Basic mental functions in childhood. The development of mental functions in preschool age The development of the HPF of children

Egorova Tatyana Anatolyevna
Development mental functions children 6 years old.

Mental functions are formed in children 6 years in the process of learning, joint activities of a child with an adult.

Learning and activity are inseparable, they become a source of development of the child's psyche. How older child, the more activities he masters. Different activities have different impacts on development.

Changes in becoming, occurring on each age stage, due to the leading activity.

In preschool childhood, a long and complex process of mastering speech is completed. The language for the child becomes really native. Developing the sound side of speech, the child ceases to recognize the wrong word, he hears and speaks correctly. By the end of preschool age, the process of phonemic development.

growing lexicon speech. However, some children the stock turns out to be larger, for others it is less, which depends on the conditions of their life, how much close adults communicate with them.

Developing grammatical structure of speech. Children learn the structure of the word and the construction of the phrase. Baby, that's right, catch the meaning "adult words", although he applies them in a peculiar way. The words created by the child himself are always recognizable, sometimes original. Children's ability to independent word formation is called word creation.

Assimilation by the child of the grammatical forms of the language, the acquisition of vocabulary, allows him to move on to contextual speech. The child can already retell a story or a fairy tale, describe a picture, convey his impressions of what he saw.

The use of new forms of speech, the transition to deployed statements are due to new tasks of communication. Full communication with other children gets at this time, it becomes an important factor speech development. Continues develop communication with adults. Dialogues become more complicated, the child learns to ask questions on abstract topics, to think aloud.

Perception in preschool age loses its original effective character, emotional processes are differentiated. Perception becomes meaningful, purposeful, analyzing. It highlights an arbitrary action - observation, consideration, search. significant impact on development Perception is rendered by the fact that the child begins to use the name of qualities, signs. Naming certain properties of objects and phenomena, he singles out these properties for himself; naming objects, he separates them from others, determining their state, connections or actions with them - he sees and understands real relationship between them.

In preschoolers, perception and thinking are closely related, which indicates visual-figurative thinking, which is most characteristic of this age.

main line development thinking - the transition from visual - effective to visual - figurative and at the end of the period - to verbal thinking.

The preschooler thinks figuratively, he has not yet acquired the adult logic of reasoning.

At preschool age, in favorable conditions, when a child solves an understandable, interesting problem, and at the same time observes facts accessible to his understanding, he can reason logically correctly.

Preschool childhood is the age most favorable for memory development.

At younger preschoolers memory is involuntary. In middle age, arbitrary memory begins to form. At the age of six, children are capable of arbitrary memorization, they are able to accept and independently set a task and control its implementation when memorizing both visual and verbal material. It is much easier to remember visual images than verbal reasoning.

At preschool age, memory is included in the process of personality formation.

As you can see, the source mental development child 6 years old becomes learning and activity. Leading activity is due to a change in the formation mental functions and personality of the child occurring at each age stage.

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Development logical thinking This is a very important and necessary process for everyone! Logic, in the form of its simplest forms and techniques, has a high place in preschool system education. Logical thinking is a type of thought process in which a person uses logical constructions and ready-made concepts.

Methodological developments are a systematized lexical and illustrative material that is intended for working with children, both a speech therapist, educators and parents.

This material is used: by a speech therapist teacher and educators for the formation of basic logical techniques; parents when doing homework lexical topics annual plan.

Goal and tasks methodological developments.

Mastering the basic techniques of logical thinking by children is the goal of our methodological developments.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set: 1. To teach: to operate with abstract concepts; reason logically; strictly follow the laws of inexorable logic; flawlessly build causal relationships; compare; generalize and classify; relate objects and phenomena in meaning.

2. Develop: cognitive interest; creative imagination; auditory and visual attention; the ability to argue and prove; put forward hypotheses and make simple logical conclusions; activate the work of fine differentiated movements of the fingers.

3. Educate: communication skills; desire to overcome difficulties; self confidence; independence; perseverance; resourcefulness and ingenuity.

The laboriousness of the work consisted in the selection and development of games, game exercises, practical tasks, in compiling class notes, taking into account all the lexical topics of the annual plan. And also in the selection of picture material, both in color and in black and white.

"The system for the formation of skills and abilities for the development of higher mental functions in preschoolers with general underdevelopment speeches"

The organization of education and upbringing of children with OHP provides for corrective work to overcome speech disorders and work on the development of higher mental functions.

At one time, L.S. Vygotsky noted that "Scientific concepts are not assimilated and not memorized by a child, are not taken by memory, but arise and add up with the help of the tension of all the activity of his own thought."
The complex systematized lexical material that we have developed is designed to help children master the basic logical operations that develop mental capacity children.

Mastering the basic techniques of logical thinking by children is the goal of our methodological developments. Psychological studies devoted to the analysis of the methods and conditions for the development of the child's thinking are unanimous that the methodological guidance of this process is highly effective.

The development of the thinking of a small child begins with the process of dividing the object he perceives - this is one of the earliest forms of synthesis.

Synthesis- provides for a mental connection of the parts of an object into a single whole, taking into account their correct and consistent location in the object.

These are games with split pictures, cubes, puzzles: “Connect all parts of the figure”, “Compose a picture”, “Fold according to the pattern”, etc.
Analysis is a logical technique that consists in dividing an object into separate parts.

The analysis is carried out in order to highlight the features inherent in a given object or group of objects. For example, “Name the parts of the object” (dishes, furniture, vehicles, etc.), “Find the selected fragment”, “Find the corresponding half for each picture”.

Comparison- a relatively simple logical device, but requiring concentration. It provides for the establishment of the similarity or difference of objects on the grounds.

Games: “Compare pictures and find differences”, “Compare two objects and show similarities”, “Find common and show”, etc.

Systematization- bring into the system, arrange objects in a certain order, establish a certain sequence between them. To master the method of systematization, the child must, first of all, be able to distinguish various features of objects, and also to compare different objects according to these features. In other words, he must be able to perform elementary comparison operations.

Games: “Fill in the empty cells”, “Finish what you started” (alternating objects or figures), “What first, what then?”, “Place objects in empty cells so that there are no identical ones”, etc.

Classification- a more complex logical operation, which consists in grouping objects that have common features. This skill is very useful for developing memory and attention.

Games: "Lay it out correctly", "Find the right house for everyone."

Generalization- this is the formulation in verbal (verbal) form of the results of the comparison process.

Games: “Name it in one word”, “Select general concepts each group."

Negation is a logical operation that is performed using "not". The logical link "not" is very important for the development of logical thinking and speech.

Assignment: “Show the ball to Natasha. It is neither round nor oval, neither blue nor red.

Limitation- provides for the isolation of objects from a variety of objects according to a characteristic common feature, quality, property, for example, “Show first insects, then wild animals, and then birds”, “Name only what is made of paper”, “The fourth is extra”, etc. .

Semantic correlations- suggest combining objects in pairs if there is a common feature, for example, “The dog has wool, but the fish ...”, “Tea needs sugar, but soup ...”, etc.

inference- a logical device that reveals causal relationships between the phenomena of the surrounding reality. The game "Finish the phrase", "Finish the sentence", "Think and say." Task: “All birds have feathers, a rooster is a bird, which means ...”, “Which of the two pears will be eaten earlier, and which later?” and etc.

Work on the development of logical thinking makes it possible to form the cognitive abilities of children, creativity, develop the main components of speech activity: vocabulary, grammatical categories, phonemic processes, coherent speech, sensorimotor skills, listening and speaking skills, promotes the inculcation of speech communication culture skills, develops interest to the language.

Sufficient preparedness of mental activity removes
psychological overload in teaching, preserves the health of the child.

Positive dynamics during joint work with parents can be achieved if parents are aware of their role in corrective work and create the necessary conditions to complete and complete homework assignments.

Logical techniques as a means of forming the logical thinking of preschoolers are used in all types of activities. They are used, starting from the first grade, to solve problems, to develop correct conclusions. Now, the value of this kind of knowledge is increasing.

Evidence of this is the growing importance of computer literacy, one of theoretical foundations which is logic. Knowledge of logic contributes to the cultural and intellectual development of the individual.

To implement this task, a material that is multifaceted in its subject matter and designed for an educational-game form of work is required. Teachers usually spend considerable effort to find it. This served as an incentive for the selection and development of games, game exercises, practical tasks in compiling lesson notes, taking into account all the lexical topics of the annual plan. The selected material will help not only to develop logical thinking, but also to form the main components of the speech system at the same time.

The education and development of the child should be easy, carried out through the types of activities characteristic of a particular age and pedagogical means. The game is such a developmental tool for older preschoolers.

It is known that all children love to play, and it depends on the adult how meaningful and useful these games will be. While playing, the child can not only consolidate previously acquired knowledge, but also acquire new skills, abilities, and develop mental abilities. Based on this development, for the development of logical thinking, they provide for the use of a variety of game exercises and didactic games.

Didactic game contributes to the education of children's mental activity, it activates mental processes arouses children's interest in educational activities. She encourages children to overcome the difficulties that have arisen. It develops the abilities and skills of children.

It helps to make the correctional process interesting and exciting, causing deep satisfaction in the child and facilitating the process of assimilation of knowledge.

Along with this, interesting and varied practical tasks were developed on all lexical topics.

Organizing, independent work of children with practical material, we set ourselves the tasks of consolidating and clarifying knowledge, methods of action that are carried out by performing tasks, the content of which reflects close, understandable situations.

Suggested practical tasks, aimed at the ability to reason, compare, analyze, draw the right conclusions, logical conclusions, improve sensorimotor skills.

For example, in a practical task on the topic “Mushrooms”, game exercises are offered:

- “Color the excess”, where the child needs to isolate an object from a variety of objects according to a characteristic feature and paint it over.

- “Cross out neither berries nor leaves, nor flowers or trees”, where the child performs a logical operation - negation, etc.

Accounting psychological characteristics children, the use of a variety of verbal, didactic games, tasks and exercises makes it possible to achieve efficiency in corrective work on the development of both logical thinking and the main components of speech activity.

A clearly defined goal helps to outline specific tasks that make it possible to purposefully build all the work on this problem.

Planning allows you to rationally distribute the developed material throughout the year, consolidate knowledge on lexical topics in a timely manner, and avoid overload.

When planning, the relationship between the various sections of work with children was taken into account, ensuring unity, systematicity and consistency in work.

The use of entertaining visual material in working with preschoolers is one of the main guarantees of successful education for children.

It is known that visualization activates children and serves as a support for arbitrary memory. In their developments, much attention was paid to illustrative and pictorial material, which helps to attract the attention of children, increases the volume of the dictionary, develops visual-figurative thinking, which, in turn, stimulates cognitive activity child.

The developed manuals and educational games on this topic are presented by illustrative tasks of a creative nature, aimed at:

  • to equip children with key competencies necessary for independent solution of new issues, new educational and practical tasks;
  • to instill in children independence, initiative, a sense of responsibility and perseverance in overcoming difficulties;
  • purposefully develop the ability to observe and compare, highlight the common, distinguish the main from the secondary;
  • build simple hypotheses and test them;
  • develop the ability to generalize and the ability to effectively apply the acquired knowledge;
  • find and highlight causal relationships between the phenomena of the surrounding reality;
  • develop decision making skills logical tasks to search for patterns, comparison and classification, reasoning and inference;
  • develop the ability to describe the characteristic properties of an object, find and explain the similarities and differences of objects, justifying your answer;
  • develop Creative skills: be able to independently come up with a sequence containing some regularity;
  • develop visually - figurative, verbal-logical and emotional memory;
  • develop visual and auditory attention;
  • develop sensorimotor skills;
  • stimulate the cognitive activity of children.

Conclusion: the development of logical thinking, the ability to systematize, compare, generalize, classify, reason, make simple conclusions develop as intellectual ability child, and personal qualities and play an important role in the success mental development and subsequent schooling.

Diagnosis of the development of logical thinking in preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech

Based on the manual by Sokolova Yu.A., a diagnostic toolkit was made, covering all aspects of logical techniques. Each technique is represented by a variety of tasks that reveal the essence of this logical technique.

For example, during the diagnosis of a logical device - comparison, children are offered the following tasks:

1. "Compare objects with each other (cupboard and refrigerator, apple and ball, bird and plane)."

2. “What geometric shapes do these objects look like? (alarm clock, sailboat, beetle, book, painting, spinning top)”.

3. "Which of these shadows is the shadow of the elephant that is drawn in the frame?"

4. "Find and name the differences in two pictures."

Diagnostics is carried out in order to:

  • determining the level of speech development of the child;
  • checking the success of mastering the program material;
  • isolating the problem that has arisen;
  • identifying the cause of its occurrence;
  • finding the best ways to solve the problem;
  • determination of the child's reserve capabilities, which can be relied upon in the course of correctional work;
  • determining the activity of parents in correctional work.

Diagnostics is carried out with the help of entrance and exit tests, control and training sessions at the beginning and at the end of the academic year.


  • children have learned to build causal relationships;
  • mastered the techniques of semantic correlations and restrictions;
  • practically without mistakes they learned to compare, generalize and classify objects and phenomena;
  • the ability to make correct conclusions and reasoning has been formed;
  • significantly increased auditory and visual attention;
  • conditions have been formed for improving visual and auditory attention;
  • increased motivation for the learning process.

Cherenkova M.A.,
teacher speech therapist

The mental development of a child is a very complex, delicate and lengthy process, which is influenced by many factors. An idea of ​​how this or that stage goes will help you not only better understand your child, but also notice developmental delays in time and take appropriate measures.

The generally accepted periodization of the development of the child's psyche was developed by the Soviet psychologist Daniil Borisovich Elkonin. Even if you have never come across his works, this system is familiar to you: annotations to children's publications often indicate that this is a work "for preschool age" or "for younger students."

Elkonin's system describes the mental development of a child from infancy to 15 years old, however, in some of his works the age of 17 years is indicated.

According to the scientist, the characteristics of each stage of development is determined by the leading activity of the child at a particular age, within which certain mental neoplasms appear.

1. Infancy

This stage covers the period from birth to a year. The leading activity of the baby is communication with significant figures, that is, adults. Mostly mom and dad. He learns to interact with others, express his desires and respond to stimuli in ways available to him - intonation, individual sounds, gestures, facial expressions. The main goal of cognitive activity is the knowledge of relationships.

The task of parents is to teach the baby to “communicate” with the outside world as soon as possible. Games will help in this for the development of large and fine motor skills, formation colors. Among toys, there must be objects of various colors, sizes, shapes, textures. Up to a year, the child does not experience any experiences other than natural ones: hunger, pain, cold, thirst, and is not able to learn the rules.

2. Early childhood

It lasts from 1 year to 3 years. Manipulative-objective activity acts as the leading one. The child discovers many objects around him and seeks to explore them as soon as possible - to taste, break, etc. He learns their names and makes the first attempts to take part in the conversation of adults.

Mental neoplasms- this is speech and visual-effective thinking, that is, in order to learn something, he needs to see how one of the elders performs this action. It is noteworthy that at first, on their own, without the participation of mom or dad, the child will not play.

Features of the early childhood stage:

  1. comprehension of the names and purpose of objects, mastering the correct manipulation of a particular object;
  2. mastering the established rules;
  3. the beginning of awareness of one's own "I";
  4. the beginning of the formation of self-esteem;
  5. the gradual separation of their actions from the actions of adults and the need for independence.

Early childhood often ends with the so-called crisis of 3 years, when the child sees pleasure in disobedience, becomes stubborn, literally rebels against the established rules, sharp negative reactions etc.

3. Preschool age

This stage begins at age 3 and ends at age 7. The leading activity among preschoolers is a game, more precisely, a plot-role-playing game, during which children learn relationships and consequences. The personal sphere of the psyche is actively developing. Age-related neoplasms are a need for social significance and activity.

The child knows how to move independently, his speech is understandable to adults, and often he feels like a full-fledged participant in communication.

  1. He understands that all actions and deeds have a specific semantic load. When teaching, for example, the rules of hygiene, explain why this is necessary.
  2. Most effective method Assimilation of information is a game, so you need to play role-playing games every day. Games should not use real objects, but their substitutes - the simpler, the better for the development of abstract thinking.
  3. A preschooler experiences an urgent need to communicate with peers, learns to interact with them.

Toward the end of the stage, the child gradually gains independence, knows how to determine a cause-and-effect relationship, is able to take responsibility for his actions, and obeys the rules if he sees their reasonableness. He learns good habits, rules of politeness, norms of relationships with others, strives to be useful, willingly makes contact.

4. Junior school age

This stage lasts from 7 to 11 years and is associated with significant changes in the life and behavior of the child. He goes to school and play activity replaced by training. The intellectual and cognitive sphere is actively developing. Age mental neoplasms: arbitrariness, internal action plan, reflection and self-control.

What does it mean?

  • He is able to concentrate for a long time on a specific lesson: to sit quietly at a desk and listen to the teacher's explanations.
  • Knows how to plan, perform tasks in a certain sequence, for example, when doing homework.
  • He defines the boundaries of his knowledge and reveals the reason why, for example, he cannot solve the problem, what exactly is missing for this.
  • The child learns to control his actions, for example, first do homework, then go for a walk.
  • He experiences discomfort from the fact that an adult (teacher) cannot give the amount of attention in which he is used to receiving it at home.

A younger student can more or less accurately assess the changes that have taken place with his personality: what he knew before and what he can now, learns to build relationships in a new team, obey school discipline.

The main task of parents during this period is to emotionally support the child, carefully monitor his mood, feelings, help find new friends among classmates.

5. Adolescence

This is the “transitional age”, which lasts from 11 to 15 years and the onset of which all parents are waiting with horror. The leading activity is communication with peers, the desire to find one's place in the group, get its support and at the same time stand out from the crowd. The need-motivational sphere of the psyche is mainly developing. Mental neoplasms - self-esteem, the desire for "adulthood".

A teenager is torn between the desire to grow up as soon as possible and to maintain a certain impunity for as long as possible, to relieve himself of responsibility for his actions. He learns the system of relations between the sexes, tries to build his own, rebels against prohibitions and constantly breaks the rules, fiercely defends his point of view, looks for his place in the world and at the same time surprisingly easily falls under the influence of others.

Some guys, on the contrary, go headlong into their studies, their transitional age is, as it were, “transferred” to a later time, for example, they may well start their rebellion even after graduation.

Standing in front of parents not an easy task- find mutual language with a teenager to protect him from rash acts.

6. Adolescence

Some psychologists distinguish another stage in the development of the psyche - this adolescence, from 15 to 17 years. Educational and professional activity becomes the leader. The personal and cognitive spheres are developing. During this period, a teenager grows up sharply, his decisions become more balanced, he begins to think about the future, in particular, about choosing a profession.

It is difficult to grow up at any age - at 3 years old, and at 7, and at 15 years old. Parents should be well aware of the mental development your child and help him safely overcome all age-related crises, direct the formation of his character and personality in the right direction.

Topic 7 "Mental development of a child of preschool age."


1. Social situation of development. The main neoplasms of the preschooler.

2. The game is the leading activity of preschool children.

3. Development of the personality of a preschooler.

5. Development of mental functions of a preschool child.

6. Psychological readiness of the child for school.

I. The social situation of development. The main neoplasms of the preschooler.Preschool age is the age from 3 to 6-7 years. A preschooler has a circle of elementary responsibilities: on the one hand, under the guidance of an adult who creates conditions and teaches, and on the other hand, under the influence of a "children's society". Preschoolers communicate with each other, act together, in the process of this activity their public opinion. Cooperative activity is replaced by the independent implementation of the instructions of an adult. An adult in this period is very authoritative.

The preschooler's own internal position in relation to other people is characterized by: awareness of one's own "I", awareness of one's behavior and interest in the world of adults. The social situation of development is expressed in communication, in all types of activities, and above all, in a plot-role-playing game.

The main neoplasms of this age are:

1. the formation of a hierarchy of motives for activity, the subordination of motives;

2. the emergence of a need for socially significant activities;

3. the development of visual-figurative thinking.

II. The game is the leading activity of preschool children. The leading activity of a preschooler is a game. The significance of the game in the mental development of the child is as follows:

1. individual mental processes are formed and developed in the game (creative imagination, arbitrary memory, thinking, etc.);

2. the position of the child in relation to the outside world changes;

3. in the game, the motivational-need sphere of the child develops: new motives for activity and goals associated with them arise;

4. the use of a role by the child makes it possible to focus on peers and coordinate actions with them;

5. the presence of a pattern of behavior develops the arbitrariness of mental functions;

6. the ability to empathize develops, and collectivistic qualities are formed;

7. the need for recognition (status role) and the implementation of self-knowledge, reflection is satisfied;

8. game is school social relations in which forms of behavior are modeled.

Components role-playing game: a plot that happens: public and everyday; content; game time; rules of the game; roles: emotionally attractive (mother, doctor, captain); significant for the game, but unattractive for the child (principal of the school); game actions; game material; relations of children in the game: real and role-playing.

III. The development of the personality of a preschooler. Preschool childhood is the period of the initial actual folding of the personality, the period of development of personal mechanisms of behavior that are associated with the formation of the motivational sphere of the child. The main motives of a preschooler are:

1. game motive;

2. the motive of interest in the life of an adult;

3. motive is a claim to recognition by an adult;

4. motive claim to recognition from a peer;

5. competitive motive, in which the child tries to achieve better success than his friends;

6. the motive of pride, in which the child strives to be like everyone else, and a little bit better;

7. cognitive motive, which is actively developing by the age of 6;

8. motive of fear.

At preschool age, the subordination of motives develops - this is the main neoplasm of preschool age. Subordination of motives is the ability to subordinate personal motives to social requirements. The appearance of subordination of motives is the first sign of the development of the will. The child begins to control his behavior, restrain his desires, he becomes more attentive, his actions become more purposeful.

At preschool age emotional sphere undergoes significant changes:

1. an increase in the depth and stability of feelings: attachment, friendship appear, the child begins to appreciate another person for permanent qualities;

2. higher feelings develop: intellectual, aesthetic, moral:

3. children's fears develop, which appear first for themselves (afraid of the dark), then for other people;

4. the child learns the norms for the manifestation of emotions and feelings, learns to control his behavior, loses "childish spontaneity".

self-awareness is the ability to evaluate oneself as a separate, unique, inimitable person. Even at the age of 2-3 years, the child separates himself from other people, realizes his own capabilities. This is especially clearly manifested towards the end of the senior preschool age, when the discovery of one's inner life takes place and self-consciousness develops.

Self-awareness is expressed in self-esteem. Self-esteem of a preschooler is formed: on the one hand, under the influence of the praise of an adult, his assessment of the achievements of the child, and on the other hand, under the influence of a sense of independence and success that the child experiences in different types activities. Self-assessment criteria depend on the adult, the adopted system educational work. The child earlier realizes those qualities, features of behavior that are most often evaluated by an adult, regardless of how the adult does it: with a word, gesture, facial expressions, smile.

IV. Directions for the development of speech of preschool children. The main directions in the development of speech are:

1. increase in vocabulary, it becomes three times larger; by the age of 7, a child learns about 4-4.5 thousand words. This increase is carried out at the expense of all parts of speech. At the same time, children often use words whose meanings they do not understand (for example, I will ignore the hat in the closet). Children begin to explain the etymology of words; use suffixes. At preschool age, a “linguistic instinct” develops, in which the child begins to invent new words, explain the meaning of old words, change the sound of known ones (for example, a jellyfish is a jar of honey). Preschoolers there is a sense of rhythm. They often double declension occurs, in which children begin to change the word depending on how it was pronounced in its original form, this feature disappears with age (for example, a large crocodile walked around the city).

2. development of the grammatical structure of speech. preschoolers begin to learn the elements of literacy: learn the vocabulary of the sentence, the sound composition of the word, and the fact that the word consists of individual syllables.

3. development of speech functions:

a) communicative function, which serves as a means of communication: - situational, contextual speech, explanatory;

b) intellectual function, which shows the connection between thinking and speech: planning function, sign function, generalizing function.

V. The development of mental functions of a child of preschool age.

1. Memory: the main type of memory of a preschooler is involuntary memory. By the age of 6, a child has a long-term memory, but short term memory; visual, motor memory is developed, edeic memory is bright, figurative.

2. Perception becomes multifaceted, apperception begins to develop; perception becomes meaningful, purposeful, analyzing.

3. Thinking. The leading type of thinking is visual-figurative, the abstract is born; thinking is concrete, merged with the situation; children begin to establish causal relationships; the stock of knowledge increases, ideas expand; mental operations develop: analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison; children begin to experiment, on the basis of which creative, independent thinking develops; experimentation is an indicator of the inquisitiveness of the mind.

4. Attention. The main type of attention is involuntary; by the age of 7, the selectivity of attention is well developed; concentration is preferred; attention switching is developed, there is no distribution of attention; stability of attention by the end of preschool age is 30 minutes; the amount of attention is one subject.

5. Imagination. The latest cognitive process, it is poorer than that of an adult, the main type of imagination is recreative imagination.

VI. Psychological readiness of the child for school. The main symptoms of the crisis of seven years. The readiness of the child to study at school is one of the most important outcomes of mental development in the period preschool childhood and the key to success in school. Psychologists distinguish the following types of readiness for schooling:

1. physical readiness: the child must be morphologically and physiologically ready for schooling; the child must be physically healthy; development of analyzer systems; development of small muscle groups; development of basic movements: running, jumping;

2. special readiness: the child must have the necessary level of development of mental phenomena; ability to read; the ability to count; ability to write;

3. psychological readiness:

Intellectual readiness, which includes: readiness to acquire a certain outlook, a stock of specific knowledge; in understanding the general patterns underlying scientific knowledge; in the development of all cognitive processes, speech.

Personal and socio-psychological readiness includes the formation of a child's readiness to accept a new social position of a student who has a range of important duties and rights, a new position in society. This readiness is expressed in the child's attitude to the teacher, to classmates, to himself.

Emotional-volitional readiness: the child's emotional readiness for school involves: joyful expectation of the beginning of schooling; rather subtly developed higher senses; formed emotional properties of the personality: the ability to empathize, sympathize. Volitional readiness is in the ability of a child to work hard, to do what his studies require of him, the mode of school life. The child must be able to control his behavior, mental activity.

Related report:

"Development of speech and higher mental functions in preschool children".

Speech therapist at secondary school No. 22 SUIOP Rodina L.S.

What is the job of a speech pathologist?

A speech therapist is engaged in the development of speech, correction of sound pronunciation, as well as the development of HMF: memory, attention, thinking, perception.

Today we will talk about speech development children.

Our children are sometimes called inquisitive explorers. They begin to receive information immediately after their birth. The child acquires speech through hearing. First, he understands the speech addressed to him, and then begins to speak himself. That is, speech appears through self-learning, and not imitation.

At the age of 2 to 6 years, the process of cognition and learning proceeds rapidly. Watching your child, you see that he is interested in absolutely everything in the world: what a cup is made of, how a light bulb is arranged (this is especially true for boys), why water freezes in winter and not in summer. The child constantly asks us questions: “Why?, Why?”, “Why?”, Thus, he learns the world around him.

By the time a child is about to go to school, his brain is already assimilating so much information about himself, his family, the world around us that we adults are not even aware of.

When talking with a child, you need to pay attention to your own speech: it should be clear and intelligible. According to the outstanding psychologist Anatoly Alexandrovich Leontiev, the vocabulary of 6 summer child reaches 7000 words. In a conversation, the child must use complex sentences that include more than 5 words.

At the age of six, children basically complete the stage of assimilation of the grammatical system of the language.

What should a child at the age of 6 know?

  • The child must correctly answer the questions: “What is this?”, “Who is this?”,
  • form the plural of nouns: "berry-berries"; " sock - socks”,“ mouth-mouths ”,“ ear-ears ”;
  • general concepts. For example, “giraffe, lion, camel, zebra are wild animals”;
  • the formation of new words with the help of diminutive suffixes: “table-table”, “chair-high chair”;
  • the formation of new words with the help of magnifying suffixes: “hand-hand”, “wolf-wolf”;
  • the formation of new words with the help of affectionate suffixes: “cat-cat”, “hare-hare”;
  • the name of the cubs of animals: “a pig has a piglet, a frog has a frog, an owl has an owlet, an eagle has an eagle”, a horse has a foal;
  • education name of objects: “Bread is in the breadbasket, sugar is in the sugar bowl, sweets are in the candy bowl”;
  • the formation of related words: "goat - goat - kid";
  • agreement of nouns with nouns: "1 bird, 2 birds, 5 birds";
  • the ratio of the whole and its parts: “teapot: spout, handle, lid, bottom”;
  • knowledge of prepositions (the pen lies on the notebook, under, above, on the right, on the left, in);
  • choose the right verbs (for example, shout, speak, whisper, sing);
  • verbs formed in an onomatopoeic way (a mosquito squeaks, a frog croaks, a cow mooes, a chicken cackles, a goat bleats, a horse neighs, a goose cackles);
  • the formation of relative adjectives: wool jacket - wool jacket, leather shoes - leather shoes;
  • the shape of the object: “the watermelon is round, and the egg is oval, the cube is square, and the roof is triangular”;
  • the taste of the subject: "lemon is sour, but the cake is sweet";
  • item size: “the tree is tall and the bush is short. The giraffe has a long neck, while the dog has a short one”;
  • object speed: “the hare runs fast, and the turtle runs slowly”;
  • characteristic features of the subject: "the lion is brave, and the hare is cowardly";
  • weight of the item: “the suitcase is heavy, but the ball is light”;
  • the formation of possessive adjectives: “a cat has a cat’s tail, a goat has goat hair”;
  • agreement of adjectives with nouns: “green crocodile, Christmas tree, bucket, cucumbers”;
  • selection of words with the opposite meaning (antonyms): "Sad - rejoice, slow - fast";
  • selection of words close in meaning (synonyms): “blizzard, blizzard, blizzard, snowstorm, blizzard”;
  • polysemy of words: “a needle can be sewing, a hedgehog, a spruce, a syringe”;
  • figurative meaning of the words: “golden hands - a skilled, hard-working person. Chatty, like a magpie - a talkative woman, talkative”;
  • the origin of the words: “snowdrop is the first spring Flower that emerges from under the snow. Boletus is a mushroom that grows under a birch.

With this knowledge, the child will give an excellent result and help prevent problems with school performance.

In order to prevent difficulties during education in the primary grades, it is necessary to develop the speech of the child at preschool age.

  1. Galina Petrovna Shalaeva "Native speech", "Entertaining grammar", "Entertaining arithmetic".
  2. Irina Viktorovna Skvortsova "Speech therapy games".
  3. Victoria Semyonovna "Album on the development of speech."

In parallel with the development of speech, the child develops HMF: memory, thinking, perception, attention - these are the foundations on which speech is built.

Thinking subdivided into:

  • visual-figurative,
  • visually effective,
  • Verbal-logical.

For check visual-figurative thinkingthe child is offered to collect puzzles.

Visual Action Thinkingcharacterized by the assembly of the pyramid.

Verbal-logical thinking. Pictures of one story are laid out in front of the child, but not sequentially. The task of the child: to decompose sequentially and compose a story (cards No. 5).

Perception subdivided into:

  • visual,
  • auditory,
  • spatial,
  • Temporary.

Examining visual perceptionthe child is invited to correct the mistake made by the artist (“Zabymat. Grammar”, p. 11).

auditory perceptionchecked by a rhythmic pattern: / // ///.

Spatial- draw a circle, and invite the child to finish drawing something to get a picture.

Temporary checked by questions like: “What happened before winter?”, “What comes after the night?”. "Name Thursday's neighbors."

In order for the child to remember the days of the week, I advise you to purchase a wall calendar.

Memory subdivided into:

  • Hearing speech,
  • visual,
  • Tactile and motor.

Auditory memory.The child is asked to listen to 10 one-two-syllable words, and then play them in any order.

Visual memory. 6 numbers (letters) are laid out in front of the child. After 15 seconds, the numbers (letters) are removed, and the child writes the numbers (letters) in order.

Tactile and motorcheck by conducting the game "Magic bag".

To test your child's attention and memory, ask questions such as:

Say your name.

State your last name.

State your first and last name.

State your first and last name.

And in conclusion, I want to recall the well-known words: “We all come from childhood” and wish you, parents, patience in joint painstaking work with a specialist in overcoming certain problems in a child for the benefit of his future life.