Personalized gifts with your name. Personalized gifts for men Personalized birthday gifts for women

Personalized gifts are considered one of the best birthday gifts. After all, such a gift shows that the choice of gift was approached consciously and prepared carefully. It means that the donor was thinking about the birthday boy, trying to please him, and not just quickly buying a useful, but routine item. Therefore, personalized gifts are always successful, they look original and touching at the same time. What can you choose as a personalized gift?

Most Popular Ideas

The choice in favor of personalized gifts is made quite often, so there are quite a lot of options. For example:

  • Tea or coffee mug

This gift is especially relevant at work. You can be sure that another employee will not take your personalized mug. But as a gift for home use, personalized dishes are quite suitable.

  • T-shirt

To make the gift look more original, you can write on the T-shirt not only the name, but also some phrase or motto suitable for the birthday person. Or a funny joke if he has a sense of humor. The phrase should not be long; it is better to write something simple and concise.

  • Suspension orbracelet

The gift is quite expensive if you choose it from precious metals. But you can arrange a pool or settle on beautiful jewelry. In any case, such a gift will bring more joy than just a beautiful, but unremarkable figurine.

  • Photo album

Despite the fact that today electronic media are more often preferred for viewing and storing photographs, as a rule, every home also has regular, paper photos. Therefore, a beautiful personalized photo album will be an excellent gift.

This gift can be classic, serious or funny, depending on the character of the recipient. And if you add a personalized pen to it, you get a wonderful set.

  • Wine glasses

A wonderful gift for a wedding or anniversary are expensive personalized glasses. They can be kept for a lifetime and proudly displayed on the table during your next wedding anniversary.

  • Lighter

Of course, on a cheap lighter, personalized engraving will look funny and inappropriate. Therefore, to make such a personalized gift, you must first purchase a good, branded item. Or at least a solid looking one. Then it will be quite a worthy gift.

  • Cigarette case

Not as common as the previous ones, but a solid and stylish thing that is coming into fashion again. And if you engrave it with the owner’s name, the cigarette case will look even more presentable.

You can decorate any metal objects with personalized engraving: for example, a silver spoon, which is usually given to a child “for his first tooth.” Or a folding knife. Such a gift will be pleasant for a fisherman, or just any man.

Gifts with personalized embroidery

Embroidery, like engraving, is a popular way to personalize a gift. You can decorate with personalized embroidery:

Actually, you can decorate any item of clothing with personalized embroidery - a shirt, sweater, hat, etc. Children are usually simply delighted with such gifts. And there is a useful aspect to this too - it’s easy to find a personalized item in both the school and kindergarten locker rooms.

Original gifts

  • A set of kitchen items. This may include a cutting board, spatula, rolling pin, etc. Or a set of boards of different sizes. An unusual gift, which, if the items are wooden, you can make yourself by putting a name on it using the burning technique. If they are made of glass or plastic, then you will have to use other technologies.
  • Thermal mug. Very good gift for those who travel a lot or tend to be often distracted from drinking tea. With such a gift, your drinks will stay hot and your soul will be warm.

The full name may not fit on such a small item, in which case you will have to limit yourself to a monogram.

Funny gifts

A holiday is always a time for not only serious, but also fun, cool gifts. What jokes can you come up with using the name?

Confectionery products can also be fun personalized gifts. self made. For some reason they always seem tastier than others. But a personalized icon is already a serious gift; it is better to give it to relatives or very close people.

Also, as an addition to the name, the horoscope sign looks good on many things. On New Year when there are a lot of gifts, you can simply make personalized bags or other beautiful packaging With name.

Among the many listed ideas, serious and fun, it’s easy to choose suitable option. Or you can come up with your own, completely unique one. The main thing is that the person to whom it will be presented likes the gift and brings pleasant emotions. After all, this is the main task of any gift.

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Personalized gifts to order are a special category. After all, how nice it is when a gift is chosen especially for you, reflects your individuality, and, most importantly, it is the only one in the whole world, only yours!

The main difference here is the engraving, the ability to create a custom-made memorabilia with your name, text with congratulations, and a photograph. In this case, the most ordinary object suddenly acquires specificity, becomes targeted and unique. Everyone will be happy to receive such a special gift, and it will definitely take its rightful place in the recipient’s home!

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In the Red Cube online store you can buy unusual gifts with personalization to order. Surprise your loved ones with exclusive gifts with interesting engravings, creative prints, original inscriptions and photo!

Here's some killer advice for anyone who wants to give unforgettable gifts: the best gift You can name such a thing that will carry a piece of the individuality of its recipient. What is human individuality? Favorite songs, poems, films? Without a doubt! Aphorisms and symbols that are close to him in spirit or reflect his attitude to life? Exactly. And what could be more dear to a person than his name? Probably only his own face, which he admires in the mirror (and in the photo, of course) every day. So, we present to you the most extensive collection of non-standard personalized gifts on the entire Russian Internet! Our catalog contains many original, beautiful and cool products that you can personalize to your taste. Unusual designer prints are at your disposal (they can be modified at your discretion by changing color palette or certain details of the drawing); a bunch of awesome ideas for inscriptions and congratulatory texts for any occasion from Birthday to Halloween, as well as many cool phrases and aphorisms that you can place on products presented in the corresponding catalog (you can add a name to each text or slightly change the inscription itself) ; Original gifts with engraving on glass, wood or metal, including humorous, pathetic, romantic and simply beautiful drawings, as well as gifts with personalized embroidery. A Product Designer is at your service to help you create your own gift design. All custom-made gifts are made very quickly and are delivered the next day (in Moscow) or sent by mail throughout Russia! Here is just a small list of personalized gifts in the Red Cube online store.

Gifts that are made to be given to a specific person are usually called personalized. It stands out from the rest due to its unique design, content or decor. Personalized gifts have special value for their recipients.

The online store Dolina Podarkov offers you a large selection of personalized gifts that are made by the store’s craftsmen.

A striking example of a gift with personalization is an order with an individual design. You are given the opportunity to compose a text for the inscription that will be placed on the order. You can write a wish, congratulations or just words of gratitude. The craftsmen will make your order within one working day. Mechanical engraving is used to inscribe the award. This guarantees high quality workmanship and wear resistance. A gift case is included with the order.

Since childhood, female representatives have dreamed of fame. You can make your friend's dream a little closer by presenting her with a Hollywood Star. It is too personal gift. The recipient's first and last name is depicted on the ceramic tile. The set includes a plastic stand, so the award can be placed directly on your desktop, for example. If you get a little creative, you can create a presentation script and stage a real awards ceremony. Your congratulations will forever remain in the memory of the hero of the occasion.

Can be more personal practical gifts. For example, the “Golden Man” mug is personalized. When placing an order, you must indicate the name of the person being gifted. The masters will add it at the beginning of the phrase. Such a gift will appeal to serious and practical people who are convinced that every gift should be useful and not gather dust on a shelf.

There is an opinion that the most successful gift is a bottle of quality wine. If you decide that this option suits you, try to design it in an original way. To do this, you will need the wine bottle set offered by the Valley of Gifts. The wooden case contains the most necessary accessories for drinking wine: a corkscrew, a ring, a dispenser, a cork. The case has a special place for a bottle of wine. You can make a personalized gift from the set. A metal plaque with text can be attached to the case. You compose the text, the store’s craftsmen apply it to the nameplate. If you want to truly surprise the hero of the occasion, a personal gift is exactly what you need.

Online store employees treat their customers with respect. To make finding suitable gifts convenient, they have created a selection of exclusive products. In chapter Most popular gifts you can buy a gift that will touch you to the core.

When did people first start making and giving personalized gifts, cunning historians are silent. For example, recently American archaeologists found in a cave primitive man in northern France there are unusual decorative items with scrawled text. But whether these were gifts, hunting tools or a sign “No Trespassing” is a big question, since the quality of engraving in those distant times left much to be desired. We won’t guess, but rather we’ll tell you one interesting fact about the most generous personal gift. According to ancient Roman legend, Mark Antony gave Cleopatra an entire island with luxurious beaches, washed by azure waters. However, the beauty was capricious and was upset that the grains of sand were too hard for her legs. Then Mark Anthony brought the most delicate sand from North Africa and ordered all the beaches to be filled with it for the sake of his beloved. What does it have to do with it personalized gifts, you ask? It's simple - the island was named after the queen!

In the history of Russia, our kings, of course, did not give islands to their beloved ones (the people did not allow them), but “God’s messengers” tried not to forget about gifts to their neighbors. Peter the Great was, as usual, one of the most original in this regard. There are references to the fact that he gave personal cast-iron medals, weighing about 7 kilograms, to those who especially distinguished themselves. But as a reward or punishment - decide for yourself. Another example is associated with Catherine II. Everyone knows that the empress had many favorites, whom she rewarded from time to time with luxurious gifts. But few people know that Catherine II was a fan, as they would say now, gifts with engravings. For example, Prince Grigory Potemkin was presented with a gold service with the image of the Empress, she presented her grandson Alexander with a saber with wise parting words, a case and glasses with the initials - Vice-Governor Novoseltsev, and there were also gloves, a carriage and even... a sleeping bed.

It should be noted that in those days, any inscriptions on products were signed (more precisely, scratched out) by the craftsman manually, which significantly increased the cost and production time. Therefore, afford exclusive personalized gifts often only aristocrats or representatives of the imperial dynasty could, who sought to stand out from society in any way, show their wealth and perpetuate the memory of themselves, their loved ones or important event, to which the present was dedicated.

Since then, a lot has changed, technical progress has not stood still, now, after 200 years, our online store, using modern electronics, produces personalized gifts, accessible to absolutely everyone. The meaning of an engraved gift has also changed - people want to emphasize how dear a person is. Give something useful, with meaning, expressing bright feelings and sincere love. Although, to be honest, there are also plenty of “those who like to show off” in our lives...

Gifts with engraving - in beautiful packaging

Over the course of its existence, our company has tested many methods of engraving personalized gifts. Of course, like primitive people, we didn’t try to scratch products by hand, but the technique was improved more than once, leaving only the best to date.

Mechanical engraving is the simplest and most ancient way of creating personalized gifts. For this technology, we use a special engraving machine with a thin cutter, which removes part of the top layer from the surface of the product. The main difference between our device is that it has a diamond sputtering. The pressure of its diamond needle produces microscopic strokes, thanks to which the engraving on gifts acquires a spectacular iridescent shine. Other advantages include the highest degree of accuracy when drawing lines, the volume and relief of the text or design, the strength and durability of the result (personalized gifts do not fade or get erased). It is generally accepted that mechanical engraving on gifts enlivens the gift, making it more soulful and expressive. Allegedly, during the labor-intensive production process, the product absorbs a piece of the engraver’s warmth. We don’t know whether this is actually true, but our engraver sincerely believes in it, so a personalized gift is a gift with a soul.

Another way to create a personalized gift in our arsenal is leather embossing. Personalized leather diaries, wallets, flasks and thermoses, document covers and straps - they all attract attention both to themselves and to their owner. Leather is a pliable material, so it allows you to create different textures and make the pattern three-dimensional. If you wish, you can add colors: gold and gold look impressive on a plain leather surface. silver lettering. And after finishing - voila! - and a unique personalized gift is ready; the skin will retain the applied pattern for many centuries. Using various stamps, our craftsmen have learned to create inscriptions, logos and even entire plot images.

The optimal solution for transferring images to metal and glass is the use of a laser. We will not describe the production process itself in detail, but will immediately move on to its undeniable advantages. Firstly, it is the durability of engraving on gifts and resistance to mechanical damage. This is ensured due to the fact that the applied image is part of the product itself, and not a layer of applied paint or spraying. This means that the owner of the personalized gift will enjoy the engraving throughout the entire life of the product. Secondly, unlike mechanical application, laser application of a name or logo exactly repeats the sketch, allows you to transfer all the details of the original image, essentially achieving the effect of a photograph. Thirdly, laser engraving on personalized gifts allows you to “play” with color, i.e. the effect of obtaining a color picture is created. And finally, fourthly, the possibility of applying texts or drawings is not limited by the shape of the workpiece; this allows you to engrave round, oval, square, in a word - objects of any configuration.

Sublimation (thermal) printing is a relatively new direction, widely used in the manufacture of pens, mugs, thermal glasses, phone cases, wallets, power banks, as well as textile souvenirs. The images are printed on a special 3D printer on high-density paper and “baked” under the influence of temperature, at which point the paint transfers from the paper to the top layer of the product. Thanks to thermal printing, the resulting image is bright and full-color.

When choosing an original personalized gift, it is important to package it beautifully. But sometimes choosing packaging can be more difficult than the gift itself. Therefore, we offer our clients design gift wrapping absolutely free! It is made from branded cardboard for each category of personalized gifts. This cardboard has an original texture and color, the top layer is coated, so it is much nicer than usual. Receiving a personalized gift in such packaging will be doubly pleasant.

Personalized birthday gifts are undoubtedly the right decision

Birthday is an important holiday for every person! It is on this day that we gather with our closest people: friends and relatives, and say important words and wishes, we raise a personalized glass to the health of the birthday person(s) and give gifts... But before giving them, you still need to choose them first, right? We offer a creative solution to this issue - personalized birthday gifts.

To choose correctly gift with engraving, which the birthday person will constantly use, it is necessary to remember: what he is interested in, what interests him, how he spends free time where he works. Then the person will really like the personalized gift. Useful thing, and even with original engraving, it will absolutely become your favorite.

All possible options for personalized gifts in our online store can be divided into five large categories:

    business gifts;

    personal items;

    sweet gifts;


    accessories for computer and telephone;

    exclusive products

For busy people who are passionate about their work, our business gifts, represented by personalized diaries, business card holders, pens and desk sets, where the engraving is presented in the form of a metal nameplate, are perfect. Agree, in the daily rush, you can forget about a business meeting or miss an important call. And when you have a personal plan with you, where important things are written down, you don’t have to keep a lot of small things in your head, therefore, you will be able to work more productively. In addition to a planner or diary, in our opinion, an engraved pen is perfect. An inspiring inscription on it will help you focus on your work and sign a successful contract.

Everyone who is always “in touch” will like our “know-how” - personalized power banks. With their help, you can use your favorite smartphone even more without having to look for a charging outlet. When it comes to accessories for smartphones, pay attention to cases with engravings. They will not only protect expensive gadgets from possible damage, but will also become a stylish highlight in the image of their owner.

Do you think that the time when giving dishes as gifts has completely passed? No matter how it is, our engraved mugs, personalized glasses for wine, whiskey and cognac, champagne glasses, beer glasses and even a real Tula samovar with a memorable wish on the eve of the holidays are snapped up in no time. Besides the fact that such personalized dishes will certainly distinguish the owner from the rest, no one will take it in the office or at home except the owner. By the way, we now have the latest personalized thermal glasses in our assortment, which warm your favorite drink for up to 4 hours!

What would a tea party be without something sweet? Especially for those with a sweet tooth, we have learned how to personalize delicious envelopes, fortune cookies, chocolate and honey sets, as well as inexpensive sweet cards. So, if suddenly Winnie and Piglet come to visit, the birthday boy will be able to please the guests with delicious sweets.

The options listed are not all that we have prepared. The choice is huge. Therefore, there is no doubt - you will definitely find the best personalized gift, which will be remembered for a long time by both the hero of the occasion and the guests present at the celebration.

Ordering personalized gifts - without the help of a cheat sheet

Placing an order on our website is quite easy and fast, now you will see for yourself. To begin, select the personalized gift you want to buy. In the special “Enter text” field (to the right of the picture), enter the words with your engraving option. What could it be? There are a lot of options: initials, first and last name of the recipient, a short wish, philosophical wisdom, an aphorism or an anecdote. It is worth noting that we have two types of products:

    With free style - here you can add any inscriptions, insert pictures or your logo, give space to your imagination;

    With a ready-made template, all you have to do is add personal information, and we will arrange the gift as shown on the product page.

So, we have indicated the engraving and added the item to the cart, now let’s go to it by clicking in the upper right corner of the page. A menu with the selected products and price will appear, click on the green “Place an order” button. On the registration pages we indicate your name and contact information, you can register if you have not done so already (just come up with a password). Next, select your city, delivery method and indicate the address where we will deliver the order. In case of self-pickup, select the appropriate item from the list. Then all that remains is to choose a payment method and check whether the inscription is written correctly or not. Be sure to pay attention to checking, since we have not yet learned all the names by heart. If you make a mistake, we will not always be able to notice it and it is likely that we will print the product along with it. After checking the spelling, feel free to click on the “Place an order” button and wait for the operator to call for confirmation. As you are convinced, order personalized gifts- it’s a pleasant and not at all difficult task. Just a couple of clicks - and we will start making your magical order!