Bead crafts small animals. Schemes of animals made of beads in several techniques. Tiger cub made of beads using the brick stitch technique

Cute flat figures that are very easy to weave with your own hands. Fun toys made from beads will delight any child and not only!
All the necessary bead colors for weaving each figure are indicated next to the diagram.


For lapwing you will need a wire 1.2 m long. On the top of the head, after eight rows, make two tufts on a separate wire and pull it down through the third row from the end (it is marked in the diagram green). Next, string rows of the body. After the row marked with an arrow in the diagram, make both legs on one wire.

Red-nosed Pochard

For the red-nosed duck, you need a wire 1.2 m long. Through three rows of head beads, marked in green in the diagram, stretch another wire and string the rows of the body. After the row with the arrow, make both paws with additional wire. In the row marked on the diagram with an arrow on the side of the back, string three beads for the tip of the wing sticking up.

Weaving patterns for each figure:

White goose

When making a white goose on a 1.5 m long wire, stretch additional wire for the neck through the third row of head beads from the end (see diagram of the white goose) and make the neck. Pull another wire, marked in green on the diagram, from the bottom up through five rows of the neck, then complete the torso. After the rows with the arrow pointing down, do one leg at a time on separate wires; after the row with the arrow pointing up, do the protruding tip of the wings


Assemble the figures of both frogs according to the diagrams, starting from the tip of the nose. For each you will need a wire 0.8 m long.

Red-tailed skink

For a skink figurine, you will need a wire 1.2 m long. Attach additional wires for the paws after the rows marked with arrows in the diagrams.


A small beaded spider, a great souvenir or accessory for your phone or keys.

To weave such a miracle you will need:

- yellow bugles or golden
- brown beads
— 2 black beads for eyes
- wire

Spider weaving pattern:


To weave an ant you will need:

- red beads
- red glass beads
- brown beads for paws
- 2 black or blue beads for eyes
- wire


Necessary material for skunk:

- black beads
- white beads
— 2 blue beads for eyes
- wire


Required beads and material for the frog:

- blue beads
- black beads
- black bugles
- 2 large blue beads for eyes
- wire

The color of the beads can be changed according to your wishes!

Elizaveta Rumyantseva

Nothing is impossible for diligence and art.


Weaving all kinds of animals is a very popular hobby. The resulting crafts look very attractive, cute, and interesting. They can look very realistic, causing admiration from others. This new craft is ideal for involving a child or teenager in creativity. How to make animals from beads? Weaving figures is very easy, especially when you have visual master classes and video lessons before your eyes. Flat, voluminous products can become toys for small children, keychains, an original gift, souvenir.

Step-by-step instructions and patterns for weaving three-dimensional animals from beads

Beading – useful activity for children, which involves them in the bright world of creativity, develops imagination, fine motor skills, trains patience and perseverance. Even adults enjoy painstaking work with small beads. Below you will find many step-by-step instructions and videos for making three-dimensional and flat animals from beads. Bright butterflies, turtles, crocodiles, monkeys, seals, frogs, owls can become original decoration a schoolchild's workplace, a lovely pendant for a phone, a backpack.

How to weave a “Dolphin” figurine

Volumetric weaving with beads allows you to create original, funny animal figures. A dolphin can become an interior decoration, a toy for a child, a gift for any occasion, a keychain for a backpack, bag, or keys. It is better to use a fishing line that tightens tightly without breaking. But you can also use wire, which is much easier for beginners to work with. You will need fishing line, thin wire for fins, scissors, a diagram, three colors of beads: black, bright blue, light blue.

Step by step instructions:

  • Place the beads into a tray for ease of use. Place the diagram in front of your eyes. Cut off a large piece of fishing line. We begin to weave from the nose according to the pattern. Each layer in it will be done by repeating it twice to make the product voluminous. We collect one bead for the belly of the animal, one for the upper part.
  • Repeat the first layer in reverse order. We thread the second end of the fishing line into the resulting two beads and stretch it to the end. The entire figure will be woven using this method.

  • We continue to put on two at a time, according to the diagram. We thread the second tip through the beads and tighten.
  • We continue to work according to the scheme until the tail.

  • To make the tail of the animal, we put 6 blue ones on one end of the fishing line. To turn, we string two more and insert the fishing line into the penultimate one. Pull it towards the body. We string six blue ones again. To finish, we thread the fishing line into the layer where the tail began. We also do the second part.
  • We make fins according to the pattern. Take a small piece of wire. We string it from the end of the fin, weaving it the same way as the body.

  • We attach the fins to the dolphin.

How to weave a “Turtle” from beads and fishing line

The next thing you will learn is turtle weaving. This cute figurine is very easy to make. For it you will need fishing line, black, olive, bright green, transparent white beads. Creating an animal will begin with the tail. Cut 1 meter of fishing line and begin:

  • We string one light bead, then two more, and thread the fishing line.
  • We move on to the next row: string three light ones, thread the fishing line, tighten.

  • We continue to weave the entire body of the animal according to the pattern, and at the end we make a knot.
  • According to the diagram, we weave the legs and attach them to the body: two near the head, two more near the tail.

Weaving "Crocodile" from beads

The tutorial below will help you weave a green crocodile. To create, you will need several colors of beads: yellow or light green for the tummy, dark green for the back, black and white for the eyes. Cut 30 cm of wire to make the lower jaw, 180 cm for the body of the animal. Step-by-step instruction:

  • We take a long wire and start weaving from the tail. We collect three green ones, three light green ones, thread them through the last ends of the wire, and tighten them.
  • We continue to weave so that the green layer is above the light green layer. We string three rows of three beads.

  • We weave to a row consisting of 9 beads. We string 10 green ones and thread the end through. Let's move on to the paws: put 7 beads on the free ends, skip the outer 3, thread them through the remaining 4. When the paws are completed, string the bottom light green layer of 10 beads.
  • We make 5 rows up to 10. On the last layer we weave the paws. Finishing the row of 8, we insert the wire for the lower jaw into the bottom one.

  • We finish the upper and lower parts of the jaws. We secure the ends, the crocodile is ready.

How to make a three-dimensional “Monkey”

The next animal you will learn to make from beads is a monkey. Small, funny, it will be a great gift for a child or friend. Volumetric diagram animal involves the use of parallel weaving, as in all previous master classes. To make, prepare dark color beads that imitate wool, light - for ears, eyebrows, muzzle, bead bigger size- for the nose. Cut the wire 90 cm long and start making the animal:

  • We string the first row, which includes 7 beads. We stretch the ends of the wire, forming a ring. This is the future lip.
  • The next row includes three beads.

  • We weave that part of the muzzle where the nose will be located. We string it so that there is a large bead in the center.
  • The bottom row includes 7 beads, the top row includes the eyes.

  • On the next row we weave the animal's ears.
  • We weave the body, inserting additional wire in the places where the animal’s future legs will be.

  • After completing the body of the animal, we weave the legs in 9 paired rows of 4 beads.
  • We make the foot flat: the first row is 2 beads, the second row is 3, the third row is 4.

  • We intertwine the fingers, the animal is ready.

Making a figurine in the form of a “Frog” from beads and wire

The next lesson is about creating a funny frog. To work you will need black, green, red, yellow beads. It is based on parallel weaving, which gives a three-dimensional animal. If desired, you can attach a wire fly to the top of the frog at the end. Step by step instructions animal:

  • We start weaving from the tail, stringing two beads, sending them to the middle of the wire, crossing the ends on the second bead.
  • On each end we put 4 green ones, on the second piece of wire we string 6 green, 9 yellow, 6 green.

  • We connect as shown in the photo. We cross the ends in three beads.
  • We make the next row, weaving 9 green ones in parallel.

  • We made the back, turn the product over to our side. Making a foot: cast on 14 green, 1 yellow, pass the end through the last 3 green. This will give you the first finger. So we do the second and third.
  • We return the end through the entire leg and 3 green ones on the belly.

  • We make a paw on the other side.

  • We weave the belly.
  • We form 5 layers, weave the tongue with red.

Beading is the art of creating beautiful things from beads. Products made from beads are not only very beautiful, but also very diverse. These can be either decorative interior decoration items in the form of trees, animals, or jewelry - bracelets, necklaces, keychains. We will show you how to weave all of the above items from beads in our master classes. Every master class on beading contains step by step photos and a detailed description of working with weaving patterns.

Beading diagrams greatly simplify the work of weaving with beads, as they clearly demonstrate the entire course of work in a schematic form.

We created a subsection specifically for beginners. In this section you will find simple and accessible master classes on working with beads. Beading for the very beginners, we recommend starting with simple bracelets, and only then moving on to more complex products. Please note that these are mainly bead weaving patterns using the parallel weaving technique, although there are other more complex techniques. But beadwork for the most experienced craftswomen is weaving various kinds of trees.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the master classes beading trees, which will teach you all the intricacies of their manufacture. You will learn how to create a wisteria tree, palm tree, rowan tree, birch, lilac, Christmas tree, bonsai, sakura, money tree and others. Even experienced craftswomen always use beading patterns in their work. all very different in appearance, by changing several elements in the pattern, size and color of the beads, you will get a completely different tree, which is significantly different from the original. Here is a vast field for creative people.

Braided in technique beadwork, beaded flowers will not leave anyone indifferent. The section contains large collection different colors for every taste. , which are included in the master classes, will show how to make flowers from beads - a bouquet of lilacs, daffodils, violets, cactus, lilies, roses, daisies, jasmine and many others. Beaded flowers, made with your own hands, you can give them as a gift, put them in a vase, or create a beautiful picture from them. A huge advantage of such colors is their durability; years will pass, and they will continue to please the eye.

In technology beadwork, beaded animals they turn out very beautiful. Small animal figurines can be used as key chains, pendants, brooches, earrings, and hair clips.

The main leader in handicrafts can be called the beadwork technique. The widespread use of the material has found application in the manufacture of toys, jewelry, decorative elements, and key rings with patterns. Beaded figurines are especially popular.

The main leader of handicrafts can be called beading technique

Beaded figures are the easiest way to learn the basics of beading. The art of crocheting in combination with the bead weaving technique will be useful when creating designer masterpieces of jewelry, bracelets, or original crafts such as clasps for hairstyles or brooches. Developing a creative idea for beadwork, invite your child to make characters from his favorite fairy tale for the subsequent family theatrical performance.

A decorative panel of figurines is an excellent souvenir gift for a birthday. A bouquet of beaded flowers is an original and inexpensive addition to home interior. Bright toys - butterflies, dolls, animals can be good decoration workplace, or an effective pendant for a phone or school backpack.

Gallery: pictures of do-it-yourself beaded figurines (25 photos)

Volumetric beaded fox: master class (video)

Little secrets for those who want to become a beadwork master.

To create amazing designer items, it is better for novice needlewomen to take large beads. This will help you quickly master the technique of weaving using schematic images of the image. More experienced ones are recommended to use source material from a Czech or Japanese manufacturer, since such beads are distinguished by high-quality coating, adherence to the same shade of color, and the exact size of individual beads.

When starting work, use thin craft wire; the material is convenient for fixing simple knots. For complex weaving, you can use fishing line or nylon thread.

When creating masterpieces using your own designs, transfer the image you like using carbon paper to paper. Then, in a random order within the image, draw the location of the beads, painting them with the desired color shade. In this way, you can create schematic images of more complex structures - paintings, panels. To fix flat beaded figures on the surface of a future three-dimensional image - a painting, use PVA glue.

How to make a three-dimensional figurine or a man from beads with your own hands: learning to weave a hare

How to weave a small voluminous toy for a child? Very simple. A little patience, strict adherence to instructions and craft with my own hands will successfully replace an expensive store-bought toy for your baby. Involve the child in the process - joint activity needlework develops color perception, trains the motor skills of small fingers, and teaches a clear understanding of the differences between created images. By working on beaded toys, you can create your own puppet theater.


  • White beads
  • Black beads 2 pcs.;
  • Pink beads 1 pc.;
  • Thin wire about 1 meter, fishing line.

By working on beaded toys, you can create your own puppet theater

How to do:

  1. String one pink bead, then two more white beads. Pull the wire through the white wire on both sides. It turns out two rows, one pink on top, white below. Pull.
  2. Place the next five white beads on top of the two white beads, tighten both ends by threading the wire through the sides.
  3. For the fourth bottom row, pick up three white beads, stretch the second side of the wire through them, and pull them together.
  4. We form the eyes by placing on the next upper weave two white, black, two white, black, back two white beads. We make the row as the top layer. Down four white. At each level of weaving, be sure to pull the wire through the material on both sides to strengthen the volume of the craft.
  5. Next, we use only white beads: top – ten, bottom – three beads.
  6. Fifth row: top nine, then stretch two additional pieces of wire about 20 cm long for the ears in a row. We pull additional segments through the third beads on the right and left. Secure the bottom with two white ones.
  7. For the sixth row, we form six beads on both sides.
  8. The next row is top five, bottom eight. At this stage, the formed head of the hare is already visible.
  9. We start with the body – five beads at the top, ten beads at the bottom. Here we add back two identical pieces of wire for the legs and tighten them together.
  10. The next two rows are the same - the top has six, the bottom has twelve beads. Then we reduce it: five on top, eleven on the bottom, pull the wire back to form the paws.
  11. Next, three - eight one row and two - four the next. A tail of two top beads plus one on top of them. Twist the remaining free wire and secure the ends.
  12. Weave bunny ears according to the pattern: 1-3, 2-4,3-3, 4-2.
  13. Fore tarsus: 1-2, 2-2, 3-1.
  14. We do the hind legs in the same way, add one bead in the third row from the bottom.

To give stability to the created figure, we stitch it with fishing line.

A simple bead figurine - doll

You will need:

  • Pearl-colored bead 7 mm – 1 pc.;
  • Thin wire 70 cm long, 10 cm;
  • Beads white, red, brown.

Dolls can be very different

What to do:

  1. Collect seven beads, place them in the middle of the wire, stretch the ends through the pearl bead on both sides in a cross.
  2. We braid the doll's hair from six brown beads, then form a bow - pick up four red ones, stretch the wire through the first bead, and tighten. Next are two more brown ones, we go back, stretching the wire through the first brown one and weaving the second bow in the same way as the first.
  3. Having made the second braid on the other side, tighten the ends of the wire through the pearl and bring it out on different sides. We connect them at the bottom in the middle, pulling both ends through a white bead.
  4. From different sides we insert the wire ends into two red beads, then one red one at a time and weave the doll’s arms in the same way as the braids.
  5. We bring the wire to the two red initial beads, lower it down, string two red ones on different sides, then bring out both pieces of wire through one red one.
  6. Next, we form the image of the doll’s dress according to the scheme: 2-4,6-8,10-12. We re-stretch each row with the opposite piece of wire.
  7. The length of the dress can be adjusted as desired, gradually increasing the number of rows.
  8. We stretch the last row of 12 beads with another 10cm piece of wire, leaving 4 beads on both sides. Form the legs by pulling the desired number of beads through the ends.

Cut off the remaining wire, twist it with pliers, and hide the piece under the beads.

How to weave a flat figurine from beads: do-it-yourself cat keychain

The light and charming head of a small and cheerful cat as a keychain is a surprise for a loved one. A simple beaded figurine is ideal as a decorative earring, Christmas tree decoration, homemade brooch.


  • Brass wire about 70 cm;
  • Round beads in black and white.
  • Small green beads – 4 pcs.;
  • Red beads – 9 pcs.

Cats can be made in different styles

How to do:

  1. We string 8 black beads onto a piece of wire and secure them with cross pulling.
  2. We visually increase the subsequent rows up to the sixth by two beads each. In the 6th row we make the beginning of the cat's eyes - three black, two white, six black, two white, three black.
  3. 7th row - one black, two white, two green, one white, four black, again one white, two green, two white, one black.
  4. We do the 8th row as the 6th.
  5. We reduce the next row by two beads.
  6. Row 10: five black, four red, five black.
  7. Row 11: four black, three red, four black.
  8. Row 12: three black, one red, three black.
  9. We gradually reduce the last two rows by two beads each. The result is a pointed cat's face.
  10. Separately, take a piece of wire, stretch it through the first top row, string 18 pieces of black beads, bend it in the form of an eye, insert it into the fifth row of beads, and stretch it. Make the same eyelet at the other end of the wire. Twist the ends and hide them in the middle of the bead row.

Use the navigation filters on the site to make it easier to find the craft you need. Can choose:

  • Most Popular;
  • the most beloved;
  • new weaving patterns;
  • or mix all the works randomly.

Features of animal bead weaving

Weaving animals from beads is now very popular, and this is not so much a tribute to fashion as a normal passion for a stylish hobby. And not only children and teenagers, but also adults are interested in this type of needlework.

Such products always look very cute and attractive. They can be funny, romantic, or they can look very naturalistic, and only when you get closer do you realize that these are all beads, which makes the toy even more admirable.

This pastime is ideal for involving a child in the world of beadwork. Animal figures are quite simple to make and are great for weaving even with children.

What beaded animals do we have?

As we said above: we have collected a huge collection of beaded animals of all stripes. Here you will find:

  • both flat and three-dimensional animal figurines made of beads;
  • both for beginners - those new to beadwork, and for already experienced craftsmen (all master classes are equipped with a difficulty rating, which is quite easy to navigate);
  • beaded animals can become toys for small children, and for older ones - keychains and other accessories that can be used in Everyday life, and as cute gifts and souvenirs.
  • as well as animals of all types and properties: birds, fish, domestic, wild, large, small, insects and so on.

Animals made from beads will decorate the interior and will be an excellent gift for friends.

Good for kids

Beading animals will captivate your children and help their development. fine motor skills fingers, developing perseverance and patience. Painstaking work with small beads contributes to the development of calligraphic handwriting in schoolchildren. And reading weaving and embroidery patterns will help the baby’s development much faster - after all, if they master such bead patterns, what can we say about school problems.

Weaving techniques

Master classes and animal weaving patterns collected in this section will also involve various techniques weaving - voluminous, openwork, ndbele and many, many others.

How to make beaded animals video