Pensions for disabled people with military injuries. Latest news on the issue of providing pensions for military personnel. To pay compensation you will need to provide




















The euphoria from the “active” actions of Vladimir Shamanov and the State Duma Defense Committee headed by him has ended. On December 7, after consideration of the 2017 budget, bill No. 15473-7, directly related to the indexation of military pensions in 2017, was adopted in the second and third readings.

Chief defender of the 2017-2019 budget. Anton Siluanov


“On suspension of the second part of Article 43 of the Law Russian Federation"On pension provision for persons who served in military service, service in internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penal system, the Federal Service of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, and their families » in connection with the Federal Law “On the Federal Budget for 2017 and for the planning period of 2018 and 2019”

Article 1
1. Suspend until January 1, 2018 the effect of part two of Article 43 of the Law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993No. 4468-I"On pension provision for persons who served in military service, service in internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penal system, the Federal Service of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, and their families "(Gazette of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation, 1993, No. 9, Art. 328; Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1995, No. 49, Art. 4693; 1998, No. 30, Art. 3613; 2002, No. 27 , Art. 2620; No. 30, Art. 3033; 2003, No. 27, Art. 2700; 2007, No. 49, Art. 6072; 2011, No. 46, Art. 6407; 2016, No. 27, Art. 4160).

2. Establish that the amount of monetary allowance taken into account when calculating pensions in accordance with Article 43 of the Law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 No. 4468-I “On pension provision for persons who served in military service, service in internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, authorities for control over the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penal system, the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, and their families", from February 1, 2017 is 72.23 percent from the amount of the specified monetary allowance.

Article 2
This Federal Law comes into force on January 1, 2017.

The president
Russian Federation V. Putin

Considering that canceled for another year(until January 1, 2018, that is, the 5th year in a row) indexation of military pay, Also indexation canceledmilitary pensionsby no less than 2 percent from January 1, 2017.

Also silently May Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 604 is not being implemented(dated May 7, 2012) on the annual increase in military pensions by 2 percent above the inflation rate. Inflation planned by the government for 2017 in the budget of 4%, in accordance with this Decree, should have led to an increase in military pensions by at least 6%. But from February 1, 2017, military pensions will be indexed by only 4%(72.23/69.45=1.04). And no further indexation of military pensions is provided for in 2017.

At the beginning of 2017, all pensioners, both military and civilian, will be paid 5 thousand rubles as consolation compensation for the lack of a second indexation of pensions in 2016.

Civil pensions are also planned to be indexed from February 1, 2017, but more than military pensions, that is, in accordance with the 2016 inflation rate (approximately 5.5 percent).

Tighten your seat belts, dear military retirees. You already live well. And all your past achievements, when you risked your health and life, steadfastly endured difficulties and hardships military service, huddled in strange corners, are a thing of the past. The state is trying to forget about them. It’s not easy to forget, but every year, without hesitation, he lowers the standard of living of military pensioners lower and lower and cancels the indexation of pay and military pensions required by law.

P.S. This situation was already observed in the early 2000s and ended with a massive transition of military pensioners to civil pensions. But today, while average military pensions exceed civilian ones by more than one and a half times, those at the top apparently believe that nothing terrible is happening and military pensioners can once again (many, many times!) be patient and wait until oil reaches $100 per barrel or as a result of some miracle, the Russian economy will not work and its growth rate will be at least 5-7 percent per year.

Insurance payments to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for disability - a way to compensate the family and the victim for the damage, which he suffers due to the inability to no longer lead a full-fledged lifestyle and earn money.

But any insurance payments to military personnel are accrued subject to the availability of correctly executed documents. Without these papers, it will be difficult to prove the occurrence of an insurance situation.

Let's look at the list of injuries for insurance payments to military personnel approved for 2020.

Who is subject to compulsory insurance?

When does the insurance coverage begin?

The subject is insured from the first day of military service.

  • Among conscripts the beginning of service is considered the moment the recruit is awarded a military rank;
  • For contract soldiers- from the date of signing the contract;
  • Those who arrived for military training- hour of departure from the local military registration and enlistment office.

Service to the Fatherland ends on the day when a person is discharged by order from the personnel or at the moment of his departure from the territory where military training was held.

Insurance payments to military personnel in case of injury, concussion, or other health problems that lead to disability will be paid to the victim himself. After his death, his relatives can receive the money.

The situation is becoming dangerous when it is recorded during the period of military service or his participation in training camps

You will also have to pay the full amount of compensation if, within one year after dismissal or the end of military training, a former military man becomes disabled due to injury or his death is recorded.

It is more difficult to receive payment of the insured amount for a situation that arose after expulsion from the authorities. This will require a decision by a specially convened commission.

This structure will confirm that a person has become disabled or died as a result of the long-term consequences of military service or participation in military training.

Insurance cases

It is legally established which situations in the Russian Federation are considered to be insured events.

So, The insurance company undertakes to pay money if:

  1. The soldier was wounded, shell-shocked, traumatized or received other damage of mild or moderate severity during military service;
  2. An employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has become disabled, but only if this condition arose as a result of an injury or illness during service or military training;
  3. A person performing military service died as a result of receiving an injury incompatible with life or suffering from an illness;
  4. A serviceman was discharged because he was declared partially fit or unfit for military service if such a condition caused an injury, damage or illness suffered during service.

Also Insured events include death or disability, which are recorded for 12 months after expulsion, when their indisputable relationship with service is established.

The decision about whether insurance will be paid to a service member is made not by the military command, but by the insurance company.

It is based on the information contained in documents provided by the command.

When the insurance company does not pay compensation

Alas, not in all cases of shell shock or other health problems, a citizen performing military service or participating in military training can insist on receiving benefits.

The insurer may exercise the right to refuse to pay the insured amount, relying on existing legislative acts of the Russian Federation.

This will happen if the insurance situation:

  • Occurred as a result of the actions of a serviceman under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
  • She was deliberately provoked by a serviceman with the aim of harming her own health;
  • It was the result of a soldier’s actions that were recognized as posing a threat to the health of others.

Sometimes the head of a military unit makes attempts to “hush up the matter” in order to avoid paperwork and not record the fact of injury.

The command has no right to refuse to prepare the required documents for payment of benefits to an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Fact of intoxication or others possible reasons refusals of insurance must be recorded by an expert and transferred to the insurer.

If the trial establishes that the victim was driven to suicide, the insurer will not be able to refuse payment to the relatives.

When the insurance company nevertheless decides to refuse compensation to the serviceman for damages, then it is obliged to notify interested parties about this in writing. The decision must be motivated and transmitted no later than 15 days from the date of receipt of the request for payment of compensation.

If disagreements arise, the injured party may exercise the right to challenge the insurance verdict in court.

Who receives payment for the deceased?

Unfortunately, shell shock or other health problems are not the worst thing that can happen to a person serving in the military.

If a citizen died during military service, then the insurer pays benefits to his relatives. They become beneficiaries.

Thus, the beneficiary in the event of the death of a serviceman may become:

  1. Second spouse;
  2. Parents of a serviceman or persons replacing them for at least five years;
  3. Grandparents who raised the victim for at least three years;
  4. Children who have not reached the age of majority;
  5. Adult children with disabilities whose disability was confirmed before reaching adulthood;
  6. Children of the military, until they reach the age of 23, who are studying in educational institutions;
  7. People under the care of the insured person.
The structure where the victim served is obliged to inform relatives about the occurrence of an insured event as soon as it learned about it.

If it so happens that the beneficiary died before receiving the payment of the insured amount, then it can be paid to his heirs. To do this, they will need to provide the insurance company with papers that confirm the right of inheritance and a copy of the death certificate.

Amount of insurance payments in 2020

The severity of the illness or injury and the classes of partial disability affect the amount of insurance for military personnel.

The legislative act “On Compulsory State Insurance...” determines, among other things, the amount of compensation payments in 2020, which the Russian Federation undertakes to make when any of the insurance cases described above arises.

The amount of insurance does not depend on the length of service and services to the Motherland.

Therefore, relatives and family members of a military man who died during military service in any rank can claim compensation of two million Russian rubles.

If the performance of a combat mission resulted in an injury to a soldier or caused an illness that subsequently led to disability, then the amount of payment to the disabled person depends on the established group:

  • III - 500 thousand rubles;
  • II - 1 million rubles;
  • I - one and a half million 1.5 million rubles.

If, during military service or within one year after dismissal, as a result of re-examination, the serviceman’s disability class is increased, the insurer will be forced to pay the difference in classes.

The state estimated the consequences of severe injury at 200 thousand rubles. A slight injury to the insured person, according to officials, is “worth” 50 thousand fish.

When the injury results in absolute/partial unfitness for service in the authorities, followed by dismissal, the insurance company compensates the victim 50 thousand rubles.

In addition to one-time insurance payments, Military personnel who become disabled are entitled to benefits paid monthly. Such benefits are also awarded to the families of fallen soldiers.

But for a citizen who has received a concussion or other injury, no monthly payments not provided.

The list of injuries and their “category” are fixed in the Russian Federation by law in order to avoid disagreements when establishing the severity of injuries, and, accordingly, the amount of financial compensation.

If a fighter is unlucky enough to receive several injuries of varying severity at once, then compensation will be made according to the most severe one.

Registration of an insured event

The mere fact of injury or other injury does not guarantee that the citizen will be paid the benefits due.

When an insurance situation is recorded during the period of military service by a serviceman or his participation in military training, the likelihood that the state will pay for the damage caused depends on whether the documentation is completed correctly, directly in the military structure. If the papers were not prepared properly or if errors were made in the medical certificates, then it will be almost impossible to prove anything later in court.

Immediately after an insured event is recorded, the commander of the military unit issues a certificate of his circumstances in a certain form. At the same time, medical documentation is drawn up, and the serviceman himself prepares an application for payment of benefits to the insurer. In the event of the death of the insured person, statements are written by all adult family members.

If all the papers are completed correctly, then the payment of the insurance amount to the citizen occurs no later than 15 days after the transfer of the necessary documentation to the insurer.

If the insurer delays payment of compensation, then he will have to pay a penalty to the injured party from his personal pocket. One day of delay will cost the insurance company 1% of the total insurance amount.

Documents required for the insurance company

The packages of documents for approval of insurance payment, which are required to be submitted to the insurance company in 2020, differ slightly from each other.

To pay compensation you will need to provide:

  • A statement written by the insured person to the insurance company;
  • A certificate from the commander of the military unit about the situation that resulted in injury, disability or death;
  • A copy of the medical history or a certificate from doctors from the military unit;
  • People who have received disabled status will additionally need to obtain a copy of the paper from MSEC.

After recognition of partial or absolute unfitness for service and the end of military training due to injury, you will need to provide insurers with a copy of the order, certified by military leadership, on dismissal from personnel.

The same document will be needed if the serviceman received disabled status before the expiration of one year after dismissal.

To pay out the insurance that is due to family members after the death of a military man, you will need:

  1. Applications of each adult relative to the insurance company (children, until they reach the age of majority, are included in the application of the mother or father).
  2. Copies of papers that confirm that these people are related to the insured person.
  3. A certificate written by a military commander describing the circumstances leading up to the death.
  4. A copy of the death certificate.
  5. A copy of the order, certified by the military leadership, regarding dismissal.
In addition, all family members are required to provide papers determining their status. Disabled children provide relevant medical certificates, children studying - certificates from educational institutions etc.

If the death of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs occurred before the expiration of one year after dismissal, then the described documents also require a decision of the commission establishing the relationship between the death of the person and his military past.

    Monetary compensation as a result of damage to citizens during the performance of their military duties is paid in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 306 of November 7, 2011 “On the monetary allowance of military personnel and the provision of individual payments to them.”

    Types of compensation for military personnel when injured in service

    Payments for military injuries in 2017 are made to compensate for the following types of damage caused to the health of a military personnel:

  • during the period of service;
  • as a result of exposure higher level radiation (during maintenance of radiation facilities, testing, liquidation of accident consequences);
  • when illegal actions are committed by representatives of the judicial authorities (inquiry bodies, prosecutor's office);
  • as a result of illegal actions committed by representatives of local government or the military department;
  • during the performance of official duties, if the damage caused to health is not related to the commission of unlawful actions by representatives of various structures.

The procedure for compensation for damage in the event of injury to a military personnel

The one-time compensation that is due to a serviceman (officer, midshipman or warrant officer) is paid after representatives of his part send the necessary package of documents to the appropriate organization that has entered into an agreement with the military department. The package includes the following documents:

  • a statement of the established form, which is written by a military personnel. This document contains a request for payment of benefits to a military personnel in connection with his dismissal from service, during which he received a military injury;
  • certificate with signature official military unit and the presence of an official seal - to confirm the injury of a military personnel during the period of service;
  • a certified copy of a medical report (certificate) with information about the soldier’s illness;
  • a certified copy of the order to exclude from the personnel a part of the serviceman who was injured.

A serviceman can submit all of the listed documents for payment of compensation independently.

The basis for payment of compensation and pension to the injured serviceman in this case will be the cause-and-effect relationship that arose between the incident as a result of which he was injured and the performance of his immediate duties. This connection is confirmed by the conclusion of the military commission.

A serviceman recognized as disabled as a result of injury during service, in order to receive the due compensation, must apply to the state social protection authority at his place of residence vested with the appropriate powers and write a statement in the established form.

This statement must contain:

  • petition for monetary compensation to be paid monthly. The amount of such compensation is established taking into account the disability group assigned to the serviceman;
  • details of the applicant's bank account.

The application must be accompanied by:

  • document (copy) that proves identity;
  • a copy of the conclusion (certificate, certificate) to confirm the fact that the disability group has been established as a result of receiving war trauma;
  • a copy of the order (certificate signed by the unit commander, military ID) confirming the injury to the serviceman during the period of service;
  • a document (copy) confirming that the military personnel have received a pension from the relevant authority;
  • document (copy) on the appointment of a guardian for a military personnel in connection with his recognition as disabled.

Compensation amounts

The legislation established the following amounts of monthly compensation for disabled people:

  • Group I – 14 thousand rubles;
  • Group II – 7 thousand rubles;
  • Group III – 2800 rubles.

Every member of a military family who has become disabled as a result of an injury can also count on receiving compensation. The total amount of compensation will be equal to the derivative of dividing the total amount assigned to the disabled person by the number of family members.

Example. A group II disabled person receives an allowance of 7 thousand rubles. He has a wife and child. The family composition including a disabled person is 3 people. In this case, 7 thousand rubles must be divided by 3 - we get 2333 rubles per person. This means that the wife and child together will receive 4,666 rubles every month. Disabled person - only the 7 thousand rubles assigned to him.

If a serviceman is killed or dies, then each family member receives compensation calculated according to the same principle. The basis is the total amount of compensation for a disabled person of group I.

Monthly monetary compensation can be paid as a total amount to all family members or to each individual individually based on his/her application.

How much are military disability pensions paid in 2017?

A military serviceman's disability pension in 2017 is calculated in accordance with the Federal Law “On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation” dated December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 166-FZ):

  • those who have received group I or II disability due to a military injury are paid 85% of the monetary allowance received during the period of service; Group III – 50%;
  • those who become disabled in group I or II as a result of an illness acquired during service are assigned 75% of the monetary allowance that was paid during the period of service; Group III – 40%.

Disabled military personnel have the right to apply for a social pension (SP), in accordance with Art. 15 of Law No. 166-FZ, the amount of which is:

  • Group I (due to military trauma) – 300%;
  • Group II – 250%;
  • Group III – 175% of the social pension

Those who become disabled as a result of illness during the period of service are entitled to a social pension in the amount of:

  • Group I – 250%;
  • Group II – 200%;
  • Group III – 150%.

A military pension in connection with the death of a breadwinner is established for disabled family members of a deceased serviceman (Article 36 of the Federal Law “On pension provision for persons who served in military service...” No. 4468-1 of December 15, 2001) in the amount of:

  • 50% of the monetary allowance – after the death of a serviceman from a military injury;
  • 40% of the amount of monetary allowance - in case of death from an acquired disease during the period of service.

Close disabled relatives of a deceased serviceman may, in accordance with Art. 15 of Law No. 166-FZ, apply for a social pension in the amount of:

  • 200% – in case of death from injury;
  • 150% - in case of death of a military man from a disease acquired during service.

Indexation of military pensions is provided for by the state when prices for consumer goods increase.

What a soldier who was injured while on duty needs to know

Citizens dismissed from service due to injury and receiving a disability pension have the right to apply for a second (labor) pension in the following cases:

  • upon reaching a certain age established by law;
  • if there is a minimum seniority to receive a second pension, without taking into account which the disability pension was assigned. From 2016, the insurance period will increase by 1 year (in 2015 it was 6 years) until 2024;
  • if they were granted a pension as an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or other law enforcement agencies due to assignment of disability of group I, II or III.

If a service member is denied compensation or a pension, then in some cases it may be necessary to go to court. Help compose statement of claim Experienced lawyers of our company will be able to. Arbitrage practice most often follows the path of satisfying claims for compensation for personal injury due to military injuries. Therefore, by properly justifying your demands, you can win the process and receive the amounts due.

  • Firstly, insurance premiums for military personnel are made by the state, not the employer.
  • Secondly, there are differences in the terminology itself and the procedure for processing payments, for example, the length of service in the military is called length of service, the salary is monthly allowance for a military personnel(EDDV).

Among the similarities, one can note the same principle: the greater the length of service (length of service) and the higher the salary, the greater the final amount of payments will be.

In the life of every citizen undergoing military service, whether a conscript or a contract employee, a man or a woman, unforeseen circumstances may occur that will seriously affect his health, and as a result, his ability to work. Despite a certain negative tone regarding everything pension provision for this category of citizens, the law provides for compensation and payments people who have become disabled as a result of serving in the armed forces (or equivalent structures) - military and state disability pensions.

Which military personnel are entitled to a disability pension?

The military pension system, regardless of what type of payment they receive - or for disability, is reflected in the law of February 12, 1993 N 4468-1. This document regulates all processes related to military pensions, including the assignment of payments.

From Article 1 of this law it follows that the following categories of military personnel are entitled to disability payments through the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation(of course, if the conditions described below are met):

  • citizens serving in the ranks of officers, midshipmen and warrant officers, military service (or service equivalent to it), or serving on a contract basis as soldiers, sergeants, foremen or sailors;
  • military personnel serving in other states, subject to an agreement or agreement between the Russian Federation and the country where the citizen is serving, and also if the laws of the state provide for such a pension option;
  • citizens serving in other countries in the absence of an agreement between the Russian Federation and the country, and also if its laws do not provide for pension provision in this option;
  • persons who served as warrant officers, officers and midshipmen in the armed forces (and equivalent formations) in the former USSR.

It is worth highlighting conscripts- their pension provision is passing through the Russian Pension Fund, they receive state pension according to Federal law dated December 15, 2001 N 166-FZ.

Conditions for granting a disability pension

Article 19 of the above-mentioned law states that a disability pension can be awarded to military personnel who:

  • suffered damage to health resulting in disability, during service in the armed forces or three months after completion of service;
  • due to injury, contusion, illness or injury received during service, they became disabled, but already after dismissal.

It is worth noting that if the cause of injury or another factor resulting in disability is the unlawful actions of a military serviceman (in other words, if he has committed a crime), instead of a military disability pension, he will be awarded.

Determination of disability

As in the case of social or disability pensions, the main document for assigning payments to military personnel of this nature is certificate of disability, or in other words - ITU certificate, in most organizations referred to as a “pink certificate”.

This certificate is issued by the authority medical and social examination(ITU), which conducts expert assessments of health and social adaptation potential disabled person.

The process of obtaining this certificate for military personnel is not fundamentally different from that of “civilians” - drawing up a mailing list in the hospital, detailed description injuries resulting in disability, confirmation that the injury is related specifically to military service, etc.

Categories of disabled people taken into account when assigning a pension

The Law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 N 4468-1 allocates two groups of people who can receive military pension on disability. Whether a citizen belongs to one category or another depends on the causes of disability:

  • persons who have disability occurred due to military injury- shell shock, wounds, illness or injury received in connection with combat operations, service on the border or other types of state defense, as well as being in captivity (provided that the captivity was violent and the citizen did not commit crimes against the Motherland during it) or service in the active army as cabin boys and trainees;
  • citizens whose disability is caused by illness, injury, etc., received during military service, but at the same time not related to direct execution official duties.

Establishing the fact of a connection between an injury or illness and military service (as well as the absence thereof) is not the responsibility of the ITU, but of military medical commissions.

Re-examination of disability

Depending on the period of disability, the pensioner may need re-examination in the federal bodies of medical and social examination. There may be two options here:

  1. The ITU certificate was issued for clearly defined deadline(it is indicated in the help). This means that after this period you need to go through re-examination, the date of which is indicated on this document. If there are indications for establishing disability, it will be extended (or the disability group will be changed, depending on the citizen’s health condition). If there is no evidence, the citizen will be deprived of his disabled status and will not be able to receive a state disability pension.
  2. Certificate of disability issued indefinitely. In this case, the date of re-examination will not be on the certificate - because the examination found that the disabled person’s condition will not change over time, which means there is no point in confirming disability - the citizen will have the status of a disabled person and the right to receive a disability pension for the rest of his life.

Citizen I. was injured during combat operations abroad and on May 14, 2017 received an ITU certificate, which establishes his I disability group. The date of the next re-examination is May 13, 2018. When is the best time to start preparing all the necessary documents for a medical and social examination so as not to lose your pension?

Clause 12 of the order dated January 29, 2014. N 59n of the Ministry of Labor and Social protection The Russian Federation states that the maximum period for the provision of ITU services from the moment of submission of all necessary documents is no more than 30 days.

In addition, if the re-examination does not occur on time, but for a good reason (hospitalization/long queue for examination), the suspended pension will be paid in full size based on the previous disability group. (Article 27 of the Law of the Russian Federation dated February 12, 1993 N 4468-1)

Based on this rule, citizen I. is required to start collecting documents in advance, for example, a month before the end of the established disability, i.e. April 13, 2018. With this approach, all actions will be completed on time, even if there is a queue for commissions at the ITU (which is usually what employees of medical and social examination departments refer to), and after submitting a certificate of disability to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia (Pension Fund of Russia), citizen I. will continue receive a state disability pension.

Documents for applying for a military disability pension

In order to become a recipient of this payment, a citizen must contact the pension authorities of the Ministry of Defense with an application for a disability pension. This application will need to be accompanied by additional documents , such as:

  1. Passport.
  2. Military ID.
  3. Certificate of disability issued by the federal medical and social examination body.
  4. Results of the military medical commission (which assigns the appropriate category of disability to a citizen, depending on the conditions for the onset of disability).
  5. Other documents confirming the right to receive payments of this nature.

If the disabled person is a citizen who has undergone conscription, he is entitled state disability pension. To appoint it, he must contact the territorial body of the Russian Pension Fund at his place of residence. Again, to apply for this type of pension, all of the above documents will be required.

The size of military disability pensions in 2019

Current legislation divides the amount of disability payments depending on which category of disabled pensioners the citizen belongs to. In order to calculate the amount of a military disability pension for contract military personnel, you can use the table (percentages are indicated on the amount of monetary allowance taken into account when calculating payments):

Amount of pension payments for conscripted military personnel who received a disability is shown in the table below, which is established as a percentage of(from April 1, 2018 - from 5240.65 rubles, to - 5034.25 rubles):

It is worth noting that this table also reflects minimum size military disability pension.

Disability pensioners are entitled to the following allowances:

  • When the first disability group is established or the age of 80 is reached, 100% of the social pension is paid in addition.
  • If a disabled person of the first and second groups does not work, and he has disabled family members dependent on him, 32%, 64% or 100% of the calculated pension amount is added to him (depending on the number of dependents - 1, 2 or 3 (or more)).

Increasing pensions for military pensioners

The state provides for an increase in the amount of payments in connection with rising consumer prices - indexing. Pension provision for military personnel depends on the amount of monetary allowance and used in calculating the pension. Military pay has not been indexed for 5 years, as a result of which in 2018 they decided to increase it by the projected inflation rate next year - by 4%, however, the value of the reduction coefficient should be left unchanged - 72.23%.

Because the amount of additional payments to the military disability pension depends on estimated size(), with each indexation of social disability pensions, the amount of payments to the military also increases. From the first of April 2018, all social pensions will be indexed by 4.1%, which means that the calculated size will also increase. The increased amount in 2018 will remain until April 1, 2019.

Additional payments to the disability pension for military personnel are also determined from the calculated amount of the pension. At the same time, there are a number of features outlined in Art. 46 and 48 of the Law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 N 4468-1, relating to conditions for assigning a bonus:

  1. If a pensioner has received the following titles:
    • Hero of the Russian Federation, Hero Soviet Union or he is awarded the Order of Glory of three degrees, then 100% of his pension is added to him.
    • Hero of Socialist Labor, Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation - pension increases by 50%.

    In the event that a pensioner is awarded these awards or titles, the pension increases for each title received.

  2. Supplement for disabled family members dependent on a military pensioner, provided that two or more people receive such a pension, is assigned to only one of such pensioners. In other words, if a father and mother receive a state disability pension and they have two children, then only one parent can receive the allowance for two children (or each parent will receive the allowance for one dependent).
  3. If a pensioner has the right to several increases in the amount of pension, then from them the largest is selected. This will be taken into account when increasing the payment.
  4. When receiving two pensions at the same time, bonuses are established to only one of them.

Changing the disability group and revising the pension amount

There are cases when a disabled person’s health status changes (for the worse or better side) - in this case, the medical and social examination bureau has the right review his disability group. Depending on the various factors ITU may establish as a group that is entitled to greater pension payment, and the one who is entitled to a smaller pension.

If, as a result of a military injury, disability increases due to a general illness, work injury or occupational disease, pension recalculated according to the new disability group keeping the same reason.

Payment of pensions to military pensioners

As with pensions, there are several ways to receive funds. Payments can be received as the pensioner himself, so confidant in the following types of organizations (a pensioner has the right to determine for himself where it is more convenient for him to receive a pension):

  1. Russian Post - in this case, the pension comes to your home or to the nearest post office. The only thing to consider when choosing this option is delivery period, which may differ from the date of payment of the pension.
  2. A bank account is the most common way to receive pensions. It doesn't matter whether it happens bank card or Sberbank book- on the day of transfer of funds from the territorial body of the Pension Fund, the money will be transferred to the pensioner’s account.
  3. A third-party organization engaged in the delivery of pensions - everything is similar to Russian Post. A complete list of such companies can be obtained from employees of Pension Fund branches.

Please note that according to Art. 56 of the Law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 N 4468-1, third paragraph (payment through a third-party organization) not listed as possible for military pensions. You will have to choose between Russian Post and Sberbank.

Deadlines for payment of disability pension

It is worth noting that the military disability pension has certain features regarding payments.

  • Military disability pension is assigned for the period of validity of the disability certificate, and for disabled people over 55 and 60 years old (women and men, respectively) - indefinitely; re-examination can only be scheduled at the request of a pensioner (for example, if there are conditions for changing the disability group).
  • If a pensioner who has not reached the age specified in this article is recognized as able-bodied, a pension is paid to him until the end of the month in which he is recognized as able to work, but not longer than the day before which the disability was established.

Suspension and resumption of payment

In general, the rules of a military disability pension are similar to other cases - if a citizen has temporarily lost the right to receive payments, they are suspended until he regains these rights.

In Art. 27 of the Law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 N 4468-1 considers the case when a disabled person deadline for re-examination missed. According to this document, if a disabled person misses the deadline for re-examination at the Federal Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise, then the payment of the established pension is suspended from the moment of loss of disabled status, if a citizen is recognized as disabled again, the pension is renewed from the day the disability is restored.

If the deadline for re-examination was missed for a valid reason and the disability is established by the federal ITU authorities for the past, then the payment of the pension is resumed from the day the citizen was again recognized as disabled.

In the case where a disabled person receives new group disability, payments for the past are assigned according to previous disability group.

Right to receive a second pension

There are cases when, after leaving military service, citizens go to work outside the armed forces, for example, as security guards for private security companies or teachers at colleges. At the same time, they continue to receive a military or disability pension.

If their employers pay insurance contributions to the Russian Pension Fund, and this is possible if the employee is registered in compulsory pension insurance system(in other words, he must have SNILS - an insurance certificate, popularly called a “green card”), then if the following criteria are met, such citizens can receive in addition to the military:

  • achievement of generally established retirement age - 55 years for women, 60 for men. If a citizen works in conditions Far North, life-threatening conditions, etc. - this age can be reduced in accordance with the Federal Law of December 28, 2013. N 400-ФЗ;
  • availability of the required number of pension points;
  • availability of a pension for long service or in connection with disability through the Ministry of Defense;
  • availability of insurance (civil) experience at least 10 years in 2019 (and further increasing by 1 year annually until 15 years in 2024).

It is worth noting that periods of military service taken into account when assigning a pension through the Ministry of Defense cannot be used to calculate the insurance pension. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that military pensioners receive insurance pension no fixed payment.

As with “civilians,” in the case when a military pensioner receiving a second (insurance) pension continues to work, this pension recalculated on August 1st annually automatically (no applications for pension recalculation are required to be submitted to the Pension Fund).


It is very important to feel solid ground under your feet - no matter what a person does. And for those who defend the Motherland, who fulfill their duty to it, such confidence is completely necessary.

Despite all the complexity, despite all the nuances that exist in modern legislation relating to the military, this topic can (and most importantly, must) be understood. The state supports military personnel, and indexes pension payments every year and on April 1, 2016, the next indexation took place. Of course, 4% is not what everyone expected, but it’s better than nothing at all, especially considering the current economic realities.

Each of the career military wants to return safe and sound from the battle. But sometimes you have to die. A military contract also involves possible death while performing a task. Anyone who is not ready to give his life for the country should not become a military man.

But a man in uniform is always sure: the state will not leave his family in trouble if something happens to him in the service. The way it is. True, sometimes, if a military man died not in battle, but, for example, from diseases caused by battle wounds or received in service, his relatives have problems in the offices.

For officials, death is a legal concept. The military and his family must prove that military trauma, and not just trauma, is to blame. After all, it’s not just bullets that kill people in uniform. What if a person broke his heart in the service?

A separate problem: when a person dies after serving. The fate of compensation depends on the wording written in the retiree’s file. But the wording sometimes fails. Doctors sometimes like to write something complicated in their reports, from which officials conclude that the injury is not combat, and therefore the disease is ordinary.

Because of this, for example, employees of special-risk units associated with the country’s atomic secrets suffer. As well as liquidators of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. If the expert opinion states that “a radiation-related disease was acquired during the performance of military service duties in connection with direct participation in the actions of special-risk units,” then, as stated in explanatory note, officials do not count this as a military injury.

Therefore, one of the senators submitted to the State Duma draft amendments to the law on monetary allowances for military personnel and the provision of certain benefits. The document addresses uncertainties in understanding war trauma. Any formulations that link illness to service are equated to the concept of military trauma. So widows of unit veterans will not have to waste their time in the offices, proving that their husband’s death was also in combat.

Now, as stated in the explanatory note, a paradoxical situation is being created.

The wording “military injury” is indicated, for example, if a serviceman was bitten by a snake at a training ground. Of course, this is correct: in any case, the person was in the service and suffered. But why do officials stop seeing military trauma in an officer from high-risk units who died shortly after dismissal? Although the doctors definitely said that the disease was earned in the service.

“Moreover, this situation was not created by the legislator,” the explanatory note says, “since the law does not contain any exceptions for any categories of military personnel who performed military service duties in any circumstances, this situation was created by law enforcement officials.” Now the special clarifications proposed in the draft should remove any doubts of officials.

At the same time, the senator emphasizes that the adoption of this amendment will not entail additional costs budget funds, since this draft does not expand the circle of persons covered by this law, but only excludes the possibility of officials unlawfully removing certain persons from its scope.

Let us remind you that according to the law, if a serviceman dies from a military injury within a year after leaving service, his family is entitled to compensation in the amount of three million rubles.

Also, widows of military personnel who died in service have the right to monthly monetary compensation after they reach fifty years of age.

There are two conditions for granting such a pension. First: the woman must be married to the serviceman at the time of his death. That is, if they were married but divorced, the right to a pension is lost. Second: the woman must legally remain a member of the military man’s family. If she remarries, she is legally no longer a family member. The right to a pension is also lost.

If everything matches, the rule works. Pensions are also granted to widows of military personnel who died in Soviet time. Let's say the husband was a young lieutenant in the 80s of the last century, died in a plane crash, his widow is now 55 years old - she will receive a pension. True, if she later had another husband, the pension is no longer due. After all, legally a woman ceases to be a member of a serviceman’s family.