Original ideas for a children's birthday. How to organize a children's party: ideas and tips. Children holidays. Organization of children's parties

DIY children's party

For babies and preschoolers

Idea No. 1. Teddy Bear (Teddy Bear Holiday)

I recently asked my (now quite old) children, which of the holidays organized on the occasion of their birthday did they remember most? And do you know what my daughter answered me? A birthday party dedicated to her favorite teddy bear! Yes, indeed, everyone around was touched by this fabulous friendship... They slept together, ate, were afraid of the dark, shared secrets... Watch your child. If your nursery has a true friend made of plush - feel free to take on the implementation of this idea!

I organized a “Teddy Bear Party” when my little one had huge brown eyes turned three. I remember that we then asked all the guests to bring their favorite bear cubs (or other plush friends for whom they had sincere childhood tenderness).

We had a picnic, spreading bright blankets on the green grass.

Each guest and his bear had their own island - a “house”. I gave the children the opportunity to improvise. They went to “visit” each other, introduced the cubs and started conversations on behalf of their pets.

And then we had a competition. I placed a basket of doll clothes in front of the children and said “March!” It was necessary to dress up your bear in new clothes as quickly as possible and tell others why his bear was the most beautiful.

And our kids also tried to take honey from paper bees (I drew them, and dad flew them like kites - it was very exciting and fun), tied cute bows to a bear cut out of cardboard, blindfolded (the good old game still comes from my childhood remains relevant!), engaged in real creativity - decorated with rhinestones and beads Carnival masks cubs.

And to end the holiday, I treated my little guests to cookies, rubber bears (oh, there were plenty of them!) and a gorgeous cake with three candles!

And as a gift, to remember our holiday, all the guests found new plush friends!

The kids received 2 hours of real, continuous, indescribable delight! And their parents (that is, us) are an absolutely digestible account:

Free Teddy Bears ($5 each, for 10 guests) = 50 $

Small expenses for paper props, rhinestones and beads - 7 $

Cake, cookies and gelatin bears - 20 $

Grand total: 77 $

If you know how to bake cakes yourself, it will be even cheaper!

Idea No. 2. Land of fairy tales

As they say, everything ingenious is completely simple! This holiday, as for me, is the pinnacle of genius! All guests were then asked to come to the party dressed as characters from their favorite fairy tales. At this point the mothers turned around (after all, it’s not so often in modern system education, you will see real costume balls, so mothers miss their bright childhood). At the festival there were princes and princesses, foxes and bunnies, and heroes of modern fairy tales - dragons, Minnie Mouse, Batman.

I personally really liked the costume of one girl whose mom has a super creative mind. Meet Pippi Longstocking in a new way.

When all the children gathered, the real masquerade ball began! To get acquainted, the birthday boy’s mother arranged a literary test: “22 questions for the hero.” Remembering the plots of their favorite fairy tales, which they had long ago learned by heart, the children got to know each other, learned the characters of the characters who are now included in one “Fairytale Collection”.

By the way, they tried to write their favorite book of fairy tales, in which there would be a place for each character of the party, right there, at the holiday. Each guest came up with his own role and lines. The result was a real improvised theater in which ancient fairy tales intertwined with modern ones in unexpected, fantastic plot twists.

Only children can come up with this!

And then - a new fairy tale recorded, illustrated with their own pictures and photos in costumes. And... everyone together drew a bright cover for it, leaving a footprint on the avenue of stars!

And then everyone ate the original, also fabulous, cake and drank chocolate milkshakes!

In memory of such a holiday, children will remember their first theatrical experience and the first book created with their own hands! Well, parents, as usual, will calculate their expenses with no less pleasure:

Stationery: 25 $

Books as a gift: 15 $

Cake and cocktail: 20 $

Grand total: 60 $

For children of primary school age

Idea No. 3. Chocolate party

All children at all times loved chocolate! As a child, for example, I could watch a piece melt in the sun for a long time, and I would draw fancy pictures with it. chocolate flowers and each time I was surprised by the new taste sensations presented by the slightly bitter delicacy. My daughter inherited this love from me. Therefore, I decided to give her and her sweet-toothed friends a real chocolate holiday for a decade, where they could not only try different types of chocolate, but also create a new chocolate masterpiece with my own hands.

Well, by sending children's chocolate art to harden in the freezer, you can organize a variety of chocolate competitions. For example, who will be the first to eat chocolate potatoes without using their hands, or who will be the first to recognize the type of chocolate blindfolded, trusting only their own taste sensations.

A chocolate party is that rare holiday idea when the game becomes an immediate treat. To add to the chocolate masterpieces created with your own hands, we recommend a simple chocolate cake (baked personally on the eve of the holiday) and a chocolate milkshake.

Chocolate: 25 $

Shapes, caramel, spices: 15 $

Shapes, caramel, spices: 5 $

Total: 45 $

Idea No. 4. Big carnival

A children's birthday in the form of a carnival is also an excellent opportunity for all family members, not only the birthday boy, but also those invited, to show their creative potential. Firstly, in the matter of creating unique costumes.

And secondly, in arranging the playing space, selecting musical accompaniment (after all, a carnival involves a lot of outdoor games and dancing) and preparation entertainment program. Stop! Don't rush to get scared! It’s only at first glance that everything seems too complicated! In fact, it's simple! For example, you can decorate a room or a corner in the yard (if there is one and summer is on the calendar) with these colorful ribbon garlands of letters (which during the holiday can be safely turned into a word game) and a bright beach umbrella (under which all participants will feel comfortable celebrations for festive treats).

As for the entertainment program, pick up a few simple competitions, such as musical chairs, ring throwing or bowling.

Summary: What to do with children at a children's party or birthday? Party games for children's parties. Scenarios for children's parties. How to celebrate a child's birthday. Competitions and quizzes for birthdays and children's party.

Many parents believe that it is easier for their children to get involved in a game when there is a friend nearby. However, when there is not just one friend, but many of them, and suddenly it turns out that there is a whole company in front of you, it happens that even quite experienced, reasonable parents fall into panic.

Whether you have to save the neighbor's kids from the rain, or you have specially invited the children - whether they are your child's usual playmates, or birthday guests, or random friends - in this article you will find a selection of a wide variety of activities designed to entertain this team. Have fun yourself by observing how different children are, even of the same age, and listen to what they talk about among themselves.

Don't forget that children have short attention spans and cannot sit in one place for a long time. However, in order not to overload children with overactivity, try to plan activities so that games that require a lot of energy alternate with calm ones. And if it turns out that some game does not work, leave it. Don't force a child who comes to visit you to do something just because you think it's a good idea. In each group of children, children have different levels of development. Some of them can remain interested in the proposed activities for a long time, while others quickly become restless. Give them the opportunity to be alone and do something else.

If you invite guests for your child, then structure their entertainment program in such a way that it is not overloaded and the children do not become overexcited. One mother we know determined the number of guests based on the age of her child. However, sometimes it seems more appropriate to invite the whole class so that no one feels offended. If a lot of children come, you can pre-arrange the time of their stay. One and a half to two hours is enough for young children to spend festive time together. When a group of children gathers, you need to try to make them have fun. For your child, this is a chance to become a star for a while, the center of attention. On his birthday, he feels like the most important person, gets the biggest piece of cake and sits on the most beautiful chair.

Of course, you shouldn't forget about politeness, but other children will get theirs when their day comes. If you are too worried and anxious, your child may also become nervous and feel un-festive. It does not matter at all whether the rules of the game are fully followed, whether the entire program is completed, or whether something planned did not take place. If there is no chaos or quarrels, and the children are really passionate about something, we can assume that the children's party went well.

Look like a star

Encourage your child to go to a baby shower dressed as their favorite star. Of course, you can simply dress your child beautifully, or you can dress him up like a rock star, a movie star, a TV or sports star. If you are throwing a party, then stick to the chosen theme - with appropriate decorations on the table, posters, videos, music and games. For example, you can organize a parade of stars so that dressed-up children march in a circle to cheerful music. You may want to take a snapshot of each star so the kids can place their star photo in a homemade gold-edged frame. You can also choose in advance different clothes and other props for such a holiday and put them in a box so that the children at the holiday can choose their own “star” outfit - long capes, hats, feathers, any pieces of material and other things. While the kids are working on their costumes, you can help them paint their faces.

Celebration with pizza

Food is the main pleasure of the holiday, so make it the central event. Invite your child's friends over for pizza, pie, or ice cream dessert.

Whatever the main dish turns out to be, the cream is always a success. It's not a bad idea if you prepare a dessert with several varieties of ice cream so that the children can choose. Let your guests feel like gourmets for the evening, and let your daughter choose the type of ice cream herself.

"Ha ha ha"

This is a very simple game and, most importantly, no one loses at it. The players' task is not to laugh. Children sit down or stand in a circle, and one of the players says as seriously as possible: “Ha!” The next one says: “Ha-ha!”, the third: “Ha-ha-ha!”, and so on. Anyone who says the wrong number of “Has” or laughs is out of the game. The game continues, and those who dropped out try to do everything to make the remaining players in the circle laugh (just without touching them). Whoever laughs last wins.

Birthday song

When guests come to someone's birthday party, they always sing a song for the birthday person. For example, “The Song of Crocodile Gena,” which begins with the words: Let the pedestrians run clumsily...” Show how this song would sound if you came to congratulate the birthday boy...

Choir kindergarten,
- choir of the armored division,
- choir labor veterans,
- Theological Seminary Choir.

Whose ball is bigger?

Participants receive air balloons and on command they begin to inflate them with their mouths. The one whose ball bursts is out of the game. The one who inflates the largest balloon wins.

"Fish", "beast", "bird"

The players sit on the sides of the room. They choose a driver. He walks past them, repeating three words: "Fish", "beast", "bird...". Suddenly stopping in front of someone, he pronounces one of these words loudly, for example, “bird.” The player must immediately name a bird. You cannot hesitate and name those fish, animals, birds that someone has already named. The one who was gape or answered incorrectly pays a forfeit, and then “redeems” him (reads poetry, sings a song, dances, shows tricks, etc.).

"Magic Box"

Take a small box and place a toy or other prize in it. Place this box in a larger box, and put the larger box in one that is even larger. The greater the number of boxes, the more interesting it is to play. Children sit in a circle and pass the box to each other, while music plays. When the music has stopped, the one who has the magic box in his hands opens one of them, the first one. The player who is lucky and opens the last box with a prize takes the prize for himself.

Make a movie

Organize a children's party with video filming. Depending on the number of children, divide them into groups of four to six; Instruct each group to write a script and assign roles for the upcoming shooting.

We advise you to have on hand plenty of rags suitable for changing clothes: old hats, long scarves or scraps of fabric, leftovers carnival costumes and a whole staff of “animals”. Brooms and shaving brushes may come in handy.

Give the children fifteen to twenty minutes to prepare. Then have each group take turns putting on a performance for the others while you film. You can show a movie over dessert (and if you don't have a camera, forget about these video tips of ours and call the show theater).

Commercial approach

You can offer a more condensed and shorter version of this game. Each group prepares a script at home, and then let the children “film” the advertisement.

Concert hour

If the children in your group are large enough, consider organizing a concert. Let them decide for themselves where the stage will be set up and what kind of curtain to make, help everyone come up with a number. Some children love a solo performance - to sing a song, dance, read a riddle or some funny story. Other group performances include juggling balls as a team, performing something funny, or singing together. You can take part in this concert as an entertainer, announcing each number and calling on the audience to applaud the performers in a friendly manner.


The more children participate in this game, the better. Line up your team in single file and have each child hold onto the elbows of the person in front. The first child will be a driver. He is driving the train. When the train starts moving, the driver honks "Oooh." When it blows two whistles, the train must stop. The driver also decides which way the train will go and how it will go - by jumping on two or one leg, running or something else. Children can take turns being drivers. If the group of children is large enough, it is better to make two trains.

Freeze and die

Let the children run around the yard or room. Tell them to all move in some way: jumping, bending, hopping on one leg, pushing each other, etc. They need to continue their movements until you shout: “Freeze!” Children must freeze and stand still until you give the command: “Down!” To maintain interest in the game, shout your “Freeze!” at different intervals. If one of the children cannot withstand the state of immobility, do not exclude him from the game, just observe how many children withstand all the “freeze” signals; maybe all but one or two survive.

Fun competitions

If you have a group of children, organize unusual competitions. For example, you can organize “elephant races” (children will stomp like elephants and wave their arms like a trunk) or a competition, jumping like a kangaroo, moving like a turtle (on all fours, as if they have a shell on their back), or you can run backwards or in a “team” of two. Let the children try to come up with options for such competitions themselves.

Siamese twins

Be Siamese twins It’s very difficult, because there are only two hands for two people. Try to see this for yourself: hug a friend so that the right hand of one and the other are free. left hand another, and in this position, follow these steps:

Thread the needle;
- light the candle using matches;
- cut a circle out of paper with scissors;
- tie the lace on the shoe;
- lock the refill in the ballpoint pen.

Rope barriers

Here easy way Organize a fun skill game. On an area covered with soft grass, place two chairs or two other fairly stable objects and tie a rope to them so that it hangs freely between them a few centimeters from the ground. Let the children imagine themselves as racehorses and jump over the obstacle. They must jump over the rope without touching it.

You can increase the height by placing the chairs further apart. When the rope is hanging too high and it is difficult for the child to jump over it, have him try to crawl under the rope without touching it. Pull up the chairs closer friend to a friend, and the rope will be lower. Let the children decide whether they want to jump over the rope or crawl under it.

Who is stronger?

Take a strong rope and tie its ends with a strong knot. You will end up with a large rope ring. Two competitors, being inside the rope ring, stretch it in different directions, placing the rope under the shoulder blades and grabbing it with both hands. A line is drawn between them. At the signal, both, backing away, try to pull each other over the line.

Defeat three

Two ropes of 2.5-3 meters, identical in size and thickness, are tied in the middle so as to obtain four identical ends. Four guys compete, each takes his own end of the rope, pulls it, it turns out to be a “cross”. About two meters from each player, a prize is placed on the floor. On command, participants pull on their end of the rope, trying to be the first to grab the prize.

Children's holiday with "Olympic competitions"

On birthdays for older children, you can play “stations.” To do this, organize several adults to help you, each of whom, sitting at some distance from each other, should be a “station” where the child needs to demonstrate some of his abilities. Give each child a scoring card and have them go from station to station to score points for completing the task. different tasks. Most of the tasks will likely require physical dexterity, but it's good to include challenges that require focused attention. Points must be awarded for both participation and victories; Naturally, the level of rewards should be different.

"Hunting" for a coin

Take a few small coins and scatter them around the yard or, if for some reason it is more convenient, in the house. Depending on the age of the children, you can hide the coins in places that are more or less difficult to find. Give children some time during which they have the opportunity to “hunt” for coins. Allow them to keep the coins they find.

For older children, you can tell how many coins are hidden. Let them count how many coins they have already found and continue the “hunt” until they have found them all.

Seek - you will find

Children choose a driver. They show him an object that he will have to look for. When the driver leaves the room, the guys hide the object. After this the driver is called. Children perform some song. When the leader approaches the hidden object, the children sing louder, and when he moves away, the singing becomes quieter. When an item is found, the driver chooses the next one to lead. It is better to change the item that is hidden and the song each time.

Jump like a ball

Here good way arrange so that children behave relaxed and at ease, while remaining under the control of adults. Invite the children to use their imagination by imagining themselves as one of the inanimate objects they see in front of them. Start with, say, a hair tie: first pull the elastic, then let it return to its original shape, stretch it hard, throw it in the air and let it fall. Let the children try to imitate the movements of the rubber band.

Then you can move on to a ball, a wind-up toy, a ball of rope, etc. If, after playing for a while, their energy has not diminished, invite them to come up with what else they would like to become: rockets, robots, snowballs, sparklers, etc.

Funny face

To prepare for this game, first cut a large oval out of flannel. Glue it onto whatman paper or a large piece of thick dark paper. Draw hair around the oval and attach a bow tie at the bottom. Then cut out eyes, nose, ears and mouth from colorful flannel. If you wish, you can also cut out eyebrows, a pipe and a hat.

Attach a piece of paper with a flannel oval to the wall at the child’s eye level. Take turns blindfolding the children and let them attach one part of their face to the oval. The flannel should stick to the flannel by itself, but if necessary, you can use loops of velcro tape on back side"parts of the face" The funny face that will result from this procedure will certainly cause a lot of laughter.

When the game is over, leave this face hanging on the wall. Perhaps one of the children will want to continue the experiment.

Let's catch a fish

Ask your child to help you prepare for this game. Your child can cut out fish in the simplest shapes from multi-colored construction paper. Write a letter on each fish so that from different letters on the fish you can make one or more simple words. Attach a paper clip to each fish, and then put all the fish in a bucket.

Now take a short twig or a suitable stick and attach a string with a small magnet at the end to one end. Let all the children take turns fishing and see if they can make words from the letters on the fish they catch.


Usually children's fun can be organized from what is at hand. But if you know in advance that you will be entertaining a group of children, go to a store that sells all sorts of things and buy a special jar for blowing soap bubbles. One such jar contains real magic - children's laughter and happiness.

How to save soap

An excited child with a full jar of soap suds in his hands may accidentally spill it out. Open all the jars and pour half of the liquid from each into a jug (or some other vessel). If the jar tips over, then all is not lost, and, besides, when the children finish their soapy fun, you can fill the jars for future use, for next time.

Bubbles are especially great if you need to keep children of different ages occupied. Even teenagers enjoy them.

Depending on what you blow into, bubbles of various sizes are formed. Very small bubbles fly out of plastic straws dipped into a soap solution. The lids of plastic jars with a hole in the middle blow out bigger bubbles. If the “tool” you choose is too large for a jar of foam, pour the soap solution into a bowl and put your “tool” in it, then take it out with tongs, shake it, and you will see how huge and rainbow-colored bubbles you get.

Homemade lotto

This game is good for any company. Playing it - whether with two children or ten - will give everyone the same amount of fun. Prepare several cards in advance. On each card, draw eight or nine squares and write a different letter (or number - from one to nine) in each of them. All cards must be different. Then prepare many small cards with one of the letters or numbers printed in the squares of the large cards.

Give each player eight or nine buttons, bottle caps, pieces of foil, or other small objects to use as counters. You or one of the children will be the leader. Take one of the small cards with a letter or number (of course, they should all be mixed and face down) and name it. If you want, you can pick it up and show it to the children. If they find the same letter or number on their card with squares, they will put a button or something else chosen for it on that square. The child who has covered all the squares shouts “Victory!” - He won.

How to save time

Inexpensive lotto-type games can be found in the toy departments of department stores and other stores.

Lotto variations

You can also play lotto - "animals", lotto - "birds", lotto - "various objects", etc., using the corresponding pictures.

Living Letters

If you feel like it's time to warm up, try playing "live letters." Write several capital block letters (for example: A, G, E, I, L, M, etc.) one on each sheet of paper. All children must lie down on the floor. One of them takes out a piece of paper with a letter, and then he must arrange the children so as to form this letter.

Rolling the ball

Sit with the children on the floor in a circle, with your feet wide apart. Give one of the kids a big ball. The child must roll it (with their hands) directly to the other child's feet. He rolls the ball to the third child, etc. Explain to the children that the point of the game is to keep the ball in constant motion.

Nursery Rhyme Charades

Sing or read a few nursery rhymes. Then help the children put their favorite poems on their faces. Let each child whisper to you which rhyme he chose. Then you and your child try to act out in their faces what is said in the rhyme. And the other children must guess what rhyme you showed them.

Older children can be given different clothes, rags and sundries so that they can dress up as they choose and portray their favorite fairy tale in costume.

Dancing animals

Play music for the kids - classical, pop, rock, whatever you like - so they can dance to it. Ask the kids to move to the beat of the music.

Invite the children to pretend to be an animal dancing to the music. They can waddle like a duck, stomp like an elephant, step softly like a cat, move quickly like a mouse, step majestically like a tiger, frolic like a dog.

Apple dance

Several couples are dancing. Each couple presses a large apple with their foreheads. If the apple falls, the couple is eliminated from the competition. The most dexterous ones win. Don’t forget to wash the apples again after the competition.

"Boogie Woogie"

It's not even a dance, but rather a game. In it, all movements correspond to the spoken words. The guys stand in a circle facing the center.

"Right hand forward,
And then her back,
And again forward,
And let's shake it up a little.

We're dancing boogie-woogie
Turning in a circle.
And we clap our hands like this:
clap clap!

Boogie-woogie - ok! (movement to the center
Boogie-woogie - oh "okay! (go back)".

Subsequently, only the words change in the dance-game:

"Left hand forward..."
"Lead your right foot forward..."
"Left ear forward..."
“Right shoulder forward...” etc.

Exotic dancing

For some reason, it is believed that you must dance while standing on two legs. Is it not possible to dance lying down or sitting? Try to make sure that it is no less interesting, and in some ways more difficult. Perform a dance without getting up from your chair...

- twist;
- hip-hop;
- break;
- Macarena.

What if it becomes fashionable to perform couple dances while standing back to back? Dance "back of head to back of head" dances such as...

- tango;
- quadrille.

Musical chairs

It's such an old game that grandparents and even great-grandparents can remember playing it. Place a row of chairs, changing their direction each time. There should be one less chair than there are children. Beat a drum or put on a record with appropriate music, and let the children run around the chairs. When the music stops, the children must have time to take a seat.

A child who does not have time to sit on a chair is eliminated from the game. One chair also needs to be removed, and chairs need to be removed until there is only one child left. Vary the amount of time you play music. When most of the children have dropped out of the game, you can speed it up if you want.

Who is faster

Place 2 chairs with their backs facing each other at a distance of approximately 2 meters. There is a rope stretched under the chairs, its ends are between the feet of the guys sitting on the chair. A bag of nuts (sweets, cookies) is tied in the middle of the rope. At the command of the leader, those sitting on the chair must jump up, run around the circle of chairs, sit on their own and, grabbing the rope, pull the prize towards themselves, which goes to the one who can do it first.

Tree Man

Let the children who filled your house turn into trees. Tell the children which parts of the tree correspond to body parts. The legs can be roots, the body can be a trunk, the arms can be branches, the fingers can be leaves.

You can depict any natural phenomenon, and children must react to it. You can be the wind, the sun or the rain. And from time to time you depict a forester with an ax in his hands, who is about to cut down a tree. When you shout “Log!”, stopping in front of some “tree”, this “tree” must fall.

Telling tales

By telling a fairy tale, you can captivate not only one child, but also a whole group. But you can do this in different ways: either simply read an interesting fairy tale to the children, showing pictures, or read, agreeing with the children that they will accompany your reading with different sounds corresponding to the events of the fairy tale. Or you can play a fairy tale, and then the kids will “go” with you to the jungle or you will discover the Wild West. With small children you can simply sing songs from a fairy tale. With a group of children you can play a scene such as, for example, “The Big Tortoise and the Hare”:

Once upon a time there lived a hare - this is an animal like a rabbit (place your index fingers above your head, depicting the ears of a hare), and a large, very large turtle - like a small one, but very large (bend your arms and get down on all fours).

The hare ran very, very fast. (Bend your arms and quickly put your fists forward one at a time.)

And the turtle ran very, very slowly. (Slowly, take turns moving your bent arms, putting your fists forward.)

One day the hare said to the tortoise: “Let’s run a race!” (Put your hands into a bullhorn, as if imitating a sports team.)

Reade set Go! (Place your index finger and thumb to the “gun up” position, when you say “march”, turn your hand with your index finger forward.)

Here is a hare running. (Quickly move your fists.)

But a turtle is crawling. (Slowly move your fists.)

Suddenly the hare stopped. He looked around, but did not see the large turtle. (Put your hand over your forehead, as if trying to see where the turtle is.)

And the hare decided to take a nap under the tree. (Close your eyes and pretend to be asleep, you might even snore.)

And suddenly... he woke up. He said: “I forgot about the competition! I better hurry!” (Quickly move your fists.)

Meanwhile, the big turtle, without stopping even once, kept moving forward. (Slowly move your fists.)

The big turtle won the competition and came first. (Clench your arms above your head like champions do.)

The hare became terribly angry. (Make an angry face and place your hands on your hips.)

And the big turtle was very happy. (Proud, smiling face.)

You can tell the story again, asking the children questions, and they must answer and show with their movements what is happening.

"Murder in the Dark"

This Agatha Christie mystery game can be very entertaining for a group of five or more primary school children.

Write the words “detective,” “victim,” and “murderer” on pieces of paper and fold the pieces of paper. Add to them the same size. Then everyone must draw a piece of paper. The child who got to be a “detective” leaves the room, turning off the light.

Everyone else walks around the room back and forth, a “murder” occurs, and the “victim” quickly falls to the floor, while the “killer” does not show any signs that he committed the crime. The “detective” returns, turns on the lights and asks questions, while observing the facial expressions and behavior of those present; he must guess in five minutes who the killer is.

Continue the game until all children have been “detective” at least once.

Fashion show

Of course, we are against any gender stereotypes. Naturally, girls should be able to roller skate, play basketball, and not just tinker with all sorts of pots and kettles and do handicrafts. However, experience shows that little girls especially love to dress up.

Place all sorts of old dresses in a large box. Add high-heeled shoes and colorful scarves. Don't forget capes and shirts, hats, ties, jackets and wallets. Let each child choose an outfit to their liking - elegantly classic or avant-garde.

It would be nice if there was an adult “assistant” who would help tie bows and put on high-heeled shoes for the girls. Or maybe you want to have another “assistant” for makeup.

Now have a fashion parade and have each child walk along the path while you comment on their appearance and outfit. Here we again return to the usual stereotypes. Girls will be especially pleased to hear that they look great in all their outfits and that they move gracefully.

When Susie K. shows off her most dazzling outfit of her own design, the commentator should begin by praising her ability to play soccer or the piano. Notice how gracefully Susie moves in any outfit. Or imagine Linda Lu strutting in your gold high heels and leopard print bathrobe.

Here you can improvise something like this: “Linda Lu is as dazzling today in a flowing leopard robe as she is in her blue jeans on sports ground, where she attracts everyone's admiration by showing the best results in running. Today Linda swapped her Adidas for gold shoes, but tomorrow you can see her running as fast as she can to school again. This is Linda Lou! An interesting and elegant girl, a real girl.”

Jumping in a bag

Traditionally, this game requires a bag, but if you don't have any bags on hand, old pillowcases can be used instead.

If you have several children on your team, organize a competition. Within a certain time, each child must jump or walk (with their feet in a bag) from one place to another. Then let him try the same thing, sticking one leg into the bag.

Complicated version

If children easily cope with such jumps and like active games, let them try to walk on “three” legs. To do this, you need two boys to stand side by side, facing the same direction, and you tie their legs that are next to each other. Then they must walk the distance on “three” legs.


If you have enough children to form a circle, you can give them a large sheet and start the game. Children hold the sheet at waist level and shake it slightly, forming “waves.”

One child must crawl under the sheet on all fours and tickle another child's ankle. While the fish child is “swimming” under the sheet, he holds up one finger, the “fin,” by the movement of which the children determine where the fish is heading.

Whoever the fish tickles turns into a fish, raises its “fin” and goes under the “water” to look for its victim in order to tickle it.

And the unnecessary will become necessary

We first observed the fascination of junk at the Boston Children's Museum, where one rainy day our children played with all sorts of discarded junk for hours on end. If you can't make it to Boston, don't worry.

Collect your own junk: cardboard toilet paper reels, pieces of wood, anything shiny, pieces of white foam that are usually used to pack fragile items, jar lids, lollipop sticks and popsicle sticks, in short, all sorts of little things that might end up in your home . Put all this stuff in a box and one day, when your child and his friends are bored and start pestering you with the question: “What should we do?” - take out this box and say: “Come on, children, make me something unusual and interesting from this.” If you have older children, save a variety of larger scraps for them: broken chairs, leftover building materials, etc. If workers are making something somewhere near your house, ask them not to throw away things they don’t need - maybe this will be useful for your children.

Hoop games

The hula hoop is a wonderful invention that confirms the theory that everything ingenious is very simple. It can be rotated around the waist, but can also be used for throwing. Place the hoop on the ground and draw circles inside it with a number on each circle, just like you would on a target. Then throw the ball at the target. You can jump in and out of the circle, or you can spin the hoop around your hand. Among the games that don't involve spinning a hoop, we like this one: tie the hoop to a tree branch so that it hangs from it. Then move away from the hoop and throw the ball at it. You can throw ping-pong balls and plastic ones (these are the most reliable and safest balls), but tennis balls are also suitable. Inflatable balls are also quite good for this.

Have a parade

Children love parades!

Give them some time to prepare. Firstly, for the parade march you will need musical instruments. Of course, a child can go to the trouble of making a drum themselves, but some children might prefer to put peas in a metal can and make noise by shaking the can, or string pots on a string, or something like that. You need to have several bells, pot lids and whistles so that they are all ready for the start of the parade. (If you give these "musical instruments" to children too early, you're bound to get a headache.)

You need to think about what banners and flags the children will carry during their march, as well as the paper hats that the children must make themselves. You can tie long pieces of bright fabrics or scarves to the ruler; they will flutter, decorating the parade. It's great if you prepare some marching music in advance, but the children may want to suggest music for the march themselves.

Reason for the parade

Perhaps the children will want to march not just for fun, but for some reason. In this case, you can make appropriate slogans for them. You can start the parade in the yard, and then, if your neighbors are in a good mood, go outside and walk a block, beating your step, and at the end of the parade it’s nice to have a snack.

We are 1 year old

The first birthday is an event more for the parents than for the birthday boy himself. But even at this age, the baby understands that something unusual is happening: guests, gifts, a beautifully decorated apartment or cafe.

Tatyana Abramova, singer, actress

“We celebrated Vanya’s birthday very cheerfully. Guests came to us - our son’s friends from the sandbox in the yard and their mothers. The kids immediately got busy with the toys they gave to the birthday boy. Of course, one-year-old children are still too small to play on their own, so one of the adults was always with them, explaining and showing how to play this or that toy. I didn’t set a separate table for the children; the kids stole fruits and cookies from the common table, and bread was especially popular! The guests stayed with us for a little over 3 hours, which is a lot for one-year-old children. When the cake was brought out at the end of the holiday, the birthday boy fell asleep! And my mother had to blow out the candle! My advice to parents: spare no effort for a children's party. Children deserve to have holidays that they will remember for a lifetime!”

When organizing a holiday for your baby, remember:

  • Guests. The arrival of guests is certainly stressful for such a young birthday boy. Therefore, try to prevent the baby from getting scared, and do not invite too many guests - no more than 10 people, including children and adults.
  • For history. Prepare an album or a large sheet of whatman paper on which all guests can draw something and write congratulations to the young birthday boy. Save for history. Don't forget your camera!
  • Children's games. If children come to visit you of different ages, prepare toys, games and competitions for both big and small. You can give the children an album, brushes, paints and ask them to draw something.
  • Adult fun. Don't forget about entertainment for adults. You can ask everyone to bring their childhood photo and have a guessing game: who is who? Remember how you celebrated your birthday as a child.


Make an invitation from paper of different textures: cardboard, white and colored paper. Be sure to do this together with the hero of the occasion.

Bake or buy small cupcakes, stick popsicle sticks into them and glue small photos of the birthday boy. You can paste any beautiful bright pictures.

Decorate your birthday cake with fun, bright shapes and flowers!

An ordinary jar can be turned into a holiday candle that will decorate your table!


It is important for girls that the holiday is truly magical and fabulous! Decide in advance where the party will take place. Of course, it’s easier to spend a birthday in a children’s cafe with artists and competitions. In Moscow, interesting programs are offered by the “House of the Orange Cow” cafe “Ogo-Gorode”. But, if you don’t have such an opportunity, don’t worry, the same thing can be done at home!

Alice in Wonderland

A fascinating journey into a fairy tale. Alice and the Rabbit got lost and ended up at a birthday party. The girls will have to help their favorite characters return to fairyland. To do this, they draw magic cards and complete the tasks encrypted in them. You can come up with a holiday scenario based on another fairy tale that the birthday boy loves!

Open the "Castle"

One participant is selected (“castle”), who stands in a circle and closes his eyes. The rest choose a leader, after whom they will repeat the movements to the music. In order for the “lock” to open, he needs to guess who everyone is repeating the movements after.

Tea party at the March rabbit

Cups are placed in a circle - there is one less of them than the participants in the game. The music is playing, and as soon as it stops, the children must have time to take the cup. Whoever doesn't get the cup is eliminated from the game. Another cup is removed and music plays. The one with the last cup left wins.


Arcs are placed in a row (at home you can use, for example, chairs). Children take a bat and hit the ball. Task: launch the ball so that it passes straight under all the arcs without hitting them.


It's no secret that girls really like to put on makeup. You can invite a specialist make-up artist, or you can draw beautiful figures on your face at home using your mother’s cosmetics and an ordinary brush.


Cool guys

Boys love action! Let them turn into pirates or robbers during the holiday!

Pirate Party. Yo-ho-ho, salute to the captain!

A brave team of pirates goes in search of treasure under the leadership of the captain - the hero of the occasion. The guys decipher the map and complete difficult tasks, and two experienced pirates help them!

Obstacle course

A chain is stretched over the heads of the participants. All pirates stand on one side of the chain and, at the command of the leader, run to the other side without touching the chain. During the game, the leader gradually lowers the chain until the participants in the game have to crawl under it. Whoever touches the chain is out of the game.

Treasure map

The kids are invited to piece together a real treasure map. You can use any drawing, cut it into pieces in advance and invite the children to assemble it.

Tug of War

The pirates are divided into two teams, stand on opposite sides of the rope and pull it towards themselves. The team that pulls the rope to its side along with the other team wins.

Cannonball (bouncers)

Traditional street game, but uses a ball instead big ball(cannonball), which is more convenient indoors. The most agile and agile pirate wins.


Miracle Island

There are no outside observers at this holiday, all children are active participants!

Robinson Crusoe and Friday

A real Robinson party on a wild island! The cheerful native Friday and the kind Robinson will teach children how to dance African dances, use a spear, fish, hunt wild goats, and fight harmful mosquitoes. They will teach you everything you need to survive on a desert island!

Dance with Friday

Dancing is an integral part of any party. Charming Friday invites the guys to learn her favorite “Tumba-Yumba”. To the accompaniment of cheerful African music, the children repeat her dance after the native woman.


Participants are divided into two teams. One by one, they put on fins and run in them to the chair in front and back. The fastest team wins.


The guys are divided into two teams. Each team is given the same amount balloons(mosquitoes). For a certain time, while the music is playing, the participants of the game need to throw balls at the other team. The team with the fewest balls wins the mosquitoes.


5 ideas for children's parties

    Children's social event

Where: Houses.

Props: fancy dresses fairy-tale princes and beautiful ladies, fans and children's unbreakable "porcelain" or "crystal", CDs with classical music, ceremonial liveries for parents.

Scenario: the kids go to the court ball. For one evening, adults will become servants of their little masters and will be in charge of changing dishes, and one of the older children or one of the parents will teach the kids ancient dances, retell funny fragments of history and give a lesson in good manners.

    "Star Wars"

Where: at a children's bowling alley or sports club.

Props: space traveler costumes, “space food”, invitations with rockets and stars.

Scenario: A bowling tournament involves competition. To diversify it, tell the kids that you are in spaceship, and the pins placed on the path are alien ships. Only balls of combat shells and precise aiming can destroy enemy missiles.

    "Lunch with your favorite toy"

Where: in a fast food restaurant (McDonald's, Rostiks).

Props: favorite toys of your child and his guests.

Scenario: In fast foods, birthdays follow the usual pattern: Coca-Cola and burgers, clowns, bright caps and birthday cake. Add your own twist to this scenario. Ask your child's guests to bring their favorite toy to the party. During breaks between standard competitions, when children who are playing up need to be calmed down a little, sit them at the table and ask each one to talk about their companion.

    "Last Hero"

Where: at a children's club or entertainment center.

Props: tropical fruits, native masks and makeup, any attributes from the Robinson arsenal, a protective totem.

Scenario: design an obstacle course based on attractions or playgrounds children's club. Hold competitions for “survival” - the loser must leave the game and become a spectator, and the winner can receive a protective totem... Fantasize about the Robinsons and the last heroes, your children will definitely appreciate and remember it!

    "Roadside Picnic"

Where: in nature, in the forest, at a summer cottage.

Props: sausages on skewers, disposable tableware, a picnic blanket and thick cushions for sitting on the grass.

Scenario: Invite the children to play a real adult party: let them grill the kebab themselves (under your supervision), make toasts, and tell each other funny stories. And if they get bored, have some street competitions in stock.

Getting ready for the holiday

Preparation in 2 weeks

  • Invite guests so they can plan ahead. Inform the parents of the invited children about the start time and end time of the holiday. The holiday for preschoolers should last no longer than 2–3 hours, otherwise the children will get tired.
  • Plan the holiday program, menu and decoration of the apartment. Make a list of what you need to buy for the holiday.
  • Think about who will help you during the holiday. There must be one adult for every five children invited.

In 1 week

  • Call everyone invited again.
  • If you're going to order a birthday cake, do it now.
  • Buy drinks and foods that do not spoil (cookies, sweets, chips).
  • Buy everything you need to decorate your apartment: Balloons, checkboxes.

In 1 day

  • Talk with your child about how to behave at a holiday: greeting and seeing off guests, thanking them for gifts, etc.
  • Decorate your apartment.
  • Get things in order.
  • Think about where and what the children will play and set up play corners.
  • Prepare your camera, camera, film, spare batteries.

During the holiday

  • 15 minutes. Have toys, puzzles, pencils and paper ready to keep the children who arrive first busy. Children may get bored while waiting for others.
  • 15 minutes. Organize outdoor games so the kids can run and jump.
  • 15 minutes. Now you can play something calm - solve riddles, puzzles, draw or sculpt.
  • 20 minutes. It's time to try the treat.
  • 20 minutes. Organize competitions and give each participant a small prize.
  • 10 minutes. Show your guests off and thank them again for their gifts.

Gifts, cake and a crowd of friends playing together are, of course, great. But it’s much more interesting to be a real superhero and go in search of treasures. Or maybe go hunting with the whole tribe? Successfully choosing a party theme for children is a great gift for a child and his friends, because such a holiday gives good mood, new emotions and pleasant memories!


Bright striped decorations + real adventure = a chic children's party. emerges by itself: the mischievous leprechaun stole the gifts and hid them at the other end of the rainbow. Children, passing tests, receive a piece of a certain color as a reward, put them together into a rainbow on a piece of whatman paper and find treasures.


An interesting birthday theme is a mafia-themed party. Children in the guise of heavily armed mafiosi and their charming girlfriends simply cannot help but evoke emotion in the adult guests!

We hide cards from the police, shoot accurately at the target and no less accurately throw grenades into the bucket, come up with funny gangster nicknames, and decipher secret gangster messages. And, at the end of the scenario, we commit a daring robbery of the presenter, grabbing well-deserved prizes!

Having trouble choosing a party theme? For children, the script is more important than the design - start from the end! If you have little time to prepare, it is better to choose a well-known topic, the ideas for which lie on the surface.

Pajama room

“Clothing” parties like hat and jeans parties have not gained much popularity among children, but pajama parties are an exception. Although even adults love to have fun in this way, let alone active children with their craving for spacious, comfortable clothes.

How fun it is to come up with scary stories among friends, build a tent out of a sheet, pretend to be asleep while you are tickled, play shadow theater and blind man's buff, collect balloons around the room with your eyes closed, or guess what the presenter is going to treat you to for the night! Ugh! And it’s not at all necessary to invite guests to a real sleepover - the guys can change into pajamas just for the atmosphere.

“Delicious” party styles for children are ideal if the birthday falls in the summer/early fall - watermelon, melon, strawberry, etc. Although there are winter options, for example, apple, orange and banana party (minions?).

The preparation is simple: a lot of treats with the flavor of the birthday boy’s favorite fruit/berry, paper “fruit” garlands, pictures, balls of themed colors. There are no restrictions regarding the script program - any competitions, some of which involve tasty props. Stock up on napkins!

Any theme party for children, be it a birthday or a less important occasion, requires serious preparation. Of course, there is some discount for the young age of guests. For example, many decorations can be made with your own hands from scrap materials - the main thing is bright and cheerful, and not artistically perfect.

However, obvious hackwork “on the knee” should be avoided - regardless of the chosen style, start preparing at least two weeks in advance. To make your theme party unforgettable, think about the following in advance:

  • location
  • Scenery
  • treats, birthday cake
  • musical accompaniment
  • script, competitions, prizes.

Children's holidays will give some of the brightest memories that we will cherish for the rest of our lives. How clever are those parents who do not skimp on emotions and arrange bright, unforgettable moments for their children - touching evidence of boundless parental love and a happy childhood. Of course, reason number 1 is a birthday, although if you wish, you can have fun in honor of the first school day, the beginning of summer holidays, Halloween.

Minutes of happy childhood

5 components of a successful children's party

Remember how in the popular TV series “Voronins” dad tried to organize a holiday for Masha? To avoid finding yourself in the shoes of an unlucky parent, think through everything down to the smallest detail or use the services of professional animators. What is the basis of a successful children's party?

Unusual ideas for a children's event

For a celebration to be remembered for a long time, it must be unusual. We offer several ideas that will spur your imagination and help you come up with something special.


It’s quite difficult to play with any one plot or cartoon, so we suggest creating mixes of your favorite characters. It's easier and more fun.

  • For a boy's birthday, play with the plot of comic books with superheroes: Spider-Man, Batman, Captain America, Superman. The boys will be inspired by bright costumes, competitions for the sake of saving humanity; as a gift, order walking balloons in the shape of one of the heroes for the birthday boy.
  • Girls will enjoy immersing themselves in the atmosphere of magical Equestria - the country where little ponies live, and with the help of face painting they themselves will turn into their favorite characters.
  • For children over 10 years old, organize a quest based on your favorite ones computer games or go searching for Pokemon.

Spider-Man face painting

Let's move on to the design

When decorating rooms for children's events, many use bright garlands, streamers, flags, and paper flowers. But the most win-win option is balloons. Ceiling balloons and air fountains decorated with number balloons and foil figurines of fairy-tale characters look great.

Another winning idea is setting the table with festive disposable children's tableware. It comes complete with tablecloths, napkins, caps and other items for the holiday.

The meeting place can be changed

It’s not just the script that makes the holiday unusual, but also the location where it’s held.

  • In nature - in a country house, in a country house, where, in addition to traditional competitions, you can organize extreme entertainment: shooting with water pistols, paintball (shooting with paints), overcoming rope obstacles.
  • With a small number of guests, you can go to the water park, children's entertainment center, and teenagers will be delighted with the bowling alley.

Relaxing in nature

Unusual treats, gifts and souvenirs

A children's party is not a reason to demonstrate culinary delights. Dishes should be familiar to children, light, and not provoke allergies. But what you should try with is desserts, sweets, and fruits. Children's table will be decorated with original fruit slices, colorful jellies, small cakes in the form of animal figures, cars, ice cream and, of course, a birthday cake.

Prepare small souvenirs for each guest. They can be awarded at the end of the holiday, based on the results of competitions. Better yet, put it together with candies and coins into a large hollow papier-mâché toy - a piñata, which needs to be hung, and at the end of the celebration - broken with your eyes closed.

Unusual decoration festive table chocolate and candies

Bright finale

Put a bright point in the holiday.

  • Play the piñata breaking game described above.
  • Prepare a large surprise ball filled with small balls. They usually contain sweets and souvenirs. At the right moment, the ball is pierced and a gift “rain” falls on the head.
  • In the evening, organize the launch of glowing balls. This is an indescribably beautiful sight that will appeal to both children and adults.

Using LED balloons for the final touch at a children's party

And a piece of advice in conclusion: don’t forget to film the children’s event and replenish the family archive with priceless moments of happiness and sincere joy.