Fashionable shoes for bunions. We choose comfortable shoes for problem feet. What types of orthopedic shoes are there?

Formation and growth of painful lumps on the side thumbs- This is a common problem that requires correct, timely correction. Pathologies are more susceptible to women who choose not to comfortable shoes in high heels, squeezing the leg. Many people start looking for wide-foot shoes with bones when the disease is already causing a lot of trouble. Manufacturers are trying to diversify their product range by introducing new products for the warm and cold seasons.

Orthopedic shoes for problem feet with bunions, selected according to all requirements, heal and have preventive properties, affecting joints damaged by pathology.

  1. Prevents the development of transverse flatfoot.
  2. Prevents further deformation of the foot and the growth of the resulting bump.
  3. Provides arch support without much pressure on the foot thumb above, below.
  4. The fingers inside are positioned correctly.
  5. Evenly distributes pressure on the foot, preventing you from concentrating on one point.
  6. Models for eliminating and preventing valgus are wear-resistant.
  7. Shoes and boots do not interfere with the healthy blood circulation process.
  8. Selected models effectively relieve stress from the lower extremities, spine and hip joint.
  9. When walking for a long time, a person does not feel discomfort.

On the advice of an orthopedist, you should choose the necessary shoes and insoles. An integrated approach to solving the problem will speed up obtaining the desired result.

What kind of shoes should be for wide feet if there are bones?

When choosing anatomical products, one should take into account a number of factors that influence a person’s sensations during wear and the therapeutic and healing effect they provide.

  • a quality product can be made from natural material. Suede and leather wear out quickly, which is important for the resulting pathology. In this case, varnished material is contraindicated;
  • due attention is paid to the heel and sole. Narrow shoes, stiletto heels, flat walking are the reasons for the formation of bones. This applies to men. They should choose models with a raised heel. For women, the perfect solution is a pair of wedges. The optimal heel height is 3-4 centimeters, no higher. Another option is orthopedic ballet shoes;
  • correct placement of fingers is an important selection criterion. Nothing should put pressure on them. Often the little toe gets squeezed in tight shoes and boots. Orthopedic models exclude this. The toe shape is rectangular, slightly rounded. A slight rise provides additional comfort. As a result, the leg is comfortable, there is no compression, the joints do not protrude;
  • You can choose anatomical shoes with an orthopedic insole or wear them with regular pairs. The purpose of the insole is to evenly distribute the load across the foot and provide the joint with the most comfortable position. Constantly wearing such inserts prevents the progression of pathology. For the right choice Insoles should be consulted with a doctor.

The choice of shoes for wide feet with bones is large. Manufacturers are trying to make the models they offer light and attractive. They don’t have the massiveness or coarseness that was common just a couple of decades ago. Today they look like an ordinary model couple, but they significantly help people with bunions feel comfortable.

Types of shoes and materials

When choosing an orthopedic pair, you should pay attention to leather and suede models. They wear out quickly, which is important for such a problem. Interior decoration should also be natural.

Species suitable models a bunch of:

  • classic closed shoes with a round toe and low heels are suitable for everyday, business, and festive occasions;
  • models with a hidden platform are suitable for those who do not wear heels;
  • comfortable in summer period ballet flats with the right small heels that provide support for the foot can be a good choice. They must be perforated for free air circulation;
  • Comfortable in the summer, clogs do not restrict movement and can be combined with various looks. Orthopedic pairs have a wide, stable heel several centimeters high. A prerequisite is a spacious toe, so that the fingers are in the correct position, there is no squeezing;
  • leather, suede moccasins, sneakers. Models must have shock-absorbing properties at the heel and toe. This will relieve fatigue while walking, there will be no pain or discomfort;
  • The inner seams of boots should not coincide with the joints. Additional friction will cause constant discomfort. This causes the lump to enlarge;
  • the toe of the boots should be free, and the sole should be made of polyurethane. If there is a heel, its height cannot exceed 5 cm.

Required condition - right size. You shouldn't buy more or less shoes. In any case, this will lead to discomfort, and in some cases it will aggravate the course of the disease.

Correct selection and wearing of seasonal shoes

A variety of footwear with a bunion for cold and warm periods allows you to properly equip your wardrobe. Manufacturers take into account all the nuances, creating practical, convenient models.

Shoes for winter and autumn

  1. High-quality leather is a suitable material for orthopedic models. It maintains the correct thermal balance, preventing overheating. The sole should be light and non-slip.
  2. The insole should be cleaned and dried regularly, it is important that it can be easily removed.
  3. All pairs have instep supports.
  4. The models have a spacious toe that provides comfort while wearing.
  5. The fullness of the ankles should be taken into account when choosing boots. They must have a loose boot. This way, blood circulation in the vessels will not be impaired.

Shoes for summer and spring

  1. Breathable fabric should be used to create summer styles. The foot should not be squeezed by dense fabric.
  2. Regardless of the type of product, a soft anatomical liner must be present.
  3. The toes are in the correct position thanks to the wide toe, there is no pressure on the protruding bone.
  4. Light cork sole is the best solution for summer models.
  5. The optimal heel height is no higher than 4 cm; you can try on a wedge heel.

Treatment prognosis

At the first signs of deformation, thickening of the foot and enlargement of the bone on the side of the big toe, you should consult an orthopedist. He will conduct an examination, help you choose the insole and the right shoes.

This helps eliminate further problems with the musculoskeletal system. The load will be correctly distributed, making walking easier, general state. Treatment should be approached comprehensively. The patient is prescribed a course of exercise therapy. Simple exercises are first performed under the guidance of a trainer, then you can practice on your own. Constant massages will relieve fatigue from the legs, relaxing the foot.

On early stages the development of pathology is enough to completely solve the problem. In advanced situations, surgical intervention cannot be ruled out.

A bulging bone in the foot is a problem that requires a timely solution. Ignoring the situation provokes pain and discomfort in the legs, and then the entire musculoskeletal system suffers. Manufacturers of orthopedic shoes try to make their models as useful as possible, have a therapeutic effect, and are attractive. With it you can get rid of the problem, restoring health to your legs.

Traumatologist-orthopedist of the highest category. Adult and children's specialist, Moscow State Medical University, 1998

Foot deformities are a fairly common disorder. Most often suffers from this female half humanity. Problems may be due to the anatomical structure, excessive muscle elasticity, but the choice of shoes also plays a significant role in the formation of the feet.

The problem of protruding bunions can seriously ruin your life. Many are forced to wear only closed models in order to exclude unaesthetic details of their appearance. But in general, shoes for problem feet with bunions are chosen first of all so that there is no pain or discomfort when worn. Shoes and boots for feet with bones protruding from the side must be selected good quality– other shoes most often cause only problems when worn.

When a bunion protrudes from the side of the foot, they speak of a deviation called valgus. It looks like this: the big toe deviates inward, causing the joints to become seriously distorted. This creates an unattractive-looking lump on the side, which can also be quite painful.

Choosing shoes for problem feet with bunions is not so easy. In most models, the foot constantly experiences discomfort, and severe pain caused by constant compression of the problem area is not uncommon.

The formation of a painful lump can more often be seen on the legs of women - for them such an orthopedic problem can turn into a real disaster. It is almost impossible to find beautiful shoes for wide feet with bones - all that remains is to switch to more convenient options, which may not be nearly as attractive.

If you do not correct the pathology, the condition will only worsen over time.

The joint becomes more and more deformed, the big toe bends to the side, gradually overlapping with the others. This leads not only to deformation of the leg, but also to severe pain. From the very beginning of the problem, you should pay serious attention to the choice of shoes - if you have an uncomfortable bunion on your big toe, you should not use low-quality products. If the conditions for the development of pathology are not minimized, the matter may end in the destruction of the joint or surgery.

What options should you pay attention to first?

When choosing shoes for problem feet, you need to pay attention to the type of heels. Low heels and wedges provide comfort to the feet and create a slight rise, which does not allow the progression of transverse flat feet.

Pumps and high, thin heels are not suitable for problem feet. The most uncomfortable shoes for bulging bunions are hard “pumps” - they have a pointed nose, which causes the big toe to bend more inward, which aggravates the development of the disease.

High-heeled shoes cause the foot to arch unnaturally. Almost all the load is taken by the joints of the toes and the forefoot. In many cases, the joints are unable to withstand such a load, which leads to the onset of hallux valgus and the appearance of cones.

When choosing shoes, boots, etc., pay attention to the instep, design, and comfort for your feet. If you feel discomfort during fitting, it is better to refuse this option, regardless of the presence of an illness. You shouldn't choose shoes completely flat sole, having a predisposition to the formation of lumps on the side of the foot - this design can seriously aggravate the problem, causing flat feet. If the bone is already protruding, it is better to wear models with a low instep - the joint will not protrude outward much.

Shoes for wide feet with bones should not have thin straps.

Their appearance will highlight imperfections visually; the straps will put pressure on the foot, causing discomfort. In a shoe with a narrow toe, the foot appears to be squeezed into the last, and the toes are not fixed correctly. Gradually, this inconvenience leads to transverse flatfoot and the appearance of lateral protrusion of the joint.

To correct the situation, you should use special devices, leg trainers, orthopedic splints.

How to choose shoes with bones depending on the time of year

Features of selecting shoes for a problem foot with a protruding bone are as follows:

Winter shoes for a wide foot with a bone, it is better to choose leather - it will adapt to the anatomy of the foot. This material allows human skin to breathe, so you can take long walks without fear of paying for them with serious discomfort. The heel must be stable.

In the off-season, you need to choose models with an instep support. The sole should be soft and durable, the heel should be small in height. When choosing summer shoes for problem feet with a protruding bone, pay attention to the presence of instep support, the toe should be wide, and the heel should be low. Whenever possible, choose open options to allow your skin to breathe fully. Flat shoes are likely to cause some discomfort. It's better to give it up.

Those who cannot imagine life without high heels should not choose options higher than 5 cm. They must first of all be stable so as not to add discomfort to the foot. Those models that are chosen for frequent wear should have a wide, comfortable toe and a stable back. The presence of an instep support will enhance the convenience of movement. The thickness of the sole should be chosen in such a way that it reduces the load on the spine and reduces the force of vibration.

In the first stages of the disease, comfortable orthopedic footwear with a bone is necessary - it will often help not only to cope with the situation, but also to prevent further development of the deformity.

What should women's shoes be like for problem feet?

Optimal women's shoes for problem feet with bumps, it has a flexible sole in the nose, and the nose itself does not put pressure on the toes. Materials - suede, textiles, leather, well breathable. The heel should be slightly higher than the heel - about 3 cm, which ensures good fixation of the foot. Orthopedic footwear with a bone is designed in such a way as to evenly distribute the load on the spine.

By choosing the right shoes for your feet with bones, you can protect your feet from complications and prevent constant pain in your feet. By distributing the load, orthopedic models can improve the functionality of the foot muscles. This will help prevent the formation of corns, fatigue, and painful manifestations.

It is better to consult a doctor - he will help you choose shoes with bones, as well as orthopedic insoles and inserts if the disease is serious. In some cases, good results can be achieved by using special correctors. They fit over your toes, allowing them to separate, which significantly reduces pressure. Thanks to the correctors, the metatarsal bones are relieved and the formation of calluses is prevented.

Humidity is harmful even to healthy feet, not to mention valgus feet - it can cause discomfort and fungal diseases. Therefore, you should not choose models made of artificial material.

Externally, special shoes for problem feet are not particularly different from ordinary ones. But internally, its differences are enormous - by adding shock-absorbing elements that improve the condition of the leg, it provides enormous benefits and prevents further development of deformation.

What shoes should you not choose if you have a deformed joint?

If you have a hallux valgus deformity, it is not advisable to choose products that will aggravate the discomfort for the big toe. As it deviates, the joint will continue to form a tubercle, which increasingly increases in size. When walking for a long time, such loads on the joint will not only lead to the formation of an external defect, but will also provoke frequent pain.

A heel height of more than 5 cm should not be chosen if there are problems with the muscles of the feet and their curvature. The support area must be large. Manufacturing materials are of high quality and suitable for temperature conditions.

For summer, choose a pair according to your size; for autumn and winter, try on a warm sock.

When choosing shoes, you need to try on both pieces. A common problem with foot deformities is the discrepancy between the size of the feet, for which a pair of shoes of the same size is taken.

Try to walk on the floor in the fitting room for at least a couple of minutes - this will help you understand whether your leg is comfortable. The sole should not slide on the floor.

The state of comfort is disrupted by fatigue in the legs, pain and muscle cramps. Women and men over 40 are familiar with these symptoms. In old age, due to pathology of the lower extremities, the ability to walk is sharply hampered, and adynamia syndrome is provoked with subsequent disorders of the cardiovascular system. It turned out that comfortable shoes for problem feet can become a salvation for a person, improve well-being and mood.

In shoe stores, they select comfortable boots, shoes, boots and sandals for feet with: wide feet, flat feet, large sizes, high insteps, painful bumps on the first toe.

The solution to the problem of feet with bunions - orthopedic shoes

Adult patients with foot deformities are not completely cured even after surgery. Throughout your life you will have to maintain the position of the arch to prevent redistribution of the axis of gravity, increasing pressure on the spine and joints of the lower extremities. This threatens the early formation of arthrosis and osteochondrosis with complications.

When trying on regular shoes in stores and at the market, people get upset because they cannot find the right one. right size, too narrow a toe, squeezing the sore bone, excessive rubbing of the heel. Sellers' advice to wear out your purchase is of little comfort. During this time, you will have to experience the consequences: increased pain in the forefoot, pressing on the sole until you feel numb, and acquire calluses.

It is important to consider that one of men's problems- atherosclerosis of the vessels of the legs, so nutrition of the final part of the body is difficult, additional inconvenience due to shoes contributes to the progression of the disease.

Purposes of shoes for problem feet with bunions:

  • support for the longitudinal and transverse arches of the foot;
  • increasing body stability while walking and in an upright position;
  • compensation for impaired blood supply.

As a result, unhealthy heaviness and fatigue disappear. A person is able to walk for a long time without experiencing pain or chafing. Improves performance and mood. This is especially true for women with a non-standard foot structure.

Externally, high-quality orthopedic models are not inferior to ordinary shoes. Therefore, an ignorant buyer has no idea about the introduction of special backs, side walls and insoles.

When shoe comfort is especially important

Problematic conditions that require wearing special shoes arise for the following reasons:

  • flat foot;
  • rise too high;
  • wide shin size at ankle level;
  • chronic calluses;
  • curvature of the foot;
  • protruding metatarsophalangeal joint with bone enlargement on the big toe;
  • full of caviar.

In shoes for wide feet with a bone, it is necessary to ensure that there is no possibility of putting pressure on the big toe, correct positioning, support for a flattened arch with sufficient elasticity of the sole.

Features of shoes for problem feet

Each company has its own technology for producing comfortable shoes, but is determined by the requirements of orthopedic recommendations. Therefore features include:

  1. Special insoles - must support arches well, have convexities, produce natural massage. Some manufacturers promise additional acupuncture effects (normalization of heart rate and blood pressure, stimulation of the immune system). It is possible to add a replacement pair.
  2. Sole structure - patients with sore feet need a sole with an anti-stress system. It consists of production from a lightweight but durable material (polyurethane). The properties provide protection for the bones of the foot from impacts on the ground when walking, and absorb the load on the overlying joints. The sole does not rub when worn for a long time.
  3. Requirements for the heel - the height should not exceed 5 cm. Width is required for stability (stiletto heels are excluded). You can go without heels for a short period of time ( sports training, on the beach), be sure to raise your heel. It is not contraindicated to replace the heel with a low wedge.
  4. Material - a high-quality product wears out quickly on the foot. Made from natural materials (both the upper and lining, insole). The most suitable are considered soft skin and suede. Due to the increased hardness, varnishing is not suitable. Any compaction with it rubs the foot, presses from the sides, which is poorly tolerated by customers.

Comfortable orthopedic shoes: selection

To successfully select shoes, you should consult with an orthopedist and know exactly the size of the deviations. When choosing, you need to follow the rules:

  1. Pump shoes are strictly prohibited. They compress the thumb and the entire front part of the arch. Even with optimal insoles, the deformation of the foot will continue, and the product will cause a lot of unpleasant sensations.
  2. The best material is natural. It is sufficiently soft, allows the foot to “breathe”, and eliminates excessive sweating.
  3. Women are not recommended to purchase shoes with high, unstable heels. Flat products will not help either, but will aggravate the symptoms of flat feet. Designers believe that wedge heels make wide legs with full calves look slimmer.
  4. Patients with hallux valgus do not require high elevation.
  5. Sizes have "sub-sizes". Shoes on winter period and spring differs in the thickness of the insulation.

Expert councils at manufacturing companies work together with Research Institutes of Orthopedics and Traumatology, so they are aware of the basic medical requirements for manufactured products.

If you buy shoes in a specialized store, then good advice for selection, it is recommended to obtain from trained sellers.

  1. Make a purchase in the late afternoon. By this time, the legs will swell, so fitting will be the most optimal. A model purchased in the morning will seem cramped after work.
  2. If you need to wear insoles, you need to measure them together with the inserts, mark time, and walk around. Assess sole flex, hidden seams and bulges.
  3. Branded stores usually have a warranty period, so it is more profitable to buy from them.
  4. It is better not to purchase products with thin bindings and straps. They are characterized by an increased ability to rub the toes and put pressure on the swollen foot. They squeeze out anatomical imperfections and focus attention.
  5. If you have wide calves, you cannot count on the boot tops being spaced out. A suitable product should not put pressure or interfere with movement.

Manufacturers of comfortable shoes for problem feet

The time has passed when it was impossible to buy high-quality ready-made orthopedic shoes, and workshops were engaged in sewing identical ugly shoes. Now in all cities there are chains of branded stores with wide range products for different tastes.

Manufacturers have created developments in the production of insoles, backdrops, and comfortable lasts. Foreign companies have the most experience. Russian companies have been operating for about 20 years, but have already gained fame.

Sursil-Ortho has representative offices in Ukraine and Belarus. It makes special shoes for the whole family, has a research center for development, and produces a line for diabetic feet. For children, use the Thomas heel. The main fastener is Velcro. The set includes replacement insoles.

Experts consider the disadvantage to be the need to gradually get used to the products.

Russian-Belarusian company, the main production is located in Vitebsk. She started working during the Soviet Union. The methods used to attach the sole are: casting, glue, sewing. Preference in the choice of materials is given to suede, leather, and textiles. The sole is made of rubber and polyurethane. The shoes are of high quality, but on the company’s website there is no mention of the manufacture of orthopedic types. Therefore, it is premature to recommend for people with deformities.

OOO "Ortex Ltd"- located in Ukraine, registered as a branch of the Slovak company Protetika. Develops the direction of models for clubfoot, flatfoot and hallux valgus. Household and summer shoes are made for adults. The number of models is not yet enough to choose from; the sole is heavier than that of products from other companies.

Firm Zenden- characterized by the use of inexpensive materials, which is reflected in the price. Experts believe that the products do not withstand long-term wear, zippers and finishing material quickly break. Like the other one Russian company"Baden", located in China, combines natural and polymer materials.

In shoes "Baden" The bow features a toe separator and additional support. The insoles are made from cork oak chips and covered with velor. A silicone depression is formed in the heel area. Stretching inserts are used to regulate fullness. A pattern is applied to the anti-slip sole.

In Russia, models of boots with orthosoles from a Polish company are popular. "Ladomed", German products Ortmann, Italian – Hergos, Turkish - Panda. Some companies are worth talking about separately.

The Riker brand from Germany produces men's and women's products. Moccasins and adhesive models became widespread. The company has patented a special weaving method for summer models. The company has been producing soles in its factories for almost 50 years.

The polyurethane-based material used makes the soles comfortable and lightweight. Developed technology for increased flexibility at low temperatures (-50°C). Winter shoes are made with felt lining. In demand in the northern regions.

The company was the first to produce anti-stress soles with massage insoles. The sizes are extra full and fit wide feet.


The German company Gabor has been operating since the mid-twentieth century, using special techniques sole processing. She opened several enterprises in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria. The products are distinguished by the “heaving” of the edges, special attention to the treatment of seams and lining, prevention of folding, softness. Strengthening methods are used to prevent stretching of the boot.


The German company uses a removable insole-support. It can be selected individually and replaced if necessary. Inside there is another non-removable insole.

Waldlaufer models are produced in 3 degrees of completeness (H - medium, K - large, M - very large). This provides a choice for problem feet.

The sizes of the products are half-sized and selected with an accuracy of 1 mm.

The sole is lightweight polyurethane. Some models are sewn by hand.


The Austrian company prefers traditional technologies in production. Pays less attention to style, more to the quality of material and tailoring. Uses natural calfskin, sheepskin, suede, goat chevro, natural fur, velor, nubuck (fine-haired leather with chrome tanning). The materials are durable and waterproof in wet weather.

Artificial Gore-Tex film is used. The seams are very strong. For women's models, high-rise options have been developed.


The Finnish company specializes in winter models with insulated lining natural fur, women's and men's shoes. A convenient last has been added for the northern regions of Russia. The shoes are popular in areas with cold climates. Leather material is purchased almost entirely from Finnish suppliers, only part from Europe.

Testing is carried out at -40°C. Frost resistance and anti-slip conditions are met.


Esso is founded in Denmark, but its factories are located in European countries. Treated soft calf leather is used to produce sneakers, boots and boots.

The soles are made of rubber with impurities; they are light and flexible, resistant to temperature changes, and have shock-absorbing properties. Insoles are made from plant fibers.

The Askalini brand was developed in Russia, but the factories are located in China, and the Russian Federation remains the raw material base. Available for women with large sizes legs (40 or more).

The design uses a mixture of leather and textiles. The company's fashion designers try to divert attention from fullness by using rhinestones, buckles, straps, and beads.

Where can I buy it?

All big cities have branded centers for the sale of orthopedic shoes. Their staff will help you choose the right shoes for any size, with bunions and other anatomical deviations. You can familiarize yourself with the properties in advance on the company’s websites. Experts warn that you cannot purchase a product in regular stores or on the market if it does not have a certificate.

Attention! There are cases of counterfeiting and fraud.

For those who are unable to get to the salons, experts advise purchasing the required copy through the online store. The application must indicate exact dimensions. We remind you that you can place an order for several options at once, and choose one pair after trying on.

Summer shoes for problem feet with bunions

Material for summer is mainly leather or textiles. For the summer season, sandals are suitable for women with a protruding bone. In this case, the straps should not cross the deformation area. For swelling of the legs, straps or Velcro are convenient and can be unfastened.

Shoes are more suitable with a wide and round front. Wedge options available. Wedges with “Scala” soles cannot be worn. Legs may suffer from sprains or sprains.

Ballet shoes are allowed only with moderate deformation and in a special design: with a durable sole, a small heel, and holes for ventilation.

Clogs are a universal model for bunions with a heel no higher than 5 cm and a wide toe.

Sneakers and moccasins - in cases of problem feet, should have shock-absorbing soles, since they are usually purchased for sports or long walking.

Demi-season and winter option

For wet and cold weather, boots and boots with a round toe and a wide leather last are suitable. You need to pay attention to the processing of the lining. Placing the stitch on the bump will cause friction and pain. IN leather shoes foot sweating is less than in artificial feet.

The sole is suitable for polyurethane or other thermoplastic non-slip material. A higher heel height is allowed than in summer shoes (up to 7 cm). The insole needs drying. In an improved version, it is impregnated with an antibacterial solution.

For off-season products, the sole is better made of fleece.

Price range

The cost of ortho shoes depends on the manufacturer, seasonality, and size. Summer footwear 2–3 times cheaper than winter. Russian companies produce products for summer costing up to 3,000 rubles, for winter – 7,000 rubles. and higher.

Foreign companies are characterized by price fluctuations of 13,000–40,000 rubles. and higher. It is more convenient to familiarize yourself with them through the catalog on the company’s website.

During individual tailoring, the actual dimensions of the foot are specially measured in the workshop in all respects. Inserts or holes are provided in the areas adjacent to the vessels. Prices are at the level of imported models.

Russian orthopedic shoes are much cheaper, but imported ones are stronger and more comfortable. This is the main principle that has to be taken into account. Considerable expenses will be paid off by comfort and the absence of daily fatigue. Wearing specially selected products is part of complex therapy for foot deformities.

The problem of protruding “bones” on the legs ruins the lives of many girls. Closed shoes help hide this unaesthetic disease, but external defects often fade into the background, because the main criteria for choosing shoes for such a disease are comfort and the absence of pain.

Yes, dress your feet in beautiful shoes Every girl wants it. But the reality is that many shoes can cause pain in feet with bunions. thumbs. What to do and what shoes to pay attention to - says FeelGood.

Pay attention to shoes with heels. Yes, yes, no matter how paradoxical it sounds. It is a small heel or wedge that can provide your foot with a camphor position and lift, which will prevent transverse flat feet from worsening.

Forget about pumps and very high heels. Pumps are the worst shoe shape for feet with bunions on the big toes. The pointed toe of these shoes causes the toe to curl further inward, causing pain and allowing the disease to progress. And high heels cause the foot to arch unnaturally, with the main load when walking falling on the forefoot and toe joints. The joints often fail to withstand such tests of strength, causing the development of hallux valgus, or simply the same bumps on the legs.

Another reason for the appearance of bunions on the feet is the love of low-top shoes. Therefore, it is better to avoid Czech shoes, Greek sandals, ballet shoes and other shoes without a hint of heels, as they cause or aggravate flat feet, provoking the development of “bumps”.

When choosing shoes, you need to pay attention to the instep. If you already feel a certain discomfort when trying on, then you should not buy shoes in any case - whether you have this ailment or not.

If you already have a bunion, then you need to choose shoes with a low instep so that the joint does not protrude outward too much.

If you are a lover of high heels, then buy shoes with a hidden platform. It is hidden inside, due to this, growth is added. The hidden platform makes the generally wide leg due to the “bone” visually more elegant, more correct.

You should not buy shoes with thin straps. They not only highlight imperfections, but can also put a lot of pressure on the leg, squeezing it in all places.

If we are talking about sandals or sandals, then you need to choose a sharp cutout of the sock, which can be designed using a bow-shaped element or the convergence of two triangles. This will help hide the “bump” and make the leg visually narrower.

It is advisable to leave shoes with narrow toes until better times, because with them the foot appears to be squeezed into a last, the toes are positioned incorrectly, and all this only causes inconvenience and forms transverse flat feet, which, in turn, leads to the appearance of a “bunion” .

In any case, if you have already encountered hallux valgus, you need to help your feet. Relax and treat them, preventing the disease from progressing. The Hallyufix orthopedic splint, which is designed to combat hallux valgus and its consequences - pain, constant fatigue of the legs, will cope with these tasks. The tire will not only remove discomfort, I fix the foot in a natural position, but it will also slow down the process of destruction of the joint. The splint must be worn at home (several hours) and used while sleeping.

High-quality and comfortable shoes are the key to not only feeling tolerable even after a very difficult working day, but also the health of the joints, spine, and the whole body as a whole. But how many problems arise if the legs are not standard, if the foot is deformed or the person suffers from some kind of disease. How to choose the right shoes for problem feet? Are manufacturers ready to offer models that are not only comfortable, but also attractive in design? What criteria should an ideal couple meet and on what parameters should it be selected?

When shoe comfort is especially important

Unfortunately, many of us remember about the health of our own feet only when problems arise. Many of them could have been avoided if we had not pursued fashionable design and low price at the expense of quality. However, even with healthy legs, they can have non-standard anatomy - high instep, wide ankle, greater fullness.

In addition, you will have to select special shoes if you have:

  • chronic corns or calluses;
  • hallux valgus(“bone” at the thumb);
  • flat feet;
  • other types of deviations in the anatomy of the foot.

Comfortable shoes for problem feet will be a real salvation. It will help you not experience excruciating pain at the end of the evening, in combination with other measures prescribed by your doctor, it will correct disorders, and reduce the load on your muscles, joints and spine.

Features of shoes for problem feet

Considering possible problems with feet, manufacturers develop models with a special design that helps make wearing shoes as comfortable as possible.

What signs distinguish comfortable shoes?

  • Extended size range. With non-standard feet, it is often difficult to choose a size, so manufacturers offer sub-sizes - intermediate parameters that allow you to choose a pair exactly according to your foot. When designing shoes, not only the length of the foot is taken into account, but its width, as well as the instep.
  • Completeness. Comfortable shoes for problem feet are available with medium or more medium fullness, as well as for wide, full feet and for problem limbs. In the latter case, we are talking about models that have to be purchased after operations or worn with serious foot deformities.

A particular manufacturer’s line can range from 2 to 10 fullness sizes, which allows you to buy the ideal shoes for problem feet with “bumps.”

  • Insoles with arch support. Helps maintain proper foot anatomy. They are especially required for flat feet, and the instep support can be longitudinal, transverse or combined, depending on the type of flat foot. The insole is also sometimes decorated with three-dimensional patterns for massage and improved blood circulation.

Insoles with an expanded range of functions are sometimes included with some models: to stabilize blood pressure, normalize heart rate, and improve the functioning of the immune system.

  • Anti-stress sole. In comfortable shoes, the sole is made of lightweight and durable materials, such as polyurethane. Good example- These are orthopedic sneakers. It bends in natural places of bend, while springing well and reducing shock loads when walking, which has a beneficial effect on the knee and hip joints, as well as intervertebral discs.
  • Heel. Not only women's shoes for problem feet are available with heels. Even in men's models the sole should not be the same in height. The heel is low, wide and stable.

Manufacturers of comfortable shoes for problem feet

There are not many companies that offer Russians non-standard shoes. In small villages, of course, problems will arise with buying good shoes - you will have to go to the city shopping complex. What stores are worth looking for?

"Rieker" (Germany)

German trademark is well known to everyone who has been trying for years to find the best option for foot problems.

All models are sewn using technologies patented by the manufacturer, so the models are comfortable: ideal last, anatomical insoles and unique sole design are designed for daily wear. German developers even took into account the fact that during the day the foot slightly increases in size.

Rieker shoes are produced for both young people and older customers. The design may seem rough, but this does not prevent the product from being extremely popular.

"Gabor" (Germany)

Another German manufacturer offers new models every season, each of which is made from 240 parts.

When sewing, special techniques are used that improve the quality of shoes: the edges are hemmed to prevent dents from forming, the lining is sewn in so as to prevent the formation of unevenness or folds.

The pads for new collections undergo thorough testing, and only after expert approval are they put into mass production.

Models with increased fullness G and extra-fullness H are marked with a special icon– These shoes have more room in the ball of the foot, toes and in the instep. There are also shoes with the fullness of “Best Fitting” - these are models for feet of standard width, but with “reserve” in the toe area. In addition, there are shoes with large fullness XL and with very large ones - 2XL.

Gabor makes “S” boots for people with narrow calves, as well as “L” boots for wide calves. The design uses rubber stops, adjustable valves and other elements. But that’s not all that “Gabor” is ready to offer! In Vario boots, the fullness is adjustable: elastic inserts, lacing, adjustable buckles - these and other elements help to fit the boots to your feet, and adjustments can be made throughout the day.

"Waldlaufer" (Germany)

In the 60s of the last century, Günther Bauer began to develop the first shoes for long walks. Over the decades, Waldlaufer shoes have earned worldwide recognition.

It may not seem very elegant, but there is little that can compare with it in terms of comfort.

Available in men's and women's collections, which have the following features:

  • removable insole-support;
  • three sizes of fullness: H - medium, K - large, M - very large;
  • genuine leather is used not only as the upper material, but also for the lining;
  • shoes are sewn by hand;
  • There are half sizes, so the shoes are chosen exactly;
  • the amazing lightness of the pair, including due to the polyurethane sole;
  • long service life.

"Hogl" (Austria)

In addition to Hogl, the Austrian holding also includes the GANTER and HASSIA trademarks, the total production volumes of which exceed two million pairs per year. The “Hogl Softline” line deserves special attention from people with non-standard legs, within which it produces soft shoes for wide feet.

The lining is made exclusively from genuine leather, and each pair is hand-impregnated with special compounds to guarantee customers maximum comfort.

"Janita" (Finland)

The Finnish brand has been present on the Russian market for almost three decades. Convenient women's shoes are made only from natural materials - leather, sheepskin, That's why winter boots and low shoes are great for the northern regions of the country.

Extremely comfortable, practical, soft female models They don’t have a very elegant design, but they allow you to enjoy every day spent on your feet for a long time. Low, stable heels, orthopedic insoles, natural materials, various completeness– all this allows the shoe to expand its circle of fans.

Janita shoes are often counterfeited, so you need to be extremely careful when purchasing. It is best to purchase goods in branded stores.

How to choose comfortable shoes for problem feet

Advice on choosing comfortable shoes for those who experience foot problems is almost no different from those given to everyone who wants to choose high-quality orthopedic shoes.

  • Head to the store in the evening! It is better to try on shoes in the afternoon when the feet and legs are slightly swollen. In this case, the purchased pair will not rub or squeeze in the evening during daily wear in the future.
  • Trust famous brands! Buying a pair in a company store is a guarantee that you will purchase a product with the stated quality criteria.
  • Rate the materials! Make sure that the shoe factory used materials with a natural composition. In such shoes, it will be easier for your feet to bear heavy loads, they will not sweat and slip.
  • Check the quality! Visual inspection is the first thing buyers do. Smooth seams, no protruding threads, internal softness of the lining - all this speaks in favor of the purchase.. If you run your hand inside a pair and feel that your palm has hit a hard seam or a dent, we advise you to look for another model, and perhaps another store. By the way, it would be a good idea to make sure that the seller has certificates confirming the quality of the products.
  • Try it on and don’t rush to take it off! It is the fitting that allows you to determine the degree of comfort of the couple. Don't rush to take off your boots or shoes! Try to spend 15 minutes in them: walk around the store, sit on the ottoman, and then walk around again. This way you will have a better chance of understanding whether the model is right for you.
  • Buy extra insoles! Many companies offer additional insoles for shoes with different effects. Whether you spend money on them or not is up to you. But if you buy insoles separately, be sure to remove them from the packaging and try on your shoes with them. The insoles offered to you by your sales consultant may turn out to be standard, which means they will not be suitable for an atypical pair.

Choosing comfortable shoes for problem feet today is not difficult, because some manufacturers specialize in producing just such an assortment. The cost of shoes is determined by the materials, as well as the popularity of the brand. On average, the price is not too different from what sellers ask for regular models.
