!

    My dear friend, I know that a kinder, more attentive and caring person than you cannot be found. You deserve great happiness and great love. I wish that for your husband you will always be a princess for whom he will build a palace, at whose feet he will throw all the treasures of the world and whom he will always be ready to carry in his arms. And even if extra pounds appear over the years, so that for him you will always remain fluff.

A wedding is always an exciting, solemn event; congratulations from the lips of guests should be tactful, a little romantic, kind and sincere.

Congratulations can be said out loud, during a toast, written on a postcard, you can compose it yourself, or you can simply borrow it.

One of the most popular are congratulations from mom.

She must give parting words in her own words, wish you happiness, and point to the right path.
It is the mother who, as a rule, says the most touching words at the wedding.

Congratulations from the groom's mother


1. The greatest happiness for every mother is the birth of her child. The second such happiness we can experience is when our child has a family, because next to my son I see my daughter. I would like to wish the young people that in the future they will also be able to stand at the wedding of their children and welcome new ones into their family with a smile.

2. Love and family mean a lot in a person's life. To be able to carry your warm feelings for each other through the years, you must learn to hear each other without words. I wish you that even kilometers away from each other, you can hear what your other half is thinking about.

3. Parents are people who always look at their children and see children in them. When the understanding comes that a child is finding his own family, I want to believe that it does not become separate, but only expands existing families and will not sit at the table for the holidays. less people. I wish you to expand your family when your children and grandchildren appear, but not to separate from them.

4. An indestructible family is one where husband and wife trust each other, do not argue over trifles, and when condemning cries are heard behind them, they only hold each other’s hand more tightly. I wish you to always hold each other's hands and feel their warmth.

Not everyone likes to talk for a long time at weddings, so short congratulations were invented for them.

1. I would like to wish you not only long family years life, but patience and the ability to build a ship that can withstand any storm during them.

2. The happiness of a family depends on a woman’s ability to smooth out conflicts and a man’s ability to hug in difficult times. Let the wife in your family be smart and the husband sensitive, and then you can joyfully meet old age together.

3. If you want to be happy, you need to make someone happy. I wish you to enjoy not only every new day, but also the opportunity to once again say words of love to each other.

4. If every morning, getting out of bed, you rejoice at the new day, despite the fact that it is cloudy, then you have done right choice with whom to wake up in the morning. I wish you that regardless of the weather outside, your home will always be light and cozy.


  • To understand how happy you are, you need to wake up in the morning, close your eyes and imagine that you are alone. Completely alone. And then suddenly open your eyes and realize that you will never be alone again, because now your soulmate is with you and will always be with you. I would like to wish you that you will never want, either in a year or in twenty, to close your eyes and enjoy the fact that you can be alone.
  • If you imagine a man and a woman as a hand and eyes, then in the family it should be so that when the hand hurts, the eyes cry, and when the eyes cry, the hand wipes away the tears;
  • A happy woman sees herself beautiful in the morning without makeup on her face. Clever man makes a woman not want to put on makeup in the morning. I wish that in your family both of you would be wise to each other.
  • Some people get married and think that they are just taking one big responsible step in life. In fact, the share of responsibility that falls on the shoulders of a man and a woman is comparable only to 60 kilograms of gold. You look at them and rejoice, but you cannot carry them with you for a long time. To prevent the family from becoming a golden burden, it is important that both carry this treasure. I wish you to be able to support each other at the most needed moment, so that you can appreciate the full value of your family.

Our dear children!
My husband and I are immensely glad that today we are welcoming another child into the family, this time – a daughter, whom we have dreamed of for so long. Sons, this is, of course, wonderful, and in the case of our son, it’s generally beyond all praise, but only loving daughter will truly understand, regret, decorate life. So welcome to us, daughter! I know for sure that my son is the best in the world, which means he could only fall in love with a worthy girl, and I’m not worried about you.
From the height of our family years, I can wish you, dear ones, first of all patience. Do not be surprised. There was everything in our life: love, passion, jealousy, resentment, quarrels, and again love and mutual understanding. All families go through this. It is patience, the willingness to give in to each other in everyday little things, the ability to learn from mistakes that allow my husband and I to say with confidence today that thirty years ago we made the right decision by uniting our destinies. And if we had to, we would repeat everything from the very beginning, walking through life hand in hand, supporting and somewhat forgiving each other. We wish you, thirty years from now, to tell your children the same thing at their wedding.
We will help you with everything if you want us to help. Always listen to your hearts, and let your love grow stronger day by day!

From the father of the bride

According to one ancient book, when the first man first saw his future wife, he wrote beautiful poems about him with delight. female beauty and how much this charming girl means to him. How long did his admiration last? All life!
All his life the man was not only a good head of the family, but also still in love with his dear wife. And in response to his feelings, she gave him respect and her love. What is the secret of their family happiness? The fact that everyone tried to be each other’s best spouse, friend, and reliable support in difficulties. And each of them rejoiced when the other was doing well, because they had common problems and victories.
Since then, it has become a tradition that every bride on her day, her wedding day, is the most beautiful. Her laughter, smiles and glances sparkle with warmth and touching tenderness. Here you are, my daughter, shining with happiness - and making us all happy!
I want this feeling to never leave your heart. And you could enjoy life, peace and love in your home, where mutual respect and an eternal feeling of love reigned. I would like to be dedicated to you, if not poetry, then a pure heart and selfless devotion, and that you accept this with gratitude and complete reciprocity.
This is the only way your family will become a place where you feel good and at ease in body and soul. Bitterly!

Congratulations from the mother of the bride

As a rule, at a wedding, parents on both sides give the floor, but brides’ mothers approach congratulations with greater sensitivity, since they are sending their daughters to someone else’s house.

My dears, on this unique day I wish that your life becomes an amazing fairy tale, an unforgettable, exciting journey. May fate protect you from sharp turns, insurmountable obstacles, disappointments and falls. Will give you an endless series of days filled with happiness and love. Will forever illuminate hearts with mutual understanding. I wish you warmth and goodness. So that you never notice shortcomings and always appreciate each other’s merits, and from today, together, holding hands tightly, you walk towards happiness.

Dear children, this wonderful holiday has come. I want to bless your union with all my heart and wish that your life together will be filled only with bright colors and joyful moments. May love be eternal and happiness limitless. Today you have found your soulmate, united two souls into one. I wish that from this day on, the heart of your family will never know sadness, and the word “bitter” will sound only at this wedding. Live together and happily!

My dear and beloved newlyweds, I wish you only one thing - immeasurable, endless, eternal happiness. May every year and day, every hour and moment of your life together be filled with love, respect and mutual understanding. Give each other only joy, sadly!

Beautiful congratulations:

  • The most difficult thing is to give birth to a child and then realize that the time has come when he has his own family and leaves his father’s house. I would like to wish the young people that no matter where they are in their parental home, they always feel comfortable.
  • Today I would like to wish the newlyweds that all the obstacles on their path will be surmountable, where it is difficult for one to cross the river, so that the other will help, and where the other is scared, the first will instill confidence. Only through joint efforts can the happiest families be created.
  • In order for a marriage to be happy, you need to not only talk about what worries you in a timely manner, but also discuss common problems. You also need to be able to remain silent in time, and sometimes silence becomes the key strong family. I wish you to know the golden mean and be able to always find a common language.


  • I wish you to be together, not only when you fall asleep in the same bed, but also when there are thousands of kilometers between you.
  • The most important thing in life is not only well-being, but also the health that brings it. To be prosperous, it is important that the effort expended by both is valued, and that fatigue is an extra reason to spend time together.
  • A wedding for you is another relay race in which it is important not to rush forward, but to look back to see if your other half can keep up with you. Let's drink so that you can always move on the same level.
  • In order for the family hearth to always burn, it is necessary for a woman to add wood and a man to light the fire. So the marriage will be strong and understanding in the family will not disappear. I wish you that your hearth will not go out even after 20 years, but will only flare up with renewed vigor.

Mothers really like to put deep meaning into their words, so they try to speak for a reason, but give parting words, focus on the peculiarities of building relationships, and explain the rules for building a strong family.


  • You can say that you love, but not know what it is. You can wait and not wait. You can promise, but forget your promise. I wish you that in your family you always fulfill your promises, wait for each other and love from the bottom of your heart.
  • Love is not just a chemical reaction in the body, it is colossal patience, faith in a common future, and the desire to create beauty around oneself. I wish the young people that, while creating beauty around themselves, they always allow their parents to touch it and do not forget their father’s home.
  • The greatest happiness happens to us only a few times in our lives. first when we fall in love, and then when we have a child. So I want to wish the young people that they can experience this feeling not once or twice in their lives, but experience it every time they are near each other.

From the bride's sister

Dear sister, today I want to congratulate you on a wonderful holiday, one of the most important in your life - your wedding day!

We grew up together, matured together, learned and trusted each other with our secrets. You were the first to tell me about bad grades and little childhood grievances. Do you remember how you and I dreamed about the handsome princes who would definitely appear in our lives? And now your prince has found you and is now standing next to you, as happy as you are!

You are so beautiful, you glow with your joy! Your light illuminates everyone around, and we are all as happy today as you are! Our family rejoices at your happiness and is proud of your chosen one. I love you so much and I’m sure I will love and respect your husband the same way. After all, if you chose him, it means he is worthy of the love of our entire family.

I wish you and your husband long and happy years together! Let your thoughts, desires and deeds always be common. Take care and respect each other! Everything happens in life: joys, problems, achievements, and difficulties. The main thing is that you resolve all issues together, help and support each other. Wish you happiness!
Keep your love and trust in each other for many years to come!

From the bride's brother

Dear sister!

I saw you today in wedding dress- so beautiful, happy, grown-up - and I remembered how little you were when they brought you from the maternity hospital. I can’t say that I was happy about the new addition to the family. It seemed to me that my parents would stop loving me. Besides, I had to hang out with you. I admit: I ran away, threw him in the sandbox, and spanked him. And then I cried quietly because I felt sorry for you.
You grew up imperceptibly and became me best friend. We had common games, common friends, common secrets. You knew more about me than my parents. She never betrayed me or lied to me. You were always proud to have an older brother and looked at me as a protector. And I tried to live up to it: how much I dealt with your boy classmates, how many punches I gave!
And now I relieve myself of responsibility, because next to you is a reliable support and protection - your husband. He will care about your well-being. Son-in-law, I say with full right: you are very lucky with your wife! She is not only beautiful and smart, she will always support, advise, and help. Take care of her. And my parents and I will rejoice in your happiness, knowing that your family life is a success. Love each other and know that I am first in line for yours golden wedding!


Despite the seriousness of the situation, you can always joke in congratulations. Such toasts are very welcome at the table to defuse the situation.

With humor:

  • If children are born in a family who are similar to their father, then he must be given a medal for his efforts; if children who are different are born, then for not interfering. So let's drink to the fact that with each new child the groom gets a medal for his efforts.
  • Dear newlyweds, today you are so happy that you completely ignore all the stories about family life. That’s right, even if marriage is called a noose, then let it be around two necks of delicate flowers. The main thing is that none of you have an allergic reaction to pollen.

To preserve love in the house, a woman must remember several rules:

  • smile and idolize your mother-in-law;
  • do not ask your husband for money;
  • wait for your loved one from work and feed him first class food.

So let's drink to the fact that the bride has enough patience for all this!

From a friend of the bride

When the parents have had their say, usually close friends take the microphone and want to congratulate the newlyweds on this event.

Beautiful congratulations:

  • I would like to wish the young people that all their dreams will one day become a reality, that impossible tasks will seem like an example with one variable, and that the word love will become the key to prosperity and understanding in the home.
  • Any woman will be happy with her man if he knows when it's time for a kiss. I would like to wish that every time you start to quarrel with each other, you replace words with strong kisses, which would only strengthen the relationship.
  • The most difficult thing in marriage is to maintain the thrill of first meetings and withstand the onslaught of everyday problems. I sincerely wish that this young family, despite its youth, can show how strong, indestructible, and independent it is.
  • I am glad to congratulate the newlyweds on this bright event in their lives. I would like with all my heart to help them achieve their goals together, be able to experience the joy of being parents, always be in abundance and enjoy every new day.

Heartfelt congratulations

Everyone knows that the bride and I are best friends. But do any of you guess that even as children we swore not to fall in love and not to get married? Then, at the age of 17, after thinking carefully, we decided to change our oath. Marriage was recognized as possible, but they made a general decision: to get married on the same day. So what do I see? The vow was shamelessly broken, my beloved friend is getting married, and I’m already superfluous. But I'm not offended! Over the years of our friendship, we have become sisters, but who would be offended by a loved one?!
I sincerely congratulate you on the best day of your life!
In the face of the entire honest wedding, I solemnly swear to win back the bride’s bouquet today and soon get married. I swear to regularly visit the newlyweds, listen to the complaints of both, and welcome the newlyweds’ first-born from the maternity hospital.
My dears! Seeing your closest friend happy is a real joy. I admit: you can be successful in everything and have a wonderful girlfriend, but all this is far from true happiness if you don’t have a loved one nearby. My girlfriend was lucky to meet her love, and I am sincerely happy for her, although, to be honest, I’m still a little BITTER!

Original, unusual congratulations

I will not congratulate the bride: she is already the main person both at the wedding and for many gathered here. And my congratulations, although they don’t relate directly to her, I’m sure she will be very pleased.
I will congratulate her mother. The hero of the occasion is smart, kind, beautiful! Becoming like this is hard work, and a lot of credit for this goes to my mother. It was you who made your daughter the person we all know and love. They were an example, they raised me to be a real person. You are not only a mother, but also the best, the most close girlfriend for our bride.
Thanks to you, she chose such a wonderful man as her husband. And because of all that you put into your daughter, this man fell in love with her. Usually daughters leave their parents, but our beloved friend did the opposite: her husband became an important part of your common family. After all good people are attracted to each other. By the way, look how soulfully and closely we celebrate together: this is the very attraction at the center of which are the newlyweds and their mothers.
There must be many people like you! When the young people have children, I know exactly who they will be like - the mother of the bride with her wonderful character.
I wish you that your daughter will continue to be like you. Thank you for today's holiday. Thank you for being exactly who we know you and truly love you. Congratulations, BITTER!


  • One poor guy, when returning home from work, came across a bandit in an alley. He demanded that he give him his wallet or he would say goodbye to his life. After thinking a little, the man handed over the wallet. Let's raise our glasses so that in this family only the bride has the right to take away the wallet, and the groom gives his life to her voluntarily.
  • Dear groom, let’s hope that fairy tales about the stork remain in your memory as another reason for your parents not to talk about it. This bird is harmful, whose children look like their neighbor, so don’t make a mistake yourself. Let's drink to the children!
  • One day, two lions were running across the savannah and came across a thatched house. In his room there was a skin on the floor. One lion, seeing her, shouted: “Let's run! This is mother-in-law! so I want to drink to those mothers-in-law whose sons-in-law are not afraid.


  • I wish the young people that a ray of sunshine would peep through their window, even on those days when it is cloudy outside.
  • I would like to wish the young people that on their way the road will always be straight, the sun will always shine overhead, and the traffic light will be green.
  • With all my heart I would like to wish that there are no storms in the family harbor, that it is always quiet and calm, so that you would like to return to it again and again.
  • “I wish your love to bear fruit, and best of all, if there were both a son and a daughter.”
  • “My congratulations to the newlyweds. From the bottom of my heart I wish them to enjoy each other’s presence and not look for a replacement on the side.”
  • “I wish that, regardless of the distance, there will always be an invisible connection between you that will allow you to communicate in your sleep.”

From the groom's friend

At a wedding, everyone who is close to the newlyweds tries to say a few words to them, pay attention and be sure to express their feelings. After the bride's friends, the groom's friends take the floor.


One elderly couple was asked how they managed to live until their golden wedding without quarrels or insults. As it turned out, they only had a single bed all their lives. So let's drink to small beds.


  • Let's drink to marriage, it is a source of great wisdom!
  • You can live your whole life with one person and get bored every day when he leaves for work. I want to wish the young people that they never stop missing each other, even when the separation lasts no more than two hours.
  • When we go to school, we realize with horror that we will have to chew on textbooks for 10 years. When we get married, everyday life gnaws at us for the rest of our lives. If you try really hard, you will be awarded an A in school, and in life you will be endlessly happy.
  • The morning after marriage is comparable to a parachute jump. It becomes very scary, but after a while you get used to it and begin to enjoy it. Let's drink to the understanding in the family that would bring this pleasure.


  • I wish you, dear ones, that everything works out for you, that you do not know the grief of disappointment, smile more often and always stick together.
  • Love it! Keep peace at home, do not let quarrels enter into it.
  • It’s nice to come back to the house if you know that there are other slippers besides yours next to the bed. Love and appreciate each other!
  • To be absolutely happy, you need not only to be loved, but also to be able to love. I wish you to take care of each other and value your relationships.
  • It’s not always important what the weather is like outside, sometimes it’s much more important what’s going on at home. I wish you that the sun always shines at your home.
  • “May a ray of sunshine delight you with its warmth today, may the laughter of loved ones be heard around you, and may happiness never leave you.”
  • “I would like to wish you not only to constantly be together and never be apart, but also the ability to appreciate the opportunity to always be close.”
  • “I would like to congratulate you on this bright day in your life and wish you mutual patience and understanding, no matter what difficulties you will have to endure in the future.”
  • “I wish you all the best, bright, warm, joyful and that all this will be in your home every day.”
  • “I would like to wish you sincere happiness, love, understanding for each other, patience. So that you will always be a reliable shoulder and support for each other.”

Humor at a wedding

You can't do a wedding without humor. The most popular lately are congratulations that can make the whole wedding table laugh merrily.

With humor:

  • Usually men choose either smart or beautiful, but our groom has unusual taste, he decided to kill two birds with one stone and chose beautiful and smart. Now she will correctly calculate the balance of her wallet and save her husband’s nerves in the morning.
  • One thief decided to rob a bank and leave there, instead of his fingerprints, traces of his mother-in-law. Let's drink to good sons-in-law, because a good son-in-law cannot think badly of his mother-in-law.
  • Today you must drink for a kiss, this is the only real way to shut a woman’s mouth when she screams.
  • You probably know that only good people become happy. Groom, everyone here knows for sure that our bride is very good man, which means the rest falls solely on your shoulders.

Congratulations best characterize a person’s relationship with the newlyweds. Through it you can convey your blessing, point it in the right direction, and point out traditional family foundations.

Congratulations are always aimed at conveying only positive emotions and feelings, so its content is thought out as carefully as possible.

And, if it’s difficult to come up with something on your own, you can always borrow a congratulation.

Preparing for a wedding: where to start, and most importantly not to forget, step-by-step instruction for newlyweds and witnesses, .

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Congratulation format: | | | | | | |
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Wedding congratulations in prose

Newlyweds, love each other, respect each other, keep your feelings like a shrine! May your eyes shine as much in fifty years as they do today. May your house be full children's laughter, joy, goodness and prosperity. Live soul to soul, appreciate every minute spent together. I wish you happiness for many years to come!

Congratulations on your wedding day in prose

I want the life of our young people to be as beautiful as a rainbow appearing over the snow-white mountain peaks after the rain. And may your life path be like this rainbow, just as joyful, shining and beautiful! I want to drink to you walking along this road of life, holding hands, and enjoying each other’s company.

Congratulations on your wedding in prose

Dear newlyweds! With all my heart I want to wish you to love, respect and protect each other. Let your family life be as bright, cheerful, happy, full of positive emotions as your wedding day. I wish you family comfort, warmth, joy, care and, of course, children!

Wedding congratulations in prose to tears

Dear newlyweds! I wish that your family happiness is protected by holy guardian angels: Faith, Love, Hope. May your great love guide you through life, may trust in each other accompany your relationship, and may hope never leave you in difficult times. Good luck to you!

Touching wedding congratulations in prose

You have managed to become not just two halves of a whole, you are that very whole, which is indestructible and indivisible. You are a wonderful couple and it is a great honor for me to be present at such a touching, romantic and emotional celebration of your love. Today you are creating your family, and I want to wish you harmony, understanding, mutual support and undying love. Become each other's support, protection and happiness. May you have one soul for two.

Beautiful wedding wish in prose

Dear newlyweds! Today, the bonds of marriage have firmly united you, making you the closest people to each other. May the thread connecting you be strong and never break. May your home be filled with sunshine and warmth, may love and happiness never leave it, may cheerful children's laughter ring in it. Take care of each other, understand each other, love each other. Be always healthy and happy!

Short congratulations on the wedding in prose

If a man is persistent, he will definitely achieve what a woman wants. So let's drink to the fact that the desires of men and the desires of women coincide! For a strong and harmonious union of two hearts! Bitterly!

Cool congratulations on a wedding in prose

Everyone present undoubtedly knows God's nine commandments: do not kill, do not steal, do not commit adultery, honor your parents, etc. Do you know the commandments of the feast? Let's remember them! First: a sober person at a wedding is a spy; being at a wedding but not being drunk is a sin. Second: drink a little, but drink it all. Third: whoever drinks well will remember well. Let us raise our glasses to these blessed time-tested commandments and vow never to break them in the name of the happiness of our newlyweds!

Original wedding congratulations in prose

Our dear young people, today is your day! How beautiful and happy you are now! Remember this sweet moment of love. May this state of love and tenderness always be with you. Let prosperity and abundance reign in your home, and soon children's laughter will ring out. Live together, appreciate and understand each other. There is only one life, live it with dignity, hand in hand, in an atmosphere of love and fidelity.

Wedding congratulations in prose in your own words

Our dear newlyweds! Congratulations on this important life step that you have consciously decided to take! Know that life is a series of happy and unlucky days. And the happiness, well-being and longevity of your family depends only on you, on your patience, participation, mutual assistance and mutual support! Take care of her, take care of your feelings and let there be as few cloudy days as possible. Let the little things of family life not overshadow passion and love! Advice to you and Love!

Beautiful words of congratulations on the wedding

Today I congratulate two people dear to me on the most important decision - to unite their destinies, get married and from now on live together, happily ever after! You are in the prime of your life, you love each other, so step forward into new life be brave and know that everything is possible for you, because love works wonders!

Brief wedding congratulations in prose

Friends, let's congratulate the young people together! Let the bride's eyes always shine with happiness, let there be only love, tenderness and warmth in her heart. Let the groom be a reliable protector for the family, let no bad news, bad weather, troubles touch your family, let nothing darken your family happiness. For you!

The best congratulations in prose to the newlyweds on their wedding

Dear newlyweds! Wedding day - magical holiday, which helps you easily and naturally enter into family life, taking your first confident steps in it. We wish you to walk together hand in hand, building common happiness, sharing all joys and troubles in half. May your life become full of pleasant, amazing events that will give you only positive emotions, and may your home be filled with cheerful children's voices. Congratulations!

Cool congratulations to the newlyweds in prose for their wedding

Our dear “newlyweds”! Happy family birthday. We are very pleased that we became guests at this family celebration. Looking at your happy faces, it is difficult to choose wishes, because you already have the most important things: love, children, prosperity. Ugh, ugh, so as not to jinx it. We wish you that your honeymoon will last a lifetime, that your rings will not fade and your feelings will not grow old, that your love will be your protection from the cruelty of the world around you, that it will be “bitter” only at the wedding, but sweet and bright in life, you lived your life cheerfully and amicably.

Sincere words of congratulations on the wedding to the point of tears

It was not in vain that you met on earth, it was decided from above. Fate brought you together, so that you could start a family and take care of each other, give the joy of life to your children, because children in the house are great happiness. Respect each other, love, trust each other. Let your home be cozy and warm. May there always be the sound of laughter and the smell of delicious pies. May family happiness be endless, like Golden ring- without beginning and end!

Cheerful congratulations in prose on your wedding

Our dear (Groom's name) went for a walk in the forest to collect mushrooms. Suddenly he sees a rare blue flower. He tore it off and attached it to his clothes. And the flower was magical: it opened your eyes to the treasure. And (Name of the groom) found his treasure - our dear bride. Let's drink to this treasure, to the fact that she has always been her husband's greatest wealth.

Comic wish in prose for a wedding

Bernard Shaw said: “To marry is stupid, not to marry is even more stupid.” I want to wish you that you will never regret the stupidity you committed today and that it will become the happiest stupidity in your life!

Congratulations on the wedding in your own words

Dear newlyweds! Today you are united to each other by marriage. You will live together. So let your life be filled with sun, joy, love and loyalty to each other. Take care of each other, try to understand each other, experience all the joys and sorrows together. May your union be strong and long, may your home be filled with children's laughter, warmth and friendship. Be happy and healthy!

Congratulations on your wedding day in your own words

How beautiful our young lady is today! A young beauty in a wonderful snow-white outfit, pure as love itself, recently a bride, and now a wife. Look how happy she is today, how happy her gaze is when she turns to her loved one! And if we could look into her heart, we would see that it is filled to the brim with love and happiness; There are no words to express the fullness of these feelings. I propose to raise our glasses so that this happiness will be endless!

A wedding is a joyful and happy day, you are sincerely happy for your friend and want to congratulate her with all your heart, saying beautiful words. There are two options for the development of events: write (or find on the Internet) a beautiful thematic poem or rehearse a congratulation in prose. Preliminary preparation is mandatory, because no one is immune from the fact that at the most crucial moment you can get confused and instead of smooth speech, a stream of incoherent words will flow.

The speech should come from the heart: dilute it with a funny story or joke if the bride has good feeling humor. An interesting option will be a congratulation with visualization - a set of slides, photographs in which you are together with your best friend or cheerful company, you can even make a short film - such a gift will be appreciated. In fact, an ideal congratulation, especially a congratulation to a friend on her wedding day, is not just a set of memorized phrases, but a story from life in stages: how you met, how much fun you had, what happened when a loved one appeared in the bride’s life, a promise, that your friendship will not end under any circumstances. Remember: the speech should not be drawn out: a tedious listing of dates and facts is not the best solution for a wedding. The best option for congratulations is up to 3 minutes.

Think over the beginning and ending of your speech - they should be the strongest and carry a semantic load, because often the people gathered remember the introduction and ending. Be confident, because after all, this is your friend’s wedding, people close to her have gathered here, so there is no need to worry! If you wish, you can rehearse your speech in front of a mirror in advance - this way you can control your gestures and facial expressions.

photo: It’s better to say words to a friend at her wedding without a piece of paper

We offer you several options for congratulations in verse and prose. We hope that you can learn something interesting and complement the already proposed option. words of congratulations to a friend on her wedding.

Dear bride and groom!

Dear girlfriend, dear groom!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your wedding day! When you and I, (name of the bride) were still very little, we believed in fairy tales and waited for a real prince to come for us. Looks like you've waited for your hero! And I want to wish you that your fairy tale never ends, because you are writing it together! Let there be no place for evil sorceresses, spells and separation in this fairy tale! May harmony and harmony reign in your family, and may your love bloom every day, like a flower in the sun! Take care of each other! I raise this glass to the newlyweds, may their feelings remain as strong for many, many years to come, and may the bride’s eyes shine as much as on their wedding day! Bitterly!

Today is a very special day. It would seem that nothing has changed: the sun shines the same way, the Earth revolves around the sun. But a lot has changed for my dear friend, because now she has become not just a beloved girl, but also a dear wife. The bride (girl's name) is more than a friend to me, more like a sister. We have known her for a long time, but I hope that even now our paths will not diverge. I am sure that behind the sharp turn of fate lies a wonderful new world, in which there is a place for love, happiness, ringing laughter and the patter of children's feet. You are going on an interesting journey together, and as long as you are together, you will be able to handle everything. I want to wish you that harmony will always reign in your family, because when people love each other, it doesn’t matter at all who will drive and who will get the role of navigator. Here's to you, dear newlyweds! May the melody of your soul always be beautiful, and may your hearts beat in unison!

photo: When speaking to a friend at her wedding, watch your emotions

Dear newlyweds!

Congratulations on your legal marriage! The ancient Slavs believed that the patron saint of people on their wedding day is the Sun - this is the source of heat and life on earth. And I wish you that your life will always be warmed by the rays of the sun, and that the fire, the source of family life, will crackle merrily in your family hearth. No matter what troubles happen, no matter how cold the winds blow, keep unquenchable light and warmth in your family. Keep your love and carry it in your heart. I raise this glass to you and your family happiness!

Congratulations, dear friend!

The hour has come for your wedding!

I wish you everything from my heart,

May everything be wonderful for you.

May happiness and dreams reign

In your family forever and ever,

Let it bloom in your hearts day after day

Your boundless love!

My dear friend!

I am very happy for you, you are so beautiful on this day, your eyes sparkle with happiness. We, your friends, will miss you very much, with whom else will we gossip about outfits and men? But the main thing is that you found your soul mate. I believe that your union will be harmonious, because you are connected by the strongest feeling on earth - love. Now your task is to preserve this feeling in your heart, because it is very fragile, as if delicate flower. It needs to be supported, cherished, undead - then it will blossom and give you many more positive emotions. And remember, friend, I’m always glad to see you! This glass is raised to the newlyweds, may their union be the happiest and even after many, many years they will be able to quite openly say to each other “I love you even more than on our wedding day.”

The white dress suits you very well,

You are going to the crown in it today!

You illuminate the whole world with happiness,

We want to congratulate you too!

Let warmth and affection reign in your family,

And in life a fairy tale will never end,

Let your home be a full cup,

But you will still remain our friend!

Dear girlfriend!

Let people say what doesn't happen on earth female friendship, but let's refute the general misconception. After all, during the time that you and I have known each other, we could have quarreled 1000 times, and we are still friends. Years have passed, and now I am present at your wedding and I sincerely believe that you will be happy. From a couple in love, you have become spouses, and, holding hands, you will learn to live together, give each other warmth and protect each other from difficulties. Tell your other half words of love more often, believe me, they are very important. Keep your happiness, because even the love of one person can move mountains, and mutual love is completely omnipotent. I want to drink this glass to your young family and wish that in many, many years you will still hold hands and be in love with each other! It is very important. Here's to you, dear newlyweds!

Happiness is different for everyone, but the sages believe that true happiness is to find half of your soul, but not to hold it tightly, but to let it go so that it agrees to stay with you of its own free will. And I want to wish you: love and appreciate each other, treat your other half as if you were beautiful snowflake- admire, protect, but be afraid to offend or squeeze your palm too tightly. I believe that our young people will maintain their happiness, and in their family there will always be a place for love, mutual understanding and affection! Bitter for the young!

There is a beautiful legend in the East: one princess loved jewelry more than anything in the world. Her favorite thing was a necklace made of the finest pearls; she loved to admire it. But one day a huge bird burst into the girl’s chambers, snatched the necklace from her hands and carried it into the sky. The princess cried - and the sky took pity on her: the sun scorched the bird’s feathers, and she dropped the necklace from her paws. Having fallen to the ground, the beautiful pearls disintegrated and turned into girls of incredible beauty. One of these pearls is now standing in a white dress and smiling shyly. This is my beloved friend, and she is beautiful not only in appearance, but also in soul. I want to drink to her, to her family happiness. I believe that she and her chosen one will be a wonderful and strong couple, friendly family! Here's to you, dear newlyweds!

Wedding congratulations in prose

Newlyweds, love each other, respect each other, keep your feelings as
shrine! May your eyes shine as brightly in fifty years as
Today. Let your home be full of children's laughter, joy, kindness and
well-being. Live soul to soul, appreciate every minute spent
together. I wish you happiness for many years to come!

Congratulations on your wedding day in prose

I want the life of our young people to be as beautiful as a rainbow,
appearing over snow-white mountain peaks after rain. And let your
the path of life will be like this rainbow, just as joyful,
shining and beautiful! I want to drink for you to walk along this
on the road of life, holding hands and enjoying each other's company.

Congratulations on your wedding in prose

Dear newlyweds! With all my heart I want to wish you to love,
respect and protect each other. May your family life be
as bright, cheerful, happy, full of positive emotions as
your wedding day. I wish you family comfort, warmth, joy, care and,
of course, kids!

Wedding congratulations in prose to tears

Dear newlyweds! I wish your family happiness to be protected
holy guardian angels: Faith, Love, Hope. Let him guide you along
your great love in life, may trust in each other accompany
your relationship, and hope will never leave you in difficult times.
Good luck to you!

Touching wedding congratulations in prose

You managed to become not just two halves of a whole, you are
this is the same whole that is indestructible and indivisible. You are beautiful
couple and it is a great honor for me to be present at such a touching,
a romantic and emotional celebration of your love. You today
you are creating your own family, and I want to wish you harmony, understanding,
mutual support and undying love. Become for each other
support, protection and happiness. May you have one soul for two.

Beautiful wedding wish in prose

Dear newlyweds! Today the bonds of marriage have united you tightly, making
people closest to each other. Let the thread connecting you
It will be strong and will never break. May your home be filled
sunshine and warmth, may love never leave him and
happiness, let the cheerful children's laughter ring in it. Take care friend
each other, understand each other, love each other. Be always healthy
and happy!

Short congratulations on the wedding in prose

If a man is persistent, he will definitely achieve what he wants
woman. So let's drink to the desire of men and desire
women matched! For a strong and harmonious union of two hearts! Bitterly!

Cool congratulations on a wedding in prose

Everyone present undoubtedly knows God’s nine commandments:
kill, do not steal, do not commit adultery, honor your parents, etc.
Do you know the commandments of the feast? Let's remember them! First:
sober at a wedding - a spy, to be at a wedding, but not to be drunk -
sinful. Second: drink a little, but drink it all. Third: who is good
gets drunk, he will remember well. Let's raise a glass to these
blessed commandments, time-tested, and we swear never to
do not violate for the sake of the happiness of our newlyweds!

Original wedding congratulations in prose

Our dear young people, today is your day! How beautiful you are now and
happy! Remember this sweet moment of love. Let this state
love and tenderness will always be with you. Let it in your home
prosperity and abundance reign, and soon the
children's laughter. Live together, appreciate and understand each other. Life
alone, live it with dignity, hand in hand, in an atmosphere of love and

Wedding congratulations in prose in your own words

Our dear newlyweds! Congratulations on this important life milestone
a step that you consciously decided to take! Know that life is
a series of happy and unlucky days. And only from you, from yours
patience, participation, mutual assistance and mutual support depend on happiness,
prosperity and longevity of your family! Take care of her, take care of yours
feelings and let there be as few cloudy days as possible. Let the little things
family life is not overshadowed by passion and love! Advice to you and Love!

Beautiful words of congratulations on the wedding

Today I congratulate two people dear to me on the most important
decision - to unite their destinies, get married and from now on live
together, happily ever after! You are in your prime, love each other, so
step forward into a new life boldly and know that everything is for you
perhaps, because love works wonders!

Brief wedding congratulations in prose

The best congratulations in prose to the newlyweds on their wedding

Dear newlyweds! Wedding day is a magical holiday that
helps you easily and naturally enter into family life by doing
her first confident steps. We wish you to walk together hand in hand,
building joint happiness, sharing all joys and troubles in half. Let
your life will become full of pleasant, amazing events for you,
which will give you only positive emotions, and your home
will be filled with cheerful children's voices. Congratulations!

Cool congratulations to the newlyweds in prose for their wedding

Our dear “newlyweds”! Happy family birthday.
We are very pleased that we became guests at this family celebration.
Looking at your happy faces, it is difficult to choose wishes, because the most
You already have the main thing: love, children, prosperity. Ugh, ugh, to
don't jinx it. We wish you that your honeymoon lasts forever
life, so that your rings do not fade and your feelings do not grow old, so that your
love was your protection from the cruelty of the world around you, so that
It was “bitter” only at the wedding, but in life it was sweet and bright so that you
We lived our lives cheerfully and amicably.

Sincere words of congratulations on the wedding to the point of tears

It was not in vain that you met on earth, it was decided from above. Fate
brought you together so that you could start a family and take care of each other,
gave joy to life to your children, because children in the house are great happiness.
Respect each other, love, trust each other. Let it in your home
it will be cozy and warm. Let laughter always sound and smell delicious
pies. May family happiness be endless, like gold
ring - without beginning and end!

Cheerful congratulations in prose on your wedding

Our dear (Groom's name) went for a walk in the forest to collect mushrooms.
Suddenly he sees a rare blue flower. He tore it off and attached it to
clothes. And the flower was magical: it opened your eyes to the treasure. AND
(Groom's name) found his treasure - our dear bride. Let's drink to this
treasure, because she was always her husband’s greatest wealth.

Comic wish in prose for a wedding

Bernard Shaw said: “To marry is stupid, not to marry is even more stupid.” I
I want to wish you that you will never regret the perfect
today is stupidity and it has become the happiest stupidity in your

Congratulations on the wedding in your own words

Dear newlyweds! Today you are united with each other by bonds


Congratulations on your wedding day in your own words

How beautiful our young lady is today! Young beauty in a wonderful
snow-white, pure, like love itself, outfit, recently a bride, and
now a wife. Look how happy she is today, how
Her gaze glows with happiness, addressed to her loved one! And if
If we could look into her heart, we would see that it is to the brim
filled with love and happiness; there are no words to express the completeness
these feelings. I suggest we raise our glasses to happiness
it was endless!

Congratulations on your wedding in your own words

Dear newlyweds! Today is a particularly special day for you two.
day, because it is on this day that you will become spouses. You will do
You will confidently step into a new life, full of bright events. Accept
our sincere congratulations and wishes: good luck to you, sincere
warmth and joyful days. Keep your hearth so that you can live comfortably and
happily. Plant many beautiful trees and grow them like this
children you can be proud of. May your union be strong and
will be the key to your success in life. Remember, you are the hope and
support for each other. Respect and appreciate each of your “other half”!

To a friend

Congratulations on the wedding of a friend

My dear friend, congratulations!
You were able to find your love.
And on your wedding day I wish you:
Don't miss her for anything.

May she bring you joy
Let your dreams come true with her,
Let the sweetness of kisses on your lips
Every evening you feel it.

Let it be behind your husband, behind his shoulders,
You will be protected from adversity.
And let it be soon with the kids
You and your spouse will be lucky.

Congratulations on your wedding to your girlfriend

Today is my friend's wedding,
Suddenly you have matured beyond your years,
And we won’t walk together anymore out of boredom,
After all, you said such a simple word - “Yes!”
You are standing in a white wedding dress,
Without looking away at us furtively,
And you think about the eternal, the infinite,
After all, everything was decided by your simple “Yes!”

Wedding congratulations to best friend

Friend, on a solemn day,
On the most wonderful wedding day
Love you - naturally,
And I would like to wish you happiness,
Health and prosperity to you
Success in every business,
Sorrow and joy in half
Share, but let them burn
With that fiery feeling of the heart,
Love only grew stronger
To go together to the end,
May you wait for your grandchildren!

Beautiful congratulations on the wedding of your beloved friend

I congratulate you and am a little jealous.
Be happy in everything, but don’t forget me!
Be loved without measure - love without measure
And never accumulate grievances against your husband.

Be, my friend, the mistress of your house,
So that you two feel warm and cozy,
And under your husband’s wing you don’t know any worries,
But trust only me with the secrets of your heart!

Congratulate your friend on her wedding

My dear friend, who is no closer to me,
Today you will outshine all the sunlight:
With its weightless, airy beauty,
Today the whole world is only yours before your feet.

You're getting married, you've been waiting for so long,
The one who loves will be burned to the ground
With your love, care, warmth,
Who in your life will become a fairy tale and a dream.

I want, my friend, a new life
I inspired you, just hang in there
Hold your spouse’s hand always and everywhere,
And don’t drown in a series of gray days.

Let the family open a window to the world,
It was like an elixir of sunny days,
I gave birth to more beautiful children,
And I will be an excellent godmother, believe me!

Congratulations to your beloved friend on her wedding day

You are my beloved friend!
How I want to hug you as soon as possible!
And I won’t hold back my tears today,
But these are tears of happiness, I will say.

Today there are two wedding rings
Put it on your fingers forever.
Let the marriage be doomed to happiness,
After all, the path of your hearts is determined!

Congratulations to a friend in prose

happy in your life!

Congratulations to your beloved friend on her wedding in your own words

Congratulations, dear friend, your happiness is already knocking
door and promises a happy family life. Always be like this
joyful and bright, remain that star that calls to the unknown
heights. Love to you and your husband and many years of marriage!

Touching congratulations to a friend on her wedding

Do you remember, friend?
How long have we both dreamed,
About growing up with you
And we'll have a great life
And so that the whole world is at our feet,
And my head is spinning
Luck, happiness and love
Always accompanies
And to always be there
Beloved person
So that you can easily carry it in your arms
And so that love forever,
And to cook borscht for him,
And dinner by candlelight,
And to give him children,
And joy forever
And on a beautiful wedding day
All dreams came true
Today the world is at your feet
Now you are the bride!

Cool congratulations on the wedding of a friend

We shed bitter tears,
That we are losing a girlfriend.
Now she has no time for festivities,
No time for anxious dates.
Our dear friend,
You are now a forever spouse.
You will build a nest,
Where girlfriends can no longer be.
So that our friendship remains,
We need to catch up with you -
Get married urgently
And be friends at home again.
Give birth one after another
We'll start and here we go again
Let's go for a walk together -
And push strollers.

Wedding wishes for a friend in verse

Congratulations on your wedding, friend!
From now on, be happy forever,
You will forget about sadness, sorrows and boredom,
Now you are the wife beloved by your husband!
Today you put a ring on your love,
So don’t lose her through the years!
And may you have more kids,
May your hearts always be happy!

Congratulations on the wedding of your best friend to tears

Friend, how many paths have we traveled together?
Now I'm letting you get married.
And I want to wish you healthy children,
I hope to play with them soon.

You will be the most beautiful bride.
And together forever with one thing - with your beloved.
I will keep my fingers crossed for you,
All you have to do is love and respect.

Short congratulations on the wedding of a friend

My best and most faithful friend
Today you are getting married first.
You have a witness at your wedding,
Guardian of your love.
Always stick to each other
And don’t consider whose merit it is.
Let there be only happiness in the house,
And lots and lots of voluptuousness.

Wedding congratulations from a friend

You are the best friend in the world,
And what I'm most sure of is
You will be a good and faithful wife
For my beloved husband.

I wish my husband never to be stingy:
So that she can walk in minks and sables,
I want your husband to be proud of you,
And just to carry it in your arms all your life.

Now I want to address the groom:
Love and cherish your spouse.
You are just lucky that you decided to get married
Today on best friend mine.

Wedding congratulations in prose and wedding congratulations in your own words

Wedding congratulations in prose

At the wedding table you often want to read prose rather than poetry. How
find worthy solemn words, congratulate the young from the heart, on
humorous, beautiful in original words? You've come to the right place!
SuperToasts are pleased to offer you congratulations from friends, parents and
witnesses, toasts in prose. And poems can be included in a wedding
Wedding wishes in your own words:
Our dear newlyweds!
Congratulations on this important life step that you have taken.
deliberately decided! Know that life is a series of happy and
bad days. And only from you, from your patience, participation,
mutual assistance and mutual support depends on happiness, well-being and
longevity of your family! Take care of her, take care of your feelings and let
There will be as few cloudy days as possible. Let the little things of family life not
overshadow passions and love! Advice to you and Love!

Dear groom and
bride! Today you have become husband and wife and have firmly united your
fate into one. You have become the closest people, and all the joys and
You will now overcome adversity shoulder to shoulder. I wish that
no difficulties in life, no everyday trifles brought discord into your
relationships so that the joys of one become a common joy for you! Let
the thread with which you connected your paths in life today is not
it just never breaks, but gets stronger year after year, turning into
a strong rope, and the rope becomes a family rope! I wish you happiness
home and new family, born in these minutes! Take care of each other, don't
hurry up with reproaches and accusations, try to understand and respect each other
friend! Let children's laughter ring in your home soon! Be
healthy, be happy!

Dear newlyweds! We wish you happiness, health, love, friend
friend, take care, appreciate. Let life be like a striped zebra,
in which each subsequent stripe will be lighter and brighter than the previous one!
Let no troubles overshadow your family happiness! Let
Your feelings will be sweet, and only at the wedding let the screams sound

Friends! Do you know what they say about every family: “The husband is a ship,
and the wife is the helm of the ship!” And today we want to wish you an easy
sailing on the sea of ​​life, without storms and with a fair wind! To
your ship moored to the shores of Love, washed by the waves of the ocean
Calm, driven by the winds of Prosperity, sailed through life under the flag
Family Happiness!

Friends, let's congratulate the young people together! Let the eyes of the bride
always shine with happiness, let there be only love in her heart,
tenderness and warmth. Let the groom be a reliable protector for the family,
let no bad news, bad weather, troubles touch your family,
Let nothing overshadow your family happiness. For you!

Newlyweds! I sincerely congratulate you on this wonderful event!
Strong bonds, strong feelings, more exciting family events! Ancient
The saying goes that temporary failure is better than temporary success.
Therefore, I wish your family endless luck and only failures
temporary! Congratulations to your new young family!

Congratulations on the wedding to the bride in prose
I want to say
a few words about our bride. Look at our beauty in
wonderful snow-white outfit - it amazingly combines
“bride”, “wife” and future “mother”, which means femininity, love
and self-sacrifice. Today she glows with happiness, and her eyes burn
fire of love. So let this glowing light burn in her eyes
all my life, let the hardships of family life and tears of sorrow not extinguish
him, let your heart be filled with goodness and passion, and your hand strong
rests on her husband's hand all her life! For your young wife!

Congratulations on your wedding day! This is truly a wonderful event -
your family's birthday! Family is today a small
a newborn who has to go through life's journey. And today you
the two of you, holding hands, enter into a new life together, you
the first timid steps have to be taken, which will become more and more every day
stronger and more confident if respect, wisdom,
patience and love. We wish your family long and happy years! We wish
celebrate family anniversaries with children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren and
Lose track of the years! May you live happily ever after!

Congratulations to the newlyweds on a wonderful and bright wedding day!
We wish you to walk through life shoulder to shoulder, so that in life you will not
troubles were encountered so that only light and
pleasant worries and responsibilities so that you can do everything together,
encouraging and supporting each other so that the fire in your hearts does not go out
love! Good luck to you!

I congratulate the newlyweds and wish them endless family happiness
warm home, passionate nights, pleasant awakening in
hugging each other, fullness of feelings, tenderness and mutual understanding!
May there be no marriage in your marriage, but may your feelings be long and
strong. Bitterly!

Congratulations on a friend’s wedding in prose

My dear friend! Today I want to share yours with you
joy. After all, today is the most important day for you - you are starting a new
life. Let there be a place in it only for joy, love and
mutual understanding. Let your feelings grow stronger day by day. I wish you
to be surrounded by care, affection and warmth. And also, of course,
adorable kids. Be happy in your marriage, my friend!

My dear friend, you are now a wife. Let your life be
filled with women's happiness and children's laughter. Let yours with your husband
the attraction only intensifies every day, and the flame of your love
turns into flame. I wish you such a family life that in 50
years, you remembered this day with tears in your eyes as one of the most
happy in your life!

My dear friend, that very beautiful day has come - the day
your wedding. You are the most wonderful bride and you will become the same
wife. May your husband love and appreciate you deeply, may your joint
life will be happy and prosperous. I wish you good health to the new one
family, prosperity and mutual understanding.

Our dear friend, we sincerely congratulate you on your wedding day.
We wish you and your wonderful husband a strong family and bright
happiness, a cozy home and high income, joint success and
grandiose victories, healthy children and joyful events.

Now, my friend, your most long-awaited day has come. And this
day, your wedding day, I wish you to live to a ripe old age with
your chosen one and never hear a crooked word addressed to you
From him. Live in love, respect and understanding, because these are the three most
the main components of a successful marriage.

Dear friend, you have now become the wife of your wonderful
spouse. We wish you happiness and good luck, a rosy family life and
prosperity. Always love each other, live in peace, harmony and

Our dear friend today became the wife of her true friend And
wonderful husband. Dear, we congratulate you and your husband on
wedding day. We wish you to bathe in luxury and rays of love,
enjoy your happiness and cherish it faithfully, live a little in
pleasure for each other and begin to educate the lovely and
wonderful children.

Our dear friend, you got married today, you became
wonderful wife. Congratulations on your new status in life, with
the birth of your family. We wish you to be a faithful and economic wife,
but at the same time an incredibly beautiful and sexy wife, we wish you
so that your husband cares and cherishes you, so that your family lives in abundance and

Our dear friend, you got married today, congratulations on this
a wonderful and joyful event in your life. Let your husband
always loves and takes care of you, may your life together be
filled with happiness and success, may goodness reign in your home and soon
sonorous baby babble will appear, let there be a kind world outside the window and

Our dear friend, today you left the circle of unmarried girls,
today you became a wife. Congratulations to you and your wonderful
spouse. We wish you, dear, to always honor your husband and please him
delicious dishes, waiting with a smile on your sweetheart’s face after work,
We wish that your husband idolizes you, loves you madly and is simply in love with you.
I didn't care for you. Advice and love to you, happiness and joy!

Congratulations on your wedding in prose

Congratulations on your wedding!
We wish you to always understand each other perfectly, take care of your
happiness throughout life. Appreciate every moment spent

On your wedding day I would like to wish that you love each other
friend, just like when we first met. Appreciate, respect your created
family. May life give you a lot of joy, children's laughter and
financial well-being! Dear newlyweds! On your wedding day
We wish you to have children like seeds in a sunflower,
five thousand bills are like stars in the sky, and problems are like hair on
Prigogine's head! Bitterly! Today is an unforgettable day for your
families. Let it be remembered for you as the beginning of a lifelong journey.
Walk in step through life, provide each other with a reliable shoulder and
share the common joy. Advice and love to you! Accept
truly sincere congratulations on this special day! remember, that
today you have become one. Save yours for many years
tenderness towards each other, love and mutual understanding. Appreciate and protect
your family. Dear newlyweds! Today the bonds of marriage are strong
connected you, making you the closest people to each other. Let the thread
connecting you will be strong and will never break. Let your home
will be filled with sunshine and warmth, may it never leave
his love and happiness, let the cheerful children's laughter ring in him.
Take care of each other, understand each other, love each other. Be
always healthy and happy! Everyone present undoubtedly knows
nine commandments of God: do not kill, do not steal, do not commit adultery,
honor your parents, etc. Do you know the commandments of the feast?
Let's remember them! First: sober at a wedding is a spy, to be at
wedding, but not being drunk is a sin. Second: drink a little and drink
All. Third: whoever drinks well will remember well.
Let us raise our glasses to these blessed commandments, verified
time, and we swear never to violate them in the name of our happiness
newlyweds! Our dear newlyweds! Congratulations on this
an important life step that you consciously decided to take! Know
that life is a series of happy and unlucky days. And only from you,
from your patience, participation, mutual assistance and mutual support
The happiness, well-being and longevity of your family depends! Take care of her
take care of your feelings and let there be as few cloudy days as possible.
Let the little things of family life not overshadow passion and love! Advice to you
and love! Dear newlyweds! We sincerely congratulate you on
on this wonderful, wonderful day in your life - the day
marriages. This day has brought great responsibility into your life,
now you must always support each other both in joy and in
sadness, take care of each other, raise your future children
healthy and happy, to be a support and support for your parents.
Advice and love to you! If a man is persistent, he will definitely
will achieve what a woman wants. So let's drink to
the desire of men and the desire of women coincided! For durable and
harmonious union of two hearts! Bitterly! Dear newlyweds! We wish
You have happiness, health, love each other, take care, appreciate. Let
life will be like a striped zebra, whose every next
the stripe will be lighter and brighter than the previous one! Let there be no troubles
darken your family happiness! Let your feelings be
sweet, and only at the wedding let the cries of “Bitter!” be heard. Dear newlyweds! Today you are united with each other by bonds
marriage. You will live together. So may your life be filled
sun, joy, love and loyalty to each other. Take care friend
each other, try to understand each other, experience all the joys and
sorrows. May your union be strong and long, may your home be
filled with children's laughter, warmth and friendship. Be happy and
healthy! Dear young people! With all my heart I congratulate you on
entering into legal marriage and starting a family! Friendship and love -
the most wonderful feelings in human life. May your love
will be as long as your life! Live in love, happiness and
joy, may you have healthy and cheerful children, and be
faithful support to your fathers and mothers. IN good hour, expensive! Bitterly! Friends, let's congratulate the young people together! May the eyes of the bride always
shine with happiness, let there be only love, tenderness and
heat. Let the groom be a reliable protector for the family, let
no bad news, bad weather, troubles will touch your family, let
nothing overshadows your family happiness. For you! In old times
It was customary for the bride to shed tears, saying goodbye to girlish freedom, but
today I want to say that our bride is holding up well and only
glows with happiness, and the groom is a real beauty and it is not surprising that
he captured such a wife! Today these yours unite theirs
fate, so let's wish them boundless and cloudless happiness! I want to wish the young couple on their wedding day
happiness in family life! Let the years not extinguish your mutual
interest, but only help you get to know your spouse better, discover in him
new, better sides! Let your union be, first of all, a union
love, fidelity and love again! Today we are walking on the first
celebration of a young family - at her wedding! I want to wish them both
a prosperous life and full of all the best, kindest and brightest!
Let there be quiet everyday life in it, and happy holidays, fascinating
travel and dreams come true, in a word, let there be everything that
can make them truly happy!