Crafts for kindergarten autumn animals. Autumn crafts for kindergarten with a child

Autumn is a very colorful time of the year. Knowing that cold weather is approaching, nature seems to be trying to demonstrate to people how bright and charming it can be. That is why in kindergartens and schools children are often asked to make autumn crafts.

Autumn composition

Crafts “Autumn” for kindergarten

You need to stock up on materials for making autumn crafts in advance - starting at the end of August. The collected “wealth” should be stored in cardboard box, carefully laying in layers. If you plan to create paintings or panels from dry leaves, it is better to place them between the pages of books so that they become even and do not begin to crumble during work.

Autumn craft

For an autumn-themed creation you may need:

  • cones;
  • leaves of different colors and sizes;
  • pebbles, sand;
  • shells;
  • spruce or pine branches;
  • dry branches of fruit trees;
  • maple seeds;
  • acorns;
  • chestnuts;
  • walnut shells;
  • flowers;
  • sunflower seeds, grains;
  • feathers, etc.

Hedgehogs made of plasticine and seeds

Autumn forest

That is, almost everything that the surrounding nature can offer us.

Thorn hedgehogs

Vegetables and berries should not be written off either. They, of course, cannot be stored for as long as, for example, products made from wood, pine cones and dried grass, but they will be an excellent solution if you need to make unusual craft to an exhibition in kindergarten or school.

Butterfly made from leaves and shells

turtle house

Hedgehog made from chestnuts and rowan berries

DIY autumn crafts for kindergarten - interesting ideas

Before you start making the “Autumn” craft, you need to imagine what you should get in the end. If a child takes the initiative into his own hands, it is important for parents to hear him and understand how he wants to depict this or that animal or picture.

Autumn themed applications

Worthy of attention autumn applications. For the most part, they are produced quite quickly.

Leaf applications

Flower garden

Summer field

Collages-portraits from leaves

If parents are ready to spend more time on autumn crafts in kindergarten, they might like collages. When creating them you need not only to glue, but also to draw a little. Portraits prepared using dried leaves look especially great.

Portrait from leaves

Girl with flower hair

Original collage of dried leaves

Crafts from autumn flowers

If you really want to make a collage in the form of a portrait, but neither of your parents knows how to draw well, you can print out someone else’s sketch, decorate it with watercolors and decorate it with leaves, berries, and flowers on top. This work will also look very beautiful.


Pictures from prints of autumn leaves look unusual and, what’s important, are very easy to make. To complete them, you need to prepare leaves of different trees (they can be dry or green), thick paper and watercolors.

How to make a painting from prints

colorful picture

Autumn forest

Painting "Birds fly away"

Sun from prints

The big advantage of such autumn crafts is that Small child can do them almost independently. An adult only needs to observe his actions and suggest where it is better to apply the next sheet covered with paint.

Autumn crafts for kindergarten from paper

It is not necessary to make crafts for the garden and school exclusively from natural materials. Suitable colored paper, cardboard.

Autumn leaf made of paper

Autumn tree

If these materials are not in the house, you can use regular white paper. And when the work is done, decorate it with pencils, watercolors or gouache.

Autumn forest

Autumn garlands

An excellent craft for both the garden and your own apartment will be garlands made of multi-colored paper leaves.

Preparing an autumn garland

They can be used to decorate walls, curtains, and lamps. The main thing is not to be afraid to include as many bright colors as possible in the overall composition. After all, autumn is the time for yellow, red, orange, brown, beige, burgundy, green. All these colors need to be combined, then the garland will turn out incredibly bright and expressive.

Decorating your home with autumn garland

Autumn leaves made of paper

Window decoration in kindergarten

Paper leaves

How to store natural materials

If you properly store natural materials collected in the fall, they will be suitable for use until next summer. All fragile herbs and flowers should be placed in a hard-sided box. This way they will remain unharmed and no dust will appear on their surface.

You don’t have to stand on ceremony with snags and twigs - they can even lie on a shelf. Nice place there is also a storage room for them where they can be hung.

Storing flowers and plants

Chestnuts, acorns and cones should not be poured into a common container. They need to be placed in boxes or paper bags. They will start to mold in plastic bags.

If you decide to prepare fruit seeds, you will need a paper bag. You can do it yourself - roll up an A4 sheet and secure its edges with a stapler. Pebbles and shells can be placed in glass jar, which is tightly closed with a lid.

Outside the window, autumn has already arrived and everything around has begun to be covered with beautiful multi-colored fallen leaves. And before the rain turns this beauty into a wet mess, it’s time to get creative! Especially if your child comes home from kindergarten or school with an assignment to make an autumn-themed craft.

Make autumn crafts with children from natural materials It can be made from anything - leaves, cones, acorns, chestnuts. These could be appliqués or some interesting figures. I present unique step-by-step master classes- how to make autumn crafts with your own hands using photos.

DIY autumn crafts master classes

DIY autumn wreath of acorns “Breath of Autumn”

Bright autumn colors sink into the soul for a long time. Let's create an autumn wreath of acorns with our own hands to prolong the autumn mood. Made from natural materials, it will look even more interesting.

DIY autumn wreath of acorns

A DIY autumn wreath of acorns will be original and stylish decoration any interior.

Autumn craft with leaves “Pear on a plate”

A herbarium of leaves collected in the fall is a whole wealth and raw material for children's crafts. You can come up with a lot of options for using such natural material. Since it is necessary to practice creative activities on creating unusual figures with children, we suggest you interesting idea for creativity.

Only work with dried and fragile material should be done very carefully.

By practicing such activities, children will eventually independently learn to think creatively and notice the amazing features of natural objects.

If your soul wants something original, we suggest creating an autumn flower arrangement. Namely, the bouquet “Autumn Mood”.

The product consists of two elements – a vase and flowers.

For flowers we need:

  • leaves of different sizes and colors;
  • glue gun;
  • wire or thin twigs (for the stem);
  • scissors, pliers (for wire).

Be careful with the glue gun if you are doing leaf crafts with your child. It’s better to trust your child to select the leaves, arrange them by color, cut them and serve them to you.

As it turns out, leaves with slightly curved edges produce more realistic roses ( green flower). Try to curl the edges of the leaves to avoid any petals sticking out. Large leaves can be cut in half. For a rose 8-10 cm in diameter, you will need 15-20 leaf fragments measuring 5-6 cm.


1. Take the wire and bend the edge.

2. We begin to form a rose from leaves and their fragments. We wrap the first sheet around the eye of the wire and secure it well with glue. We continue to glue the leaves in a circle, filling the empty spaces.

3. The bottom row is the sepals. Take 5 leaves of small size and contrasting color. Glue it in a circle, thereby covering all the “insides” of the flower. In the photo you can see small red leaves under green petals - these are the sepals.

4. Stem finished flower You can wrap it with floral tape and tie a few leaves to the stem. If you are using twigs, simply glue a couple of leaves along the stem of the flower. The autumn rose is ready.

To form a beautiful bouquet you will need several flowers - 3,5,7. Try to make them different in both color and size. It will look more colorful this way. You can fit several buds into the composition. They will help fill empty spaces in a flower arrangement.

Vase for autumn bouquet

For a themed vase you will need any small bottle (glass or plastic), twine, a couple of acorns or hazelnuts. And, of course, a glue gun or any other glue. We wrap the bottle with thread, periodically securing the result with glue. We attach nuts or acorns to a small piece of twine using glue. We tie the result on a vase.

If you had a bottle big size, you can decorate it with an applique made from halves of a nut shell or from any cereal at all. Instruct your child to come up with something to decorate the vase with. Direct his imagination in the right direction.

Now you can form from flowers beautiful bouquet and put it in a vase. It will be more convenient if the height of the stem of each flower is different. You can fill the space in several tiers.

Such crafts made from autumn leaves can become not only original decoration any interior, but will also help you win at any school exhibition.

Nature itself suggests thousands of ideas. You don’t need to be an experienced craftsman to create a unique decoration for your home filled with warmth and care with your own hands. And kids are happy to participate in the creative process and make amazing crafts just like adults. Master class - how to make one - read here.

Why not make a hedgehog with your child from a pine cone and plasticine? Autumn colorful leaves will add special colors to your work.

Encyclopedias say that hedgehogs live in forests and parks, but sometimes they can also be found in village courtyards. Spiny animals make nests in woodpiles. At night, individual daredevils or a full-fledged family go out in search of food.

The dried greenery in the beds rustles quietly. At dusk, the direction of the hunters is clearly visible. Hedgehogs do not worry that the owners of the yard see their movements. As a rule, quiet and harmless neighbors are not driven away, sometimes even fed with milk.

What does a hedgehog eat? Insects, slugs, mice. This means that such an animal is beneficial for those who garden.

The hedgehog made from a pine cone turned out so cute. As a decoration, you can decorate the thorns with plasticine or a real small apple, and place the hero himself on a carpet of autumn flowers. maple leaves. Detailed master class- how to do this - read here.

By the way, hedgehogs are considered fast animals. They are capable of speeds up to 3 m/s. At the same time, prickly animals jump and swim well.

The resulting hedgehog, unlike the real one, can be safely picked up. It will not hiss and curl up into a ball, warning of danger. This hero will not run away from his little owner, but will happily stand all autumn and even winter. The pine cone hedgehog does not hibernate. He is ready to celebrate winter and New Year holidays with his children.

How to make one - read here.

These fun ones are very easy and quick to make. See the detailed master class here.

Autumn motifs in the home interior

Seasonal flowers and herbs, autumn colorful leaves will become the best decoration Houses.

How to make a toy Autumn goddess from fabric

Doing something with your own hands is so fun and interesting. Well, if it also turns out beautifully, then such toys simply have no price. You come to an exhibition of handmade products and your eyes just widen. Let's try to reveal some of the secrets of the masters and consider the method of making the goddess of Autumn, which you can give to children or hang on the wall in your home.

So, we will need: acrylic paints on fabric (with gold and silver jars), a set of tassels, cotton fabric, filler, thread and needle.

Step one. Making a layout

In the layout we have to figure out what our toy will look like. At this stage we make an initial sketch, then a pattern, and sew the parts together.

Our autumn is sewn from a single piece of material. You just need to make her legs and one arm separately (the arm is cut out from another piece of fabric and sewn on top of the product). When all this is ready, you need to fill the toy with cotton wool or other material and sew up all the holes.

Step two. Time for creativity

Now we must draw our autumn goddess. You can completely repeat that drawing finished product which will be given below. In any case, you should use orange, gold, yellow and red colors, because autumn is rich in these colors.

Our autumn has a big tambourine in her hands, as if she is convening the whole world so that people, animals and animals can rejoice in the last warm days. Next, you need to paint the toy (to make the paint stick better, you can apply PVA glue to the fabric).

Step three. Decorating our toy

You can decorate our beauty endlessly. After all, autumn is unique. You can glue a bead to it, add sparkles - whatever your heart desires. Look what a wonderful autumn we have had. Lovely to watch.

Goddess of autumn with your own hands

Physalis in pumpkin

Autumn bouquets can be made not only from fresh flowers, but also from oak branches with acorns, sea buckthorn, barberry, rose hips, viburnum, elderberry, rowan, wild grapes, bright physalis lanterns, ears of corn, etc.

Such compositions look great in a pumpkin vase, wicker basket, tin bucket, or clay jug. The vessel can be decorated with ears of corn and decorated with ribbon.


Acorns, birch bark, physalis, hawthorn berries, and small decorative pumpkins will help you decorate candles in an autumn style. Simple thick candles can be wrapped in birch bark or inserted into small pumpkins, where the top is cut off and some of the pulp is removed. Glass candlesticks will look original and festive if you paint them with stained glass paints.

If you drill holes in a thick branch the size of candles, decorate with small pumpkins, pine cones and berries, then an original candlestick for your home is ready.

September wreath

To set the mood, you can weave a wreath on the wall or front door. Flexible branches are suitable for its base. Bet on a vine, straw or wire coat hanger curved into a circle. The hook has been received. It is better to imagine decorative elements with leaves, hop cones, grass panicles, tree branches, grapevines, acorns, rowan berries. In any case, it is convenient to attach it to the base with a heat gun (an alternative fixation is with a thin wire).

Decorate the wreath in an autumn style; fortunately, there are plenty of natural materials - bright leaves, thin branches, vine balls, etc. Or you can hang the leaves from the frame. An old lampshade or wooden staircase is suitable for it.

Leaf fall on the sofa

What could be more pleasant than a cup of aromatic tea, drunk on a sofa with soft pillows and a warm fleece blanket? In textiles, it is better to use soft velvety fabrics of autumn colors (brown-red, bright orange, burgundy, marsala, terracotta, muted green), prints in the form of leaves, vegetables, autumn flowers.

It is convenient to cut out the decor in the form of autumn leaves from thick fabric and sew it to the background with a zigzag. If the leaves are made of felt and the edges do not require additional processing, you can stitch them onto the pillowcase using a regular seam - this will give volume and help create a planned composition.

Acorn frame

Cover a passe-partout made of thick cardboard with felt, decorate it with a bouquet of small decorative elements in autumn style: apples, acorn caps, felt leaves, berries, etc. The bouquet can be made removable, attach a pin to it and use it as a brooch.

Invite the children to cover a cardboard frame with acorn caps, insert a thick piece of plain cardboard or a burlap background inside, glue in a beautiful leaf or any other gift from nature.

What about the holiday table?

Use autumn motifs in table setting. Make napkin clips in the form of an oak bouquet: felt leaves, acorn caps with a soft colored “nut”. Mossy twigs can be collected into a ring and decorated with half a walnut. Don't forget to make small bouquets of oak leaves and berries.

The yellow and red leaves can be used as placemats or to decorate dishes. Let autumn bring bright colors and comfort to your home!

Interesting ideas - how to make autumn crafts

Autumn crafts - these are works made most often from natural materials. Acorns and chestnuts, cones and nuts, seeds and berries, and even colorful leaves - all these are universal craft materials that autumn is so generous with. The section presents master classes and photographs from exhibitions from kindergartens and schools. If you were asked to make a craft with your child in kindergarten on the themes: “Gifts of Autumn”, “Pantry of Autumn”, “What Autumn Brought to Us”, “Golden Autumn”, etc. - be sure to look at the materials from this section.

The change of seasons brings variety to our lives and serves as a source of creative inspiration. Autumn is a special time. The energy accumulated over the summer is looking for a positive outlet, and nature pleases with an abundance of bright colors. Clear days alternate with monotonous rains, and cheerful walks with quiet homework. This best time for making crafts from natural materials together with children.

Autumn inspires

Contained in sections:
Includes sections:
  • Autumn bouquet. DIY compositions made from leaves and natural materials

Showing publications 1-10 of 4817.
All sections | DIY autumn crafts for the garden and school

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Collecting autumn gifts with children is a most exciting activity. How much joy and benefit comes from joint creativity at this time of year. Searching and selecting materials, sorting and preparing them, thinking about an idea you like, and the very embodiment of the author’s plan - all these are opportunities not only for interesting communication, but also for broadening a child’s horizons, getting to know the world around him and teaching him basic work skills. And the development of imagination and fine motor skills hands, developing patience and the ability to finish what you start are concomitant useful aspects of this creative activity. In addition, crafts made from natural materials are an excellent gift option for moms and dads, grandparents, which children can make with their own hands.

*For your material to be included in this section, add a couple of lines to your blog material in the “Categories” field, separated by commas and without quotes: "children's crafts, autumn crafts"

The Autumn Festival is not just a crafts competition. This is a holiday of gratitude. Traditionally, at the beginning of autumn, peasants thanked nature for fertility and tried to do everything possible to next year was generous and abundant. And the work in the field was ending and it was finally possible to have a feast on the mountain and enjoy the results of hard daily work.

A lot has changed since then. There are more city dwellers than rural residents. But if you still have something to say “thank you” to the past summer, Say goodbye to summer and make fun crafts for the autumn holiday.

Decorating the autumn holiday with crafts

Garlands of autumn leaves

If your holiday takes place within the walls of a kindergarten or junior school, you can let autumn into the corridors and offices and bring in whole heaps of leaves.

Together with your children, make as many garlands as possible from fallen leaves. All you need is a “catch” with autumn walk, needles and strong thread. Alternatively, the leaves can be hung on clothespins.

Children love stringing and are able to cope with this craft for the autumn holiday completely independently. If the garlands are vertical, teach your kids how to make fastenings and hang a heavier bead on the end of the thread so that the garlands are less tangled.

Small garlands can be hung from a hoop (or made into an openwork “dream catcher” using the same hoop), or wrapped around poles or tree trunks.

Forest kings

Wonderful crafts for the autumn holiday - crowns and masks made of leaves. To make a mask, cut out a cardboard base and cover it with leaves, as shown in the master class.

The cardboard base of the crown can be decorated with leaves using a stapler - this is even easier.

Royal food

All participants of the autumn festival - both small and large - will be grateful to you if there is something edible among your crafts. Make caramel apples, “Thrifty Bear” cookies or cute “fly agaric” sandwiches. Most importantly, don’t forget to take pictures of the crafts before you show them to your little friends.

Autumn holiday crafts for exhibition

For the exhibition, dedicated to the holiday autumn, you can make a whole menagerie from natural materials: “cranks” from opened chestnuts, owls and hummingbirds from fir cones, a turtle with a shell surprisingly similar to the real one.

The collection of crafts will be complemented by people made from acorns or tree cuts and tiny boats made from shells - you can put a small toy in them and give it a paddle.

In kindergartens, with the onset of autumn, active work- teachers, together with children, actively use natural materials in classes. After all, you don’t need to purchase it - everything can be collected in the nearest park during a walk or even in your own garden.

Parents are also invited to show their imagination by making “Gifts of Autumn” crafts for kindergarten with their own hands, together with their child. Watching how mom or dad create miracles from the most ordinary vegetables or fruits, the baby will also want to take part in this. Such activities increase perseverance, develop imagination and simply lift the spirits of participants in the creative process.

Ideas for autumn crafts “Gifts of Autumn” for kindergarten

Every year in kindergarten, starting from junior group, an exhibition-competition “Gifts of Autumn” is held. To participate, you only need a desire and a few available materials, which are often used as plant seeds, chestnuts, and cones:

  1. The youngest participants in the autumn crafts competition “Gifts of Autumn”, which they will take to kindergarten, can be offered an easy job. By placing an ordinary chestnut in front of your baby, you can invite him to fantasize and imagine it in the form of some kind of animal. Using plasticine, which is often used to hold together the parts of crafts, it is easy to make a funny spider.

  2. But not only chestnut kernels can be used to make crafts. Its peel with needles is also suitable for this purpose. They will make an excellent hedgehog, which can be decorated with rowan berries and leaves.

  3. The chestnut theme is inexhaustible. You can create a whole zoo from ordinary fruits lying under your feet. And for this you only need to take toothpicks and bright plasticine.

  4. And if with reverse side Glue a piece of yellow felt to the chestnut and an acorn to it, and you will get a very plausible moss mushroom.

  5. Little beauty creators will love working with paints. With their help, you can paint acorns in bright colors and fill a transparent container with them - such an unusual work will undoubtedly attract attention.
  6. It is easy to make people and animals from acorns collected in green form using toothpicks.

  7. if you have walnuts, chestnuts, acorns and pieces of moss, you can invite your child to make a decorative wreath for the front door of the group - it looks unusual and elegant.

  8. Don't forget about vegetables. With their help, stunning crafts are created for the garden for the “Gifts of Autumn” exhibition, and if you do them step by step, then even a child will not have any difficulty in the work. For example, ordinary potatoes can be an excellent starting material for various people. Thanks to its round or oval shape, the craftsman already has a blank of the desired shape. All that remains is to think of the scenery.

  9. On personal plot In addition to edible pumpkin, types of pumpkin are grown that are specially designed by nature for creating crafts. Some of them are very tiny in size and have a variety of bright colors. Taking advantage of this gift from nature, you can create a cheerful pumpkin family.

  10. Using plasticine and seeds you will get an excellent hedgehog. By planting it in a clearing of grass and moss and decorating it with mushrooms and acorns, we will get a realistic mushroom clearing.

  11. Round, red-sided apples are always associated with a cheerful caterpillar. In order for such a craft to look original and not hackneyed, you should complement it unusual decor- beads, feathers and flowers.

  12. Little children will be delighted that from a simple pine cone, a couple of leaves and a piece of plasticine they can make a beautiful swan.

  13. The pine cones make funny animals, such as squirrels. If there are pieces of chenille (fluffy) wire in the house, then it can be used as legs and a tail, and a pine cone will serve as the body.

  14. In the area where walnuts grow, you should not throw away their shells, because they are an excellent natural material. By painting them “mushroom-like” and planting them on wooden legs made from twigs, we get a whole mushroom meadow.

  15. And if you paint the nuts in different colors using gouache and place them in a basket of leaves, it will become an original decoration.