Description of the wallet. Instructions for fashionistas - how to choose a wallet for long service and attracting money. Wallet with money clip – Front pocket wallet

A wallet is an accessory that should be in every woman's purse. Popular wisdom says: if you carry money in your pocket, you can bring on poverty and financial troubles. Whether to believe in omens or not is a personal matter for everyone, but it’s much more convenient when you don’t have to look for plastic cards and banknotes in all the compartments of your handbag. What should a high-quality women's wallet look like and which option should you prefer?

Choosing a wallet according to Feng Shui

The wallet, according to traditional Chinese teaching, is the main symbol of wealth. This is the keeper of money and your financial well-being. Therefore, if you choose the right wallet, you can improve your financial situation. And, conversely, without paying due attention to this issue, you can become a hostage to debt obligations.

1. Give preference to large-sized models in which bills can be placed without bending them in half. Any creases serve as an obstacle to free circulation. positive energy. Therefore, choose a roomy rectangular wallet. The bills will “feel” comfortable in it, which will help attract good income and good luck in business.

2. Wallets for bills and small change should be different. For coins, it is better to have a small leather bag. Under no circumstances should change and paper money be stored together!

3. Choose a model made of leather, textile or suede. Natural materials have their own positive energy and can help you increase the contents of your wallet.

4. To improve your financial affairs, you need to buy a new wallet and place a small mirror in it so that the bills are reflected in it. Also buy three Chinese coins tied with a scarlet ribbon and carry them in one of the departments.

5. The smell of mint attracts cash flows. To ensure that you always have the necessary bills in your wallet, put a dried mint leaf in it and apply a couple of drops essential oil With inside department for paper money.

It is strictly forbidden to carry photographs of children, husband, checks and receipts in your wallet. Plastic credit and deposit cards can be carried along with banknotes, but for discount cards it is worth purchasing a small business card holder.

What color wallet will attract financial well-being?

If you follow Feng Shui, it is better to choose a red, purple or burgundy wallet. It should be bright, eye-catching and expensive. It's best to go with the option rectangular shape, with gold-colored fittings. When choosing a wallet, hold it in your hands. Close your eyes, what do you feel? If warmth emanates from the accessory, and you feel like a wealthy person at this moment, you should opt for this option.

If your income can be characterized by the phrase: “sometimes thick, sometimes empty,” bring stability to financial position wallet will help Brown. This is the color of the earth, fertility, the beginning and increase of everything on the planet. Camel, cognac, sand and dark brown shades will help attract a reliable source of income.

Yellow, white and silver are colors that attract the energy of comfort and well-being. Such a wallet will always contain funds to ensure ideal conditions the life of its owner. Green and gold are “money” colors. Keep banknotes in such a wallet and you will never know what a lack of funds is.

Important selection criteria

What else should you pay attention to when buying a wallet? If you are confused in the store among the huge selection of bright models, evaluate the options you like according to the following parameters:

1. Brand, country of origin.

2. What material is the accessory made of?

3. Quality of stitching, locks and metal fittings.

4. Size, internal structure.

5. Design, color, model features.


Buy accessories from famous brands. This is already a certain guarantee of quality, because such companies are concerned about their reputation, unlike private fly-by-night companies.


The most wear-resistant material is Genuine Leather. Such a wallet will retain its presentable appearance for a long time and will delight its owner.

Second place is taken eco-leather products. A high-quality substitute in its properties is not much different from natural material. For vegans and those who care about environment– this is an ideal option.

Suede also has good durability, but it has a significant drawback - abrasions on such a wallet will appear earlier than on a similar leather model.

Thick textile option will lose its original appearance faster than others. But you shouldn’t buy wallets made from cheap substitutes, synthetic fabric and oilcloth. They quickly become unusable, look unpresentable and tasteless.


Pay attention to the quality of the material and fittings from which the model you like is made. The color should be uniform, the leather should be thick and soft, the locks and zippers should be made of good metal. IN quality models The fabric lining is thick, with a company logo. The lines are even, without gaps. It’s good when the corners of the wallet are reinforced with metal. This will protect them from abrasions and extend the life of the accessory.

Number of branches

We use these words every day in our everyday speech. But do we always know what they mean and what is the difference between these concepts? Let's try to figure out what each of these words means - wallet, purse And wallet.


The simplest of the listed concepts. The word “wallet” has been familiar to us since early childhood. In Russian it comes from an obsolete word wallet – « soft oblong bag with a drawstring neck" Modern dictionaries give the following definitions for the word “wallet”:

  • pouch or pocket purse for money(Kuznetsov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language, Small Academic Dictionary);
  • small money bag(Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova);
  • a pouch, usually leather, with a metal closure, for carrying money in your pocket(Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov).

As can be seen from the definitions, dictionaries give a very rough idea of ​​what a wallet is. It turns out that a wallet is any pocket purse or bag for carrying money. Ushakov’s dictionary provides a clarification - with a metal shutter. There are no more accurate descriptions in modern Russian language dictionaries and encyclopedias.

The history of the wallet is not simple and stretches back centuries. Before the invention of the wallet and pocket, money was carried wherever they could: in a hat, in the top of boots, in the folds of clothing, on the neck in the form of beads strung on strings. The first wallets were more similar to modern bags, both in size and purpose. Along with money they carried, for example, herbs and gems like the ancient Egyptians. The ancient Chinese and Japanese invented the wallet much later than their European contemporaries - they had no need for it, coins were minted with a hole in the middle. They were worn around the neck like modern beads or on the belt, threading a leather or silk cord through them.

Leather wallet first appeared in the Roman Empire. Before the Romans, medieval wallets were made from readily available fabrics. There, for the first time, it became customary to decorate wallets with embroidery, various designs and, somewhat later, embossing. It was thanks to the Romans that the wallet became an invariable attribute of both men and women.


The word "purse" comes from French words porter "to carry" and monnaie "money".

In dictionaries you can find the following meanings of this word:

  • wallet Complete dictionary of foreign words that came into use in the Russian language, 1907);
  • a type of wallet with several compartments and a metal closure(Dictionary of Foreign Words, 1933);
  • small wallet(Ushakov’s explanatory dictionary);
  • moneyman, wallet, haman(V.I. Dahl’s dictionary);
  • wallet with several compartments for money and documents(Efremova’s Explanatory Dictionary);
  • a small handbag with a metal frame used to carry money in it(Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910);
  • a purse is a large purse or wallet with several compartments (Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary).

As can be understood from these definitions, there is practically no difference between the concepts of a wallet and a purse. It can be noted that some sources emphasize the more compact appearance of the wallet, while others emphasize the presence of several compartments and a metal shutter. But otherwise, the words wallet and purse are synonymous.

Men's and women's wallet

As it is not difficult to guess, the word wallet comes from the word "paper". This is the youngest of all the words discussed in this article. Wallets appeared almost simultaneously with the advent of banknotes - paper money.

In dictionaries you can find the following meanings of the word “ wallet»:

  • men's flat folding book wallet with several compartments for paper money, documents, etc. (Kuznetsov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language);
  • pocket briefcase for paper money and small papers (Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary);
  • a folding pocket flat briefcase with several compartments, without a handle and usually without constipation, for carrying paper money and documents (Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary);
  • men's flat, usually folding wallet with several compartments for paper money, documents, etc. (Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova).

Thus, wallet- the closest relative of the wallet and purse. From all the variety of dictionary definitions, only one main conclusion can be drawn - a wallet is intended only for carrying paper money and documents. There is no space for coins. A wallet is a type of purse or purse, often folding, designed to store paper money and documents and does not provide for the storage of coins.

In modern Russian, the word wallet most often means a large handbag into which any bill can be placed without folding (“into the bill”). A purse usually means a wallet that folds in half or three times. Most often, both a wallet and a purse have compartments for coins, business cards and credit cards, and sometimes SIM cards and secret compartments.

It is quite acceptable to call any compact purse without a compartment for coins a wallet. It is not customary to call “banknote” wallets wallets. More often, women's accessories are called wallets, and men's purses, although any combination is acceptable. Also, in everyday speech, they sometimes call any purse a wallet; of course, they only call it that men's wallets and purses. But, as we have already discussed above, such free use of words is not always acceptable.

Besides, modern life led us to the need to have another important accessory called a wallet, although it has no direct relation to money - this driver's wallet. It is very convenient to store in one compact book all the things necessary for driving a car: a driver’s license, a vehicle inspection card, a registration certificate and an MTPL policy. Some models are usually men's wallets driver equipped with a pocket for a passport, a compartment for banknotes and SIM cards. The choice is yours.

At the end of our review, we will give examples of modern and fashionable wallets, purses and wallets. And also let’s not forget about a type of wallet - a laconic clip for banknotes.

  • Wallet “in a bill”. (Breast wallet). The largest status purse or voluminous wallet, into which a banknote can be placed without folds. As a rule, it has several compartments for banknotes, pockets for plastic cards and a compartment for coins. Men wear such wallets inside pocket a classic jacket, a woman - in her purse. It is this accessory that you can most often hear “wallet”.
  • Bi-fold wallet. The most common type of both men's and women's wallets. The bills in this wallet are folded in half. Usually consists of several compartments for banknotes, often has compartments for plastic cards and coins. One that does not have a coin compartment is often called a wallet. Ideal for any style of clothing - from classic to casual.
  • Tri-fold wallet. A purse or wallet with two folds. Used for carrying a small amount of banknotes, because... with a significant number of them, it becomes deformed and loses its shape. Less commonly, a “Bi-fold wallet” has a compartment for coins. Pockets for plastic cards are located vertically. It enjoys well-deserved popularity among the fairer sex due to its miniature size. Compartments for plastic cards have a vertical layout. Suitable for any style of clothing.
  • Money clip. A very popular alternative to the classic wallet. Made from various materials, usually made of metal. Almost always used only by men. Ideal for a casual style, however, made in a strict style from expensive status materials, such as gold, platinum, silver or titanium, is in deserved demand in companies with classic suit. The design does not provide compartments for plastic cards and small items.

They say, and there is a lot of evidence of this, that without a wallet, money does not multiply. Crumpled bills stuffed into pockets are a sign of obvious disrespect for them, which is why people try not to have money in such pockets. Hence the universal love for wallets. Hence their symbolic meaning. Hence the tradition of giving wallets.

By the way, if you intend to give someone a wallet, don’t forget to put a small bill in it. This is also part of the tradition.

Wallet or purse? Or maybe a wallet?

It would seem that what could be difficult in choosing a wallet? But as soon as you start making this choice, the first problem immediately falls on your head - the need to choose between a purse, a purse and a wallet. You may object - say that these are the same thing. And we would have even agreed with you some time ago. But now we know the truth and are happy to share it with you.


A wallet is an exclusively women's accessory. It often has the familiar shape of a pouch with a snap closure. Many even had or have these. But time has power even over the appearance of wallets, which is why today you can find a variety of designs. Modern interpretation The wallet, as a rule, is equipped with many different compartments and pockets, including a coin box (compartment for coins). In this case, the wallet must have a clasp or lock, and the bills in it, as a rule, do not bend.

Perhaps these are all the main features of a wallet. Except, perhaps, in special women's colors, but this is an additional option, and not all women like it.


The easiest way to distinguish a classic purse from a wallet is by one of its features - the bills in it are most often folded in half when closed. The wallet can be for both men and women. However, the difference between them is so relative that few people will notice the substitution. But once you get into the company of people who know how you can become the object of strange attitudes and even ridicule. Although no, well-mannered people do not make fun of other people’s mistakes. In general, the whole difference is that in women's purse there must be a coin holder on the clasp, whereas in men's clothing this option is usually not found.

Wallets come in double and triple folding. The difference between them is how many times the bills are folded when closing. The double-fold wallet fits perfectly with any outfit. A tri-fold wallet is a compromise between style, security of banknotes and comfort. You can't put a lot of money in it, but you can even wear it with shorts.

There is also a chest pocket wallet in which bills do not fold when closed. It, as the name implies, is usually worn in the inner breast pocket of a jacket. Sometimes they are carried in a briefcase. It is clear that such a “bandura” cannot be stuffed into jeans, which is why people who prefer a classic style of clothing choose this option.


A wallet can be called a purse with extended functionality. Externally, it looks like a wallet, but inside the wallet there are many more compartments, among which there is always a place for storing documents. As a rule, there is no compartment for coins. The wallet was invented by men for men, and since women have failed to achieve equality in this matter, only men's wallets can be found.

Wallets are often not distinguished from purses even by manufacturers, so you can safely use both names.

A coin holder as a separate wallet for coins is a rather useless thing, therefore it is rare and usually acts as a thing of status rather than practical. It is easy to distinguish from a purse, purse and wallet - the coin holder either has one single compartment or special mechanical clips for coins of different diameters.

The total digitization of life has also affected money, thanks to which the need for paper bills is gradually disappearing, along with the need to carry a wallet. Cash has been replaced by virtual numbers on a plastic card. The designers did not miss this opportunity and offered new types of pocket money storage - a cardholder and a money clip.

The first one looks more like a hardcover ID card than a wallet, but it does its job perfectly - banknotes and bank cards are always at hand no matter what you are wearing. The second one looks like a metal clip or clothespin.

Well, now you probably know what pocket money vaults are and you definitely can’t go wrong when choosing an option for yourself or as a gift. It remains only to figure out what to pay attention to Special attention so as not to regret the choice you made.

Greeted by clothes

Now you know exactly what kind of money storage accessory you need - a purse, purse, wallet, card holder or bill clip. But before choosing a specific model, be sure to decide on the material.

Naturally, a leather wallet or purse is the most preferred option for many reasons that there is no point in describing again. Skin is skin. The only thing worth adding is a wallet from patent leather will last longer than others. And if you want something extraordinary, choose a model made from the skin of exotic animals.

A more budget option is a leatherette wallet. You shouldn’t spit so quickly; other samples are almost impossible to distinguish from accessories from genuine leather neither in appearance, nor in tactile, nor in performance. Some specimens, thanks to the use of artificial material, become even more durable than leather ones. However, there is still a certain pattern - as a rule, wallets made of leatherette belong to the category of inexpensive accessories. And rest assured, a cheap leatherette wallet will not last long. At a minimum, it will lose its luster and freshness in just a couple of months.

If you are planning to buy a wallet or purse in our store, don’t worry, the cheapest accessories of mediocre quality are not our specialty. Whatever option you choose, it will please the new owner for a long time.

Despite the fact that a wallet is primarily a status item, not everyone needs an option made from natural or artificial leather. Often reliability outweighs. In this case, your choice is a wallet made of rubberized textiles. This accessory will not fit in your wardrobe classic style However, it will look ideal in combination with youth clothing and casual style.

This is probably the end of our excursion into the world of purses, purses and wallets. We hope it was useful for you, and now the choice suitable option will not present any difficulties for you. In the future, we will talk about some other nuances that deserve your attention when choosing a pocket money vault.

The majority of men are indifferent to any wardrobe items that are not useful and not functional. However, not everyone accepts carrying money in their jacket or trouser pocket, so they use a special accessory for this purpose. Eat different types men's wallets, which are designed to store money, cards and other small items. About the varieties, materials and optimal sizes of this men's accessory and we'll talk today.

Modern wallets serve not only as a means of storing money, but can also eloquently tell about a man’s status. Therefore, in order to purchase the right model, it is necessary to take into account the man’s lifestyle, his clothing style and place of work. You can learn more about the characteristics of wallets by reading this article.

Buyers often ask what it’s called men's wallet according to the rules?

This accessory for storing money is often called a purse, which is translated from French as porter “to carry” and monnaie “money” or wallet, from the word “paper”. But in general, the name purse, purse or wallet are synonymous.
A wallet is any product that stores paper money and does not have a compartment for coins. A wallet for storing even banknotes is not called a wallet. Most often, a women's accessory is called a wallet, and a men's accessory. Although any combinations are allowed.

Material of manufacture

When purchasing any item, you need to pay attention to the fittings, the evenness of the seams and the quality of the material. Manufacturers use thick fabric, nubuck, eco-leather or leather in their work.

Reputable companies use only leather and the best accessories for their wallets, which are most often made by hand. For mass production, cheaper material is also suitable.

Expert opinion

Helen Goldman

Male stylist-image maker

The quality of a product is greatly influenced by the quality of the material from which it is made. That is why it is recommended to pay attention to branded calfskin wallets. It looks thinner and more neat compared to pigskin, and is no less resistant to wear!


Manufacturers produce different types of wallets, which differ from each other not only in appearance, but also in functionality. Some are designed for paper bills only, while others have a compartment for loose change, bank cards, business cards, and documents. All men's wallets can be divided into:

  • wallet for chest pocket. This species has big size despite the fact that its thickness is minimal. It fits paper bills and bank cards perfectly. This wallet is most often worn with a business suit;
  • bifold wallet. This is the most popular type of men's wallets, in which money is stored folded in half. Because of this, the size of the accessory becomes very compact. It goes well with both casual and classic clothes;

It is very important that the wallet matches the style of clothing and color scheme with a general image. Therefore, it is recommended for men to buy such a personal accessory only to close friends and wives. Otherwise, there is a high probability of purchasing a useless item that will simply lie on a shelf in the closet.

  • Tri-fold model. Men rarely prefer such wallets because they hold a small amount of bills, but have a separate compartment with vertical pockets for cards and business cards;
  • cardholder with clip for bills. This compact wallet is an ideal solution for those guys who value minimalism and prefer functional things.

Do you use a cardholder with a bill clip?


In addition to the types described above, all wallets are divided into horizontal and vertical models. Here the choice is based on personal preferences. Vertical models can accommodate more cards, but the size of such a wallet is larger than a horizontal one.

Important! For some representatives of the stronger sex, it is very important that the wallet has a compartment for business cards. If a man’s job involves communicating with a large number of people, then it’s worth taking this fact into account!

What size should a man's wallet be?

In each country, the sizes of banknotes are different, so the sizes of wallets are also different. There are no universally accepted standards. We can only say that men's wallets are more compact than women's and most often the stronger sex prefers a one-fold wallet. This option is the most convenient, compact and will suit any look.

Imagine, you are a respectable man whose business is going very well. You often meet people and, wanting to get business card, you often take out your wallet, but what does your interlocutor see at this moment? A thick and careless wallet that is about to burst at the seams? A nylon sports wallet that should have been replaced when you were 17 or 18 years old? If so, you might want to reconsider your relationship with your wallet and take into account some of the tips I'll give in this article.

Besides the frivolous appearance of your wallet, it will obviously be difficult to find anything in it. As a rule, it contains so many things “just in case” that sometimes even finding the right credit card at the time of payment takes 2-3 minutes.

A men's wallet must meet two basic requirements:

  1. Functionality.
  2. Presentability.

For complete understanding, I propose to consider these requirements in detail.

Functionality of a men's wallet

Of course, it is advisable to have 2-3 different wallets for different occasions in life. But I would recommend that you at least buy a bi-fold wallet in black leather that will suit all styles.