About relationships and Arab men. What is it like to be the wife of an Arab man?

Probably every second girl who has visited hot countries once had an affair with an Arab.
Whether this is good or bad, I don’t presume to judge, but those who swam will understand me.
Some girls returned from this voyage with a broken heart, while others caught their firebird, adapted to a foreign culture, found compromises and began to live with their beloved in the thirtieth Arab kingdom.
I apologize in advance for my sometimes unnormative and somewhat rude approach to this subject. I would divide all Arabs into two categories.
Firstly, for the category of cheap resort limiters from Sharmalsheikhs, Hurghada and Kemer (sorry, the Turks were also targeted): animators, restaurateurs, hoteliers, sellers of smelly Arab perfumes. Let's not ignore the Liban women from Beirut and surrounding zhnubs (villages), blue-eyed Syrians, poor Jordanians and Palestinians with travel permits instead of passports, and, of course, Egyptians - kulu tamaam!
After studying at local colleges, they left their Cairos and Tripolis to conquer more developed Arab countries, where they successfully found work as salesmen in shopping centers, or middle managers in Arab companies. They have made numerous friends, exclusively from their own countries, and regularly go on safari with a large Egyptian shob, taking with them a hookah and pickled kafta.
Libanashki, who represent high fashion, have settled down in a similar way. , as salespeople from Zara and department seniors at Massimo Duti. These people regularly go into debt, buying cars and fashionable clothes, because for a Lebanese there is nothing more important than a well-gelled hairstyle and the awareness of one’s own coolness. They know how to present themselves, which exponentially increases their rating in the eyes of blond foreigners. After acquiring all of the above, there is no more money left for living, so they basically rent an apartment by sharing money with their neighbors. They rarely go to the mosque and mostly hang out in fashionable clubs, like Cavalli, all night with one drink in their hands (they get drunk before leaving, mixing vodka with red bull in their apartment), then, heavily scented with cologne, and rolling up their sleeves on a shirt up to the three-quarter level, they are sent out into the world in twos or the whole noisy company.
All of them: Egyptians, Lebanese, Syrians, etc. of the first category are united by the lack of money, the desire to have a nice rest and a violent sexual temperament.
They earn little, but spend a lot, mostly on themselves , money is often short, so they do not hesitate to borrow from their true friends, and often forget to repay debts. In spite of everything, they manage to keep warm-hearted girls near them for a long time, and the whole secret is that they perfectly know how to hang noodles, look after them beautifully, shower them with compliments, and last but not least, oh how fucking good they are in bed. They are not at all disfigured by intellect, because most of them, except for paragraphs of the Koran and the Ahlan magazine, have never read anything.
They will spend another year sailing abroad and one day my mother will call from Syria with the words: “Hamudi, ya amar, habibi” and say that it’s time to get married. And he will rush off to Damascus for the first date with the bride, after which there will be matchmaking and a magnificent Arab wedding.
He will return all in tears, hug Natasha, repent of what he has done, saying he is not guilty - the will of the mother. Meanwhile, the little wife is not bad-looking, prepares excellent mlukhiya and will be able to raise future offspring according to the laws of Islam.

And we will return to the second category of arabesques , to those from wealthy families. As a rule, they graduated from prestigious universities, most even in America and Canada, and sometimes received new citizenship. They hold good positions in large foreign companies, they are fun and have a lot to talk about. Arabs from different countries They are rarely friends with each other and enrich their circle with university friends or distant relatives. They, Egyptians, Lebanese, Syrians, Emiratis... openly dislike each other and rarely become friends. They have money, so they are more often in society and they are more picky than the first category. Just so you know, these also mostly marry their own people, but exceptions are more common here, since their families are usually more open and more often approve of their children’s choice to connect their lives with a foreigner.
Being with an Arab is not easy and you must always take into account the existing cultural differences, especially if you come across a Muslim Arabesque.
Important points - attachment to his mother, his mother will always be the first woman in his life, the unequal position of men and women, what is allowed to a man, a woman can only dream of. Personally, I am touched by the fact that even their own women (the same arabesques) are often unable to cope with Arabian horses, and they continue to hang around in the flesh until old age sets in or the Hajj occurs (preferably in old age), otherwise he won’t change anything.
I had lunch yesterday with a client of mine who has turned into a good friend. I remember when he returned from Mecca last year, he swore that everything had changed and he was neither to his wife’s left, but his period of asceticism did not last long. Yesterday he again started talking about his past and present loves. I couldn’t stand it and asked him, they say, why are you Doctor Ayash, Arabs, wandering around like that and your marriages are somehow inferior. His point of view was that they marry mostly without falling in love and without having time to get to know their soulmate well. Women, in turn, before marriage do everything to please a man, but after marriage they lose interest in their husband and perceive him solely as a source of security and well-being, but the broad Arab soul wants love.
But another incident prompted me to write this post. An example of the promiscuity and lustfulness of Arabs of the first category, when they do not care who to look after , and they bombard you with messages and harassment not because of special sympathy, but rather because your number was saved in their address book.
So on Saturday a similar specimen became attached to me and pulled me out of the ground, as they say. Met at work more than a year ago, we met twice on business matters, he kept holding out his sweaty palms for a handshake, as I remember with wedding ring on the ring finger. And then, as they say, not even two years have passed, he began to joke to me: how long have you been working as a business, a bunch of other things, and in the end - let's meet - let's get to know each other better, I want us to become friends. Well, don't fuck your mother, what a meeting! At first, I explained to him civilly, as best I could, that I was not interested in his friendship, and that all my evenings were busy, if there was something to do with work, come, dear, to the office. If I wasn’t a client, I would have sent it a long time ago. He still didn’t recognize my signals, he thought that I was breaking down, and the next day let’s do it again. At this point, of course, I got really angry and I expressed my opinion. Got rid of it.
This is the most striking example of a cheap Arab who doesn’t care who gets bullied, but is not interested in whether I’m free or whether I need it at all! At the same time, he is so stupid that he does not doubt for a minute the attractiveness of his proposal.
Regarding the Arabs of the second category, I also have something to say. I had three in total; the first romance, as expected, happened at a resort in the well-known Sharm El-Sheikh. That means I met an Egyptian, although he was not an animator, but the owner of 5 local hotels. Oh, girls, how he went over the head, of all the Arabs, only the Egyptians are capable of this, he said that he was divorced (resort Egypt is generally a valley of free men, no matter where you rush, everyone is not married). As a result, I conquered it, and monthly flights to Sharm el-Sheikh and back began, I took my girlfriends with me to make it more fun. How we hung out there (naturally, it was all inclusive on his part), then he met a new love and the monthly vacation on the Red Sea stopped.
The second was a local, from the Emirates, the affair lasted almost a week, and it happened purely out of nothing to do. Everything stopped the moment I saw him in a kandura (white dress); before that, he had only appeared on dates in European clothes. I felt completely uneasy about “what will people say”, and in general how is it between me and HE? The question always came down to the kondura, I remembered this white robe, and my hands gave up and I no longer wanted anything. I still don’t understand what caused such an unhealthy subconscious reaction. I left him, and he probably still has the same opinion about me as I do about the Arabs)).
And finally, the third final episode, the Canadian Canadian. He won me over because he never lied, couldn’t flirt at all, didn’t use hair gel and wore Converse sneakers. Oh, I forgot, after a week of dating, he brought me to meet my mother, which shocked both of us, since it was a complete surprise for us.
This concludes my scientific work. I hasten to note that all of the above is my subjective opinion, and may not coincide with the opinions of others, and please do not forget about happy exceptions (I am an optimist).

Education equally bad for girls and boys

I was lucky, I went to a private school, one of the best in the country, in my opinion. I went there at about eight years old, so my entire childhood up until graduation was spent surrounded by almost the same people, like this big comfortable bubble. There were about 48 students at the school, and before moving to England I didn’t have much other contact with my peers. The school, of course, was exclusively for women. As for the subjects, they were mainly religious disciplines and exact sciences, the humanities were almost ignored, which is strange, because it was a good private school.

Education in the country is quite poor for both boys and girls, there is not much difference. I went to a private school and could gain some additional knowledge, albeit not officially, in government institutions everything is much worse. Children seem to be taught biology, mathematics and physics, but subjects such as history or social studies are practically absent. They can, of course, tell you some things in religion lessons, but it’s all biased and is, in fact, government propaganda. It turns out that teenagers graduate from school without understanding basic things about the world around them.

Facebook and dress code

Twitter and Facebook are very popular in Saudi Arabia, as was evident at my school. Girls, for example, simply have nothing else to do except text and compose new tweets. When Facebook first appeared, women were discouraged from posting photos of themselves there. I remember all the girls at my school whispering and calling me a “slut” because I posted pictures of myself. Now everything has changed, and these same girls have become the most unbearable spammers on my Instagram. This is what always happens in the kingdom. At first, everyone is very afraid of innovations and gossips about those who have begun to actively use them, and then they themselves join.

By the way, I almost never wore a niqab (a cape that almost completely covers the face. - Ed.), but I had to wear an abaya (a long robe that covers only the body. - Ed.) because it is prescribed by law. When I was very little, the abaya had to be completely black. But then I turned 12 years old, and women were allowed to wear colorful clothes. Of course, at first this was perceived negatively by society; some women spread gossip about those who dared to wear a colored abaya. This fashion trend came from the elites and was gradually picked up by women throughout the country, but it took time. I think simply allowing people to wear colored abayas has done a lot for society. Designers, certain trends, and new factories appeared. Nowadays you can tell if a woman has a sense of style just by looking at her on the street. Previously, this was an unrealistic task.

I remember all the girls at my school whispering and calling me a “slut” because I posted pictures of myself. Now everything has changed, and these same girls have become the most unbearable spammers on my Instagram.

In Saudi Arabia, it is customary that the male half of the family is responsible for the reputation of their women. If your father or brother finds out that you smoked or spent time with a guy, there will be serious consequences. In the country, it is customary to protect a daughter or wife from bad rumors, even if they are true, there are serious clashes on this basis. My family on my father’s side is very conservative, bad rumors worry them a lot, but with my mother’s relatives everything is a little simpler. In general, I still try to hide some things from them, despite my adult years. Almost all girls from Saudi Arabia would make brilliant criminals: they know how to hide information about themselves and avoid unnecessary attention better than anyone in the world.

Liberation move

Moving to the UK from Saudi Arabia still feels like liberation from captivity. It’s like I spent 18 years in prison and then found myself free. For a long time, even walking to the university or store without necessarily being accompanied by a man was happiness for me. Now I can wear any clothes and hang out with guys without thinking that anyone will mistake me for a potential prostitute. Previously, I couldn’t even express my opinion on school lessons, especially if it did not fit into religious norms, now everything is different.

My father’s relatives were terribly worried and tried to the last to dissuade him from sending me to study in the UK. In principle, it never occurred to them that a woman could live alone, and even in another country! But my mother’s family and friends supported me very much, despite the fact that girls from Saudi Arabia began to go to study abroad only in 2008, as far as I remember. Society has not fully come to terms with this fact. But my dad himself graduated from a university in another country and insisted that I try too. Naturally, he had to sign papers that he allowed me to study abroad and everything like that. For especially religious people, there is even a special service that, for 600 pounds sterling (approximately 63 thousand rubles - editor's note) and payment of housing costs, allows a student to hire a guardian abroad. But, in my opinion, this is a rather absurd thing.

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“The implementation of laws in Saudi Arabia is a separate issue”

In general, implementation and submission to the laws of Saudi Arabia is a separate issue. There is an unspoken confrontation in the country between orthodox religious and moderate families. The former always complicate everything, but there is almost always a way to circumvent the official laws prescribed by religion. For example, your dad or brother writes you a note saying that you can move around the city on your own, and you no longer need a guardian. You just need to always take this note and your passport with you; such pieces of paper sometimes even work for traveling abroad. Much, of course, depends on the family. If your father is a liberal, laws are unlikely to have a strong impact on your lifestyle. But if the head of the family adheres to traditional views, you will most likely never leave the house alone, he has every right to lock you within four walls.

Besides this, there are a lot of places where only men or only women can go. According to my feelings, one day some lawyers came up with such a thing as widespread segregation, and then for some reason it became part of the national culture, which cannot but upset and create problems. Let’s say a woman goes to a bakery on her street to buy a sandwich for breakfast, and then it turns out that only men are allowed to enter this bakery, and as a result, she is left without a snack. Most of the shops or restaurants in the country are occupied, of course, by men. As a result, people begin to perceive this division as the norm; both women and men begin to behave very strangely when they get into the same room, everyone feels wildly uncomfortable.

“A new generation of young men are no longer able to provide for their families.”

My return home is a big dilemma. On the one hand, I understand that in England I will be able to realize myself to the fullest; on the other hand, the little moralist inside me says that I am becoming part of the “brain drain” from my native country. I am torn between easily attainable happiness and sacrificing myself in Saudi Arabia, where everything will be much more difficult. After all, for a very long time, only two paths were prepared for women in a professional environment: medicine and teaching. Now the situation is improving, mainly due to oil companies focused on the West and the United States in particular. It is not a problem for them to hire female engineers - the main thing is that they have education. The state also adopted a number of reforms allowing women to work in the private sector, gradual, but, in principle, working. But, to be honest, I first saw a female cashier in a supermarket only in 2012.

Despite all the reforms, society still puts pressure on working women, this is especially noticeable in conservative families. In principle, now even they have begun to be more relaxed about the idea of ​​a working woman, but a religious father will never in his life allow you to work in a place where gender segregation is not observed: “Okay, you can work, but be kind enough to do it at a school where there is clear gender division, or in a store for women.” Accordingly, this deprives many women in the country of opportunities career growth, since international companies are focused on Western communication standards. Plus, a working woman is usually looked at as some kind of outcast: “Oh, look, no one needs her and she will die alone!”

If your father is a liberal, laws are unlikely to have a strong impact on your lifestyle. But if the head of the family adheres to traditional views, you will most likely never leave the house alone; he has every right to lock you within four walls.

Therefore, in Saudi Arabia one of the the most important problems- this is female unemployment, because getting a job as a saleswoman, for example, is easy, but getting a position in a cool company is difficult - preference is usually given to men. As for my age group(20–25 years), then unemployment among both sexes generally reaches 40%, but is more reflected in female half. I have a suspicion that all the liberal reforms were carried out by the government precisely because the new generation of young men are no longer able to provide for their families. By the way, we must also take into account that native Saudi Arabian residents, as a rule, do not go to work in the service sector on principle; as a result, this niche is almost entirely occupied by migrants. Probably the authorities decided that let it be there better than women work harder than foreigners.

“Even conservative girls find it difficult to return to their homeland”

I don’t think that restricting women’s rights can be justified by “cultural identity”, because it is simply a model of behavior imposed in the past. I am referring to the events in Saudi Arabia that followed the Iranian fundamentalist revolution. A lot of time has passed since the 1980s, and, as often happens, people began to perceive the rules imposed by the authorities as their own traditions. In my opinion, this is pure coercion.

Usually girls, leaving Saudi Arabia and starting to live in another country, start hanging out in a new place with Arabs or Arab women. It’s easier for them, because they don’t have to completely adapt to the peculiarities of Western culture, and it’s easier to make friends with someone from your home country. But despite this, they still understand that they are independent and significant, so even conservative girls find it difficult to return to their homeland after they get used to freedom. Some of them come back and start doing really cool things - feminist activism, for example.

Arabian feminism

Everyone probably already knows about the girls who drove cars. This is very brave, because anyone can write posts on Tumblr, but taking such a radical step for Saudi Arabia cannot. But it’s not that society couldn’t understand them, it didn’t provide adequate support. In general, radical feminism is practically illegal, the situation here is the same as with your Russian law on the LGBT community. You think that homosexuals corrupt children, but here we perceive feminists as women who promote public nudity, promiscuous sex, and prostitution. The demand to establish gender equality causes some kind of mass paranoia and is associated with the sexual revolution. The government and society are more likely to listen to women who are trying to interpret the rules of Islam in their own interests and not to offend. This is probably less honest, but it is more effective in the real struggle for real rights.

Fighting for rights is, of course, very cool.

But in Saudi Arabia, opening an NPO on your own is not an easy task, there is a lot of paperwork, so this is usually done by private corporations. That is, on the basis of many large companies there are non-profit organizations that deal with some important social cause: the problem of unemployment, women's employment, education for teenage girls. A friend of mine works for one of these NGOs and it’s amazing to see her efforts and work pay off. If after finishing my master’s degree I decide to return to Saudi Arabia, I will definitely try to work in this field.

It's not just friendliness that distinguishes Arab men. In many of their actions they behave carelessly, do not worry about the future and are almost always in good mood. They are extremely inventive in their actions, find non-standard and interesting solutions, and entrepreneurship in most situations plays to their advantage. In Arab society, brave and enterprising people are welcomed, and therefore Arabs are quite rare to be modest.

Distinctive feature The Arab nation is a love of work and the ability to do one’s business for a long time. All people, whether a simple worker or a high-ranking official or businessman, work every day for their own benefit, although they rarely receive pleasure from their activities. The thing is that many generations of Arabs worked hard to get out of poverty and improve their lives, so work for them became the responsibility of every person. The ability and need to work made the Arabs a hardy and unpretentious nation. The understanding of the need to work hard, while being patient, self-confident and persistent, has been ingrained in the minds of Arabs.

Arabs like to spend their time outside of work beautifully. They demonstrate their love of life and love for beauty when communicating with loved ones and friends. In general, Arabs are considered peace-loving; they do not often provoke scandals and quarrels, usually striving for the exchange of positive emotions and communication. They have good feeling humor, most of them are optimists and know how to joke sharply.

When communicating with other people, Arab men special meaning give the conversation style of the interlocutor. They look at how the interlocutor selects words, constructs sentences, and decorates his speech. beautiful sayings and after that they draw conclusions about the person. The reason is the peculiarity of the Arabic language: it is very rich and involves the use of metaphors, hyperbolic statements, and verbiage. If the task is to convince an Arab man of something or you want to please him and be remembered, then you should monitor the correctness of your speech and its brightness. Arabs turn it off logical thinking when he hears beautiful words.

The vast majority of Arabs are dominated by emotionality. They react very violently to actions and words, trying to show their own emotions. They can be harsh and impulsive, which makes this nation very temperamental. It is difficult for them to restrain their emotions, and therefore the impulse of feelings often takes precedence over calm. The life of a real Arab is planned by the laws of the holy scripture of Muslims - the Koran. Religion plays a big role in the life of Arabs. The ideal behavior of an Arab is submissive with repentance for his sins.

Worship and unquestioning obedience to God are highly encouraged. From the very first days of life, children learn from their parents that it is important to be an obedient believer and show obedience, humility, and accept with honor all the difficulties that arise. Arabs have patience and endurance in their blood. They know how to adapt, they are very moral strong people. What's interesting is that they distinctive feature is superstition. They believe in predictions and various prejudices, and are very attentive to signs. This belief in omens and predictions is passed down from generation to generation and stimulates the Arabs to develop uncertainty about the future, suspicion and wariness.

In relationships between people great importance It has social status. People with power and wealth can afford to be arrogant towards those around them and even sometimes rude. Display of aggression and physical strength- This is a common occurrence among people with high incomes. People at low levels of society behave submissively and calmly accept the blows of fate, as this is ordered in the Koran. It is customary to approach influential and wealthy people with respect and honor.

Today we will talk about a somewhat controversial and ambiguous topic, namely, the attitude towards our girls abroad, in particular in the UAE. I’ll immediately make a reservation that among Slavic women there are a sufficient number of respectable and modest examples, but today we will not talk about them, but about those stereotypes that many foreigners have about Russian girls and how, and most importantly - why, we so persistently support them.
It's no secret that there are different opinions about each nation in the world, both good and not so good.
There are two main stereotypes about our girls:
- Russian ladies are the most beautiful in the world;
- and at the same time they are very affordable.
Other common opinions seem to suggest that we:
- we have a large number of men for a lifetime (and in many Arab countries, relationships with more than one male representative are already a sin, a sin!);
- greedy for material assets(the love of a candidate for marriage is in second place for us after well-being);
- but at the same time, we quickly fall in love and become trusting, and therefore easily agree to all sorts of dubious adventures.

Now let’s imagine the situation through the eyes of a modern expat in the Emirates who came here to work from a not very rich Arab country. And before that he lived in a small village, where a bare head is considered the height of frankness for a woman. So, our guy moved to the UAE and even managed to find himself there Good work with a very decent wages, settled down a little, bought a car... and immediately fell from the “rogue” category to the “cute Arab boy” category. I looked around in search of a female - it’s not so easy to approach an Arab woman, they know their worth, it’s difficult to surprise them with an expensive car or a trip to a good restaurant; Although Filipinas are not averse to flirting, they are all a bit too scary. But the Russians are the best. And they behave in a way that a woman from her native village would never allow herself to do - they dress in bright and tight clothes, talk loudly, laugh loudly, smoke, make acquaintances easily and just as easily agree to go to a club or drink something. And then, who knows, maybe they’ll agree to something else.
And for our girls, increased male attention is flattering and has a positive effect on self-esteem; in my homeland, I’m not used to this. So they easily flirt with the calculation: “I’m on vacation, go for a walk, just go for a walk!” And after that, our Arab macho approaches the next tourist/resident with a Slavic appearance with full confidence in his abilities and the fact that “Russians are all like that.”

Occasionally local arab women appeal to the Emirates government with requests to tighten the rules of behavior and clothing for tourists, meaning foreign girls. For our representatives of the fair sex, who, due to high competition, are accustomed to bending over backwards to attract the attention of a more or less good man, this seems not only unacceptable, but strange. We grew up in different conditions, where there is often no queue of grooms outside the windows parents' house who prove to us their integrity and worth when we reach a certain age; where women work equally with men, not because they want to, but because otherwise she will simply be in need. Yes, we must make allowances for our society, but at the same time be aware of, accept and follow the laws of others. Of course, if we value our reputation.

But on the other hand, if you behave more than decently abroad, and your new acquaintance still continues to smile meaningfully after recognizing your nationality, then this person is influenced by stereotypes and this is no longer your problem, but his!

Believe in yourself and remember - everything depends only on you!
Your Shir4ik

Oksana Yesenina

Why do Arabs choose Russian wives?

Now this question worries a lot of people. But no one has yet been able to give a comprehensive answer to it. What do Arabs find in our Russian girls? Why are they ready to close their eyes to her “free” past, go against family traditions, and simply love her in spite of the whole world?

What makes the heart of hot Arab men pound more and more at the sight of their Russian “Natasha”? Beauty? Unbridled passion combined with decorous calm and modesty? Mystery, contrary to incorruptible simplicity and deep sincerity? Or is it simply a tribute to fashion to have a foreign wife?

In order to somehow clarify and understand the reasons for the significant increase in Russian-Arab marriages, let’s try to compare the requirements of an Eastern man with the qualities of his potential companion.

What do Arab men expect from marriage?

Like any other man, an Arab expects to receive from marriage: a reliable union, warm and trusting relationships, and of course, the high status of a respected married man.

But besides all these human desires, the Eastern representative strong half of humanity, coupled with peace of mind and moral stability, also dreams of finding love, mutual understanding, and simply friendly support. Surely your own Arab bride is not able to satisfy at least some of the above requirements?

Arab wives. What are they?

Of course, they are thrifty, obligatory, submissive and sweet. It would seem, what else is needed for successful family happiness? But after two or three years life together, all movements oriental beauties become so exhausted that looking at them becomes boring and uninteresting.

It's no secret that Arab women for the most part approach family life with some calculation. And the point here is not entirely about prenuptial dowry or dowry. Her family life is, first of all, enormous physical work, a kind of payment to her husband for his kind attitude towards her and material support. In the morning, she makes breakfast, sees her husband off to work with a sweet smile, washes, cleans, and then, having spoken to her beloved with the usual set of standard phrases, ends her work day.

On the surface, such a relationship seems to be ideal. But every year they begin to become more and more routine; that very romance, the spark of passion that must be maintained throughout life, disappears. Probably, many Arab ladies simply have a slightly one-sided understanding of the expression: “A woman is the keeper of the hearth.” In fact, this phrase has a deeper meaning.

“The hearth” is, first of all, a source of warmth that should not only warm the hearts of lovers, but also, with its playful flame, help stir up the feelings of the spouses throughout their lives, either intensifying or suppressing this uncontrollable element of the fire of passion. Therefore, the main task of any woman, regardless of her temperament and nationality, is to learn to control this very element at her own discretion.

Who knows? Perhaps the Russian woman is her real tamer.

What kind of Russian wives are we?

The Russian woman has at all times been the standard of modesty and devotion. But this devotion was manifested not only in relation to her husband, but also to her household, relatives and the entire Russian people.

She will help you out of trouble, give you wise advice, and shoulder all the hardships and hardships of family life on her fragile shoulders. If only there was something worthy nearby male shoulder, which you could rely on in case of illness or some other adversity.

But, unfortunately, all the strength of the Russian spirit has disappeared in modern men. Either they are drawn to clubs, or to alcohol, or even change their orientation altogether. So the poor Russian woman has to go to seek her happiness in a foreign land, where she will be gladly received, treated kindly, and then invited to marry.

So the Russian beauty remains to live in a foreign land with her newlywed Arab husband who, for all her incorruptible devotion and loyalty, will take care and protect her from all evil. And she will become an exemplary housewife for him, give birth to children, and open her soul to endless kindness.

And all this without any bridewealth or prenuptial gifts. We, Russian women, do not need material benefits. Just let your soul rejoice and rejoice in love and a happy life! Well, we won’t be in debt!

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