Original crochet blouses for girls patterns. Crochet openwork blouses. Fantasy patterns a and b

Of course, in knitted clothes Hot summer favorites are tank tops. They can be divided into two types: either a knitted fabric with an emphasis on decor, or a bodice complemented by fabric. Crochet Bodices in modern fashion have become not a detail of clothing, but an independent element of the wardrobe. They are not hidden, on the contrary, attention is focused on them with decoration and originality of knitting. We suggest you consider various ways their execution.

A few words about matings. They can be different, the main thing is density and the ability to maintain shape. SBN and C1H (single crochet stitches) are best suited.

For very small sizes, you can use a rectangular or triangular shaped fabric, knitted in different directions. See fig. for options. 1, 2, 3.

A rectangular fabric can be beautifully draped, tied with cords and this creates a convexity of the fabric. In triangular-shaped bodices, the volume is formed when tying: the edges of the fabric must be slightly pulled together with single crochets.

The triangle knitted according to pattern 1 has a convexity according to the knitting method. It can be increased by slightly pulling the bottom of the cup when tying the RLS. For sizes 44-46 the cup volume should be larger. In this case suitable option knitting according to pattern 2 (photo 1). It should be noted that the diagram reflects the knitting principle, but does not give actual dimensions. You must calculate the number of columns and the number of rows of knitting according to your size and knitting density. Rows C1H can be of different colors if this matches the overall composition of the top. Stripes of different colors will highlight the shape of the cup. When knitting such a RLS cup (diagram 3), the hook can be inserted traditionally under both half-loops, or it can be knitted behind the back wall. In the latter version, the canvas acquires relief.

Cups associated with horizontal or vertical darts are very convenient.

In the first case (diagram 4), it is necessary to calculate the number of sc for the widest part of the cup based on the density of knitting (measure along the bra), dial 6-8 sc less and add them when knitting the lower part of the cup. Knit the dart in partial knitting. In the proposed pattern, the “step” of partial knitting consists of 3 sc. In the first row of partial knitting (15th row of the pattern) do not knit 3 sc, make a ch for lifting, turn the knitting, knit a row and at the end of it (16th row according to the pattern) also do not knit the last 3 sc. Continue knitting in this way until 5-8 sc remain. A smaller number of RLS gives the cup a sharpness that is not needed in this version. Please note that the number of “steps” on each side should be the same. The result is half a cup, which you see in photo 2.

To avoid holes and creasing of the last sc of the “step”, knit as follows: insert the hook into the head of the last sc of the “step”, remove the working thread, but do not knit. Insert the hook behind the leg of the last SC of the previous row (photo 3), remove the RN and knit all the loops together. Usually knit the 3rd and 2nd sc of the next “step” (photo 4), and the last sc as described above. Having knitted to the end, turn the knitting and knit the next row in the same way. The result will be a smoothly rounded canvas (photo 5).

Continue knitting, decreasing one sc in each row on the right and left sides. Step back from the edge one sc at a time, it will be easier to tie. Continue knitting the last 4-5 sc evenly, this will be a strap. Look at photo 6 for a fully knitted cup. While knitting, try on the cup. If you think that it is not convex enough, change the number of sc in the “steps”, for example 3-2-3-2 or 2-2-2...

Knit a cup with vertical darts (photo 7) according to pattern 5. Its size can be adjusted by changing the initial number of VPs and the intensity of increases and decreases (two instead of one or alternating them). These cups look classic and fit almost all sizes. The width of the cup can be changed if necessary, decorating with lace or guipure elements.

A very popular option is knitting from the center with triangles (pattern 6, photo 8).

Particularly impressive are the cups with multi-colored stripes(see photo 9). Their small drawback is the limitation in the sizes at which they look good.

A very interesting way to knit cups using the “¾ square” principle. Its advantage is that there are many options.

Option one - the classic form according to Fig. 4, photo 10.

Knit the fabric of such a cup from the wide part of the AB upwards. Match the small sides and sew. On a cup top, place the seam under the bust or on top depending on your taste. You will get the same cup shape when knitting a square according to pattern 7.

Option two - Fig. 5: cast on VP along the BAB line and knit with increases in the middle of the fabric (point A). Align points B and sew the cup along a straight line BVB* to the top fabric. The central part of the fabric will look more interesting if it is knitted in a simple and fairly dense pattern, for example, with “flyers” according to pattern 8, or another at your discretion.

Option three - a cup in which one (Fig. 6) or every third of the canvas (Fig. 7) consists of square motif. In photo 11, the bodice is formed by three classically knitted squares from the center.

Option four - scheme 9. General form in photo 12. The same small square at the base of the cup. Tie the remaining 2/3 of the fabric with sc on both sides of the square without any increase.

Notice the dart at the bottom of the cup. Knit two or three of them depending on the size. The upper part of the cup can be knitted openwork, as in diagram 10. It is shown in close-up that a curve is knitted on one side of the square.

Option five according to scheme 11. Look at the general view of the canvas in Fig. 8. This is how it will turn out when knitting from line AB up. To round the shape, knit the inside of the fabric in half-columns. On the right side of the fabric, knit decreases, and the upper part - partial knitting. The VG lines horizontally and vertically must be the same, they need to be sewn. Cups of this shape fit very comfortably on breasts of any size. If you want to have beautiful product, but do not knit the bodice, you can knit guipure elements and sew them onto your favorite bra so that it is not visible. An openwork fabric sewn at the bottom will turn it into a spectacular top.

Lots of summer tops and T-shirts.

Relaxing in nature or walking around the city, working in an office without a strict dress code and even visiting the theater - everywhere a handicraft of decent quality and a suitable style will be appropriate and will attract attention.

Jackets and sweaters can be knitted:

  • solid fabric with different patterns (including jacquard);
  • separate motifs connected in a certain sequence or randomly (“Irish lace”);
  • in Bruges style.

Preparatory stage of knitting sweaters and jackets:

The choice of yarn composition and thickness depends on the intended model. You can knit from wool, acrylic, cotton, linen, blended and even thick “knitted” yarn.

Delicate silk (artificial and natural), viscose, bamboo fiber, thanks to crocheting, better “keep their shape”, but if necessary, they drape perfectly.

It is advisable to choose yarn that is not very twisted. But this is not an absolute ban. You just have to interrupt the knitting, fasten the thread and let the piece straighten out while hanging.

The material of the tool (metal, wood, plastic), the shape of the handle and head do not play a special role. Each needlewoman has her own preferences. The main thing is that the hook fits comfortably in your hand and does not have “burrs” that scratch your hands and yarn. Then the knitting process will be a joy. In addition to the usual short ones (up to 16 cm), there are long hooks(usually 30 cm) for the so-called Tunisian knitting.

Kaleidoscope of jacket and blouse designs

The variety of crochet techniques allows you to create women's jackets and blouses that can be combined with almost any wardrobe item. The style can be straight or fitted (by changing the hook to a smaller one or making darts).

When using a dense pattern that imitates tweed material, Chanel-style products are created. This stylish item can be combined with a pencil skirt, sheath dress, or classic trousers.

An original crocheted transformable jacket is often crocheted on the basis of a round napkin or tablecloth. Holes are left in place of the armholes, and the sleeves are subsequently knitted or sewn on. Charming patterns and rounded fronts turn this jacket into a top-class model for beauties with unique taste.

As the great trendsetter said: “Lace is the most beautiful imitation of nature’s fantasy.” Crocheted jackets and sweaters made with graceful openwork weaves look extremely feminine. Lace models fit harmoniously into a multi-layered style.

Often several patterns are combined in one model. IN Everyday life complementing the image knitted things It even adds a romantic charm to jeans.

Convenient techniques for recycling leftover yarn are knitting with raglan on top, or with motifs. At the same time, the likelihood of encountering an identical item on someone is minimal.

Knitting from idea to implementation - exciting process. All that remains is to find time for a useful hobby.

Women's tops and openwork blouses are the highlights of the wardrobe. Usually there are a lot of these things and they allow you to always be different. They are often bright and eye-catching. They form an ideal combination with all the basic elements of clothing: trousers, jackets, skirts. Love tops and blouses, but there is nothing in stores that suits your style? Would you like more? more variety? In this case, our website will become your guide to the world of beauty.

How will our site help you knit tops and attractive openwork blouses?

Here you will find patterns that will help you knit or crochet these items. The catalog presents a wide variety of models, differing in style and color. Women who adore bright colors will find women's tops, incorporating the richest tones. Ladies who prefer coquetry and lightness will be able to choose women's openwork blouses that are both attractive and discreet.

Our models have different patterns, cuts. Some are tight fitting, others are loose. Craftswomen who have been knitting for a long time will be able to find patterns that will allow them to get a real work of art that will be appreciated by people who are far from knitting. Beginner girls who have recently taken up knitting needles will appreciate easy patterns that will allow them to practice and knit the desired item.

Lately I have been delighted by designers of crocheted clothes. There are a lot of beautiful and fashionable female models for all ages. After all, many have a stereotype that crocheted clothes are only for middle-aged women and babies. And frankly, everyone is already tired of the same type of models with openwork patterns or motifs. Website * Fashionable knitting Perchinka* will try to convince you of this and will offer you fashionable, stylish and elegant models that you will knit and wear with pleasure.

Jumper with knitted belt

Fitted jumper with a bob neckline, cuffed sleeves and a statement knit belt.


36/38 (40/42) 44/46


Yarn (70% cotton, 30% polyamide; 90 m/50 g) - 650 (700) 750 g light gray, hook No. 7; circular knitting needles No. 6; knitting needles No. 8; belt buckle.


Rows in forward and reverse direction (hook No. 7): odd number of loops. Knit according to pattern 1. Start with stitches before repeat, repeat repeat constantly, finish with loops after repeat. From the 1st to the 5th row, knit 1 time, then repeat the 2nd-5th rows constantly.


Knit (knitting needles No. 6): after casting on stitches, start with 1 purl row: edge, * 1 knit, 2 purl, 1 knit, from * constantly repeat, edge. In the front rows, knit all the loops according to the pattern.


Knit (knitting needles No. 8): odd number of stitches.
Persons p.: edge, 1 front, * 1 p. remove as purl (thread before loop), 1 front, from * constantly repeat, edge.
Out. p.: edge, 1 p. slip as purl (thread behind the loop), * purl 1, 1 p. slip as purl, from * constantly repeat, edge.
Make the edges in the form of a knotted edge; to do this, at the beginning of each row, remove the edges like knit stitches, and at the end of the row knit them with knit stitches.


11 p. x 10.5 r. = 10 x 10 cm, knitted with a relief pattern;
24 rub. = 10 cm, tied with an elastic band;
13 p. = 6 cm, knitted with a woven pattern.


Complete the initial chain of 53 (57) 61 vp. + 3 v.p. rise and knit with a relief pattern.
For side bevels after 18 cm = 19 r. from the initial row on both sides add 1 x 1 p., then 3 times in every 8th row. add 1 p. = 61 (65) 69 p.
After 61 cm = 64 r. (63 cm = 66 r.) 65 cm = 68 r. finish the work from the bar. The middle 33 sts form the neckline, the outer 14 (16) 18 sts belong to the shoulders.


Knit the same as the back, but with a neckline. To do this, after 55 cm = 58 rubles. (57 cm = 60 r.) 59 cm = 62 r. from the initial row, leave the middle 29 stitches unknitted and finish both sides separately.
To round the neckline along the inner edge, decrease 2 times in every 2nd r. 1 p. each. Finish the remaining 14 (16) 18 p. shoulders at the height of the back.


Complete the initial chain of 35 (39) 43 vp. + 3 v.p. rise and knit with a relief pattern. For sleeve bevels, starting from the initial row, on both sides, according to the pattern, add 3 (4) 4 times in every 2nd r. 1 p. each = 41 (47) 51 p.
After 9.5 cm = 10 r. (11.5 cm = 12 r.) 11.5 cm = 12 r. Finish the work from the initial row.


On knitting needles No. 6, cast on 13 sts and knit 1 purl row purl loops.
Then switch to size 8 needles and knit in a woven pattern.
After 130 (138) 146 cm, close all loops. Thread the dialed edge through the buckle, extending a section of the belt approx. 2 cm, and sew on the wrong side.


Make 3 ch. + 1 v.p. rise and knit as follows: 1 tbsp. b/n in 3rd v.p. from hook, 1 tbsp. b/n in the 1st v.p., * 1 v.p. lifting, 1 tbsp. b/n, 1 tbsp. b/n in v.p. lifting the previous row, from * constantly repeat. Having knitted 9 cm, finish the work.


Along the lower edges of the sleeves, cast on 62 (66) 70 sts on knitting needles and knit with an elastic band for the tuck-up placket.
To expand the bar, starting from a set of loops, on both sides, according to the pattern, add 2 times in every 8th r. 1 p. each = 66 (70) 74 p. After 12 cm = 29 r. From the set of loops, close all the loops according to the drawing.
Sew shoulder seams.
Crochet the neckline in 1 round row, st. b/n and 1 round row of “crawfish step” (= st. b/n knit from left to right).
Execute side seams and the seams of the sleeves, while sewing the lower 6 cm of the sleeve strips on the front side.
Sew the sleeves according to the pattern.
Fold the sleeve strips halfway to the right side and sew them on with several stitches.
Sew the belt loops at waist height (after trying them on) to the front and back on both sides of the middle 18 (20) 22 cm. Thread the belt.

Asymmetrical lace pullover

An interesting pullover with a combination of simple patterns and an asymmetrical hem line looks very impressive and is knitted quite simply.


36/38 (40/42) 44/46


Yarn (78% acetate, 12% polyester, 10% polyamide; 150 m/50 g) - 400 (450) 500 g blue-black; hook number 3.


The number of loops is a multiple of 3 + 1 p. + 1 v.p. rise.
Knit according to pattern 1. Start each row as shown in the pattern, 4 ch. lifting for 1st st. with 2/n and loops before the rapport, then constantly repeat the rapport and finish with loops after the rapport.
Constantly repeat the 1st and 2nd rows in height.


The number of loops is a multiple of 12 + 1 (7) 1 p + 1 vp. rise.
Knit according to pattern 2 or 3. Start each row, as shown in the pattern, with 1 additional ch. rise or 4 ch. lifting for 1st st. with 2/n and loops before the rapport, then constantly repeat the rapport, ending with loops after the rapport.
Perform the 1st-9th rows once in height, then constantly repeat the 2nd-9th rows.


25 p. x 7 r. = 10 x 10 cm, knitted with a “Lattice” pattern;
25 p. x 15 r. = 10 x 10 cm, connected art. b/n and fantasy patterns.


Make a chain of 112 (127) 136 vp. + 1 v.p. lifting, first knit 1 row of st. b/n. This series should not be taken into account in further calculations. Continue knitting with the “Lattice” pattern.
After 60 cm = 42 rows (61.5 cm = 43 rows) 63 cm = 44 rows from the cast-on row, finish the work.


Knitted from two separate parts. First for the right side (on finished product) perform a chain of 85 (91) 97 v.p. + 1 v.p. lifting and knit 1 row st. b/n. This series is not taken into account in further calculations.
Next, knit fancy pattern A (B) A.
After 22 cm = 33 rows from the cast-on row, continue knitting with the “Lattice” pattern, while starting 1 row of stitches. b/n, as shown in diagrams 2 (3) 2 (= 10th row of the diagram).
After 43 cm = 49 rows from the cast-on row, knit 1 row of st. b/n, then knit a fantasy pattern again, starting with the 1st row according to pattern 2 (3) 2.
To cut the neckline, after 52 cm = 62 rows from the cast-on row along the right working edge, close 13 (15) 16 cm and then close another 2 x 3 cm in each 2nd row.
To do this, make as many connections as possible. st., how much is needed to secure the item for the specified width. Finish the work at the height of the backrest.
Now for the left side (on the finished product) make a chain of 43 (49) 55 vp. + 1 v.p. lifting and knit 1 row st. b/n and then continue knitting with the “Lattice” pattern.
After 16 cm = 11 rows from the cast-on row, knit 1 row of st. b/n.
Next, knit a fancy pattern B (A) B, starting with the 1st row.
After 33.5 cm = 37 rows from the cast-on row, knit the “Lattice” pattern again, and begin with one row of stitches. b/n, as shown in diagram 3 (2) 3.
To cut the neckline after 42 cm = 44 rows from the cast-on row along the left working edge at the beginning of the purl row, close 1.5 (2.5) 3 cm and in each next 2nd row 1 x 1 (2) 2.5 cm, at the same time perform so many connections. Art., how many are required to secure the loops for the specified width.
After 50 cm = 50 rows (51.5 cm = 51 rows) 53 cm = 52 rows from the cast-on row, finish the work.


Make a chain of 61 (67) 70 vp. + 1 v.p. lifting and first knit 1 row of st. b/n. This series is not taken into account in further calculations. Continue knitting with the “Lattice” pattern.
For sleeve bevels, after 5.5 cm = 4 rows from the cast-on row on both sides, add 1 repeat in every 6th row (= 3 p.) = 91 (97) 100 p.
After 53 cm = 37 rows from the cast-on row, finish the work.


Fold the two necklines accordingly and sew the front pieces together.
Sew shoulder seams. Sew in the sleeves, sew side seams and sleeve seams.
Tie 1 circle around the neckline. Art. b/n.

Jacket with openwork back

An elegant jacket with buttons, decorated with mesh on the back and shoulders, is not only a trendy new thing, but also a real pleasure for the hottest days.


34/36 (38/40) 42/44 (46/48) 50/52


Phildar Detente yarn (93% acrylic, 7% elastane; 144 m/50 g) - 7 (8) 8 (9) 10 skeins mother-of-pearl (PERLE); hook No. 2 and 2.5; stitch markers; 7 buttons with a diameter of 15 mm.


The number of stitches in the initial row is a multiple of 11 + 12.
1st r.: 3 ch. instead of 1st tbsp. s/n, *1 tbsp. s/n, 11 vp, skip 8 p., 1 tbsp. s/n, 1 vp, skip 1 p.*, repeat from * to *, then 1 tbsp. s/n, 11 vp, skip 8 p. and 2 tbsp. s/n.
2nd row: 3 ch. instead of 1st tbsp. s/n and 1 tbsp. s/n in the arch (= 2 tbsp. s/n, tied together), *knit 6 tbsp in the arch. s/n, 2 vp, 1 tbsp. s/n, 2 v.p. and 6 tbsp. s/n, 3 tbsp. s/n, knitted together, inserting a hook into the same arch for the 1st st. s/n, in v.p. for 2nd st. s/n and into the next arch for the 3rd st. s/n *, repeat from * to *; knit 6 tbsp into the arch. s/n, 2 vp, 1 tbsp. s/n, 2 v.p. and 6 tbsp. s/n, then finish 2 tbsp. s/n, knitted together, inserting the hook first into the arch, then into the 3rd ch. previous row.
3rd row: 6 v.p. instead of 1st tbsp. from 6/n, 6 vp, 1 tbsp. s/n in an arch of 2 vp, *1 vp, 1 tbsp. s/n into the next arch of 2 vp, 11 vp, 1 st. s/n into the next arch of 2 vp*, repeat from * to *, 1 vp, 1 tbsp. s/n in the next arch of 2 vp, 6 vp, 1 tbsp. from 6/n to the 3rd ch. the beginning of the previous row.
4th p.: 3 ch. instead of 1st tbsp. s/n and 1 tbsp. s/n, inserting the hook into the arch of 6 vp. (= 2 tbsp. s/n, tied together), 2 ch., 6 tbsp. s/n in the arch, 3 tbsp. s/n, tied together, inserting a hook into the arch of 6 vp. for 1st tbsp. s/n, then in v.p. for 2nd st. s/n and into the next arch for the 3rd st. s/n, *in the arch of 11 vp. knit 6 tbsp. s/n, 2 vp, 1 tbsp. s/n, 2 v.p. and 6 tbsp. s/n, 3 tbsp. s/n, tied together, inserting the hook into the same arch for the 1st st. s/n, then in v.p. for 2nd st. s/n and into the next arch for the 3rd st. s/n*, repeat from * to *, 6 tbsp. s/n in the arch of 6 vp, 2 vp, finish 2 tbsp. s/n, tied together, inserting the hook into the arch, then into the 6th ch. previous row.
5th row: 3 v.p. instead of 1st tbsp. s/n, 1 tbsp. s/n in an arch of 2 v.p., * 11 v.p., 1 tbsp. s/n into the next arch of 2 vp, 1 vp, 1 st. s/n into the next arch of 2 vp*, repeat from * to *, 11 vp, 1 tbsp. s/n in the next arch of 2 ch. and 1 tbsp. s/n in the 3rd v.p. the beginning of the previous row.
Perform from the 1st to the 5th row, then constantly repeat from the 2nd to the 5th row. = 4 rub.


27 p. x 17 r. = 10 x 10 cm, knitted with a pattern from st. s/n (hook No. 2.5);
4 rapports x 8 r. = 14 x 9 cm, knitted with a fantasy pattern (hook No. 2).


Using crochet number 2, make a chain of 133 (144) 155 (166) 188 vp, knit 1 p. Art. s/n, then knit with a fantasy pattern = 12 (13) 14 (15) 17 repeats.
On the 29th fantasy pattern, replace the arch of 11 vp on both sides. arch of 8 vp.
In the 30th r. replace 2 tbsp on both sides. s/n, tied together, on 2 tbsp. s/n and knit 8 tbsp. s/n in an arch of 8 p.
For armholes through 34.5 cm = 31 r. from the initial row skip 1 repeat on both sides = 10 (11) 12 (13) 15 repeats.
In 47 (49) 51 (53) 53rd r. fantasy pattern replace 5 arches of 11 vp. in the center of the canvas on arches of 8 vp. In 48 (50) 52 (54) 54th r. knit 8 tbsp. s/n in each of 5 arches of 8 vp.
For the neckline through 54.5 (56.5) 58.5 (60.5) 60.5 cm = 49 (51) 53 (55) 55 r. from the initial row, skip the middle 6 repeats = 5 arches from 8 vp. and ½ rapport on both sides of these 5 arches.
Next, knit each side of the front yoke separately = 2 (2.5) 3 (3.5) 4 repeats.
After 63.5 (65.5) 67.5 (69.5) 69.5 cm = 57 (59) 61 (63) 63 r. from the initial row, knit the last row with a fantasy pattern and finish the work as follows: knit 1 tbsp. b/n in 2 tbsp. s/n, tied together, in an arch of 2 vp. and in Art. s/n between the arches of 2 vp, replace the arches of 11 vp. arches of 8 v.p., and arches of 6 v.p. and ½ rapport on both sides with arches of 4 vp.


Using crochet number 2.5, make a chain of 64 (68) 73 (79) 87 sts and knit st. s/n (start each row of treble s/n with 3 vp instead of the 1st st. s/n).
For armholes through 34.5 cm = 58 RUR. from the beginning row, skip 1 x 15 p. from the left working edge = 49 (53) 58 (64) 72 p.
For the neckline through 38.5 (40.5) 42.5 (44.5) 44.5 cm = 65 (69) 72 (75) 75 r. from the initial row, leave from the right working edge in each next row 1 x 6 sts, 1 x 4 sts, 2 x 3 sts, 3 x 2 sts, then in each next row perform 4 x 1 decrease (= 2 sts . s/n, tied together) = 23 (27) 32 (38) 46 p.
To subtract 6 stitches: at the beginning of the row, replace them with 2 connections. tbsp., 2 tbsp. b/n and 2 p/st., then at the end of the row knit in the reverse order, in the next row. knit their connections in a row. Art.
To decrease 4 sts: at the beginning of the row, replace them with 2 sts. b/n and 2 p/st., then at the end of the row knit in the reverse order, in the next row. knit their connections in a row. Art.
To decrease 2 or 3 sts: at the beginning of the row, replace them with 1 or 2 sts. b/n and 2 p/st., then at the end of the row knit in the reverse order, in the next row. knit their connections in a row. Art.
After 45.5 (47.5) 49.5 (51.5) 51.5 cm = 77 (81) 84 (87) 87 r. from the initial row finish the work.
Knit the left front symmetrically.


Using crochet number 2.5, make a chain of 91 (101) 111 (121) 121 vp. and knit st. s/n (start each row of treble s/n with 3 vp instead of the 1st st. s/n).
Perform on both sides in every next 3rd row. 7 x 1 increase and after 2 rubles. 1 x 1 increase (= 2 st. s/n in ed. st. s/n) = 107 (117) 127 (137) 137 p.
After 14 cm = 24 r. From the initial row, mark with a marker or thread of a contrasting chrome color. at both sides.
After 18.5 cm = 31 r. from the initial row finish the work.
Knit the second sleeve in the same way.


Sew side seams. Unscrew the top of the back and sew the yoke to the top edge of the shelves. Sew in the sleeves, connecting the marks on the sleeves with the angle of the armholes of the main part.
Tie 2 r. Art. b/n the sides of the shelves and the neckline, while on the right shelf make 7 holes for buttons from 3 chain stitches. at an equal distance from each other.
Sew buttons opposite the holes.