DIY acorn crafts. I collected a whole bag of acorns in the yard... Now my house is unrecognizable

Collecting various natural materials is one of the most favorite activities for children on autumn walk. Cones, twigs, leaves and seeds of plants, chestnuts and, of course, acorns - everything goes into the children's piggy bank. And if you apply creative imagination to them and skillful hands, you can make cute crafts from them.

In addition, in autumn and winter we spend much more time at home than in spring and summer, and this is a good opportunity for development creativity. We can start making beautiful autumn crafts from natural material. Isn't this wonderful?

Acorns are usually collected in September. Choose only hard, smooth fruits, without holes - otherwise insect larvae, traveling from acorn to acorn, will spoil all the supplies you have prepared. The more different acorns (round and oblong, large and small) you collect, the more varied your crafts will be. Don't forget to collect the acorn caps. You should not put off making crafts from acorns for a long time - after all, it is easier to make holes in fresh acorns - they are less likely to crack and crumble. Acorns make very cute people and animals.

Crafts made from acorns differ in their shape and size. It is best to make all possible little people from this natural material, as well as horses, deer, birds, and insects.

Arms, legs, paws and horns can be made from matches, toothpicks, and small thin twigs. For ease of making crafts, the acorns must first be pierced with an awl. Acorns can also be connected to each other using glue or plasticine.

So, crafts made from acorns are interesting ideas

1. "Horse"

To make this craft you will need: acorns, twigs (matches, toothpicks), glue, plasticine, thread, small wooden blocks, colored paper (seeds).

We make a mane and tail from threads and use an awl to secure them in the acorns. We make holes for the legs and secure them with glue. To make the legs we use matches, thin twigs or toothpicks. We fasten the neck in the same way. The neck can be made thicker using plasticine. We cut out ears from colored paper (you can take any suitable seeds) and attach them to the head.

It’s not difficult to make a person either.

The horse feeder can be secured with plasticine or glue. The neck, legs and arms are matches or thin twigs. To secure all the parts more firmly, we make holes in the acorns using an awl.

We decorate the face of the man and the muzzle of the horse with elements cut out of colored paper or sculpted from plasticine.

2. “Instructive conversation”

The father bunny teaches the baby hare how to behave.

For work you will need the following materials: acorns, an awl, glue, plasticine, twigs, colored paper, cotton wool.

To make a baby bunny, you need to prepare an acorn with a cap, an acorn without a cap and a twig.

We make holes in the acorns with an awl, sharpen the branches-legs, cut out ears from colored paper (you can use suitable seeds). Now, using glue and plasticine, we connect all the parts.

We do the same for the father bunny. Well, we make the ponytails and neck collar from cotton wool.

Using the same principle, you can make other interesting crafts from acorns. Here are some options:

This is how, by showing imagination and using the gifts of nature, you can make interesting toys for home puppet theater, beautiful compositions for home and good gifts for friends.


Here are some other craft options. Let's look further...

Horse made of acorns.

To make a horse, we will need two oblong acorns of different sizes; it is advisable that the small acorn be “in a cap” on a branch. We will also need: plasticine, toothpicks, a bunch of grass and an awl.

Let's connect the horse's head (small acorn) with the body (large acorn). To do this, we will make a hole in a large acorn using a toothpick or an awl. Insert a sprig of a small acorn into the resulting hole. You can fix it there with transparent glue (for example, supermoment). If your acorns have already lost their caps, connect the horse's head to their body using a piece of a regular toothpick, making two holes - one in each acorn.

Next, let's put our horse on its feet - for this, also using an awl, we will make four holes at the bottom of the acorn-body. To make the legs, we used toothpick halves, but you can also use tree branches. Now we will make eyes for our horse - for this we will first glue circles of white plasticine, and on top of them circles of black plasticine of a smaller diameter.

Let's make a tail for our horse from grass. To do this, collect 15-20 blades of grass into a bunch and connect them together at one end using plasticine, trim the free ends with scissors. Let's do the mane in the same way. Let's attach them to the craft.

Our horse is ready!

Acorn man.

Making an acorn man is very easy. To make the head, take a round acorn with a cap. If the cap flies off, secure it with plasticine.The body of the man will be a large oblong acorn. We connect them using a small piece of toothpick, after making the necessary holes in the acorns with an awl.

Let's make eyes and a mouth from plasticine. Let's make the little man's legs from toothpick halves. For stability, glue them from the bottom with superglue to the upside down acorn caps.

Let's add toothpick handles with plasticine “mittens”.

Our acorn man is ready.

Craft "Dog"

To make a dog from acorns we will need: two oblong acorns, a toothpick, plasticine and a couple of maple seeds (helicopters). Let's connect the dog's head and body using a piece of toothpick at a slight angle (as in the photo) - it's better to make the dog's face from the sharp part of an acorn. From plasticine we make eyes, a nose, paws and a tail.

Let's make our dog droopy ears like a dachshund's. To do this, we will take the lionfish of the maple seeds and attach them with glue or plasticine.

Our acorn dog is ready.

Craft "Bird"

To make a bird we will need: two acorns, plasticine, several toothpicks, ash seeds and acorn “caps”. Connect two acorns using a piece of toothpick, as in the photo. We’ll make the bird’s legs from toothpick halves, gluing them onto the upside-down “caps” of acorns for stability.

We will make eyes and a beak from plasticine. We will make the bird’s tail from ash seeds; for this we will collect them in a fan, as in the photo.

Let's secure the base of the fan with plasticine and glue the tail to our craft. Decorate the bird's head with a hat.

All we have to do is add the wings - we will also make them from ash seeds. Our “bird” craft is ready.

Ant made from acorns

To make this craft we will need: three acorns, one of which will have a “cap,” toothpicks and plasticine. Let's make a head from an acorn with a cap - for this we will attach plasticine eyes to our ant. Connect the acorns using pieces of toothpick, as shown in the photo.

Our ant will need six toothpick legs (about one-third the length of a toothpick). Let's attach them to the bottom of the craft.

Our acorn ant is ready.

Everyone's favorite hot time of the year has already passed. However, despite this, a new time has come, which many people, due to their busyness, do not notice schoolchildren. Many people like autumn. Therefore, the school pays maximum attention to this time of year. During labor lessons, the children make wonderful crafts that are dedicated to the autumn holiday. If your school is also planning such an amazingly beautiful holiday, then you will be interested in autumn crafts, which you can make for school directly with your own hands.

So, quite often crafts on the theme of Autumn are created from the following materials:

  • Colorful leaves and chestnuts;
  • Acorns and cones;
  • Nut shells;
  • Vegetables and fruits;
  • Herbarium and rowan.

Craft ideas on the theme Autumn

We create beads from rowan berries and acorns.

Beads made from natural materials look very beautiful. And every schoolchild can make such a craft. primary classes. What is required for such wonderful crafts? So use:

  • Acorns and rowan berries.
  • Needle and thick thread.


  • Take a needle and thread a thick thread into it.
  • After that, they begin to string the berries onto the thread one by one.
  • At the end, be sure to tie the thread and the beads will be ready.
  • How to make beads from acorns?

    Making beads from acorns looks different. First through holes are made in this material. In this case, an awl or a thin nail is used. After this, you can string the fruits on a thread. In this case, students can complete these tasks independently. Parents should only make holes in the acorns.

    Forest abacus.

    It is worth noting that some crafts from autumn materials It's very easy to go to school. And the kids who do this kind of work get a joyful mood from it. So, to make the following product you need to prepare:

    • Birch log;
    • Smooth and thin sticks;
    • Chestnuts.


  • This craft is based on a tree, which will be difficult for a student to handle. Parents' help is required here. Mostly help needed male hands. First, the birch log is divided in half. This should be done along the trunk. You should have two halves.
  • You should now have the base of the craft. The next step is to find and prepare 3-4 sticks, which should be even. In addition, their length must be equal.
  • Now take care of the chestnuts in which the holes are made. The chestnuts are then put on sticks.
  • Now the sticks with chestnuts are fixed on the logs. This can be done using nails.
  • The finished abacus should be decorated. You can use any material that is natural.
  • Mushrooms made from cotton wool.

    The next autumn craft for school made from natural materials may seem difficult to make. But this is not scary. After all, mom and dad will definitely help their child. So, you should take for making crafts:

    • Cardboard and nails
    • Starch and cotton wool,
    • Water and PVA glue,
    • Paints.


  • Some crafts on the theme of Autumn can be made not only from natural materials. It turns out that you can do something interesting if you use your imagination.

  • First of all, it is worth preparing the base for the fungal cap. Circles are cut out of cardboard. Moreover, the diameter of the circle will depend on the size of the mushrooms.
  • Next, we take a nail that will have a length of 7 cm. It will serve as the basis for the stem of the fungus.
  • The nail is stuck into a circle of cardboard. Your base is ready. And at the next stage you should start sculpting the mushroom.
  • The mushroom is molded from the following mass: Take a liter of water and bring it to a boil. In another glass, in which there will be cold water It’s worth stirring 5 tablespoons of starch. This mixture is slowly poured into boiling water. Now all that remains is to actively mix the whole mass, after which the paste will be ready.

  • The fungus forms after the paste has cooled. Dip a piece of cotton wool into the paste and then glue it to the base of the fungus. It's worth being patient. And this is all because you will need very, very many of these pieces.
  • When sculpting, do not try to make the mushroom even. It will definitely have some unevenness. The finished mushroom should dry.

  • Of course, this craft cannot be finished. Kids can now decorate this product themselves. At the end, the mushroom should be decorated with additional withered grass.
  • Funny caterpillar made from chestnuts.

    Listed here are fall crafts for you to take to school. In addition to the description, each craft has a photo. Therefore, you will be pleased to make such products. To make your funny caterpillar, take:

    • plasticine and chestnuts.


  • Of course, it’s worth preparing natural material in advance.
  • The finished chestnuts are connected to each other. And in this case, plasticine balls of different colors are used.
  • At the final stage, the craft should be revived. This is done through: horns, smiles and eyes.
  • How to make a hedgehog from pine cones.

    Now you know how to make an autumn craft for school. After all, we have given you a lot of options for crafts on an autumn theme. But we are not going to stop there. We will offer many more for our readers. interesting crafts. For the next craft you will need:

    • Cones,
    • Bottle,
    • Plasticine.


  • Find plastic bottle small size and coat it thoroughly with plasticine. Know that all the buds must be very well attached to the bottle.
  • Take a sheet of cardboard or plywood and place your craft on it. Then you can start attaching the cones to the bottle.
  • Now that all the cones are glued, you need to start decorating the face. In this case, the neck of the bottle will be your hedgehog’s nose. The eyes are also made from plasticine.
  • Hedgehog from a sunflower hat.

    Autumn gives us a wealth of materials. And if you dream up a little, you will get extraordinary things. An ordinary sunflower hat will turn into an original hedgehog. But for this you will need:

    • Plasticine,
    • Leaves for decoration.


  • The paws and face of a hedgehog are sculpted from black plasticine.
  • Then all this is attached to the sunflower cap.
  • Finally, place decorative materials on the hedgehog’s back, simulating the fact that the hedgehog is carrying them.
  • Let's sum it up

    In this publication you could find beautiful autumn crafts for school. Of course, these are not all ideas. Therefore, feel free to study other materials on our site and bring all your ideas to life.

    be able to do DIY acorn crafts- this is a very useful skill, because with the help of this natural material you can create wonderful “fun” for children and interior decor of stunning beauty. Quickly check out our interesting selection of master classes.

    DIY autumn crafts from acorns

    To make an interior decoration in the form bunch of grapes, you need to collect at least 20 fresh oak fruits. If you find dry ones, they will simply crack the moment you try to make holes in them. By the way, if you still can’t find fresh ones, then you can use a trick - soak them in cold water for 24 hours, and then keep them in a cool place for the same amount of time to dry. Please note that you cannot soak them in warm water - the acorns will darken. It is best to select round-shaped specimens without pluses. Do and.

    Make holes in each fruit using a gypsy needle or large pin for this purpose. Naturally, if you are doing such a “tinkering” with children, then this stage of work cannot be entrusted to them, because for the child it will be both unsafe and difficult.
    Insert a thin wire into each hole made, twist it into a knot at the end so that the oak fruit does not slip off. Wrap each wire with a strip of green corrugated paper.
    This natural material has an attractive natural color, but the result should be grapes - green or blue, which is why the next stage will be the painting stage. For this purpose, it is optimal to use acrylic paints, because one layer is enough to paint objects. If you only have gouache, you will need to apply several layers, allowing each layer to dry.

    After final drying, begin assembling the bunch; this must be done gradually so that the “grapes” do not fall apart. Collect 3-4 pieces, then rewind with wire, add 3-4 pieces again, rewind, and so on until all the material is attached to the bunch. Then up to the right size cut off the leg and wrap it with green corrugated paper.

    Let us draw your attention to the fact that if gouache was used as a coating, then you will need to additionally open the work with spray varnish - in this case, your “tinkerer” will acquire natural look and will last longer. If you used acrylic, then additional application of varnish is not required, because this paint gives a glossy shine.

    While the “grapes” are drying, you will need to make a couple of grape leaves and tendrils. Draw a few foliage templates on a piece of landscape paper, cut them out, and then use them to trace on green crepe paper and cut out a few leaves. Be sure to make veins on the leaves for a more natural look - wrap several pieces of thin wire with corrugated paper and glue them to the leaves from the wrong side. Attach the finished leaves to the cluster.
    To make antennae, the same wire should first be wrapped corrugated paper, and then wrap it around a pencil to make springs. Attach the finished antennae to the craft.

    DIY acorn crafts – photo:

    DIY acorn crafts for children

    Making such natural crafts is extremely useful for children, because it can instill a caring attitude towards environment, form the very first work skills, and also develop creative perception.


    Using an awl, make holes in the large and small acorn, this will be the body and head of the horse. Insert woolen threads into the holes - they will act as a tail and mane. Fix matches in the holes intended for the legs and neck, and use glue for better fixation. Decorate the horse with plasticine or paper ears.


    The body of the man will be made on the basis of a large oak fruit with a plus, the head is made in the same way, only the size should be smaller. In the holes for the neck and limbs, you need to secure matches with glue. Make a nose from half a pea, plasticine or a tiny twig. For feet, use acorn pads or small wooden blocks.

    Let the child use his imagination, making a whole army of people - plump and thin, tall and short, who will differ from each other using a variety of decor.

    You can make a real cheerful family - dad, mom and kids. On the “faces” draw the nose, mouth and eyes, trying to ensure that the facial expressions of family members are varied. Such little men will look very beautiful against the background of a house made using a matchbox, or autumn composition from foliage. ready!


    Every child likes fragrant, ripe strawberries, which is why invite your child to make such an interesting “homemade product.” Color the oak fruits with caps acrylic paints in red and green color. On the red part of the “strawberry” draw black seed dots. After the craft has dried, you can put it in a basket or jug ​​and decorate the children's room.

    DIY acorn crafts for children – photo:

    hidden treasures

    And, of course, what boy doesn’t dream of becoming a pirate, and girls really like treasures. Making such crafts will appeal to both. Clean the buns from dirt from the inside, then place them on a baking sheet and place them in the oven for 40 minutes; roasting will get rid of all possible insects.

    Pour the rice into a thick layer onto a dish and place the pies there, tails down. The rice will hold them in place and you won't have any problems decorating them. Color the inside of the caps with markers, then fill them with glue and wait until dry.

    Christmas decorations

    Make some tiny wool pom poms in red, blue, green, white and other colors. Glue them on top of the hats. Glue or otherwise attach ribbons of the same color as the pom-pom acorn. Form Christmas decorations using a large bundle.

    Family of owls

    Select required amount our main natural material. Colored paper or the fabric will be useful for cutting out wings, beaks, eyes. These parts will then need to be glued to the bodies of the birds.

    Place the owls on a branch made using carpet or cardboard, decorated with fabric leaves. DIY acorn craft for children ready!

    Miniature autumn candles

    First crumble the finished candle and then remove the wick. Place the paraffin fragments in a bowl and melt in a water bath. Cut the wick into small pieces with scissors.

    Place the acorn pads up internal parties on some flat surface. Place a piece of wick in the center and pour in the melted paraffin using a spoon. Place a couple of toothpicks on top and use them to secure the wick. Remove the toothpicks after the paraffin has hardened.

    If you want your autumn candles to be multi-colored, then when melting the paraffin you will need to add a little shavings from wax crayons of the color you want.


    This is done using chestnuts, which will play the role of mushroom caps. First of all, create a clearing in which man-made mushrooms will grow - place colorful autumn leaves on a cardboard sheet.

    Then take a few “skinny” acorns, place them up and down the plasticine cake, and secure the chestnuts on top. Place the crafts on a cardboard sheet. For decoration crafts made from chestnuts and acorns use your imagination with your own hands, for example, you can plant a butterfly or caterpillar sculpted from plasticine on top, or you can attach a tiny leaf or several blades of grass so that the result of your efforts looks like a real butter dish or boletus.

    DIY crafts from cones and acorns

    Be sure to invite your child to make funny animals - a squirrel and a hedgehog.


    To make such a “craft”, in addition to the main material, you will also need a couple of fir cones. They will need to be connected using plasticine so that you get the body and tail of a squirrel. “Plasticize” the acorn with its plus, placing it in place of the animal’s muzzle. Now all that remains is to add plasticine details - sharp ears, nose, eyes and paws. Give the squirrel an acorn in its front paws. Plant the craft on bright autumn leaves so that you can do it too DIY crafts from acorns and leaves.


    This funny hedgehog is very easy to make - fir cone will serve as needles. From a multi-colored plastic mass, mold the face and limbs of the animal. Well, our acorns will serve as mushrooms, which the hardworking animal carries on its needles - just stick plasticine caps to them and secure them to the pine cone.

    As you can see, they can be very diverse, the most important thing is to see some interesting idea in these fruits.

    DIY acorn craft for school – fun portraits

    For children school age I like to make complicated “handicrafts” that consist of many parts or require good command of any tools. If your child really likes to draw, then we suggest you make funny portraits.

    The first thing you need to do is collect oak fruits with your child, you can take them even without the pluses, then you will need to glue them. Thoroughly clean the collected specimens of soil and other contaminants, paint each one with acrylic paint, and apply three layers, waiting for each to dry. Eyes and smiles should be drawn on the surface using a thin marker; rosy cheeks would also be useful - make circles with pink acrylic. Let the child choose what facial expression to make for this or that portrait. Now all that remains is to attach the pendant thread to the cap and glue the plus to the “face”. The student will certainly enjoy such creative work.

    Useful tips

    From such natural material as acorns, you can come up with many different crafts that will decorate your home, cottage or garden.

    All of these crafts can be made together with children, as they are very simple and you do not need to have any special skills to make them.

    All you need are a few tools, acorns, imagination and time.

    On our website you will also find:

    • Beautiful DIY crafts made from natural materials

    Here are some very interesting and simple crafts from cones that you can make yourself or with your children:

    Crafts from acorns and plasticine: small nest

    You will need:

    Acorn caps (plush caps)

    Plasticine, clay or legumes (beans, soybeans)

    Artificial grass

    Hot glue or superglue

    Paint (blue in this example) if you are using legumes instead of plasticine

    Thread or fishing line.

    1. From plasticine, make 3 figures that look like small bird eggs. If you use legumes, then it is advisable to color them.

    2. Apply a bead of glue to the inside of each acorn cap and glue on some artificial grass.

    3. Apply a drop of glue to the legumes, which act as eggs, and glue to the grass. If you are using plasticine, simply insert the blank into the nest.

    4. Tie or glue string or fishing line to the craft so it can be hung.

    Autumn crafts from acorns: bright hats

    You can make various crafts from these hats, but if you paint them, your work will become even brighter and more beautiful.

    1. First you need to wash and dry them (you can do it in the oven). If you want to hang these hats in the house or on the Christmas tree as decorations in the future, you can make small holes in them using a drill with a thin drill bit or an awl.

    2. Prepare gouache or acrylic paints and start painting the acorn caps.

    You can put these bright hats in a simple transparent glass or small vase, and they will become beautiful decor for your home.

    Another way to color acorn caps

    You will need:

    PVA glue.

    1. Use a marker to color the inside of the hat.

    2. Pour PVA glue inside each hat and leave for 48 hours.

    You will notice how the glue mixed with the marker and the hats became bright and beautiful.

    How to make a craft from acorns: a house for a mushroom

    You will need:

    Artificial grass

    Small saw or utility knife

    A mushroom or other small toy.

    1. Cut off half of the acorn (or a little less) and clean everything inside.

    2. Glue a small toy inside (in this example, artificial grass and mushroom).

    3. Attach a thread to the acorn cap. Use thread and needle or superglue.

    What to make from acorns: magnets

    You will need:

    Small magnets (available at office supply or craft stores)

    Superglue or hot glue.

    1. Collect acorns and glue them to small magnets, one at a time.

    2. You can draw funny faces on the acorns.

    Now you can mount your crafts on the refrigerator. You can also attach a calendar to your refrigerator and use acorns with magnets to mark important dates.

    DIY acorn crafts for children: colorful acorns

    You will need:

    Baking paper


    Acrylic paints


    Hot glue or superglue (if necessary)

    1. Place baking paper on a baking sheet and place clean acorns on it.

    2. Place the baking sheet in the oven and keep the acorns in it at a temperature of 150-170 degrees for about 2 hours.

    *Some acorns may crack or burn slightly.

    3. Remove the acorns from the oven. Everyone should have a hat, if an acorn's hat falls off, glue it on. Start painting the acorns with acrylic paints. Use different colors.

    * These acorns can be placed in a vase and used as home decoration, or they can be glued to a craft or card.

    *You can also tie or glue them to twine and use them as a garland.

    DIY acorn crafts: photo frame decorated with acorns

    You will need:

    Acorn hats

    Smooth wooden frame

    Hot glue

    Paint and brush (optional)

    Ribbon (length 50 cm, width 1-1.5 cm)

    A suitable picture or photograph.

    1. If your frame has glass, remove it and paint the frame.

    2. Prepare a ribbon and glue the acorn cap to the middle of it.

    3. Glue the ends of the tape to the frame (at the corners) so that the frame can be hung.

    4. Start gluing the acorn caps to the frame, covering it completely.

    5. Insert a picture or photograph into the frame and glass.

    Acorn crafts for children: squirrel

    You will need:

    Pencil or printer

    Blank photo frame (no glass)

    PVA glue

    Caps of acorns.

    1. Draw or print a silhouette of a squirrel on paper and color it dark.

    2. Cover the entire silhouette of the squirrel with acorn caps, gluing them with PVA glue.

    3. Place your craft in a photo frame.

    Crafts made from acorns on the theme of autumn: garland

    You will need:

    Canvas or other thick fabric


    Twine or other thick thread

    Glue (PVA, hot glue or superglue)

    Big needle.

    1. Cut several squares from thick fabric.

    2. Glue one acorn to the center of each square.

    3. Thread the needle and start connecting all the squares. Don't forget to make a knot at the beginning and end of each square.

    4. Connecting all the squares, secure the acorns with a double loop of thread, as shown in the image.

    Leave 7-10 cm between squares.

    Now you can hang the garland anywhere.

    What can be made from acorns: a vase

    You will need:

    Plastic pot

    Hot glue or superglue

    Acorn hats.

    1. Start gluing the acorns to the plastic container from the bottom up.

    2. Cover the top of the container with acorn caps.

    It is better to keep such a vase outside, since such a number of acorns can accumulate debris and insects.

    Autumn crafts from acorns: wreath

    You will need:

    Wreath made of vines

    Artificial or natural acorns

    Hot glue or superglue

    Glitter (optional)

    Jute fabric

    Double-sided tape.

    1. Start gluing the acorns to the wreath. Fill the entire wreath.

    *You can cover some places with glitter.

    Making a bow:

    2. Cut a wide strip (10 x 50 cm) from jute fabric.